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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1948, p. 4

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PAGE 1FOURTECNDA SAEMN OMMVM~ ~A The Newcastle Independent I Phone: Clarke 3314 At the regular meeting of the Newcastle Woman's Christian Temnperance Union, the February Clip Sheet was conducted by Mrs. Herbert Hancock. The subject was "The Spirit of Francis Wii- lard inquires about progress made ir. tiec ast 50 years." Mrs. E. Joil, Mrs. Harold Toms, Ur. and Mrs. Stewart Joil, and MWr. and Mrs. Bill Joli visited Mr. zind Ms A. H. Fisher, Belleville. The Y.P.U. held its regular nwceting Monday evening, Febru- ar%2 vth president Glenn Allun AýCharge. The Christian citizen- ;hý,p conx ener, Kathleen Toms, a reýýponsible for the worship pncr:ou. She read an article on cýIt:tjns'hp and conducted a quiz on inc ru.ghts of the Canadian In- (iians. The evening concluded wiýî*n the playing of ping pong. Tudyevening, February 24, výIe Y. RU. visited the Newton- ville Y.P.U. with whom ail en- j eci iii(vening of fellowship. ?darx YBLktr1evý conducted the open- :ng exercises. The Newcastle Y, P.U. 'ij)pIiîcd the program which i, . -d of piano solos by Claire AUI n. vocal solos by Glenn AI- iîn. n'aiugs by Kathleen Toms ,rff R' vý. Patterson, vocal duets1 hv Be!iv and Evelyn Allin. Fay~ Joiî.es ad Neil Anderson cf New- lonv ille conducted a lively per- i)1of ot ncreation. Thfe C.G.I.T. Group met Tues- d:vi evening %vith Eleanoç Han- cock, president pro tem, presiding dluring the business period. Kath-1 ]ec? Tomns conducted the worsbîp - p<riod. M.%rs. Pauline Storks ledi in a sing-song aften whîch the girls made preparatiens for mak- ing ibrooches. The meeting cen- cluded with the singing cf Taps. A busload jounneyed to Camp- beliford te see the Newcastle Li- ons Hockey team play Hastings, Thunsday evening, February 26. Mrs. Embley and Doreen enter- tained Friday evening, Febnuary 27, at a surprise panty for Tracey Embiey on the occasion of his birtbday. HOCKEY NEWS Ie Orono Tuesday, there weund up for the Juniors, Weyrich, Town and Jascos one reai good hockey seasen. This was tbe final playoff and it was betwcen Weyricb and the Town. A large crowd of enthus- iastic fans were on band te wit- ness the game and the cheering began immediately the game started. The action was fast with each piayer detenmined te do bis best. Wright Put a fast one at Heeken te score the first goal for Wey- rich. Winters made one beautiful save le the first period. In this period. Hockin bad any number of shots on goal but managed te stand uipLunder thecu. What shots the Town gel, they just couldn't make count. Quinney got the sec- ond goal alone on a lovely shot te tie the game one ail. A littie tee much Pushî:ng put« Gray and Ward le the Penalty box together in the second per- iod. Quinney, Wrigbt and Ward -SANIONE SRVIC * PERSPIRATION STAINS ANd ODORS REMOVED * SPOTS GONE-MORE flIRT REMOVED COLORS REVIVED TO ORIGINAL BRIGHTNESS We Invite you to challenge our Sanitene Dry Cleaning Service! You'll be amazcd at the dif- ference you can actually sec and feed in the vcry first garment we dry clean for youi _<PPOVED_ OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING PHONE ZENITH 13,000 OSHAWA, ONTARIO BOWMANVILLIE AGENT: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR ý 1 -w 1 -11-M ullu vTrs. _.r i o a . Mn. and Mrs. Howard Hubbard with Mn. and Mrs. B. Hubbard, who said fareweii as tbey wiil sooe be neturning te their home ln Nottingbham, Saskatchewan. Many tamily parties wene heid ln their honor during their tbnee meontbs' isit the first in ever 30 y cars. There was no service last Sun- day owing te bad noads. An ex- tra ceai steve bas been put in the cburcb te make it warmer. The concert held ie the chunch TIuesday evening was enjoyed by aill preseet. Atten the pregram, severai games were played, in- cluding an automobile race across Canada. During the race, severai accidents occurred. Rev. Sey- mour,'4and Fred Carter had biow- eut (bunst balloons) and Alden Hubbard and Ken Larmer cbang- cd tires by taking off their coats and hies and putting tbemn on again. You should have seen Mn. Roblin and Mn. Ruîssell Dean feed- ing wateî' by spoonfuls into the nadiatons (Helen and Marjonie i-a nth cm ).1 Visitons: Mrs, L. Quick, Pontypool, with Mn. