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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMMÇ. BC~WMANVILLE, ONTARXO I'WTT~flAV AnnTV. lui. lâfl Communisi School resent i Durham County, if you pie are being influenced by this "Jesus Christ the greatest boot- der the jurisdiction of the Domin- Letilst Menace Leadership Operateu nPrtH p ion Government, ilyukny write me at the House of Coin I spoke in the House of Com- Does this flot concern you?I Menace to Canada Mons Ottawa. I assure you I mons recently and suggested that arn sure it does. It is dilficult to' ______ endeavor t give every as- the tirne has corne when the Do- believe that such insidious meth- r Almat ver wek hariesistance possible. minion governrnent of today must ods of trying to Pollute the minds Almot eeryweekChalietake action to starnp out this men- of aur young people should really Stephenson, MP, Durham County, Local Greetings ace that has infiltrated into many happen in Canada. I arn pleased ~~ speaks over the radio to his con- There have been many meet- organizations in Canada and that the Party ta which I belong, the -Goron OL inds.ýy Srrth stituents on problems deait with ings in the County 1 would like the paid agents of Comrnunisrn Progressive Conservative Party is-- in the House of Commons and to have attended but, of course, it should be rounded up and given aware that something must be the interests of the people gen- is impossible to be in two places a one way ticket to the land of dane and done quickly to disclose erally. Speaking over station at one time. I regret 1 was nat their çrearns. The United States the efforts being put forth by the Gettlnt the Most out of made with a few annual flowers CHEX, Peterboro, March 20, his able to attend the banquet given has taken definite action along communists to rule this coun- Vegetables and with a minimum of effort. remarks centred largely on the in honour of Durham and North- these lines and are deporting a try and to put an end ta fthe It is amazing what production Cosmos, giant marigolds, zinnias, menace of Communisrn. M a ny umberland's new warden, Alex number of these Cornmunist agi- infiltration that is going on daily. one can get out of even a tiny petunias, portulaca, nicotine, cal- will be interested to read bis ac- Stephen recently. However, I tators. - I feel that Canada must In view o! this serions menace I vegetable garden. A plot 10 feet endula, alyssum, nasturtiums, counit of a communist school that would like to take this opportun- act and act quickly. I do not arn sure the peaple of Canada will by 20, with a littie planning and etc., are easily grown almost any- operated in Port Hope. His ad- ity to çongratulate him on his think 1 need remind my listeners compliment my leader, the Hon- double cropping, will yield many where in Canada. Some of the dress follows: preferment and wîsh for him and of what has happened recently in ourable John Bracken in mToving meals and at last winter's fancy larger flowers can actually be "It is interesting to note the the members of the United Coun- Czechoslovakia and what is hap- the adjourniment o! the House of vegetable prices the% total crop used in the place of shrubs. Seeds length of time the House of Coin- ties Council a very successful pening now in Finland. Surely Commons on Wednesday last to would be worth a really substan- should be started early and in mons bas been in sesion over the year. I arn sure we who have the this ought to be a lesson ta us discuss this important subject. It Utal surn. finely prepared soil. Plants are last twenty years. Some time ago, privilege to live wîthin the boun- and especially ta those who still is also encouraging that the Presi- Of course, in the very small transplanted ta permanent quar- the average length of each session daries of United Counties are an- think that it cannot happen here. dent Of the United States bas been vegetable garden one is wise to ters when they are well establish- seemed ta be about four months. xious to preserve the heritage and Many of you fia doubt have read s0 out spoken