THURSDAY, APRIL 19t, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEIF SOCAL à Mr. Tom Ross, University Toronto, spent Easter weel with his mother, Mrs. C. T..F Mr. Herbert Cole, Toronto, Easter holiday guest with bis i ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Easta have returned from an enjoyi holiday in Florida. Miss Roma McCready, Torc was Easter weekend guesti her sister, Mrs. N. B. Vansto Mr. F. S. Phillips, Ottawa, si the Easter holidays here with wife and son. Mrs. Marie Dunlop and Ji ~;.Toronto, spent Easter with 'Yn other, Mrs. Olive Gilhoolv. Miss Irene Roblin, Hamil bpent Easter holidays with aunt, Mrs T. H. Knight. Miss Eleanor Johnston, Wall ton, spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jc ston. Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Finnigan Ian, Frankford, were weel guests with Mr. and Mrs. . Finnigan and Rickie. Mr. George Roberts, Univer of Toronto, is holidaying with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn.B erts. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoar, ronto, were holiday guestsv his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Kné 'Laine3ssmoveus salowl>' that pov.,ty, following fast, sconov.,takes hlm' An accident happens fast, tec 30 fast that you cannot prever it. But you can prevent th ex pense that foIllaw fast upo an accident - by having oneo Mutual Benefit's rnany Sicknes and Accident plans. FuI in the attached couper and mail ta address beiow. Leai how you may be assured of thi ample protection for a few cent a day. MUTUAL BENEF11 HEALTH and ACCIDEN1 ASSOCIATION J. W. PATTE 5 Bassett Bldg. 3 Simecoe St. S.. Oshawa 0-22 Nome............,........................ ..... Street. ....................................... City or Town ................................. Ag$i ......Occupon........ ......... NM.8 .1- m ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. deP. Wright, Rector Mr. R. G. Harle, Organist lst Sunday after Easter Sehool and Bible Class Il a.m.-Mcmninig Prayer Subi ect: "Thomas the Skepfic" Nursery, 2 yeams and over 7 mm.-District Masonic Service RT. REV. (Rt. W1or.) W'. L. WRIGHT, D.D., Lord Bishep of Algoma (Ampliflers in Parish Hall te eccommcdete al]) - ____ -- - - Il 39 VEESUIAL Phone 663 i Ly of Ronald and Bob, Peterborough, !kend were Easter guests of her sister, Ross. Mrs. Jack Brummel. was Mr. Bruce Lons'oerry of Flor- par- ence Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F. No. 66, was in Peterborough on. ýaugh Saturday attending a district rai- yable ly of the Ontario Encampment. .. Mrs. S. G. Chartran and daugh- ,onto, ters, Florence and Doris motored with to Ottawa and spent the week- one. end with friends. pent hi his St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was held March 24. The full time was spent Fuv ehearsing two playettes, im- hery personations, "broadcast" and hrsongs for the reaffiliation service. iton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Addinall, her London; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Flu- ker, Miss Joan Fluker. Brock- le-ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gus. [e-Bounsali. her ohn- Mrs. G. E. Pritchard and Miss Helen Pritchard were weekend and visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred- ederick Hughes and Jimmie, To- r. E. onta. Mrs. E. P. Bradt, Guep1 a rsity a recent guest with Mr. and Mrs. à bis E V. Hoar and was entertained at Rob- several parties held in her oo during her brief stay in town, Mr. Alan Strike, University of To- Toronto, spent the weekend with xith his parents, Mm. and Mrs. W. R. ÏV. Strike and cele-bated his 20th birthday whiie home. .app, Bert Syer of Higgon Electric. - spent Tuesday and Wednesday at- tending the convention of theî Refrigeration Service Engineers