44%n "Durham County's CGreat Family Journal" t4 tn _________________________40L11, - ---- ---- FOC rEK uu.>'ri 1N UJY1BflLR 13~KV9T Twelve Million People Have Mnue Billions in. Ready Cash' $*et Banks Worry About It George Moody, Manager a! the trol of this tremendous organiza- flowmanviîîe Branch of the Bank tion. Let us refer ta the Bank of Montreal, who delivereci his Act. classification address at the Ro- B.N.A. Act tary Club, Friday, flot only prov- The basîs of banking legislation ed ta be an able and informative i aaai on nScin9 speaker but achieved greate-- p in Canada riish forndhin ercionc9 UJarity than ever by disc'osingo! thegaveithe Not moneria c liw simple it was ta borrow mon-whcgaeteDmnoPri- ey from a bank. According ta ment exclusive legislative author- the general impression gained ity over 'Banking," incorporation J.rom the talk, the chie! worry ofo!BnsadtesuefPpr %anks today was the cu stody of Money four years after Confed- ovikr fine billions of dollars pres- eration, in 1871, the first Bank extly at the disposai of 12 million Act consolidated the various Pro- CLnadians, probably the greatest vincial banking laws and extend- per capita in the history of the ed the banks' Charters for ten world. years. The principie of granting Lou Dippeli introduced the charters for ten year periodis has speaker as Peel County's second been maintained, which h a s great gift ta Bowmanville, the meant that the act has been re- first having been Rotarian Len vised at intervals of ten years Elliott, now on the home stretch with possibly three exceptions. The revision of this Act is no ___________mere formality as the operations ~ ~of the Banks are then exhaustive- Ily investigated and discussed. There is perhaps na country in which the banking system is sub- ject to such sweeping controis as Sby parîxament under Canadian '~Legisiation. 1 think now, 1 should remark _ ~ generaily on the two most import- .>ant headings of Banking. First-Deposits. Deposits Invited What are deposits from the Banks' standpoint. First they are the life blood of Banking and don't let anyone tell you the Banks do not want depos- its. Secondly, a deposit is strictly a debt owing by the Bank ta ther public or to the depositor. There is a point of interest which may be mentioned here. Thie Banks' collectively pay intot a reserve fund with the Bank of i Canada to proteet the Savingsc George E. Maody Depositor in case any one Bankn should be compelled ta close its of 19 years perfect attendance at doors. Rotary. Mr. Moody came ta Bow- Next on'the list is loans. maniville in a more round about It is the business o! a bank ta c way. He started his banking car- make loans ta business people, a eer inýWeston with the Bank of for the purpose of their business, tl British North America and after when repayment is in sight with- b2 taking time out ta serve in World in a reasonable time, from liquid g 4Var I, he came home ta join th assets. e: staff of the Bank of Montreai and How to Get Loans 1. to, serve as branch manager at Perhaps it would be well at this fE sev4~ points before being trans- point to remark generaliy on a Ic -1 M t h ane onyO balance sheet submitted for a fi .Jtaio an. It is not suggested that a le Mr. Moody, who was limited as borrowereonform toalal the fol- P ta time, got right dlown ta the root lowing requirements but I men- a] of bis subject in the following tion these ta show the scope o! a pungent manner. He said: bankers' enquiries. is .'Let's get some o! the general 1. Character and capacity of n fits of C anadian Banks. the borrower. A good reputation e: 1ý IThere are 10 chartered Banks for integrity and business ability gi aperating in Canada with an over- is obviously necessary. su ail: 2. Proper accounting system st Capital paid up $145,'500()0() and comprehensive statements o! S. Reserve fund $181,750:000 affairs