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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~0WMANVILLE. ONTARTO THUR~DAY, APIUL Sth, 1948 Mr. Farncomb LeGr#sley and Mr. Donald Jase have returned to O.A.C. Guelph after spending Easter holidays at home. Residents of the village were saddened on Monday to learn o! the death in Toronto at St. Jas- ephVs Hospital of one of their most respected and beloved citi- zens of many years standing, in the person of Miss Annie Kene- fick. There will be an important meeting of-Newcastle Girls' Sa! t- baîl Club Friday evening, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the kitchen o! the Cormmunity Hall and one o! its main purposes will be ta make plans for the coming 1948 seasan. A good attendance is requested. A surprise farewell party was tenderea Mr. and Mrs. Waadrow Harris by relatives and a few clase friends on Saturday evening, March 27, at their home on Mill St. when they were presented with an electric tea kettle and Mrs. Harris also was the recipi- cnt o! a lovely bouquet o! frag- rant spring flowers. Tillie, Jerry and Boyd were also guests o! han- or at a party given by their fel- law pupils of Newcastle Public School before their departure for their new home in Chesley. Tillie and Jerry were presented with Gibson Girl blouses and tics and Bayd receix-ed a shirt and tic. Community is very sarry ta lase Mr. and Mrs. Woadraw (Buster) Harris and children as residents o! the village. They have moved ta Chcslcy. Mr. Sam Breretan has been a pa- tient in Bowrnanville Hospital where he underwent an operation1 for an abcess condition in anc o! the glands in his neck. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green were weekzend guests a! Mr, andi Mrs. George Nelson, Port Hope. Rev. John Bonathan, Langueuil, Quebec, spent a few days with hisj znother. Mrs. S. Bonathan. The Mens Club o! St. George's Church held a highly successful card party in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening of last week- when the prize winners were: lsti Mr. Ed. Neilson, Orono; 2nd, Mrs. Seed Including: AJAX, BEAVER, CARTIER, VICTORY, ERBAN OATS SUNALTA, 2-rowed Barley O.A.C. 21, 6-rowed Bariey SPRING WHEAT, Spring Bye, Goldvine Peas The above advertised grain ls ail government tested and graded, with special atten- tion being given to the ger- mination tests. You wili find our prices right. NEWCASTLE Douglas Dewdney; consolation, Mrs. Harold Gibson; euchre, lst, Mrs. Chris Barchard; 2nd, Mr. Ar- thur Wartman; consolation, Mr. J. Tebble; five hundred, lst, Mrs. John Scott; 2nd, Mr. Wellington Farrow; consolation, Mr. Harry Jose. Mrs. Harold Carr, Port Credit, spent Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Miss Joan Delahaye, Kingston, a pupil at Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, was guest of Miss Mary Dewdney at the rectory and re- turned with her to Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Tucker :Couch, Toronto, spent Easter Sunday as guest of Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Newcastle Fîre Brigade was called out on Saturday afternoon to extinguish a grass fire near Harry Jose's farm. Mrs. Arthur Houston was caîl- ed to Toronto last week owing to the seriaus illness of her sister, Mrs. Bryce Stinson who passed away Sunday. Mr. Robert Walton is able to be out again after his illness. Mrs. Pepper, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Powell and Mrs. W. J. Hocken. Congratulations ta Mr. Glenn Allin for winning first prize on the Rai Purdy Radio program on Sunday evening. Rev. J. D. A. Carscadden, re- presenting Canadian Institute for the Blind, was guest speaker nt the United Church, Sunday ar. Mr. Charles Glenney conducted the service in the absence o! Rev. W. W. Patterson who w-as taking part in the apening of a new church in North Oshawa. Y.P.U. met March 29 with pres- ident Glenn Allun presiding. The Christian culture convener, Paul Bennett, was in charge of the worship period assisted by Lou- ise Hancock. Paul spoke on "Go- thic Cathedrals," After a sing- sang and a few games of ping pong, the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Joli have returned to their home in Glid- den, Saskatchewan, after having Grain ALFALFA, RED CLOVER TIMOTHY and ALL CLOVER MIXTURES BOTH FOR HAY AND PERMANENT PASTURES White and Yeliow Blossom SWEET CLOVER Special A limited quantity of No. 2 Sweet Ciover at $7.50 busl FERTILIZERS, CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES GARDEN SEEDS anld