ýWA% ILWTE AAINSATSA.BWAVILOTRO HRDV PUL8M,14 Th e Orono News ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen Service Club ladies met at the home of Mrs. L. Weacn on March 30. The evening was spent sewing for the bospital. Lunch was served by Mrs. L. Wearn and ber group. Next meet- ing at Mrs. L. Stainton's, on April 13. Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Pucple Hill, Mc. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, Mc. and Mrs, John Oke visited Mc. and Mcs. Walter Oke. Mc. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick with Mc. Ed. Cains, Pontypool, Mcs. E. Strutt returned home with tbem after spending two months' holidays there. Mcs. Mary Griffin bas retucned home aftec spending a pleasant holiday with Mc. and Mrs. I. J., Wotten, Oshawa. Mc. and Mcs. Ira Traveli. Beth and Bruce, Oshawa. Mc. and Mcs. Stewart Rodman, Port Perry, Mc. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Providence, Mr. Lloyd Kersey., Bowmanvillc, Miss Joyce Scott, Toronto, witb Mc. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mc. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mcs. G. Me- Lean, Uxbridge, baby Gordon is holidaying with bis grandpacents. Mc. Gordon Fleet, Toronto, vis- ited with Mc. and Mcs. J. Fleet. Mcs. Williams, Mc. and Mrs. F. Cowling and son, Blackstock, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNeil. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland and family with bis parents, Mc. and Mcs. John Dorland. Mc. and Mrs. H. Stevens spent Sunday with Mc. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. G. Towns, Col- borne, Mc. and Mrs. W. Stainton, Ocono, at Mc. Milton Stainton's and with Mc. Lorne Lamb. Mc. and Mrs. Cameron Oke. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and Shirley witb Mc. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mcs. Wiil Moore are visiting in Toronto. Mc. and Mrs. L. Bradley witb Mc. and Mcs. H. Bradley, Maple Gco v e Mr. Melville Griffin, of Biack- stock, with Mc. and Mcs. Russel Griffin. Travel restrictions have been lifted and camping facilities for tourists are being improved along the Alaskan bighway, stretching 1,500 miles between Dawson Creek, B.C., and Fairbanks, Alas- ka. FOR DAKERY AND RESTAURANT OnIy the "Best QUALITY SERVICE Phone 855 Over three tons of salvage was coliected by the Boy. Scouts from thec citizens of Orono on Saturday. Young People of Tinity Unit- ed Church, Bowmanville, present- cd their humorous play "Fcesh as a Daisy"' in the Town Hall on Fri- day evening under the auspices of Woman's Association of Park St. Churcb. A large ccowd was in attendance and enjoyed the splen- did acting. Rev. J. E. Griffith in- troduced the characters and Mrs. EVerett Bcown gave a number of piano selections in the intermis- sions. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraserl have moved fcomn Long Sault to their ncw home on Chucch St. S., purchascd from R. G. Moffat. Miss Joan Haines attended a reunion of Toronto Normal Sehool students in Tnronto. Mrs. W. C. Lynch attended the annual convention of Ontario Re- gistered Music Teachers' Associa- tion at the Genecal Broek Hotel, Niagara Falls. The ladies of St. Saviour's An- glican Chucch scrvedi a lovely Easter tca in theïr school room on Wednesday evening. Mrs. William George Couvier passed away on March31ate home of hec daughter, Mrs. Jakze- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Don- ald and Norman Kinsale, have movcd to their farmn purchased from Frank Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L *cvett, Do- reen and Dallon, Union, have moved to their farmn purchased fcom Norman Stinson. We are very glad to welcome these folks to our community. Mr. Norman Stinson and Mrs. H. Stinson have bought