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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1948, p. 13

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. - .,".-,.-, - PAGE THIRTI THIUR8DAY, JTJN" lôth, 1948 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVIII.t flN'rARIfl mi L r""D PAY CASH AND p~f 2S(IUVSAVE-MINIMUM $ COST 35c PER AD BIRTIIS IN MEMORIAM- ADAMS-Mr. and Mrs. Murray DEAN-In loving memory of Adams (nee Ada Quinney) are dear hisband, Edward F. Dear happy to announce the arrivai of who passed away June 13, 194, their daughter (Valerie May) at "Though his smiie has gone for Bowmanville Hospital on June ever, 3rd, 1948. 24-1- And bis hand 1 cannot touch, StilI1 I have so many memories ENGAGEMENT 0 f the one I loved so much. - Though out of sight, he's ever ,Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Piper near; 'Wish to announce the engagement Stili loved, still missed, stili minE of their eIder datirhter, Anita He will live with me in memory FrOnces, fo Kenneth Frederick Until th e end of time."' Nickrrson, youngcst son of Mr -Lovingly remembered by his and Mrs. J. F. Nickerson. Bow- wife, Rowena. 24- manville. The marriage wvili take placi,.Tune 26 in St. John's AnLli- DEAN-In loving mnemory of can Church. 24-1 dear father and grandfather, Ed ____ L........... \ard Freeman Dean, who was s DEATHFS suddenly taken from us June 13th FARROW-At thr Western Hos- "In tears we saw you sinkîng, pital. Toronto, on June 6.' 1948 ' And watchcd you fade away; Erwin Farrow. (Ga',cn Hill. On- God knows how much we miss tario), belovedi hushard of M,'r- you, garet APn(4 rws. PLiec elI -cars. In- As it dawns one year today. terment Orono ccmetcr':. We think of you in silence And often repeat your name, STAPETO--AtNcwcý-tle onBut ahl that's left to answer June 4th, 194(l, T. G. Maxwell I orpcue esalcam Stnlto. elovdhsado Your memory is our dearest trea Vionlette Mil, ov,~d 61 ears of sure, Vioenel ro the12orris6Fueral In our hcarts you will live forever Charp frm h.MrrsFue -lSadly missed and ever remerr Chpcl. Inter-ment Bovmanville -bered by sons, daughters anc cemetcry-. grandchildren. 24- 1 Announcements Mr. A. T. Spears, formerly of Maple Grove Garage, wis.,es to take this opportunity of thanking the Maple Grove and district cit- izens for their patronage and an- riounces that his garage business is now located at Columbus. Phone Brooklin 13 r 3. 24-1 w.P" says .. . 'Industry travelo et the right hond of fortune' Another welcorne travehler la Protection, anid with Mutuai Benefit coverage it is always 4ith you. SIt helps hospital expenses anud gives an ircome while you are laid up. Fui in the attached coupon and learru may be pro- tected for just a f ew cents a day. MUTUAL BENFT HEALTHand ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION st. S. Nome .......................... ... Street.........«................................. Ciyo on.............................. I Agi Occupation.............. MALLEY-In lovin g mrnmory ofi dear mother, Sarah E. Malley who passed away. June 4, 1947. "And whihe she lies in peaceful sleep Hem mcmory we shail aiways keep . -Sadhy missed and ever rempm- bered by son, Ceeul and farnily 24-1I SHERWIN-In loving memory o father, Walter, R. Sherwin, whq departed from life, November Il 1942; sister, Mary, -August 15th 1939, and mother. June l3th, 1944 "Many a lonely heartache Often a sulent tear, Always a beautiful memory IFor the ones we loved so dear. God gave us strength to fight it And courage to bear the blow. But what it meant to lose them No one wi]1 ever knoýv." -Sadly missed by Florence arn Laurie. 