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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1948, p. 5

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THURSDAV, APRIL lit, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIIJLE. ONTARTO PAO~ WTVI Time and again we have i2een told by leaders in CCP hierarchy that the socialist movement they are promating in Canada is the same as that of the present Bri- tish socialist goverament. To those Canadians who have been captivated by the CCF booklet "Make This Yaur Canada" we suggest adding the follawing chapten. It is fact that should be read along with the glittering promises and the theory put forth in CCP prapaganda. We quote the follawing direct f rom the Sunday Past off Glas- 'gow, Feb. 22, 1948, as an example of how " democratic freedom'" (ta quote the CCP) is operating un- der the socialist government off I Britain in this day and age. The story is headed: "And nobody thought this could ever happen hei*." We quote direct from the article: "Hene are examples off how you can easily became a criminal." If you change yaur job without telling the Ministry off Labour, you can be given up ta three months in prison or fined Up ta £100. If you refuse ta be directed, you can suffer the same penalty. If you accept clothing coupons from a friend, you can he fined £3. If you buy cloth without giviag ratinons. the fine may be £100. If you seli a secand-hand dress at a certain price without asking WASHADLE, LASTING BEAUTY FOR LWALLS & WOODWORK Ithero Gloss --d Semi-Glost The.. fuît rich Glass, the satin-smootb Semi-Gloss mean new iasting beauty for -~ watts and woodwork. Easy te use- spread (ar-caver well. Or« BATES, KITCHENS, WOODWORK $1 .90 QUART HIGOON ELECTRIC Your General Electric Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanville 42 King St. E. CONSISTENT QUALITY 1 NCREASED YIELDS LARGER PROIFITS C.I.L. FERTILIZER bas proven itseif aven the years and we take pleasune in announcing that we have agreed to handie C.I.L. Fertilizers and Minerais for this district. A compiete Une of formulae Is available including some not offered by othen manufacturers. We would be glad te quote pices and accept your order. Oun pnices wilt be F.O.B. Newcastle. Tomate Growers will be interested In C.I.L. 2-8-24 or 0-12-20 ALEX HEND RY Souihannan Farm R.R. 3 NEWCASTLE PHONE CLARKE 1913 There Are Two Great Risks in Lif e (1) Dying too soon and leaving depend- ents unprotected. (2) Living too long. with earning power 'There's a Dominion Life Insurance Policy w~hich %vill protect your family, if you die soon-and support you if you live too long. LET'S TALK THIS OVER WM. L. LYCETT, Bowmanville, Ont. - Phone: 2382 for coupons you can be fined £3. If a second-hand dealer doesn't show a Board of Trade notice in h is shop he's hiable ta be fined £1. If you use a motor bike ta go ta' a football match-and are caught-you '11 pzobably be fined If you send a £1 note to Ameni- ca to pay for a food parcel, it'Il be confiscated. You could also be fined. If you've any fareign currency yau're committing an offence just by holding on ta it. You*should have offered it ta anauthorized dealer. One man who faîled ta hand aver a hundred-dollar bill for exchange was fined £30. Starve or Pay "If you're served with a rest- aurant meal costing more than 5s you trangrEws a law which calls for a maximum penalty of three months imprisonment and a fine off £100. If you're the restaurant owner who served the meal, you're more likely ta get ino trouble. If you're a butcher and put too much beef la the sausages you're liable ta three months and £100 fine. Sa is a grocer who, out off kindaess off his heart, gives extra butter ta an invalid. If you can't produce an ideatity card, you're hable ta a penalty off one moath's imprisonment or a fine off £5. If you're a bank manager, you can be forced ta divulge details of a client's account. If yau fail ta