eMfLUr-S, . -MARCH ISth. 1948-TECNDA~ TTSABWAVLE NAI PAGE F IPTLiEN FOR 0W4< RES«I7Y *%f BIRTHS ROSE-Mr. and Mrs. George Rose (nee Yvonne Challis) 26 1 ý Ding- wall Ave.. Toronto. are happy to: announce the birth of their dJaugh- ter, Cheryne Gail at Toronto East General Hospital on Saturday ýMarch 13. ]948.12* ýY-Mr. and Mrs. John Hý W are happy tIo announce the arri'al of their dau'ghter, Anne Marie, on March 13, 1948, at the' Guelph General Hospital. 12-1- ln Memoriam CLAYTON-In loving memory of a dear mother and grand..o--.-, Ida Elizabeth Clayton w~ho pass- ed awvav March 22nd, 1947. -TodaNy recalls sad mnemories 0f a dear mother gone to rest, And the ones who think of ber t oda y Are the ones who loved her best. -Salv missed and ever remnem- l)CiCd by daughter Irene, son- in-law and grandchildren. 12-1'* CARDS 0F THÂNKS DEATFIS Mrs. E. J. Burk wishes sincerely ho tbnk bier manv kind friends CEAIN--On Friday. Manch 12th.' and' neigýhhors for -iovely gis ai 1948, Martba E. Chapman. bclov- flowers, candv and cards: also Dr. ed wiie ai th'e laie George A. Cain. Siorey. Miss 'Harding, nurses and and dear mother ni Clarence,' hospital staff for ibeir many kind- Helena (Mî-s. C. W. Reesor). nesses during ber sta ' in the bas- Lawrence, Edith (Mrs. MI. E.j pitl. 12-1* Sherwinb. and (lhc late Fletcher Cain. Service xvas heid inthie MI-. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks wish Marris Funerai Chapel on Mon- oepsstirinr hak day, March lStb. Interment Or-taepssherinrehns ono cemetce-. 12-1 and appreciation ta their family, friends a nd neighbors, for the love] gis and cards an the oc- MeN1CKLE--At Tyrone on Mai ch casion ai iheir 35th wvedding anni- 12, 1948. A\lice MI. McNickle, b(- versai v. 12-1" COMING EVENTS Dance at Enniskillen Comnmun- ity Hall, Friday, March l9th, un- der the auspices of Enniskillen Athletic Club. Music by Ruth Wilson's orchestra. 12-1* Don't miss the social evening and program at Enfleld Church, Monday, March 22. Music, de- jbate, "City vs Countr,ý-," an hour of fun,' lunch. Admission 25c, loc. 12-11* Dance wiil be held in the New- castle Community Hall under auspices of the Board ai Manage- ment, on Fridav, March I9th. Russ Creigbton's 5-piece band ai Toronto. Admission 50c. 11-2 Victoria County Shortborn Sale, Thursday, March 25th, 1:30 p.m., at the Exhibition Growîids, Lindsay, 12 maies and 3 females ai excellent quality will bce offer- ed. M. H. Winter, secretary. 12-1 Bowmanville Commuîîity Coun- cil presents the Whitby Modern Players if "Varieties ai 1948" on --ec wiie or moot ,j. VIC1 Nkle" 1 vtlu3,tp-lana ipmln iuiar-7ed: 3ca IwVo dminimum 50c). Add 25c extra for box 'tofl. Phone 2552. 12-1'ý wu white markings and wflit School auditorium.. . eNcke isesto thAd- hairsadiorum Adthrough epie drecoat.ths ffColinrsthouhSmithln mi »'e 7 maissione t H mp M . . M Ni kl w she0tcm b rs r ep ie di ec ed to th1--fi e.IR ISH C obbler and C hippew a po- R .R . 4, B ow m anville. 12-1~ ton ccmert.-r. .thank Dr. C. J. Austin, relatives 1mission, aduits SOc, students 35c.d; and friends and Tyrone neighbors 12-1oi nsrin iSaeRe EGSEE oksieswa ToErnto, onrSstira . Mrh 3it,indnrflosls i tesasnd ofatloy- ABsefoia ilb ed.d AdtoalIsrin t ac e)so quantity of Warbas; $2.35 per fine pigs, 5 weeks; 2 first litter TUro o Aturh ris .Hospial forfloral iutepssand ofatsof ABse Sca il chl bag. E. G. Power, Orono, phone sows due April: 1 second litter 1948, Max E. Tuerk, bcloved bus- ing w~ife. 12-1* Haydon on Friday. March 19, with ALL #"LASSIFID ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER n6r1. 