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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1948, p. 1

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I ia tafrteiunrn "<Durham County's QCeat Family Journal" VOLUME924 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1948 6c PER COPY USE YOUR FRANCHISE IY VOTING ON MONA Mehdof Training BoysThB Il A Un a.u.q,..lla~ AL ftlAil views of ail politicalP At BUVw AII nEiV8AA WcA.VWbefare the lectars of Durham C, * ~ *u*IBefare anather editian of Th Outlined in initial Speech publisbied the issue will have beei voting booth. 'Tepcople of Bowmanville head af bath Ontario Training Most peaple have »made up shouid be proud ta have such an Schools for Boys. Mr. Eastaugh littie w. can naw say that will organization as the Ontario Train- is a great asset ta the cornmunity ance, except this-GET OUT AND ing Scbool for Boys in their and ta the schools in keeping sucb We have held the balance midst,"' stated the Superintendent, a high standard off achiex'erent. Jack Eastaugh, at the regular In the speaker's opening re- news columns, as every good ne, luncheon myeeting -off the Rotary marks he t.hanked Mr. Virgin for do. Reported the meetings af Club an Friday at the Balmoral his kind wvords and mentioned and Progressive Conservative-g Hatel. Rotarian Eastaugh through that he had a long way ta go ta arwieusaitelesoya bis c1a.ssification taik portrayed a measure up ta the accomplish- farwieusoth f tryfi marvellous picture of the cxcep- ments off Mr. Virgin. Rcferrîng And as is usual in a free pres tionaily fine xvork that is being ta the sehool. Mr. Eastaugb point- edd an editarial opinion which carried out at this school in giving icd out that the systcm off training ONVES the students a foundation for use- now gix'en the boys in Ontarioa W VES * fui citizcnship. wvas being copied by ail other pen- Nabady rieed accept it-mas Introducing, the speaker, the ai institutions in 'anada. their own opinions anyway, and members off the club had a speciai aknlbu h uiesof ti ie * guest in the persan of former Ro- taning bos, the saescon- Bust-e. fe httebs n tarian Bert Virgin xvho is noxv Di- tranind boyst o wthespakrcare.-w elthttebetit rector of Reform Institutions for Wine ar Ivingsinandagoff specal- wîll be served, for this time at ici the province off Ontario. Mr. Vîr- i7 aievn g na g fseil- teDe oene gin îicntioncd that ho wças wclliaio. When sarncthing gocs teDe oenet quaifcd a ntrdue te pea:-i rong xith aur radio, car, telle- Be that as it may--the decisic quaifid t inrodce he Pea-j phone or tceth wc tom tao the er as he lias hiad a long association proper specialist for help. The --as olwaya in a free country- with him. Ho first met Iilii at 1ax' erag-e lawvyer frankly admits woman who GOES ta the polis Danforth Tochnical School, Tor- that lie knows nothing about ballot-in the secrecy ai the1 anto. where Jack as a student plumbing and the banker hesi- essence ai a free franchise in thi s h o w le d rernarkable leadership tates ta dlean a carbureto r. The abilities. e.par editor %vould experi- WE give opinions-YOU d( Joins R.C.A.F. ence difficulty if fac&d with the Get out and vote-no matiE * Rotarian Eastaugh .ioined the neceszity of milking a cow and vote for. The VOTE la the fundar staff off BT.S. for a y car, spent yet ail off us are read-, and xiii- twa years teaching in York Coun- ing to offer advice an the proper factor in a democracy. ty and xent ta Victoria College treatment for the juvenile offend- But ABOVE ALL-don't look ta get bis degree. After graduat- er. Ex'eryone is quick ta bring opponent as an ENEMY. ing be was taken on the staff off judgrnent an thase whase behav- bis aid