PAGE TEN THE CANADZAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTABZO THURSDAY, MAY 201h, 104 IThe Orono News Orono Continuation School Lit- erary Society held its tlhird and *final meeting of the school year in the Town Hall Thursday eve- ning, wfth Gwen Chatterton pre- siding for the busines period. Ross Taylor, secretary, read the min- utes and Barbara Ann Rolph, the school paper, O.A.C.I.S., of which she is editor. Maureen McKenna, U SE this vitaniln-rich feed to help boost milk production when cows fresiien, ~and to help Quaer avoid breed- JLfP ing difficul- JF6 ties. Bulky, . ........ palatable, rich in minerais. RL W. Bail & Son TAUNTON Phone Oshawa 163 W 3 (reverse charges) FREE DELIVERY *leader ai Group 3, took charge aio the programn, al ai which show- * ed exceptional talent and excel- lent training. There were vocal solos by Helen Wood, Kay and sMaureen McKenna, a mecitation and two piano solos by Donald McLaren, a trio by Anna Marie Hall, Kay McKenna and Rass Taylor; duets by Maureen McKen- na and Ross Taylor; also Helen Wood and Florence Lintan; a pi- ano solo by Wanda MaIîey and other group sangs and dances. Orono Lodge A.F. & A.M. held its annual election oi aificers on Thumsday evening. Park St. United Church Sunday School changed its time ai meet- ing last Sunday ta 9:45 a.m. for the summer manths, except for next Sunday which is the Sun- day Schoal anniversary service with Rev. Dr. W. Brown ai Vic- toria University as guest speaker. Last week Mms. A. A. Drummand entemtained her class ai intemme- diate boys at Bowmanville thea- tre ta see "Captains Coumageous." Mrs. Russell Best attended the Counties Women's Christian Tem- perance Union Executive meeting at Simcoe St. Church, Oshawa, when the annual convention was planned for the middle ai June at Hampton. Mms. W. E. Armstrong enter- tained the Brownies and their mothers at her home on Thursday evening when she shawed themn the moving pictures taken af the Guides and Bmawnies in their fi- gure skating costumes last wintem, also pictures ai interesting places taken duming her trip ta Flomida in Mamch. Woman's Association ai the Un- ited Church was entertained at the hame ai Mrs. E. Hancock last Tuesday aiternaon. Mmrs. V. Ro- binson, lst vice president was in charge ai the meeting and Mrs. W. Cauch and Mrs. R. Brown in charge ai the pmogram and 'ýery dainty meireshments. Miss Ma- bel Davey favomed with a meading and Anna Marie Sherwin with two recitations. Mrs. Frances Jackson who has been living with Mrs. Howard Walsh for several yeams has mov- ed ta Newcastle where she is liv- ing with Mrs. Herli Brown. Miss Marjorie McLaren has fin- ished exams at Toronto Univer- sity and will spend a few weeks at home. Miss Pauline Rabbins, nurse- in-training at Petembaro, is having twa weeks' vacation. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized in Orona United Church on~ Saturdaï aiternoon when Ray- mond John MacDonald and Ber- tha Gemaldine Brett, bath ai Les- kard, were mammied by Rev. A. E. Eustace. Orona Oddieilows' Lodge and Heather Rebekah Lodge attended divine service at Leskard Church on Sunday aiternoon. Orono band assisted in the parade and the Re- bekah choir led the singing. Mrs. Cora Cantreli and Mrs. Mary Phasey sang an appropriate duet, accompanied by Mrs. J. Blue. Rev. A. E. Eustace conducted the service and gave a very helpiul discourse. Mrs. J. H. Arnott and baby left last weekend for their home in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welch pre- sented their baby girl for bap- tism at the morning service of Orono United Church on Sunday. GOLD MEDAL CONTEST 1 A vemy profitable evening wz enjoyed Fiday at Park St. Unite Church School oomn when th Gold Medal Contest under th auspices ai the Women's Chriç tian Temperance Union was helc There were seven contestants, a. ai whom had already won silve medals. Hamry Lynch was th winnem ai thç boys with Keit West and Gemald Brown also dc ing remarkably well. Camolin Jones was the winner amang th girls, al ai wham eceived specia mention by the judges. The oth er contestants amang the girl weme Ethel Dawson, Lillian Cal and Anna Marie Sherwin. Ea<ý contestant was presented with book; ail books being the giit o Mr. C. B. Tymmeli. Rev. A.E Eustace, the very efficient chair man, remarked on the wonderii ability ai ail who taok part in th, evening's pragram. Judges fo the public speaking weme Mr. Go heen, Newcastle, Miss E. Burgesý Omano and Miss C. Stewart, Sixil Line. Another intemesting part ai thi evening's poceedings was ti presentatian ai thmee awards t( public sehool pupils and threi awards ta high school pupils fo: the drawing of