.-e # - ti i a ým - - 0 ---, , PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOTHRDYMAC 4t,14 Wheelers Win Title The University Who Owns Canada? foreign capital invested in shares NXEW BLIGHT OF OATS IS weetenme1fratn n Enter OABA Playdowns - of Canadian enterprises must NOw wIDESPREAD iashsbe eue ooe 'A ais Gili Gad f dvrit W llOw anda vield satisfactory return. hl foeprcn rls.I SgPntOR Tia rdsYNsEWSR aR Impbrtance of "Ventutre" Capital!l Characteristic symptoms ofadionteere3710ctl Domestic and foreign investors the new blightof oats, causedbyudrteacdidhrdpa Playng he inasgam inthe (by Lewis Milligan) This article continúestheseihave hads uf faie ient faithhandecon-- !aofiungusv known as haelmoito-ad4836udrtesprie -1district O.A.B.A. title series, Bow- Clear and deep thinking is a reprinted fromn the book, "We Aill iec nCnd n1e ui-pru itraaebons L k S k L d two games to one to rate five manville Wheelers came off vic- "gemn of purest ray serene", and OwnaCaTnada" wiritten by Alicel ness enterprise to assume the rsk e sin ttebs fifce 110 y SÍrikes Lec points. tors on the Lindsay floor, Monday such gems are very rare in theseWilrTun, M.A., Ph.D., not- mve in fnnignwvn lnsacmaidb tim • I - Te sandig isKoos, Lwkynight, wvith a comfortable margin times. I have just been reading ed Canadian economist. Where 1tùres. While many business ven n rdein 'fthe lowçer leave Ladies Bo hn Striks, Players Mild, xports. of 53-24 for the game. This gives an address by the Right Hon. charts are menstioned, they are tures fail, those whichsuce whhprgsestteupr Tuktsaniig themn the district championship Arthur Meighen on "Universities omitted in the absence of plates. encourage people to continue risk- ý ones. I l High Tucetsiangle hnos wn t d three years in a row. adteNto" eiee e The contents of thec book are plac- ing their money in projects of ev- This new blight of oatswa n eague competition the Luc- Toki 29Ka. 343 The game was fast all the way cently to the Toronto Alumni As.. ed before readers to show the cry kind. found in 1947 for the first tim kStrikes were away out in front'l94n iCol259 Kan eaup ie ' ithWhelrsfavnga seaydocilin.Mr.Meghn i oe f gnealdisriutonifnhenaton.aroftsan lose cmmesu- n Cnaalher aishs benre chtm-ouparnes withtthe WnT e 2uc Viol 259eweeanumbo nnors asng play that kept themn in the clearest thinkers and ablest al wealth and to refute mislead- ate wilth the success or failure of corded from all provincesex kets amebak trog gan tis1 ood games played. 'front in each period. Their marks- speakers in Canada. I can .sav mig socialist propaganda. uth vnues undrtakemnaeoac- BcepotAlbrta.saysnDr.f W.o C ettscam bak sron agin his Honsfo high tripls 1 n manship was also superior and that without prejudice, for I amcudt netr.Smlaeus rafoDvso fBtn W een gaintheErs.c onorv eauprie 840, follo ve e . at the final bell the points regist- not noir have ever been a member(Atce9 ythgnrapulcavbn-adPatPtooyDmin ,were well supporled by Ka Vi Coe 60 oCnor ,Iaered %were Rundle 18, ïMcIntyre of his political party. CapitalInvestment- ftedccaimaa bly frhom this ven-alDepar tmen rt of grcureOt- Beauprie with thiree lovel, , asKing 615 and Lola Marjerrison1,Ceec 1,Rbo1,Gi- I spsibet hn adsekBns n tcstre cpial. Withn ot thi cpitalda.ithwasUfirtbe rvtaedin the of 43 4" an 29 T gams 69.The triple of 840 bowled by bart 7. clearly on the surface of things.veymn morncvnecsfilinteUtdSaesn195 Kay T e Ko 1 9 i ice going ~~~~~~~~~~Kay Beauprie is the highfrti Wheelers are now bracketed: Mr. M. J. Coldwell is one of the Capital investment implies thatmihnerhaexstdtalScehnthsbcoe oe ti\.Tirwtthe ol in close compe- îcahonoas yet. with Orillia in the semi-finals best examples of that. His argu. those who have Saved mneyar and certainly could not have been widecspread and the damage mor ayr' to hich commence Saturday, March ments are logical enough anid willing to place it at the service producedi so quickly nor so cheap- severe there each year, presum 6. n