sehoal, Danforth Techi., iar runs counter ta aur axvn con- and remaincd there until the war ception of social acceptance. C a.C re ed when hi oined the R.C.A.F. as an In recent months, the speake Chambaer Com erce airrna rmte oPio f stated, they xere glad ta have a a b rC m ec Ne ws prmote ta alot0f-pictorial story published in a na- ficer and sent ta the Burma thea- tionai weeklvy of the xvork the Charlie Carter, ýr. was electcd tre of aperatians whlere he cam- schooI xvas accornplishbing; huit at lta lîead the Bowmanviile Cham- manded Catalina fiying boats on toc same tinie it put thcm on the ber off omrefrtecmn manthe sors he a lcncluion spot bv challcnging them ta tako ycar. The first meeting off the ohrgf f the a ne w a plTaed geail delinquient boys and humn new excecutive was held'Tucsdav Sfchao rg o the boysGadthranngevening when the election w's h Sboo fo yonge bos ad ten Continuied on Page Eight) held and camrnittee chairmani ap- pointed.* Other officers include Ist vice pro ident, Keith Jackson; 2nd Dominion Girl Guide Annual vicr prosicent, M. Goslett; trea- 'Described in Delail by Nrs. Franki Walter eerThexutv s made up of W. Carruthers. S. - -R. James, M. S. Dale, J. F. Hey- *trs. A. J. Fank was a doiegate Mrs. R. S. McLauighlin, honor- land, J. J. Flett and L. Doreen. frorn Bowrtianville ha the Domin- ary vice president for Ontario, Chairmen of committees for the ion Girl Guide annual meeting urged every man and xoman ta coming year are: Industrial, J. held in University off Toronto, last use their franchise and vote an Flett; Civic, Mel Dale; Rural, j week. Delegates were present every issue. F o r b le s Heyiand; Commercial, from levery Province in the Do- At the conclusion of electians, Lame Doreen; Social, Stu James; minion.. Mrs. D. E. S. Wishart was intro- Special Events, Keith Jackson. Mrs. Gardon Canant, Ontario duced as Chief Comînissioner of Chairman for the National Affairs Provincial Commissioner, chair- the Canadian Girl Guides. Mrs. cammiittee xiii he appainted at ed the Provincial luncheon meet- Wishart bas spent 25 years as a a later date. ting. Lady Hawomth off Knits- Guider and is the wiffe of Dr. ford, England, guest speaker, said D. E. S. Wishart, chief surgen n she hoped Canadians would make car, nase and throat at the Hos- Tennîs Club every effort ta visit England as pitai for Sick Children. Sat a e she elie'esit mst mporant The delegates proceeded ta the N tha tby gt t knw ae a- -Parliarheîît Buildings, ta be enter- N xt Week other. ..ft is difficuit ta express tained at tea by Mrs. Ray Lawson, the deep gratitude we feci ta- vife of the Lieu tenant- Go vemnor With the help of grcatly im- wards Canadians for their gener-o nar.povdw tercdiosth dusintv, esvpasthv and mindh On Saturday, the Provincial an- construction of the two new ten- durngW.tH . atClarke" nuisi dînner was held at the King nis courts at the Lions Commun- Mr. .i-. lrkToronto' Edxvard Hotel. Hor Exccllencv. ity, Centre has gone ahead by spake on -The world %ve lîve in" concluding with "The time is right Viscountess Alexander of Tunis, 1lcaps and bounds. foi- action. Aithou'gh we often guest speaker, spake on ber recentJ Almost nightlv the faithful feel Irustratian xvhen xve think off trip back ta Engiand, cammenting have 'been gathering and by dint ail the cvii in the xvorid, wc must particuîlariy on the upwamd trend off much manuailabor, plus the carr a mssag offhope Weta be seen everywhere in the aid Luse off various mechaia eie couintry. Houses were being paint- they have the surface about ready must do soehnright heme, inyy aur u-ork with mclix iduaNs. W(, cd, remaodelled or cniarged, ex'en ~for Play. BY the time Ihis ap- must quîestioni at