TKUMSAY, MA2Cff lStI, 1948 W qA1ArA P V.A ~wA'nW Durham Nember Gives Radia Talk on Menace of Communià In a. radie broadcast over sta- tion CKEY, Tuesday, March 9, C. E. Stephenson, M.P., Durhamn County, very effectively deait with the latest development in the ieftist drive in Canada, name- ly, the decision cf the commun- ists to support the C.C.F. The tZXt Of the address follows: It is M; pivilege tonight to speak to yau for a short time re- garding matters that concern our nation. We ail realize that at ev- ery level of Government teday there are problerhs te be solved. 7ý-ît would also appear we are se busy endeavoring ta solve these W~ms we very seldom look at langer world picture and te what extent Canada is being in- fluenced by the vaiaus isms abnoad and that have naw infil- trated into oun country. It is my desire tonight te speak ef two cf these isms in particular. Somebody once said that "Com- Munism is Socialism in a hurry."1 Well, I have no quarrel with that definition. It suits me al ight. You see I believe, as most of you listening te me believe, tbat both Cemmunism and Socialism are a menace. But because Com- munism is more "in a hurry" I think it is the greater menace. YOU MUSt remember that both Communism and Secialism mean the same thing in the end. The Russians themselves excuse their Communist dictatorship by saying that it is necessary now in order 1 to bring in the final st cialism. Mr. Coldwell, an ai tieman 15 110W the leaé Ce - operative Commo Federation, which c a leaves eut the termn" in its titie, altheugh it that political doctrni prebably say that he d vocate dictatorship. Very probabiy be dc though yeu can believe 1 say that a C.C.F. gc would bring negimeniz tape andi geveroment ence with large and sr nes and farmn life on a you would net dreamn a bati dream. Very 1 Coldwell wouid net call tatership. And perhapsv n't eithen in comrpari what would follew. For I assure you of cialism would net we: country, except ta makE prepare the way for Cor Andi the C.C.F, Pariý within it, this minute, speak, the seeds of Co: and destructian of everyl we caîl democratic. You know some weeký Buck, the leader of the ists in Canada-and, a, conceal their true natu the tîtle of "Labor Proe - isn't it a cuniaus ti these radicais like to red light under a protec 'An important part of my diet ever since my finst bas been Crewn Brand Corn Syrup. Now, that may right for a littie chanacter like myseif, but let me tel these grown-ups sure are lucky what with Mems themn Crown Brand Cern Syrup with se many of dishes. And she uses jr in her baking, tee, as a swc I can hardly wait until Frmaid enough te have some hot waffles or pancakes smerhened with '~ deliciaus Crewn Brand. If it's as good as ir is in my ceral- mlnmmm!"...... For years doctors have recem- .mended the use of Crown Brandi Cern Syrup as a satisfactory carbo- hydrate acting as a milk modifier for bocle-fed infants. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD...* __ MONTREAL -TORONTO Alto Manufacf of Canada Corn Starclt Red Cross Services include: Blood Transfusion, Outpot Hos- pitls, Aid te Sick ami Disabled Veterans, Treatment for Crippled Children, Disaster Relief, Nutrilion Sçervice, Home Nursing Courses, Swimming and Water Sa! ety, etc. hel? Weil, sonne week ago Tim j Buck announced that the Cana- dian Communists wouid hence- forth support the C.C.F. except, ilfi and remember this except, in those few ridings where they thought one of their Communist 4ate of So- candidates might have a chance. Weil, you know what that niable gen- means. It means that the Com- tder of the munists have their marching ord- onwe alith ers. Only, of course, they don't ar e f u il y march-they infiltrate. The Com- 'Socialism", munists hae secret members in it preaches the C.C.F. before. Now they're ne, would going to have more. The secret doesr4't ad- ceils of Communists are going to push for the election of office [oesn't, ai- within the COCF. They'll push cme when its policies further and further to lovernment the left. Eventuaily they'll take ation, red over from the amiable professors tinterfer- and theoretical brain trustees who ;mail busi- think they run the C.C.F. scale that I say they think they run it, of even in because I'm pretty sure a lot of ]ikeiy Mr. C.C.F. activities are already sec- I that dic- retly controlled by Communists we would- who infiltrated their organîzation ison with long ago. -We know how adept the Communists are at that sort this. So- of thing. We've seen it happen- ,rk in this ing in this country among many ze roomn or of our otganizations which are )mmunism. now under Communist control, ai- y