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan. Mrs. Robent.Carter and Mrs. E. Adams spent a few days witb Mn. and'Mrs. Wally Breck, Kingston. Mrs. Alan Aldned, Toronto, Mrs. George Carter, Bowmanville, with Mn .and Mrs. J. Carter. Mrs. V. t3atceil spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stnong with friends in Oshawa. Miss Murniel Crawford, Hamp- ton, bas returned te ber home af- ter staying some hime witb Mn. and Mrs. W. Stephenson. ENFIELD (Ictended for Last Week) The pupils of the public sehool assisted by their teacber, enter- tained the parents cf the section to, an evening cf progressive Lest Hein and euchre in the scbool on Wedncsday night. Mrs. Leta Ce- chrane won the ladies' prize and Mn. Lee Stephenson the prize for gentlemen. A silver collection was taken te boost the treasur- les of the Junior Red Cross and Mission Band. Mnr.and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and !amily entertained the young pe- ple of the communihy Saturday nigbt. DON'T FAIL TO HEAR THE LESLIE SINOERS, BELL Trinity United Churck on Friday, March 5th - 8.15 puma ADMISSION a $1.00 no seats reserved TrICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ANY MEMBER 0F THE LIONS CLUB OR AT THE BANK 0F MONTREAL. THE CARTER FAMILY RESTAURANT OR ALEX MNcGREGOR'S DRUG STORE. THIS IS THE FINAL CONCERT DEPARTMENT 0F EDUCATION CONCERT SERIES Season's Tickets Are Good for This Concert BUSINESS ARRANGEMENTS BY THE BOWMANVH.LE LIONS CLUB 'I Cartwright Raises Over $500 in Aid Appeal for Children' Cartwright bas completed the canvass for the Cacadian Appeai for Cbiidren. On February 23, ie the Community Hall when the Farmn Forums met in a group for Reviexv night, a few of the men ,met te decîde the best way te go about it. It was decided te ask two or tbree men te be respons- ible for their oxwn scbool section. Some veltînteered at tbe time and a veny nice thing about it was that, wben asked the next more- ing, the farmers said "Sure, yes, welIl do 'it." And they did. By the 27th, the' money was banded le te the bead of tbe committee and amounted te the creditable sum of $524. We do net %wish te insinriate that this is an cutstanding amount of mocey brît we do feel that we would like te admînister a real dd this job se tberougbly and above ail se cheerfully,. And te ah the contrîbutors. tee. who ne- ceived them se kindly we would sa% t hank vyen. j a Mayt elte othe place ,&,ere it ,s inteeded te go as soon as pos- sible, and that good cemmon1 sense may be rîsed in admînister- ing it, is the hope of everyone. also get penalties during the M PL GR E game. PL R V Quinney was certainiy on his tees ail evening with three geais The Evening Auxiiany met or. te his credit. Rpss Cobbiedick Thursday evening, Febnuary 26 at was just like a bce, wonking and the home cf Mrs. Lawrence White. buzzing around like mad, a real Mrs. Rahme, pncgram cenvener. help te the Weynich team. opened the meeting with hynin. In the third peniod the score Prayer by Mns. Rahme, scripture was five ail. Sandy broke'the tie reading, Mrs. Hagerman, vocal in the first minute on a lone, duet by Dorothy Rahme and clean shot te Winters. Then it friend, -In the Garden." Mns. L. was a tight battie night up until C. Snewden gave a chapter of the the iast minute wben Mac broke "Study Bock," after which Mrs. away te even tbings up again. Jean Munday, president. teck Then began tbe finst tee min- charge cf business. Ciosed with utes evertime and yeu shouid Mizpab benediction. Next meet- bave heard the fans. Both Sac- ing at Mrs. Wallace Munday's. dy and Ricky got goals and then Institute meeting wili be held Gond Gray and Ricky scored again on Monday evening, March 8tb. te make the final score 11-8 for Misses Eunice Denby, Beverley Weyricb. The boys were ail tir- Sheen, Mn: Jack Iliidge, Toronto, ed but the fans wene exbausted wene Sunday visitons at Mrs. L. toc. The air was eiectric for a C. Snowden's. v;bile. Miss Marlon Snowden, Tenante, George Kîmbail got bit wîtb the spent the weekend at home. puck on the fonehead and bad te Mn. and Mrs. Morley Fiintoff, bave six shiches te close the Kedron, visited the former's aunt, wound. Mrs. Wiill