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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1948, p. 7

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N r--.. ..- - TR (AMfTA Rzm ZOIA a lWXs. £ E' NTARI 'BOWMANVI Branch of the CANADIAI LEGION TWO NIGHI c RRIVRI f ri a, Pl 2 25 Friday and m-26 High School Grounds 1948 CHEVROLET Coach Io be given awayt lucky ticket holdei Saturday Night BE SURE TO PURCHASI PLENTY 0F TICKETS SC YOU HAVE A GOOD CHANCE TO WIN TH19 CAR Five RADIOS absolutely FREE hese five beautiful radios will be given away as attendance prizes. Be sure to jet a ticket at gale. 3 Radios Friday 2 Radios Saturday Pr( MT 'B Most Deauliful C HIL D CGNTEST al-urd'y Night star! s ai 6 p.m. Ist Prize $15 nd, $10 3rd, $5 VERY ENTRANT WILL ýECEIVE SPECIAL GIFT ABSOLUTELY FREE New Games and Amusements ,oceeds for Bow- ianville Legion Building Fund B E N r I I o r E o I.________________________________________________________________________________________________ I SOCIAL AID PERSONAL Phono 663 Churches TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. E. Griffith, Minister vIn. W. E. C. Workman, Onganist Sunday, June lSth Il a.m.-Unified Service. Bap- tism. "Love seeketh flot her own,, 7 P.m.-Union Service - st. John's, St. Paul's and Trinity Bible Society, Film (Ministers and churches uniting in this important service). ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. G. Cameron Quigley Min ister Mrs. Reta Dudley, organist A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. D. Alex McGregor, Choir Director 10 a.m.-Sunday School 11 a.m.-Nursery Il a.m.-Worship--Canadian Or- der of Foresters District Church Service 7 p.m.-Joint service at Trinity United Church. m7' MODERN STORA piBONDED MESSEN r'UP-TO-DATE EQLJ w'CAREFUL CLEANJ Oshawa Laundry a COMPANY Phone Zenith 13000 Bowmanv~~ieAnt Mis. A. E. Devitt is visiting friends at Perth. Mis. A .W. Wright, Hamilton, has been visiting ber sister, Miss Olga Tod. >Mn. and Mis. H. A. Mihîson and Margaret, Orono, visited Mis. L. J. Barton. Mn. and Mis. Arthur Kent, Ton- onto, were weekend guests of his fathen, Mn. C. B. Kent. Mn. and Mis. Gordon Beech and Janice were guests of Mn. and Mis. Fred Billett at Scarboro. Mn. E. J. R. Mason, Delaware, Ontario, spent the weekend with bis mother, Mis. T. G. Mason. Miss Kay O'Neill of the Cana- dian Press staff, Toronto, visited her parents, Mn. and Mis. Joe 'O'Neill. Miss F. Iving, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, England, is visiting at hen sisters, Mis. C. W. Tait, Bow- imanville. Mayor Sidney Little and Town Clerk Alex Lyle attended the con- fenence of Mayons and Reeves in Windsor last week. Mn. and Mis. J. Elmo Anderson and Mn. Donald Anderson at- tended the Dunlop-Nagy wedding in Tononto on Saturday. Mis. L. C. Snowden and Miss Mildred Snowden, Maple GroXýe, were guests at the Bennett-Denby wedding in Toronto last week. Miss Audrey Venton, nurse-mn- training, Western Hospital, Ton- onto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mn. and Mis. S. Venton. Miss Mary Margaret Blue lef t last week on the Aquitania foi England, to spend a couple months with hier sister, Mis. J. W. Nar- buigh. Mis. Jack Dunn and Bobby, Mis. Stan Dunn and Larry, and Mis. Louis Dewell and Randy are holidaying at William's Point, Lake Scugog. Mis. Reta Dudley attended the annual meeting of the Oshawa and District Centre, College of Oîganists, held at Adelaide House, Oshawa, last week. Mr. and Mis. Wesley Frayn and Mis. Alvin Robb, Calgary, Alber- ta, are visiting the fonmen's sis- ter and brothei-in-law. Mn. and Mis. Charles Johns. Mn. and Mis. J. S. Price have neturned fnom an enjoyable mo- ton trip through the noîtheins mining districts of Kinkland Lake, 1 Dobie and Rouyn, Quebec. t Mn. and Mis. E. C. C. Southeyd and Mi. and Mrs. Blain