with full information as toaca Total deposits $6,860,257,017 extent o! capital-how it is em- afi Total boans $2,394:795:019 ployed-and the value of any col- Total assets $7,073,985,714 lateral security if this is ta be cc These are some of the more given. er selient figures of the Banks com- 3. Purpose and nature o! the O: iined balance sheets. boan.M You ask now where is the con- (Cont!nued on Page Six) 11 Important Function of Home Town Newspaper in ils Community Featured hy National Film Board e4 Membens a! the weekly press Canada from coast ta coast tog ther with leading figures in tl advertising field and public me] tiahs arganizations, met in ti Royal York Hotel, Tbursday a temnoon, March 18, ta see the fir formi showing o! the Nation Film Board production, "TI Homne Town Paper." The inviti tian ta the guests came joint' from the Canadian Weekhy New papers Association and the N; tioD al Film Board. The Manial inieDirector, C.W.N.A., W. E. M Cartney, arranged refreshmen and lunch pior ta the showingi the roof garden o! the botel. Th Statesman was represented k editor Gea. W. James and repar er A. L. Baker. The members and guests wer welcomed by R. A. Giles, editc Lachute (Quebec) Watchman, ar President C.W.N.A. He observe that we weme living in chalieng ing days when newspapers had job ta clo and the film emphasize, the importance o! the rural pres in shaping publie opinion. Pau îGormhey, epresenting the Fili Board, stated that the film spol< for itself in relating the commun ity ta the paper and the paper ti thé cammpunity. It was beig dis tributed amang same 40 cauntrie with sound arranged in severa languages. ]Fllmed In Vernon The scenes were taken in thg tawn of Vernon, British Columbia as _À1Lesenting a typical Canadiar naf~ ity. The views inchudec ail tVactivities centring in th( production o! a weekly issue a: the Vernon News together witl actian shots o! the people an th( streets and the surrounding count tryside. To thase familiar with the production o! a weekly news. paper the scenes were most real- istlc. To those wha weme reared in a rural cammunity and now Iiv'e elsewhere the views brougbt laci; the happy days of yauth. The film commentatar speaking aven the sound track was uniusu- ally effective ini bnînging out the (Continued on Page Six) Annual Recreation Conference fo be Held In Oshawa,_April 9 c In view of the fact that Bow- 1manvilie now has one of the best omranized Community Council progmams in Ontario, theme ib mucb local interest in the an- noal Provincial Recreatian Con- feence whicb is ta be held this year in Oshawa, Friday elening, kApnil 9. The chie! speaker at the civic dinner planned for the oc- casion will be Cal. George Drew, Premier o! Ontario and Minister o! Education. Delegates wiih be on hand from every past o! the province and many informed speakers will ah- 50 be heard wbo wihl disciose lat- est plans for this great commun- îty enterprîse. Mention o! this canference was made in The Statesman last week and many !mom town are planning ta attend the civic dinner. Another feature o! the confer- ence wili be the presentatian by the Whitby Chihdren's Theatre o! a Nomwegian Folk Play. This wihl be pot on at Club Bayview, IWitby, Saturday evening, Apnil 10.o It is hoped these dates will be kept in mind and plans made ta send a representative number o! people !mom this district ta these meetings. Anyone may at- tend' without an invitation fmom the Community Council. J TuIip Time Dance SIPlann.d by Club 15 The fi-st breatb of spring will come ta town an April 2nd (if tnot before) at the Club 15 "Tulip Time." The girls are wonking bard at the decorations which bromise ta bc better than ever. r oceeds o! this dance are ta go ta the Communitv Cotîncil. Don't miss -Tulip Tinie" with Club 15. Last Friday and Saturday Bowmnanville Badminton club played in Peterborough with other