24-P Auction Sales Mr. Ambrose Robinson, Lot 34 Con. 6. Hope Twp., one mile easi of Shiloh Church, is giving up farming and will seli by public auction on Wednesday, June 23 at 1 p.m., two matehed teams of horses; forty head of choice Dur. fhom cattie; flfteen acres of stand- ing hay: and a fulli une of ex- ceptionally good farm machinery. For further particulars see buis. Terms cashý- No reserve. Willarc Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auction- eer. 24-2 The undersigned will sel] hi ipublic auction on Saturday, June 12, the househoid effeets and some tools with a complete threshing machine the property of Hi1da Crossman. in the village of Hay- don, Darlington Twp., 1 mile east -Enniskillcn, the following: 36-50 jGoodison thresher on rubber, ir godrnigorder; 16 inch silo file 11rwith inside pipes and out; Hartparr tractor 28-50 on rubber; 2 single beds: %vash stands; dress- er; rocking chairs; 6 chairs; par- ]or suite; centre table: 3 exten- sion tables; rug; hanging iamp: flour chest; severai oul lamps; coal oil stove with oven; gas lantern; knitting machine: kitchen cup- board; dishes of ail kinds; granite- w-are; shcaring machine: plow; set harrows; harness; buggy; cutter; set light sleighs, string bells; chime belis; 10 iaying hens; tools, saws and many other articles. Terms cash. Sale at 1:00 p.m. T. fS. Mountjoy, clerk. Clifford Peth- ick, auctioneer, 24-1 WANTED FOR EXPORT Recgistered and Grade Holstein Springers WALTER FRANK Bowmanville IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY DOIVN PAYMENT ONLY $1120. BALANCE PAYS OFF IN IIONTHLY PAYMENTS 0F $26.11 (principal and lnterest) Large 1 'L storcy brick home on the north side of Jane Street, Bowmanvilie. This attractive home bas many pleasing fea- turcs such as modemn kitchen with many built-in cupboards, .1 piece bath with built-in tub, good size linen closet, spacious living room with large fr-ont window. There are also 3 bed- roomns, with closet in each. This home is fully insuilated-%\alls and ceiling. Dry basement %with 7' head clearance and new hot air furnace. eFor sale to Veterans of World War 2. For information phone Oshawa 4400 eli~ 14r990 ~cofie1d NSURANCE 6 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 7. )r- ie; Articles For Sale BEATTY Ironer, also Quebec heater. Phone 710. 24-1* BOYS' bicycle, in fair condition. Phone 2912. 24-1* IDEAL shower gif t. General El- ectric kettie, now only $14.50. The Radio Shop, phone 573. 24-1 BUCKWHEAT. Apply Tyrone Mill. L. J. Goodman. Phone 2305. 24-1 COMING EVENTS Work Wanted Dance at Tyrone Hall, Friday, DAY work wanted1. Apply Edgar June Il. Ruth Wilson's Varîety Cator, R.R. No. 5, Bowmanville. Band. Admission 50c. 24- 1* 124-1* Keep the date open for St. WILL dig cellars and trenches, John's Churcb Garden Party, Sat- and do cernent work of ail kinds. urday, June 12, 3-6. Home cook- Apply Verne McPhail 42 Liberty ing, afternoon tea. 23-2* N., phone 703. 24-1 Afternoon Tea, under auspices Livestock For Sale of Hampton Women's Institute, at the home of Mrs. J. R. Knox, on NINE pigs, six weeks old. Les Thursday, June 17, at 3 p.m. Tea Anderson, phone 2215. 24-1* served on the lawn, 25c. Home- made cooking for sale. Proceeds EIGHT good Yorkshire pigs. for community work. 24-1 Frank Dorland. Phone 2335. 24-1 Pepe~JERSEY heifer calves. Apply Solina Young Married PolesClarence Soper, Bowmanviile, R. pienie will be held at Oshawa-on- R. 4. 24-1w ý'he-Lake, on June 17, ceiebrating their 25th reunion. Time Of as- GOOD ail around work horse, sembly 3 p.m. Bring dishes and price reasonable. Phone 2208. silverware. 24-1 24-1* Reserve Friday. June 18, for or- f TWO young Jersey cows, due in gan. piano and accordion recital June; also M.-H. team scuffler by Miss Phyllis R. Challis, A.T. M. H. Pedwell, phone Clarke 3823. C.M., and ber pupils at Trinity 24-1* United Church. sponsored by Trinity W.A. Admission 25e and REGISTERED Y'orkshire boar, 15C. 24-2 11 months old. May be seen at ______E. . Taylor's, R.R. 1. Enniskillen. Elizabethvilîe Sunday School Phcon 2392. Ralph Larmer, Nes- anniversary services will be held teo.24-1* on Sunday, June 13, at il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with Rev. Franklin Personal Banister, B.D., Toronto, guest___ speaker. Special music in the SLENDOR Tablets are effective. morning by the children and in 2 wceks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, the evening by Newcastle choir. at Jury & Loveil, and McGregor's 24-i Drug Store. 