Elliott e were among the out-of-town Il guests at the Heintzman-Mills c wedding in Oshawa on Saturday. b Miqs Gladvs Jamieson, R.N Windsor, spent the weekenid with her mother, Mns. R. M. Jamieson, C and attended the graduation cen-h emonies at Oshawa Genenal Hos- v pita ibnFridy niht1- pita en nidy F. G. Moffat of Orona, has been E awarded a Dominion - Provincial% Student Aid busary vaued at o Mn. Gordon Scott has been re- engaged as teacher at Solina School. Congratulations to Gordon Pas- coe on passing his second yean exams in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toronto, Ajax. Mn. A. L. Pascoe attended the 99th annual session of the Sons of Temperance of Ontario at Ton- onto hast Thuîsday. A numben of Women's Insti- tute membeis attended the Dis- trict annual meeting at Onono. Mr. and Mis. Russell Gilbert attended the graduation exencises at Un.iveisity of Toronto where thein daughter Velma received ber B.A. degîee. Mn. and Mns. A. L. Pascoe visit- edt Mr. and Mis. Ivan Law at Whitby, Sunday, and attended the services at the Whitby Tabernacle when the Bacca Launeate sermon 1was pieached by Rev. F. Joblin, of Emmanuel College, ta the grad- uates of Ontario Ladies' College. The Zion - Countice football game was played bene Saturday night with Courtice winning 2-0. iMrs. W. Bray bas netunned to Pickering after a month's visit with Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pascoe. Solina Young Married People will celebrate the 25th anniver- sary of their organization at their annual picnic, June 17, Oshawa- on-the-Lake. See coming events. Sevenal attended Zion anniven- sary services last Sunday. The anniversany services con- cluded for anothen year, last Wednesday evening-finst with a football game, Tyrone versus Sa- lina, in which the home team scoîed a win, followed by the drama, "Looks Like Rain," en- acted by the Young People's Un- ion, unden leadership of Mis. Laine Hoskin. Shenwood Inn was the scene of hilariaus events when its future ownership depended on the success or failune af the ac- tors' concentrated efforts to cause a rainfaîl. The-characters in the comedy were Monty Mansfield, present proprieton, Ewart Leask; Elmo Armstrong, Monty's cousin and would-be propnieton, Stanley Mfillson; Reggie Van Wert, an am- 'itious author. Harold Clendenen; Jerry Watsor. past proroor. Harvey Yeliowlees; Martha Wat- 1S300 for bis standing in the founth year examinations at the Ontario Agnicultunal College, Guelph. Mr. O. J. Presson, Personnel Manager at the local Goodyear plant, was elected chainman of the Central Ontario Division of the Industrial Accident Pieven- tion Association at the annual meeting held in Peterbono iast week. E. A. Summers, Agricultunal Representative, in his weekly re- port for May 31 writes: This has been an excellent week for the sowing of spring grain and pie- paîîng the coin gîound. Potato planting bas pîoceeded very satis- factorily. Most of the field tom- atoes have been planted. Oui to- bacco growers have also been busy planting. Mn. Arthur Martin, son of Mn. A. A. Martin, Public School In- specton, and Mis. Martin, Brigh- ton, was among the successful candidates in the founth year ex- aminations in Modemn History, Faculty of Arts, Toronto Univer- sity. Arthur ieceived bis B.A. degiee at convocation exercises on Wednesday. Mis. Arthur Mai- tin, Mn. A. A. Martin, I.P.S., and son, Campbell, attended the con- vocation exeicises. The following divorce actions were given judgment of decîee, nisi, in the non-jury sittings of Supreme Court at Cobourg hast week with Mi. Justice Barlow presiding: John Hockley of Bow- manville versus Helen Hockhey of Chanlotteville Township, Norfolk County; Hilda Moon of Darling- ton Township versus William Moon of Sudbury and Lloyd Elles of Bowmanville versus Marjonie Elles of Halifax. The