e'r point and th0 e ,o'hscmeit t pear s un print-the tapes will proh- env onform xhere ca'nfommity is i wn, with txva dresses bcing used , ab]-, ho'laid and the nets<;erectcd. rig-itf Contintied an Page Nine% Thoni the only major task xiii be right."the erection of hackstops. which xxil be conipietod as 5000 as the Federal Member Front Vancouver Ifrc'Lere have narres. donc Sa 'Ou are invited ta drap around adsec wvhat lias been accom- Gives Able Address al CCF. Meeting Plislid. Neamly'ev eý*r.v spectator ___lias___o ced the comment: Whata "The People Fir ýt*xVas the pre f il and industriauIs and if gîx en idef btt o atni donminant idea throuighouit the a chance, cao produce xeaiîh in To make al] this passible the speeches at the C.C.F. meeting,l abundance. executîve has olgated îtself fin- lîeld au thc Towni Hall, Bowman- Mr. Mclnnis niaiîîtained that anciali ta quito an extent. There- ville, Fridiav exening. The meot- the Gox'ernmcnt bas reachcd a foi-e, it wvould he greatlv appre- ing xvas opcul hy ' chairmaîi. Ot- stage, wlcre anly in wartime is ciated if ail those xvho intciîd taoi ta Bragg, xlio iitroduced Norman it able ta provide fuli employ- pa'xoîdpyterfc sso Ailison, C.C.F. candidate for Dur- ment, and coîîtroi of anfcti-a po0ihic tay tesr fr ack Mc- ha. ng, taxes, ratianing and mast 'im- Nu.lty._ Menibership as $4.00 per Mr. Allisoii denicd the accuisa-pott, rc-oto.y winthticreasdRevee Ner person or $7.00- for a married liontha îîcrosedxxegesrting ta statisties Mvr. Mc - couple. causing the rise in the cost off Iiiiiis painted otît that fram 1941 living. Ho stited that the tre-ta 94 pîcsraidsabe mendous rîse in the cast off livinig but after this period, althauigh Conf erence President expenses is duîe tathie profits off production rose, nex-etheless the' the crponrfraions. Continuîing vith x'a1ue of goodsfeu Ad1on- dians wxere capable off building con~iafclusion. Mr. Mclnnis Minister off Ring Street United1 a countîry as stmong as Canada., maînhaîîîed that the C.C.F. admin-j Chuircli, Oshaxv.a. xvho xvas electedt tî'ey îmc intellectuialy' vfitted ta istration cauld ori 'v be suicccssffîil esident off the Bay off Quintea ocemate. oxyvn and conrolIllic if fîîll co-ooeration ;s ohtained. It Cornfrreiru.- off the 1., nited Chuîrcht hhinPs by WIviuch tliov N The ic: a pco- pies pariv anîd muEt bo off a ' Ic anuuial meeting people off Canada are resource- supported by the 'people. I held at Smiths Falls last week. E FRONT PAGE EDITORIAL Ballot Box Decides the Issus parties are now County. 1 rh. Stalesman is en decided at the ip their minds- Iweigh the bal- ID VOTE. -es even in cur uwspaper shouid fLiberal, C.C.F. -iven equai and each candidate. as have express- lai the editor's :t people foliow id doubtless will terests of Ontario =at, by returning on wili be made -by the man or sand MARKS a ballot box-the las democracy. decide. er WHOM you amental deciding )k on a political That is one of the. fine features of living in Durham County-which has given so many fine citizens to the heights of science, mnedicine and Industry in the Dominion. Durham han always demonstrated the great- est aspect of Canadian politics-GOOD HUMOR, GOOD SENSE and INHERENT SPORTSMAN- SHIP. Voters in Durham County are NOT enemies of each other-there is NO enmity in Durham. W. don't take aur politics in this grand oId county quit. that seriously-good humor, good sense prevail. Votera on opposite aides are NOT eternal enemies fightîng a military campaign with bitter- nesa. They are GOOD CITIZENS having goad fun while doing a duty of citizenship. And alter the voting is over we ail good- hurnorediy accept the result. That la the democratic process. Imagine what the