Michael, Toronto, iast Weii it's ail over for another Tbunsday. year and we wbo journeyed ev- Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. ery Tuesday eigbt to Orono wiil Murray Tigbe (nec Christine be iooking fonwand ho our OWn Campbell) on their recent mar- covered rink next year anîd a con- niage. tinuation of the goed hockey we__________ %vitnessed this winter. It has been good te watch sucb players as ENNISKILLEN Sandy Graham, Irv McCullough ___ Gord Gray, Tracy Embiy, Johnny Mrs. Clîttord Petbîck bas been Gibson and I couid go on and on, lîolidaying witb Mr. and Mns. Ed mentioning the boys le the nets, Cale. Pontypool. etc., but space does not permit. 'VMr. and Mrs. Reg. Kersev and Isuppose it ,viii be the hall games son, Ronnie with Mr. and Mrs. next. If they could play bail like 'aodAstn tbe dohocey ecdI ss' er Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmend,ý Mrs* Frank Branton Who bas Constance and Virginia, Mrs. AI- been quihe iii for the past tew ice Tboînpson, Newcastle, with m~onths is stili cuntined to bcd on Mr. and Mrs. R. Tbompson. account et sickncss and Mr. Bran- Mn. L. Hope. Mr. aed Mrs. R. ton bas aise heen under the dec- Hope and famiiy, Port Perry, with tor's cane. Thein many triends Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. ali join in boping they will both Mn. and Mrs. L. Wearn and fg- be soon ce the way te compiete mily~ at ber sister's, Mrs. C. B. recovery. Wagg, Uxbridge. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Allie, Mr. Vernon and Alian Henry, Bowmanville, werc Sunday vis- Lindsay, at Mr. and Mrs. A. tors .vith Misses Ada and Eliza- Sharp's. beth Allie. Glad te report Mr. Howard It was witb a sese et sbock Stevens xvas able te come home and deep regret that the residents from the liospital last weck and is of the village learned et the death improxing nîccly. of Mns. E. G. R. Ardagh. Pro- Mn. and Mrs. Milton Staînton, fessor and Mrs. Ardagh and their Dorothy and Clarenîce were Sun- son, John had made many frieeds day gucsts ef Mn. George Reid. lurng the years tbey bad been Miss Charlotte Langton and coming te Newcastle te reside Jean Werry, strident nurses, Pet- lurng the srîmmen months at erboro, and Don Parker, Tynone, hein home bere. The deepest witb Mr. and Mî's. F. Werry. ;ympathy ef the cemmueity gees Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, out te ber busband and son in Oshawa, Mrs. Elia Adams and Un- the great loss tbey bave suffcned. ice Randal, Hampton, with Mn. Mrs. Robent Gibson was the and Mrs. A. Oke. weekeed guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley Blake Sanders, Stouffvillc. and Bnian, Mapie Grove, with Mn. Mn. Murray Eilbeck bas bee a and Mns. Leonard Bradley. patient le Osbawa General Hos- Mr. and Mns. Walter Rabm, pital suffering with a fractured Clem and Doneen wene Sunday bhoulder -bone, the resuit cf a callens at Mrs. MVary Gnîffin. fal. Master Garnet Wray, Bowman- Mns. Frank Hawkins, Toronto, ville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moise, Lea- Master Joe McGil. ide, Miss Sara Moise, Osb1awa, cd Mn. Ellison Moise, were Sun- ay guests with their mother, BURJ.sX1IN Mrs. B. Moise at Mrý. Eric Wicks'. __ Mrs. Moise celebrated ber 83rd Mnr. and Mns. Walter Bnyan, irthday on Monday. Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Suen- genlaed and Lynda, Bowmanviile, EVERY MINUTE oi every day, somnebody's home goes up ie flames . .. every heur a life iii iost te Fire's insat- iable appetite. Help end this terrible toli et lives and property! Clean out your Fine Hazards today . . . and, for insunance protection, caîl oni Stuart R. James Successor to J. J. Mason & Son INSVRANCE - REAL ESTATE King Street, Bowmanville w i ham fleur. Beat eggs until foa- my, add honey and miik. Meit butter and turn it into egg mix- r. ture. Turn wet ingredients into dry cnes ail at one time. Stir vig- orously until dry ingredients are 'Lst dampened. Fi muffin tins 2/3 full and bake in a hot elec- e u ric oven for 20 minutes. HWYRO NOTE: Anne Allan regrets that NOM!EoerNoMsT listed ingredients were not correct in a previous column for "Fool- Proof Chocolate Cake." Here < ýJi~i.tI~\\i~, Uc, they are: 112 cups sifted flour, 1 dlock strikes tweive at the rural tsp. baking