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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1948, p. 8

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- - RAGE EIGT TkLUINAIzm,± OTATLOVÂJiN. BOWMAI'NVILLE, ONTARIO TO1AAV E. near Port Granby and after dis- charging a revolver relieved him In the Dim and Distant Past of $331.OO __ n From The Statesman Files March 23rd, 1899 1 1 Enniskillen-J. T. Pollock and FIFT-iY YEARS AGO Iost to the Invincibles (W. Byre family were given a farewell par- March 2d, 1898D. Mutton, T. Fitzgerald, J.B ty an d presentation on ieaving Mac nd 88Mitchell) by score 16 to 11. for Holland, Manitoba.--- Dr. J. C. A em____eric____el t Mitchell was in Toronto, conduet- * A memoral sh beice as he ing exams in medicine at Trinity late James McClelian, who for 60 ac9t,18Unvriy years, was a prominent figure in The report of awdigo A Haîlelujah %vedding wll be the life of St. Paul's Preshyterian popular young aouleweddinpo!- performed at the Salvation Army Churc. coule wa pub barracks March 28 whenStf Church. ished on the front page with ail, A group fnom Bowmanville car- the flounîshes and details char- Cpan Hangrave, Toronto,% wil ried off one of the main prizes at acteristic of those *days. The îast conduet an Army wedding cere- a skating carnival in Oshawa.l paragraph of the report nead: The Gormon inFlhichr, orty tien They were John Heann, Hanry need o! a good spring mecicine i GordonD. ll etherhappycreo- *McKowan, Chas. Dickinson, Jack almost universal and Hood's Sar-[Cop, ilbeheapy rd- Roach, Chas. Cox, Walter Hoskin, sapnilla exactly meets this need. groom -Admission 10c, pnoceeds Guy Pettick and Cassel Tait. As!Toclmo f1leto devoted to local corps. a rewand they were tneated to an hoes" are featured on the front C ouhy eune fo1 oyster supper along with cream page. The trend of the comrpientEngland last week and bas since puffs by Dave Tod. is very strongly Lîberai. (How hought the palatial brick resi- Misses Shaw, Dingman, Annie times have changed in 50 years!I dence built and recently occupied Ewart and Abbie Alexander at- Misses Mosetta James and Flr-byex- Mayor W. M. Horsey, on tended the millinery openings in ence Tilley assisted at a recital Elgin St. Toronto. at the Toronto Conservatory of James Blythe, Harny Allun andi W. H. Reid, Conservative, de- Music. I n eporting the necital, George Lyle have gone to Man- feated Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Liberal, the Globe says: Miss James sang1 itoba. in the provincial election by 1191 two selections, ber voice xvas of Five new membens have joined majonity. Liberal Governmen t good and sympathetie quality and the Methodist Church Choir- under Prcmicr Hardy was return- musical taste. Effective assist- Misses Carnie Babcock, Milliei ed with a reduced majonity. ance was rendcred by Miss Flor- 1 Gnigg, Sophia James and Arthur Dr. Jabez H. Ellott in experi- ence Tilley. pupil of Mr. J. W. F. Goard and Edgar Aluin, menting in the University of Ton- Harrison, sbowing billiant tecb- Weddings-Anthur W. Gibbons onto labratory. is neported to bave nie, artistie expression and taste. of Bowmanville and Lizzie May found two new acid reactions A. E. McLaughlin, solicitor, bas Argue, Soiina; George Payne and with protcids. been gazetted a Notary Publice Laura Lambert, both of Bowman- In a local curling match thej for Ontario. ville. Bankers, (G. McClellan. J. J. Bry- 1 New Haven-Prof. Kent, New- Enfield - W. Ormiston sold a an, J. Moorccraft, R. Beith Jr.), castie, gave bis lecture on the wiz- carload of fat steens at $4.40 per amdry of electrici ty in the scbool cwt. and is preparing anothen car-- house on Thursday evening. load for the British market. C EMarch lGth, 1898 March 3th, 1898 s InTo LIJ.urearticle, TeSates- O adtrsNt-o vrfryH \~ ~- iman still contends West Durham years we have been looking for a upapork packing industry in this form to he usual stereotype pi d istrict. ssbuisik otenvr Courtice-,Mr. and Mrs. James fnishedA trutht in descnibing the af- br Courtice, on ber jubilee birthday, far lA ast our seanch bas been is were presented with a mahogany realized in The Statesman of 50 aif Eýrocker and walking cane by their years agot Many of our older friends. