PAGE SIX TITE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTAIXO THURSDAY. MAY 2Oth, IP'S Coanties Coancd Passes Dy-Law Reulricing Culling of Trees In the Conly of Durham .Many farmers and other clUi- the Corporation of the United zens in Durham County having Counties of Northumberland and been ekn information regard- Durhami enacts as follows:- Iuig theretrictlon of cutting 1. Thtis by-law shall have effect trees ln connection with thxeimx- throughout the Twsps. of Hope, oratconservation program. Clarke, Darlington, Manvers, Ca- F orte Information of our read- van and Cartwright, except with- ers we are publishing herewith in the area of any watershed for extracts from thxe by-law passed which an authority is, or may be on June 13, 1947, and uîgned by established under the Conserva- thxe Warden, Normnan Green. tion Authorities Act, 1946. Whereas it is deemed expedient 2. This By-law shall not: for the general welf are of thxe (a) Interfere with the right of United Counties of Northumber- the occupant o! land ta cut trees land and Durhamn to niaintain thereon for Ais own use on Ais and improve tAxe forest and soil own land. resources of the Counties by pre- (b) Interfere with any rights or serving and developlng the wood- powers conferred upon a Munici- lands of the Counties. pality by The Municipal Act; And wheras by thxe Trees Con- (c) Interfere with the rights or servation Act, 1946, Statutes o! powers of the Hydro Electric Ontario, 1946, Chapter 102, Sec- Power Commission of Ontario or tion 1, the Council o! a County s of any other Board or Commission empowered to pass by-laws:- which s performing its functions (a) Restricting and regulating for or on behaîf of tAxe Govern- tAxe cutting of trees in any part of ment of Ontario. the County, and (d) Apply ta trees growing up- (b) Providrng for the appoint- on any highway or upon any un- ment of officers to enforce tAxe opened road allowance; or provisions o! any by-law passed (e) Apply to trees growing An under the section. any woodlot having an area not Now therefore the Council. of exceeding two acres. li.I on Guaranteed 3% Trust Certificates ISSUED for any aniaunt .... for a terni of * five years. . .. guaranteed bath as te principal * and inerst ... . Interest cheques maiied te reach hoiders on due date, or, at hélder's option, may be allowed te accurnuIate at compound interest. An ideai investinent for individuals, coni- panies; authorized hy law for cemetery boards, executors and othen trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 37 Y..uslu Busness 1 ns u 1a 1io0l GIVES ALL-WEATHER COMFORT! Provide your family with year 'round temperature sta- bility and cut your fuel bills at tAxe sme time by Aaving. your home thoroughly insu- lated. FOR BEST INSULATION SEALTITE'INSULATION PHONE 494 BOWMANVILLE 47 QUEEN ST. ESTABIUMU (f) Interfere with tAxe*cuttlng o! dead ,broken, stunted, fine-dam- aged, diseased or nsect-nfested trees or other trees that should be removed to improve growing conditions (such as thinnings and improvement cutting.) (g) Interfere with the cutting o! Christmas trees when grown as a crop for Christmas tree pur- poses, except as below mentioned. (hx) Interfere with the cutting o! Hawthorne, Choke . Cherry, Red or Pin Cherry, Poplar, Iron- wood or Manitoba Maple trees.* 3. Save as otherwise provided in tAis by-law, no person shal within thxe said Townships cut any trees o! less than tAxe follow- ing minimum sizes:- (a) For birch, Black AsAx, Black Locust, Cedan, Soft Maple, Tam- arack and Willow Trees, the min- imum diameter for cutting shal be five nches measured four and one-hxalf feet from tAxe ground. (b) For alI trees net otherwise speci!ied An tAis By-law tAxe min- imum diameter shall be ten nch- es measured four and one-Axaîf feet from the ground. 4. In cutting or removing any trees, no persan shahl so conduct Ais operations as to cause unnec- essary injury or damage to any young trees. 5. (a) Where in the opinion o! the officers appointed ta enfonce thxe provisions o! tAis By-law, special circumstances exist which warrant the cutting o! trees o! less than the minimum sizes hereinbe!ore mentioned, for ex- ample, but without limiting the generality o! thxe foregoing, where tAxe owner o! thxe land wishes ta clear t for cultivation, tAxe said officens may authonize An writing the cutting o! such undersize trees. (b) Where in tAxe opinion o! the officers appointed ta enforce thxe provisions. o! this By-law, special circumstances exist which make the unrestricted cutting o! Christ- mas trees unadvisable, the said officers may, notwithstanding any contained An tAis By-law, ne- strict the cutting o! Christmas trees An any area o! the said Counties to thinnings and im- provement cuttlng. 