aituation would be if we had ta go through lii e devoid of a sense of humor and unable ta laugh at ourselvea! Thank Gvd, that is NOT the state in Dur- ham County. .We have said our say-WE favor Drew. YOU don't have ta, if you don't feel like it. But let'a take aur politica with good sens. and good humor. W. ail have ta live together in a pretty darned good community after the voting ia done. But ... VOTE. Donations Nearing $10000 M.P. and Fire Fighters Donate One off fli most hopeful bits off Bawmaiivilie Fine Dep iiexs wbich bas neachîcd the ears sent a checque for $200 xv off youm rink committce was con- deeply appneciated. TP tained in the Wesfon paper this fnom moîîey raised by cý week. It appears fhiat Weston is the Badmintan Club dur also atcmpting fa build an amena days. We xverc also pic and bas encouotcmed the samne eccix'e a letton froniC pmobiem as xx' are having in ais- Stephenison, M.P. for Dui ing fuinds. They wcne unable fa Ottawxa xxith a $10.00 dona obtain sanction fram Incarne Tax closed. Depantmenfta alîow donîations as The compiefe qonafion deduict ions fnom Incarne Tax ire- j qllnws: tomns. Such a deduiction becomes. Balance ta last xxeek --- a real factor in flie langer donation BwavleFnmn- ciass. omnil ie n This week, Weston bas obtained W. H. Brawn, J' ipie- permission fnomflic gavormient mns------- and if appears as thouîgh other Robent Nable - ------- amena pmjecfs will be allowed the Chas. Mor-ris, Foundry - same leexvay. A. W. Claytan, Fouîndmy- The electian bas almast dismUupt- Elli's Shîoe Repain ed aiiv canviassing duuing huis Chas. E. Stephenison, M.P. wek but tiiene have been several daunatians came in without souici- Total ta date -------------- ous advertising. Col. H. T. Goodei Pays High Tribui An enthusiastic meeting of the Progressive Conservative Party was hcld irn the Cornmunity Hall at Mount Pleasant, in Cavan township, Friday night. Dr. Wright of Mii]brook acted as the chairman, and expressed appre- ciation of the local cornmittee for the excellent turnout. The chief speaker was Col. H. T. Goodever, recently of Military Headquarters at Ottawa, who paid highi tribute ta Major John Foote, V.C., for the courage lie had shoxvn at Dieppe which had been exernplifed ail dtiring his career. "Do you think," hie said. "that John Foote learned nothing of the drearns and aspirations of the young men of Canada during bis long years as a prisoner of war. xvhen lie won the admiration andi affection of his fellow prisoners by his outstanding qualities or lead- ership? It almost scers that bis wboie life, before the xvar, during the war, and since the war had been in preparation of John Foote for the widerffield of service now before him." The speaker stressed the diffi- culties of the voung men who had served in the arrny, navv. and the air force, and aiso the wornen who had served in the Wrens, Waacs. Waafs, and doubted if there was another candidate in ail Ontario who had the same knowled ge and sympathy for their difficulties and probiernis as Padre Foote. Major Foote ,vas introdutced hy Mr. Stinson, who exprcssed the strong feeling which has been aroused in the northern area where Mr. Shield cornes from, ov- er the reports published by the Liberal Association, in which most uncalled for suggestions had been made reflecting on the good in- tentions of such a man as Major Foote. He persoriallv could flot believe that Mr. Shield xvas res- ponsible for a rnanuscript in such poor taste, which was howev-cr, turning Liberals ail over the country into strong supporters of Major Foote. Major Foote fo]lowed with a rausing speech which evidently made a great impression on his hearers. He reviewed in strong ternis the platformi