with reference ta forget those bulky or spreading ed witb several sets o! leaves. This bas gradually lengthened institutions handed down to us the report of the Royal Commit- this matter and also Mr. Atlee, sort of things like potatoes, corn, Ready-started bedding plants can until at the present time a mem- by the sturdy citizens of yester- tete on Espionage. The evidence the Prime Mnister a! England. squash or peas. One should con- be bought from greenhouse peo- ber of the House of Cammons is years. I think it is very import- revealed that many of these comn- The time has corne when every centrate on beans, carrots, beets, ple. For husky growth, cosmos, required to be in Ottawa about ant if, we ý,re to do this, that munists have wormed their way Canadian who values the great spinach, radish, lettuce, possibly gladioli, dahlias, giant mariglds seven months of the year. For in- responsible citizens in Durham into departments of the Federal privileges and freedom we enjoy a haif-dozen staked tomatoes and and zinnnias should have about stance, the present session, known County, yes and in all parts of Goverment, yes and even into the in Canada under the democratic perhaps a hill or two of cucum- two feet each way-petunias need as the 4th Session of the 20th Canada, should be willing to ac- Parliarnent o! Canada. This in- system of Government and which bers, trained over the boundary about a foot of room. Parliament was called December cept offices in municipal gov- sidiaus work is being carried on has been won at sucb tremendous fence. None of these vegetables WIll They Grow In Canada? 5th, 1947, and will run until the ernments and in aIl worthy or- right at this moment as I speak ta cost will not sit idly by but will take up much room. Beans, beets One reads of lots of beautiful end of June when the House will ganizations. If our good Cana- you. You may have heard me rise up and combat this great evil and carrots, for instance, can be flowers, shrubs and even vege- adjourn for a short time and will dian citizens are not willing to do mention on previaus occasions before it engulfs us all., grown in rows only a foot apart,talsttmydo elinC- likely be called again in the Faîl. this there are those who are wait- about a school that is established and 10 feet o! any of them will tadalese were aydeveloped for- During the war years, this was to ing and anxious to get into these near Port Hope in Durham Caun- produce many meals 1f o r t h e theaSouheern Stateso engand be expected and it now appears responsible positions with no oth- ty and although it is operated un- Localrarm family. Witbe some of teSuhr ttso nln the postwar period has brought er object in their mind btLodeocegisaolheW ETobacco averag where the climate is milder or the p~ny matters that require ex- disrupt aur tried and proven way was rented from August 27 to reS ooisrîsher ar y hings likeublettcegoin eso slogr tended sittings of the House. This of life and in fact, they have no September 9, 1944, ta the Labour Prpare Sring h o p'r~ish ands piach, edoultes rop-se fmoe, ie n Prmentaannt ede in ebs con- awthe rver fut o a ewpCes lace uth ee banind oungcad A r ege boue- in rows, say, 18 inches apart, witb effort in trying to grow them Prmenta a F ei embero- owthe r ve utfo s e iCan ad eYothFeerbatid o un g n-ed ta eAbot ame rows of the later things-,beets, ere. Our climate, soil and other stituency as much as he would of silver. It is alarming ta know munist League for wbat was de- beans, carrots, parsnips, etc.,in conditions are not suitable. To like ta be and, therefore, he mnust there are such peaple in Canada signed as a national leadership The greenhouses an local tabac- between. Ikrng befare the "last guard against discouragement one carry on his contact by carrespon- todav preaching and expounding school of the Labour Youth Fed- co farms are now scenes of ac- named are full-grown the first is advised to stick ta those flow- dence. a ridiculous and Godless ideology. eration. This school was attended tivity in propagating plant shoots will be used and out of the way. ers, shrubs