rilia Th rtur gme uie cnvncig o mnypeople, of a company, government, mun- 17y. ably due to the wide distributin will be played in the High School ýbut they are for the most part icipality or individual. Aill aia etr capitalha fincdosuepbeotvreisad SixBoin Bons=v the following Wednesda, based upon superficial and shift- linvestment carries an elemnent ofj new ideas, mnventions and devel- the consequent increase ofth Mýarch 10. A win for Wheelers'ing premises. Like all socialists, risk, the risk being particularly omnst uha xetta ugso h edadi h wvill put them in direct line for h le over-simplifies social and eco-' marked for capital placed in new radios, automobiles, mov g pic- soil.MAEB ÍÍfraCÍ roW. the Ontario :hampionship. nomic problems. He has simple industrial an<i commercial ven- tures, luxurious travel fcilities Susceptible oat varietiesar -- - It is interesting to add thatj solutions for all of them, and pro- tures. adcutes modern improve- those that have the variety Vc lc EA )y The program put on by the 1Bowmanville Junior "B" Basket- mises perpetual prosperity and When a company seeks money mnsaenwejydb h v oi saprn n oss t ae l hnsi0 FOR y Goodyear Recreation Club in bail team also won the district socipl security for everybody un- through thec issue of bondseac erage citizen.. resistance to crown rust.Thnw thecir recreation hall Saturday O.A.B.A. championship in their der a planned economy. investor (or bondholder) loans ThogutheNrhA r-wispad itibinofuc night, attracted 350 sports fans to divis'ion but the draw hias not Mr. Meighen, on the other hand his money upon fixed terms for can Continent, the tremendous1 varieties in recent years hias ben G sOnasy thec best show seen for years. The yet been made to determine their penetrates below the surface of interest and repayment.. Conse- fctibu t afvntrecapiallisingi te elmn of thecie acos fvor chief attractions wvere six boxing opponents in the semi - finals. things. "What is this social se-1 quently, apart from stipulated in- reflct ae tandard of lv n the dol.bigt elomntrof tinew •CO susalJi n bouts 'and one w,,restling match Their home game wvill be-announc-1 curity wve have been hearing so terest, bon-dhioders do not share - hc r heev fte wrd lgh.Aohr otiuinaa-c that broughit out high class tal-Ï ed:jin due course. Fans will have!1much about?"hle asks. "In a fac- in any profits which mayv accrue Infar e to ourevsadtotri tefiur f edtet That precious diamrond you cent. -to look sharp to gain admission tual sense there is no such thing. from'the company'soprations. Cands fturhebacnecomplete-f ment to bcontro ietiohn c h re vrih qive heamong capableomember of the oigbuswrlfe This is a world of danger and ad-i operate successfully, bondholders the system that has been respons- soil. In 1947, delayNed planrnd Obrs ak timie . .. is shown with pride ain aal ebr ffi recr'eation club and three put on Roach's High Triple venture. It is only by going !have a first claim or mortgage onibefrscpogssemtohvinniidteda to friends... is treasured by classy Oshawa boxers includiedHihgtofB wn through danger and adventure!the companiy's property and busi- (To be Continued) mage caused by the disease, as t eRSSscipn n -as a symbol of your love. one fast professional set-to. The that we acquire the capacities to ness assets. 2 nw htwr olfvusSrthn Tha damndthe, hold annouincer and timekeeper was E R face and master them." That is When a company seeks money isdvlpet be f ieamnd beutifulwr- Dcac Goddard. Jack McNulty, Enied oach led the way on not good stuff for getting votes at through the issue of capital shares, •Batflclr bc ineandbeatifl-wr- proprietor of McNulty's Sport Wenesday night with a 837 tri- election time, but it is fundamen- each inve'stor (or sharehiolder) Women's InStitute- PLANS TO CONTROL TB - thy of such honor. Choose Shpan frertopyhod made uip of 294, 246 and 297. tal truth which no amount Of Su- places his 'money in the business. IN CATTLE it hre fom or