.-.-x mi .- - "Durham County's G.reat Family Journal" C UN IL UPS TOWN TA RTE BY IX IL FutureCanadin ProseriayHospifal Report Shows Habits anâl Home Life of Dirds Horsey Block Sold Dee urSholadCu y Icreased Services Toidw ' r1n To be ModerClue Viewd Wih Ral Otimsm'But LargerDeficit "" mn a Ua lbBy OshawaBuyer Rt nrae oc oni V e e ihR a pi »The annual meeting of the By Naluralist Alex Kay Bowmanviile Town Council Was £111 re Bo wmanv ilie Hospital Board was ____4 -natif ied on Monday that the Hor- 1111111n By C n d a u p a e eld in the Council Chamber of At the March meeting of the sey Block xvas sold to Art Walker,-m B y Canadian Club Speak tMah 16. PHlic ituesvein the ClubnvflleWine on'sanarins udenSrigeffected by E. G. Disney. Oshawa Meeting in special session o-mn flx' nfu qa Speaking before the Men's Can- ed prex iously in The Statesman. far fti o 1, municipal Hall, Monday,th large gatîieringFodsrangt.B mnvleTw aietsoApl14.n 16 adin Cub f awmnviîeFn- Mr Brkîsna rcaled isservice wvas manifested in a total that'came through the ramn foundS en the property. Mr. Walker will Council passed a by-lawfxigSp.8adNv17SoLdan day evening, March 12, R. C. Ber- long association with Bowman- of ten citizens, ail of whom were a wealh of sunshine in the ad- Soufhen nfri take possession immediately~. the 1948 tax rate at 47 milsan ntlîet tbcpion r kinshaw, C.B.E., vice president ville since the early days of his idenified' with the hospital or- dress of the guest speaker, A. C. Iu~ ~f In an interview following the increase of 6 mýIls ox'er the r-bfr u ae catc ilb and genera] managerGod ecmployment %with Goodyear and _______ador.Kante atrlsto Ptr transfer Mr. Walker stated that vious year. For w otspstadda'h rt f~ e T i an a e wd he C o p n y o f 1 c c m mp e n d e d n th e s p d iri t of m utu Rg e p o tis a w r k. K a v, y o r . n t nat r . ai s o e ter- . c m e w th a r u h su - h e p la n n e u to m o d e rn ize t e e - L . C . M a so n , ch a irm a n . Fa c e o t r r c i n t e e f Canad ofaadeviewed theeconomic co e rin th a tiz hsad te d b- chairm an R. L. M itchell, W o n 's the birds of Ontario with that in- denly on M onday, M arch 15. FO- tire pre mnises alm ost im m ediately. Com m ittee, has worked c ni t- u il D c 31 w e 4 p r c nt il heaist fn ad a urin the pa t frcm the pcitizens and tHe H -ospital Auxiliary, Hospital sup- triguing familiaritv which makes lowing a prolonjged cold spell. a The ground floor stores will be ently to explore Every mnsfb de 0a 14 ae ea his optimismn of a great future for suggested that the common con- . 'ntendent, Miss Lenore J. Hard- ail his lectures a perennial de- mild wave set in on Sunrayta be fitted up for immediate rentaI. keeping expenditures to a.e-ig nad this country in alos eer cern for community betterment îng, RN., Fýinance chairman, Ross light. He toId of. the habits and followed by bright sunshine on The two upstairs staries will be sonable level consistent withfilI upi ae fe e.3 sphre hatmaks o g reesasxepiednths ecfu Stevens and property chairman, home lufe of the feathered friends Monday. which with a lake breeze canverted ino 9 modemn apart- municipal services. Thereut ex llcryattto pn snpresetinthaescur ren es sitonprgessifeed a irm ae J oe O'Neill. Detailed reports will we welcome sa casually without soon had rivulets of water seek- ments. Eventually it is planned is the lowest rate possibleisatof'peceteraenr bnpeenigte cur rgeso fee ir aeb'arried in next weeks issue taking mbt accaunt the great con- ing an outlet mbt main streams.topeamde fimharenyarmntorrcinteeoutl of ana a ene ail f om he or the eve m re eep r onc rn of The Statesm an. tribution they m ake ta civiliza- By nightfall the Crea m f Barley the building. The com plete statem i ni o he pa d standpoin~t of industry and manu- for the destiny of Canada and the Total expenditures