Bob- .Kene. They piayed their Th lTHE OLD AND THE NEW IN FLYING 1 irt e etEnniskillen on Mon- TeNewcastle andepemmemi. -, .J. Phon: Clrke 314were in Toronto for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stonehouse Flornce uf Tornto ereand Wallace, Toronto, and Mr. Mrgeeues n isAm wt r n Ms .S r ts and Mrs. E. A. Summers, Bow- Mr. erc Tuf ad M Aim w h MrandMrs H.S. riton.manvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Salisburv, Toronta, were Sunday Mrs. Benjamin Moise has re- Truli. ,,uests wîth Mr. and Mrs. Frank turned from a visit with her . r n e.L .Drh ae Branton.daughter, Mrs. Frank Hâawkin, I.. view. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ten- Mr. and Mers. Albert Guay andi Toronto. nant. littie dauglhter have moved t 1arCaPere N.Oh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass Mr. Ellisqon Moises home on Bea- awa, was weekend guest with her and baby, Rochester, N.Y., with1 ,7r St. mother, Mrz H. R. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar and otherE Dr. and Mrs H. MacDonald Her many friends are sorry to relatives. - - --- -learn that Mes. Charlie Finiey, * . x o has been in iii heaith for tw Mr. and M rs. udmor, Toro-g L I I .zomelime is now a patient in Osh- 'owt r n e.W .La * ~ awva General Hospital ELEVEN VEARS IN AirATIOM \men C.G.L.T. Grcup bad an informai - It is a far cry froni the planes Mr and Mes. F. Chapman, Car-f smeeting when final plans were tsdwe rn-aaa i ns, -.... i"n lcs n r nd Mes mae orte azarad ea Ms first hegan operatians ini 1937 to the Garnet Trim and faifll' Col-i mad or th S ail averadte rs huge 40-passenger, pressurized North botrne, \vitb Mr. and Mes. W. J.1 Mre alwgaefrhri- Star which officially entercd trans Staintoii. * structions on sheli making. continental service on June 1. \'len Mý,rs. Mary McEvoy and Mrs. TC.£ began transcontinental opera- i ga Gibson spent several days in tions in April, 1939, the Lockheced PrHoe10-passenger, show n helow, was suft What Do Horses Poratloe Grs otbl e ficient tb niect îraffic dernands. Air T ikA o t Ncoed an utst G ir' oftbal ovea travel lias grown to sucli an rxtent T ikA o t scord a oustadingvîcoryov~ in thec pas;t Il y-cars tîîat thîe Lok4 LS i o tie Geirls' Sofetba] eam heeds have been replaced Nwith the (By Lew~is Milligan) o1:1e1einPam tNecs poiverful fouir-engfined Xortli Star One morning during the past Wi ptle on May 28, with score, 17-14 shown at top. It is Canada's largcý;t rtiImtahseo ou fr Newcastle. Two home runs and fastest plane and Iiolds a trans-sretHewsbcbdtabed <4 weire btT>ugbt in by Evelyn Bona-i continental spccd record. On Junie Iet H a icedt ra than. Newcastle girls piayed their the new TC-\ plane eterrcd a msaldawgn n a <Isccond game with Newtonville on inter-city and trans.Atlantic scrviccs. standing close to the curbstone in MaI an attitude of meditation. I have 10:Mavo at Kedas wth. soe 3 ________often wondeeed wvhat these borses Sundav guests with Mes. Mary !than ours. because we do not es in their daily routine. No one McEvov %were Mr. and Mrs. Selby knrrw what. we stand for, and they -I an tell me that horses don't tbink Spencer and littie daughter. Ham- know the basis of their position. 'I for I have owned two of them in pO onto. Mr. Henry McEvoy Chica- hitwestand for. We mustobe .le JI ILÂ~V Lmtrnea:cone, ofthie m lttie ore 'F ', Illinois. prepareci to live by aur creed. ________________________________ ___________________________________ sters, very temperamentai. She .0 And we must be prepared ta enter YOI'NG PEOPLE'S U'NION into the strtiggles for power with * Mr. Jim Patteeson bas resigned Ruby, Webb, District Deputy pres- 1 ~ uaUnadexeine SFE~1~ * IL NIE~R h idmo epns et ce- bis positian in Tyrreli's Deug id<ent. May Bunker and 1 Tete dwa hec job, altbagb AU ai as barmiess as doves. Store and will be witb Canadian. prominent Lodge Officers weee in *èIr~P y * omUn ie on one occasion, *thile out driv- v1 A Y~oun., eoples Union an niver-d urn h eeigsrvc e anners, Boxvmanville. attendance. Cobourg, Port Hope, / P C hurch celebcated their anvr Glenn Allun and Miss Joan Belsey