THURSDAY, 3UT~E 24th, 1948 THE CM~ADIAN ~TATR~MA1~7 ROWMA1,TUIT TV 1~WrA~TrI BT1PVC"N'flPVLast Tuesday evenîng -the boys My Shepherd."' Bible study wasKE D L BLi2U~A .) J. JI.dplaYed thei.r first hardball game taken by Mrs. MKbo rmK N A at Port Perry and were success- Isaiah. A very interesting let- f The young people gathered at fui. On Friday evening they went ter was read from Miss Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. R. Geach and fam- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar to Millbrook. They lost this game Warden, missionary in India. This iîy, Mr. J. McRoberts and Mr. J. S P OR T) Grahamn on Monday evening to but put up a fine gaine. letter was received by one of ou.r C. McRoberts spent Sunday with charivari Mr .and Mrs. Ross Duff Mr. Wallace Mariow has a new members, and told of her. work Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McRoberts________________ who had just returned from their cement block front on his mil and the work of other mission- and Joan in Toronto. wedding trip. Dancing was en- which looks real nice. Mr. and aries whom some of our members Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Little B i im n joyed and a bountiful lunch was Mrs. Wesley Bradburn are hav- know in the same school. and Mrs. Neya Little in Kendal Has FDae iftd served by the hostess. ing brick siding put on their Letters of thanks were receiv- for the weekend. a F ceLf d Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Hel- house which makes a great im- ed from members who had re- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux____ en and Dona!d, Cobourg, Mr. and provement. Perhaps it is on ac- ceived fruit when they were ill. and Ray at V. Allen's, Onono, on After the necessary permission Mrs. Gardon Strong and family, count of our praperty owners takc- Also a letter from secretany of Sunday. was given by the Board of Educa- Purpie Hil, with Mrs. Robt. Bruce ing so much pnide in thein build- Canadian Council of Churches for Miss Ruth Gardon and Mr. Earl tion the Softbali League started and Miss Mae King. ings that we are having a boom a bale of clothing. Burley, Peterboro, spent theaadith iteln t mrv Mr. Clarence Marlow, Bill and in, new homes being built right Miss Eva Parr volunteered ta 'weekend at Kendal. thebaseba ipl a omtosa Mrs. Herbert Swain motored to now. make arrangements for flowers Mrs. A. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. the Central Public Scbooi. Timmins for tie weekend. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy for the church during the sum- Wm. Honey and Mary, Miliken, C. Marlow returned home with spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. mer. Final arrangements wr at Mrs. Jackson's home here. New Already the oid diamond has them. Herman Wilson. made for the Garden Party on variegated shingles put on by Mr.been pfowte up, ml akigutoncs .Mr. W. C. Ferguson returned Mr. and Mrs. David Faintharne, the rectory lawn on July 1 and Reg Elliott this past week has im- ayfrteSfbi eget home fram Bowmanvile Hospi- Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. 0. the special services morning and proved the appearance of the play their games at the Memorial tai- on Saturday and suffered a Wight. evening of June 27. Meeting clos- home. Park. stroke on Sunday. At time of Sunday visitons with Mrs. Char- ed with hymn and prayers. his.daPgpe, wMrs.G earhntuaTe n e imnrt-ws tonert wrlting he was improving. lotte Farder were Mrs. John Rut- Special preacher at St. John's beeso wgher, ad s. ety anotacofte snheol grunds lechrer Mrs. Luther Mountjoy visited ledge, Bancroft, Miss Eunice Da- Church on Sunday, June 13, wa ta e osptlal n Pestae b of aet e bult frouth ecfr o Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt on vis, Maple Leaf, Mn. Wallace Rut- Mr. A. H. Cuttie, Field Commis- Dr.MaNeth e hoinpe e wlbo ye t be bailt fans.the ofre iof Sunday. ledge, Bancroft, Mr. and Mns. sioner of the Diocese of Toronto.D.acel ehp ewl b h aealfn.Teei Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and Wallace Holmes and John, Osh- In the course of a very forceful improved in health. possibility of a lighting system Marjonie Anne and Mr. and Mrs. awa, Miss Verna Mc-Nally, Bramp- address Mn. Cuttie commended Mr.ved onTusdayJo he mSark almost unhed i o fuur ane Joe Cary (Vena Hooey), Toronto, ton, Miss Donothy Hawson, Ton- the parish on its sbowing in the homed rnccently ctdtheySrk ndaals 0f Brofmanv inhel with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mar- onto, Miss Lucilie Farder and Mn. Anglican Advance Appeal and on Mr.ome e Pl aced. Mr an