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, readers wiil remember this wor- v ade the preseptation. thy couple, max-be some attended Il] Tyý,rone-Tlie funeral uf Effie the wedding. Theiireport follows: H A. Bruce. beloved wife o! Dr. Wm. Honey xweh, Hunter River, P.E.I.. HALLELUJAH WEDDING C JU f I NEW È was heid from the______e o olou îul er brother-in-law, W. R. Ciem- Fletcher-Forsythe G HJadin ad amiv er Crowds o! citizens, young, mid- to G.H.Jadie ndfail wr dîe-aged, maie and female, were in honored guMésts at a farewell par- tyadpesnainbeoela packed into the Barracks Monday 1 ingfortheNoth est -night to witness the marniage of Go Mis MadeFaibain s fstone o! our very bighly respected the townsmen, Mn. Gordon Drumn- pb2 winingrenwn s amuscalmond Fletcher and Mrs. E. E. Or- situ comose. Trono a u d ychard Forsythe, recently of Ma- 1 Night gives ber great praise onrupie Grove, a respectable young ____ er iatest song entitlcd "My Lovefn - f/~ ~ gFor Tbee." vddow lady witbout family. Miss hea OntnioLades Coleg, WitMary Murley was bridesmaid and his by, have 14 Dominion pianos i n our genu al friend and zealous sol- use. der, n. Thos. MeCullough Sr., we - Market reports listed best ta- was best man. and Six Intorior Decorator Shades hi'be butter J4c lb.: eggs 12e dozen The ladies wore the modest the and potatoes 35c bushel. No won -deso!teavtinAm wt- ENorthern Electric's Baby de hycldtem"e good out any extra adornment other Let ÉChamp is full cf harmony --oîd days." than cbeeny'smiies, but the groom fou. melodjous in tone and har. Newcastle.-Bruce Eiliott, but- and bis suportmer fe mgy sm monousin olurs Si, sif cher, w2s held up by thrcien n w on menoftems _________in____________Six,____ fashionable circles. Black bnoad- of shadles ta bfend with roiom clotb suits, white ties, faultless die, interiors. - aundry, wearing white button- Mc( uaîres and faces illumined wîth T MCarnation Red * Blue * Green É Plum bing altennate smiles and blushes that pu Red Gold . lvory - Brown gave them the appearance o!finen 5-Tues-xtr Lare B t W ter quite a score o! years younger mci E 5-Tbes-xtraLarg e H t W a er tan bey really were. wl Permanent Magnet Speaker As bride and groom stood up to S engage in the solemn ceeemonY Gil "Theliggst Lttletheaudience gneeted them with a ver RTeh adi In eHe i g hearty volley, and when Captain anc Rado n Ti.Word"Hangrave had pronouneed them heai s..ittI~oe l Uman and wife the gay groom gave will IN oi SHwROO $3 25 ~ epars is blusbing bride a confirmation smaek that couid be distinctly Col Ironn only $36,00 EAgnfo heard in the vestibule. W Many in the audience advanced Sbc: BATRYMDESOiI-O-Magie to the platform and extended con-(R $36.50 and $37,75 Oi Inr gratulations and afterwards pan- to. - Ou Burnrs jtook o! nefreshments in the base- L I ment and spent a social bour witb ElInstalled in Any Type the happy couole before thex' took T e the Montreal Express for the east s of Funaceon a short boneymoon, mnany ae- S com oanying thêm to the depot to in a] ]R d o S osee tbem off. ue n 38 King Street East. Phone 57., Jack Bro'ugh TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Wl W AN VI LL E Phoe 284 Kig SWnFebruary 22, 1923 ald« Wm. Trewin was elected pre- Rut Iident o! Bowmanvilie Horticul- Mc(ý tural Society. Dal. j"Major" F. H. Bounsaîl, was Dl I Victoria County L oya range Needha as stage manager. Lodge at Lindsay. Loyl Gernsey McClellan was ap- Sir Allan Aylsot one secretary - treasurer of pointed to the Senate at Ottawa.Wet urhamn Agricultural So- Darlington: Master Charlie Downey had a l&iood of Il chick ens hatched on February il. I Glenn Martyn has resigne iY U R EY ES from staff of Standard Bank at Coiborne and returned to his and home in Bowmanville. He]en McGregor and Maitland iGou]d were appointed co-editors of The B.H.S. Screech Owl. V S O Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlîn celebrated their 25th wedding an- C.H B> nliversary at their charming homeI TUCK "Parkwood," Oshawa.I Opt. iAt the masquerade carnival at Taylor's Are.