for the year tion. Creek was in full flood and the The Horsey Block, located at 1948 estimates and particular f Sol h cn ntlmn facturing, Mr. Berkinshaw traced world at large. xvere $4827791. Total revenue Former Visit lower floor of Crcam of Bariey 67 King St. West, in Bowman- how rates aretomaderupaer s epi îhte is ntlmn events ieading up bo the late war Path to IVar for the year amotînte to $37,- MrKa mill under wae.Mubwt l h eo ntaeeî then the domestic expansions dur- For the past ten.years we have 833.14, ieaving a deficit of $10 -re inlocl cllas. raised on the assessment of2,aoe n esc- ing war, as background for a rea- lied in the shadow of a great ',77"91.1'8 spokeon the same subject at the autso pries loale celas. rvIlle, was given to the town by below. Thetoaamutoh adsunof prctwiIb MisseLon lb onee MedaohrgartHr Wlling 860,800, is $134,457.60, or e:atySol h hidisaîetb saned view of future expectatiors. catastropby. Today we live in Officers elected ta the148BomavileLinsClb otedut o brdge ave een t medi-the eath ofhberabroer aWillag. ian ogv rtpvr Hetrprse iande trngîyeoqu- te of thoentuarace. the BoerdONe:, Rs. Kyle Squairr ies ootda sm egh rc.Ti i1uhi cnrs h sl îpîeinwstatIofcet ogv atpyr omeon f ' e et ilh l entewrin aofengersof -history o h ua ae %eJeONil osStevens, C. G. in The Statesman and il created to othrdistricts in Ontarlo. Pic- entire proceeds fomthe b loc k apleite ieo h onsfnne oedo t h orhis entwani o te anmachf1 ine nd e ri a merils c on- rMe , D. WlimTn tadgreat interest; so much so indeed tures in the diiypes.Wdne-w. j mcd o heeecinofPnate totalitarian ideologies.maciînesed te ris e ofa lsaron-MorrsD. Wliauenat nnbs t visit was wdely ,so h a n Sre e s- odo sed f n i or thile.eeto fa b~lm.n ansadson f2 Inroutin________bouh mrd anPen isrt h b-alt oies cnffoarwihte bv I n t r o d u c t i o n q u e r o rg ewh i c h vbr o u g h tomu r d e r a n ds B r a m p t o n u n d e r 4 f e e t o f w a t e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ President Howard Jeffery wel- torture tb millions of buman be- ilrgnd. In viewin of ourentrevbi-uE coe los eod ahrn SkiW awBianrokdbc report which is stili fresh in the an. cieî nohrcnre e oa SIAE,14 omedmsî a recrdateriA.gM.ings. eesxy Bitas in rocked ickBo wmanvie Simnso e rthis account xvil ing rcued by crews usingiLoalHospital Amount of Assessment Roilfr14.lal o i ats$,6,0 Hardy, consulting superintendent the onslaugbît until other frec ~ pbe limited to new sideligbts breeches-buoys. Oldtimers stil DEETUERE of Goodyear-Bowmanville, to in- peoples marsballed their forcez to Clbi . sUpbrougbt out on bis subject at the tbefre he eothaesr motrN wLse nDbnue rnia n n. aal n14 2193 troduce Mr. Berkinshaw. Mm. retain Ihat frcedom. We sa1w the Canadian Club. __________ Less: Hardy seized the occasion ta ask fulfilment of a common cue Su c cessful Season Mr. Kay declared that if the c il 8- legry School Debontures and inres 7424 a dozen Goodyear members ta then the dread aftermatb of hun ____ nbird wbich had already LUJ I i.uijrWaewksDbnrsan îtrst . 467 tr ïdatoally destroyed several import- Newsboy Attacked____ take a bow. Teinuddp es-gm ci nd dire want aong Fifty members of the Bowman- ant secies, was continued to the Loses Collections The March 6 issue of the On-_____ ident Jeffery, secretary Harry 1 ýIin released from oppres- ville Ski Club wound up the sea- dsrcino h hl idFotgeTxs.