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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1948, p. 6

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0 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTAMO Y.P.U. met Monday evening, a Christian World. The May 3, witb president, Glenn Al- ner members wbo taok par lin in charge. It was decided to Jimmy Stephenson, Dougla discontinue the regular meetings after May 17. Christian fellowship Bobby Brown, John Fisher, convener, Evelyn AllUn, conducted Rickard, Benny Dickinson, the worship period, after which Pattersan. The Intermediate she led a sing-sang of Negro Spir- bers were Norma Allun, ituals. Francis Jase conducted Stoneburg, Helen Turner, the recreatianal period. C.G.I.T. Group met Tuesday rderman, Gerald Brown, eveniAÉ with President Hazel linadGrHncc May Fisher in charge. During leader was Kathleen Toms. the busines periad, the mnatter of sacrament of baptism waso having a tea and sale was dis- ed w h en Frances Eli cussed. Mrs.*Pauline Storks read d aughter of Mr. and Mrs. about aur Bible. For recreation R ickard; Douglas John Henr the girls played a game of bail. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hockin, Mrs.n Diane, daughter of M David and Douglas, Ajax, visited Ms Clifford Fiinto!f;( Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mrs. W. J. Patîle, daughter o! Mr. ar4 Hockin. Pu Shetler; Donna Mv Mr. ad ',daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M Mr %ad rs. Paul Shetier and Porter,- Geraid Brian, son Cheryl, Oshiwit, %vere guests of and Mrs. Thomas Harness; Mr. and Mrs. E. Powell. [aid Bruce, son o! Mr. and There wais aàsp<iiother's William Allun, were chris Day service' heldi n the Unitedi Floivers were placed in the Cburch on S i,.orniniz, May of the church by Mrs. Percy 9. Some of zý,e li-ermediate and and the family of the latE Beginner ~'~r ciff the Sunday Clifford Brown in memo Scheo :,rite some of the their mothers. Mrs. Wilbi .iadsthat make up kervîie and Miss Betty Ali Begin- irt were ls Jase, rRicky n, John te mem- Leona r, Ann n, 'Jack c.The s. The observ- zabeth, sJohn nry, son Hockin;, MIr. and Cheryl id Mrs. 4[a r i e, Mlurray of Mr. s;Ron- id Mrs. stened. ie front yHare te Mrs. iry of ur Bas- lin sang The Newcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 TRUCK TIRES LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT TIRES Large stock of NEW and RECONDITIONED wlth some SECONDS available in some sizes. Buy Now While Tires are Down 15 per cent G. F. JANIESON TIRE DEPOT COR. KING and SILVER STS. PHONE 467 B 0 WM A NV 1L L E- oe', Slqce/B9 #FdL4DOFFICJ lrdT!2Loo.oA7jÀç,o Have you a picture o! Financial Sccurity in the future? Let me show you the 2-way benefits o! aur NEW DOMINION SECURITY Policy. It provides immediate protection for your family, wbile accumulating a retinement fund for you. LET'S TALK THIS OVEF, WM. L. LYCETT, Bowrnanvllle, Ont. - Fresh Briohi Phone: 2382 a duet which portained ta moth- ers. Mrs. Wright and Margaret, To- ronto, visited Mrs. Wetherell and Mrs. Ash. Mr. and Mrs. Ji. S. Eritton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wakelin, Port Hope. The Horticultural S o c i e t y would likê ta inform the mem- bers that the date, May 18, seems too early and. that notification and prize lists wiil be forwarded a few days before the correct date. United Church Choir Gives Fine Conceri One of the rnost enjoyable mus- ical evenings held in Newcastle was presented ta a very large au- dience by the United Church Choir in the church auitorium Friday. This very excellent and well balanced arganization under the direction of Mr. James S. -Dyer planned a program ta suit ail tastes. There was certainly not a duli moment, every number being received with great enthusiasm. The resuit serves ta prove