P A G E F O U RT H C A A A N S A S M N B O A N L L , N T R OH R S A , A R L 5t , 9 4 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO tends building a new residence on April 12, 1923 I1 e ve t Two capacity houses heard and 'IT ER G thoroughly enjoyed the original 'IT ER G light opera, "The Message of the April 13, 1898 Biuebird" presented by local tal- ent under auspices of Women's Mr. W. .: Rice has gone to Eng- Hospital Auxiliary. ]and to visit friends. His smiling face xvili be missed from the Me- National Hotel Co., Toronto. thodist choir. have purchased the Bowman Hiouse and intend spending $12,- Dr. J. E. Brown sends an inter- 0001 in renovating and irnproving esting letter on his trip to the the propert.y. Klondike gold fields. John D. Keachie, formerly *of Lewis Terry was killed on Mar- this towxu, was presented with a vin Burk's farm when a land roll- purse of gold by his fellow Mason- er passed over his body, killing ic breibren of St. Andrew's Lodge, him înstantly. Toronto, in appreciation of his Solina - Congratulations t o long and faithful service as sec- Mark Pascoe on receiving his M. retary of the Lodge. D.. C.M.. degrees from Trinity Chamber of Commerce wilI University, Toronto. tata membership drive on Tyrone -Hmn la a April 16 to secure one hundred once more been visited on April mc*mbers. 7 when Phoebe Bertha Collacutt Dr. L. B. Williams received con- became the bride of Richard Haw- sîdierable publicity in Toronto pa- key. pers on a nexv treatment for pneu- New Haven-Jamnes Darch bas rnia. taken possession of Marvin Burk's Cnl. L. T. MeLaughlini attended farmn vacated by Wm. Kilman. a dilnner at Governiment House Enniskillen-~-J. E. Virtue bas given by Lord Byng in celebra- obtained a position with the Mas- tion of' the capture of Vimy Ridge sey-Harris Co., Toronto. on April 9. 1916, by Canadians. Newcastle- Bruce Elliott bas X\e(-cddîngs-April 6, Ada May' soid his butcher hbusiness to Mr. Fow. hr and Lorne H. Potter; Warrington, Newtonville. April 7, Grota May Beliman and H. J. Knight bas found it ne- E. F. RUsseil Osborne. cessarY to eall off the Choral Un- Mlr. and. Mrs. James Veale, Sa- ion practices owing to the serious lein. celebrated their 55th wed- accident whicb befeil his father. iiginnivcrsarx' on April 8. H. E. Stephenson. Canadian Ad- D. J. Galbraith, Newcastle, in-1 vertising Agency. Toronto, called THANK YOD!R As we are nearing the end ai anather coal burning seasan, I wauld like ta say Thank Yau ta ailaur custamers foar their patranage. The ceai situation ls far from being back te normal. Some of our customers did not receive exactly what they -wanted but we hope te be able to do better, provlding there are ne un- foreseen circumstances. By placing your. order early yeu might insure yourself against a fuel shortage next winter. OWEN MNICHOLAS, FUELS READING ANTHRACITE COAL - BRIQUETS SEMET-SOLVAY COKE C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone 410 F. F. MORRIS Co. 67TH RflfIVERSA-RY SRLE Features well known QUALI NATIONALLY ADVERTI Kroehler, rey. $295.00, 3. Gibhard, reg. $445.00, Snyder's rey. $265.00 Se: [TV at LESS than ISED PRICES! 1-pc. suite $229.00 Iid Walnut $ 4 Q Suite $390 Sectional $1 5 0 Simmons - Marshall - Arrow Sleep Units Lane - Heirloom - Red Seal Cedar Chesis Kelvinalor Refrigerators Deluxe "Lazy-Boy" Chairs, Cheslerfields Brantford "Locomotive" 'Washer' Hobbs Plaie Mirrors Campbell Lamps Imperial "Loyalisi" Maple 90OREWARD-If you can buy Standard Quallty for Legs! F. F. MqORRIS CG., ec'7 Yr- VRS - HIGHER QUALITY - LOWER PRICES on the editer whiie wheeling to Cobourg. Miss Florence Tillcy assisted on a musical program in Metcalf St. Churcb, Oshawa. John McMurtry is selling Am- encan Lady Corsets, six hocks, at 60ecechc. Federaion Makes Plans for Picnic On Camp Site Durham County Federation of Agriculture met at the home cf r.and Mrs. Forbes Heyland, with a veî'y gcod attendance. Camp committee rcpcrted it had attendcd a meeting in Toron- to and had diseussed plans for tbe buildings and uise of the County Camp site. Report was referred t.e Camp planning committee, wbicb will report at next direc- tors' meeting. Cbildren's Fund report was giv- en .by the secrctary but reports i bad not corne in as expected; sev- eral Townships were still xvork- ing. The directors