soda, ý,2 cup white school it means a hot dinner for sugar, 14 tsp. sait, 14 cup cocoa, some children, but flot for ail- 4 tbsps. meited shortening, 34 cup 1not by an means. For more -,han sour milk, 1 beaten egg. i tsp. half of the children attending ru- vanîhla, i'z cup corn syrup. rai schools in Ontarie the noon Sift and mix dry ingredients. hotir means a lunch carried from Add shortening, sour milk, egg, home in lunch kit, honey pail or vanilla and corn syrup. Beat paper bag. thoroughly. Bake in 2 greased In winter weatber, cold sand- layer tins for 35 mins at 3Î5 de- wiches make a Eeheerless m e a i. grees. That kind of meal, added to a ** hurried breakfast and a long walk Anne Allun invites you to write in the ,Àind, dees not give exactly to her c/o The Canadian States- the sort of foundation needed for nman. Send in your suggestions ôn a good day's work! But it is a homemnaking prablcmrs and watch fact that for 200 days out of every thîs column for replies. year, the cbild attends sehool and eats his mid-day meai there. AIl toid, one-fifth of the meals cate in a year are eaten at school.n Dealing With Surely, then, the mid-day meal 'A Slack Hand is of prime importance. Should___ it not be planned to meet defînite BLeiMlign educational objectives. S o in e (s ei ilgn schÔol areas have done this; one An architect vas showing a particular section to be commend- friend ovei' a building %vhich hie cd is the township north of Wood- had dlesîgneil. and which was in stock where the Red Cross Nu- the process of construction. As tritionist is giving splendid lead- they xvere vieuXiiig it from the op- ership. posite side of the street the The average rural child has a 1riend, xvho xvas a lîttie short- long and strenuous day. He riscs sîghtcd, said, -l don't like those eariy, has a few chores to do. and statues." Tevr not statues," then a drive o'- walk to schdol. replied the architect, "they're After seven or eight hours axvay bricklaý ers." from homne-more chores before idontvchorheasue a hot meal. Ail this requi1res en- truth of this storv, but it may be ergy and the right food to suPPlY taken as a parabie. Union brick-_ that energy. Building material is aesnwlyfo aqrtro essntil fi-groxxth i strong ho- a third of the nîîmber of bricks dies are to resuit. We must also tîîey uised to lay in a day. suppiy children with the fods neccssarv to keep the vanlious o1r-s At the end of a day there is no gans functioning, and resist ant to sweeter sense of satisfaction and disease. relaxation than the feeling that In communities where lunch one lias done a good day's work. plans are being proved important i"te becorneth poor that dealeth the week's menu is posted se that with a slack iîand: but the hand of mother may round out the lunch the diligent rnuketh rich." That and supper with the daily essen- is truc of other riches than mon- tials. ln thîs way mother and ey, for honest work, whether it teacher are co-ordinating their Pie mental or physical, is its own plans using the daily Basic Nutri- reward. tien Pattern: We oftcn hear it said, "this is 1. Milk-4 glasses or equiva- a rcstîess age'. Most restlessness lent in soups and desserts. is due te a super-abundance of 2. Vegetabls-l serving peta- energy, and this is net due te, the tocs. 2 servings other vegetables. îack of opportunity te xvork it off, 3. Fruit-i serving tomate or as was the case in the days of the citrus fruit, 1 or more senvings Dcpressiun. In thuse days men other fruit. suffered from enforced idleness. 4. Meat, fish or cheese - Today thcre is work for everyene serving cf eitber cf these. 1 egg who is willing te put bis haed te or~ 4 in a week. it. Everywhere throughout the 5. Cereai - 1 serving whole worid there is urgent demnand for grain cencal with mîik. 4 te 6 workens in ail trades and profes- slices cf vitamin-rich bread. siens. But ex'erywhere it is the 6. Some source cf Vitamin D same complaint that tee many are such as fish cils. Additionai foods 'deaîing witb a slack hand." te satisfy the appetite and activi- I have just received a copy cf ty needs. the East African Standard con- Good Food for Children: taining a report of the proceed- Baked Custard ings cf the Kenya Legisiative 3 or 4 eggs, 1/3 or ý,à cup sugar, Counriil, froin