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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1948, p. 12

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t- PAGE TWEV THE CANADIAN STATE~MAN ~OWMANVTLT~ ONTARTO i AÂJÂbjt~flI, ornas., as., trio q'TJ'1TD~TNA~7 An~ft C.A laie conducted the devotional ai SALEMbusiness periods. Mrs. Gordon Barrie had charl Regular meeting of the Wo- of the program. A chapter of ti man's Association was held at the -study book, put out by the W, hom ofthepreidet,'s Missiodbary Society, wi hom ofth prsidnt Mr. L jread by Miss Bessie Blackbur Weish on March 18, with seven- Rex'. Crcsswell gave a very i teen ladies present. Mrs. Welsh tercsting review of the book," InnnImIuunuunuI;ir.Win ter Cornes." The progra: [~ closcd %vith a musical contest ar E the group in charge served lune g BROWN'S i Browns' Busy Bees met at t. home of Mrs. Clarence Turne Providence, w ith twelcve men i bers presenit. Some patchwor qujît blocks were brought and th membcrs are stili assembling th E BEafghan for Britain. Mrs. Turn( served a tastY lunch. Next mecý A N Ding at Mrs. H. Reichrath's. i i Mis Jeanne Fox. Toronto, wit MrI, T. Wilson. * vi th1u±~e Rush! 1 Miss Joan Belsey, Newcastb * - spent Tuesday night with Miý Ravre y lawn rnowcr Peggy Stephenson. your Miss Betty Stephenson, Ottawý sharpened, ready to eut the Chvic Hospital, spent the wccken =lawn with precision sharp- at ber home. = end bldes.Mrs. Ellsworth Caswell and El if aine spent Satuirday with Mr. an Mrs. T. Wilson. WE PICK UP AND Mrsr. George Stephenson ar, DELIVERi Lynne spent Monday in Toront( I Cive Us a Cal BURKETON G. . JMIE ONMr. and Mrs. Alex Massie, Tor TIRE EPOTonto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Need - Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carter, Pct jCor. King and Silver Sts.E erboro, Mr. and Mrs. George Car Boi nil Phn 6 ter, Bowmanville, with Mr. ar( * - Mrs. J. Carter. ~lIIlIlhlIiiiifii;iiiiiiiiiiîîîiiîiiiwîii~ M is s Jean Davey, Toronto, Mr Why worry about those 'pesky," little destructive moths? For only ten cents you can protect a man's suit for a year. For fifty cents a year you can motbproof your davenport - - - and this protection is guaranteed in writing by the famous Berlou guarantee. Berlou professional mothproofing protects you for ten years against any damage or we pay the bill - - - and this protection and written guarantee romains in force after re- peated dry cleanings. Berlou mothproofing will protect your clothing, blankets, rugs and fu.rnt ire ---it iN coioriess- - - and odorless. Remember any materiai mothproofed with Berlou retains its original softness and is guaranteed. For reliable Berlou ten year motbproofing service cal BGWMANVILLE CLEANERS& DYERS' 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP & DELIVERY THEATRE - BOWMANVILLE SATURDAY CONTINUOUS iPerformance - 6:30 p.m. la 12 THURS. - FR1. - SAT. . APRIL 1-2.3 with TOM BROWN -JA FL * NAT PENDIETON DONALD MacBRIDE and BEVERLY SIMMONS Leon Errol Short - - Technicolor Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY - APRIL 5 - 6 r~eana~in the ffnood for Love' 2ieanna DURBIN DRAKE "Wllam BENDIX added dopeMNJU> MOVIETONE NEWS - CARTOON WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY- APRIL 7 - 8 EDWARD G. ROBINSON LO JNMcALISTER "1THE RED HOUSE," added attraction PHIILIP REED (as Fighting Steve Ivilson) HILLARY BROOKE (as Lorelei Kilbourne) ROBERT LOIVERI (as Peter Ryan, ,1,1 COVER BIG TOWN"à nd ge he To- vas rn. in- '.If ind e.h. the rn- )rk :he ,he er 1 PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bradley vis- ith itcd our village recently. rGlen bas a position (aroundhrew le, caîl it a jolb) with the National [55 Grocers in Peterborough. Has secured a bouse (lucky fellow) 'a, and is anxious to move the bal- 'id ance of their furniture. There was very littie flooding ~in this area this spring. Wbere 'id there werc lakes most years, there werc small pooîs or none this 'id year. Possibly, because there was *o. no frost in the ground, thus ah- lowing the water to soak in in- stead of running off to the creeks and other bodies of watcr, and taking good top soil with it. The o]d timers used to argue thatý rwinter bad not arrived if the d-grouind wasn't frozen before bcbng covered with snow. I-ow do tbey t~explain the last four montbs raway? We think wvinter cornes d and goes w'hen it gets ready, whe- ther the grouind is frozen or not. Ir. Our landlady had a hairdo this -w'eck, by our favorite blonde( IL Mine Blanchie). We note that the Pontypool air agrees wvith Blanche much better than the Toronto air of a year ago. Our twelve-year-old hopeful recently wrote to bis older bro- ther in Calgary and proudly