Prof. M. W. Staples, Guelph, Bownanviiie, Oshawa, Whitby înea suddc oelytook trinto ber -av ith special services on Sun- eeavoa u.MisKyAa ntwMradMs P_ FUQ*,0& a wthMr JckBthel, 1ocrendee oa ul is atw.M.adMs eand Beaverton Lodges fuenisbed smashed the sbaft. It may have CA&F with Mr. Jc BothwelTrTosd ilheworh gaevice rnt and two childeen re- representation, wbile anc Sister been tbat the oats sbe had for opto5 as guest speaker at bath sec-- e arvd rm Egln, as present from Toronto and one bekatmd e rsy or she rcd the churcli -t Il arn. The splendid mnessage of the day i, bave rented Prof. Staples' farm. from fc n couv te e Osaw e a'vhaebn roignhr YoungPeope's hoirsang"By residnt o theStudnt Cristan Mr Hary Baleyformrly rf,,everYbeauiiily thectstablein andstblednd rcsolvedve Blue Galilee." Ebenezer Maie Movement of Toronto University witb Cnrnisb and Miller, bas tak- gi-id vnstablautifuiof '. lection ta t kick ag«ainst it. Quartette ccndeced two selections. and as their delegate be attended en a position in Armstrong's Gro- ru rse and intlaio fofces nm-e aevrvhmn.L Mr. Bothwell taok as bis text, 1 the Worid Conference of Chiris- cery Dept. erous, adreesn its preen- umas hydie ntmea Be of good cheer; I have avec- flan Youth at Oslo last summer. Miss Wanda Hobbs, Taranta y tiosan efreshm.OF.aents ecimen, they differ intempea- corne the wocld atended nthe and IutesWedesam raiwpet ts wveed wtheau-A Çonquering Christ." He pointed Tinity Calec activ- sor asetad r adMr.Mehom 1 am flot acquainted. But SQuaker out many areas of lite in wbiehan ilctnubssudenxt rmon Mr. and Mes. Greyrel andan Chcist's rule bas not heen estab- -vear in tbeology as a candidate for daugbter, Evelyn, Toronto, MissMran sJ.Stikndndmtoousre w h vy FIJLJ~'I1 lsbe andtheonseuen chihe ministry of the Anglican Eveivni Grey, Detroit, spent Sun-Mcan Mr.sStikn ad thoughtfui and rather scou QLF EALlenge tous ttwe make Cuc. isacuinois dyih. o ila e na fomNewfoundland. M r. andteac.I hm y UPMIT Lordship good. Heillustrated his E .Cooke, Newcastle, in wh Mes.JWm. Cowan, MeMs. Frearre reliving xitb theirinadheadtknontceo messagJ.JI~III h ie n pt-we utrro e as e Cowanand . C and Mrs. Harry agteMr Jack Gibson and me. On this nmorning I stopped essage in ot frEcuterenehoepa ertined for andhters.Srln aeaadadrse i."e os, ýý--"i* ],-st stimmer. An exhibition softball gaine, Cowan, attended the 35th wedding ,biandtMes. SrHckend have I a d adresehim a elo horse," In the evening he addressed a macried wnmen versus single wo- anniversary celebration in Bow- Can tlaHavmpTu.stI ait" " Hat arke thinkinguc R. W. Bail & Soli gathering of youth, many of whom men. will be played at the park marville of Me. and Mes. Wm. r.R .Bs adSelM.ab out,"' Helooked at me s uc Taunton, Ont. were in attendance from Orono on Friday evcning, June 4, at 7:- Cowan, Ocono.Me.RH.etanSelaMrasa yMid ouow bs- Tauntn, Ot. nd ather Unions. He spoke of 30- Ray Brown vilIi be manager Me. J. J. Melior addcessed the and Mes. J. C. Tamblyn, Me. and ness," and resumcd his medita- Proers awe 163 W- 'he challenge that cames ta Cheis- for the married xv-omen's teani Women's Institute meeting at Ty- Mes. Frvisn Tamblyn a r. nddptos.BthI a sn't gfoIng lttat (reers chrge).n-4yauth ta make their weigbt and George Crowtber is manag- rone on the Drham Co-opecativetMes.olFenklinaiv'n attedc putoffwit ahosnu, oIfeit thaten eit in the world taday. The chal- ing the single xomen's team. It Hospitalization Scbeme. the gtodn eddMn. annersa . .ry her eap e was a reo nenen _______________________________________________-is hoped that the two new score Seventeen members of Heather recepinOf Me.and es J.W. mand. Pehapshe waan Edng- boards which have been secueed Rebekab Lodge joined a gather- Hokin shrta n . ea. c els nteike yscfand id fotie through the efforts of Douglas ing of two hundeed people Friday Wme'CbstaTmprnecdiy ner nt fa laiis Walton wiil be in use. evening when "May Belle" Re- Union annual meeting was heid with persans ta whomn he had flot hekah Lodge was instituted in May 26 with Mes. R. Rainey pre- been inteaduced. - Pot Prry Asemby pesientsiding. Miss Edithi Sherwin con- I stepped