SUPPLIES, etc. PHONE CLARKE 33-12 Everyho ci yReads CIasifec COW~PUNCHERS, and other manly fellows, consult the i classified section regularly for tood steers. A few ad- Unes run regularly ln the clasUifeds will keep you i constant contact wlth spirited, ready-to-huy maies of ail Iage groups and occupations! The CANADIAN STATESNAI CALL 663 FOR AD TAKER spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Joli. Mrs. Wm. Cow- an's daughter and family have al- so returned home. NEWCASTLE W.C.T.U. Newcastle Woman's Christian Temperance Union met March 25 with president Mrs. Mellow in the chair. It was decided ta hold a gold medal contest on April 23, at which those previously win- niîig silver medals might com- pete. Mrs. Hare, our efficient sec- retary of medal contests, will have charge. The president, secretary and treasurer wcre appointed a committee ta look after refresh- ments. "What's wrong with gamblîng," the subjeet of the clip sheet was conducted by Mrs. H. Toms. Gam- bling is an agreement between two parties, whereby one bas ta lose for another ta gain. The transaction o! maney exchanged in gambling does not add one whit real value ta anyanc's possessions. A few persans may be enriched but we neyer hear anything about the lasers. In Proctor Academy, the head master learned that same a! his boys were playing the slat ma- chines. Sa, being a wise man, he went ta police headquarters, se- cured a canfiscated machine and set it in the mathematics raam. He then had the mathematies in- structor wark up a problem in- valving the law af mathematical prabability ta be salved by play- ing the machine with bogus mon- ey. The boys learned that a play- er hits the jackpat once in 4,000 times-at a nickel a throw, which meant it would cast about $200 ta win $5. They learned alsa that the next highest pay off was once in 2,000 plays-$100 ta win $1. We may nat aurselves be on the way ta became gambling ad- dicts, but are we gaing ta use aur influence against it. The stand against gambling is flot a popîî- lar one, but it's up ta us ta raise aur voice in pratest. W.M.S. AUXILIARY United Church Afiernoon Aux- iliary met April 1 with third vice president, Mrs. George Honey, in charge. Miss Blackburn read the min- utes and other secretaries gave their variaus reports. Community friendship secretary, Mrs. H. Han- cock, and her assistants reported 24 calls which was felt ta be a very worthwhile contribution ta the work a! the Auxiliary. Mrs. Tucker, a missianary who is home on furlough fromr Africa, will be guest speaker for the an- nual Thankoffering meeting April 29. Mrs. Honey conducted the Bi- ble quiz o! 12 questions on the first ten chapters: o! Genesis. At the present time the standing o! the Reds and Blues is equal. Mrs. Cale's group had charge of the program which lncluded pray- er by Mrs. Cale; scripture by Miss Warren with ane autstanding thaught. "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and farever." A duet 'When Love Shines In" ren- dered by Mrs. H. Jase and Mrs. H. Pearce accompanied by Mrs. H. Allin. Mrs. Beman and Miss Blackburn gave a synopsis of an- other section af the study book in a very interesting and capable manner. ; Our meetings are interesting. upli!ting and instructive, so thase wha miss them are the lasers. Radio Spoflighi 'Won by Glen Allin Glenn Allun, leader o! the Iyew- castle Male Quartette, won first place amang the contestants ap- pearing an the Sunday night broadcast o! Rai Purdy's "Search For Talent." For his sala effort Glenn chose "Old Man River." It twas clear from the applause that preceded the ajudication that Glenn's rolling tones had made ai big hit and his friends o! course booked him for the "Oscar" at once. Glenn explained when inter- viewed at the microphone, that he had appeared with his quartettel on the same programn a week or sa before. Since that time he won the prize at the Newcastle Lions Club concert and the club accord- ingly spansored his re-appearance on the Rai Purdy broadcast. The Newcastle district has become quite famed in musical circles :iïrough the quartette and its members. Singing as a quartette on the IPurdy program the four men won six pairs o! nylons, the award for third place. Winning first place as a soloist, Glenn was presented jjwith a pair of Iroquois blankets which will fetch equal acclaim ifrom his lady friend. Readers ehould note that by virtue o! win- ning the spatlight last week, Glenn will be the headlîner on ~he Purdy concert next Sunday 2vening. Be