24-1 Mapie Grove Sunday Sehool an- H Y G 1 E N I C supplies (rubber nivcrsary will be held on Sunday goods) mailed postpaid in plain and Monday. June 2th and 2lsÏ 'i sealed envelope with price list. On Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. , - r Ni É D--,1Mai1 l rdr Dent. + 'PRQ Mu.. D. p.n. the nev. Mv. rFisher of Brook- lin will be the guest speaker. Spe- cial music. On Monday evening the Solina Young People wiIl pre- sent their cehebmated play, "Looks Like Ramn." Full particulars next -1 ONE hundred bushels of mixed la Imm -----z M340 M a grain. Joe Stevenson. Phone 2522. a 24-1* EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 d1- BASSINET, white and blue trim.. ýh Write Box 73 Statesman Office.I 24-1 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, SMALL mantel radio, electrie, CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per insertion crearn color, good tone, $15. Phone 2343. 24-1 IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a lune for verses per Insertion TWO-hoe corn cultivator for AM~s Chalmers model B tractor. H. j NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, Schrnid, Newcastle. 24-1*I LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. rCash Rate: 2e a word (min. 35e). Must be paid before insertion. BEAN sprayer, in good condition, a200 gai, tank. Inquire at Lake- If Charged: 3c a word <min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box rshore Fruit Farms. Phone Clarke numbers or replies direeted to this office. MAXWLL sde ake nd hgh Addltional Insertions at Same Rates) wagon with iron axle, in good condition. Carl Wright, Black- ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER a stock. 24-1* THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money Y, order wlth order to get low rate. LA SALLE Sedan, '38, mechanie _____________ 1ally first class, four new tires, heater, defroster, $850 cash. Tel- ýiCLPTIOU FR AD RE RNE ephone 434. 24-1*' LPTI U O AD EEEC PIANOS-Procure piano now and -______________________________ y. allow me to arrange convenient *terms for you; telephone or write Articles For Sale F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanvilie. I ___________________24-1* WALNUT bedroomn suite, break- :)f fast suite, davenport suite, tri. 10 GALORE barîey; smalJ Cobbler light lamp, Frigidaire electrie potatocs. suitabie for secl. Or- stove, end table, ail new; electrie h ders t'~ for buckwheat. E. water heater, buffet, bcd, dress- 4.Swain, phone Port Perry 193 r 1-3. ing table, smali kitchen table, odd 24-11: chairs, large cupboard, end table,TE D ~ A Tf -Singer sewing machine (treadle). TE D R W N E RAY-O bracket and other Oul Apply 43 Lamb's Lane.. 24-1 TENDERS FOR COAL lamps. AIso goose feather pil- -______________ lows. Mrs. Jno. Lancaster, New- NEW-Velour studio couch, with AND COKE tonville. Phone Clarke 713. chrome, $49.50; chairs to match, Federal Buildings-Province 24-1* $24.50; chest of drawers, wainut of Ontario 1 finish, $24.50; spring fllled mat. SEALED TENDERS addressed to dMILK Coolers, milking machines,I tresses. $25.50; new'electric ran- teudrindadedre *grain grinders. oat rollers, bot wa- ges, four burner, iow oven $139.50;,TendfrsigCdand il enrsied -ter heaters, fast freezing units, uscd Hot Point range, white ena" Tnder for Coal" wili be ced eîectric fencers. S. S. Morton. mel. oven control, $90; tent, with utl3pr.(....,Tedy -Woods' Dealer. Phone 2279. 24.1* floor and cot, $25. Murphy's, June 15, 1948, for the supply of PIAOSMaonan 811. 