adopted the fol- lowing: That recommendation te organize Cartwvright Township be carried out. That annual picnie be beld on Saturday, June 19 or 26. That decision as te place be beld over until May meeting. That Federation set aside $50.00 tc be used as prizes. That Camp Committee be al- loxved to spend $100 for necessary cquipment for Camp site. That the Sports Committee be the follo-vving: Harny Davey, Ralph Larmier and Harvey Mal- ýcol m. That the Cbildren's Sports Committee be Mrs. Larmer, Mrs. Mountjoy, Mrs. K. Ashby. and Mrs. Rae Stewýart. That Mn. H. Hannami be invited te be speaker at picnic. That Federatiori Paper should be published again in June. Resulting from several resolu- tions coming from other County gnroups the Durham County took the following action: That ne ac- tion be taken regarding an adver- tising campaign: Endorse any move to increase the number and better the condition for rural dcc- tors: Suppor tedi the prohibition 6f importationi of margarine; Sup- ported a National marketing seheme to take the place of the present provincial one. Decided that no action be taken re placing cf coarse grains and p rotein fceds under a wbeat board until more information can be secured. Endorsed the placing of controls on ail factors entering into the cost of producing foods if price controls are te ee imposed on food products. Endorsed a floor price on butter. Next meeting at the home of iM.r. and Mrs. Larmer, xvest cf Bi ackstock, ex'ening of May 6. OBITUAR Y SEWARD T. DOWSON The sudden passing of Mr. Sew- -ard Truscott Dowson, early Eas- ter morning at bis home in Prov- idence, was a great sbock to bis family and friends. Tbe deceas- ed who was in his 71st year, was born in Providence neigbborbood, wbere he lived ailbis life. Raised in a home wbere the day always began with family worsbip, as might be expected, Seward joined the Metbodist Church quite early in life. He was tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dowson of Bowmanville, wbo pre- dcceased bîm about twenty-five years ago. On June 21, 1904, Clara R. Ly- tic of Victoria Road became bis bride. To this union were born two children, a daugbter, the late Mrs. Weldon Neal (Mabel Viola Lyvtle), who passed away on Aug- Iust 28, 1938, at Gravenburst, and a son, Alvin Knight, of Bowmari- -ille. The deceased was a man of ster- ling qualities and mucb kindness. He enjoyed the respect and es- teein of a host of friends. Left te rnourn the passing of a loving busband and father are his wife and son. tbree grand- cbildren and one sister, Mrs. W. R. Allun (Nellie) of Darlington. On account of bad roads, the fuîneral, wbicb was largely at- tcnded, was held from Morris' Funeral Chapel on Marcb 30. Rev. J. E. Grilfitb, bis pastor, conduet- cd the service-, witb interment in Boxvnanville Cemetery. Palîbearers were tbree nep- hews, Garnet, Walter and Percy Lvtle and tbree cousins, Harvey Hiardy, Fred Blackburn and Rus- sell Robins. Beautiful floral tri- butes expressed the affection and regard of family and friends. A precious one from us is gone A voice we loved is stili. FOR DAKERY AND RESTAURANT OnIy the Bes, QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 855 Annual Rotary Ladies' Righi Social Event of the Season Harold Gully Guesi Speaker Fniday night, April 9, 1948, will go down in local Rotary Club bis- tory as the crowning achievement of many years effort te make the club's annual Ladies' Nigbt the outstanding social event cf the cemmunity. The setting. the ban- quet, the prcgram, arranged for the Rotary Anns and many spe- cial guests from eut cf town, left ncthing to be desired in general enjcyment fromn 7 p.m. when din- ner was served until 2 a.m., when Auld Lang Syne concluded the dancing. There wcre se many brilliant features cf the occasion that the neutral press representa- tive is obligcd to report the affair under tbrce separate headlines. Accordingly. this leading story attempts te describe the setting and program as preliminary to the introduction of the guest speaker and bis following philos- ophical discourse. Elscwbere will be found the pungently told bio- graphy of Harold Gully as scen by Rotarian John M. James, and as well, an inadequate summary cf the address of Mr. Guliy, a na- tive son, wbo was invited home !o take the spotlight on