of the C.C.F.. and folioxved this bv attacking the Liberal Party for its failure wh71en in power. and its helated effort to cover up by bringing ýpartme n t hich xvas bhis xvas lances in ring war dcased ta Chas. E. îmham at ation en- .s are as -$9,484 - 200 - 25 - 5 - 10 - 10 10 _____ te cniîva a iîgh. A te cn-and co-operation tîey .ecive "Hall offFameA'in à future issuîe. Balance ta go - -------- $40,246 clusioî Off the day's events a __ __ rok piece off seveiî genuîine mînkO ta o Ne d To ra tL d r ~e 'lo oder skîns and an lztireigao. ve, Fellw Soldi For the school childmeii tickets liavo beeii isued for puipils offI D caay ice cream canes and caca cola. 1 Proceeds from tlîis ail-day car- At a very orderiv meeting in Other items iii the pmogram n n ouît a lasý minute program xvhieb, nival xxi Il be used by the New-flcTw Ha, odvIih1cueteaoponfanxe. lie said wxas a rchash off sonie C.C. castie Lionîs to furtiier their com- hi1Tw Hll ona1 iibp lta oipionee off a rete- F. proposais, plus a few ideas an i inity xvork. Durham Liberais niade their bid plnfo mpoeen ffrr ________abur_______ec._or_____ilevoer' upor al corinmuinities, thoa assumption of fin dctheîî, laboir elme, etcjfoeomnvlevoes1upotjmuinicipal taxes for four and five j lit heDn gveomntweeiii the fartlîcoming election. 1 vears on ail homes costiîîg $8,000 aled ciguo.iMrs. A d ro Speakers inciudod the candidate anîd ]ess and built within the next MajleforFts romisb doed thi Elected Dist. Deputv Garnet Slîicld, thie association txvo years, the remnoval off Hydro fuie pefortseo urhabm deoted ta pnesidoîît, M. H. Staplos. Col. from polities, removal off rural thepepleof Drha Cunt, e-Order Eastern Star Johin Dewant off Poterborougli re nstictions wliern t prescrnt onlM gard f e s f a relige s ion rp- ____Mr. Robert Fry, long-tiiri Libecral txxo consumcîrs are allowcd ta the recitis.i e isnreuned atheirp A iiiecting was heid in Ulster af Bowimanx'iiie. mile. resnhaiv onJoe 7h.Temîple, Toonito, Manday ove- Vocal solos ,xcre supplicd hyý How canoane rnan kecp Onitario îîing, May 31, for the purpose off, Wilfred Carmutiiers xxvith Mr. Ross strong, Mr. Slîîeid askcd, reffer- eiecting a District Deputy Grand iMoteaif accampauîying.j rinîg ta Mr. Drew's campaigni sia- Raffle Racketeers Matu'aî for District No. 1l, Order r Bath Mr. Staphes anîd Mr. Shieldj gari. Wre îced more Ilian a oe- F ound Guilty off Eastern Star for 1948-49. ook the Conservative canididate ho mian goxvermnît. W7e need the As Mms. Edna Andersoni, Baw- task for bis reporhect nei-arks ut co-operation offe'r citizen in Heavily Fined maîîxille, had signified lier will-1 a neceîît meeting xxhen lie ciaimied Ontario ta achieve strength. We _____ îgooss to let hier name stanîd for the Libomai party iîad no poliec«y don't îecd or waîît Col. Drew who, Lenard Chiixers, R.R. 1, WoQd- election, the foliowxirîg memnbers concerning coîîtroi off liquor. Thiex 1 lias tnie'd ho block cvery piece off ville, aîd Lloyd Black, R.R. 4 off Duîrham Chiapter, No. 181, jour- suggested that filie main areaqon social legislatiouî thiat blas caine Woodviiie, xveme chamged Juine i,îîoyed ta Toronîto ta gixe moral for the extension off liqior out- o uit off Ottax'a incluidiiig fainilxr iii Bowmanx'ille Police Court, ho: Support aîîd when the msuit offi lets uînde tfeli cxx' grîxeriimerît allouvances, hiousing prolectis, ailà fore Magistrate Gee with illegally tlie olection wxas known to ejoico xvas that Prcîîuiem Drew found the preseîît plan off lealth servlcos selling raffle ticketsoui a car. thiat for flic ffirst time huis high himself short Off funîds xvhen lie mc- rcceiîtly aîîîouîîced by the c foral The pocecds from the sale off hanor had conie ta a