teams fromi this district for top honors in the Central Ontario Badminton Tournament. Above are the members of the teams that helped bring home the Ayres Challenge Trophy and four other championships. The girls' teams were rcpresented by the group at the left from left to right, front row: Miss Marie Moise, Mrs. L. VanDriel, Miss J. J. Mellor Direcior Newly Organized Lake Shore Ass'n. Representatives of 60 Ontario municipalities came together in Toronto, March 10, ta take part in a conference o! the Lakeshore Conservation Association. It was the largest gathering o! its kind in the history o! Ontario and was convened ta discuss ways and neanýs of controlling the rapidly ncreasing lakeshore erosion along the St. Lawrence system. Watcr diversions ta accammo- date Hydro developments have so altered lake levels in recent years bhat shore land at many places is being tumbled inta lakes ta, cause great danger ta properties form- erny well back from the shore le. Many speakers at t.he con- ference presented stated cases o lss and urged action on three fronts. That is fonds ta be al- )cated equaily by Ottawa, the Province and the municipalities ffected. Hon. Dana Porter, Ontario Min- Ster of Planning and Develop- ient, was one o! the chie! speak- rs. He revealed a complete Irasp on the situation. It was iggested that the Ontario body aould affiliate with a similar U. .A. association which has been itive for some years in the Ni- igara district. Local officiais attending the onference were Reeve A. S. Bak- r, Bowmanville and J. J. Mellor, )rono, township clerk of Clarke. [r. Meilor wvas elected ta the di- tctarate o! the association for '48. Reunion Planned By 'D' Co. Mad Midlands Ai Orono, April 3rd The officers, N.C.O.'s and men o! -D" Company, First Battalion. Midland Regiment, have complet- ed arrangements ta hold a reun- ion in the Onono Armouries, Sat- urday evening, April 3. In ord- er ta accommodate as barge an attgndance as possible a bus bas been chartered fnom Gart on Coach Lines ta leave the bus de- pot at 7:30 p.m., etumn fane 30c. The committee in charge of the arrangements-, witb true mil-itany ability in scounging and conniv- ing, bas planned success!ulhy for appropriate refreshments a n d general ententainment for the ev- enin-g. It wilh certainly be a gen- uine get-together. Sa came out and meet your aId buddies ta chin, chat and bend your elbow. Fay Fry, and Mrs. S. R. James; back raw, Mrs. L. W. Dippell, Mrs. M. Breshin, Miss Betty Flaxman, Mrs. E. Oliver and Mrs. S. Candien. The men playing for the club are an the right, front row, Stuart James. Allan Osborne, Jack Bnough. Dr. Howard Rundle; back row, Arnold Anderson, Bob Kent, Bihl James, Gord. Flaxman and Dr. Charles Austin. In front o! the groups are a few of the trophies bnought home. For*t!be second year in succeg- Mr'. and Mrs. R. Baker, Peter- sion Bowmanvihle Badmin tao n bora, defeated Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Club tied with Peterbora for pas- James, Bowmnanville. t session o! the Ayres Challenge Mrs. L. W. Dippeil and Allan Trophy in the Central Ontario Osborne, Bowmanville, defeated Badminton Championsbip games. Mis L. Karen and R. Kinton, Osh- 3 The match was beid in Peterboro awa. a n Friday and Saturday with Mixed Doubles-Finals large representations from ah the Ms .W ipb n la club in he istrct.Osborne, Bowmanville, de!eated The Baowmanville club did well Mr. and Mns. Robert Baker, Pet- in winning individual champion- erboro, 17-14 and 15-4. ships . AI Osborne and Jack Lde'Duls-eiFnl Brough won the Men's Double's LaisDabe-e-Fal Championship, Gardon Flaxman O'Donoghue and Baker, Peter- and Bob Kent won thb Con.sola- bora, defeated Mrs. M. Breslin tian Men's Double's Champion- and Miss Betty Flaxman, Bow- ship. In the mixed doubles Mrs. manville. L. W. Dippell and Allan Osborne Koren and Hopkins, Oshawa, won the