21 ow. due April; 1 third litter sow a splendid debate by Clarence TIHAN NOON IVEINESLAY. Cash, stamps or mon- FR,13 oc.nwmtr 3 due May; 1 first litter sow, due band of Bernice Winnifred Brook- -Woodley and Albert Huis versus FJune:1436ecoasows. 3 momon is. ing, in his 38th year. Service v.',as Mrs. R. S. Johnston of Newton-Mr.R Se ou an Ms.A ey order with order te get low' rpte. P3ouhsdnalnetisadA.Jhne: Bker, Jr.,2'phon 47 hed n hMrris Funcrai Chapel ville xould like to convey bier sin- Prescott, and other talent from h atteries. Leslie Alldred, Main atr6 ..12-1 on Tuesdav, March l6th. Inter- cere thanks to neighbors and Bowmanville, Hampton, Tyrone St., Orono. 12-l* ____ ___6_______ ment Eowmvnville cceterv 12-1 friends for their kind good wislies and Enniskillen. Ladies please CLIP THIS OU- FOR HANDY REFERENCE-- - ONE rcgistcrcd Holstein bull, 1l and treats received during lier re- bring baskets. Iin aid of cbur-ch LADY'S beige spring coat, size 18:1 months nid: one tcamni o borses WALTER-At 0,ony .nHorticultural Society and New- i- good conition. Apply______________________Sctchtop;____ March l4th. 1948, Frances Eliza- 1tn. , oe'sIstt. 1- r Ir Aeadr v.1- beth Blewett, beloved wife of the'tnîl oes nttt. 1- Notices WatdTo ISiglrr.6Alxnd1 . 21 seed drill. xitlî fertilptor: o late Wm. J. Walter. agcd 81 years. Mr._ad____ CharestKig DUy WantedI - horse rake: M.-H. Right-Way Sevcefom the rcsidc. ,Mi r n r.CalsKn vs CHEVROLET. 1932 coach: also '34* milking machine. Isaac Hard, St.,ic Orfoio Wedn e, Mach (o express their sincere thanks ta Wanda's Beauty Shop, 80 King BEFORE solling your live poultry WOMAN iieccis acifral hx oe oc.Cî t 1621 phone 2184. 12-1 l7h.ItemetOrnocmeer.ail tieir friends for the manN, St. WAest. Permanents that niake try us. Our prices are higher. îoomn, willing Io belp if needed. S t. E.. Oshawa, or write Box 38,___ 12-i lovetOrnocrntey (,elv gis, flowers, cards and permanent customers. For ap- M. ltRR .Btay hn rt O o 6,BwavleS tatesman Office. 12-1 TWO Shorthorn cows, red, age 7 12-pon _Esonth ccsin foitmns, phone_____2851.____10-4____ 7__ r 1,rvrecags. t'- 21-- due March 25th, roan, age 8, due INMEMORIAMhei it-i th edoccasinover nmetpoe2-1 0471, ees hres -f 9 TWO ladies' suits, like new, size April lOth. both in caîf ta regfis IN_ MEM RIAM_1sary. -___ 12-1<' Lost LIVE horses for min arad fox W ork Wanted 14. one red dressmakcr and one tered Shorthorn bull. Good milk- FURE-n emry 1 ,ti rfond. Caîl us for hig'le. prices. e___________bontioe.Apy9 nai rs ard snund in every way. Price FUZ-nloving eoyfou Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tubman SPARE wheei from Model A We also pick Up dead farm stockELSt., Bowmanville. 12-l* $160 ca-ch. Also, DeLaval cream dear oncle. Willian am e Fur7e, wish ta express their grateful Ford, yellow, lost Tuesday even- free of charge. Margwill Fur EECTRICAL contracting evcesnr1o.caaiy- - bsi who passed away March 29. 1915. thanks and deep appreciation to ing, March 16 iin Hampo-ni-Fr,.Ri.Ton.PneB - work and estinintes. R. Mardi- FORD Coach, 41, gond rubber. ,peddcni1o,$0 .A -Ever remembrcd byabis ieces.ail frendseforhtne ovely flowrs, kiliend icinittioFider5p.easeJ MisEva Wrestlae, Mry s Nin- alfinsfo h oeyfoerkle iiit.Fne la re- manville 2679. 41-tf it.PIoiie 2168. 