mombor off fused to co-opemate withî Ottawxa goxeruiinent. tickets, according ta Chilvers, Durham Chapter, Mms. Millie Ed- iin the fax field. Becauîse off thîis Mm. Staples gave great credift t xveme ta go ho aid eippled child- em. Mms. Mac Garton, Mrs. Liliî' shorhage if was necossarv to raise the C.C.F. for thie wondcrful pro- ren. hîoxvver on rinu-, the Sick Mihier. Mrs. Rota Dudley, Mrs. huge amouîîîts aîîd the quickest granm xhich they outlined, stat- Chiidren's Hospital denied auîy R uhy Cox, MrI. Elsie AlIdread, and suînost way was ta inecse iîîg thiat if tlîaf programn couid be authorization off sucb a raffle. 'Mms. Beatrice Wight, Mrs. Flan- liquor drinking from vhich flhc effected il wouid ho ideal. But, hie ecc Nothcuîff. Mrs. Coma Rice, provincial governiif twould de- saw problems ahead which made The accused xvere flrsf discover- Mms, Victoria Frank, Miss Mary rive a consîderable amount in rexv- it impassible fanrlîim ta agmec that cd seiling tickets at Caesamea. Jexveil, Mr. aîîd Mrs. William J. enue. The Liberals, on the other their method' off apemation was When Police Constable Pollard iFiundMm. aod Mr-. E. J. Gibbs, hand, xviii co-operate wîth Otta- foasibie. Befone suchi a pragnam iîivostigated. lie fouînd that 13 Mm. and Mmsr, Wilbert Teeple, Mn. wa and xiii îît bc so pnesscd for could ho iaunclied iii a democratie books had alrcady beeîî sold. Thef and Mrs. Elma J. Anderson, Mr. funds. They xivii ho able ta, use .contry it xx'auld bc nICeSSamy tafi aceuised explainod thaf the tickets and Mrs. Lawmence White. a considerahie amount off inoIîc rcform verY persan wbo woiild sold at 50c apiece xith the seller Mrs. Anîderson lias been a mcm- otic ru îurtxsfor bhoiii a position off authionity. He rctiniîg$10 prfi frm cchber off the Order off the Eastern fomperance eclucatian xxhiuh is tank RusI as an examlfot book. On fui-thon questioning, if Star for 20 ,-cars. bcbng a charter fie onIl' souînd methoci Off heating iîimating that, the C.C.F. were was found thiaf the accused had imiember off Durham Chapter. pro- the problem. Tiicy xxiii aIsa ho tird iii with Coinmunisrn. but ho.- only aloxx'er thomacîlves anc ýidinz as Wortliv Mafron for 1934- able ta enforce lo-al optioni iaxxs. cause(, thieRuIssnpragrami started mothtasd tckts bffrethe3.1 ,?d uiaintaiuIiing a keen inter- Candidate Shicid dictailcd the as a sociali:;t effort hy the workers draw was ta take place. i est in thie xork al] thmouîgiî hue f Liberai program whîuclî iiîludcs of thie nation. No saouerh4d the The ane important item miss- vears and is %voîthy indeod ho i considerable fax relief as the ah- , xoikrkos achîcved the position of ing from the picture xvas the car. fi this hih office. olition off the 3c gas tax, thie power thîoy wanted than they be- Chilvers expiained that he had Hem huîsb;and. Mn. Eloin Ander- amusement tax and the assun- came marc autxcratie than their received a telephone message son, and hierm othei', Mrs. Mary ance that there iiibcho n pro- czar ist prederessors. If the C.C.F. fmom the car dealer, froni whomn Flefcer, are alsa members off the vincial incarne tax. progrnim which WOîI]d give the ho had ardered the car, canceli-1 Ordon. Hem friends xiii join in Under xx-elfare, a Liberal gav- sptatg, the pover to, confiscate any ing the orden. Hawever, Chilx'ers wi'shing lhem happiness, succoss erîîment xxiii incicase nid age pix'atc iodu'stry or puix-ate prop- couid flot remember the name off and gaod bealth ta carry on ber pensian benefifs from $30 ta $40 cnfy could be ruin by a machine it the car dealer. AIl lie knexv was duties in the year which lies a month and wil educe the age i xouild he, fine, but whîen mon and that the car dealer had bis