-ia, Agnes Vanstone Eyesight won lst prize for best dressed Specialist girl; and Bernard Mitchell for best Disney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 (No. 85> £ Perhaps the headache is flot persistent but is only pçriodic. It may occur upon waking. Gets better or disappears by the time breakfast is advanced, especia]ly W whcn the eyes are used for close fOI UV work, but it may flot interfere ' with your sleep. FOR You may flot think that a head- FOR ache in the morning could be due to th e ey~es, cspecial]y as they had DA V Vbeen closed in sleep truhu BAI8IERY the night just atThmong AND headache is due to eyestrain inÏ most cases beceause the accommo- 0 dation was excessively active dur- <- RESA URAN [ ing the previous day and even though relaxed when the eyes were closed it became active OnIy the Best again when once the eyes were opened. When a case of this na- QUALITY ture exists, relief may only be AND obtained when proper glasses are AND worn to suppress the active ac- SERVICE omdainad Ogvevso Phon 855fer in this way get relief by put- Phon 85Sting on their gîasses when once they awake in the morning. (To be Continued» FOR QUJCK RESULTS USE THE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED AD SECTION CCl y1pu can bring your adverîising message fo the attention of 1 2,000 PROSPECTIVE BUJYERS at a minimum cosi of 35c -omue costume. Pbilip Tilley won first prize at swimming meet between McGill and Toronto univensities, at Hart [ouse tank. Ex-Mayor John Stacey and fa- mily, Oshawa, left on a cruise to Panama and West Indies. Newcastle: Wm. Hayes feil and )roke bis arm. Waidimer Eddy slooking after Mn. Hayes farm tffairs. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wight, Pro- dence, were cailed to Sycamore, Il., owing to their daughter, Mrs. fenry Garbutt, breaking hem leg. March lst, 1923 Durham Club of Toronto plans celebrate its 25th anniversary iCentral Y.M.C.A. on March 15. Ruth Grigg a nd Maitland )uld, representing B.H.S., won ie Jury and Loveli Debating tro- hy from Whitby High School aid ents. Reeve E. C. Rehder gave local ris the unique experience of aring a concert broadcast from iresidence Friday evening. Wm. Quick and T. S. Holgate ,re in Quebec City on business d saw their first dog race at ie winter carnival. Engagement is announced of eta Beth Piekeli and J. Cecil îud, both of South Darlington, irriage to take place in March. A\ileen Hazelwood is a member Toronto University ail-star la- es hoclkey team to play against cGill and Queen's Universities. ryrone - Arthur Hughes has irchased Thos. Sargent's farm. .T. Findley and family have oved to Unionville where lie il go into business. Solina-Mr. and Mrs. George bson Jr., recently married, re guests at a surprise party id were presented with many ,utiful gifts of silverware. They i reside in Oshawa. )eaths recorded - Mrs. Chas. [eman, Ottawa; Mrs. W. Frank; orden, Ebenezer; Mrs. Thos.1 irwin, Bowmanvi 1l e; M r s. ýv.) R. Douglas Fraser, Toron- March 8th, 1923 Shakespieare's "As You Like It" ipresented by B.H.S. students the Opera House. Those tak- part included Doris McConn- Mary Somerville, Ken Fraser, ýI Pointen, Robt. McCullough, [er Hanna, Chas. Pethick, Ron- 1McKessock. Lawrence Mason, Idred Souch, Marion Pickard, h Grigg, Ross Pooley, Alex Gregor, Stuart James, Melville le and others. Gwendolyn Wil- ciety, due to resigndtion of R. F. Aitchison. Engagement is announced of Mary Louise Cryderman and J. Harry Jose, Newcastle, marriage to take place latter part of March. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, near Tyrone, were presented with a beautiful china tea set hy their friends on their 25th wedding an- nix'ersary on March 3. Maple Grove-Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Farrow entertained Bowman- ville Methodist Church Mission Band. Enniskillen - Wm. Griffin got his hand badly jammed hetween two logs. Deaths recorded-Alex Taylor, Blowmanville; Wellington Fo'ster, Newcastle; Stanley Naylor, So- lina; Henry Garbutt, Sycamore, March 15th, 1923 Ernie Rehder's amateur bro casting station 1OAE has b2 gaining considerabie popula as radio fans from Trenton Whitby have reported hearing broadcast programs. President A. M. Hardy at nual meeting of Chamber of Cc merce reported 24 executive four general meetings held past year. Alex Bagneil had three fing .WATCH REPAJRINC for satisfacfion and reasonable prices Bring Your Watch To Us ALL WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED MARRIS JEWELLERY BOWMANVILLE 43 King St. W. Phone 463 BABY KCHICKS S.C. WHITE LEGHORNS BARRED ROCKS We operate a breeding farm not a commercial hatehery. AIl hatehing eggs produced on our own fanm. 100% clean blood-test February and March pullets make best fali producers. Orchland Farm H. J. BROOKS