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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1948, p. 9

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i *r -e~w~~,:- 'A'?W~ . TmIRSIJAY. MARCII lRth. 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAq. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE NInm SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phono 663 Mrs. Cecil Upper, Peterboro, A card from Dr. Cy Siemnon, visited her sister, Mrs. Frank wintering in Deland, Florida, tells Jamieson, Wellington St. 1 the editor: "Having a fine Urne Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer1 under the palms in 90 degree Doris and Wallace, visited Mr:; warmth eating grapefruit and or- and Mrs. James Larrner, Burke- anges t.o our hearts content. Aza- ton. leas are in bloom. We like Lake- Mrs. Nellie Fraser, Mr. Donald land and Bradenton very much." C. Mason, Toronto, were week- Three Dominion by-elections end guests with Mrs. Chas. Mason, are expected in June. They are Division St. in Ontario County, Yale, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mooe Wn Vancouver. They resuit respect- î,ppeg, are visiting their auts ively from the death of W. N. iss Ia MoeadMs .L Sinclair (L), the resignation of Idoeanders . Grote Stirling (PC) and the elle- vation to the Senate of Rt. Hon. Mr .and Mrs. S. R. McDonald Ian MacKenzie. and Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- StPalsCGITwshedo net Johnson and Sandra Lyn vis-S t. M arch 10.GMIs Ceasshe had ite thir arets t charge of the worship service. Mrs. Ernest Rundie, Miss Wi- Kathleen Yeo, Marilyn Hall and ma Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Noreen Kane took part. Four ..Bartlett, Margo and Grant, Osh-gil outedt sreado awawer guets f Mr. P E-dishes at the ladies' banquet on Greenfield. Tuesday night. The remaining Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Elliott andi time was spent rehearsing parts son, Paul, Toronto; Mr. C. M. for the reaffiliation service. Murdoff, Lindsay, spent Sunday Mrs. Murray Tighe, (nee Chris- visiting relatives in Bowman- tine Campbell), was guest of hon- ville. or at a kitchen shower at the In offering congratulations last1 home o! Miss Audrey Sturrock, week to Mis Myra Cooper %ve Boxvmanville, on March 5. when a neglected to mention that she number o! girl friends were en- passed Grade VI piano with h on- tertained. On the saine evening, ors. boy friends of the groom assem- Mr. Edwin Joint left last week bled at the home of Bill Dadson by plane to visit his sister, Mrs. and presented Murray with a pair Goldsbourgh Walker, at Newcas- 'o! wool blankets. tie-on-Tyne, England, whom he Mrs. Jane Gale Garrett, Bow- has not seen for 45 years. manvilles oidest citizen, will cel- Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott vis- ebrate her 95th birthday on Sat- ited friends in Toronto on Sun- urday, March 20. To commemor- day and attended Simpson Ave. ate the occasion, Mrs. Garrett bas United Church to hear Rex'. W. F. sent the editor a poemn she bas Banister, formerly o! Bowman- recently composed which we hope ville. to publish in our next issue. The . Miss Christine Dawson, Home Statesman joins with ber many Teacher for the Canadian Nation- 'friends in wishing her many hap- a] Institute for the Blind, bas been py returns of the day. in town giving lessons in Braille St. Paul's W.A. met in the lec- and instructions in various hand- ture room on March 9 with a crafts to local blind people. good attendance. Mrs. MeAllis- The members of Wood's Senate ter's group xvas in charge of the lucky enough to atend Saturday's worship service and program. session expresed sincere thanks to The meeting opened by singing W . F. Riekard, Ex-MP, for the "Happy Birthday" to the presi- gift of a box o! Admiration pant- dent, Mrs. Hull. Mrs. Whitmee etela cigars. played two Irish piano solos. Mrs. Armstead introduced Capt. Will- _________________________ett of the Salvation Army xvho r' SUCCEED- SWITH CHICKS 'YET SAVE UP TO .50% ON FEED' * Te niurshiugoatmeai base is o*ne