tempemance past ers, a large number ai which werf on display. Miss E. Waddeîl ver3 kindîy judged the posters, fi which the awamds were as fal lows: for public schoal, lst prizî ai $3 ta Marvin Lunn, 2nd priz ai $2 ta Eleanor Robinson and 3rc prize ai $1 ta Marlene Cantrell for continuation schooî, lst prizî ai $3 ta Hamilton boyd, 2nd pmkz of $2 to Joyce Sutton and 3rc prize ai $1 ta Don McLaren. During the evening, a hooke mat, made and donated ta th( evening's poceeds by Mrs. W. H Rowe was purchased by Mrs. Dar Fraser. Musical numbers by the follow- ing were very much appmeciated vocal solos by Colin Taylor and Glenn Allun, alto horn sala bý Denny Lynch and a vocal duel by Mrs. Howard Allun and Mm. J. T: Brown, Newcastle. Acconi p)anists for the evening were Mms Howard Allin, Mms. Wm. Lynct and Mms. J. J. Mellor. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn attended the golden wedding on Tuesdaý k SMqART MGTORISTS AVOID ENERGENCIES WITH Lesuldr Care. Proper Lubrication must be MAINTAINED ln the vital parts of your automobile to keep 1* In safe driving condition. Sec us regularly for OÙ Change... Every 1000 miles, your oil should be replaced to prevent overheating, damaging friction. Chassis Lubrication ... The friction pointa ln your car's ehassis are rnany-they require frequent, thorough trease Jobs. Oil Filter Check ... It's essentiai for your ail BIter to be kept free of sludge at ail timea. Palmer 20 KING ST. E. Your Cities Service Oil Deailer BOWMANVILLE ras e rie .d. ali rer rie [th a0- nie rie iai Ils )le ah ai E. Ir- he 0- s, h hO he ;t- ry PHONE 487 ai Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Salter, at Hampton. Representatives for the majari- ty af Farm Forums of Durham County met at the home af Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor on Monday evening, to meet Clare Burt and Jas. Galloway ai the Ontario Farm Forum office and disuss plans for next seasan. Miss Lois Turner has resigned her position as operator with th~e Orono Telephone Ca. and Miss Uena McCrea, Bobcaygeon, has taken her place. Misses Florence and Inez Mc- Kenzie and Mr. George Code,, of Smith Falls, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKen- zie. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mowat, Toron- to. Mrs. P. L. Mallory, Cobourg, with her daughter, Mrs. H. Bar- low. Mm. and Mrs. R. Gilbart and Di- anne with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Edgetan Hancock with Mm. and Mrs. Glen Hancack, Warkwarth, celebmating baby Lin- da's iirst birthday. Mr. and Mms. Sid Hugson, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mms. E. J. Hamm. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walkem and Douglas, with Mm. and Mms. F. Lawton, Hamwoad. Mms. I. Chapman with her son, Mr. P. J. Chapman and family. Miss Jaan Belsie, Newcastle, with Mrs. Mary Phasey. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Middleton, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mms. Jas. Middletan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson, Ajax, with Mr. and Mms. J. D. Brawn. Messrs. Frank Masan and Mer- vyn Cryderman, Oshawa, Mms. Frank Crydemman, Bowmanviîle, and Mr. Donald Jase, Newcastle, with Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. ,ENFIELD d_ Mr. and Mms. Walter Ferguson, e Mm. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, En- e niskillen, at Mm. Milton Samis'. dMr. and Mms. Joe Stephenson, l; Mr. Harry Stephensan, Whitby, at e Mr. Len Stephenson's. e Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Tor- .d onto, at Mr. Wallace Pascoe's. Miss Vema Stinson, Toranto, at 'd Mm. Norman Stinson's. e Mm. and Mms. Elmer Lee and q. family at Mr. Chester Lee's, Whit- 1 in y Mm. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and iamily at the Eddyvean and 1Rahm homes, Richmond Hill. d. Mm. and Mms. Elmer Gibson and ýy iamily, Geenbank, Mr. and Mms. et George Gibson, Taunton, at Mr. s. Edgar Pescott's. Mm. and Mrs. Edgar Pmescott, SMurray and Glenn with Mm. and hMms. L. Rahm, Richmond Hili. Church attendance is coming back ta normal with the retreat ýd of ilu and measîes gemms. Theme Ly will be no service for two Sun- days due ta anniversamies an this circuit. The chief tapie af conversation is the very uniavomable weather conditions. There is a dandy I-rap ai dandelians anyway. ]KENDAL Miss Norma Allun, Newicastle, .vith Miss Margaret Jackson. Miss Annie Thompson with Mms. IThompsan and Arthur. Mms. Mary Luxon and Miss Mlaian White at their summer z-ottage near Dorset. Mrs. George Clark at hem sumn- mer home here and George came down for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thertel 1, Miss Hazel