comply, yau can be charged with coatempt off court. A stiff fine ar imprisonment may fol- low. If y ou accept potataes without having your ration book marked, or buy a dozen eggs fram a far- mer, yau're in the "three months or £100 fine" class. PorFido If you're a business man and fail ta filla census returns under the Statistics off Trade Act (some- times 40 pages of queries), you can get up ta two years' imprison- ment or £100 fine. If workmea doing repaisi your house break a window, you commit an offence if you replace it wvithout getting a licence. A baker who refuses ta join the bread rationing scheme could get a year in prison or a fine off £500. You can be puaished for wast- ing bread. Two women who did sa were fiaed £100 each. A man wha allowed corned b-eff ta be given ta his dog xvas fined £15 and made ta pay £3 13s costs. And you mustn't throw rations into the dustbin. One man who did it in a fit off temper was sent ta jail for three months. More Coming And these are just some off the penalties. In all, there are naw aver 25,- 000 rules, regulations, restrictions, and orders which hedge in practi- cally every aspect of your daily if e. And more are camiag every wcek MOTOR DIKE. EnioY' Life o1à Outdoors America's tlriftiest power transporta- t~-' tion. You'll go 125 miles on a gallon of gazl It's a transportation treat thaf's hord ta bout.t Whizzer Motor with ail nocessary attacliments----------$169.00 Camplete Standard Moto, Bike - $249.00 Semni Deluxe with spring fork - $26900 Remit wlth order - or tend 10% doposit, balance C.aO.D. PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 195 Dundas St. W. Toronto M- - - 11Mi i s) G King Si. W le PHONE 444 FOR DELIVERY Bowmanville "It's a happy day for crippled kids" says ten year old David Sommer, 'when the camp nurse cames around ta ask if w-e can go ta camp". Miss Isabel Fairfield, Director off Camps for the Ontario Society for Crippled Children points out ta hinm a new addition ta, the camp this year. Artively supported by many groups off Rotarians, Shriners, Kiwanis, Li-1 ans and othen service clubs, the two camps openated by the Sa- ciety, Blue Mountain on Geongian Bay and Waadeden near London, are a proven facton in the rehab- ilitation off Ontanio's affflicted yaungsters. Each year over 350 chiildren fram ail parts off the province spead a summer holi- day which is both training and vacationing. One main result of Total of 31 Millions Loaned To Farmers Wilhout Loss Through. Farm Loan Act The Farm Improvemeat Loans Act has loaned $31,381,742 ta the farmers off Canada through 39,387 boans from the chartercd banks off Canada since 1945. This information wvas containied in the 1947 repart off the Art which was tabled in the House off Commons by the Hon. Douglas Abbot', Minister off Finance. For the third ranserutive year no lasses or claims have accrued ta the Goverament in the loaning operations off this Art designed ta assist farmens in making farm irn- provements throug,,h intcrmediate and short terni bans. Duning 1947 loans were made ta 22,046 farmers for, a total vol- ume off $18,160,821. This repre- sents an increase off aine millions aven last year and sixteen millions over the loaning la 1945 during the first ten months off the Act. Fanm Implements and Trucks Eighty-three per cent off all boans made in 1947 were for the purchase off farrni implernents. These boans totalled $15,211,231, representing an estimated sales volume off $2,M340,628. The repart states that 30 pDer cent off ail trac- tors and comb-ines sold in Canada were financed under the Art. It is pointed out that these boans, togethen with regular bank boans, are responsible for a major change in rerent years in the tra- ditional method off financing farm implement ptirchases and it is suggested that this change '"should find reflection in distri- A lb erta --------- ----- - --- - - -- Saskatchewan - -------- --- Manitoba -------------------------- O ntario ------- ----- --- - - -- British Columbia - -------- Q uebec -. ..