and mov- cd to the farm recently owned by F. Cook. Some folks in our community have been quite iii with flu. W.A. will meet at Mrs. G. Bow- man's on Wednesday afternoon, April 14. "Free-for-all" lunch. England and Wales have ovcr 26,000 land girls. BEFORE SELLING LIVE POULTRY TR Y ME MY PRICES ARE HIGHER M. Fiait BETHANY R.R. 1 Phone 7 r 13. Reverse Charges Free Servic Dead or Crippled Horses'or Caille removed ai once without charge We pay your phone cali. NARGWILL FUR FARM .R1,TYRONE Phone Bowmanville 2679 PHONE BOWMANVILLE 2679 man, after sevecal wecks' illncss. Mc. and Mrs. Vance Allen mov- cd to their ncw home in the An- tioch section, which bas been va- cated by Mc. and Mrs. Lewis Wood. A number of the Masonie bre- tbren attcndcd church parade to St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville, Sunday cvcning. Mrs. W. E. C. Wockman, Bow- manville, has accepted the posi- tion of organist in Pack St. Uni- ted Church, and pcesided at the organ on Sunday morning foc the first time. Communion service iwas held and a reception service for a number of young people, who have spent several weeks in training foc church membersbip. Also for a number of adults wvho wece tcansfccring from other communities. Congratulations to Mc. and Mrs. Norman Winter, Oshawa, form- erly of Orono, on the arrivai of a baby boy in Oshawa Hospital. Miss Eileen Burgess has retucn- ed home after a few days in Bow- manville Hospital following an operati on. Colin Taylor is now making his home with Mc. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Cburch St. S. Mcs. R. Rainey and Miss M. TYRONE Mrs. William Goodfeilow, Miss- es Ada and Phyllis Goodfellow, Codrington, with Mc. and Mcs. H. Philp arnd Miss Jean Phiip. Mc. and Mrs. Earl Stephens, Joan and Louise, Sutton, with Mc. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mrs. Shirley Moffatt, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Miss K. lÇacdonald, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mcs. Wm. Macdon- aid. Mc. and Mrs. Art Youngman, Alan and Jimmie, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, Pontypool. Mc. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, Hampton, with Mc. and Mrs. F. Wright and Mc. and Mrs. N. Yel- lowlees. Mc. G. Rosevear visited bis par- ents, Mc. and Mcs. E. Rosevear, Port Hope. Mcs. J. H. Zerbrigg, Sioux Lookout, with Mc. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. Mc. and Mcs. Alfred Moffatt and family, Mc. and Mrs. Alan Moffatt, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mcs. Leon Moore. Charles Marshall, Mimico, with Mc. and Mcs. T. Scott. Mcs. W. Miller with Mr. and Mcs. J. Bird and Mc. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Bowmanville. Mc. and Mrs. John Griffin, Lau- ca and Muriel, Yeiverton, with Mc. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mc. and Mcs. R. Maynard witb Mrs. Phyllis Maynacd, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Elva Beckett, Bowman- ville, with hec mother, Mcs. L. Vi rtue. Mc. Clifford Sbred Sr. with Mc. and Mcs. Clifford Shced. Russell Virtue had a vecy suc- cessful sale on Monday. Mrs. Percy Pbilipps and son, Jack, Maidstone, witb ber father, Mc. J. D. Colwill, wbo is in vcry poor healtb. Mc. Coiwiil is at presenit in Oshawa Hospital. CHEERY HOIUSEMAIDS Tyrone Cheecy Housemaids met at Bessie's with foucteen girls in attendance on March 31. Roll call ivas answered as "'my favorite sandwich filling."' Next meeting wîll take place at Arvilla's on April 17. Befoce discuss' ng with the girls, party themes and prop- er introductions, Mrs. Ycllowlces aided the girls in whipping up some butter cakes and çocoa paste. When the cakes had bak- ed they, ail joined in on a liearty lunch of their accomplishmrents and other deliciotîs cake provided, by Bessie. W.XIS. was field at the mne with a good attendance. Meeting opcncd %with pra' er by M\r;. c ell. Mrs. S. T. Hoar, group lead- Taylor are staying with Mr. Neil Rainey and family, Clarke Un- ion. Visitors: Mc. and Mcs. Hargraves and Roy, Toronto, with Mc. and Mrs. C. S McLaren. Mr. Dick Wood, North Oshawa, with Mc. and Mrs. Wes. Wood. Miss Jean Forrester, Ingersoll, with Mc. and Mrs. R. Forcester. Mrs. Acnott. Dundalk, with Mcs. A. Roy and Mc. and Mrs. J. H. Acnott. Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, with Mc. and Mrs. H. Rowland. Miss Gwen Phasey with rela- tives in Hampton and Newcastle. Mc. and Mcs. Kenneth Haw and family, Toronto, with Mcs. F. Peate. Mc. and Mrs. Garnet Towns and children, Colborne, with hec par- ents, Mc. and Mcs. W. J. Stain- ton. Mr. and Mcs. Albert ýFarrow, Millbcook, with Mrs. I. Wirftec. Mc. and Mcs. Roy Cocnish, Port Peccy. wvith Mcs. J. J. Cocnish and Miss Minnie Cocnish. Mc. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Alex with relatives in Toc- onto. Mcs. I. Muir with Mc. and Mrs. Wm. Muir, Weston. Mc. L. G. MeGinnis and Mary Lynd with relatives near Barrie. Mc. and Mcs. W. J. Stainton, Mc. and Mrs. Garnet Towns and family with relatives at Ennis- killen. Miss Pauline Robbins, Peterbor- ough, with Miss Dawn Moffat. Joan and Elva Reid with their g rand parents, Mc. and Mrs. T. A. iReid. Theught is the essence of an By desiring What is perfectly act, and the stranger element, of good-- we are part of the power action; even as stream is more against evil, eidening the skirts powerful than water, simply be- of light and making the struggle cause it is more ethereal.-Mary with darkness narrower.-George Baker Eddy Eliot Darlingion Council Sels Rai es For Wages of Einployees Darlington Council met with Reeve Kyle Squair presidini, A communication was read, fcom the Bell Telephone Co. re changing their poles at Lot 32, Con. 10. Clerk was instructed to write the Bell Telephone Co. that the Council wanted the work done as set out. K. A. Grills, W. R. Pickell and Jan Veenhoff appeaced before the Couincil regarding their 1947 tax- es. On motion their asscssments were reduced $2.50 per acre. Stuart R. James and Ross Brown addressed Council ce lia- bilitv insucance to cover coad ma- chinecy while in opecation on the roads. More information was ce- quested by Council. E. F. Marston visited Council and presented the gravel contcact to be signed by H. C. W. Milîs and Council. The following rates of wages and salaries were set for 1948: W. L. Miller $1,700 plus $200 car ex- pense; tractor operator, 75e per bouc; maintainer operator 75e an bouc. These operators are to transport the necessacy fuel and grease for opccating purposes. Other man labor is 55c per bouc; light tractors $1.25 per bouc; hea- vy tractors $1.50 per hour; three horse teams 90e per hour; two horse teams, 70e pec bouc; clerk treasurer and tax collector's sal- ary, $1,750.00. Men are to work ten hours per day from May i to October 1 and eight boucs per day fcom Octo- ber 1 to May 1. *The pay foc trucks wvas set at $1,10 and driver 60c pec hour. G. F. Annis was appointed ce- presentative to the Bowmanville Hospital Board. Grant of $200 was made to Bowmanville Hospi- tal. The following by-law was pass- ed: A by-law of the Council of the Township of Darlington to limit the number of dogs in the Village of Enniskillen, in the Township of.Daclington. Whece- as it is deemed necessary and ex- pedient to control the number of dogs kept in the Village of En- niskillen, because of a petition signed by the ratepayers of the Village of Enniskillen in the Tow nship of Daclington com- plaining about'th.e noise and smell of a large number of dogs kept in the Village. Th 'erefoce the Mun;cipal,'Council of the Town- ship of Darlîngton cnacts as fol- lows: That no house oc person in the Village of Enniskillen can kieep more than two dogs and that no Kennels shall be kept or Kennel License issued within one haif mile of the Village of Ennis- kilien in the Township of Darling- ton. 