reason hy uaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter hblps develop big, husky, profitableepullets. And the Ful-O-Pep Rearing Plan bel ps save as much as ý to j/2oncost of feedig pullets. Ful-0-Pep also contains Concentrated Spring ag opo vide 2inte-acd chicks with raany of the healthful benefits of fresh green pasture. R.W. Bail & Son TAUNTON Phone Oshawa 163 W 3 (reverse charges) FREE DELIVERY nial Gift," using Mary o! Beth- any as an example. Mrs. Quig- ley moved a vote o! thanks ta Capt. Willett. Group Two serv- e d refreshments. A St. Paul's W.M.S. member- * ship tea under the direction of Mrs. G. C. Quigley, Mrs. C. Car- ruthers and Mrs. Whitmee was much enjoyed in St. Paul's lecture room. March 16. President, Mrs. G. C. Quigley presided and wel- comed the members, representa- 'ives o! affiliated groups and vis- itors ta the supper meeting. Mrs. Reta Dudley assisted by several members presented the worship periad, follawed by the Easter- offering dedication prayer by Mrs. E. Dilling. Mrs. Dudley ac- campanied by Mrs. Otto Bragg sang "Roll an in Majesty" which was much enjoyed. Miss K. Mc- Laurin gave an interesting item on "Easter Faith," the Living Christ is the patent force in the warld today. Mrs. Clinton Lun- ney introduced the guest speak- er, Mrs. Hopkins o! Ebenezer who spoke on "Literature and Educa- tion." The desire to read enables one ta learn and thereby have a fuller knawledge o! aur own and other countries. Mrs. W. H. Car- ruthers moved a very hearty vote o! thanks ta Mrs. Hopkins for lier splendid address. In con- clusion slidcs were shown on -How the Bible was Preservcd." Mrs. George Mason pronounced the benedictian. SOUTH DARLINGTON AREA SCHOOL BOARD South Darlington Township Ar- eaSchaal Board met in S.S. No. 4 sehool room. with ahl members present, also Mr. J. T. McEwen, B.A., Inspector o! Sehools. Two teachers of the area were present ta discuss matters o! in- terest bath ta the board and the teachers. A request for use o! Shaw's School by one o! the mem- bers was granted. It was decided ta send one o! the board members as delegate ta attend the O.E.A. convention in Toronto, the week o! Easter. Next meeting will be held on April 13 at 8 p.m. at Maple Grave. 0000 Heur Records through yc girir Ità-4 m VIC RECORD PUY je, Just a simuple plug-in connectiatl coflvCtts yur radio into a radio- phonograph. This RCA Victor Record Player is d 50 inexperisive -yet it is precision-built, with silent, scif-starting electric motor, crystai pick-up, tru-trackîniz înne a&m. $3.00 WORTH 0F RECORDS WITH EACH PI The Radio SI YOUR R.C.A. VICTOR DEAL] BOWNIANVILLE J. R. Reynolds Named 1 Darlington Assessor At Salaryof $600 Darlington Council met March 4. Reeve called on Mr. J.* Hoit, representing the Roofers Supply wha explained the adyantages of a shallow filh culvert and also the scarcity o! snow fence. Council ordered 5,000 feet of snow fence and 100 steel posts. Also a culvert 50x3l inches, 40 feet long and 30 road signs. No telephane or hydro wires, poles, guide wires, guidepohes or, cables of any description may be placed on any township road, un- less the same be within three feet o! the fence line, unless figuring on less than 66 feet o! roadway, without special permission o! the douncil. Tenders from Mr. Young, Mr. H. C. W. Milis, Messrs. Harnden and King and Mr. R. A. Blyth. On motion cauncil awarded the contract ta H. C. W. Milîs. Applications for assessor were read from Robert Mo!!att, Leslie C. Thompson and J. R. Reynolds. The council set the salary o! as- sessor at $600 and 10e for eachj dog assessed. J. R. Reynolds ac- cepted this salary. The Institute for the Blind was granted permision ta hold Tag Day. Followîng bills were paid: Glen Rae Dairy, relief ---- 14.28 Sheppard & Gili, relief --- 18.55 Cawker's Grocery, relief - 41.82 F. L. Byam, relief --------- 13.61 jH. C. W. Milîs, relief -- 7.50 Treasurer, Oshawa, relief - 48.33 R elief ------------------- 119.48 Tor. Stationary supplies --- 205.67 F. W. Werry, electrical-- 39.61 Dept. o! Health, insulin- 5.97 Canadian Statesman, advt. 3.60 Bell Telephone, service- 2.80 J. D. Hogarth, salary --- 137.50 Excise and Postage -------- 5.00 Roads and Bridges ----- 2249.14 Council adjourned ta meet on April 1. 