which the follow- 18à teaspoon sait, 73 cups bot miik, ing is an excerpt: ,2 teaspeon vanilla or a little nut- "Mr. F. W. Carpenter (acting meg. Labon Commissioner) said be had Beat eggs siightly. Add sugar seen demands in the Afnican and sait. Add bot milk slowly, press for a minimum xvage cf 100 then flavoring. Strain. Pour in- shillings for every worker. The to, buttered custard cups, ai-d African would have te wonk steamn over boiling water, or place twice as bard if be wanted to in pan cf hot water and bake ien aise tbe national income te that slow oven (325 degrees F.) uetil extent. and, added the speaker, firm-about 40 minutes. 'l think he can work twice as NOTE: 4 eggs are niecessary if ________________ custard is being made le one large baking dish. To test custard, in- sert a silver knife in the centre, and if it comes eut clear, custard iscoeBaked Apples Wash and core gocd uniform C U R Canadian-grown apples. Put into F H R T a baking pan, fi the centre et each apple with sugar, (and acld af bit cf butter on the top. Add Surround Your windows wi enough water to cover the bottom Dress up those Panes of glasa of tbe pan. Cinnamon or nutmcg decorative lace . . . crlsp, fre may be sprinkied on the top if: charming chintz. Styles, sizel desired. Bakl in a bot electrîc aeevron nyu o oven until soft (about 25 mrinutes) larg eeryok. ecnhe onr:u baste very oftenk with the juice in lresok e h odr the pan. curtains on our floor dlsplayq Honey Muffins 3 tbsps. honey, ¼4 cup butter,.on euif orhm MASON & DALLE NE ND ERS ON" S CHBI1CKNS place your order now for 19E N DER 5 0N' 8 Quality Chicks Please contact or phone our reliable agent J. H. Siemon ENNISKILLEN PHONE 2573 Six Breeds to choose from with a good guarantee Gov't. Approved Hatchery - Lindsay,'OnL.ý AINS ith new Sprlng glamour. m ln colorful organdies 'esh cotton marqulsette es, colora for every wlndow se. Choos. from our new lui thlngs yen can do wlth rs. low, at modest prices. CURTAINS from $2.95 pair Up BEAUTIFUL Curtain Material f rom 45c yard up See our new Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses. Choose yours now at bud- get prices. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 836 ----- --N---ST.- ---. BO MANVIL SEW AND SAVE lVith fabries like these, you can't resist the tempt.atfon to tash Ion youn pown wardrobe for the new season. FIne qulIity, exciting colors, wonderful patterns ln many textures gîve you the opportunlty to have the ciothes yon wvant-fon Iess money. hard and still have plenty of en- is the most ihdustrious. If it were ergy left'." net for his intense interest in his If this left-over energy could jcb and bis hard werk to increas. be applied te the producticn of bis production, we would il more goods an.d mQîre housing. starve. If the farmer were ta set there would be fewer shortages, a limit te the number of furrows lower prices, and higtier purchas- he would plow 'or the numher ot i ng power in the wages received. cews be would miik in an hour, Thene wculd also be Iess restless- tbe bricklayers and aIl the rest of! ness and discontent, from wbich us "city slickers" wouid have te arise mnany cf the domestic trag- pay far bigher prices for our food edies and social excesses cf aur and everything else. time. We sometimes attnîbute the delnquences f outh te "super- fuus energy" but the delin- A Brampton. Otari, grocer quenc ies of aduits arc oftén due te soId shares in his store at $1 a thesam phsial ondtin. wleek. and groceries up to the The farmen i.;tbe mcst content- value ef $20 a week te sbanehold-. cd and moral of men because he cers at cost. 1 44 DONATiD DY T 1-5 57'A<«, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO ýiMRSDAT, mAitcx 4'M' jf« y J' To help CRIPPLED CHILDREN Your E uifer Se ,, M on tb y pa e , h. sur% for $ome, ripleJ ýd ck i h, y ur "neiglhbourSood. . Community Service Clubs founded and support th~e Ontario Society for rppied Children. They ha,, be.n distribulig hope thlough> orthopaedic surgery. 1948 nursig cre. sumrmer camps and correction of crip Pling conditions since 1922. Buy Easter Seais to CRIPPLED hep Crippled Chldren! CHI LDRE N 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE j

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