'rheFe buis -were paid: Bell Telephone service __$ 3.84 City of Oshawa, relief- 32.43 Fcank Werry, relief wood 12.00 Mrs. McClure. relief mîlk 7.25 F. L. Byam, relief ---- 17.24 Genecal relief account _ 105.48 Mrs. Hunt, bousekeeper 35.00 Sebool Section No. 14, ad- vance teacbcr's salacy _ 500.00 Bowmanville Hospital grant 200<00 Roads and bridges, repair 2,743.30 Couincil adjoucned to meet May 6, at one o'ciock. - ENFIELD NE WTON VILLE' We have learned of the passîng of Mrs. George Jones in Port Hope. To hec family we extend our sincere sympathy. Mrs. Frank Gilmer returned on Friday from hec visit in Niagara Falls. Mrs. George Stapleton attend- ed the O.E.A. in Toronto as a delegate. Dont forget the joint W.M.S. and Mission Band Tbank- offecing in United Chucch, April 1,'. And men are quite weleome. Miss Jean Milligan is hoxrneEon the sick list. School re-opened on Monday wltb two beginners, Kenny Gibbs and Johnny Coach. Ronnie Har- court was also welcomed as a new pupil here. Mcs. Lennox Vasey, Port Me- Nichol, is prolonging hec stay with ber mother, Mrs. Wm. Sta- pleton who is still under the doc- toc's care. Mrs. W. H. Joncs, Mrs. Zenna Carlaw, Mrs. C. M. Jones and Miss Fac Joncs wcce in Peterbor- ough. Womanis 4Lssociation met Tues- day cvening. A donation of $25 was received from Mc. and Mrs. C. Roff for the installing of bath- room in the parsonage. $84 had been ceceivcd prcviously fcom Shiloh W.A. Plans foc anniver- sary in May werc diseused. Mrs. Edgar Harcourt was wclcomcd in the group. Lunch was in charge of Mrs. H. A. Bunt, Mcs. H. Bur- lcy and Mrs. Arnold Wadc. Several attended the Metropoli- tan Silver Band Concert in Port Hope Saturday and Sunday eve- nings. Mcs. Burkell is visiting hec daughter, Mrs. Cleland Lanc. HAYDON A hard Time party and pic so- cial was held at Mc. and Mrs. Don Cameron's on Fciday evening un- dec auspices of Mcs. Cameron's gcoup of the W.A. An excellent attendance came dcessed in old and ragged clotbing. Crokinole and Lost Heir wece enjoyed and a lady dcessed as a gypsy enter- tained by telling fortunes. Mr. Theron Mountjoy auctioned off the many delicious pies and the ladies of the group served coffee andl sandwiches. Miss Wfnnifred Trewin was awacded the prize for the best dcessed lady and Don Cameron for the best dressed gent. Proceeds $15.25 in aid of the parsonage fund. Sunday Sobool will be beld at 2 p.m. and church service at 7:30 p.m. We are glad to sce such a good attendance at our evcning service. Dc. and Mrs. M. Touzel, Toron- to, at Mr. James Hanna's. Mrs. Bert Ashton and son, Bil- lie Ashton, Toronto, spent a few days at Mc. A. Read's. Mr. and Mcs. Lorn Bradley and famîly, Hampton, at Mcs. l-erb Bcadley's. Mc. and Mrs. Don Camecon at Mc. C. W. Downey's, Bowman- ville. Mc. and Mcs. D. Black and Dora at Mc. Reid Dickie's, Nestleton. Mc. and Mrs. Don MacKenzie and family, Mc. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Mc. and Mrs. James Grant, Toronto, Mc. and Mrs. D. Bothwell, Maple Grove, at Mc. E. A. McNeil's witb Mrs. MacKen- zie and the children staying foc a visit. Your Gencral Elcetrie Ap pliance Dealer 438 Bowmanville 42 King St. E. "Algonquin Siory" Siory of Oniario'sj Great Playground Wbat is the magie that gives Algonquin Park, in Northern On- tario, a unique place in the hcarts of those who have camped on the shores of its lakes? What is there about the Park that made Tom Thompson, Canada's focemo st painter of the nocthcrn Canadian