Thetell and fiend, Mrs. Glen Kimby and son, Jack:: Toronto, at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson and son, Oshawa, Mr. and Mms. Truman Gambutt and son, Jack, Toronto, with Mm. and Mms. Jas. Swarbrick. We are sommy ta hear ai the passing ai Mms. Byers, Dale, Ma- ther ai Mrs. Lloyd Glass and wish ta express aur sympathy. A number ai Kendal esidents wýent ta see the beauties ai blos- som time at Niagama an Sunday via Mr. Buleys bus and repart a fine time even if the weathem' was not too favorable. Mr. C. Camveth again entertain- ed the pupils ai aur thmee local schooîs with pictumes an Thumsday aitemnoon. In the evening a good crowd turned out ta sec pictures af the Royal Tour in Aimica, hand- icraits in Nova Scotia, theatomnic bomb plant at Chalk River, a cam- ic, "Stanley. takes a Trip" and others. Lunch and a social hali- hour iinished off a pleasant eve- ning. W.I. met in the Sunday School room on May 12 with the new pesident, Mms. F. Stoker pmesid- ing. Rail caîl was answered by namng a favorite spring iîawcm. Three dollars weme donated ta the Blnd and anc dollar for cancer mcmbership fee. It was decidefi tao ask for the short course on "Frozen Foads."P District annuai at Orono June 4 was brought ta the attention ai the meeting and the ladies weme ail invited ta at- tend. Mms. Wm. Jackson enter- tained with a fine instrumental selection. Mms. S. E. Wermy, Dis- trict president, gave a vemy di- rect and intemesting talk an "Wo- men and a Better Tamorrow." She showed how mothers and wamen help in solving many problems in home and community. The home cames iirst, with the chiîdren iinding comfort, security and pro- tection there and being taught ta be stmong sa as ta proteet thcm- selves. Then there are the many opportunities for service in the cammunity. Here we can stamt ta mould ahl nationalities into Can- adians. Canadian unity is the keynote ta the whole future ai aur country and we womzn can do aur shame tawards it. An ex- nession ai aopmcciation was ten- demed Mms. Wermy and the village ladies servcd lunch and ail en- joyed a social chat. The ear]y Geeks had a custom in which merchants threw down a glave before custamners as a symbol ai their honesty in trad- ing. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry, Anne, Edgar and Glen, attended the dia- mond wedding anniversary cele- bration for Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcali at Bowmanville. Mr. Jack Baker Sm. was on a business trip in Western Ontario last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Percy West- lake attended the funeral ai Mrs. Clarence Avery at Haydan. Mr. S. E. Wemry and Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended the funeral ai Dm. M. J. A. James at Bowman- ville. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler E. Thompson and fam- ily ta the community, having moved from Harmany ta their famm here, purchased irom M. W. L. Miller. A welcome is also extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dubyk who have bought Mr. Geo. Biddle's famm. Mr. and Mms. Biddle and Marian have moved near Har- many. Congratulations ta the cast ai "Look Out Lizzie" on winning the Evelyn Gay Dramatic Trophy at the Oshawa Presbytery Drama Festival held at Tinity United Church, May 10 and 11. Mem- bers of the Y.P.U. who merited this honor were: Harvey Yellow- lees, Evelyn Taylor, Ewart Leask, Pearl Leach, Stanley Milîson, Jean Montgomery, Harold Clend- enen, Eunice Leask. A number ai relatives assem- bled at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe last Saturday eve- ning ta observe the silver anni- versary ai their wedding. Mr. A. L. Pascae acted as chairman and Mms. Clifford Naylor read an ad- dress, expressing ta Cecil and El- sie the fond wishes ai ahl their family and fmiends. Clifiord Nay- Ior and Harvey Crossman pre- sented them with a silver tmay and silver candle halders. After the presentation, little Misses May Dunbar and Janet Naylor sang an appropriate duet. The bride's ta- ble was centered with a wedding cake and the floral decorations included a beautiful gift bouquet from the Solina Women's Insti- tute. The remainder ai the eve- ning was spent playing Lost Heir for which Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mr. A. L. Pascoe won high score awards. Guests from a distance were Mrs. H. Spry, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts and Joan, Victoria Square; Mr. and Mrs. Clifiord Naylor and fam- ily, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. John Naylor, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, ai Oshawa. Their many friends ex- tend best wishes toa on this hap- py milestone. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. John Baker Jr. on the birth ai their daughter, Linda Elaine. Mrs. Lamne Hoskin presided for the Missionary program at Sun- ray School which consisted ai a story by Gladys Yellowlees, reci- tation by Lamne Tink and vocal duet by Murray anl Allyn Hos- kmn. Sunday School, combined with anniversary practice, will be held at 10 arn. next Sunday, with church service at 1l. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Kellett, David and Donald, with relatives at Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ery and Jean, Kathleen Graham and Raymond Mauver, at Lloyd Ferguson's, Oshawa. Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar, Orono: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boutillier, Mrs. A. Blewett, Mr. Leonard Blewett, Master Gerry Harlock, New Tor- onto, at E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Pere- man, Columbus, at Lorne Hos- kin's. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin with] Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. Orono. Mr. Frank Cowling, Hampton, at S. Hockaday's. Frmnk McCulIum 's LABOUR PLATFORM Frank McCallum, Progressive Conservative Candidate for Ontario Riding in the Dominion Parliament stands squarely on his Party's Labour Platform. MAPLE GROVE The Farmer's Advocate ai May 13 published a photo ai Maple Grave Teen Time Talents Homne- making Club organized by Miss Mildred Snowden and Miss Betty Stevens. At the May meeting ai Maple Grave Women's Institute it was decided ta donate $10 Vo the In- stitute for the Blind and $10 ta- ward a bedside table for the West Durham W.I. wamd in Bowman- ville Hospital. The progmam in charge ai Mrs. Hammy Wright, Homne Economics Convener, con- sisted ai a lessan in etiquette in the iorm ai a quiz. '"Doors that go in and out," was conducted by Mrs. Howard Bmadley and Mrs. Morley Flintoif and two demon- strations in sewing. Miss Edna Swallow demonstrated "Ibound button holes" and Mr8. Ivison Munday demonstrated "slashed pockets." Mrs. Wright's group served tasty refreshments. At- tendance 33. A lot of aur trouble ,snaps the Letter-Review, is a "total lack of political astuteness." At least two-thirds af the Canadian peo- ple could easily be brought te support any party which stood up courageously for economic liber- ty; flatly warned the people that the adventures in national and in- ternational Socialismn in which we are engaged do not mean greater wealth, but growing poverty. The Alaskan Highway, 2, 0 0 0 miles long, begins at Edmonton. Nearly 10,000 U.S.A. citizens RADIO DRGADCASTS In the interest of Frank McCaiIum, the Progressive Conserv. tive Candidate ln the Ontario Riding Federal By-Electlon, Tuesday, June 8th, over CKDO Oshawa. Thursday, May 2Oth - 6:40 ta 6:45 p.m. Friday, May 2lst - 12:40 ta 12:45 p.m. Saturday, May 22nd - 6:40 to 6:45 p.m. Monciay, May 24th - 12:40 ta 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, May 25th - 6:40 to 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, May 26 - 12:40 ta 12:45 p.m. and 8:45 ta 9:00 p.m. Thursday, May 27th - 6:40 ta 6:45 p.m. Friday, May 28th - 12:40 ta 12:45 p.m. Saturday, May 29th - 6:40 ta 6:45 p.m. Note: Friday, May 281h, front 8 Io 8:15 p.m. over CKDO Oshawa and CFRB Toronto CLIP OUT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE THIS 18 IT 1.Minimum Wages 2.Standard ilours of Work 3.Holidays with Pay 4Certification of Labour Unions after a majority vote 5.The right to strike 6Penalties against industry for illegal lock-outs 7.The check-off system 8.Equal pay for men and women doing the samne work 9.We deplore the backward step recently taken by the Government of Prince Edward Island which proviles that only completely provincially autonomnous labour organizations can bargain in that province. The effeet of this legisiation is that labour organ- izations lose the support of parent or central organizations which, in our opinion,- is a denial of the right to bargain col- lectively. Ti8i is the platform on which the Progressive C onservative Part y of Canada will go to the peo pie at the next Federal election. FRANK McCALLUM, PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IN ONTARIO RIDING tY-ELECTION JUNE 8 HAS FULLY ENDORSED THIS PLATFORM. - VOTE FOIR "4 1 ON JUNES8 Motor -Sales FRIEA1K McCAILLUM Vote Progressive Conservative DOTH Days JUNE 7-KELLY CREIGHTON M.P.P. To The Ontario Legisiature JUNE 8-Mayor FRANK McCALLUM To The Dominion Legisiature LISTEN TO- MAYOR MeCALLUM OVER CKDO OSHAWA MAY 26 - 8-45 TO 9 P.M. TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIL&NVUýLZ ONTARIO PAGE TEK THtMSDAY, MAY 20th,'1948