24-1* coal and coke for the Dominion p sole modeis, 57" wide, 37" high, WanedTo uD of Ontario. cone iik e new $397. Chas. H. Pea- Vale OLU Forms of tender wîth specifica- 3cock, 80 Simcoe St. North, Osh- - ,f aa, pone 51.24-3 STANDARD or Perfection coal oul tions and conditions attached can ~ aa, hoe 21.stove, in good condition, for cot- be obtained from the Purchasing UNIT of three windows. compiete tage. Phone 2458. 24-1 Agent, Department of Public -with storm windows and secen, Works, Ottawa, and the Supervis- .iz aprxiael '"4 10v" ABOUT 8 pigs, weight .60 f0 75 ing Architect, 36 Adelaide St. sue ppatr5xim . .Late r- îbs. O. Friend, Tyrone. Phone East, Toronto, Ont. son, 18 Concession St. Phone 684. Bowmanville 2523. 24-1 Tenders shouid be made on the 24-iHIGEST rics pid fr srapforms suppliid by the Department - bateres. aresonTir Shp, and in accordance with depart- 2 HEAVY duty water pump ad andnttris aies. 14-tfhop mental specifications and condi- 1600 gallon houler plate tank;:l-KgaI-d_______________________tf tons attached thereto. Coal deal- vso Ford Auto-trac. drive gears i n BEFORE seîîing your live pouitry ers' licence numbers must be egood condition. M. A. Pickering, try us. Our prices are higher. M. given when tendering. R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phone Clarke Flatt. R.R. 1. Bethany, phone 7 r The Dc'partment reserves the g2534. 24-1 13, reverse charges. 17-tf right ta demand from any success- aTWO Aîaddin lamps with shades; - fuI tenderer, before awardîng the -Coleman gas iron in good condi-Noi s order, a security deposit in the t Noticesform of a certified cheque ona tion;hos fork and car complete____.cated akinCaa, ae with pulîaey 50 t.rope: stce Dr. V. H. Storey's office will be payable to the order of the Hon- Ponr se Cl Harr2530 binder.* chosed. June 23 ta July l4th in- ourable the Minister of Pubiie Phn lre 50 41 clusive. 24.5* W ork s, equal to 10 per cent of thei TURKEY pen, 40x2O, neariy new, amounit of the tender, or Bearer wirc scmecn sides and top. screcn' Wanda's Beauty Shop. 80 King Bonds of the Dominion of Canada -and i"xl" wood flooring on cedar St. West. Permanents that make or of the Canadian National Rail- -posts. M. A. Pickering, R.R.' 2, permanent customers. For ap. i way Company and its constituent Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2534. poîntmcnts, phone 2851. 14-tf companies unconditionaily guar- 24-1 anteed as to principal and interest Accommodation, xith private 1 by the Dominion of Canada, or THRESHING Tank, practically entrance. for out of town patients. the aforementioned bonds and a new; 4-pîy 130-ft. canvas thresh- R. Colville, Drugless Practitioner, certifled cheque, if required to Ling belt; a number of new pint 9.5 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilîe, make up an odd amount. berry crates, by Miss Bertha Cain, phone 538. 24.1* Such security will serve as a Oroo, ah Saurays o1~' fguarantee for the proper fulfil-t 24-1 Parents, trustees and ail rate-metoth nra. - payers, attention. The annualmetothcntat EIGHT restaurant stools, 20 kit- meeting of the Durham County By order, chen chairs (solid); 1 large French Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associ- J. M. SOMERVILLE, frier; Nesco electrie aven: sand- ation wiii be held in Mihhbrook Secretary. wich grill: Happy Thought heater. Town Hall, Monday, June 14, at Departrnent of Public Works, Mrs. T. W. Enwight, King St. E..! 8 pa.. is your meeting. 50' Ottawa, May 26, 1948. 23-2 Newcastle, Ont. 24-11 corne. 24-1 PIANOS-Mahugany and walnut,RE AR TENDERS WANTED t eight to choose frorn, ahi recondi- _____________________ tioned and guaranteed. $90 and1 THE Bowmanville Board of Ed-1 up. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoci REPAIRS ta aill makes of refrîg- St., North, Oshawa, phone 251. erators, domestic and commercial. ucation requests tenders for thea 24-3 Higgon Eiectric 42 King St E. position of caetaker at Bowman-c phone 438. 