sure ta listen in. SO0LI1N A BODY SHOP We buy or repair &Il types of damaged cars Alil Work Guaranteed TOWING SERVICE Six miles east of Oshawa, three miles west of Bow- manville on north aide of Kingston Hithway. B. Budai, Prop. Phone: Bowmanville 2810 Couple Honored on Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, life-long residents o! Darlingtan townsip, naw living on Manvers Road, north o! Bowmanville, who last manth celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home when a reception was held in their hanor. Cut courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette. ZION Miss Grace Stainton visited Carole Stephen, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nemis, Bobbie and Larry, visited at Ni- agara-on -the -Lake. Miss Lynda Cameron visited her sister, Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Har- many. 41 0 Mr. Aubrey Hircock and Miss Helen Cameron attended the wed- ding of Miss Betty Balson and Elvin Brawley at Orangeville on Saturday. Mrs. Russell Perkins had a W. A. quilting on Thursday. Several of the ladies attended the trousseau tea for Miss Audrey Gates in Oshawa on Wednesday. Jas. MeMaster, Toronto, at Alex McMast er's. Mr. and Mrs. L. MeKenna, Osh- awa, at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs,. Perey Davidson and family at Tom Abbott's, En- niskillen. Mr. R. W. Bahl and Miss Dora Ball attended the Brawley-Balson weddiog at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor and family, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Geissberger and family Max- well's, Mr. Arnold Eyman, Miss Margaret Healey, Whitby, at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson at- tended the Brawley-Balson wed- ding at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and family, Newcastle, at Arnold Venner's. WESLEY VILLE Sunday School had an attend- ance of 40. Owing ta the absence of Mrs. C. Payne, Miss Helene Barrowclough taught, the Senior Girls' Class. Church was held at 7:30. The evening services have commenced again and owing ta the condition of the roads the attendance was s rna l. Young People's Union met on Wcdnesday evening with an at- tendance of 16. Topic xvas taken by Mr. Cla-rence Nicholîs who conducted the games and a sing- sang. Misses Margaret Binsted and Jane Reeve wcre nominated ta bring current events at the following meetings. Eleven members, of the Young People's Union attended the Ral- ly for the Young People of Oak Lake Camp at Welcome Friday evening. Moving pictures were shown by Rev. Zufelt, Peterbor- ougba and gifts were presented ta the leaders, Rev. Oke, Rev. Pat- terson, Rex'. Zufelt, Mrs. Patter- son and Mrs. Sally Gardon. Messrs. Harold and Lea Parnell snent the Easter holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. LADIES« READ TRIS! -Unwanted haïr removed instantly fromn face, arms, legs, with Flash Haïr Remover. Harailess-leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if haïr qrows bock alter third application with no questions asked. Complete treat- ment $2 postpaid. (C.0.D.*s Postage extra). KAFEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 302) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. BABY CI-ICKS S.C. WHITE LEGHORNS BARRED ROCKS We operate a breeding farm not a commercial hatchery. AIl hatching eggs produced on aur own farm. 100% dlean blood-test February and March pullets make best faîl producers. Orchland Farm H. J. BROOKS Bommanviile Phone 2636 §tan Porteous, Newcastle. Miss Dolores Dickerson spent Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carr, Trenton. Murray and Ruth Payne attend- ed the Band Concert o! the Met- ropalitan Silver Band in Part Hope United Church. Mrs. S. 0. Milîs with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Barrowclough. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke, Sharon Ann and Carol wxith Mrs. Harry Meeking, Part Hope. Miss Lois Parnell spent Wed- nesday with Miss Margaret Bmn- sted. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beighton bave moved from the farm ta their house in Part Britain. Miss Muriel Austin with Miss Laura Binsted. Mrs. C. Payne and Howard mo- tored ta Clinton to, attend the fu- neral of their cousin, Mrs. Rus- sell Jarivs on Monday. STARK VILLE Many attended Shiloh Church Sunday at which Rev. Bunt prea- ched a good sermon. Mrs. Frank Howse, Toronto, spent Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hallowell. Mrs. S. Brownlee, Toronto, with Mr. ai-d Mrs. M. Shutka. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toron- ta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hal- lowell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery and The Newcastle Independent Phione: Clarke 3314 with prayer. Mrs. Munday took charge of business. Next place of meeting is at Mrs. Marjory Jef- fery's. Sympathy of this community is Enj.y extended to Mrs. Stephen Jeffery VanQÏP' in the sudden passing of her bro-f ther in Toronto. for Lunch or 0f 46 Germans claiming exemp- Spp Il* tion from heavy work because Ju E% they were musicians, 28 couldn't JUST HIAT read an unexpected test piece that ÀNO EAuI was given them to play. family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson. Miss Mary Hallowell and Mr. Maurice Hallowell have returned home after visiting their aunts in Toronto. Miss Helena Hallowell spent Easter holidays in Toronta. Miss Eileen Farrow has resum- cd her teaching duties after spending the holidays at home. Miss Helen Deckert has return- ed after spending the holidays at Miss Dorothy Farrow, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. Mr. A. Minto with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Robinson and daughter in Port Hope. Miss Audrey Farrow, Newcas-. tle, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers, Osh- awaw, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Shut- ka. Mrs. H. L. Trim visited in Osh- awa. Mr. Bert Trim is visiting in Clevelandý Ohio. Mr. and Mis. E. White have re- turned after visiting their son, Mr. Lawrence White, of Maple Grave. Although the weather is a bit chilly, there are a few farmers who are working on the land, MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, To- ronto, visiteci their parents on Sund-ay. Miss Donna and Master Billie Snowden, who spent the Easter holidays here with rela- tives, returned home with their parents. Miss Joan Munday spent Sat- urday at her Uncle's, Mr. Elgin Munday, Oshawa. Misses Lorraine, Galle Snow- den spent last week with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis, Oshawa. Mrs. Albert Brown and two ebjîdren, Hamilton, Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snow- den. Mrs. C. H. Snowden and Miss Ethel Axford attendcd the fun- eral on Manday of their cousin, Mrs. D. Pollard in Oshawa. Women's Institute inects on Monday evening, April 12. Ex-ening Auxiliary met at the home of the president, Mrs. Jean Munday. Mrs. Winnie Brown took charge of the program. Mrs. Ivy Coverly read the scripture, Mrs. Jean Munday affcred pray- or, and then gave a talk on 'Can- adian Chureh Rclicf Abroad" and Mrs. h-y Coverly took up the stu- dv book. Mvrs. Winnie Brown closed this part of the meeting '4 OM//I/ONE We pay highest prex'ailing mnarket prices for ungradrd eggsý. Ship with confidence ta Dominion Stores lmited, S32 Old #> Weston Road, Toronto. Reais4ered Ntîmber 0-29. 19,PMRY FF TURE Golden Yellow, Fii Ripe BanaRa Texas Marsh Seed Grapefruit, i Texas Marsh Seedli Pink Grapefri Ontario No. 1 Waxed Turui P.E.I. No. 1 Pot aloos - New Crop Texas CarroL irm iS Lb.15C iles ize 96, 6 for 23c less, large size 80's rFancy Qualîty SOCKEYE SALMON Red Glo-Choice Qua 'lîty TOMJATO JUICE Red Gbo-Standard TOMATOEF Ail Brands CHOICE TOMATOES Royal Cit3 -Choice, B.C. PEAS & CARROTS MIl Brarrds ~"21 DESSERT PEARS Royal ('ity-P .C.Choire T"s0n.23Ç BARTTPEARS ]Barton- Choice 2 2Onz37Ç PRUNE PLUMS Ail Brands 23nz RASPBER RY JAM Dominion 20"19Ç PEANUT BUTTER 23~ 20 z33. 2 2 24aOi 39Ç J nr 'jar 37- ,u - j iorAuc ~ISun Joy or Edgewater JLO UDIGl5kg CHOICE UNGRADE» PEAS TlonI' 16Ç (Buttcrscotch, Caramnel, Chocolaté or [ps - IL. 5c Libby Vanilla> 5cDEEIBROWNED BEANS 21ç DURHAM CORN STARCH a 16' Is. banÂquetL 3 IL 28c CHICEPUMPRIN 2Tnp23- 25ç SPAGHETTI 2Ibloz 29 à lb. 67; SaI> u>3 TIn V Tn yU Cello klae 29Ç MAS ON & DALE HARDWARE & SPORTING GOODS - ELECTRICAL APPLIANVCES 36 KING ST. E. - Bo-wmanv'ilIe - PHONE 408 and Seeds Agair. i-his year we are offering a choice selection of seed grains and clovers (large lofs delivered) A. W. GLENNEY Ontario Grown Riclimello Bec Hîve Washed Parsnips - lb. 10c ORANGE PEKOE TEA aî,, .50Ç COUI SYRUP Ontario Combination Grade Bcekist Orangc ê' Lemon Spy Apples 3 lbs. 25C AMBER NO.. 1 HONET Cuartox 55ç CAN9DY SLICES Just Arrived 5CAil Brands Fancy Dulch Sets - *lb. 25c TDRWDVDRV Tif 2 z'o IUCafUJ I7MR!ýDAT, APRIL Sth, IM i m Mod PAGE ErGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE. ONTARTO YEGETARIFS Lipi =lyr

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