up ta him and stroked ENNIS ILLENducted the devotional peeiod at- bis long, hard nase: patted bis nikllnfciends and rltvs the several depaetments. Offi- was a "Good horse.' ' This how-_ Tleproramcommenced with cees were re-eiected. ever, did not secm ta ma ke mucb , Ba on Jue 8 at the home Rev. R. M. Seymour acting as ipeso.H otnidt g of Mes. E. A Werry8 chtrmn.MeseSyhurmeden A successfui furnituce sale in-im esin Hectnudai- vto n ls.E.A.exened y S n-coimnity sngieymcor ed n cludi ng modern and antique fur- nore me. He seemed ta be pur- vian cideendv eacs rmad un- bommuis. .tan a mPan slosniture was beld in the Fair suing sanie une of thaught or per- Hvladr. drnf eyar ndu-by Ms. . Meil i an Mes M Graunds, Salurday afternoon with 1haps mulling avec memories af dera ntons Hvocl sloaby Mster. Jack Reid as auctioneer.1 former and happier years of colt- Staiton vocl slo b Materhood. when hie was free ta coam Mr. and Mes. E. J. Dickinson, Rav Ashton. Vocal selection was Mes. Richard Wood fel iti her at large and kick up bis heels in Oshawa, with Me. and Mes. S. R. ginnbytre'ltIges. home and beoke hec hip. She is edw Hw ifrn aPethick. Ruth Adamis and Gloria and Caral a patient in Oshawa Hospital. was bis way of life, fettered with Mr. and Mes. G. E. Johnston, Wright., Two recitatians were Mr. Ronald Waterston bas ae- thorigs of Meatler between two avdadEiaeh oote given by the bride's sister, Mes. rivcd feom Engiand to spend six sataddYb eya n D. Gray, Newcastle, atter xvhich months with bis, Mes. Jack sataddy ydy eci CMes. E. Stcutt. is visiting with Rev. Seymour cailed upon Mr. Stobaet, and Mr. Stobart. odrudo tet ihdi Ck'Mc. and Mrs. Walter Rabm, Ty- and Mrs. Fallis ta came foewaed Orono Continuation School pu- adrudo tct ihdl monotony. Was it any wander - cane. - xhen Mes. D. Care cead a niceiy pila weree l Blackstock on Mon- that he had ceased ta take any in- Mes May Giffn s vsitng erwocded address ta the young cou- day evening wbeee they peesent- trs ntexol rudhm son, Me. John E. Griffin, Yxeîver- pie and Me. E. Wecry and Me. W.Ied several short plays and same He had becomne a dreamer and ton. ~~~~Ashton made the presentation. A musical numbers in the Townt"nuiedabndle vhnth. Mco. adMs onSeoi~~ bountiftl lunch xvas enjoved con- Hall. Tbey weee guests ot Black- borai." Wa bknows buit hat this ited with Me. anid Mes. H. Mac- sîstîigof sandwiches, coakies, tea stock Continuation School pupils. horemgtbamueiloos Lcod, Elizabetbviile. and cake and also a seeving of Junior Football teani is peactis- pesc igor a mute p igophrimus Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashiton the bcîde's cake. ing well under the leadership of îng the ways af men?t and baby, Claire, at Me. and Mes.- He may' have had memroces of Re. er. a Aax re-automobile days wben tJe 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and r streets were theanged with horse- fa'iflv at Mr. and Mes. H. Stairi :rawn vebicles and he could hall ______________________________________ ton's, Tyrone. his feilows with a iusty neigh in Sevecal tram heee attended an-> passing. If he posscssed inberited niveesary services et Bueketo, --- memacies he could recaîl the tume and Eldad. when his ancestors freely roamed Mastr Erl avidParot'the wild, two million vears before Chalk Lake, witb bis grandpar mari appeared on the eactb ta en- E Plf r fl n R V if ents. Me. adMs rtu er lave hlm. He couid remember i., Hanria, Peteebora, spent the o.£Vutngu sakn i is,-and sr Check These Off:àaVa',-gusmkngh 1p ur t xeckend wvith Me. and Mes. F. veying me with a bright glearn of 1.Werry. recognition in his eycs. We have WAHIG-irt ou arishoed te srube, nd IMr' and Mes. Harry Allen, Tor- iheen close fricnds ever since-tao WAIIGFrt oicri hsd hnscubd n onto. with Me. and Mes. A. Lead- Isattiefrhwtcsfo inaily drled carefully so that the finish gleamns. beater. m(- everv morning, and I have ac- Me. and Mes. Russell Ormiston quired the vicinus habit of pilfer- rl.LSIII.NG-Sàve vourself an expensive refinishing job. visited Mr. Milton Tamblyn, Or- EVERY DA ing lumps of sugar. Lect us coat your car -with fine auto wax, then buitff ft Bucmoa andson i0. Mes. 0 uaon O on i- SATURDAY, JUNE 5 spa.rlng have returncd ta Toranto af- Local Mail Service ter visiîirig ber sister, Mes. A. 