cbampionship and Mrs. dcfeatcd Langley and Shields, L. VanDriel and Dr. C. J. Aus- Peterbono. tin won the consolation title. Ladies' Doubles-Finals At the conclusion o! the cbam- O'Donoghue and Baker defeat- pianship games on Saturday tro- ed Hopkins and Koren, Oshawa, phies were presented by Alder- 15-4 and 15-3. man Dick Raine representing the MxdDulsCnoain Mayor. The president o! the Cen- Fixnaou ls noain tral Ontario Badminton Associa- Fnl tion, Cli!! Palmer o! Oshawa, Mns. L. Van Dniel and Dr. C. J. tbanked the Peterbono Club for Austin, Bowmanville, defeated the excellent job o! arranging the Miss Fay Fry and Dr. H. Rundle, taurnament. Bowmanville. Trophies and pictures o! the Men's Doubles Consolation- Bowmanville teanis are now on Finals display in Mason and Dale's win- Gardon Flaxman and Robent dows. Kent. Bowmanville. beat Jack1 Listed beiow are the results a!f Roughley and William Legge, the vaniaus games starting A thte Oshawa. semifinals: Ladies' Doubles Consolation- Men's Doubles-SemiFinals Finals Ah Osbonne and ,fack Braugh, Miss Doris Fenner and Mrs. Bowmanville, defeated Watts and Ralh Charlton, Peterboro, de- Drynan, Peterbaro. feated Miss Joan Shier and Mns.t Baker and O'Donoghue, Peter- Orma Penny, .idsa.1 bora, defeated Charlton and John- The Lew Ayres Challenge Trophy c stan, Peterboro. Peterboro-26. Men's Doubles-Finals Bowmanville-26. AI Osborne and Jack Bnougb, Lindsay-l.r Bowmanville, won against Baker Ontario County Flying Club, o! and O'Donoghue 15-3 and 15-9. Oshawa-5. _ Mixed Doubles-Semni- Finals Genenal Motors, Oshawa-3. E The Hydro Blackouis Suspended This Week The new Hydro chairman, R. S. Saunders, former Mayor o! Tor- onto, announced earhy this week that the power biackouts o! ne- cent weeks will be suspended for the time being. Lack o! ehectnicai enengy was attnibuted ta shontage1 o! water power due ta baw ramn-j fail last flu. Witb the recent !loods aven most o! Eastern Canada thene bas Dis tric t Deputy Durham Siudenis Win More Honors At Kempiville Show The annual Royal Show held amnong the student body of the Kemptville Agricultural School recently, was the keenest on re- cord according to reports that have appeared in the press. It follows the tradition at the O.A. C. by testing the talent of stu- dents in livestock judging and exhibiting, in craft work, engin- eering and general proficiency along the lines of the curriculum. Durham County students plac- ed well at the Kemptville show. Competition was particul a rIy keen in the livestock classes. Charles Langmaid, of Hampton, came first in showing lambs and went on to lead ah the sheepmen. Wes Huis, Enniskillen, won top honors in the Clydesdale filly class. Bruce Taylor, Solina, came first in judging Oxford ewes. Jack Green, Nestleton, was tops in ag- ricultural engineering and was in the class of four that won the an- imal husbandry exhibit. Good Friday Service Ai Trinily Unifed Church Passion Week is alwvays a time for deep meditation on the part o! Christians. It is a beant sear- ching peniod and a soul stinring occasion. It has that within it w-hich meets eveny mood af man and touches every need a! human life. It is the necessary prelude ta a gloniaus Eastertide. Good Fniday with its commemorable climax throws a boiy light on ahi our problerns and pnesents ta us self-.giving and everlasting love. Bning your life, its, problems and needs ta the light o! the Cross. The annuai Good Friday ser- vice will be beld in Tninity Unit- ed Chunch, Bowmanville, at il s.m., Friday, Manch 26. Apples Restore Order In House of Çommons Chanhie Stephenson, M.P., Dur- ham Coonty, set a precedent in he House a! Commons recently wben be presented each member vith a Durham County apple. He Lid it for twa purposet ") ne- tore order in the HouseLoid to boost the demand for the tI ap- îles in the world gmawn in the best district. Last week bis example was fol- lwed by Tom Reid, Liberal mem- ber from Bnitish Columbia, Mn. Reid gave eacb member a B.C. pphe with a card: "You bave ried the rest; naw try the best." He also stopped the noise in the [ot;se but heft members uncon- inced that B.C. appies were bet- er than the Durham County var- Rlecreation Calendar Thursday, M'irch 25 :30 p.ni.