-- - - - 7310 Cryderman of theeCanadianoClube w hole bnsdario G azette outlines the regula-$ 153 0 7 $ ,3 0 7 Crdra fteCnda lbsien.I son last weekend at their ski run .vrd$he 16rae,809.12n Hrl raaae12tesmaeudr h ule o-Tta aal together witb Charles Cattran, The speaker suggested that one in the bilîs back f Haydon, witb xstrorrd e han race un erpot Y d o C 1ie fodiceaam, ae 12 liontadct.ndr pthe Pbl os g- TtaCpyal supt.. Goodyar- Bowm an ville, j. of the difficullies for Canadians a series of competitions quite in etfo r more tuh an eemn yarson.repote o Cief o PolieSiny laionAd.eor purosestaofare As pCOUNTY RATE O'Neill, Jack Reynolds, J. F. Nic- 10 get a true perspective of the parallel with the mucb morevening kerson, Sidney Little, Mayor of xorid situation loday was the tent ions metropolitan clubs. AI- 1.' was conceded by scientists that that be bad been set upon by' listed in seven groups. PBI Bowmanviîîe, and others whose comparative domestic security on- tho0 the Weather wvas mild thore însects worms and slugs, freed three voutbs in Loyer's Lane. off Graup "A" comprises eigbt hos- Public School requisition 618 naesecae te eore. ejoeddrigth aran hexassffiin nwto run off from aSttack fo idwudLbry S. hrî fe ukplI;fu nTrno w nDebontume, principal and intcet 5554 disens ~ithth bîgrpbyofhig lvelofindstialprspe- bc vets.ngodfom Mn on.ur -ail the green-growing and robbed of over $20 in cash, London, twoin Kingston. Group ____ the guest-speaker sinco il appear-, (Continued on Page Seven) vstors xatched the proceedings life of nature and beave man ber- is week's collections as carrier "B" taes in 36 hospitals accord- frm h e grandstand which con- eft of subsistence, hence doomed boy for tbe Toronto Daily Star. ing to bed capacity. Among these Less overlevv, 1947 --- fmsited of a long stretch of cedar to deatb through starvation. According to the young news- are Oshawa Gencral Hospital with - 5827 oard o Manag ment F r Rinkrail fencing. 25 Free Enterprisecrbe boy ho was attacked suddenly by a total bed capacity of 155 and a Total payable 2,728$ Bo r fM n g m n o ikTecompetitions started aI Following this arrestin g tbbctth trio wh'o beat him btb te public xvard capacity of 62. HIGHSCOLRT 10 ar. ihaot2cotsatte speaker wenî on to dsrb ground and tome bis clothes con- Gorup "C" takes in the follow- High Scbool requisition $4140 ounci m~~~n the cross-country run. Win- bird life in ah .itsaaigahr siderably in searching for bsihloa'optas oeroo 3Dcbenture, principal and inccs------6806 Retiid h o n i cion noms in the men's event weme: 1, oc 0tepicpe ffe n nioney, Hoexvas unable 10 identify cpct,4 ulcwr:Lnsy 1046 _____Cbuck Fletcher; 2. Jack Tait; 3,erpre. Tohe pralel witfrebenhubis assailants other than that they 54 and t, 2;portlHe 5aLndsa22; Howard Sturrock. Ladies: 1, Bel- tmanrsewasTheracle hwingthatu were mtîcb larger and stronger Coo4 2 and 1 ot o4; 5 wanv .1 Less overievy, 1947------------1 .2 lled imb special session Mon- cil before any building contracîs tv Knox; 2, Dot Brooks; a, Marg birds wI ad n ol3'a sytm ofthan hiîni Coborg198and7 Witd4 os n aper- - 0933 093 anigbt Bowmanville Councîl are awarded. Voting agaînst this INichols. domestic government but all the Young Graham is a son of Mr. in the list. Tbe entime number Total payable ----- transacted an agenda of business motion were Reeve Baker and Following an intermissionfraenities that ge--with--it. They ýand 1lfrs- Thomas Graham, Liberty of bospitais in Ibis category is 78.GE alotas extensive a regular Councillors Jamieson and James. lunch the hoy's slalom was run had a police system, actuaries, St. North. Police immediately Others groups include Outposts, Expenditures: meeting and in same respects ev- Other business included the fol- off. Tbe winners: 1, Phil Finney; judges, a taxi system, family cem- seamcbed the area wbere the at- Group "D" 24 and Incurables. etc. Fire Department--------------.--- $836ff on more important. Chief in- lowing: 2, Bihl Harnden; 3, Gord Sturrock . eei s a d ce r dsi ci n e a k o c r e bu th al g d G o p nd G" 1 .P le P o ety --------- terest centered in the pasing of Board of Education wrote that Ladies: 1. Betty Knox; 2, Helen teetheri ees a ear disionofho- te occu mared but taleed roupD","rFeant"" 4. Pu lieprf -.- .