1948. Mr. and Mrs. L. Brooks 35th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks werc taken completely by sur- prise on March 6, when they en- tered the S.O.E. hall ta find about 85 friends. and neighbors gather- cd in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary. Wben the bride and groom were usbered ta their seats on the stage, Mr. Wm. Moore, wbo acted as Master o! Ceremon- ies, made a few cloquent opening remarks. Mr. Bert Stevens, who had been their closest neighbor for many years, read a nicely worded address. Mr. Walter Mur- phy presented the couple with a mantel radio on behal! o! their !riends and neighbors. They werc aisa presented with a lovely tri- lite lamp, a combination end-ta- bic and magazine rack, and a chenule bedspread by the famiiy. Appreciative replies were made by the recipients. AIl joined in heartily singing "For they are jal- ly good fellows." Mr. A. E. Billett, wbo was the only guest present wha bad at- tended the wedding 35 years ago in Fenelon Falls, recalled many interesting events dating back ta the school days o! the, groom. Mr. Fred Ellis and Mr. Ernie Hamm also spake about their friendsbip with the couple during the past 35 years. Their daughter, Myrtie, pinned a loveiy corsage of carnations on ber mother, while their son Glenn placed a buttonaire in bis fathier's lapel. Mr. Stevens honored the crowd with solos and recitatians. The remainder o! the evening was spent in dancing ta the music o! the Stainton and Turney Orches- tra. Smaoth waltzes and lively square dances a!forded fun for young and old. A very deliciaus lunch was served with the bride and groom at the table o! honor in the cen- ter a! the hall. Departing guests expressed their sincere wish for many more happy years o! mar- ried life for the bride and groom o! March 6, 1913. Wheelers Win Over Orillia But Lose To Trenton Mari orie Lawrence. Metropoli- tan Opera Star, will appear in Toronto at the Maple Leaf Gar- dens, Sunday, March 21st, for "Timmny's Ahl Star Easter Party," a benefit performance in aid of Ontario's Crippled Children. A polio victim herself, she accepted without hesitation the invitation to sing without fee on behaif of Ontario's Crippled Children to help boost Easter Seal Sales. Amongst the Canadians headlin- ing the same bill are Mart Ken- ney's Orchestra, Gregory Clark and Jim Frise, Wayne and Shus- ter and Samuel Hersenhoro. Lu- cio Agostini will conduct for Miss Lawrence. ZMON Mr. and Mrs, Hans Geissberg- er have returned home after a pleasant visit with their relatives in Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen, Marie and Johnnie at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and sons, Ebenezer, at Wes Cam- eron's. Mr. Cameron Stainton, Miss Shirley Stephen, Oshawa, at Nap- anee. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton at Albert Balson's, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Ârnold Venner and daughters at Gordon Venner's at Pickering Beach. Mr. and Mrs. August Geissberg- er and family, Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach attended the silver wedding an- niversary o! Mr. and Mrs. John Kiveli, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacNab and daughters, Hampton, at Harvey Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and family visited at Tom Ab- bott's, Enniskillen, and Howard Abbott's and Ben Hubbard's, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fisher and sons at Archie Parrinder's, Myr- the and George Leach's, Manches- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and Churches ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. deP. Wright, Rector Mr. R. G. Harle, Organist Palm Sunday 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a.m.-Morning Prayer Subject: "The Conquering Hero" Nursery 2 years and over 7 p.m.