held annually at King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Mm. and Mms. J. Ross Stt pn Here are two of the happy cou 1t pIkles in one of the dance routine a very enjoyable weekend seeing1 numbers featured at the "Varie- the sights in and around New ties of 1948" to be presented at York City and pamticipated in the th u hSho Adtruo famous Easter fashion parade on e ig ScolAdtrun rFifth Avenue. IMr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston OBITUARY and Miss Maude Elliott, Bow- manville; Dr. and Mrs. Harold Slemon and children, Toronto. JOHN THOMAS HOOFER -i were Eastem visitors with Mm. and Another Bowmanville pioneer, JMrs. R. S. Virtue, Oshawa. John Thomas Hooper, passed on Mrs. Geo. W. James was in Tor- in the momning of March 22, 1948. onto Thursday attending the fun- lie was in his 90th year and had * eral of hem aunt, Mrs. George bi-en in poor health for the past Dean, the service being canducted three years during which time he by Rev. W. F. Banister, formerly received every attention possible of Bowmanville. freim lis family and the staff of Out-of-town guests at the Tre-, Bowmanville Hospital where his lo., sise-Wright wedding in King St. death occurred. nt United Church, Oshawa. on Sat- Mm. Hooper was born in Bow- ýhe urday, March 20, were: Mr. T. F. manville, Aug. 26, 1858, a son. of on Wright, Brampton; Mr. Arthur the late Ann and George Hooper. of. Wright, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. He was the lest of the eal old- su Gordon Grey, Newcastle; Mr. and time merchants who are remem- Mrs. George Curry, Buffalo, New bered for the friendly courtesy )n ýYork; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Unitt, and hard work which were the rn Mm. and Mrs. Jack Bradford, Mrs. order of the day in past years. ls Leslie Keith, Mr. Fred Van Nest, For many years he was associated ts Paul and Edward, ail of Toronto.1 with- his brother-in-law, the late 1Durham County Club cf Tor- J. B. Martyn in the grocery trade onto will hold its final meeting 1 and was xvell and favorably Ijfor this&season on Tuesdey, April known by almost everyone int 6th et 8 p.m., et the I.O.D.E. h ead-I West Durham. IT quarters, 182 Lowther Ave. Dr. When le retired from activec L. B. Williams wilI show his il- business life Mr. Hooper super-s lustrated pictures in technicoior vised maintenance in the Unitedc on "Canada's National Parks." Church of which le xvas a life- Social hour wiil be in charge cf long member. He neyer took Group 5 with Mrs. Jas. L. Hughes,, office. in municipal affairs but Sconvener. As this is the annuel 1w-as a genuine citizen in al es-t Imeeting it will stert at 8 pocts. Few contributed more te 1 sharp. the real life cf the community i o St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met March for the Hooper family extends in- o17, worship service was taken by te the fourth generetion as one IMrs. Quigley. The theme was of the most highly respected in I"Discovering Brotherhood." Kath- th e whoie district, Married on leen Yeo read the seripture; Miss May 24th, 1881, te Miss Florence Creasier and Mrs. Quigley told Creeper who still survives in poor about St. Patrick; Mrs. Quigiey health, their children include tIen read the prayer. Playettes, Herbert Hooper of Detroit, Fire I etc. were practised for the re- Chef Lucius Hooper and Roy S affiliation service. Mrs. QuigleY 'Hooper cf Bowmanville. It was i thenked the girls who hielped at a happy circumstance that the the ladies' St. Patrick banquet, parents lived te welceme 18 iMeeting closed with an Irish sing- grandchildren and 18 greet-child-E seng. ren. They geatly meurn theT ________________ pas-sing cf their splendid ferebearP and ceunseleor. The deceased hadL ~,Pleading that as slot machinesj three brothers and