9-.4: gond rndio, heater. AIl if Ai Rowe, Newcastle, R. R. No. 3 Ms v etae r.many gifts anid cards received by turn to Robert Parr, Enniski]len, - i ____________2_________St..__Clare_211«_12- stan and nephews Norman Win- themn on the happy occasion of the phone 2983. 12-1* Watd oRetlp Nanted Bowmanville. 11-________Phone____ stan, Oshawa, and Fred W. Me-! birth of their son in Bowmanville atd oRe Donld f Wnnieg Ma. 1-1'Hopitl o Moday Mrch8th t ~CHEVROLET Sedan, 1929, mrust Auction Sales DoadoTinpeMn 3llHaspareo extnded tMarcth REPAIRS SMALL house, 4 or 5 raoms, i NCESEyur income. Excel- hbsen ta be appreciated. ADpiy1 i Thaks ae exendedte te J.Bowmanville. Appiv Clarence let opportunity for aleri. inteilli- iDougelas Curl, Nelson St. E., Bow- 1 I have he2r authorized ta sei FRY-In loving memory of Dad! Anderson Smith & Ca. and No. 9 REPAIRS tealal makes af refrug- Osborne, Statesman Office. Il-If 1 gent man to distribute high oua]- nmanville. 12-l* by public auction for James and Grandfather, John Albert1 Home and Sehool Club for the eratars, domestie and commercial ________________ ity puoduets in ibis district. Blio SaeLt2,Co.7crigo Fry. who passed away Marcb 10, beautiflul flowers; ta the friends Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., TWO or three unfurnisîîed or fur- Bra nd Producis, 74227 Alexandra YOUR chesterfleld suite complete- onSm aîe, Lot 28,Cn. 7 alingtont TÂ h ette aylvl ite epoe48 26-tf nislied light housekeeping roomStrcet, Montireal. 12-1 Ivrcit at aur plant ivill be likze ,sok mlmns ,gan r is a link death cannot the Wornan's Association of New- heatcd. for quiet middle agcd ~new. yct eosts ]eýs than niew furi- rnepltyadalrg se ,c astie United Church for their NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Gond, couple, non smokers, abstainers.TCNIIthe îrd o bcnîiiî-e. For samples and inifor-- quanîtity of houseliold friu tve and remembriince last for- kind message of gond wishes anld substantial warkmanship, reliabil- Within twn or three blocks of the South Durham Artificial Inisciin- mat'on caîl 994J, Cshawa. 12-I1"Tri ah e il.Sl -- ever." 10 aIl fricnds who sent the greatity, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Bowmanville Post Off ice, or ato-ni. Aplcns-lae --n--ah.S~bii.Saea -Sadly missed by Moud, Olive. number of cards of congratula- Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bow~- would consider roonis over store, contact E. A.' Sumners, Agricul- 1 EASTER Novclties for those Ens filmr MriTheron Muntioc lerk.2 Bert and grandchildrcn. 12-1 titons. 12-1 manvi île Cleaners. 7-tf Caîl Editor James. phonec 663. tural Representative, Bowman- , Cr i' pties. xide assortmeni i EmrWibroacioer. 1- ville, Ont. 1- suitable gifts for every occasion._____ Elliott, Variety House, opposite MAN for sîeacîy rave! among i G arton's. 12- i r Tue 'icrs'gtned bas received consumers in Dur-ham iCounny.Dl F. instruictions to seli by public auc- Permanent connection wiîb large SEE vaur Durham (taîmers) inon tor the Estate of the laie manufacturer. Onîx' eial Countv Co-Op. for farm supplies, ideJ.T wiLt1,Cn bustier consiclercd. Write Ra feeds. seeds, fertilizers, spray mn-Drigon owspetad ieigh's Dept. ML-C-140-131, Mon- ferial. Sec our catalogue or con- north oi Enniskillen 1 mile, on treal, Que. 1(0-4 suIt the manager-. R. Gianville. audy ac 7 ulIi _______ Orono, Ont. Phone 37-1. 