what can be accomplished with a wiil- ing and ambîtiaus choral group undeit capable and experienced leadership. The guest artist, Mrs. Olga Mc- Pherson, entertainer of Toronto, captured her audience from her first charming appearance. Hear- ty encores braught ber back mna- ny times and each number was a gem in itself. The church organist, Mrs. Carl Fisher, assisted by Mrs. Charles Cowan at the piano, contributed much ta the success o! the eve- ning. Many selections were ac- companied by these two combin- ed instruments. A group of soprano sangs con- tributed by Miss Jane Bennett, recently off Toronto, but now a member o! the choir, were wel received, while Mr. Glenn Allun excelled himseif in two numbers, "The Hoiy City"' with piano and organ accampaniments and "Bless This House." His rich, full bani- tone voice improves with each appearance. Mr. Dyer sang The Blind Show- man and Mandalay witb a bar- monized choral 'chorus and aiso two pleasing duets from Maytime and Biossomtime with Mrs. James T. Brown, another very popular and talented choir member. MaIe Quartettes by tbe Allun Quartette, Glenn, Ross, Wili Ai- lin and Wilbur Baskerville, belp- dd greatly to round out a splen- Tbe final choral number was a patrio tic presentation, Rule Bni- tannia, the solos being taken by Mrs. J. W. Phiip with Miss Clare Aluin acting as Britannia. Many requests have been made for a repeat performance o! this program or at least a similar eve- ning o! music and entertainment whicb was so tborougbly enjoyed, by so many. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray and granddaughter, Oshawa, Mrs. Pin- gle and Mrs. Marjerrison, Bow- manville, visited their mother, Mrs. Robt. Gray on Sunday. 0 0. 0 0 0 CURTAINS Surround your windows wlth new spring glamour. Dress I up those panes of glass ln colorful organdies ... decorative lace. . . eisp, fresh caftan rnarquisette ... eharmlng chintz. Styles, sîzes, colors for every wlndow and every roam ln your house. Choase tram our new large stock. Sec the wonderful tl*igs yau eau do wlth curtalus, Corne beautlfy your home now, at modest pices. $2.95 Io $9.00 pair SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F DRAPERY MATERIALS. ALL AT BUDGET PRICES Flattering, Fresh and Cool... Our Wonderful New Frocks! Perfect summer dress-ups for everybody, any turne this summer . .. our flatterlnt ladylike prints! Corne, see aur excltiug new group of eharmers . . . fashioned wlth flowlng or draped sklrts, campli- imentary neekilues, tiny walst- ies. BeBt of all YOU'll lîke thefr low budget price Jusi Arrived! Cames summer, a man can't have too many slacks. 'Now's the turne and here's the place ta get'em. Corne lu today. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PIIONE 836 49 KING ST. W. BO WMAN VILLE Memorial Arena Vote Postponed At a recent meeting of the Newcastle Veterans' Association, it was unanimously voted ta en- large the association by adding honorary members. With this in view delegates from the vets in- terviewed a number of promin- ent citizens with result that the following were added ta the N.V. A. rail caîl: H. S. Britton, Dr. J. A. Butler, Miss Cora Butler, C. R. Carveth, Irwin Colwill, Father Coffey, George Crowther, J. Dy- er, Mrs. Olga Gibson, Harry Jase, Rev. W. W. Patterson, Frank Ric- kard, J. Anderson Smith, Howard J. Toms, Reeve George Walton, Karl Weyrich. At a joint meeting of the vets anà honorary members the fol- lowing Arena committee was el- ected: H. S. Britton, Dr. J. A. Butler, Frank Rickard, Rev, W. W. Patterson, Reeve Walton, Ted Belsey, R. H. Davies, A. Gray, Brenton Rickard, Daug. Walton with R. H. Davies ta act as chair- man. It was again decided ta post- pone the plebiscîte in which the citizens were ta be asked ta vote for or against the issuance o! a $5,000 debenture. It was feit that