-----. .---- --------- N ova Scotia -------------------- New Brunswick ---------------- Prince Edward Island -------- - --- bution- costs and heace in the price off farma implemeats." Faim Building and Housing F.IL.A. facilitated the loaning off mare than anc and a haîf mil- lion dollars for farm building in 1947, ot which 22 per cent was for ncw farm homes. The amaunt represented for the erection off new farma dwelliags exceeded $488,000 through 387 boans. Loans for the construction off farm utiiity buildings in 1947, hawever, were twice the number as those for new homes. Almost 900 boans were made ta the amaunit off $950,000 fan the con- struction off new haras, sheds and, variaus other types off farm-utili- ty buildings. Clearing and Breaking The report states that one off the primary objectives off F.I.L.A. has been ta make available ta farmrers and ]and settlers funds for their use in develaping new agricultural aneas. In 1947 farmers thraughout Canada secured 1,356 loans ta an amount off $522,3414 for the pur- pose off clearing and breakiag new land. As a result off this loang 68,693 acres off land heretofore unemplayed were put ta crop us- age. Since the inception af the Act, 2,462 loans have been effectedi, which total $910,500 for the pur- pose off clearing and breaki ng 'e land resulting in a total off 123,- 860 acres off new farma land. The loaning in 1947 by prov- inces is shown below. No. 8,169 3,237 1,876 525 315 56 55 15 ,2e 22,046 Amo un t $ 6.537,872.92 6,464,263.64 2ý,518,362.19 1,845,830.86 444,078.50 246,366.81 46,223.20 46,392.35 11.431.00 $18, 160,821.47 WHAT OTHERS SAY' The Boss Does Weil, In Russia - 1I (The Financial Post) Some time aga a New York: Times researcher figured out that at his present wages and prires,*- the Russian laborer would hae ta work for 680 hours and 15 minutes, or approximatcly 15 weeks, ta earn enough ta buy an ordinary suit off clothes. The iAmerican worker couid earn the, onf a b ! same suit in 25 hours and 20 min-1 o 'tlmbe utes. ARE YOU gambling with That's quite a difference but it is nat neariv as much as the youn home? Its value has spread betvecn the Russian la- barer's wages and that rcccived prabably risea more than you by his big boss, the Commissar who ruas the business. His sat- realize in thé past few 3'ears. ary is eqltii\aicnt ta the total carn- ings off 100 RuŽssiian laborers, as The iacreased value is insur- S. W. Fairweather, vice-presidrot off Canadian Naticnal Railways able. Add ta youn fire insun- pointed out in a recent Montreal speech. anre ta caver it. Commiunism la theary and coin- Don't gamble with fine. munismn in practice are two dif- feîent thinas, as Mr. Fairweather Takiovritthsgec noted. Inherent in the term commuaisma and implied by ail tocîay. ils boosters. is an equai distribu- tion off the w old's goods. la Rus- sia todav, hoivevcr, the exact op-e posite is the rule. While the tlr a e spreadoff îan theart R. oamea bon and thlat off management has been steadily narrowing lanch.m- ' NSI'RANCE 10-REAL ESTATE ocratie couantries. il, Russia it iN favored nanaigeriai class. iin eco-1 King Street, Bowmanvllle namnir, poiticai. and militarv cir- Phone: Office 681, House 493 cies. that lives on the fat off the aac: the wresarc iuck\- to gct - the barest living. last year's Easter Seal Sales was raising eaough funds ta com- mence aperations on a camp ta be located in Eastern Ontario. This year's Easter Campaign ffunds, again being sponsared in Bowmanvitle by the Rotary Club, will help broaden this effort as well as clinical, transportation, hospitalizatIon, nursing and othen services ta crippled childnen with- in the province. MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PIE CRUST Pkg. 29e A. & P. SPECIAL BLEND BLACK TEA l b- 73e SOAP POWDER QUlX - - Pkg. 27e PRIMROSE PICKLED BEETS '" -or. 25e VARIGUS