9-4*;JStraMrh2.Afl~ln ______- r -on farmr implements, 17 head af F o Sae ~CHENILLE BedEpre ;'s -Maniu- Shorthorn cattle 20 pigs, soin For Sale hy f~acturers 1948 scî,mpls offercd at fecd. îalsoa quantity o oshl T EN DE Rl's iban factorvNmost. Close rope eficcs. No reserve. Termis cash. a bay cenile i \vie rngeSale at 1 pin1. T. S. Mountjay, nio colors and designs, clearing at cek e akoacoer SELDtneswl crcie .F. Morris Ca. Special $9.85, 122 SE A L EDh e nd er w li b r ce1 $10.95 nnd $14.95. 12-1 _ _ _ _ hy te udcîsigned l ntil ibe 3 Isi _____________________ aY ni March, 1948. for the pro- FOR vouir Spring clcaning (ail aigsl isfrM.Hr icîrtN on the east side nfi l\Iain St.. the Fuller Brush main, a compiete îry Rabs', Lot 22, Con. 2, Hope Q)rono, foî-merl.î occupied hI' tbe ne af al bausehoid needs; alsoTw.for ils eta Pt -ie Feî-îî Cbapman. This property personal goads ai ail kinds. Try Hape, on No. 2 Hîghway, will sel las a wvhiteIronie bouse Of 8' our new shampao and hand lotion. b ulcacina hrdy nom onil ii a ieegarei Ethen Jones, Newtonvilie. Phone Marcb 25, at 12:30 p.m. sharp, 35 n pdio I apitmn.Pos- Clarke 721. 12-2* Durham cattle; 20 pigs: 500 bush- -- -suon ma 'hv bci May 1sf, 19-18. -_______fgrain;_______DJohn_____ nash n'tnu.-gbs r n R-LITE lamps-Saie ai beauti- esa ri;mdlDJh er ;.-rder niinccssarly accepied. fui ne\wîaînps. many witlî genu- tatr nrbe;3fro rc Dated Marcb 9ilî, 1948. L. Stanleev me m&e'ble bases, plated in Tiff- tar piow; 32-50 Gaddisan thresh- Chapman. 11l-2:,*an Bronze, manufacturer'scler- er with 16 ft. elevator, aIl in ex- an ce ai, 40 per cent off. Complebe a odfr ahnr.Frfr Real Estate For Sale îamps with assarted shades at F. jOf god facm macbinery. For for- geF. Morris Ca. $15.85 te$9-5 ther particulars see bills. Terrms BUILDING lot for sale, 56'x131', 12-1 cash. Willard Lord, clerk. Jaek i// Reid, _________________Il-.,_ 138 Liberty' St. N. Francis Wil- N -Riacine.1- liams, phone 2775. 12-1* NEW baby carniage $19.50; chrame ____ ___kitchen chairs $6.95; triiight lamps tHOUSE-Six roams andi bath, complete with shades $14.95. As Of Saw Mill, Equipment, 4 trucks, 10 CLEANS, REFRESH,, SMOOTH. -.-"' frame wiîb insuî-brick; smalî building bas been sold we are aIl kinds ai wood sawing equip- barn, garage and lot; south side forced to vacate aur store raom. nient, 2 steel semi trailers, dozens of Concession St., Orono. Appl, i unir ne ilb nda of chains, saws, splitting axes W. A. Reid, Orono. 11-2,' bargain prices. Murphy's, Phane log loaders, 300 card of wood, 201V 811, Bou-manville. 12-4* ft. ai lumber, 50M ft. of lags, 50( FARM-Consisting ai 166 acres. OSHAWA'S new furniture store- posis, 40 horses, including seven with bydro, on paved rond; also Everything in mqden. Chester- matched teams, harness. farmn ma- 200 acre farm, without hydro; al I field, bedl-aom and dining room chinery, 3 buildings, eté., the pro- bilngsApn st, if irso Posss- suites. arnd studios. Bedding and perty of Allan Hall, ta be held on sio ArilNs, ifsl.Ifiter,- floor caverings a specialty. Qual- Station Street, Orono (Durh'am SkI LTIN sied write or phone Norman W. ity merchandise at competitive County), on Tuesday, March 23rd, Malcolm, R.R. 1, Buirketon, Ont.I prices. Before buying visit Brad- at 12 o'clock faon. Terms cash. ARC"..I Phone 191 r 3 Port Perry. 