6. (a) The Counties Road Su- perntendent and membens o! the Counties Reforestation Committee shaîl be officers ta enfance the provisions o! tAis B y -la w throughout the said Counties ex- cept within the area o! any Wat- ershed for which an Authonity 50 established shaîl have appoint- ed officens as above provided. (b) Any officer so appointed shaîl have tAxe power ta enter on and nspect the trees on any land within Ais jurisdiction for tAxe purpose o! enforcing tAxe provi- sions o! tAis By-law. 7. Any persan who violates any any o! the provisions o! tAis By- law shaîl be guilty o! an offense and shahl be hiable ta a penalty flot exceeding $500.00 or ta Am- prisonment not exceeding three months. - PRODUCE DEALER FINED - At Bracebridge, Ontario, on M April 2, Vern Walt, R.R. No. 3, SBarrie, Ontario, was fined $10an E costs for transporting and having E in possession for sale potatoes be- -low the grade declared. STAxe action was taken under the provisions of the Ontario Farm Products Grades and Sales Act. 18S77 A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE - INSIDE AND OUTSIDE - for moie by - Fo C. CRGOWE 102 ELGEN STURT -B OW74ANVILLE I Pota to Contest For 1948 Chcampionship An Ontario Potato Champion- ship Contest for 1948 is announc- ed by R. E. Goodin, fieldman for tAxe Onfario Department o! Agri- culture, with a first prize $250 cash award and a Aandsome tro- phy to the winner who obtains higheat points for 'yield per acre, quality of tubers, selected eichibit and score for cooking quality. The first prizé, along with additional prizes of $125, $75.00, $40.00, $25.00, $15.00 and two prizes of $10.00, is being donated by Cana- dian Industries, Limited, which is co-operating with the Ontario Crop Improvement Association in sponsorship of this competition. The competition is open to ahl Ontario potato growers who have entered in 500 bushel club con- tests or similar contests organized and conducted in 1948 by county and district branches of tAxe On- tario Crop Improvement Associa- tion. Each potato grower enter- ing the championship competition s nequired to select and exhibit one bushel hamper of show pota- toes at the 1948 Royal Winter Fair, and growers who have not obtained a yield of 300 or more bushels per acre shaîl not be ehi- gAble. Growers are also required ta submit a record of labour and material, outlining costs involved in producing his contest acre of potatoes, ta the secretary of his local Crop Improvement Associa- tion by November 1, 1948. En- tries must be made ta the Seed lJepartment, Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, on or before November 1, 1948. The basis of thxe final award for tAxe Championship Trophy will be as follows; Yield per acre, 200 points; marketable tubers per acre, 200 points; Exhibit at Royal Winter Fair, 100 points; quality test for cooking, 100 points, total 600 points. Funther details can Axe secured froma the Secretary, Ontario Crop Improvement Association, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Butter Production Behind Last Year While the general seasonalin- crease in butter production took place duning thxe month of April, production genenally s running about fifteen per cent behind last year, says C. E. Lackner, Ontario Director o! Dairying, in his monthly summary o! creamery instructor's reports for Ontario. He indicates that na marked Ain- crease is anticipated untîl cows are on full grass. Thxe seasonal increase made butter more plenti- fuI, particularly after the middle o! tAxe month. only the very larg- est centres, away fromn butter production areas, appeared ta have any shortage. Figures released by the Dairy Products Division, Marketing Ser- vice, Dominion Department of Agriculture, indicate that thxe quality o! the current make o! Ontario butter graded during March was tAxe best ever reported in the records, says Mr. Lackfier. Entries are coming in ,fast for the Ontario Creamery 'Association Quality Improvement competi- tion and it s expected thxe num- ber o! creameries entered will at least equal that of last year. TAxe smartly clad, re-vitalized Ontario Provincial Police now