___ 7500 y'eral by-laws, 0ne of which au- Lil wa'OshaaDirect Reliefesape.The-olic a2e200.00in trized a tax rate of 47 milîs for i - asimpossible to make any LeeS. saw; Mr ic-tCen tbne sexesageo ivis i rbvesthadgadnofe godateir ________and_________ the current year. This rate was reduction in 1948 estimates. ols. slalom: 1, (oniueDo ag Egt)thirivetiaio oebccae Jail and Fines Cemetery .-4000 struck after refusai of the Board Provincial Constable K owal .2, Ho ward Sturrock, 3, Jack Tait. Conclude Morality Rîads and Streets -- ------ ----2000( of Education to ho responsible for xvas grantod permisio erect Downbill race: Ladies: 1I Betty c '- Town SalaiesDprt------------------- ~300 the eut of $27.50 in their estimates official sign aI entrance t0 Town Knox; 2, Dot Brooks; 3, Frances o mufist anreai to rreeaom Case in Policean Departmnt ---------7,0001 was effected by counicil. Hall. G. H. Bîckle granted per- Roxve. Junior boys: 1. Ed. Bresl i_____Bn nîrs - .700 A furîber by-iaw provided for mission 10 remove tmee limhs at 2, Bll Harnden: -3, Ivan Wooley .. ..i, The sequel 10 the local court Telephones --2-0 payment of remuneration to the bis own responsibility. Sm. mcn's: 1, Jack Tait: 2H. xj sdVU U7 E. D. FuUlton, N. case iolving thmee wor-nen and Grants and donations- -------------1 0.0 Mayor, Reeve. Deputy .Reeve and War Assets. Toronto, ivore as- Knigbî; 3, Howard Sturrock A -tbiee mon on moraiity charges Discount pmepaid taxes ---------- -80.0 members of Council. The above sured that town wxould clean deh- A non-officiai ski jump was m.n t e Iw f,,~xas disposed of in a special ses- Civic -2600 two hy-laws were passed. ris from BTS proporty left from for mnembers wbo wished to riskA k Lly Pu5Il)isAh r A8Uinner ýon Friday. The eider woman Sundries ------- ---- ---------------.0.< A by-iaw for the erection of an t own's purchase of buildings after theirnecks. It was exciting and Î>rwsxmnb nMre e otnet----------------,0.< aena and the appoîntment. of a snow bas cleamed. resiîlted in only one pair of formatory. The eider married___ Boirtofand gesentading n aid kis.G oodyear wasGuest speaker at the banquet of daugbter is appealing ber con- Bostad ofeMandaig ntw a ie Grants Approved the winner. The entiire compot- Godea ou thîe Board of Directors, Canadian viction. The younger daughter, Receipts: on the table. Other'motions ac- The following grants ivere ap- ilion ivas pbotograpbcd h v Art ~av 'i Weekly Newspapers Association, a itîvenile, goes 10 the girl's school Cernetery --- 2,00.0 companied considcration of this proved: Bowmanx'ille Hospital Ilooper using hotb movie and sti' uUflI.IJ in the Chateau Laurier Hotel, 01-atCoug Tetremn Dog Tax , ..-~ 00 by-law, as follows: $1500., Public Lîbmary $800., Mrs. cameras and it is boped the vîews tawa, Marcb 11, E. D. Fulton, 'found in" were each assessed Fines and Fees------------ 00< Bor etitdGeo. Lvle $500., for attending ta will turnouot satisfactorily M anv Activities Progressixe Conservativo M.P.1 fines and costs amounting to $82.- Public Property Rentals- . 0<0) Moved by Councillor Mason. fire alarm calîs. Ah Sturrock was kind enougb I rom at mopresn .C.man h d a.5( Couneil bas ordered the re- Lictuese . b- ----0-< seconded by Reeve Baker thatl Moved by Reeve, seconded bv bo come ouI witb helpers Don Mcegrat ipresion mn the edi-ear mo val of fumniture from the suite PeatiesLaoruTxe Depuv Revethatempoyes ' Gregor and Len Knight andtby&Mmesf theGoya o tors cf the leading rural press of i involved and termination of the PeatsasDuTxs---------80.( the Board of Management be es- nd Styreets tha nteoe did a swell job in helping along &bOGun Club wbo pamticipated in Canada, when ho exposed the im- rental. IvsetIcm trce ntemte fexpondi- Roads andSresb rne n h Dominion Open cbampionsbîp minence of the communist threaî _________ tue rcotacsfo cpndtreIhaif day holiday on Saturdays, the u-iessof th day.