estab- abead. limifta 65. They xiii also grant women would bo the people who lishment, sonmewhere on Dan- necessary aid ta hospitals without would opemafe such a system, forth Ave., Toronfo. impasing the amusement tax. La- hurnan weakncsscs and the meal- The accused weme found guiltV 'M iss Alice Martin, B.A., bias ac- bar is also taken came off wîfh an ization off the a'îtbority tbey held and Chilvers was fined $100,00 cepted a position as teacher on increase in wormren's cocmpen- wouid (-arne ta the foreground and and casts and Black waa fined i the Trenitan High Schoal staff. sation ta, 75 per cent, with the the system off democratic govemo- $50.00 and costs.1 Miss Martin, daughtem off Mr. A. waiting period shortened fromn 7 ment would ho doomcd. The people off this district are A. Martin, I.P.S., and Mrs. Martin, days ta 3 days. Two weeks' va- Col. Dexvart's theme xvas thal asked ta ho an guamd for flAckets of Brighton, bas been attending cation witb pay affer twa years' Col. Drew was the type of man off thîs kind. It is cxtiemnely un- the Ontaria College off. Educahion empioyment will aiso be put ino who was dangemous ta, a country fontuinate that incidents such asi at Toronto and is to be congratu- effeet aîîd ox'cy effort wxill bc or a province xvhen placii(.(dina this should tarnish the meanq tus- latelrioui gettiog hem -,ear wvithouf made ho assist the fedleral gov)%emol- position off authoritv. Tacha',, ed by service clubs ta raise mon- haviu'g ho xx'itc an.%fiuîai exarnin- iîment in forming a national labor are ail (<nsi.~aof f the dangeous ey for worthy causes. ations.-Brighton Ensign. code. (Continued on Page Eightj Cone t TintyWomen in Business Life .~Play au Important Part In Life of Communîty Since w amen got the franchise from their "better halves." Wei and such strong-willed females as refrain from mentioning names irn Sylvia Pankhurst were waging this group as the i st 15 too long. the battle of the sexes,'.i orn In the legal profession, Miss hav e steadily advaniced their po- Apha Hodgins lias an extensive > sition in exery field of business law practice. As a capable assist- and profess oi ai ILe. Whetl er ant ta the County Registrar xve thcy are ta prove too si ous a have Miss Helen Cryderman whe competition ta men and eventual nmariages the local Registry 0f- lv imake this a woman*s world, re- fice. Miss Nîna Neads represents Smains ta be seen. wamen in the insurance and con- Perhaps the gi-eatest iinpetus veyancing business, given ta the risc of wornen in the The firmn of John A. Holgate& business world xvas the invention Son, coal and fuel dealers, is cf- of the ty pewriter. Wornen were ficiently opcrated by Mrs. T, S. able ta manipulate these machines Holgate and bier dauighters, Misses with greater case and mare skill Sybil and Neil Burk. than men; consequently~ we have In this survey industry must ai- women acting as stenographers s0 be included for in this category Rev. S. R. Henderson and secretaries in aur business we find at least twa women ait Mjitr fAbrtSretUi-bouses and offices. the head of thriving industries, Ministr hOshawbert StreetsUn- In Bowrnanville women are Miss Beryl Percy. as manager and cepted a caîl ta *Trinity United comparatively as numerous and co-partnier of John MacKay Co., Church, Bowmanville, and wiil important in the realm of busi- (Cream of Barley), and Mrs. C. ness as in anv 'big city. They arc S. Halirnan, as proprietor of the assume bis new duties on July 1. part of a huge system xvhich l:eeps Bowmianville Glove and Mitt Co. aur country running smoothly. Women have also established New asleLinsHowcrver, secretarial work bas themselves in the field of cduca- Newcatle Lonslot proved the