and vegetables that 1would like to syta all the It is also surprising ta know that by delegates from aIl across Can- later ta be transplanted in open T GeTo Qaltaeadia cotins.Tesefare citizens I have the honor ta rep- many o! aur own Canadian pea- ada, however, the usual lectures fields. According ta Pete Newell, oGtTpQaiyCndncniins Thear - of the W. E. A. were not used, manager of extensive tobacco But planting and spacing the the varieties and types listed in their functions being fle by am in the Ooo and Newcastle vegetables is only part o! the any Canadian seed catalogues. prominent memnbers a! the La- district, the acreage this year will plan. To get top quality, growth These have all been tested under bour Progressive Party sucb as not be greatly extended. In view mnust be hurried along. Really Canadian conditions and recoin- Sam Carr and William Sidney. of the present dollar. shortage tender vegetables are those which mended by Canadian autharities. SE READY This school is still being operated which bas restricted export busi- are grown fast, thgt have noever taday as a summer school by the ness, the industry will hold back known a set-back and are picked i? m aforementioned arganizatian. expansion until the ef!ect o! the when they are at their best and L N A L for thai Be on Guard Marshall plan is known. quickly put into the pot or on the last miute Soyou se it ca happe here, This decision was taken 'by the table. When a vegetable stops ATR EP T eva i Duhaminule om Tobacco Growers' Association in agrnownfovr anyreasn-lac oft GaeVI-Rs ai even in D1 ha e C ounatty. o et ad v an ce of 1948 p an ting s. E s- at e io , v r- o w n g dr u h G a e V I - os M r e P e - INVITATION a eg nyhi sbave d et t toa tablished growers will hold gen- or just plain maturity-they cott 75 %, Mary Van Eyk 73% you not agree with me that it is erall3y to the acreage of îast year start to turn tough. The wise Betty Burgess 67%, Bob Burgess athe most important matter facing and new grawers are discourag- gardener will help growth along 67%, Bertha Pleasance (absent). wiIE crisp Canada and the world today ed from risking capital until con- by thinning properly, cultivating Grade VII-Tom Pleasance 75 True we have problems at auI ditions stabilize. freqnently, adding some good fer. %, Bill Pleasance 73%. SPOTLESS lvlofGvrmnmncpl Mr eelwoasmngs tilizer if necessary and soaking Grade V-Alfred Pleasance 66 BIprovincial and federal, but they the new lumber yard of the Ad- reh ally i dewtertry. G LrdeII- ry Burgess 6 7 SUIT! -1 - aI fde into insignificance when anis Lumber Co. at Newcastle, ral r.%GaeIIDrtyBres6 we realize that shonld the comn- has a crew manufacturing floats Showy and Easily Grown Flowers Grd l-Mlcl laac munists gain control in Canada for the tobacco harvest. He plans AnramaziIg-showngmcan be 68 % we would not have any system ta plant a considerable acreage of Anaaigsoin - e6% of *Government elected by free hybrid corn which he found to be pea;ples nor would we have any a successful crop last year on the Let Oshawa Laundry keep you poised on the religions freedom. Above all, farm purcbased f r o i ee this is what condemns the comn- Sonch. 'This corn is selling well sprngbardof he alisocal easn wih n mnist doctrine ta my way of as feed for livestock. sprigboad o thefal socal saso wi an thinking. Religion bas no place in their Godless ideology. experilv cleaned and pressed sui, coaf or Doyuknwtaafew years ENFIELD children by the communists in (Intended for Last Week) dres~~~~~~. ~Canada and when they were in- M n r.Hsi mt t vestigated it was faund they were Mran s.HkiSmta- displaying large pictumes on the tended a banquet, of Palestine wals a te romsinwhih teyChapter, Royal Arch Masons, in were holding these schools. One Bowm anville. ~I.picture depicted two Red workers Congratulations ta Donald Pros- Os aaLu dy & Dy Ce nn dumping the Christ ont of a cott on being one of the winning wbeelbarrow into a sewer with team at the Durham Seed* Fair COMPANY LIMITED two wine bottles and another de- at Peterboro. picted the Last Supper at whicb