congregation of Tîinity Un- ited Chunch were pnivileged to have Mn. R. G. Hanle at the organ duning the services on Sunday. It seems that the ongan in Trinity Chuîch has a tempermental na- ture and Sunday was one of its bad days. Howeveî, despite this difficulty, Mn. Harle managed ad- mirabhy. Given excellent co-op- enation by the choir, he was able to phease the congiegation with anthems that were both sacîed and beautiful. Now that rumon has become a reality we publish the folhowing despatch to set at ease the wag- ging tongues of whispeîing gos- sipeis who revel in such topics: "Buckingham Palace announces that Pîincess Elizabeth will un- dertake no engagements aften the end of June. Such an announce- ment is vintually a certain indi- cation that she is expecting a ba- by, pnobably in Octobeî." Col. Anthur Bonisteel, retiîed C. '.R. locomotive engineer, who died in Belleville, June 2, \vas in his.76th yean, retined in 1938. Sur- riving are one son, Gerald, at , home; one sister, Mis. Lilhy Jef- frey, Trenton; and one brother, } Eli Bonisteel, Lavoie, Albeita. His wif e, the former Maude Knight f Bowmanville, died in 1931. Mr. ~ and Mis. Fred Alhin, Bowman- vuil, attended the funeral of their brothen-in-law in Belleville on Friday. c Monday was an unlucky dayc for Patsy Mari, nine-year-olde aughten of Mn. and Mis. James Karr, Lowe St. Whihe playing t iith some of hen chums on the roof of her pis"yhouse in the back- V aid of hen home, she slipped I, and feIl on a stake used to sup- c oit tomata plants. The stake xent thnough hen leg just above Ie knee. She was rushed to the0 ospital, whene she spent a rest- ess night, howeven, hen condi-n on is repoîted as being much )etten now. Careful observation ' sbeing exencised to pievent f, Lood poisoning.S NESTLETON Mns. Reg. E. Middleton, Isling- tan, calhed on Mi. and Mis. Bond. Congratulations to Ralph Vine. eight yeans old, who was cham- pion boy, competing with ahI boys in Cartwright Public School Ar- ea's first Field Day on June 4. Wilfred and Charles Vine mo- toned to Welland and Niagara Falls to view the blossoms and the illuminations at the Falls. I 1 Services on Sunday were as us- ual held with the pastor in charge. Pnactising for the coming anni- versary on Sunday was carîiec out. Rev. Milton Sanderson, 'To- ronto, will be guest speaker far Sunday's service wîth Miss Don. alda Creasser, Bowmanville and Mn. James Hancock assisting witlh the musical portion and also the choir and children. Evening Auxiliany met at the home of Mrs. Haîry Gay witm president Mrs. Archie Muir Jr, presîding, and opened the meet- ing with a poem. Devotional was in charge of AI- ice Arnold, the theme "The Lost Christ." Sciptuîe was given by Jean Gay followed with prayer by Miss Arnold. Program included temperance reading iby Mis. Herb Nichols; reading by Mis. Gordon Chartran; solo by Nancy Brown; neading, Mis. Lloyd Courtice; "You have to believe" a story by Mis. Eric Courtice. A social time was enjoyed. The girls are plan- ning to hold a pink tea on June 23. Present at meeting 26. Courtice C.G.I.T. held their last meeting for the season and open- ed with games. Scriptune was read by Shirley Balson and pray- er by Edythe Deline. Secnetary Jean Krolewski gave her report and called !.he r-oll. Treasuren, Donothy Hockin îeponted and took up collection. Travelling shint was handed* in, and pnize for neatest patch went to Mis. Ro- bertson; funniest patch to Patsy Hockin. Amount realized, $5.65. The girls voted this money to- wands the building fund. Ice cream was served and a social timne enjoyed. Mn. A. E. Rundle. Toronto, Is down for the summer arid among his relatives. Mis. W. H. Nichols was a Sun- day visiton with her daughter, Mis. John Montgomery at West Hill. Mr. and Mis. Herman Grey, Hamilton, were guests with Esli and Mis. Oke. MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mis. Wesley Fîayn, Mis. Florence Robb, Calgary, Ai- berta, Mn. and Mis. Chas. Johns, Misses Dorothy, Anna and Fnayn Johns, Mis. Luther Pascoe, Ruth, Loran, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mis. LloydI Broom, Ronnle, Larry, Mn. Johný Broom, Hampton, Mn. Stan Snowden, Maple Grove, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mis. Wallace Munday. Mn. and Mis. Lou Hockin, Mn. and Mis. Ted Foley, Dorothy and Don weîe Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mis. Lawrence Staples, 3ethany. Mis. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mil- lied Snowden, attended the Ben- nett-Denby wedding in Forest Hill Chunch on June 2. Mn. Robt. Jarvie, Mr. and Mis. )ave Bothwell Si., left by plane rune 4 to visit relatives near Glasgow, Scotland. Mis. Jarvie ,as îeceived a cable saying they ariived safely on Satunday. Mis. Agnes Crawford, Vancou- er, B.C., is visiting ber brother nd wife, Mn. and Mis. Kerr. We welcome Mn. and Mis. Bill ewis (nee Lillian Snowden), to un community. They have pur- hfased a house owned by Mn. AI- ýxandei, west of Maple Grove, on ïighway No. 2 and have moved here. Sunday School next Sunday vill meet at 10 a.m. for practice. qo service in the afternoon on ac- ýount of Ebenezen anniversary. Women's Institute will meet on donday evening, June 14, insteadi f this past Monday as was an- iounced last week. We welcome Mr. and Mis. ames Sinos to oui community. rhey have moved into the house irmally occupied by Mn. and Mis. ;peens on the highway. For quick flrst aid.. DANIwAII ADHESIVE BANDAGES Ailergi-Tabu 10O 25 Beecham Pls -_-_----- 23c, 49c Bromo Seltzer ------25c, 49c, 95e Burdock Blood Bitters ---- 11.09 Children's Own Tablets .25e Fe- eé 0/, ý'mèý irffleý »Mjýtf TAKE ENO#S 'FRUIT SALT' 1'9131.95 ýÀr ir FATHER'S DAY INSPIRATIONS It's time to be thinking about Father's Gillette Razors ----------49c, $3.79, $6.OO- Pipes, Capt. Kidd, Dr. Plumb, etc. $1-$7 Cigarette Lighters ----------$1 to $12.50 Shaving Brushes ----O 5c, $ 1.00'to $7.50 Cigarettes, 50's--------------- 88c, $1.03 Electric Shavers ----------$19.95 and up Picnic Jugs ------------$3.75, *$4.65, $5.98 Laura Secorci Candies ------ 90c, $1.75 Shaving Sets -----60c, 98c, $1.25 and up 25c I.D.A. Blandoil--,----------------------9c! $1l.00 Corega Dental Plate Powder 69c 25c I.D.A. Castor Qil ---------17Mc Beach RaIls-------------- -- 29c Moth BaIls ------- - 2 Ibs. 35c Ladies' Dressing Combg-- 8c 25c Camp. Licorice --------6e Face Cloths ex. heavy 2 for 39 25c Boracie Olntmnent ---19e Rubber Gloves <sec.) pr. 19e 25e Coid Tablets - 17c,' SURPRISE You'Il be aurprise t h dzlrgnturmi brilliance of your teeth when you use Macleans. HeIps remnove DeWitt's Kidney Pls ---- 60ec, $1.00 Ex-Lax .----- ---- -----15c, 33C Halo Shampoo - -- ..... 29c. 49e Kkovah Saits---- - 29c, 49c, 79e Lantigen E for hay lever -.16.00 I Softorl Saorli- [ 12 P» ,uC 33e1 Palm Beach - --- --25C it --- ------ --15c, 25C One Afiîte, tube -- -25e PROTECT YOUR EYES Sun Glasses 25e, 39e, 50e and Up For Hfot Weathen 1.D.A. Health Saîts 16 oz. - 59e SPECIAL $1.00 D. and R. Deodorant 60c 'I DU BARRY 91 Leg Make-up 2 shades - $1.00 PRESCR;i-iiN ASPC7ILTY AlIex MeGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store '111 p.el I tes Lysol -- 35c, 65c, $1.25 Mentholatum - --- 29c, 55c Nature's Remedy - 23c, 45e, 89o Pepto Besmal - 60c, $1.20 MACLEAN sTmAI nonl 59' gN« mazwt Pinkham's Vegetabie Comp. $1.29 Unguentine. 60c, $1.20 Wildroot Cream 011 --59c, 11.09 Zam-buk .-~ -----47e KLEENEX Drugs Phone 792 rHURSDAY, JtINE lth, 1948 P I ~' I lm "25 19 ~?