-Gîrls' lasketball, Bow- manville at Wbitby. Saturday, March 27 .B.A. Bantam Playoffs, B.H.S. at Orilhia. Tuesday, March 30 p.m.-Leathemcra!t Class, Lions Community Centre. Thursday, April 1 :30 p.m.-Public Speaking Class, Lions Comrnunity Centre. Frlday, Avril 2 :30 p.m. -Music Appreciation Club, Lions Community Cen- tre. p.m.-Chub 15 «1Tulip Timne" Dance, High Sehool. Coming Events atumday, Aýpril 3, O.B.A. Junior Semi-Finals, Napanee vs. Baw-j manville. lnday, Apnil 5, "Vanieties o! 1948," at High School. ,pril 15, 16, 17, Hobby Show atI Lions Comm unity Centre. h ti d si ID b2 -_________ een an iexceptional flow olf va- bt ter passing through generating a Iplants and electrical current has r Four Lifile Tois corne back toalamost normal flow. H In acordance with this develop- S endThei Pennes mnt the Bowmanville Commis- sion has ceased the rationing ex-e F or Easier Seals iperienced the past week or O e Response ta the eall for dona- tions for the Crippled Cors r'Spin V Easter Seai campaign have been prngVsifors port very favorable stated treasurer Lin Mitchell. The campaign New ookAttie 7 which has been going a little overj two weeks has already netted Tip Top, Stein Bloch, even Saks more than $800 and there arej Fifth Avenue offer nothing finerO still a lot o! returns ta corne in.j than the New Look styles and One a! the kindest donations shades sported by annual visitors this year was made by the four who arrîved in this district in con- R~. Wor. lIro. Donald E. Gibson children of Mr. and Mrs. Bob siderable numbers the past week. Hancock, Orono. These four Not oniy the best dressed they are Masonie District Deputy Grand small children had saved up $2.70 the most welcome friends of the Master of Ontario District who re- in pennies and then danated aIl year. They have corme ta help in cently paid an officiai visit to.Jer- 7:3 o! them ta, the Crippled Chiidren garden and field, ta sing while usalemn Lodge, A.F. and A.M. No. 1 Fond in order that some Crippied they work and risk pot shots 31, G.R.C., at Bowmanville. Child may be helped. These chul- while raising familles. 7:3 dren are ta be congratuiated for Sa The St3t.-Fman extends a CELEBRATES 95th BIRTHDAY investing their monev in helping community grecting ta the robint other children ta better heaith. with a Mexican vest, the blue Mrs. Julia Grieve, 8 Liberty St., If you haven't made your do- bird with a Carribbean azure will celebrate her 95th birthday I nation send it aiong now ta Mr. gown, the sang sparrow in Texas on Gaod Friday. March 26. Her Mitchell at the Bank O! Com- brown and ahl the other feather- many friends xill be glad ta know Sai merce, Bowrnanville. ed friends who camne with the cro- she is enjoying good health and cus and in advar.ce o! daylight iS Up and about the bouse every n Mr. Malcolm Rutherford, Col- saving. Thev are here. This is day. The Statesman joins with Mo borne, visited his aunts, Mrs. C.s rn.Ltsreocwihhm her hast of friends in wishing 1 M. Carruthers and Mrs . C. J. and try ta achieve the freedom Mý,r5. Grieve many happy returns Ap. Smale they exemplify. of the day.L Lions Club Reviews Work During Past Winter Months Sponsors Ray Dudley Recital 'N b- Brilliant Social Occasion Marks Annual Ladies' Night of thé Local Royal Arch Nasons b at its first meeting ln April and ýs Young Suter will deliver bis ad* e dress. 