Bowmanville Phone 2636 oad- men .rity 1to ybis an- and the gers 'I WONDER WHAT'S WRONG? given by Midrd ouchmenotr House, Bowmanville's oldest mer- chant, died. in bis 90th year. Kendal-John MeCutebeon and family were presented witb a punse o! money on movmng to Or- ono. Engagement Is announced, of Greta May Belîman and F. Russ- ell Osborne, marriage to take place in Apnil. Hampton-Gordon Van Camp and Marion Stephens were man- ried at the pansonage on Wednes- day. uuuu uuuu Await Fully Experienced RUBBER WORKERS In Eastern Ontario Town (A)-AMBITIOUS RUBBER MAN TO QUALIFY AS FOREMAN ... Must be good man on the mixer and know mixing and stretching on the Tree oll. A real opportunity for the man wo wants to get acad. (B) RUBBER SOLE CUTTER .. . Competent hand cutter required in department wemc, expansion is planned sortly. (C) RUBBER BOOT MAKER... To make sample production and assist in designing dr- partment. A good opening for erative man. These positions are witb a progressive fimni and promise yeam- round wonk witb a good future. Applicants sbould give details o! experience, education, age, marital status, etc. Write Box 43 c/o Sfatesman Office Peterboro Pla.ns The combined shows of the Quinte District Seed Fair, the Ba- con Show and the Threshermen's Association brought together so many farmers in Peterboro last week that steps are being taken with a view of making it an an- nual event under the namne of Farmers' Week. Whether the Quinte Show will go along will depend on the opinions expressd after the president, John Rickard, Newcastle, makes his annai e port. It has been suggested that the ten counties comprising the Quin- te District Seed Fair area may agree to hold county elimination competitions in seed grain, fol- lowed by a championships' show in this city. Broadly, the general idea is similar in its outline to the program of competitions es- tablished by the Holstein Breed- ers' Association whose "Black and White" days appear to be def- mnite fixtures. Thousands Attend The thousands of people at- tending Farmers' Week on Thurs- day afternoon and evening ex- ceeded the bopes of the joint coin- mittees who had planned it. All comments were decidedly fav.or- able. Mr. Elgin Senn, supervising grader in Ontario for the Domin- ion Department of Agriculture. congratuiated the p 1 a n n i n g groups on the success of the en- tire show, and particularly its bacon and pork products section. Mr. Senn spid the bacon show rat- ed witb the best lie had seen, and especially in its numerous educa- tional details so strikingly pre- pared and presented by the staff of Canada Packers in Peterboro. Best Show Frank C. Paterson, agricultual nepresentative,. said the bacon show was "away abead" of the Middlesex county show in Lon- don last week for aIl its ten yeans' of expenience. Everybody as been happy about the resuits of the efforts that were put into Farmers' Week by the Quinte Seed Fair repre-i sentatives, with some of the East- ern Ontario Threshermen, and a lclgroup o! enthusiasts from Peterboro industries attach ed to agriculture. Rural scbool eidren of the 6tb, ith and 8th grades were given a holiday Thunsday to attend the show, and there appeared to he hundneds of them emong the big crowd. * The man who does flot work for the love of work but only for mone 'v iý flot likely to make mon- eY nor find niîîch fun in life.- Charles M. Schwai- of his right hand amputated in a SO WHAT'S THE USE are stili being shaped up in ma'ny achie tRos a Cmpn companies, the Lever outline of lan ambelry.eece (Woodstock Sentinel-Review) the rights of management marksf Alaidn CafpBellwmas ellecAma- After we had congratulated a distinct progress. teur Athetic Association. - friend recently on the addition of Haydon - Eugene Beech a a son to his family he observed: p This is my first son-and I al- promising young minster, occu ms oeh rw u ob H - pupt tSuggonSn lazy, shiftless moron. Why? He- Hampton -A sleighload from will probably be a lot happier that T IR O here went to Bowmanville to lfear way. By the time he has grown the recital yAtu lgTo up, if we keep pushing more and ryArounBigo.To more of our responsibîlities on toW A H N Solina-School is coýsel as prin - the government, he'll be well A H N cipal R. J. McKessock as the looked after if he's a um. He'll fît . Elmer Wilbur ran a rusty have every opportunity to be a M C I E niail in is hand.