ail possible resources shouid be exhausted before considering an increase in the miii rate. A delegatian o! Messrs. Rickard, Waiton and Davies journeyed ta Queen's Pai*k Friday and were given a cordial reception. There it was learned that 25 % of the cost o! the arena (not ta exceed $5,000) couid te obtained from the Provincial Government, pro- viding the building, grounds, committee, etc., complied with the regulations. This information was laid before the town council on Monday night, and as the anus of seiecting the new cornmittee rests with them, it is the sincere wish of the writer and the vets asso- ciation as a whoie, that the com- mittee selected doalal in their power ta complete the arena this summer. Women's Association Enjoy Tour of B.T.S. Thirty-nine members o! Wo- Manis Association o! St. Paul's United Church visited tbe Boys' Training School as a group on Tuesday afternoon, May 11. Ar- riving by means o! two chartered buses they were welcomed by superintendent, W. J. Eastaugh. After a brie! meeting in the schooi auditorium where Mr. Eas- taugh briefiy outlined the opera- tion o! the schooi tbe large group were broken down into tbree smailer groups. These three groups were conducted on a tour o! classes, sbops and bouses by Mr. Eastaugb, Mn. Rickard and Mr. Fairman. Foliowing the houn's tour .al gnoups reunited in the school au- ditorium for an informai tea and discussion period. The tea was supervised by Mrs. Densemn with Mrs. Harrison, Miss Aluin, Miss Symons, Miss Wotten and Miss Ashton, ail o! the B.T.S. staff, assisting. Mns. Kenneth Hull, president of the Association expressed on be- bal! o! the ladies their thanks for a profitable afternoon and their appreciation o! the work be- ing donc at the school. The foilowing membens o! the Association wene present: Mrs. C. Coiville, Mrs. R. Stephens, Mrs. R. Hetherington, Mns. A. Dunn, Mrs. J. E. Dilling, Mrs. George Chase, Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, Mrs. E. Welsh, Mns. M. McQuan- nie, Mrs. K. M. Quigley, Mns. O. R. Bragg, Miss Elva Orchard, Mrs. I. Pattinson, Mrs. Charles 'Mur- do!f. Mns, Frank Williams. Mns. W. Teeple, Mrs. N. Pingle, Mrs. McQuarnie, Mrs. Whitmee, Mrs. J. A. Cox, Miss F. Gardiner, Mns. A. J-. Jones, Mrs. Eva L. Mitch- ell, Mrs. Hanry Rice, Mrs. Charlie Manning, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Mn.. Kennetb Hull, Mrs. Robert Davies, Mrs. Florence Conners, Mn.. H. A. Galbraith, Mn.. Flor- e ce.Baker, Mrs. R. Candien, Mn.. Gèeo. Webster, Mrs. G. Abernethy, Miss L. Sexsmith, Mrs. Papineau, Mns. Ronald Hetherinton, Mrs. W. Reid. Mrs. Alex ,vcGegor. An "Open House" on a much langer scale will be held on Wed- nesclay, May 19 when ail inter- ested in the work o! the school wiil bave an opportunity to sec first hand the various aspects o! the Training Prognam. Newl. Ashton Honored Wilh Purse of Money On LeavingHaldimand Many Statesman readers wili be interested in the !ollowîng ar- ticle clipped from The Cayuga Advocate which refers ta a pres- entation ta Newton W. T. Ash- ton, son o! Mr. and*Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Bowmanville. The arti- cle reads: A vcry picasant featune in the form of a presentation took place at the close a! the County Chor- al Club Concert last week when the variaus agricultunai arganiza- tions o! Haidimand joined ta do honor to Newton W. T. Ashton, assistant Agiculturai Represent- ative, who is leaving sbartiy ta accept an appaintmcnt in the County o! Lennox-Addington. A!ten the last number on the 20 LARD 2lb. PAILS PURE HOME KETTLE RENDERED $4.59 Mail orders flled promptly en recelpt of rnoney order. Freigbt Charges extra Pickering Farms IMITED M 692 Quecu St. E., Toronto Also available at PICKERING FrnWhltby' program Mr. Norman Lindsay, chairman, called on Mr. Ben El- liott, president of