four sisters ail weme illegal, bis act cf drîlling1 well emembemed: Sam, George holes into them and releasing the and Fred Hooper, Mrs. Win. Jack- jack-pot lever with a wire couid son, Mrs. J. B. Martyn. Mrs. C.S not be a crime, a Chicagoan beat Israel and Miss Jennie Heoper. E a police court charge. The Hooper family lived for 28P It is very rare to find greund years in their home at the corner xvhich produces nothing. If it is o f Horsey and Temperance Sts. I not covered with flowers, ritl while the children received their trees. and grains, it prodfuces education in Bowmanville schools. briars and pines.-Bruyere Later their home was in the Dr. Youing house onn Centre St. ndr _____ia e lilnnr,,-e ft 117.1.1 T .iie GEORE ALEN AIR Week bas been appraved to teke GEORE ALEN AIR place in Canada, fromn coast ta Lest cf a family who were pi-ccast, April 4 ta April 10. The oneer settlers in Cevan Town- îda s ta encourage citizens ta ob- ship, Gecrge Allen Faim, Mili- sex eneatncfwlbid brook. died et lis home on Merch l and animnais which hav'e since eer- 29 after an illness of several ly times been an importent ele- *weeks. He was'in his 84t1 erh ment in our national leritage. He This movement resulted froma His the lest of nine children pavt ilitrdcdi h (five daugîters and four sens), cf I rivuse aillCemmeuc nsbheR thne atewJm a im. end Mary MaNicel, PrcgressiveCosra Js.e Sewat. ho erepioneer tîve. M.P., Tomante, a lcng-time settiers of Ca van Tewnship. He friend cf the neted Canadien ne- was bora and brougît up on the turalist. the late Jack Miner. The homestead on the 2nd concession I ekxiioe ihednner in Bailieboro. ekwl peiihad Cavan. nToronto in bonor of Mr. Minerns Mr. Faim moved te Millbreok great service. ten N ears ago when le retired In announccng this new deper- mcm armng.A wei kownturc tIe Prime Minîster pointed citizen in tIe communitx' le xves otta hecnrbtin h active in township affairs - He euttioatte cont rbuti tee xves a lifc-long Anglican, et onentialcno fmxvdie esources is estimated et 60mii- Lime e member o! Christ Church, lien dollars annuaiiv. The value 1Bailieboro, and later St. Thomas', e! birds in destroying insects is a Mviilbrook. ~majortatiget His public offices inciuded pest cotrbuio presîdeat of the Milibrook Agri -__________ culturel Society, the Cavan Piow- mec s Association, and the Miil- Thougît must be made better, brook and Caven Consemx'et i v e and human life more fruitfui, for Association. tle divine energy te mox'e it on- Surviving are a daughter, An- ward and upward.-Mary Baker na, Millbrook, and a son, Howard, Eddy ST, PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV. G. CAMERON QUIGLEY Organist:, Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregor 10 A.M.-SIJNDAY SCHOOL il A.M.-NURSERY SCHOOL 11 A.M.-WORSHIP: "Wifnesses to a Living Lord" 7P. M. Special Young Adul Service Mernters cf Young Peopi&'s Goups taking part TI cm e: "You Gel What You Ask For" 8 P.M.-FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP HOUER Trie faurth in tbe series of mnonthiy feliowship gatherings. A cordiai invitation to ail young people. mg Num bers at the 'Varie ties of 1948' Monday evening, April 5. The Modern Players, directed by Mrs. Ralph Wilson of Whitby will pre- sent a show featuring comedy, singing, dancing and drama. The Cavan. His wife, the fermer An- nie Elizabeth White, predeceased hlm in February. The funerel was hld on MercI 31, with Rev. C. MacLean cf St. Thomas' Anglican Clurel effici- ating. Burial was in St. Paui's Cemetery, 4th Line, Cavan. MRS.NEILM. RIE Active in young people's work in Oshawa befere her marriege, Mrs. Nina Marlon Biewett Ramn- ey, of R.R. 2, Orono, died in Osh- awa Generel Hospital Saturday, Marel 27, after a short iilness. She w-as aged 39. Born in