11-2* I e M,,,,s Anvone wishing te nurchase P fThe CANADIAN STATESMAN Classified Advertîsîng Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANKS - $.00 per insertion TN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 Plus 10e a line for verses Pei insertion NOTICES, ÇOMJNG :VENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. ýash Rate 2c amword (min. 35c). Must be paid before insertion Articles For Sale S3TANDING cedar posts. Mrs. L. Sharpe, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. 12-1 11933 DeSoto Coupe. fair condition. Apply 209 King St., after 6 p.m. 12-1 * CIRCULAR saw equipment for Ford-Ferguson tractor, in good condition. Phone 2840. 12-1 1932 Chevrolet Coach, in good condition. 147 Elgin St. E., Osh- awa, Phone 1915 W.- 12-1 13-DISC drill, Massey-Harris. in gzood condition. Roy VanCamp. Phone 2310. 12-1* COLEMAN gasoline stove and ov- en in good condition. App]y 27 Liberty St. N. 12-1 SEED grain, Erban, Beaver, Ajax oats ail mixed with barley. F. L. Smith, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. Phone 2157. 12-2* DODGE truck, 1938, stake body, iAI shape; seli or trade for car or Llvestock For Sale NINETY young liens, laying; a quantity of hay. Phone 2778. 12-1 THREE Hioistein springers. Oliver McCu]îoch, Lot 85, Con. 8, Dar- lington. 12-1* TEAM of good horses, seven and eight years old. Roy VanCamp. phone 2310. 12-1* TWO fresh Holstein cows, five years old; one mare, four years old. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3823. 12-1* ONE Shorthorn bull. 11 nmonths old: one' good work horse: one 12 h.p. gas engine. Appl 'y Doug- las Cole, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2125. 12-1 EXCELLENT Durham and Ayr- shire milk cow. due to freshen April lst: also six good kitchen chairs. Apply Allan Dickie, En- niskillen. 12_ 1* PUREBRED Clydesdale mare, brown with popular white mark- ings, sîred by Premium A stal1- ARDENA CLEANSING CREAM À. Afeailéry croam fr horougli cleonsing . .. 1.23 te 7.00 ARDENA SKIN TONIC . . . to h. pated on briskIy after clom- ing ... 1.25 te 9.75 ARDENA PERFECTION CREAM . .. a rich. luxurtout *moIlent f« cll skins . . . 7.50 ond 12.50 ARDENA FLUFFY CLEANSING CREAM . .. for oily ski; ve wl itiri tonic . .. 1.25 te 7.00 ARDENA ORANCE SKIN CREAM . .. for dry akn, used nightiy, its rich quotfaies seem ta giv e .skic,,wfiaf p needi ... 1.23 te 9.30 7011 ARDENA SWICIAL ASTRINGENT . .. lhlps tighterc Aaccid skits 2.75 end 4.73 ARDIENA VEKVA CREAM ... a delicute emolhnt te safeguord fin., smoôoth skmn ... 1.251. 7.00 ARDINA VEKVA CRIAM MASK ... a quwck pick-up for tired faces .. . 2.50. 6.00 ILUSION POWDER . .. th. famous precision blend.d powd.r 2.30, 3.30 CAMEO ILLUSION POWDER... te0 us. over Iuson Powder fi'- un ex- quiàituly tromperont effect, or ied clon1e for aen oiy îki ... .2.30,3.30 AUCTION SALE The undersigncd bas received in- structions finam J. H. Maleie- LOT 7. CON. 4. DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP 4 Mlles forth of Bowmanvllle, Mlle east of Salem School, on Friday, March 19 The iollowing berd ai Holstein caille: CATTLE Herd Sire. Glenariff Empire Gen- enal No. 1826()6, sired by Gaver- nor General Tensen 147081, dam, Piebe Segis Ormsby 391242. The d7m aI Ibis bull bas jost complet- ed a record ai aven 18,000. She bas aven 100,000 lbs. to ber cre- dit in 7 lactations. Haistein cow, 3 years, due about time ni sale; Holstein cow. 3 years, fresh ealf ai side; Holstein cow, 3 years, bred Feb. 19: Holstein caw, 2 years, bred Nov. 101; black caw, 6 years. bred Sept.; black caw, 6 Vears, milkiîîg good; Holstein cowv, 3 years, bred October 9, Holstein heifer. 