- Albert Balson um because he won't have to M C I E cut his foot very badly. - John work or save. But if he's not a Reynolds went to Toronto for x- um, he'll be pushed right into ray examination. Farl the ground trying to pay the taxes Tyrone-Col. m Farl at- the government will need to keep ~o tended the Grand Lodge of Home the bums bappy." R o Circle in Toronto, Newcastle--One of our thrifty MANAGEMENT'S RIGHTS citizens invested a small sum ________ some time ago in a Foreign Se- CrsinSineMntr curity and this week lie was wel (hita cineMntr rewarded when he received a ]et- In defining the rights of man- ter enclosing a check for $170,000. agement in labor relations, Lever BrtesCompany and its labor Te -oyad unions have made a notable con- March 22nd, 1923 tribution to industrial peace. As ApineSoe Couch, Johnston and Cryder- a mutual security" gLve-and- A pineSoe man celebrated their 4th anni- take, the company, second larg- verar in buines his we k. est soap manufacturer in the Un- BO IVM ANVILLE J. T. Hooper, Chief Ranger, ted States, also guaranteed cer- Cor. King and Silver St'. presided at the Ancient Order of tain union rights. and at ORONO Foresters' annual "At Home." Defini ng management's func - David M orrison's orchestra pro- tion is -astly m ore than president _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vided the music. Truman's Labor - Management Ebenezer-M. H. Staples, edu- Conference of 1945 was able to cational secretary of U.F.O., Tor- do. The labor members were un- Sigr ewn onto, visited Mr. C. Penfound and able to agree on any specific list- Swn gave an address on Proportional ing. Some labor leaders, in fact, Sne Representation to the local club. feel that no part of managem enti M H NE &Enfield-Russell Ormiston as should be outside of a measure o M A CHL NEI bouglt Mrs. Allen Hayes' farm, labor control. - ---- occupîed by Elmer Bradley, for The new contracts signed by the $9,300. unions and the company provide, R. E. Wilson and George Pat- in part: erson of Thomson Knitting Co. "The Union recognizes that 1 î attended the Textile show at Phil- there are funictions, powers and adeiphia. authorities belonging solely to the Weddings-March 14, John R. Company, prominent a mon g Kiveli and Mrs. Mary Bellamny; xvhich, but by nô means whoily March 14, Ceeil Found and Leta inclusive, are the functions ofin Beth Pickell. troducing new or improved pro- ' ! ~ . duction methods or equipment, March 29h, 1923deciding the number and location j o n March29th,1923of plants, the nature of equipment Repair o n make sewiîug W. J. Bragg, sittng member, or machinery, the products to be machines. Free estimates. was again nominated by the West manufactured. the methods and Electric Machines available for Durham Liberal Association to process of manufacturing, the rent or sale contest the coming provincial el- scheduling of production, the me ection. thod of training employees, the write or phone Gen. John Hughes was elected designing and engineering of pro- 1SNE EIN AHN president of Chamber of Com- ducts and the control of raw m a- SIGR EWN MAH E merce for coming year. tenias, as well as the assignment COMPANY Winners in the Bird House Con- of work to outside contractors af- 47 Walton St., Port Hovtý test included Harold Mewhinney, ter due consideration by the Couh- Phone Port Hope 1015W Walter Hately, Morgan Lunney, pany to the interests of regular Allan Knigt, Almon Fletcher: employees.?' (Our representative cals in Ken Luxton, Roy Lunney, Ernie In this period when he rela- Bowmanville every Thursay) Brown, Stanton Caverly, Rance tions of management and labor Dilling. At the Ladies' Hospital Auxili- ary tenth birthday party an at- tractive musical programn was ys Bateman. ~-1 EIcEt Featured in F. F. Morris Co. 671h ANNIVERSARY 'SALE 3-piece Maple Croup New in design, eombining traditional maple with a new e demn toîjcb. Choose ans' three basic pieces at this price, Pnd create a room that vynîîl cnjoy for years and years. The additional pieces are very reason- $190 ably prced. too --------------.------ --------- Other Bedroomn Suites at guaranteed Iower prîtes, include Gihbarct Solid Walnut, Rock Maple arnd Mo- derne WaInut Suites $89.00 from ------------------------- APRIL ist , 114 il TT.Tr. rAmAnTAW y

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