__________ Provincial Goverroment Suhiy(bih)- ,6.( trorcnrcsfrepn ituexcp neognis are. Tohe n easfr~teindoor shoot spansored by Do- Poica oenet o ta moneys in band. wînni mrgnisCrid. T es wandho pesfnled taheamin ion Marksmen were: Dcac Poica oenet odRbt -7500 Mov d b D puî R ex Al!- A ou l toin caniaed asithorizn g laten date, the plans ho ng to old Goddard, W . Goode, T. Gatchel, O rono B arrister$ 159 07 ,on, seconded bv Councilor Dil- cncltivsige semntang-pdceocmmemorate W. Shotter, R. Stacey, J. O'Neill Toapybl-$5,7.31 lîng, thel the' building site for the roll witb the aSsessor with a tmx ho close of the fîrst full season and P. Pattmick. Tbougb flot in Aw reifiiiKC Debete Rate S16,80.2e . iî elzn 6887 arena must bo approved by Cotmn- (Contînued on Page Eigbt) I of the Boxxmamiîle Ski Club. the top scores the team g'ave aTh olwnntieaprsnCutyRe$2, good account of tbemselves, con- the Ofarloinoaeteeppars 6Culty hRate - --$25,10.0a . iî cizn 5150 sidering a number of the îeams teOlraGzte ac ,jPbi colRt 2828a . ii chzn 5772 entered have been sbooting for 1948: "His Honor t]eLiut-Higb Scbooi Rate -$10903 I38mlsrcizn 0810 d ears wbile the local boys have Governar of Ontario bas been Genl Rt 5,3.0a 95mlsreiim 5756 C linies are M ainstay in A iding Crip pied been organizod onv two yas pleased to make the following aa muto assmn al ota o b itn."Richard Ruddock Wadd eO1l]Toat47milîf ss ealzn t ri$ 3,476 On Fehruary 81b a team visited ~ arse-tLwa rono, On -_______ __________________________ New Toronto Veterens' Rifle Club - tario, ta ho one of His Majestys ~ fr asbolin mtchwbib m- k~'Counsel learned in the Law far sulted as foliows: the Province of Ontario." I Fimst round: Boxymanville, 474 TeSttsmnafes ogr IFcimiePpr inTrig at r. Nw arnt, 41 1.Thue tio o sntimfecomnt p M .e o n o udiN w T o o toIl.v 1 0 a h n m e o w a v il1_e T e d r ve1o p lr1v n 4 T- 2; B w xi i e, 467 1 - 9h S h o r d ae ( 90 ) . I J r a i mA xm~ sî c sf l bi g a ~~~ h~im which score bbe participants part which the press cen play i ol hag etinyo thet ir rn sabonbnpretytakn h ulcfrisgn - . - . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of the shoot do n t know , after I e s m g i a d f n and pr - lives. legible, and the eadings ppe ar a s s p o t c m iî o x r s A creo mr cîio reo- Id hlde nein id om op araîse $170,000 n their ahi targets are tallied the envoi- tsrugl odfn r ti rAtsed or trentei saiey orpeent asec orkrsrre sppliddfgbt o alevile cippingpond- op ierpend anrt}e shote who vo fcedm. Oficrs fr Ibs tam wre n lagenypearstes atypeeeg- hoe asl onenthens cfIbi -ieontinOnafaorTimyBisscre neretlteiamed coeaigkanehemade Bas.Wilia HwkbawrCR. e1e eiton.Pitues ls acom cerate my h hlddccogtn CippledChildrn in eery pat or vsits oforthopedic epertsi"TmmyH.sSnowdenearV.Cthe.;alB.secraignopany Vthe.;te. raand are tgoodxtme- aseason.r C~ipledChidre inex~ry artor vsit oforîapedieexprtsshown dnring e recent xisiî to a 1xins the pool. This went ta Peu] Our freedam was bought aI the Chap., J. Lyans, Conductor: R. productions. It merely serves as;_______ of the Province. Othen cliiws aranged. Usmng -Timmv' as aj hospital ciinic, %wbile being ex- 1Tnerk. The coq~est was thar- prîce af sîruggle and bloodshed. Prott S.W.;. P. Murdoch, J.W.; an adx'ance copy of the paper operaîed by service clubs cail up- ri:v.ng sYmbol cf the Easter Seal amnined by Dr. E. C. Jenes as bis ougbly enjoyed and w-as a great Il cao ho preserved only bv con- 1 S Harding, and G. Andorton, wbicb is deiivred later ta the M.acin.Nra îmm aid or snrveys to discover crmp- Serx'ice Clubs and the Society Society nurse, look on. (Continued onPg Egt Coninuedj on Page Eighî) Reynolds, J.P.C.R. innovationadrltvsbrSna i . MTTMPP.1:? 19 qà VOLUMI Ap 13RR (,,OPV - eman BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 18th. 1948