have an Amposing force o! 800 men and officers, buit up ta their present peak o! efficency during the past few years by tAxe present Ontario Government. The O.p. P. is universally regarded as one o! thxe most highly trained law enforcement agencies in the world. Today tAxe force polices a ternitory o! 412,582 square miles running from Quebec to Manitoba, and tAxe United States border ta tAxe Arctic. Girls Needd For Fclirmý Service Camps Between 1,300 and 1,400 girls are urgently required for thxe Farn Service Camps ini the On- tario fruit and vegetable districts this summner, to work in thxe fanms of these districts in thxe handling of tAxe crops of these essential food products, reports Alex Mac- laren, Director of the Ontario Farm Service Force. Thanks to the very favourable weather con- ditions which have prevailed this spring, there are expectations of exceptionally heavy crops o f fruits and vegetables, and wlt.h fanm labour shortage stili very acute, thxe need for volunteer la- bour to fili up thxe Farm Service Camps for girls is greater than ever before, reports Mr. Mac- laren. Opening dates for the camps range between May 15 and June 15, and Mr. Maclaren is appealing to girls and young women to re- gister at once in order that suffi- cient help will be-available for the early season work. Several of these camps are An the Niagara district, with others at strategic locations in the fruit and vege- table areas. Thxe camps are oper- ated by Y.W.C.A. staff and are under the guidance o! personnel from that organization. Camp conditions are ideal for girls and young women, and excellent rates of pay are provided, giving the girls In these camps an opportun- ity to save substantial amounts of money duning the season. Em- ployment is available throughout the whole of thxe summer, and while there wîll probably Axe many high school students avail- able after the schools close, there is an urgent need for other girls and young women who are An- terested ta go into these camps on or about the opening date o! May 15. Girls who would like a summer of pleasant and profitable work arQ urged to register with the Ontario Farm Service Force, 9 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Telephone Adelaide 9461. U.K. BACON PRICE UP 25ets. 100 LB. TAxe Meat Board announced on April 17 an increase of 25 cents per 100 pounds An tAxe price it will pay for bacon for export to the United Kingdom. The price increase applies to al grades and weights o! Wiltshire sides and other export cuts put into cure on and after Monday, Apnil 19. It means a price o! $36.45 per 100 pounda for Num- ber One Selection A Grade Wilt- shire sides o! sizeable weights de- livered Canadian seaboard. The Board's price increase will not raise the cost of bacon to the United Kingdom. The Board will pay the increase out o! its reserves accumulated as a result o! lowered operating costs due to peace time resump- tion of more regular shipments and prompter Aandling of bacon. As a resuit of tAxe Provincial Government's introduction of Cit- izenship Corps Training An every secondary school, several future mnarksmen are being uncovered. The course, in operation for the first time during the current school years, teache3 basic foot drill, rifle shooting and practical examples of good citizenship. Cit- izenship training As the best an- swer to the Communist Youth ac- tivities. Europan Fariner. Cominq to Canadai There may Axe difficulty ln ob- taining efficient farin help, par- ticularly An Ontario, durixxg 1948, says Current Review o! Agricul- tural Conditions An Canada for April. Farm wages have increas- ed An many areas ta such an ex- tent that fanmers may Aesitate ta enter into contracts, and where possible may tend to nely on fa- mily labor entirely. On thxe other Aand, workers who might be at- tracted ta fanming are being abi- sorbed inta urban and clty jobs where tAxe demand la active and wages good. .Sanie Aelp An easing tAxe scarcity is likely ta corne fron tAxe selec- tive immigration plhan which As being undertaken by tAxe Domin- ion Department o! Labor An ca-op- eration with tAxe Domainion De- partment o! Agriculture. Ar- rangements are under way to bring ta Canada about 10,000 farm workers from tAxe Netherlanda and a considerable number o! displac- ed pensons from other parts o! Europe. The Immigrants fram Holhand will be made up o! about 2,500 families and four or five Aundred sngle !arm wonkers,.and some 