1- Dave Preston tanked is0co ýs mittee and particuiarly the ladi d auxiliary a! the Lions Club for s the outstanding success o! the o bridge held in the centre last a week. The guests numbered 195 ri people wbo made up 48 tables to ri net a pleasant evening and $40 -for club activities. - A vote o! thanks was tenderea Mrs. J. H. H. Jury for providing *the means ta equip the kitcheni in the community centre with ev- *ery modemn electrical canven-. t ence. * Bart Smitbson thanked the club 7 for its support 'o! the Teen Towni movement and was granted per- mission ta supervise high school istudents who wil carry on activ. rities in the centre duning Easter holidays. The students will be required ta perfanm any extra janitor work. Lions Charter Bibl Oliver intnoduced three motions which had as their abject certain amendments ta the consti- tution made necessary by the re- cent securing o! a charter as the Lions Club af Bowmanville In- eonporated. They received unan- imous approval. The meeting closed with a gen. eral discussion pînojected by Lion Stu James, chairman o! the Boas- ter Club. It had ta do with gen- eral arrangements for the social gathering of members following regular meeting nighits. The chie! activity befone the next meeting will be selling tickets for the Ray Dudley Recital. Big Ticket Sale Sugarfoot Minstrels Sponsored by 11.O..F. According ta the I.O.O.F. corn,- mîttee in charge o! arrangements for the benefit concert ta be put on by the CorInthian Playens of Oshawa in Bowmanvîlle Town, Hall, Saturday evening, Apnil 10, the advance ticket sale promises a large attendance. The program anranged by these talented traup- ers includes their chie! of!ering, "Sugarfoot Minstrels" but othelà itemns on the bill are x'arieties and speciabty music on a number of jThe annual ladies' nighit arrang- ed by Palestine Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, No. 249, G.R.C., Bowmanville, pnoved ta be just about the mast brilliant social event a! the season. Held in the Balmoral Hotel, Fnidav eveninga, Mancb 19, the banquet included roast turkey with a continental cuisiene arranged by the hotel proprietor C. A. Jarrett. The floral decorations wene the cour- tesy o! M. E. Atkins, flonist. Fol- lowing the dinner and toasts the gathering adjounned ta the ball- room whene varied prognam, dan- cing and cards were enjayed into canly marning hours. The dinnen program came un- der the chainmanship a! the First Principal. Ex-Camp. Walton G. Pascoe who welcomed the ladies and hntnoduced the toast list. Tak- ing part in toasts bo The King and the Grand Chapter were Ex. Camp. H. G. Freeman, Rt. Ex. Camp. Dr. H. Fergîmson and Rt. Ex. Camp. F. C. Hoar. The toast ta The Ladies, praposed bv Camp. O.F. Robson, was cloqucntly r-es ponded ta by Mrs. W. G. Pascoe in behialf o! the ladies, The lucky number draws pre- sided aven by Ex-Camp. R. E. Logan, bnought apprapniate pnizes ta three ladies, Mrs. Geo.1 W. Red CrossAppeal Bowmanville, Ontario. March 23, 1948 Mr. Geo. W. James, Editor, Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir: As mayor of the Town of Bowmanville 1 ,vish toa ask aur people to contribute to the Red Cross campaign that is now being conducted. The Red Cross is rccognized as the wor]d's greatest or- ganization for helping people in the time of trouble. It helps peoples of ail nations in times of peace as in times of war. Today the Red Cross is working for the necdy in Britain, for the people in our own north country who can not support a hospital of their own, for water safety for children, for the training of home nurs- ing, for blood banks for the benefit of our hospitals to assist whenever any catastrophies occur. During the war people of this district cantributed most generously of their time and money. The ladies of Hampton, En- niskillen, Maple Grove and other villages of Darlington joined the ladies of Bowmanville in making great quantities of badly needed clothing. The men made sure that' the quota of dollars was reached. Today the quota is not