-Evensong Rev. D. M. Rose, St.George's Church, Oshawa Lenten Service Friday, March 19, at 7.30 ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregar Thursday, March 18 at 8 p.m. Preparatory service "The Impregnable Rock" Sunday, March 2lst 10 a.m.-Sundav Sebool Bowmanvillc's entry in Inter- iï a.m.-Nkurs ery Sehooôl mediate basketball, the Wbehlers Il a.m.-Sacrament o! the Lord's won the return game and thé' Supper. Reception a! new round !rom Orillia, champions o! members. Theme: 'Limitless mur àadio the Simcoe District. The locals Love" played a steady persistent game 7 p.m.-Worsbip fr 0 eatured by a good cambination1 Holy Week Services score was tied an the round. In "Actors in the Drama o! the the second bai! the Wbeelers took Cross"1 PERS the lead and hehd it ta the end. WensaMrh2.t8pm. Clemnce as hc tp snper "More Cancerning the Cross" beon al!), followed by Masoi rih 3 Rundle 8, Rabson 6 and TRINJTY UNITED CHURCH Gilbart 2. Giibart turned in bis best game o! the year, capturing Minister: Rev. J. E. Griffith most o! the rebounc's in the sec- Organist: Mr. W. E. C. Workman ond bah! and setting up Ciemence Sunday, Mareh 2lst for most o! bis points. Il a.m.-Holy Communion and The locals now engage Trenton reception o! members. "The! Financiers who beat otte Feîiowship" strong RC.A.F. teamn and King- 7 p.m.-A Charter for Action V-16 Except the Lord Buiid" On March 13 the Wheelers h11 a.m.-The nursery phayed Trenton in Trenton, the Junior church *first gamne o! the tbird round and 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School $21.50came out on the wrang end o! a 44-29 score. Although the lac- ais arc down 15 points they feel THE SALVATION ARMY confident that they can take thisMjrF.W'im anc. Aixvays a strong came back team they must be conceded a Capt. E. Willett 0F YOUR CHOICE gaod chance. The winners o! this On Good Friday morning at 1l LAYER round will be Eastern Ontariao ocicck a service wiii be held in Champions and wiid advance in- The Salvation Army and wll be ta the semi-finals. in charge a! Brigadier J. Ilaven The scoring was evenly divid- and Envay L. Turner. On Easter! ed: Clemence. Mason and Rab- iSunday these specials xiii again hop dock ad Gilabr 2 apec4 edFinal hlm chae oningend 7 tnighat. docn d 7 each, Runie4 ed-ina e11in ha mrig o!dhe7met i t LER cr 44-29 with points on the Brigadier Raven bas donc many i round ta decide the winncr. vears' service as a Salvatian Ar- i 38KIG T.E. a fficer bath in Canada and 38 KNG S. E.aoroad, she bas worked in Ger- 26 of the United States produce man *N also. Plan ta bear thcsp 0::.. j Vomen o! God. 12-2 family, Thornton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher and daughters, Oshawa, at Ray Cam- eron 's. Mr. Keith Stainton, Miss Mur- iel Moore, Oshawa, at Sunder- land. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slingerland, Bowmanvilhe, Mr. and Mrs. L. McKenna, Oshawa, at Percy Day- idson's. W.A. meeting was at the home o! Mrs. Wm. Hasink on March 10. There was a real good attend- ance. Rev. Linstead gave a talk. Slyvia Hasink gave a reading, Mrs. Russell Perkins, mouthorgan solos, Mrs. H. Haas, a harp solo. Mrs. Hasink, Mrs. J. W. McMas- ter, Mrs. Alex McMa.,ter, the March group, served a lovely lunch. S.S. NO. 4 FARM FORUM 'S.S. Na. 4 Darlington Farm For- um met at Allan Down's with an attendance of 24. The topie "Do we want more immigration.," caused considerable discussion. It was also asked what immigration policy we would favor for the next ten years. We were agreed that the best system ta follow is as is now used for farm labor-be sure that there is accommodation for anyone brought here, both in housing fa- cilities and a satisfactory arrange- ment as ta work. Therefore, we favor a steady stream o! immi- grants selected on basis o! Can- ada's occupational needs. Question 2-"Would bringing these people here tend to raise or lower the farmers of Canada's standard o! living?" This could happen especially if the type o! farmers brought in were similar to some that have corne previous- ly, but we think that the young- er generation will adopt more readily our methods and become in time an asset to