an- nounced that hl'iad decided to give up smoking at hast. Well, well, so that is wbere our ciga- rettes used to disappear eh? When we werc young, we some- times were permitted to attend the local farmer's market on Sat- urdays. One crotchetry old lady tised to want to sample aIl the butter on display, then say some- thing sarcastic to the vendor, and buzz off without purchasing any. This made the farmer salesmen very angry, But, she finally met ber match. One day she tastcd a farmer's butter and asked "Is this good butter?' ' To which the farmier replicd "If ought to be, wc sat Up all night picking out the cow hairs." Howard Masters devel op cd pneumonia after his operation and had to be placed in an oxygen tent. He is reported as improying s] owly. Many in this district were sad- dened bxy the news that the Great Unipire had callcd the third strike on Orme Gamsbv. Thus forcing SOrme to bang up bis spiked sboes and basebal glove and retire to the Great White Clubhouse. He was a big man in every way. In bis stature, voice, thinking, ac- tions, sport, love of bis native land and of bis feilow men. Ah- though a bachelor, be was usual- ]y surrounded by boys of var.ying ages, in whom l'e would try to instil the knoxledge that ife, like sport, should be played ac- cording to the proper rides. AI- thouigh a Liberal in polities, be would sometimes attend a Con- servative convention, usually oc- cupying a seat well to the front of the auditorium and always re- cciving a rousing ovation from the asseý'ibled delegates, as a tribute to bis sportsmansbip. Orme was Plw'ays proud of bis family's con- nection witl' the development of Durham County. To him, Oron'o was the hub of the universe. I-e xvas regarded as a Protestant, but Pis real religion was in trying bard to observe and live by the golden nue. Orme GamsbY needs no granite sbaft for a monument. I-is monumen't is enshrined in the bearts cf those who kncw hlm, in th'e form of a memory of a man, who wbile be moved amongst us, wsheesence of everything that was dcent. fine, gentl'emanly. A truly great Canadian! Siî'cere congratulations to Bev'- erley, 16-year-ohd son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brown, R.R. 3, Pon- typool. Although a boy in age,i B3everlev entered senior competi- potato club.' He vvas placed eigli- th. Won $10.00 cash an'd a beauti- fui large eut glass fruit bowl. witl' sterling silver inlay decorations. MOVING WEST M. Rawiinson Limlted regularly moite up and ship Househoid Eurnlture. Con- solldated Pool Cara to Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan, Aberta, Brtish Colunibia and ta Ca if arn a. Write. wire or phono for reduced Ircight rate«. Established 1885. 610 Yonge St.. Toranto». Kingadal. 5125 " monrc4;p "* TRonTo Ford Hofelsore firepro*f and centrally Iocafed - most of the 750 rooms in .«Ch hotel have prnvate bath and radio. Forr.servations write orwire the Manager weII in ad- vence of antlclputed arrivai. In Varilety Show Here Monday Bobbie Peake, of Whitby and 8 p.m. These two voungsters are Mvray Francis Ebbs, Osbawa, are members of the Wbitby Modemn shown in the above photograpb Players troupe xvbo are being at a rehearsal in preparation for sponsorcd by the Bowmanvil]e the 'Varieties of 1948" to be pre- Community Council in an effort sented at the High Scbool Audi- to raise' funds te carry on the torium Mondas' night, April 5 at work in the town. It is known as the T. Eaton Tro- ph,,. Beverley's success is all the more remarkable when we know that be competed against such former first prize gold %vatch win- ners as Blakely, Cavano, Wetber- lit, Jol'nston, etc. We are willing to bet five bccks that Beverley will vwii' the gold xvatch within the next three years. By car and train, friends and relatives converged on Pontypool and xiciity over the Eastcr week- end. The visitors were so num- erous that il is flot possible to list fhem. We know they were glad te be around bere and their folks are glad te bave them. A Southdown Ram at a recent stîîd ram sale at Wairarapa, New Zealand, brought the record price of 900 guineas ($3,816). WESLEY VILLE Sunday Scl'ool was held at 10:- 30 wîth an' attendance cf 37. 0w- ing to the absence cf Mrs. C. Payn'e the Senior Girls' Class was combined with th'e Bible Chass under Mrs. Carroll Nicholis. Dr. Oke preached on "The God of thc Resurrection." Special music was provided by the cboir under di- rection cf Mrs. Reeve. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Martyn (nec Olive Ma- son) on the birth of a baby girl. Miss Laura Binsted with Miss Muriel Austin. Miss Dora Anderson with ber parents in Wcsýtmeath. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- n;old TI'orndyke ,wre Mrs. Len TIIERE IS A BETTER KIND 0F DRY CLEANING lnsist on Our SAÀNI1TO0N E SERVICE for your fine cloilies For Formals-and other finer clothes, you get the best dry cleaning possible with our Sanitone Service. See for yourself how much fresher, brighter and cleaneryourclothes can be. Our Sanitone Service gets out more dirt, revives original colors, removes ail trace of perspiration stain andodor! Cail us to- day for ibis BETTER SANITONE DRY CLEAN- ING SERVICE. (PROVED Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning COMPANY LIMITED Phone Zenith 13000 Oshawa Bowmanville Agent: HOOPERS LADIES' WEAR DON'T MISS THIS GRAND ICE SHOW 0.It's Bigger and Better Than Ever! éICt IF14LIcS% Cu lÇbIS' AT THE OSHAWA ARENA 2 M Lisk silkhts - 2 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6-7 You'11 see ... The country's lea'ding .skaters in action *Comedy Skaters *Gorgeous Girls *vr300 of a cast hreathtaking routines - beautiful costumes MUSIC WILL BE SI'PPLIED BY Toronto Skating Club Orchestra Gooci Seats Still Available at MIKE'S PLACE, OSHAWA Admission - - $1.00 and $1.25 MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED Sponsored by Tie OSHAWA SK,ATING C L UB and Mrs. Hodgson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davey, Bow- manvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey. Misses Christina Gatchell and Lois Davey were in Peterboro with Miss Jeanne Coulter. Miss Gertrude Grant is at her home in Richmond Hill., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and family with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abbott, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walmsley, Miss Doris Parks, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland and Lynda. Bowman- ville, Mr. Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. Merle Hubbard, sporting a ncw car, motored to Norwich. Depletion of Ontario Sal Discussed At Quinte Seed Banquet At the annual banquet of the Quinte District Sccd Fair, held mn Peterboro hast week under chairmanship of President John Rickard, Newcastle, the guest speaker Watson Porter, Editor, Farmer's Advocate, struck a key- note by declaring that one of the chief concerns of farmers should1 be the restoration of the soul to a high state of productivity. We are p]eased to quote the following from his address: "The population of the world bas increased by 200,000,000 in the last ten years in spite of its decimnation by the Second World War. A survey by FAO at the end of 1947 showed a deficit of 10 million tons of food that couid be moved from the area of sur- plus to maintain a necessary ratio in the deficit area, but the balance has not been greatly improved. The result, Mr. Porter said, was that food shortages would con- tinue in many countries until this year's harvest is available. Three- fiftbs of the food scarcitv exists in the northern hemisphere with a shortage of 412ý million tons of rice in the Orient alone. Mr. Por- ter said it was expccted tbat this iack would not be made up until sometime in the 1950's. He also said expressed doubt thaf food supply in the western world would equal requirements until wcil into the 1950's. A Fine Example Mr. Porter said the farmers of Canada bad given an example to the world in their ali-out produc- tion and aiso in their acceptance of wbeat contracts at balf the world price. That was Canadian agricuiture's pattern of assistance, and Mr. Porter said that no other countrv and no other industry bad made such a large and generous contribution in the world's need. With that compliment, Mr. Por- ter coupled a warning to farmers flot to ruin the mil of Canada by exhausting its fertility in main- taining their production Of foods. One of bis striking statements xvas that half the fertility of Can- ada's farmlands was going down the sewers of the world. And the replacement of that fertility by use of minerai and other f ertili- zers was s0 slight that it was al- most negligible. Restore Soul Inherent in evcry food price structure Mr. Porter proposed should be an item of cost cnabling the producer to put back in to the soul the amount of the(essen- tial plant foods taken from it. If such a price structure could be accomplishcd, the State should, sec to it that farma owncrs and operators should restore to the soil the fertility withdrawn from I it as the means of maintaining its productive resources. In that respect, the stexvardship of the land should be a greaterJ concern of the State, Mr. Porteri declared with a seeming implica- tion whicb was not pursued. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson rnotored to Toronto on Monday. Two new families bave movedi nto our section. Robt. Kent who bias bought Russell Osborne's east farm moved in the latter part of the week. A familv from Hol- Ipnd arrived at Austin Turner'si and wilI be living in Mr. Turner's luse on the west side of the 'iighwav. We welcomne these peo- ple to our section. Elroy Gibson, Mrs. P. Kck and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gar- .'nck and Ronnie at A. F. Gib- son's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Branch have noved back into their own home. Miss Doris Allin and friend, Toronto, spent the weekend wit j- her parents. Miss Betty Allin is visiting her ister, Mrs. McBain at Ida. Russell Osborne and Fred Bow- en acompanied District Dcputy Grand Master Donald Gibson on his ofifcial visit to Composite T.odge, Whitb,o ona-ngt Oughtred and Donna and Evelyn and Hubert Binsted. Miss Bennett, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reeve. Mrs. C. Payne,* Murray and Ruth attended the Good Friday service at Welcome, Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. S. Barrow- clougb. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Best and family with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White, Port Hope. Misses Bonnie Austin and Bar- bara Pearson celebrated their birthdays hast week. Miss Helene Barrowclough with Mrs. Robb, Osgoode. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Barowclough who observ- cd their 54tb wedding' anniver- sary on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Reeve was in Tor- onto visiting friends and relatives. Last Tuesday evening a pres- entation was held for Mr, and Mrs. Eley and family wbo arc leaving the eornmunity. The ad- dress was read by Mrs. Charles Beigbton and Messrs. Sid Has- kili and Ken Ashby presentcd them with a drop leaf table. Af- ter the presentation cuchre was played. Ladies' high prize was reeeived bx' Mrs. Holman and low prize by Mrs. Truman Austin. the men's high prize, George Best and Arnold Austin won içw prize. Mr. Howard Payne witb Mr. and Mrs. Nettle. Toronto. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Snell were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langman and family. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner and Ronn ie. borne has sold his east farmn to Robt. Kent and is building an- other house on his own farm. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gib- son spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wickett, Oshawa. Mr. Bert Bowen went to Tor- onto Wednesday and attended the Ice Carnival. Mrs. George Laing and Doris %vere in Toronto visiting ber sister and while there she attended the Ice Carrbival, Mr. Harold Gibson took bis daughter Betty, to the Ice Carni- V'al. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen attend- cd the silver wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson at- tended Ladies' Night of Temple Lodge. Oshaw'a. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson at- tendcd Masonie Chapter Ladies' Night in Bowmanville. Newcastle Quartette composed ci three No. 9 boys, Bill, Ross and Glenn Allin and Wilbur Basker- ville of Lake Shore were heard on the Rai Purdy Show Sunday evening. Wc congratulate themn in winning third place. To us they were first, of course, If the United States Govern- ment programn for- tw'enty million home gardens is successful this year, the national food supply SALADAK TEA BA -andi whatever the occasion-engage- ment, wedding or anniversary, nothing expresses your deepest sentiments as eloquently as the fiery, pure blue-white diamond. Our stones reflect the quality right f rom the settings .. . wrought and designeci by masters: You've proposed! Now tell HIM you want thi.. diamond engagement ring with exquisitely eut shotild>- er stones mouiî'ted in white and yellow gold. $11,00, Perfectly matched! Engagement and wedding ring duet of bluîe-whîfte diamonds set in gold. $48. Vour Love FOR HlM is rctlected brilliantl 'v un this massive rinig--riihv with two white sapphires, mn gold. $2;?8.00. (similar to the ring shown below.ý) PHONI ST. 9. I1ccper"s JEWELLERY and GIFT SHGP ÇE 747 - Bowmanville - 28 KING S' will be enriched by fresh vegeta- bles worth $1,500,000,000, o!f which mnore than a billion dollars worth will corne from back yards and vacant lots cultivated by ur- ban dwellers in their spare time. Carpenters Contractors Home Owners HAVE YOUR SAWS PRECISION FILED BY MACHINE Ail types of hand saw,, rip saws and panel saws accurately jointed, set and fil cd. All Work Guaranteed« CHAPMAN Saw Service Leav'e Your Saws at A. E. McGregor Co. 7 King St. E., Bowmanville ---------- ----- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILÉE, ONTARIO IrMTR.qnAv Al!brtT. le# len 1 pe41-ce-ý

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