2 yeans, vaccinated, due Octaber 24; Holstein heifer, 1i,2' years, vaccinated, due Oct. 9; Hol- 0stein beifer, 1 ½ y- ears, vaccînat- cd, duc Sept. 19: Holstein heifer, 11 'i cnrs. vaccinaled, due Juiy 23: Holsteinî lîcifer. 1 ý2 years, due Seat. 6: Holetein houfer, 14~/ years due Sept. 24; 2 Holstein beifers, vacciiiated. yean-old; Holstein bei- fer, vaccinated, Il montbs; Hoi- stein houfer, 10 montbs: beifer ealf antd- -0socker yearlings; Reczis- tredHolsteini bull Glon Au' Rg Apple Master No. 197791. born Oct. 17, 1946; s're. Smith Haven Hard Rock, No. 171085: dam, Glen Air Carol General. 579741. The dam of Ibis sire madle a 2 year re- cord ni over 11,000 lbs. nt a 4 per cent test. These heifers and cows are bred 10 Glenaniff Enmpire General. I bereby make the offer ai $20.00 for any beiler calves that there may be by Ibis bull. HORSES Bay geldiîg uising 6 years ap. 1500 lbs.; browuî marc rising 5 yeans, 1500 ibs.: brown mare, 12 years; black horse. 12 years. 11KV Approximateîy 20 tons ai well, saved red claver and nifalfa hay. SWINE Sow, due Apuil 17. Gurney kitchen range, 3 ycars nid, gaod ns new, with hat water fronît and u'eservoir. Terms Cash, No Reserv'e Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 12-1 LIVE STOCK SALE 200 CATTLE 5 HORSES 25 PIGS the property af E. A. Werry ENNJSKILLEN, ONT. Sale will bc hcld at the Haydon Farni, Darlinglon Township, 10 miles north of Bo'smanvllle, 1%3 miles <'ast of Enniskillen, ai 1:30 p.m., on Friday, Mardi 26 HORSES Matched teami colts. 3 i cars: geid- îng, 3 years; gelding, general pur- pose, 3 years; bay mare. PIGS Ntimber af sows and suckers. Saws due time af sale. 200 CATTLE wiIl be sold in Iota ta suit buyers. These cattle are weil wintered, and are ail bcd breeds, carefully selected from. Hereford, Durhain and PaIled Angus Herds, averag- ing in weight fram 650 ta 900 Ibs. We will deliver cattle, roads per- mittirg. Terpns cash. Sale at 1:30 sharp. Roy MeGilI, Clerk. Ted Jackson, auctioneer, 12-1 AUCTION SALE 1 have beeh authorized to seli by public auctian for Arihur Burgess LOT 23%3 Con. 2, DARLINGTON (1%~ miles east of Courice on Na. 2 Hlghway), on Chicks For Sale Sirncoe St<-S.. Oshawa, 46-tf saw"miÏ1 orequiprnent woulbce Te olow'e weii advised ta attend ibis large Tefioie TRADE-IN 3-piece cbesleniield, sale. For further particulars sec HORSES BABY Chicks, New, Hampsbires, $15. in good condition: kitchen bills. Anyane wanting bills write Percheron mare, 9 years; Perch- sexed and niixed, aiso cockerels. table, porcelain top, e5: 3-piece ta J. A. Reid, Orono, Ontario. eron mare (agedI; Pýercheron Phone Oshawa 161 r 3. W.J. studio suite, $49.50; kitchen set Jack Reid, auctioneer. 11-2 horse, 14 years. Clancy. 11- with buffet, whilte, slightiy used, _____Hoson ueArl arSesy PURE Barred Rock (same popu- batyprce $5950; Fwindla eberont milking; Jersey cow and caîf; lai-strin) nn Ne Ha stle oalstoe wtb ate irnt, The under.;igned auctioncer ,vil] Ayrsbire heiuer. 1 year old; Dur- larstain. nd ewHapshire Si19.50: kitchen chairs, $1,00. sl y.ule . . o Hryha efe eas olti x Barred Rock Crossbred chicks. Murphv's, Phone 811, BÔwman- Fser hv publ aution fon.arr' ad eiferi4'years olHoclfat AIl blood-tested. Try ibis popu- Iville. 12-11:Far, ngor Th ha3 llei non8,nd.esy4ersIcaft lar cross for hivbrid. vigor, rapid DalîgnTw. 3miesnrth aif sicie; Holstein 6 years due lime of arawth and sus tained production. SEED Grain-The best grades of Tyrone, one mile easi af Long sale; Holstein 5 years, due in 2 Hatches every Fridav-s o lcbs aites o h ihs al Church) on Wednesday, mnonths; Holstein. 