~! MWAN S SiZi 12"1"29 COURTICE son#' hi& wife, Jean Montgomery; Bruce Findlay, Unionville, Mr. Nellie Watson, their daughter, Jack Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Char- Eunice Leask; and last]y but flot lie Richards, Mr. Roy Richards, j- leastly, Vi'lut Hickey, their neigh- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rich- bar and one rhight say, benefac- ards with Mr. and Mrs. Clinten tress, Pearl Leach. Before the Bigelow and Mrs. T. Richards. d play commenced and between Mr. and Mis, O. Beckett with acts, Mr. Alex Stackaruk, Hs,.mp- Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm, Saint- rton, provided violin music and field. 1the Allin Male Quartette of New- M. and Mrs. Bob Shred and ,castie sang. Rev. E. S. Linstead famîly, Toronto, Mr. Sam Shred, 1w as chairman and expressed.ap- Miss Golda Gleason, Castleton, e preciation to the guest musicians with Mr. and Mis. C. Shred. as well as to the local actors and *their director. Total receipts from Millie Hilîs spent weekend with the Sunday services and concert Joyce Woodley. wene $265. Mr .and Mis. W. Rahm and * Mr andMis RoyLangaidchildren with Mr. and Mis. Geo. and Charles and Mrs. Roy McGill, Avery, Little Britain. Enniskillen, and Miss Lena Tay- Mr. and Mis. Howard Wonna- tlor, Mr. and Mis. E. R. Taylor, cott and Ross, Dixie, with Mr. andH M T N Bruce and Donald, attended the Mis. E. A. Virtue.HA P O graduation ceremorlies at Kempt- Mrs. R. Hatherley is with Mis. ville 'Agricultural School on Sat- H. Crossman. Mi. and Mis. Anson Balson, of urday when Charlie and Bruce ne- Mrs. G. Rosevear, Mis. S. Jew- Richmond Hill, with his parents, ceived their diplomas. ehl and Mrs. W. Rahm attended Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson. Mn. Jerry Milîson is home from the W.M.S. meeting at Mrs. E. Miss Joyce Scott, Toronto, Ma- the University of Toronto for the Weîry's, Enniskillen, Tuesday. nion Kersey, Oshawa, Lloyd Ker- summer. . Mrs. Nelson Bickel, Bowman- sey, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. ville, visited Mis. Don Davey. Reg Kersey and son, Ronnie, Mn. C. . Shortiidge with his Mr. Wesley HuIs attended the Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- aunt, Mrs. Kiveil at Brooklin. graduation exencises at Kempt- ton and son, Clare, Enniskillei, at Mr. G. S. Hentig, Oshawa, with ville. S. Kersey's. Mr. and Mns. A. L. Stevens, John, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rosevear, Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Dr. Joe and Jill. Mr. and Mrs. George Rowan, Port and Ms .R onadduh Mn. and Mrs. Wes Ylole oe r n r.Gro am e visited Mrs. Cathanine Jacob, and Harold at Gerry Glaspell's, er, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Isaac Port Hope, on Friday. Zion. Laîmer, Peterboro, Mn. and Mis. Mn. and Mis. Tom Baker, Gail Cliff Larmen and Mis. S. E. Eak- Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, and Ronnie, and Mr. and Mrs. ns, Millbrook, with Mn. and Mis.> spent the weekend with lier par- Edwin Ormiston with relatives at G. 'Rosevean. ents, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Caver]y. Bobeaygeon. Mnr.and Mrs. G. Brent, Gloria Mn. and Mis. R. E. Simmons Mr. -and Mrs. S. E. Wenry with and David, with Mr. and Mrs. L. and son, Oshawa, visited hier sis- relatives at Kedron. D. Sykes. ter, Mis. R. C. Metcalf. Mr. and Mis. Ralph Davis and Mis. J. Cook, Mrs. L. Goodman, Miss Margaret Pundon, Cherry- Patsy and Mn. and Mrs. J. E. H. Mis. N. Woodley, Mrs. W. Mac- Wood, spent the weekend at home. Davis, Oshawa, at Mn. J. Black's. donald attended the District an- Mn. and Mis. J. R. Revnolds andi fluai convention of the W.L. at Miss L. Reynolds wcr î n Torontoi Onono. on Wednesday. Missi Reynolds T YRONE Murray Tabb spîained his an- visited lier brother, Dr. E. Rey-i kle while playing football. nolds who is somewhat impnov-< Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park Jr. ed fîomn his recent illness. 1 W.M.S. met at the home of Mis. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park Sr. Miss Eileen Wray, Oshawa, Frank Werry with a good attend- attended the funeral of Mns. S. spent Sunday at home. ance on June 3, with Mis. A. Hilîs' Duval who passed away Thurs- Mnan Mi.CE.oM. group in charge. Quiet music day in the General Hospital, Ton- M.adMs .E on r was played by Mis. Rob Roy. De- onto. Service was held in St. Pet- and Mis. Bruce Hogarth and votional was given by Mis. ei's Cathedral, Peterboro, with Clare, Mi. and Mis. Austin Bai- Rahm. A îeading by Mis. A. burial in St. Many's Cemeteny non and Erlyne, and Mn. and Mis. Hilîs, Chiistian stewandship, Mis. Young's Point. We extend sym- ly icx oorwr n J. Hilîs. Mis. G. Brent sang a pathy to the bereaved family. teîtained by Mr. and Mis. Loren- solo, study book was splendidly Much credit is due to the Park zoTu1a hi otg tWl given by Mis. R. Hodgson. Mis. Committees who wonked so hard liams' Point on Sunday.1 R. Hoskin, Bowmanville, gave a to make the achievement day a Mn. and Mis. N. W. Anmstrong fine talk on India. Mis. Roy de- neal success on Satuîday. and daughter, Lois, Janetville, lighted the ladies with a, lovely Mr' and Mis. F. L. Byam, Clif- visited Mn. and Mis. J. Pundon piano solo. Dainty lunch was ford Grenville and Miss Yvonne on Sunday. served. Byam with Mis. J. Lillicnapp, W. W. Horn accompanied hist Mn. and Mis. Clarence Good- Cannington. son, Dr. Wallace Horn on a busi- 1 man and Judy, Bowmanville, with Miss Helen Murray and friend ness trip to Queen's University, a Mn. and Mis. L. J. Goodman. and Mn. Donald Murray, Tononto, Kingston, and Ottawa, where they Mn. and Mrs. Will Johnson and at Mn. Stuart Hooey's. spent a few days last week. Mn.p Wlllie, Bunketon, with Mr. and __________ and Mis. Horn and daughter, Pa- Mis. R. J. Hodgson. tnicia returned to Mount Kisco, Mn. and Mis. Ernest Hockaday More girls than boys turned out New' York, on Sunday aften a vis- and Evelyn, Solina, with Mi. and for basketball teams at an Indi- it with his parents here. Mis. Neil Yellowlees. ana school. It's fine training for A numben of oui Women's In- a Mrs. Howard Findlay, Dean and oargain-counten rushes. stitute ladies 'attended the Dis- a ----------------- t year. .aaa.t ~,1.a.a ~ ~- - - - - mi MCCE333= Saturday 1 UNE TIM CANADIAlq STATEMAIV ikniwigaumm-T.ip r -'I. trict Annual at Orono on- Friday. Mrs. Joe Chapman spent th@ weekend in Toronto. A number froxu Hampton et- tended the events at Tyrone on Saturday in connection, wlth the opening of their park. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow and son have taken up residence in part of Mr. and Mis. Lorenzo Trull's house on west side of the village. Friends here of Mrs. Richard Wood, Orono, were sorry to hear of her fail in her home recently when she broke her hip. She àu a patient at the Oshawa Hospital. .A number of Hampton folk have been quite ili with "stomach f lu" which is stili very prevalent here. The ramn showers of Friday night were quite welcome as gar- dens were showing need of ramn and are now reaping the benefits. The weather was somewhat cool- er over the weekend, with more rain on Monday. Remember the Women's Insti- tute afternoon tea and sale ol cooking at the home of Mrs. J. R. Knox, June 17. Girl Guides First Bowmanville Girl Guides met Monday evening at the High School. Holly Patrol came out on top during inspection. Betty Berrili passed her Nature, Lois Walker her Bed Making and Mar- garet Leddy and Ruthann Ro.m. bough passed First Aid. Meeting next Monday at 7 p.m. will enro i the new members. Sunday, Junf, 20, will Ïbe Church Parade to bring our Guide year to a close. Monday, June 21, First Corn- pany will meet at the Publif School at 4:30 pin, for a hike. Edward IV of England own*11 and used about 300 pairs cf gloves i 1 $MM Il ý For White Shoes

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