the pro- gramn. It was with much price that president Mel Dale cxtended a sIncene welcome to the ladies and other guests in the gather- '19. Through the good offices of Ro- tarian Jack Eastaugh, Superinten- cuent, Bowmanville Boys' Training School, he secured the consent of Hon. G. H. Dunbar te bold the dîinner and dance in the grand auditorium of the administration building at the scbool. The sump- tueus banquet prepared by the culinary staff at the BT.S. xas served by a vcry alert and compe- tent corps of students in spot- iessly wbite uniforms. Tbe:r faultless courtesies in serving and manly deportment brougbt imany favor able comments as jhey moIV- ed about pressing extra belpings upon the diners. Splendid Setting The decorations about the walls iincludcd an array cf national fiags and Rotary wbeels. Bright ycllow daffodils adortied each ta- ble. They were the gift of At- kins' F'oxvcr Sbop and xvere 'lown in from VancouIVer. 01n each table were favors foi' eacb ý,edy in the form cf glass rose bowls centaining a rose and col- ored ornaments, te be taken homne as mementos cf the occasion. New Look gowns and expensive coif- fures alternated with staid bus- iness suits and the old soup-and- fish, wbich niay bave recalled Bx-, rcn's lines at the Brussels hall- -oft ligbts shone on fair women- etc. Guests at the head table in- cludcd. District Governor Ken Smith and Mrs. Smith, Leaside, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin, Toc- ente, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cochran, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old M. Gully. Toronto, Miss Jean McGill and Mrs. Fleming, Osh- awa. The names of other guesîs at individuai tables escaped the reporter when rapid introductions were made. Toasts and Addresses Short adrîresses wcre made by Superintendent Eastaugb, -uwho with bis staff and. students re- ceix'ed applause foi' the arrange- ments made for the gathering. Mn. Virgin, former Bowmranville Rotarian and now Director of Re- fenm Institutions, told of tbe ce- operation cf the Miniîier in se- curing the auditorium for ladies* nigbt and conxmended the Rotar * Club fori' is enilargect iiembei'sliir, and active work in youtb and cnippled childnen service. Past President Dave Morrison proposed the toast "To the kadies" :n cloquent terms whicb tnaced tl'eir influence from the cradie te a niche in adult human affairs iittle appreciated by ordinary man. His extemporary oratory brought an equally ciever re- sponse from Mrs. Mel Dale wbo with unrehearscd fluency proved henscîf a very capable speaker as she expressed the thanks of the Rotary Anns. TI'leir contributions xx'ere xvorthy* c f a separate col- umn xvbicb xwe forego in this re- port. Beautiful Music ,Wecard xvith profound attention anrd grected wîth intense applause were the beautiful soprano solos centributed by Miss Jean McGill wh'o was accompanied by Mrs. Fleming. Encores cf popular numbers and light opera express- cd the v'ersatile talent of these Osbawai artists. Community sing- ing xvas led by John James with Dave Morrison at the piano. Since the introduîction cf the guest speaker and bis address are reported scparatel ' . this report concludes with tîle vote of tbanks to Mr. CullY, the guest artists, Mliss McGill and Mrs. Fleming and the officiais of the scbool ail of xvbicb were.exprcssed with in- imitable phrasing by Rotanian Lou Dippell. Then the tables xvcre clcared for tbe dancing to the veryv excecllent accompaniment of muisic by Roy Forrester and bis or'chcstra of Orono. It was i.n- deed a gr'and occasion. Chamber of Commerce Sponsor Beautificalion Spring Clean-Up Hlon. Paul Martin, Minister of National Health and Welfare, urgÏies co-operation witb the spring Beautification Campaign in the following prepared state- ment- "Appreciatingc the importance of sanitary enx'ironment, Canadian licalth authorities endorse whole- beartcdly the dlean-up drives wbicb bave been carried out dur- ing the past few ycars in connec- tion witb the Canadian Beautifi- cation campaign. liealtb and comfort depend in large measure on cleanliness and tidiiness of conditions among xvbýicb we live and labor. Any movement aimed at making sur- roundings more pleasant and or- dcclv tînd bence, safer and more sanitary -is thus decidedly worth- wbile'. The