our commun- !fies. The greatest difficulty seems to be their religion, which keeps them apart from commun- ity undertakings as many of the activities o! rural places center arotund the church. Question 3-Do you agree with the palicy o! admitting disphaced persons?" Yes, we feel that we should do aIl we can to help give these unfortunate people a new start in life, but we think that it fi ail important that they be assured o! *ork and a oody heritage as this is one of the best things we know to help defeat the threat of communism. Next meeting at S.S. No. 4 School. Confer Degrees on Port Perry Officers Bro. Ross E. Watson, Districtl Deputy Grand Master o! I.O.O.F.1 District Na. 42, headed a delega-1 tion o! visiting officers from War-1 riner Ladge No. 75, Port'Perry, who came to officiate in the In- itiatory Degree ceremonies held in Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, Bowmanville, Wednesday evening, March lOth. A large gathering o! local mem- bers joined Noble Gran~d Stan McMurter in welcoming the visit- ing brethren from both Port Perry and Oshawa. The Deputy Grand Master conferred degrees upon candidates R. L. Mackenzie and J. H. King. Following the impressive ceremonies the degree staff were voted thanks by Bros. W. H. Yeo and W. W. Horn. Fraternal greetings and toasts were exchanged following the conferring o! degrees. The speak- ers include R. Beer, Noble Grand, Warriner Lodge, the Degree Mas- ter; Bro. Letcher, Past District De- puty, District No. 41, Bro. Ross Watson. DDGM, District No. 42; Bros. Greentree, Manuel, Coak- well and Winters o! Corinthian Lodge, Oshawa, and candidates Mackenzie and King. An excellent luncheon was ser- ved under arrangements made by a committee composed o! Bros. Mac Moore, Bob Mitchell and Bruce Lonsberry. Spectacle in Gold Describes Fruit Show In California. The editor bas just received a photo-folder o! the 33rd National Orange Show recently held in San Bernardino, California. Our thanks to our old friend, T. J. Medland o! 5626 Deane Ave., o! that famous city, for this inticing invitation ta visit California. Many friends o! the Mcfidland family will recaîl the days when Monday Marejx 15 to Saturday March 20 they lived in a fine home on Liberty St., Bowmanville, oppos- ite the old fair grounds. In the 20 amazing views in the folder we have seen sufficieint to agree with the statement that this Caifornia exposition of citrus fruits is the greatest show o!fIts kind in thé worhd and is truhy worthy o! being described as a "Spectacle in Gohd." The background is o! course a seried array o! ripe red oranges. Booth on booth ànd Uier on tier appear tons o! oranges. But other citrus fruits and allied production of this garden o! the south are woven inta the picture. We regret we have not space at the moment ta reprint all the historical data in the folder. But we surely look forward ta the time when we may take in this show and thank Mr. Medland persanally for renewing aur faith in the destiny of North America. Foresters Organize For Bail Season A district bail meeting was held in Oshawa, when chairmen o! the sports committees from Picker- ing, Whitby, Oshawa and Bow- manville elected the follawing of- ficers ta supervise the league:- President, Charles Ferguson, Osh- awa; vice president, Jack Bryant, Pickering; treasurer, Will i a m Bryant, Pickering; secretary, E. Bragg, Bowmanville; umpires, E. Ferguson. E. Henderson, E. Bry- ant, C. Keîth and C. Lockwood. Pickering and Whitby will com- bine ta form anc team. Oshawa will field twa teams and Bow- manville one team. The league xvill stress fellow- Here it is again folks . .. your chance to save money on many produets S'ou use regury i wi tag HEADACHE Milk of NERVES ,Magnesia 16 oz. 32 oz. rcg. 33e reg. 55e Bile Beau,.--------------- --47e Castorla ---- ---.--33c, 69c Dettol --------------- 53c, 1.60 Eno's Fruit Sait ---------- 59c, 98c Lantigen "B" --- $6.00 Lustre-Creme Shampoo ---- $1001 Flores& Lipstiek .