as high but the Red Cross stili needs funds to carry on its work of mercy. The radio, the news- papers and our friends have done so much to tell of the Red Cross that I need only endorse comments. The local cormîttee is not making a bouse to house cari- vass but is depending on the gcnerosity of the people to send do- nations. Off iciai receiots that can be used in incomne tax reports will be issued to all donors. Thanking you, ,SIDNEY LITTLE, Mayor of Bowmanville Hanold Gibson, The sing-song was conducted by Ex. Camp. G. E. Chase with Comp. W. E. C. Workman at the piano. Two interesting presentations woan applause fnom the gatbering. Ex. Camp. L. T. McLaughin. manked the appreciation o! the chapter by presenting gi!ts ta Mrs. H. G. Freeman and Mrs. Wesley Cawker for their capable services in anranging banque'ts and dinners during the year. Also in praposing the toast te The Junior Menibers, Ex. Camp. A. W. G. Northcuitt, nead their names as follows: Keith W. Jack- son, Wm. S. C'otton, Allin E. Mof- fatt, H. C. Smith, Mel S. Dale, Gordons Moffatt, Mervin Hobbs, C. L. Warren, T. M. Turner, A. F. Higgs. Dave 1-iggon, Wm. Fotînd and Clare Allin. Camp. T. Turner responded ta the toast. The prognamn was funther made enjoyable with piano salas by Glenn Hodgson, motion 1ictures by Dr. J. C. Devitt and sparkling entertainiment by Camp. Chas. Warren, Hamnptonr. Ex. Camp. H. G. Freeman was in change a! arrangements in the ballroom. The dance music was played by Bro. F. W. Snell, Osh- awa. The happy occasion con.- cluded with singing the National Badminton Club Ties for District Championship The Bowmanville Lions Clol wound up its winter's activitie, witb an informai meeting in thE Lions Community Centre, Mon. day evening, during which report: o! cammittee chairmen revealec the genenal success o! the variau5 projeets undertaken. With ne speaker booked for the meetinga sing-song and general discussior created as moch interest as or mar e formai occasions. The mem- bers'wene in a good mood follow. ing the excellent dinner served by the Beech Ave. group o! Trinity Church Ladies' Auxiliany. Sang leader Wilf Canruthers ev- idently sought to search out talent for the Lions Chair by sepanating at different tables the higb, Jow and indifferent vocaljsts o! the club. The try-out with papular numbens was considered quite a soccess since the dishwashing ceased in the kitchen and even the reporter was distracted from his customary reading o! Hansard before the agenda of business is reached. Ray Dudley Recital Alex MeGnegor reporting for the concert committee to]d that the concert series spansored joint- lY bY the club and the Depart- ment o! Education met xith suf- ficient success ta permit a remit- tance o! $266 ta the Depantment. In tunn the director complimented the local club in having dore al better job than most other cen-1 tres in Ontario in this cultural1 field. Lion Alex also reponted ail arrangements made and tick- ets an sale for the Ray Dudley ne- citai ta be held in the High School Auditorium, Friday evening, April 16. The guest antist will be Don- ald Brown, banitone, freon British Columbia. Don Williams reported on the pleasure o! the Lions delegation in attending the Teen Town dance in the High School Saturday night at the invitation of reeneational dinector Bart Smithson. Dr. Gea. Miller gave an interesting resume of the zone meeting o! Lions beld in Lakefleld recently. B.T.S. Orators Arnold Anderson told of the pleasure o! the Lions Club cam- mittee in acting as judges in the oratorical contests at the Boys' Training School. The winner, Bob Suter, was presented with the Lions shield and cup. He with the four other contestants IE 94 Dr%,IETRff A XTITrrr ir Local Club Wins Championships Central Ontario Badminton Tourney VOLUM, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCIR 2.5fli- 1 q49 lýITTTlignimr) 1 0