sponsors of the Ca mpaign, the Junior Chamber of Com-j' merce cf Canada, bave establish cd dates of May l7th to MaV 29th and it is understood that close ta I 4(00 communities xvil t.ake part. Vanaps PORKand BEANS Doudcous - Enjoyed by more families thon any other brand. Clarke Tp. Council To Inspect Roads Friday, April 29 Clarke Township Councîl met April 6 with ail membens present. Letten regarding a case receiv- ing alter carewas read and filed. After an inquiry about drain- age froin fields along Township roads had been made the clerk xvas asked te write the proper au- thorities and get a ruling on the ma tter. Council decided te inspect Townsbip noads on April 29, com- mencing at Newtonville at 8:30 a. Following delegations address- ed the Council: Mr. Hancock, repre s e n t i n g Newtonville, drew the Council's attention te the dangerous condi- tien cf Highway No. 2 between Burley's Garage and the Orange Hall because of the piling up cf snow by the Provincial plows. Clerk was instructed te get in touch with proper authonities. George Henderson headed a large delegation fromn the 8th Line asking for repairs ta a very dan- gerous cuivert and aise the cut- ting of several cuts on the road to en able the snow plow te get tbrough. Council will look into these matters wben inspecting the Charles Cooper requested on behaîf cf residents on sixth line that this road be ccmpleted as far as Kendal County road. This matter was laid over until Apnil Several matters to do with roadý were referred to Road Sup- erintendent; one, cost of a right of way, another a bill for survey- ing and another re a letter of oc- cupation. The followxing resolutions were' passed: Accepting report of audi- tors; Instructing the clerk to con- tact Departrncnt of Higbways re condition of a piece of road in Village of Newtonvilie; To trans-. fer twýo old outstanding cheques to Gencral Fund of Township;ý Continuing C. F. Awde as tax coi-1 lector up and including May 4,- 1948: Accepting tender of R. W. Nichols for baîf ton truck for use in tbe Township. -BROWN'S Browns' Busy Becs met at the home of Mrs. H. Reicbrath witb fine members present. Next meeting at Mrs. G. Stephenson's. 1 - - - - - - - - - - = See the New Model FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator 10W 0on display Ted Woodyard's Appliance Stores BOW-MANVrLLE Cor. King and Silver and at ORONO Sts. 1' v Several Brands Plump & Meaty 1JNGIADED PEAS ITlog16Ç CALIFORNIA RAISINS g 39e Royal City-B.C. Choîce Plump & Meaty 20A.&CAoz- 2 19 1 CALIF. CURRANTS oz.174 Clark's New Colouned REINS WITR PORE 17Ç MILU CHEESE Mrs. Reichrath served a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reichrath with Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones, Newton- ville. We were sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. E. Booth from our neighbor- hood. Tbey bave puccbased a store in East York. Miss Bertha Cain, Orono, bas replaced Mrs. Booth as teacher at Brown's. Mc. A. Cousins, Toronto Nor- mal Scbool, was student teachei at the sehool last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson and Wyilene visited Mn. and Mrs. J H. Higgins, Peterborough. ' Mrs. H. Reichrath with Mr4. and Mî's. H. Bellamy, Leskard. Ceilings vvitb a light, fiat finish arc rccommended by ligbting spe- cialists. because a ceiling of a dark colour absorL, light, and a shinx' surface causes glare. WET WAttS? 1 Wo Fix 'em with AQU ELLA , ..;g. U. S. Pot. Off. The Scientific Minerai Surface Coating that was used to control water seepage and dampness in the Maginot Line when other niateriais failed! Aquella is used inside or outside porous masonry surfaces, such as Belote Aquellizing Af ter AqueliUzin#, THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1948 1 BRICK, CONCRETE, LIGHT WEIGHT MASONRY UNITSO, STUCCO or CEMENT PLASTEP Call us for an estimate. The SHIEPPARD & GILL Lumber Co. Limited Phone 715 Bowmanville 96 King St. E. FfUITS ÏiËGÉT,4BlFS] DOMIWIOH6:ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO 1 above or below ground on', We pay highest prevalling market prices for ungraded eggs. Ship with confidence to Dominion Stores Lim- ited, 832 Old Weston Road, Toronto. Registered Number 0-29. Ontario No. 1, large flothouse Cucumbers - ea. 29c VALUES EFFECMVIC UNTIL CLOSING BATURDAT L, 42Ç