Oshawa, the daughter cf Mm. and Mrs. John W. Blewett, she attendcd scîcol there, taugît Sundey Schooi in King St. Uni- ted Church and was active in the C.G.I.T. In 1935 she married Neil M. Reiney cf R.R. 2, Orono, and has lived on the farm ever since. She wes a member of Orone Uni- ted Clureh. SIc is survived by ber busband, one daughter, Arlene, and two sons, Milton and Carl, eh cof Or- ono, and 1er mother. Mrs. John Blewett cf Oshawa. TIc funerel service was l4eld Tuesday afternoon in Orono Uni- ted Church with Rex-. A. E. Eus- tace conducling. Interment w-as in Orone Cemetery. Ladies'_Bowling With the Ladies Major Bowling League drawing te e close the standing with three more games in the regular scledule is: rcam points K ools ----- -------------- 63 Exports --- ---- -- -- ------ . ---48 Tucketts --------------- 42 Players .. - ------ ------ _ _ 40 Lucky Strikes 38 lV ings . - - - _ --- ---------- 21 Tuesday saw two teams blacked out egein. TIey were Lucky Strikes and Wings et the lands of the Tucketts and Kools. The Exports teck five peints from the Players. Star bewlcr for the night wes MIel McNulty with 279 folloxved by Jo Connnrs with 250 and Helen Piper 243. High triple honours went ta Jo Connors with 622, Vix' Piekard 609 and Carol Martyn 608. Averages Bern Carter............-------204 26 Kay Beauprie . 201 36 Ada Tonkin --------- 201 35 Vi Ceele. - ----- 199 31 Pat Tait----------------- 190 26 )oris Jeu -- ------------------ 186 31 Vi M artyn -------- ------- 185 35 Carol Mertyn ---_ ----- 183 27 [elen Piper _. --- 180 36 Vild Life Week )bserved April 4-10 Prime Minister Mackenzie King j WEDINGGrades of Seed 11ILLIAMSON-l'iKLIc is often e question in thf prety edingtoa paceetminds cf fermers who find ii > i the home of Mrs. Margaret Wil- necessarv ta purchase seed, as t< 9 h~~on estlton an ercI20,just xvlat are the differences be. -lien Ruby Miklich, only daugl- tween registemed, certified and ter cf Mrs. C. E. Iseecs end thegneasedcfom reey e Hery Boke cf illcgh-R. E. Goadin, secretary cf Seed by, Ohio, U.S., wes united in MreigedPbiiyCm marmiege ta Thomas William Per- itec h nai rpIt civel Williamnson, son of Mrs, Mer-prenttAsoiin. node garet Williamson and the late te answer this question briefly, Wiliam WiliemanNesietn. Mr. Goodin gives the following Willam illimso, Netleon. expianation af the varicus grades Rev. Harrison officieted and frcmes the bride xvas given in marriege R d G d T by her uncle, Mr. Frederick Re- eger a e. ISi inkeester. The bridal attendants se vt eire tcre were Mrs. William Henna, cousin tehgetsadr fvmea cf the bride, as bridesmaid and pnt fayse banbe i crops for rcgistered s.e utb 7 rMm ilm Hnn, saw, sinspected prier to harvesting and groomman.further, ail seed miust be sealed, The bride chose a floor-length before selling. by anl inspecter of ... ...white satin gown and wore e the Plant Produets Division cf the golocket and breoch. He Dominion Department cf Agri- headres xas whte iowredculture. Registered sced may be turban xith medium length veil, ciassified as Ne. 1, No. 2 or No.3, -. ~~~~~~~~and she wore a corsage cf red acrigt uiygriain ~- . T he bride's only atten d an t C ertified G rade Se d St n . y'- ~~chose a floor-length gown cf egg rscfpitanfedmfon sheli white taffeta and pearl ear- wced seeds are ioxvcr than for slow is spansored in owman- or'sDu tr.Teso rs rings xith headdress of a white registered seed. Field inspection, ville by the Cemmunity Conii et 8:15 p.m. witl ne reserx'éd seats flowered turban and shoulder- folloxx d bhctins euir in anl effart ta reise funds te car- so be en time for a good nigît'S legth xcii and she wore a cor- vesed produet, is requied Cer ry on the work in the tewn. Tic- cntertainemnt. saTeobpnde'saunations.gwe No. 1 or No. 2, according te purity