Mr. and Mms. Hoskin Smith, Phione Zenith 1300 Oshawa Christ was potrayed as a bar- and Ray Smith, Kedron atttended tender. The whole scene is pic- the birthday party for Mm. Edwin tured as a drunken brawl and the Ormiston at Maple Grave. inscription on the bottom read: Mr. Aylmer Prescott bas sold the noth sixty acres of bis farm (the old Virtue farm) to Mr. Ed- NU gar Prescott. Mr. Jim Harris bas bought the sauth end with the EU buildings which Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Lynda will occupy thîs spring. We are glad to have MODEN DA IN&DISO ERY them settie in this cammunity. There waý no church service here Sunday and the roads will appamently be worse than they OLD-TIM Eare now. There will be Snnday PERIS ABLEY A'&! School as usual Easter Sunday & PLACES ERINABL À,,511regardless o! road conditions. DN C Guessing Contest At MeNulty'sShop( A glass jar filled with ping- pong balls in the window o! Mc- - --Nulty's Sports Shop is borderedT RCS Mr.Mc lty1for1the.coming1tw ÀSPHALT - FELT.- SHINGLE iM UNLIMITEDI Bric SIdng 'PlUS * 1he cab that Ilbreathesll*e Uniweld, aili-steel construc- Brick idingtion e Large, durable, fully adjustoble seat e Alil-round visibility Eavestroughlng wth Rear-corner windows* a Extra-durable frames e FuI-floating single and fwo-speed rear axies e Specially designed hydraulic truck brakes e Standard cab-to-axie Iength dimensions permituing c interchango of bodies ... and MANY other fine features. SAT LAST! A modern improved yeast that needs no refrigetr. AN resh air heating ond ventâoting system and reurcorner windiows optional ation! With New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Drxy YeasL URtR inxracot the cuphoard you're set for speedy baking-grand resuits. Yes, VI O RN R t.bis modern baking discovery fits ail recipes. Use exactly like Call on um for EI lefresh yeast in any recipe. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-get GaatclWr. v several packages of Fleischinann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Ycast artedW kIR 0 ye '~'DAVIS & GRANT40 CHEVROLET AND C joePOE:284« - 2874 COURTICE CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, OLDSMOBUI Grade I-Kelth Gobels 82% Eyk 70 %, Joe Wood (absent). Bruce Burgess 70%, John Van Teacher: Mrs. A. W. Prescott. TYPICAL FARES FRON DOWNANVILLE Return Return TO One Way* (5 days) (180 days). BROCKVILLE $.385 $6.20 $69 CORNWALL ___ 5.15 8.25 MONTREAL ___ 6.90 11.05 î~ OTTAWA______ 5.45 8.75 9.15 (Transport.ation Tax extra) CARTON COACH LINES 66 KING STREET EAST MMANVILLE - - - Telepnhne2 BON 2666 rFree Service Dead or Crippled Horses or Caille removed aI once wilhoul charge We Pay Your Phone cal!. Phone Bowmanvllle 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM 1R.R. 1, TYRONE PHONE BOWMANVILLE 2679 I )NLY ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS FOR 1948* HAVE ALL THESE NEW AND FINER FEATURES: -. NEW CHEVROLET SYNCHRO-MESH 4-SPEED TRUCK TRANSMISSIONS Entirely new, Chevrolet-developed Synchro-Mesh transmission assures truck users of unparalleled new eose < ~ / and efficiency in truck operationi NEW IMPROVED CHEVROLET VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE- The world's most economical engine for its size -Chevrolet's power-packed valve- in-head engine is now even finer, with - vital new features that assure greator- than-ever operating efficiencyl NEW CHEVROLET ADVANCE-DESIGN GEARSHIFT CONTROL Unrivaled new convenience and ease of operation in Advance-Design mod- els with 3-speed transmission. Gear- shift is mountod on the steoring coiumn ta provide new efficiency on every hauling jobi %ýý NEW FOOT-OPERATED PARKING BRAKE -lere's a revolutionary new feature of 6dvance-Design i The new Chevrolet foot- Foer ared aking frae rfor me efficient! fper aear ingforakoeravidme efficieatr1 On haîf and three-quarter ton models. e4I1CHOLS LE, BUICK AND CADILLAC CARS L.M.C. TRUCKS a ONTARIO CT-2438 k PAGE TEN ITHURSDAT. APRM lot lo« m AýAýljiiuilv A PHONE BOWMANVILLE 2679 THE CANADIAN STATMM, BdWMANV=X, ONTARIO 'ROLET DESIG

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