slectcol- ingpronfsoalber, refereeod This is the second high triple for1 perficial talk can destroy, and no and becomes a part owner of the Make Final PlansEaiS-- ection of Bluebird gemns. ýall the bouts to general satisfac- ,eodsheue e - pltcldvc stoeroe company. Shareholders take the Asitacncetolivndestock owoner tion. They wver.e held to no-de- nell's 860 still holding. Other high We have only to cas our minds risk of appreciation and deprecia- For Kopper Carnival i h oto n rdcto fEae cision contests.tOkples for the night were Russ back over the history of the pastj tion on their capital investmentbvieteruosispvdd An ntrlue fOntees ws8te.il 78. .CC.Oboneb 86oFankgeertio8ado lokarondinthecopay'sopraion. s nde te rsticed re pan nd EN pElWaT Ainterldftefomn e s an shaicWalMiams 780. Dr. Rundle 771, upon the state of the world today part owners of the company they iAtofthe regula Ferurymeet- ite suervisehterdlanofadin-..rr mine cafoaceverlyn defied 74att 'Harrison 765, Jim Callan to realize that therei osc hr naldsrbtdpoisigo h omnil oe see yttHat fAias 3g? CLR UR detection wtho severl obervers74,Mand Red Swindells 78 thing as security. Yet within the and, likewise, share in losses. 'Intuethcifbsmse-DvsoDmnon epret çr decto h d ThettaHarison wlked of with last forty years there has been .br'aced final plans for the Kopper of Agriculture. cli l di¡es oth the RoarriThe atriketsoforhg oetl aotscrt-nto-Capital Investment im Canada Karnival to be held in the Lions Of an estimated 10,385,000 cat cu b mge am wth35, us Oe l soia ad omstc-an mre -Capital invested in Canada Comnmunity Centre on the after- tie in Canada, according toth open m -nrthe i h se ntezss1n had 318, Jim Callan 316, H. C. Os- organized attempts to establishtruhbnsan tcsi e ry no n vnn fTusay aetofca iue,4,275,74 I G N E E T I pus. Floodlight picturesta borne and Frank Williams both such securitics than in all previ- roughny estimatdi h eg-Mrh11 h ulci nie are dealt wvith-under the restric-4 igSt hn 3 PLStur d ight p- 11 tke with 315, Dr. Rundle 314 and Red ou, time. Europe before the First borhood of twenty-six or twenty- Io this important event which op- ed area plan and of this numbe Wingfoo nlt anvith appear in the Sw&indcells 301.WodWa wssetig ih seven billion dollars, of wvhich enls at 2:30 p.m. At 8 p.m. the 2,082,6e3 were in accredited area, BOWMA tale reortof he ventre - D. Rndl's tam ad he ighconflicting ideologies which pro- around twenty billion dollars is draw will be made for the 60 fine that is i counties orditcs :î aild rpor offli evnt. team score with 3441 while Bill mised social security, and afterI domestic capital and the remain- prizes secured for the occasion. Westlak-e's team had high single that war there were numerous drfrincptl mn h aidslcino game of 1284. conferences and pacts for collect- In addition to the estimated prizes are two fancy quilts, an el- Bo G llghr coes Ernie Roach now leads the high jve securit.)-to say nothing of twenty billion dollars of domestic ectric clock and nylon hosiery. T H Flahe coe average department with 234 for the great I eague of Nations. But capital, Canadian individuals, in- The display may be seen at the prcdfoTS50 rop onors Friday 24 games and Ab Piper also hias the clash of ideologies only in- stitutions and comnpanies have in- Hydro office, and tickets will be price fro $250 ur Bush League Bowling 1234 but iMickey hias the jump in creased in intensity, and the Sec- vestedi well over a billion dollars On sale there during the period pis9usOeisnx ih23 n ol1a wssatdb in other countries (excluding in- March 4-10. Purchasers Of tic- Bo Glagerkptuphs sotf r 1game s . pih 33oliticians awho wertebsevestments of aillCanadian insur.. kets will share in the 60 prizes. IPace in the Bush League Bowling Mutton s team is on. top of the with ideas of national and social ance companies and chartered TepormfrteFbur YO adonFrdy ihtheht ih teami standing with 4I1½ý points. security which they planned to banks abroad, because of compli- meeting was conductedi by the Cjift foinsfra89til and a 304 sgh le in-th Runldle's team comes next with 39 impose uipon neighbouring coun- cations surroundmng their benefi- hostess, Mrs. Sutton. Mrs. Whit- thengsefortake4tpeonrsain0bothid- and Piper's has 38. tries and eventually upon the cial ownership.) mee played a piano solo and later YOOm partments as well as ledd Polley's ~ the world. The fear of war among .