kets may le secured et McGreg- Theand germination.owne in mauve with xvhite accessories adgriain ind the groom-is mother were General Seeds cf Commerce: AFTER THE TAX DODGER henest mistake las nothing ta printed celanese xith gold broocî There is ne guarantec for purîty fear; it's the schemer tax crook and peari and gold necklace. cf xariety. No field inspection is Cenada's tex dodgers lad better the government is after. After the wedding congratula- requircd. This is unpedigreed start taking violent evasive ac- T a I e e noc-ti n d the signing cf the reg- seed, ciassified as No. 1, 2 or 3, tienn wheitestRonaldorWiicrismsnin Then Fianca ost.CWinaas it- ment guns, a special branch was iter a delic ius lunch was serv- accrding te purity and germnina- tl uliie crsoffnnca d. Guests were present from tie. tisratvlfmef'n tlepubicied ors o fiencelset up within the Incomne Tex . Toronto, Guelph, Oshaxva, Janet- xveed secds, cspecially those class- G-men are getting the ange and Brancl duing the war. But it i ville. Woodville, Blackstock, Bow- ed as noxious. A fairly high bringing down more and more didn't peck much cf a punch un- manvilie and Nestieton. The bri- germination is requircd. ehselesevryda.- tiI a year ago. Since then, a small dal couple xiii reside on lis mc- Commecrcial grading of any The anti-tax evasien guns real- but bighly efficient gmoup of spe- tIer's farm et Nestle>on. seed may le secured by scnding iy began laying down e barrage cieliy trained. Intelligence or 'l- The evening xvas spent in card samples te the Plant Products a year ega, le reports. TIc ene- men' have piied up an imposing playing and dancing. Music was Division, 86 Collier Street, Tom- my now as then: Deliberete, wil- record cf convictions, jail sentenc- supplied by Hermen Wilson. Jan- onta; 251 Besserer Street. Ottawa, fui. freudulent tax juggiers. es, fines and collections cf back etvilic, Clarke Williams, Nestie- or Dominion Publie Building, The texpayer wlo makes an taxes. tua, and Frank White, Oshawa. Winnipeg. Î'riendly Personal Service - Lowest Prices cern.. jWIN $100.00 SVVAO#EV away S100.00 pflus monthlyi COLDJackpot Fnize: Westinghouse. RUS IN... Radio Plionograph on I.D. pantsiWrsge ent Fry full Rliv lgent .r fu 10 at ~~any I.D.A. Soe eiv et Store. HEAAH KIN& I1 COMGTE SHAVECREAM 100 ble tsC l s y u 1 rurneUann scrnc ' r. C TbI7 28e 3eze - e e*îe4ý LAR VEX 83e - 1.25 $I.9 GIN PILLS 39e AND PILLS_ P A B L U NI - - 3) 1r Speclals RUBBER IMoves (seconds) i9C Comhs BOBIBYJ POCKET or CURL 4c ".Dependable" Hot Water Bottie reg. $1.49 $1.09 MOTH IBAGS Speelal 29c, 49c SPRI1j TONICS, elc. SYrup of U3'pophosphites reg 98e 73e Creakm Of Tartan, Jc -.- ---- e IS , 29C MIid Strawberry ~.tALTH Camp. reg. 25ec- 7e SALT3 Idtare 1.1).A. Tonie310 feihSalts, I.D.A. brand, 1 lb. 59c I.D.A. SPECIALS iDEPENDABLE"' Hot Water Botte. reg. $1.49 - $1.09 IODIZED Throat Gargie reg. 25e -------------- ------- - 18e HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, reg. 15c, 25c, 39e 12c, 19e, 29c PRESCRIPTIONS A PCAT Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Nom .Slim Down Witli SLENDOR TABLETS $.0 KLEENEX IC SOFTER STRONGER WHITER PACKAGU OP 300bss¾x 18C 2N0 tissues 91, x10 2 for35 MAN'S SIZE 12"xl2",2 9c Drugs ----Ph--e-7-2 ~i g i~ii~ii~i IJ 12 EVERSHARP ~BAE REVLON'S NEW . Lip-Fashion I F~OI A revolutlonary longer Lptc A $2.00 ÇOiR HAPPY %SIES PlODICIS LOTION - 600 OIL -6W & 110 ma POWDER - 281 £&5* F00 CREAM - 55* SOAP - 200... ............ Alrwick Deodorizer - - 89c, $1.19 Arrid Deodorant -------- 39c, 59e Fasteeth ------- --------- 33c, 55e Lysol ----------- 35c, 65c, $1.25 For quiok flrst aida@ AGNESIVE BANDAGES Alex" We Deliver FOR fuoRE -rENDER-LOGHTER MORE UNIFORM PASTRY USE 'PBE LL cil rLOUR 1 m., 18 oz. 12c, 19c, 29e 1 1.0 St)a-lrk.10 Ir 1