BRANDS PUIRE LAD Ib. 24e CAL IFORN lA DATES FREH go. 19e CATELLI COOKED SPAGHETT 2 Ti. is. 25< CUTS GREASE DlM0 CLEANER 2 for25 CANDIES, ASSORTE[à FRUIT DROPS Pkg .15e CLIPPER WHOLE DILL 24-oz. 9 PICKLES J>ar19 SOC IETY DON FOOD 2 Tins 27e MANYFLOWERS TOILET SOAP - 4 Cakes 25e KINGSOL CONCENTRATED JAVEL » 32 17< SAME LOW PRICE ANN PAGE MILK BREADI White on 24 oz Brown Loaf 1o c Paste This ini Your Hat As You Are Urged to Vote C.C.F. And Make This Your Canada FINE CANADIAN CHEESE - 010L b. SCAMPBELL'S CREAM OP CHICKEN SOUP ASSORTED JELLO PUDDINGS V EL VET CAKE FLOUR' BULK ROLLED GATS STANDARD GREEN PUS -, Miss Blanche Taylph Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthà ur Bedwin. Mrs. E. Dean and Mrs. LeDrew, Orano, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, Tor. onto, and Miss Joyce Pollard Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Brown and Jackie, Mrs. Harold Skinner, Ty. rone, %vith Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Camps for Crippled Children NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middleton, Islington, Mr. Frances Irwîn, Mr. and Mrs. Armour Irwin and sons, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vine. Miss Jean Malcolm, Islington, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Malcolm. Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Congratulations to Mrs. Agnes Shepard who celebrated her 9lst birthday on March l9th. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin. Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited friends at Oshawa. Miss Hilda Johns and Mr. John Mappin, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Johns. Mr. and Mrs. David MeMullen, Misses Noreen and Doris Argue and Mr. Harry Argue, Oshawa, virited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ar- gue. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. T. McNeil, Cobourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin. Mrs. Gordon Martin and Joyce ini Toronto. Witli Mr. and Mrs. E. Hager- man for the weekend were Mrs. Hagerman's father and ipther, Mr. and Mrs. Ingram, P embrok e, and her sister and brother, Miss Beth Ingrarn, Pembroke and Mr. Jack Ingram, Ottawa. Belated congratulations ta the1 Newcastle Quartette on winning third place on the Rai Purdy Arn-I ateur Showý. -Miss Helen McKay and friend and Masters Budd *v and Jimmy McKay, Bronte, with Mr and Mrs. Robin A]ldred. Jimrny' is remaining for the Easter holidays. Miss Shirley Taite, Mr. Stan Tay-lor and Miss Alice Taylor,1 Admission 50c PER PERSON M4ILD lb. 40e * * * 3 Pkgs. 25< o o *-l.329 3 lbs. 19e * * 220-Qz- 25e A & P FRUITS Amid VEGE TABILES DANANAS GOLDEN RIPE No. 1 lb. 15g AP ~ MNATIVE GROWN O* 69e APL cINTOSH RED No. 1 basl< V APPLESNATIVE NORTHERN SPY, .6-qt 59 I.ENOS 4MPORTED Celao Packed No. 1i kg 12< CAhROTS TEXAS FRESH TENDER No. SALAD MiX VEELARLE D No.l1o 15< FREH DTES CALIFORNIA - 8-oz. Fm]RL DYMCello Pkg. NEW BRUNSWICK No. 1 GRADE POTATOES 15 lb bag 59C RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF - CANADA'S FINEST spOf STEAKS or RQASTS CIPORTEDROUSE, SIRLOIN lb AG WINÇ, DONELESS1UR 4 EXTRA LEAN FLAT HamnDUESTEAK lb. 254 RIEB JRISICE olb. 11< BLADE BONE OUT SHORT BLADE ROMS lb. 35<4flJ 1ROAST lb. 37e SL ICED SLICED PORU MUVR L5< BEEF LIVER -"25e HADDOCK FILLETS lb. 39< COD FILLETS l.321 The Annual EASTER DANCE WIL BE tIELD M N4EWCASTLE Community Hall ON FRIDAY, APRIL 2 Roy Forresten's 7-piece band DANCING AT 9:00 P.M. * 141k is Naking a "Man" of My Baby...0 How right she is. She knows that only milk off ers so many of the re- quisites for building strong, sturdy bones and healthy bodies. Our milk is creamy rich and full bodied ... the perfect drink for everyone in the f amily. Phone now-we'l start delivery at once. Rae Dairy i -1 1 - - - - mov THURSDA'i', APRIL Ist, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVI s 1 1 1 i rým'

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