scene, adopt it as bis home? Per- haps it is the wacm touch of liv- ing history-the presence of old time residents and rangers, with their stories of the Gilmour ibro- thers' fantastie lumber drive, or Gcandpa Dennison's tragie en- counter witb the bear. Pechaps it lies in the mossy rotting logs of the old "comboose" camps. Wbatever the answcr, the magie of the Park echoes through this book. "Algonquin Story" is no ordinary story. Simply, unpreten- tiousiy, skilifully, Audrey Saund- ers bas told the story of Algon- quin Park. Snatches of remini- scence by gnarlcd old lumbermen, vivid little sketches of wild life epqsodes; intîmate anecdotes of Canada's great and humble, meet- ing as equals in a ]and wbece a man is simply himself - ahl these and more make it a book wocth reading. "Can anyone who bas seen it forget the sudden glimpse, as he paddles quiet.ly along the lake- shore, of a deer dcînking at the water's edge?-tbe quîck graceful lift and turn of the bcad, the soft enquicing cyes, the curve of the glistening black nostrils; the great sensitive cars seacching the air foc sound, the delicate poise of the tense lithe body, the twitch of the short, white-tufted tail? "Wboever bas expccienccd iuch a moment will want to rcad this book. Others, old and young. will want to cead it too. AIl Cana- dians and others wbo love the noctbern wilderness; ail people wbo have wondered about its fu- tuce."-From introduction by Sel- wyn Dewdney. Schoolboys and grandfatbers, educationists and fishermen above ail "Just plain people" wili cnjoy "Algonquin Stocy." Suit a hiy bound and colored and eontaining many beautiful illustrations, in- cluding coloced reproductions of Tom Tbompson's works. the book egmes boxed witb a series of five colored maps of the Park. "AI- gonquin Stocy" may be pucchased from the Departmcnt of Lands and Forests, Pacliament Buildings Toronto 5, by focwacding your cheque or money order foc $2,00 with your order. Barbara Ann Scott was not the first Canadian to win a wocld champîonship in figure skating. Louis Rubenstein of Montreai, won a wocld titie in St. Peters- burg 58 years ago. 28 KING ST. W. PHONE 747 BOVWMANVILLIU Space coniribuied in ihe service of ihe communiiy by John Labail Limited Jewellery & Cift Shcp 29 KING ST. E. THEATRE - BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY - SATURDAYI APRIL 9-10 MON., TUES., WEDI, APRIL 12-13-14 on hlmk..hglne mlmfo effthlm ..w.... end a 0ilMp ove"bihlhdi CARY VIYNA SHIRLEY GRANT.- LOY - TEMPLE. Movie-Tone News Color Cartoon1 PHONE 375 HIGGON ELECTRIC Good Meals Require Finest bIgre dients! The expcrienced cook realizes tibat to get the most from ber skill, she must start with the finest ingredients. . . . Hundreds of good cooks bave made it a habit to shop at Edmondstone's Market, where only the fincst produce is offcred. COOKED AND FRESH MEATS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES CANNED GOODS, GROCERIES, DAIRY PRODUCTS EDNONDSTONE'S MARKET Harvey Joini, Proprietor BOIVMANVILLE 1 1 er, took charge of program. De- votional was given by Mrs. G.j Alldread; reading, "The Garden" by Mrs. D. Stainton. Mrs. J. Cook gave the chapter of the study book. Reading on stewardship by Mrs. Hoar. Temperance reading bv Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. 0. Beckett. A dainty lunch was; scrved and a vote of thanks ex- tcndcd to Mrs. Cresswell for op- ening her home. Miss Joyce Sidebottom, Toron- to Normal School, is student tea- cher at our school this week. Jimmie Woodley and Harvey Joncs are engaged at the Orono Rcforestry. Thankoffering of the Wý.M.s. will be held May 2 with Mcs. A.- A. Drummond, Orono, as guest speaker. Phone M6.- T=SDA-t, APRIL fth, 1949 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACM TWICLVIC a