«oeg aia o netd rc owl ag"orLa teamn to a 7-0 win over Noble. the nations today is due chiefly to in Canada probably amounts to Clover," both of which received ZINthe deologits f Rusi wobe between six and seven billion dol- aprcaieapas.Avr The BTS.rtceawithnth oner teohv0hunyr e lars--notwithstanding heavy re- informative address on " Cana- removed af oC W Ol Ca e ;m ls amcnnin 4 h3 J T -,- Mr. and MÀrs. Robt. Killen had for social security! patriation of bonds formerly held dianization' was the contribution lean vinig 4-3. im Tomp- a birthday party for James Killen Mr. Meighen's rticsm f the in Great Britain. Roughly two- ýof Mrs. J. Coyle. eayouphncl] won 70wtrpleledhe7.9ndtobbepNmison]edesdyhuivesites s tath h eoe thirs o tis oregn apialaspreaaineret wsGsownin We ay ourphoe cll Phne owmnvilei67 thd kamis anmiaylorenigh a nvrtie oo fafomtheir original owned in the United States, and two letters received from Eng- weetepick of the Woolneri Mrs. Wes Cameron accompan- and proper purpose, which was a large part of the remainder in. land by secretary, Mrs. T. Buttery. ed Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff to provide higher education in theGraBitn.Te wrem esoetofd Bob Mitchell's team handed to Toronto on Thursday and vis- sciences,' Philosophies, the arts .mForeigncapialadas extreel pacsti et by ithe Bowntillein R.1,T ON Courtice a 5-2 defeat %with Lang- ited lher aunt. Mrs. Wm. Michael. and literature. He complains ".ratt aaa esrdIsiuet itrisiuei ..1 YOEPOEBWAVLE2 ey showing the way. Vetzel was Mr. Harold Gifford hias returned that political subjects, along with agamnst the employment provid- Beamish, Durham County, Eng- best for Courtice. home from the hospital- occupational studies, etc., have'ed and money circulated through land, which has been adopted by In te Leon Laguethe om- Miss Jean Morgan visited Miss been' intrduced which do not be- Cnd buisopt ioans carriedon inte lca ranchmte od petition wvas very close but a cou- ,Toan Nýixon at Milton for the long to the academnic sphiere. "The Cnd u iacdb oeg e apin ple of thec B.T.S. bowlers won out weed best equipment for wise execu- capital, requisite interest require- The letters express great thanks when Walt Webb rolled 99 and Mr. Vernon Powell, Miss Helen tive, action," he says, "is practi- ments and dividend paymients for the gifts and tell of the for- Johnny Graham 100. Percy Wer- Yellowlees, Columbus, at Gerry cal contact with wvorl affairs andI abroad are infinitesimal. Export mation of their Women's Insti- rwith 107 and Gord Balson with Glaspel's. . such understanding of human na.. markets are so vital to all Cana- tute which now hias a membership WO 113 wecre other contenders. Mr adllmTrno ur.e comes from experience and1 dians engaged in farming, mining, Of 133. Interestmng history of1 - Standing lWMr. and Mrs. Arnold Venner aeineaoe' lumbering a ne manufacturing Beamish is also mecluded. Refer- Team Sta on J st nts Betty Anne at S. G. Chant's, Teecnb odutta that money borrowed from abroad ncis alsro made to a copy of TheYs.M.FrrW d'Mikrs Poey 39onLo8t 94. rndron husnso yugpopeaemust be serviced and repaid in Statesman sent with the parcels tebs lu oior oe.Cn Woolner 38 22 90 familly, Solina, at Ray nCaner- atnig nvriteehahv corac it h onrc, h hgastitute was adopted atainmnfcuemasyusv o or or edir comn- B.T.S. 3 5 22 86) on's. no real interest mn higher learn- Christmas.ipr hre-ALyu oe e'eon vrynmorant Nole25 35 58 Mr.anrMs.LaryHooNadbnglTeyarethretohae58chrsanrpeahesnwul b al rir t te asy unh e gesino iler.Wht'casoim Courtice e21 38 4gý baby. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ash and good time or to secure a degree the better for a stiff course in the servtportant-parts and mervice are al iiem is the gift from the Mthl 18 38 4 VaeiatLoMft'sOhawa. that will be a passport to a good University of Adversity, in. a votet en ckeosee eig twswasvilbemedtey groom. One of our Rolex or Aeae - - position without working up to it, %workshop and the market place. osnapcaeo ed Lorie ladies' watches will be i Player Games Ave. (Intended for Last Week) I was recently amnused to hear Only there can wve get a thorough fr springpantinsttti.ie o a seaad:n mri perfect for the occasion. A Bob Gallagher 47 235 Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and thttesno redo m rudg m tehmnte.t i f fine watch is a lifetime gift. Bill Polley 19 217 1Sons, Tyrone, Miss Pearl Leach, was taking a course at Toronto "The, proper study of Mankind is r9r mn et MatHrio 6 93Solmna, at N. Leach's. University mn Hotel Manage- mnan. i priced from S13.50 up Walt Polley 5 20 Mr. Harold Gifford hias been in ment". A little more tulture - -- ---- -Temrperatures reach 85 degreesel In cngyrhednoe Frank Samis 4 0 the hospital. might be a good thing for hotel mn summer mn the Arctic. pouto * *Jm evt 4 17 Mr. and Mrs. Mel Morgan, Joan managers, but I imagine that the Genocide is a new wvord, mean-G Dud DLeveley35 195 and Glenna at Murray Morgan's, proper place to learn how to ing the intentional destruction of Gtorctlgadfn u bu O O P E R S Norm Cole 54Il 1925 Toronto. manage a hotel would be in a R be religious, national, racial and oth.. its ayecuiefaue-o Porky Osborne 5 0 191 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ball enter- hotel. Some of the most efficient er human groups, Et Wood's eike a ctyurmriniimvnewr.n af Wes 'Hurst 46 190amed o Sturriends and neigh- andsccessful hotel managers be- Foolwear The world famous Montmoren- Eeti rgsegn rv.Wiefrctlgtdy JEWELER & IFTSOP - B1-1,Voo19ne1 rs. . . lape vsiedhe Mstofthebet ewpaerena sner eec."thtat-s Fr.al1b1F W1WRR Misses Shirleyv Stephepn and to find exsting in the Ind-ian-- IC S WHOLESALE M Muriel Moore. Oshrpwa, Miss Pa vision for distance, hunting, fish-3PICSREUA 190 Smih, owmnvlle atRusel ing and trappmng and little if any. Stainton's. close work. I have said beforee U ed t I 9 0 Telephone 2711 - Hampton, Ontario Mrs. F. B. Glaspel entertained this is the ideal condition but it her sons and daughters and fam- 1 fi U o r=taiwas i notal aidtatte eyesw erea We h ,- ~~~ilies, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hilts, BO Y S O - novrmal, tbeastednothatCHESTERFIe aV jStP rC aSda hoc P lld Mrs. Ruth Torbit, Oshawa, Mr. the wer not ubjeted o th Angîs steers fromn the farmn of Sidney il"y"at apart" on"Monada" c am-FO We buv or repair all types Ater these natives beca i l -oVLU,3PECS EUA 250 Corms, Hapton.Ing•of damagti cars izedf they learned our good habits Reduced t 250 Cornish Harnot-----g and our bad habits and many The tateman oldA NDAl ok urate habits are developed in training. This Choice Quality U W Meat rnte°We"ned o°] 'v to have the we a- C H RO ME KI TCHENCHAIRS Whs hL Be aVAI BLE aT lAt Following Stores RSAU A TTOWING SERVICE e o a st e andicapor to-jREGULAI 99 EDMONDSTONE'S MARKET c nlYheBs e fsBn a ,tor h aau eas a r aRdcdt 75 B 0 NIA NV 1 L W.C.B Tyrell,-OonNo nQUALIT manville on north side of corrected. C..LBDAVSTALIN'SMEAT nO°onno QenAND YKingston Highway. 1wilin the folowing pages HM 3 P T O N B 0 W 'M A N V 1 1L LE GA. Barron ,Hai npton SERVICE %vas detected the exar nation 9 Wm Hck-od.Potyo• B udal, rop. of certain jungle natives. 1Iw ne er ad etSom o T isExraihoceBef). Savwel., Blackstock quote the article in full as close P LA C AN 13 Srt ad û SmeofThsExraChic Bý) . .Ba,'gnell. Jury & Lovell Phone 855 Phone: Bowvmanville ?810 as pos.ible, to wvhat wa found inAPL NC A DFRNT ESO E The. asWn.feBeryan the Los Angeles Times, Phone 811 7 igS.W TheSttemai Ofie. -- --(to be continued)- --. .