'LUBRI('ATION-Our experts wilil thoroughly grease and Lcdeae. etbFegsntoMi Itîbricate yu car. Save %i ear and tear with proper lubrica- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mes. Maileiii Closes lt)fl. ,Me. and Mes. Meewin Mount- I Going local Rural ijos'. Hampton, with Mr, and Mes Routes 11:00 R.. PALME NOTO SALE Walter Oke~. Er ewi d iso icuig$12 Going Port Hope only 1:30 p.m. rs.Erwnad Going East and West 6:3 p.m. ,M\rs. Sidney Trcwin visited Mr.Ad iso ncu ngtx $12 Going West 10:00 p.m. PA M R N T B S L SStanles acon and Mr. Herb Mail Arrives Tavor Ieteo.CIDE NERSXENNTAMT Feani East and We 8:0am YOL R CITIES SERNICE OIL DEALER Ta!r etltn HIDE0NERSXENNO ITDFriarn West 12 noon On Mav 31 a pleasant evening I '. n t.i. - Bo,.'manv'llIe - Phone 487 was spent iri the churcb shed 1 AM.NPLE PARKING SPACE FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT i Froni West 3:15 p.m. wh len Mr.« and i Mrs. James Fallis. Fromn East 8.00 (r<ce Jean Adams. ,i -renre'nAnt- ('i t thi 1eeoutand nnzle WEDDING KERSEY-JOHNSON The wedding of Marian Pauline Johnson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mes. Wm. C. Johnson to, Ed- ward James Kersey. son of Mr. and Mes. S. T. Keesey, took place at the home of Mes. E. H. Cale, Hampton, who la a cousin of the bride. The bouse was decorated with tulipa, cedar, streamers and belis. Rev. E. Linstead performn- cd the ceeemony and Miss Jean Kersey. sister of the groom, play- ed the wedding music. Given in marriage by hec bro- ther. the bride wore a beautiful gown of white marquisette with cap sleeves, long mittens and a full skiet vitb two eovvs of rush- irig. The fingeetip veil was held in place by a marquisette head- piece. She careied a bouquet of red roses. Miss Mary Hensen, Toronto, was bride5maid and woee a turuos crepe. peincesa style gown. with cap siceves and long mittens. Hec i headdeess, was a turquoise halo and she caeried a bouquet of yel- iow roses. The reception was held at the home of Mrs. Cale, wbo wore a gown of peinted pink and a cor- sage of white carnations. The geoom's mather woee a flowered gey crepe gown and a corsage ofi white carnations. Later the bride and groom left on a wcdding trip ta Orillia. For travelling the bride wore a reci suit witb black accessacies. On their ceturn Mr. and Mes. KXersey will ceaide in Toronto. A blind Oklaboman is an en- thusiastic hunter, and shoota "by car." The Siaiesman S oda'ý' Ai Following Siores Dyer's Deug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's. Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonvilli T. M. Siemon, Enniskilien F. L. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Wm. Hackwood. Pontypool H. T. Sayweli, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreli. Orono W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Lovel J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Statesman Office* Granuiated peat lsa>a new M.i suiating peoduct. THE NEW ConrI igan Kve t Bowmanvllle and t one NEW fun and thrills when Maisie tums copt ANN SOTHERN IARRY NELSON- MARK DANIELS ADDED ATTACTION "CALIFORNIA FIREDIRAID" IN TRUCOLOR MGNDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, 7-8-9 SPECTACLv md wodofEou1y Select Your Milking Machine Rubber Replacement Parts from this Sample Bord... We cao make immeditte deliveries from our stock.Thee k ,zothing bettert bau CTWU Brand filhiuS wkint paris rrard. lesi of néme or pri e. W * He DROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machgery -Flrestone ThW DeLaval Mllkers and Separatoru Beatty Bron. Stable Equlpment el King St. W. Fb~ e, THATZ- OW AVIL SATURDAY CONTINUOUS performance - 6:30 p.m1 to 12 FRIDAY . SATURDAY . JUNE4-5 MATINEE Every Saturday STARTING AT 2:00 P.M. Movietone News IESTHER WILIAMS - Color Cartoon THURSDAY, nffl Srd, 1948 nu THE CANAMAN STATESMAN, BOVMAMMýLE. 019TARTO ýAGE POUk ; ' ý-1 -- %Irlu 1 ed with a china cabinet fýom Fn- i ýlAL Llilý, 'JUL dýl,4 pa. ;u up iii a handà- place for reference.