Haldimand Fed- eration of Agriculture ta take charge. He referred to the excel- lent work which Mr. Ashton had done since caming ta the county a scant year ago and the most ef- ficient and ca-operative manner in which he had contributed ta the program being carried on by the agricultural representative. Mr. Elliatt in turn called on Mr. Glen Winger, president of Junior Farmers' Association. Mr. Wing- er endorsed what had been said and asked Mr. Ashton ta corne forward, stating that on behaîf of the Juniors, Women's Institute, Plowmen's Association, Breeders' Clubs, Co-operative Association, Caledonia Agricultural Society and Federation of Agriculture he would like him ta accept a small gift as a slight token of the ap- preciation of the variaus organi- zations. Miss Grace Vollick, pres- ident of Junior Women's Institute made the presentation of a waliet containing a sum of money. Sunday in Kendal United Church was in charge of Mrs. Bunt who gave a very interesting discourse stressing mothers' sacrifice for others. The heart - touching solo "My Mother's Prayers Have Fol- lowed Me" sung by Mr. Arthur Bell was much appreciated. It was with deep regret that Kendal folks learned of the illness and recent passing of Tone Lang- staff at his home in Newtonviile, Saturday morning, May 8. Tone was born and raised here moving to Newtonville nearly twenty-five years ago but stili coming back on frequent visits. A private fu- neral was held from the home on Monday afternoon. The sympathy of the community is extended ta his wife, Ifattie and his sister,t ivi... ..nin.a, wn tit n aaranq completeiy by surprise, express- ed his appreciation and spoke o!fEN A the happy reiationship which bad K N A always existed in the Department o! Agriculture office and in the Mr. Robt. Hilditch, Bowman- county. ville, and Mr. Reg Hardy, Tor- Ias miutechageonto, with Mr .and Mrs.T. Hil- Owing toa ls iut hneditch.l .in organization plans, Mr. and Mr. Earl Burley, Peterboro, Mrs. Ashton wiil be leaving thehoefrte eknd county shortly after the middlehoefrtewknd of May instead o! the first o! the Mr. Robt. Alexander, Toronto, month as originally scheduled. witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. _______________ Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynolds Every ay Isand Peter in Toronto on Sunday. Every ay IsMrs. T. Hilditch spent the week 'i witb friendÉ in Toronto and Erin- "Mother's Day" ae Mrs. >*va Little and Alec re- "Mother's Day" bas once more turned from Toronto Saturday for cam*e and gone yet in a very real the weekend. sense every day is "Mother's Mrs. Wiifred Roughley and sons Day.' It is difficuit ta conceive o! Oshawa, spent iast week in of a family, in the fuliest and Kendal witb Mrs. Swarbrick and deepest sense o! that word, with- Mrs. Thorne. out a mother. If she is absent in Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. the flesh ber love and influence Swarbrick motored down from and spirit are stili present and Oshawa on Saturday and pre- ever at work. If she is living in sented them with a beautiful ta- the flesh she is constantly the cen- ble lamp. tre o! famiy activity and the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, prime rynamie in that unit o! so- Joanne and Biliy and Miss Geor- ciety we cail the borne. 'Mother's gina Darlington spent Mother's work neyer ends," ever remain Day with Mrs. ÏA. G. Darlington. a true saying. Equally true is Mrs. Vance Allun and family that which says, "The band that spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. rocks the cradle ruies the world." W. Mercer. Not aIl mothers or fathers ci- Mr. and :lI rs. Chas. Gay and ther, realize what mighty forces family weré with Mr. and Mrs. they are within themseives, when Sam Geach and famiiy. active within the !amiiy unit, in Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cardon and the shaping of that worid. Con- son, Roy, Bowmanville, were Sun- sciouEly or unconsciously, by day guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Lorne speech or without it, they influ- Martincîl. ence for good or iii others in the Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson famiiy circle. They set the pat- spent Sunday in Port Hope. tern for attitudes and actions. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and That is why it is so important family spent Sunday with Mr. that we bave Christian homes in L. D. Bell and Hilda. aur communities in these days. Tbe Mother's Day service held 2 20 Oz. 2 HORSEY OR APTE ORANGE 2T2«31C DOMINO Baking Powder 16 Oz. FRESH (iROVND AS SOLD Co FFIE Richmello IL.51c EAÀR LY Morning IL.47c M'ESR DAMLy RICHMELLO DON UTS doL»2Oc We need parents who will disci- pline in love and guide in wis- dom; who by precept and exam- pie will heip ta fashion lives and life that will crave after truth and came ta know that truth is God Almighty. Yes, every day is <'Motber's Day." Her's is.a high and hoiy privilege and truiy a great dest- iny. Because this is so, her's is also a tremendous responsibiiity. It is not enough ta wipe the tears from little eyes, ta kiss and band- age a bruised finger, ta sit al night by a feverish bed, ta give a sense o! security and protection. True love goes far beyond ail this- and leads the young saul out inta its spiritual heritage, - "'ta the generai assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and to, God the Judge of all, and ta spirits o! just men made perfect and ta 'Jesus the mediator of the new covenant." (Hebrews 12: 23, 24). Mothers. the warld o! tomorraw is in your hands. G. Cameron Quigley 12 Fl. Oz. Jar 24 Pl. Oz. Jar £veryhody Reads CIae,.ifie is PEOPLE consuit the classifieds with great ceremony. Classified messages are repeated and passed around. Your advertising that appears in the classi- fied columns gets the most intense read- ership for the lowest price! The CANADIAN STATESMAN CALL 663 FOR AD TAKER VIIT &èEEAIS EDG1EWATER 1 211 ox. Firm Heads, Crlsp and Green CHOICE TOMMTES2Tin 2 3' Georgila Cabbage - lb. 6c 33 Golden Yellow, Firm BANANAS 35, Avuilable This Week P4.b 25c lge pko. 31C Local Grown ASPARAGUS Fresh Daily ALL MERCHANDISE SOLD AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED TO GIVE 100% SATISFACTION. PAGE SIX 20Oz Texas Marsh Seedless, size 96's Tn 21' Grapefruit - 6 for 25c 20 0 Cean, Dry and Flrm Ti *19' Imporied Onions - 20oz Extra Fancy B.d. Size 113 TinI 29, Winesap Apples 5 for 28c 20Oz Size 288 l 16' Messin Lemons doz. 33c 20 Oz. 0 Valencia Size 288 Tins 25JC Sunkist Oranges doz. 27c 20 Chili Ti' 26c Spanish Onions - lb. 16c 20oz Ontario Grown Tn23C Washed Turnips 2 lbs. 13c DEP RW~rNnE, D LIBBY'S BEANS ROYAL CITY-C(HONCE B. PEAS AND CAR ROTS FANCY-B.U. PACK AYLMER PEACHES SFNERAL BitANI)S-IINEJ'.AI)ED CHOICE PEAS HIARVEST APPLESAUCE Fanicy 2 STD. QUALITY-HALVES BARTON PEACHES CULVERIO USE-CHOICE SMITII'S-I'URE RASPBERRY JAM WE"HES--ITHPEU TIN PLUM JAM MSER LEAF NEW WASHDAY MIRACLE TI1D E Jennie, (Mrs. L. Hoskin) and the sorrowing relatives. Another of Kendal's aid timers, Mr. Fred Thomas passed away ini Toronto and was buried in Orono Cemetery on Tuesday, May 4. Mr. T'homas had lived in Toronto for a number of years with his daugh- ter, Vilda, (Mrs. McTaggart). Our deepest symapthy goes ta the be- reaved family and relatives. .WHAT 18 DEMOCRACY A definition which has been considered above the average le as follows: "Freedom limited by Justice and inspired by Christ ia n Faith." Are we doing aIl we can ta pro- tect this Democracy, in which we beieve? 0%0% TMMSDAY, MAY 13th, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO

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