only field in xvhich lion. At the Central Public Scho.l Carnival Great wvornn have capitalized and prov- we have Miss Marian Aluin, Miss ci their ,vorth. Lct's make a men- Leta Bragg, Miss Vivian Bunner, Ail-Day AH air tal survey in our own communit. Miss Agnes Carruthers, Miss -Mar- Tak fo istace.hardrssigjory Cale, Miss Margaret Mac- Newcastle Lions Club have whicb bas been monopolized 'by Gregor, Miss Marjory Couch, Miss wcmien. Locallv, Miss Leola Mili- Elva L. Miller, Miss Rena J. Mut- complcted plans for ane of the er, Mrs. Stella Bicklc, Miss Betty ton, Mrs. Yvonne Osborne and iargcst ail-day events in the bis- Bickle and Miss Wanda Clarke Miss Joan Richardson. At the tory of Newcastle. Starting car- show their competency in this de- South Ward Sehool are Mrs. Mur- ]y in. the rnorning of Wednesday, partrnent. iel Svrnons and Miss Myi-tle Hall. June 9, Ihere viii bc- somethîng Many of aur local stores arc On the High Scho'ol staff, there doing until thc eai-ly hours of the being aperated by women. Com- arc Miss Leila Carr, Miss Jean next morning. munity grocery stores within the Cunningharn, Mrs. Marian. Jeff- Over 20 schools in Clarke town- municipality are capabiy opcrated cry. Mrs. Agnes Lewis, Miss Car- ship are closing for the day in or- by Mrs. Wm. Maynard, Scugog oi G. Martin, and Miss Hilda Rice. der that their pupils may com- St., Mrs. E. G. Mitchell, Hunt St.. Mrs. W. H. Dcnsern teaches at the tpote in the sports events startîng Mrs. F. W,. Nelles, Elgin St., and Boys' Training School. Mrs. C. sat 9 arn. at the Newcastle Athiet- Mrs. Russell Hobbs, Liberty) St. A. Bartlett operates the Bowman- sic iFeld. Thcy xvill compote for Mrs. Jean Williams, (Town ville Business School. ,valuable prizes which include Shop), and Mrs. L. Glasford, In the field of culture we have rthrce cups and a number of me- (Hooper's Ladies' Wear), have es- Miss Phylli.. Challis, Mrs. Reta dais. tabished extremeiv attractive and Dudley. Mrs. E. S. Ferguson, Mrs. During the day there wili be thriving ladies' wcar. Then there W. E. C. Workman and Mrs. Al- somelhing new and different ta is Mrs. Bernice Collis, (Tot Tog- bert Cale providing the town with entertain the public. For the Iirst gerv), who caters sa acceptabiy ta future Paderewskis. tin:e in this area there xviii be a outfitting. the ever increasing On the whoie, aside from home Televisioni Demonstration starting number of babies. builders, wornei have proved at 3 p.m. Th-e newest of farre It should not be overlooked too, themselves flot only great assets 1equiprnent will be on display. the important part wives play in but essential and Indispensable te~ Striga1 ~5pm ther iîte aperation of their husband's the business world, so long mon. ba parade in owmanvillc leiid business. In this class are Mrs. opolizcd and controlicd by men. iby the Boys' Traininîg Scho ,ol W. J. Bagneil, Mrs. J. W. Jewell In this hurricd survey of listing 5 Band. This parade wilî start at and d aughter. Miss Mary J1cwell the naines of wornen xvho play Scugog St. and march daxvn front and Mrs. Harvey Joint. 0f such an important papt in the isre.Thoere wil alzo be ar- course 'ta be pcrfectiv fair it businiessq. indu'strial and profes- ast in io 65l meandi sh.ould be mcntioned that many sionail]if(, of Bowrnanville it is f ads i Orne t 645 .m.and iives of aur merchant princesi quite possible some names have iNewcastle at 7:15 p.m. along main street con:idcr thejirI înintentional; becni omitted. If New games and ent.ertaininent w«ivcs as sulent. (or even vocifer- so, wc offer oiîr apologies and wiil have been linied up for the gigan- nsornribie nnrtbn~~IvnMfir ~ +~4s Oc Zbe

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