7 years, due in free calendar. Don Gibson. phnne yields y00 must sow a variety March 24. bis firrni stock and i-3 iweeks; Ayrshire, 4 years, milk- Clarke 3811. Bnwmanville, Ont. suited to youn conditions. Oais: rplernents inclurling 18 Sliorthnrn ing; Ayrshire, 5 ycars, due time Beaer Beco, Cchr ad ahieo e rgistered: horseos s'le: lack cow, 7 years due in 3 12-tf iAjax. ni sale:nCateran btes0I Erban. Barley: Moncalm the new pigs and a ful une ni iarm ma- weeks. BRAY Chicks. Yoii'1l wani them leading sîx-rnw barlev, Barbai!, chinery :7 tons ni hay: 50 bags of' IMPLEIMENTS Ibis good pouitny year. March O.A.C. No. 2, Sunal,ta, spring pointoes: 100 buishels ai mixed Toboggan sieigbs; steel trucks cbicks get ia production with wheat. AIl seed truc if variety grain: .50 bushels of buckwhent; witb hay rack; grain bînder; steel Grade A larg.e, and gond body . witb high germination. You reap inîso sanie hnusebold effecis. Farm I rolier; hay rake: gang plow weight, that gel the extra cents what you snw-so sow the best. sold, Tif ceserve. Terms cash. (Imp. Jr.); gang plow (Kid Kan- per dozen ou- lb. Siarted chicks Gai-net B. Rickard. Phonîe 2813.' Sale ai 1 n.m. T. S. Mountjoy, I garoo> Massey-Hlarris seed drill; imnmediate deiiverv save fuel. fend 12-1 dclk; Clifford Pethick, auction- single plow; scuffler; moot pulper; and time. Agent F. L. Bvam., . -_--1 cen. 11-2 biarneFs: collars, bridles and mis- Tvroiic. 12-1 NEW Case bpy rnke: urE#-d M I -I olanciris articles. spreader: osed set oi dire bhan-au lç ale ai 1 p.m. Terms Cash. BABY Chicks, Nowe is the lime ta (tandenm); set pring baoth liai- TENDERS WANTED Fî mer Iilbur, aucbioneer. 12-1 place your order for Gairuiorth rows; Beatty Bras. steel stalîs on _________________ Chicks. These extra quality cbiCks hand: Beatty electnie pressure Personal are available in four pure breeds svstems: (Sw.iih's> Gmo-Mon Fer- i TENDERS INANTED FOR --___ and 3 crossbcueds. For seveinI ilizer: Oil brooden stove: used c ar. IIALF TON TRV('K SLENDOR Tablets are- effective. seasons ruow \ve have had repent radio: wine fence: steel posts: barb 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks S5, orders ironi the sanie customes. ire: steel irims: rubben tines for Clarke T nsi k aîlîiui for ai Juî v & Lovoll andMGror Wby nat plinne Barron's, H1 p cars or tractons. W. H. Brownî, rtenders for the purclînse ni oneic Drug Store. 12-1 ion at 2420, for cumplete prices Case Deaier, Phone 497, Bowman- new hall-ion truck, equipped with --- - and information. 11-4<' ville. 12-1 six-ply tires for rear wheels. H Y G I E N I C supplie: (ru',',(-r Tenders te be sealed and in the gonds) naied postpiaid in plain C ustom Work More than a million Canadian bands of Joseph J. Mellor, Orano, sealed envelope with pricr'b 1 ________ - -_____homes depend on a stave fAr Ont., ual later than twelve noon,j Six samples 25e; 24 samples $ 8; LOGS sawed \vitb drag saw. Ap- heaiing equipment. April Ist. 1948. Mail Onder Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ply- Nelson Rabbins, Hampton.' Plan uLr new plumbing in- Lowest tenders ruai necessarilv ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Phjone 2349. 12-. 1 sînlatians uîow. acccpted. 11-2 10-9 JURY & LOVELL Yovr Rrxcrll Drug Store THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIG imArý-V IMTIRMMWIPIL-f 1