1,500 will arrive monthly by boat throuÈAxout tAxe summer un- tii September. It As hoped that displaced per- sans for fanms wAll stant arniving An Canada early An May. Selec- tAon s now being made An camps An Europe o! married couples, wth or without familles, single male workers and damestics for farm house work. TAxey will be braught to Canada An co-apera- tAon wîth tAxe International Refu- gee Organization and will Axe placed on farms thraughout tAxe Dominion thraugh tAxe Dominion Provincial Farm Labor Cammit- tees An each province. Displaced persans must agree ta remain An agicultural work for at least ane year, and none will be braught ta Canada unless a suitable job is available. Thxe minimum wages will be $45 a YOUR EYES and Vision Rewnitten from previaus copyrights, o! C. ML TUCK Optometrist Disney flidg. Oshawa, Phone 1516 (2) Even An tAxe lower animals tAxe value o! vision is appreciated, As necessary to tAxe acquining o! food and sa!ety from danger An judging !niend from foe. It's been said that brds have keener and more perfect vision than animals. In tAxe development o! vision tAxe keener instincts connect with a keener sense o! sight. TAis is necessary for sa!ety. Vision o! course is te a great degree mental. Thxe impulse can Axe developed with tAxe mental development and from tAis can Axe made an important study An tAxe nterest o! vocational guidance through sight saving classes and development exercises, giving, the child a bnighter outlook An hîfe. (Copynighted) montAi and board for nmen, and $35 a month and board for wo- men. Although minimum wages have been set, current wages for equivalent service are to prevail. SHRERF, LAMES DOWN TAxe decline in thxe nuxnber o! sheep and lambts on farina in Can- ada An recent years Aas reached a frL serious point. As at Decemnbel' 1. 1947, tjxere were 1,587,000 Rheep and lambs on fara a drop of 195,000 ince the corresponding date ln 1946 and a decline of 667,- 000 ince December 1, 1941. Among the provinces Ontario leada in sheep raising wlth 385,- 000. Alberta Is second with 372, 00, Quebec third with 342,000 and Saskatchewan fourth with 177,- 200. CEMENT NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR WAREHOUSE McLAUGHLIN COAL anld SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King Street West OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1246 TRUCK TIRES LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON VOUR PRESENT TIRES Large stock of NEW and RECONDITIONED with nmre SECONDS availabie ln nmre sizes. Buy Now While Tires are Down 15 per cent G. F, JAMIESON TIRE DENOT COR. KING and SILVER STS. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 467 The Thirly-Seventh Annual DRGOKLIN SPRING FAIR WILL 1BE1 BELD AT THE Community Park, Drookij MONDAY, MNAY 241h Finesi Spring Show of Heavy and Lîghi Horses, Beef and Dairy Caille Horse and Pony Races Whllby Kinsmen's Boys' Band SPORTS - CALYTHUMPIAN PARADE - SOFTBALL FOOTBALL - HORSESHOE PITCHING - CHILD'N'S RACES Pnize List may be obtained from tAxe Secretary Dance ai night ln the Township Hall - Squares and Rounds ADMISSION TO GROUNDS: ADULTS 35c, CHILDREN 10o JOHN F. BATTY, President /. ~ H EAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS .a. "THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION JUNE 7" Nonday, May 241h, 10:30. 1i1:0p.m. CBL 740 Friday, Nay 281h, 8:30 -9:00 p.m. CBL 740 Vote PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 P»Udmd by8»Pm@mW.slvCeumm etvmU m uOlMi WM. G. MANNING, Seo.-Treas. fo ia"a' * FORI DAKERY * AND RESTAURANT! Only the Best QUALITY SERVICE Phono 855 .. . . . Imm * m . . . . .. . .. p. ...-.r 1Thai Does A Baink Meo.n To You? AFinancial GenerIStr A general store provldes the hcilitles to buy a lot of different dinin he i mme place You can do the smre in a ban.kin financial matters. You can cash a cheque, pay a bil, open a current account, deposit Vour savings, or get a permonal or commercial loan. You can obtain batik money order. -avetlers' cheques, foreign exchange and 1vVNMfh( other batik services. Thxe Canadian Banik of j- Commerce offers you courteous, friendly service in ail of more than 500 branches. THE CANADIAN 8 K 0F COMMERCE BOWJMANVILLE BRANCH- R. L. MITCHELL, Manager NEWCASTLE BRANCH J. C. PORTER, Manager ORONO BRANCH J - .. BLUE, Manager ... ... .. ..... r . m M-Z TEUMDAY. MAY 20th, 1048 THE CANADIAN STATEMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTAIUO m PA= MX