carnies though most of their members are now as i anything but Communist. Why, ommunismn the other day while Parliament thing that was sitting in Ottawa, the C.C.F. had a littie party in Woodsworth s ago Tim House, the National C.C.F. Head- Commun- quarters. At it, they entertained ýgain, they students fromn Ottawa's Carleton ure under College. gressives" They passed around song sheets hing how printed on pink paper and they hide their asked the boys to sing a notorious .ctive bus- song called "The Red Flag," a re- volutionany song that says that they'il be.glad to live and die un- der the folds of the red flag. It's to the credit of the Carleton Col- lege boys that they refused to sing this sort of nonsense and stanted one of their College songsj instead. fi It seems to me the Commun- '5 I ists have alneady done some in- 5 filtrating right in C.C.F. Head- E quartens. We've scen it happen- W ing abroad too. Do I need to E mention Czcchosiovakia to you? j You have read the newspapens and you know that this gallant little country, one of the first vic- tims of Hitler's aggression, is now people voting for them.% But the Communists have ac-r hieved their purpose in Czecho- siovakia by, first, agreeing te work with the parlour pinks andé smof the democratic parties to tbotie f"orma government - then theyI ybe ail nudged the others eut of the gev-a ernment-and into jail. Pretty9 ell >you, soon now we'Il hear that fining serving squads have disposed of what f their they'll cail "reactionary ele- ments." :etenen. Yes, that sort of thing can hap- pen here too-if we give the So- cialists and the Communists evens S haîf a chance to get into power or to share in government. E Weil, what do the Communistsc hope to gain by seizing power inc this couintry. as they have in oth- er countnies? I think it's nothing Gmore than just a Iust for power one their part. They are the peoplea who are jealous of those who haved macle their smali successes in aurd scheme of societv which rewards hard worlk, savîings and enter- prise. They hate these peoplea who have been succcssfui. TheyS want te tunn them out. TheyS want to get the jobs at the top of the laclder by revolution instead t of by earning them through hard wonk and showing that they have the brains to hold them. Their appeal te the voters is that the working man is being cx- ci pioited. Now you know that in c( CB6 this day and age, with the trade c( unions as strong as they are, it is p( Thse work of mereg never ends... Give generoua4, to thse CANADL4NRED CROSS Donations may be lefi in Bowmanville ai: Bank of Nonireal - Canadian Bank oi Commerce - The Hydro Shop Carter Family Tea Bom - Joe O'Neill iplain nonsense to say that the workingman in Canada or ini the United States is being exploitedi Frankly, I know of only one 1country where the workingrnan is rbeing expioited-and that country Lis Russia, or I might add, Russia together with ber satellites! And Lthe people who exploit hlm are the Communists who have form- ed a new aristocratic bureaucracy with ail kinds of rights and priv- ileges for themseives and their families which the ordinary work- ingman and farmer is denied. I have some figures whicb I want to read to you as far as I have time. These tell how long a Russian workman - the aver- age workman in a Soviet factory, paid at the rate of two rubles and 41 kopecks an hour-has to work for the things he buys ini com- panison with the average Cana- dian workman who earns 84%c an hour. The first set of numbers is for Russia and the second for Can- ada. The figures represent the average c9st in hours of work in the two countries. 0 e White bread (l lb.) 1 10 0 61/ Best beef (l lb.) 5 15 0 34 1 quart milk 1 18 0 12 Best eggs (dozen) 4 57 01411/ I lb. butter 10 42 0 50 Tea (lb.) il O 1 10 Coffee (lb.) 14 6 0 35 20 cigarettes 2 4 0 25 1 bar toilet soap 1 39 0 53/4 And sa it goes. Fiv«ý Russian families byve in the housing space accupied by one average Cana- dian family. Russians would nev- er dream of owning moton cars, washing machines, vacuum clean- ers, bats for their women or ny- lon stockings for them. Why are the people in Russia exploited like this?. The answer is simple. First, they have an enormous, inefficient bureaucracy which runs everything - but whose chief concenn seems to be to provide soft jobs for its snoep- ers. Then, Russia has a huge se- cret police system. to spy on ev- erybody and to jail anyone sus- pected of saying that be isn't hap- py under Communism. Then, it bas an anmy to keep its own peo- pie and the neighboring peopies under subjection. And, finaliy, in the factonies and on the coliectiv- ized farrms, promotions and re- spansibility go flot to the good wonkman but to the good Com- mun ist. I don't want that kind of sys- tem i~n this country-and neither do you. Let's keep it out. Let's keep out any further infiltration. Let's make sure that the C.C.F. and its Communist allies neyer get to power. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Sunday visitons at Alden Gib- son's were Mn. and Mns. Clair Wickctt, Maurice and Beverley, Elnoy and Jack Gibson, ail Ôf Oshawa. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Glarvock and Ronnie, Newcastle. Mr. Cecii Maliey's sister, Mrs. Archibald White, Toronto, pass- ed away Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mailey, Grant and Wan- da attended the funerai on Mon- day. We extcnd oun sympathy to the beneaved friends. Mr. David MeReelis, Marion and David visited his brother, Samuel McRcelis in Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr. Arthur Gibson took his fa- 7her, W. A. Gibson to Torontoc General Hospital for x-ray exam-c nation and treatment. t t During the first nine months 3~ of 1947 Canadian production of a domestie hcating boilers increas- È ed 47 per cent over the same g period of 1946. 1 If fbroperly cared for, a piumb- ing system should last as long as the home, points eut the Cana- dian Institute cf Piumbing and Heating. ARE "NERVES" A SIGN YOU'RE GROWING Q.LD? Often as a woman appreaches middle life, ber nerves get bad, and she accepts this as a sign of age. But why Jet yourself become edgy, ruo-down-or s0 nerveus yeu cry witheut cause-ai agy urne in life? Fer nearly fifty years wise women have been meeting this situation happily - by getting ploty of rest, fresh air, wholesemee foodad by taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food te build them up. For the Vitamin Bi, iron and other needed mineraIs in this time-tested tonic help build up your vitality and aid in tooing up the entire sYstemn-so yeu cao face the future with confidence., Give Dr. Chase'. Nerve Food a chance te heîp banish nervous fears and doubts. ht helps you rest better, and feel better. The name "Dr. Cham." is your assurance. Jo SOLINA About 60 relatives and friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice Friday night to celebnate, with them their sul- v e r wedding anniversary o f March 15. Mr. Everett Vice was chairman and Joan Hepburn read an address while nieces and nep- hews presented the bride and groom with a studio couch and wall mirror. Beautiful bouquets of flowers were gîfts from their son, Murray and daughter, Don- na, and from Semia Women's In- stitute. A program of readings and musical selections followed, during which the bride and groom were cailed upon to sing an im- promptu duet, with Mrs. Everett Cryderman accompanying at the piano. Games were enjoyed and the happy evening concluded with a delicieus lunch, the wedding cake being iced and decorated by Mrs. Hilton Tink, sister cf the groom, whe was unabie te be present on account of illness. Ail their friends in the community add fond wishes te Clarence and Jean on this anniversary. Congratulations and best wish- es aise te Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kiveli who observed the 25th an- niversary of theif marniage on March 14, when tbey entertained friends at a dinner. A profusion of flowers, being gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson, Toronto, Selina Women's Institute, and other friends, decorated the din- ing and living rooms and a beau- tiful three tiered wedding cake centered the dining table. On be- haîf of the friends present, Ileen Baison presented Mn. and Mrs. Kiveil with a silver tray, cream and sugar set and candlesticks. Other gifts includçd a purse with three silven dollars and a two lb. box of chocolates from Mrs. Lamne Hoskin's and Mrs. Bruce Tink's group of the Women's Institute. Home and School Club will meet at the scbool Fnida' eve- ning when Dr. George Werny, Oshawa, will speak on dental beaith. Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Stanley Milison and Mary Cryderman, citizenship conven- ens, in charge of the pnogram. Harold Clendenen and Harvey Yellowlees assisted in the wenship service and as the main topic, Harvey outiined the duties of the officers cf a Young People's Un- ion. Stan and Evelyn Taylor gave readings and recreation was en- joyed. Library Board wishes te ex- press appreciation te ahl who con- tributed te the success of the dance last week. Net proceeds were $24.25. Hampton United Chunch circuit brotherheod wiill oid its final meeting cf the seasan at Hamp- ton Church, Tuesday night, March 23 . Mn. E. A. Summens wili give an iilustrated lecture. Mn. J. W. Yeliowiees and Wes Yeilowiees attcnded the funenai of Mrs. Robert McNickie at Ty- rone. Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis and Patsy entertained at a family din- ner on Sunday in honon cf thein uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Han- ry Westley. Women's Institute met Monday afternoon with Mns. Roy Lang- rnaid presiding. The pnogram. ioder the heading of Historical Research, was presented by Mrs. H{arold Pascoe and ber group. The roil was answcred with interest- ng current events. Mrs. Isaac' Hardy, Mrs. S. E. Werny and Mrs.! A. J. Baison led in discussions of the Better Farm Homes contest iealing with four questions on the pamphlet which bas been dis- tributed te rural communities. Mrs. Hardy played a piano solo aod also led in the singing of Ir- ish sangs and Mrs. Ralph'Davis gave a reading on the life of St. Patrick. Lunch with typical rimmings was served. Visitons: Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees with her' ister, Miss Ida Reynolds, Toron- Mn. and Mrs. Tennyson Pere- nan. Mn. Gardon Pereman, Ca- imbus, Mrs. Earl Innes and Ju- ith, Manchester, Mn. and Mrs. eorge Wilson, John and Paul, Dshawa. at Lamne Haskin's. Mn' haKsihrrg it e I NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane have returned berne after a visit with their son, Harry and family. We are sorry Mr. Lane is under the doctor's care. Miss Annie Nesbitt, Toronto, is home for a holiday. Mr. David Denault was home on Thursday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Eanle McEwen, (nee Florence Burley) on birth of baby boy on March 16 in Peterboro. The school beld another very successful social evening, Marcb 12. Games were enjoyed the ear- lpart of the evening, and danc- fig by th e younger set af ter lunch. Most lone hands prize was cap- tured by Jim Casweli; men's high- est score, Sid Brown; men's con- solation, Donald McLeod; ladies, highest score, Mrs. Hugh Staple- ton; consolation, Mrs. Fred Tuf- ford. Approximately 175 were. F00D FOR LESS A QUAKER COINFLAKES 2 ks HABITANT PEA SOUP Ti.oz12 VARNOUS BRANDS WESTONIS GOLDEN BROWN lb.24 SODAS "________13e__PURE WELCH'S 1 o. ALL PURPOSE OU -b21. GEAPE JUICE BtI.27e PUEITY FLOU Bag 37e< a 12 HORTENING b3, NUFFIN mil OGILVIE Pkg. 29< DONESTIC -*lb <PURITY GATS 48"-25< WITH NEW DETERGENT OR NG * '.l ]BIG 5 CLEANSER 2 for 13e NECTAR TMAORENE 1/2-1. 49< of the prograrn when she gave the bistory cf the task of giving us the "Bible" as we know It today. It was the story of unceasing work, self sacrifice and martyr- dom. Mrs. F. Gilmer gave a pi- ano solo. Keep the inside surfaces of your furnace free of seat to ob- tain maximum heat from your present and receipts $42.00. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robb, Mont- real, with Mrs. Robb's sister, Mrs. J. T. Pearce on Saturday. Also Master Allen Osborne and sister, Marion cf Welcome, and littie Joan Walkey who spent the week- end with their grandparents. W.M.S. met in the parsonage March 9. Mrs. S. Lancaster re- ported boxes cf milk were ready for Japan. This as since been sent. Plans were laid for a Good Friday Church Service. Secre- tary was instructed to extend in- vitations to Kendal and Shiloh, ase to invite Newcastle Auxili- ary, accepting their invitation to Newcastle. Newcastle te be giv- en an invitation aise for Good Friday. The Mission Band is te share in the service. Miss Ade- laide Harrison, retired mission- ary from China, is unable te be present and Mrs. (Rev.) Gardin- er of Canton, is te be guest speak- er. After the business peniod, IClOUSI S.r. hot as vog.oble or ALWAYS ASK FOR PINK SALMON MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNEI LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED DEANS- - - STAN DARD GREEN PEAS FOR CLEAN WALLS SPIC & SPAN OXYDOL CHIPSO« IVOIT SNOW« CANAY SOAP SAVW EVERYDA Y ANN PAGE OVEN FRE.SH MILK BREAD 1 Pkg. I1Q< OA~u uwNGES CALIFORNIA * Do. 21g D8 Il L NAVEL 344'1 TnBest for Juice 7-b. TXSMARSH 6 for 23< 2 25< GRAPEFRUIT TEXALSS 96s 9 ozEON IMPORTED FRESH 30's Dz British Columbia Winesaps for Pkg ~ APPLES Fancy & Extra Fancy 113's 29e inDU rM Ontario Northern Spy, 6-qt. ;l 2Pkgs. 57< ES Domestie Grade b ask. %V 57e < PPE Ontario Mclntosh Red 6 -qt, 65e Pk.MDomestic Grade b ask. Pkg.2< CBAE TEXAS FNo.1 GREEN lb.-6V Cakes IIIIO IMPORTED NEW CROP2 Ibs. 3 Ca<s23< C RR TS No. 1 2 19e *Tin £ No.1 New Brunswick 15-b. YOlE EST DUY A& P DOKAR CUSTOM GROUND COITEE LB SIC RICH FULL BODIED 2402Zlf LOAF 1o WHITE or BROWN s % ..v -- J5uwmAPTVUJE. OIqTAIUO à-àvum anrv-a- Vanel. O ý D,[ EL !/27 3 19e À & P FRUITS And VECETABLES Tin TIM CAIqAnTAW"MqTATP-qvAw- olmliblpd% -