26-tf ville High School. Duties ta com- TRAD-IN - Clemn îanp:mence Juiy lst, 1948. List of du- Coleman Iantern: rocker; love NEAT- Way Shoe Repair: Good, ties may be seen at secretary'S sea; ocasona chir;botplae:substantial workmanship, reliabil- off ice. bab pam;col hatr, edumity, dyeing, soiing, sewing, etc. Tenders to be in secmetary's t, sie;bypatery adio.Each arteicle Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bow- hands by Saturday, June 19. - $5ze taer Mrpio's, phonet8clemanville Cleaners. 7-tf Bowmanviile Board of Education $5t la.Mrh',poe81 Stua.rt R. James, ..4 1 Wanted to Rent Secretary-Treasurer F2 CASE combine, nearîy new; 24-1 24 King St. E. p Case i' bay rake, new; on e-horse- TWO or three unfurnished roorns scufflers; wire fence: barbed wire; required by young couple, no FoundE one B.T. electric grinder. Ciuiti- chiidren. Phone 2650. 24-1 _____________b_____1 vator for Allis Chaluners Model B YOUNG police dog strayed ta b tractor; used rubbcr tired wagon. SMALL cottage or three moins, inl home of L. D. Sykes, R.R. 6, W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone Newcastle. Very urgent. Apply Bowmanville. Phone 2430. 24.1*- 497. 24-1 Mrs. Boner, Kingsway Lunch. _______________ OSHAWA'S new furniture store- 24 _______Custom _________ Eveytingi, oem cetr BY two lady teaches-two ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 19-8 NEED a rcalhy effective laxative? Try proven Fruit-a-tives, famous herbaI medicine used successfuily for 45 years. Brings relief quick- ly-toncs up liver-kceps bowels active-restores good heaith-re. hiable. 24-1 Chicks For Sale IMME DIATE dclivcry B r a y chicks, puliets, cockemcls, non- sexed. Sorne started alsa. Pre- pare for youm fall-winter egg mar- kets with these. Agent, F. L. By- amn, Tyrone. 24-1 S TARK VILLE Miss Helen Deckert spent the weckcnd in Toronto. Mr. and Mms. Ross Halioweli in Peterboro recently. Mm. and Mrs. M. Trimbie, andf family, Oshawa, visited hem sister Mrs. M. Shutka. Mm. Gorcdon Haliowell, Mount Forest, visitcd bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. HaIlowell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haiiowel atteuîded the wedding of Wes Ben- son in Trenton recently. Mr. W. Savcry visit,ed in Osh- awa. Mr. A. Minto is enjoying a visit from bis sisters. Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, spetit the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allen and family, Kirby, spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. Some from this district attend- ed the funeral of the late M. Stapleton in Bowmanville on Sun- daY. We were somry te hear of the passing of the late Irwin Farrow of Garden Hill. Mr. Farrow was resiclent of our community for manvY ears. We extend sympa- thy to bis widbw and famihy. Mm. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson le Port Hope., ENFIELD Mrs. Fred Taylor and Pai, Toronto, are visiting at Mr. ame Stark's. Mr. and Mrs. James Eddyvean, Richmond Hill, at Mr. Aif. Pres- cott's. Mrs. Edgar Prescott underwent a serious operation in Bowman- ville Hospital. Her friends are glad ta know she is favorably. Mr. and Mrs. Andy McRae and family, Toronto, at their summer home. Mrs. H. Stinson is visiting et Pontypool. R. W. Bal &So TAUNTON Phone Oshawa 163 W 3 (reverse charges) FREE DELIVERY W AN TE D immediately Young Women 16 Years of Age and Over for Fruit and Vcgetable Work -Accommodation ln Farm Service Force Camps For full particulars write: ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE 9 Richmond Street East f Toronto 1, Ontario Dominion-Provincial Farmn LaorCommittee TURN YOUR FACE TO THE SUN -make the most of every golden minute. This summer, soak up a healthy, glowing tan ... easily ... naturaly ... painlessly. Elizabeth Arden sun preparations will help you brown while'they help keep your skin sof t and smooth. Ardena Suntan 011, two shades, honey and cafe 2 oz. - --- ------ $1.00 Ardena Sunpruf Cream, helps proteet rsensitive skins against over-ex- posure --------- ---- ------ 31.25 Ardena 8-hour Cream, bexcellent for sun-drled Enfild Sunday Sehool anniver- sary. Sunday, June l3th. Services at two and seven-thirty. Music by the school and Mrs. A. A. Drummond, soioist, Orono. Rev., A. E. Eustace, Orono, speaker. Monday night at eight-thirty, Eb- enezer folk wilI present "A Hot Water Hero,",drama in three acts. Music between acts. Admission: Aduits 35c; children, 20c. 24-1 Ebenezer Sunday School anni- versary services, Sunday, June 13 at 2 and 7 p.m., with Rev. M. Sanderson, of North Parkdale Church, Toronto, as guest speak- er for botb services. Special mu- sic by sehool in afternoon, assist. ed by Miss D. Creasser, of Bow- manville. The choir will provide special music at evening service with Mr. J. Hancock as soloist. On Wednesday, Jurie 16th, at 8:30 p.m. Greenwood wiIl present their 3-act play "Out of This World." Admission, adults 35c, children 25c. 24-1* Kelp Wanted BOYS for weeding gladinlus. WilIow Acres Farm, phone 2456. 23-2 HIGH Sehool boYs. Stcady work for summer. Brookdale-Kings- way Nurseries, Bowmanville. ________24-1 GIRL with knowledge of book. keeping and interested in ma-I chinery. Write Box 76, States - man Office. 24-1* MAN having parts experience or boy wanting to learn about auto- motive equipment. Write Box 77. Statesman Off ice. 24-11, WOMAN with neat. pleasing per- sonality, eapable of meeting peo. pIe, anxious to earn. Full or part time. Write Box 74, Statesman Off ice, Bowmanville. 24-2* WANTED: Man for steady travel amnong consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliabie hiustler considered. Write Raw- leigh Dept. ML-F-140-131, Mon- treal, Que. 23-4 FAST growing company bas op- ening in your district for energetie and ambitious person. Splendid opportunity for aggressive indi- vîdual. Excellent earnings assur- ed with future, security and inde- pendence. Apply Blue Brand ý Products, 7227 Alexandra, Mon- treal. *22-5 Pets For Sale MIALE pup, three monthýs aId. Phone 2436. 24-1 ELEVEN pedigreed Angora rîb- ! bits and hutches. Apply 433 Al- bert St., Oshawa, after 4 p.m. 24-2* For Rent NEW 5 cubie foot cernent mixer,1 by bour or day, J. C. Wilton, 30 Toronto Rd., Port Hope. 24.8* FOR July, comfortabîe 4-bedroom ,ottage at West Side Beach, Bow- manville. Fireplace, water, edec- ricity. Phone 762 Bowmanville. 24-1* Real Estate Wanted PARM listing wanted.-If yourj rrm is for sale, consult an aggres- ve Real Estate Broker. Loans arranged, prompt and satîsfactory4 ;rvices. W. T. Haigh, Real Estat'e Broker, 63 Coxwell Ave., Toronto. 24-2, Rooms Wanted ýURNISHED roomn wanted in orne with modern conveniences )y gentleman. Will pay good mt. Write Box 71, Statesman iffice. 23-21 JURY & LOVELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When Wc Test Your Eyez it là Donc Properly Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets Summer Cottage Necessities 622 Insect Repellent, liquid 2 oz. ----- - . 59e Tangel. 65c, $1.65 A-Sa-Rex Tablets 2lc, 29e, 59e Kleenex- 18c, 2 for 35e Noxzema Sun Tan 011 30e, 60e Bromo Seltzer 25c, 49c, 95e Aika Seitzem r . -29e, 57e Air Wick . . 89e Tat Ant Traps -- 35e Bathing Caps 50c, 69c, 75e WVax Paper ..300 Certified Engiish Style Hcalth Salts -.-....--- 59e Calamine Lotion... 29e Rexal Skeeter Skoot Cream 35e Rexall vy-Cbek, for the treaf.'»,t of unison ivy BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS The CANADIAN STATESMAN CIassiIied J. li. PATTE 5 Bassett Bidg, 3 Simcoe Phone 2403 k- i ~,i 0 i -~q rbealtors I 1 ----------- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC) Deodorants Bachelor Deodorant....40e Adrienne Deodorant .. 40e Fresh - ---- - - 39c, 59e Veto --. - -- --_ - 39c, 59e A rrid ---------- .----- 39c, 59c Odo-Ro-No Cream- 39c, 65e hair and scalp -- - $1.85 1

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