-- ----------$1:35 Mennen's Skin Bracer -- 59c, $1.19, Mercollzed Wax-------- -- --83e Velvetta BaIm ----- 25c, 39c! Toni Kits ----- $1.50, $2,50 tOa HAPPY SABIES PRODIT ..01 LOTION -.60 OIL 60<& 1.10 POWDER -.2V & 55s"" SOAP - 200 Alex We Deliver Epsom Sali 1.D.A. Brand 1 lb., reg. 15e 9c i yoUr oe . J.LC UtS.a.aAn.5 US gais .A.fnb.b ýiii be especially appreciated, ln view of to- y's cost of living. Be sure to take advan- ýge o! these unusual values. T.D.A. Castor 011, 4 oz., reg. 25e 17e I.DA. Calamine Lotion, 4 oz ----- 17e I.DA. Flaxseed, 16 oz., reg. 19c---- 1 4e I.D.A. Linseed Meal, 12 oz. reg. 19o ---14o 1.D.A. Beef, 1. & W. 16 oz., reg. 69e --- 53c A.B.S. & C. Tablets, 100's, reg. 23c îSc Vitamin B-i Tabs, 100's, 300's reg. 37c, 79ce -------------- 27c, 59e Lactogen 1 lb., 2 Mlb.------ ----79c, $1.79 Soap Boxes, bakelite. ass. colors ----14e Ever-Ready Shaving Cream, reg. 33e - ----- ----- 23e or 2 for 45e I.DA. Idol-Agar, 16 oz. reg 69c 54e 40 oz., reg. $1,29 -.------------- --99e Minerai 011 jHEAVY GRADE A hlghest quality medicinal ohl 16 oz. 37 reg. 450 40 oz. 73 reg. 89e - Tooth Brushes reg. 25e and 33e 19C Super Jumbo STATIONERY 72 sheets and 48 envelopes reg. 35e - 27e Cocoanut OIL SHAMPOO 4 oz. 8 oz. reg. 25e reg. 39e 19c -33c Wax Paper 100 ft. Rol 23c Boracic ACID I.D.A. Brand 1 lb. reg. 25e 17c I.D.A. Cor-n Remedy, reg. 25e ---------- 17e Cold Cream, Evelyn Howard, reg. 69.---54e "Jeanette" Taleum Powder ------------- 13e "Brownie" Writing Pads .- ----c 2 for 15e Cleaning Fluid, 4 oz., reg. 18e- 14e 10 ozs., reg. 39e - ----- -------- 29e A.S.A. Tablets, 5 grain, 100's, 300's, 19c-49e Halibut Lîver Oil Caps. 100's, 500's, 89-3.49' Syrup Figs-and Senna, reg. 25c ----- --19e Senna Leaves 1 and 4 ozs......------ Se, 18e ship ,and ell members will be given an opportunity to play ir- respective o! ability. Umpires are given complete authority, andi managers and phayers must ablde by their decision. Each manager wilI be held responsible for con- duct o! players, and ahi players mnust be used irrespective of score. The heague schedule will be of eight weeks' duration with serai and finals for playoffs. Winner of league will be presented with the Axtell Trophy. During the summer tournaments will be held here, and in Peterboro, and Pet- erboro will have a teamn compet- ing for the cup. In connection with youth andi recreation work the Order will supervise a girls' league in this district and in Peterboro. Those attending the meeting were William and J. Bryant, Pick. ering, Ah Jiepburn, Whitby, C. Ferguson, G. Hurst, C. Braun, J. Victor, Oshawa, R. and E. Bragg, Bowmanville. Next executive meeting at C. Ferguson's home on April 18. Bowling teams from the above four lodges will be competing for the W. M. Couper Trophy shortIy. U.K. WHEAT CROF An acreage o! 2.4 million acres o! wheat was set for the 1948 bar- vest for the United, Kingdom, but farmers were unable ta attain this target because o! drought xvhicli made sowing difficult or impos- sible in many areas until very late. Appeals have gone ta farm- ers ta endeavor ta reach this ac- reage by late sowings o! winteir wheat, or 'by sowing spring wheat TUBE DY25< *49< Chase's Nerva Food ---69e, S1.79 T.R.C.'s____ 60e, $1.25, $5.00 GIN PILLS 39e 6c Bayer Aspirin Igc, 29e. 790 Sofferf Sale. i ýWl22 N Box 33c KLEENEX Drugs Phone 792 NARCH DRUG SALE FREE PHONE 573 Here are a !ew of the many lovely 1gifts your 1.D.A. druggist suggests for Easter. Yardley Lavender Perfume $1.25, $1.95 and up Yardley Lavender Dusting Powvder, with nufi --- 81.65 Yardley ('olognes Fragrance $1.50 Lotus $1.50-2.50 Hudnut Gemey Perfume 1.50-3.50 Hutinut Gemey Eau de Cologne ivith atomizer $2.75 Evenlng in Paris Toilet Soap, box of 3 .- ------1.25 Toilet Water op Cologne ..--.---.----. -----------.--...-75e, $1.50; Pro-phy-lac-tic Jewellte "RoIlWlave" Hair Brush..------- $3.95 i Manîcure Sets by Cute3t, Revion and Peggy Sage j PRESiT7lIONS ASPCAT McrGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store FLOUR FOR LIGHTER - MORE TENDER PIES, CAKES AND PASTRIES BRYL , CREEN THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSINIGG 1

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