hinstofry.avll asb low, Sunday. Gardon Sturrock, Bowmanville, its faithfulness in missionany g. r.M Rbno n Mrs. Favorablecommentswere mad Miss Clana S. Marlow is in Tor- Mn. Roy Stinson, Blackstock, and ings. Da- rs.iMgton nsnt ndy with avby tle memes tereSmnde onts oitioîn iathGerue-on. adMs aodFreT Last Wednesday, faiiowing the Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover, Ajax. Marning Class Basebali Teami on ry' psiio a te Serouneano.spring-clcaning of the church, the Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and baby the excellent condition of the dia- House for a month while Gertrude The Woman's Auxiiiary of St. foiiowing ladies enjoyed afternoon visiteci their parents at Ponty- mond at the High Schooi: howev- is hiome on holidays. John's Chunch met at the home tea in the rectory ganden: Mns. pool and grandparents at Lotus an er, a iighting system would be an The Girls played their first of Mns. Russell Spinks on June 17. Jas. Farder, Mrs. Geo. Farder, Sunday. added impacvement and would ganie of bail on Satunday evening The meeting opened witb a hymn Miss G. McKee, Mrs. L. McGilI, We are .plcased ta know that make night games possible. The and iost ta Janetville. and repeating of "The Lard Is Mns. A. L. Bailey, Mns. Win. Van Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Vannatto are hales in the roofs of the dugouts Camp, Mrs. Fred Hamiton, Miss feeling better. are ta be fixcd. Doris Hamilton and Miss Mang- Mn. and Mrs. Norman Therteil With ail these impravements aret McKibbin. spent the weekend at their sum- and repairs, Bowmanvillc will be1 mer home. pravided with the best basebal EXHI ITI N OF PAI TIN S COFIRATIN SEVIC AT Mn. and Mns. Chas. Gay and grounds in the district. S.JH',CARTWRIGHT famiiy and Mrs. J. MeRabents _________ spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Mr. Arthur Drummond On thec evening of Friday, June W. Toms and Mn. and Mns. Darcy R vsdShdi Assoclate of the American Water Color Society 18, the rite of confirmation was of Part Perry. R vsdSh d l administered at St. John's Chunch Mn. and Mrs. Bob Mantineil and Gil' otbt is oling an exhbiion ofrecnt in Cartwright 'by the Rt. Rev. G. family, Mn. and Mns.Haod in ilsan waercolrsA. Wells, M.A., D.D., C.M.G.,V. Roach and family, Peterboro, andt pa-intingsi isa d w trclrs D, assistant Bisbop of Tononto. Mns. Palmer, Dale were Sunday June: The Rev. K. R. Bcnkiey, recton of visitons with Mn. and Mns. J. Mar- 14-Quakenettes at Tigens1 at the parish of Coboconk and Vic- tineli. 1-al rv tSlml HIS HOME IN ORONO toria Road, acted as Bishop's Kendal had some good bail 22-Tigers at Maple Grave l Chaplain during the service. games iast week whieh the fans 24-Salem at Quakerettes The nectar, Rev. John McKib- gneatly cnjayed. Monday evening 2-Muaplere at Tiens f or one week bin, prcsented to Bisbop Wells an Newtonvillc girls defeated Orono; 0Qaeetsa ae adult class o candidates, consist- Tbursday evening Kendal bard- Juiy: June 21ta lune27 (incusive)ing of the foilowing: MrJ h ail team defeated Newcastean 5-Tigers at Quakerettes Rahm, wifc of the people's an Friday evcning Elizabetbville 3-ae tMal rv afternoons and evenings chunchwanden. Mns. Hanry .Ed- softball team won from Kendal 13-Tigers at Salem gerton, Mns. Phiiip Lanfeîd and softball team 'by 17-13. 15-Maple Grave at QuakenettesS Public cordialiy lnvlted 1<> Ibis open-house showlng of palntings Mn. and 1Mns. Royal Wbitfieid. Anothen nelic left Kendal Mon- 19-Salem at Tigers-S The chunch was tastefuiiy decan- day evening when Bert Hailands 22-Quakenettes at Mapie Grave ated'with a profusion of flowers. ancient T. Fard, 30 years of age, 2-Quake res at Sigers but nesting at case in the shed 29- apeGveaSie PORTHOP BOWANVLLEfor the last 16 years, finally got Home team must supply umi- POR HOE BWMAVILE P~.T.TTVTTtLT gaing unden lits own power and pire; visiting team must suppiy ENNISK.J.ILL.IJ. was off into circulation again. base umpine. Fiftb team ta en-I JOHN . McC EERYThe many friends of the Rcv. ter league wiil play anc exhibi- Juii T viuinuïMn. and Mns. John Oke visited Thos. Wallace will be intcrestcd tion game with othen teams. Ail'f OPTOM TRISTwith Mn. and Mrs. Howard Oke, ta know that he is comiflcting 13 teams ta be in piayoffs. O PT ME RI TOshawa. years this June on the Greenbank Tigers play on east diamond in Mns. *Verna Woad, Mn. Floyd circuit and wiil then be retiring Alexandra Park. eyesexa ine optcalrepirsPethick, Toronto, witb Mn. and frarn the rninistny. He expects to eyseamnd - opia rpisMrs. S. R. Pethick. leave for the oid countny on Sep-R y l a eL d BOWMANVILLE Mn. and Mns. Jack Henod and tember 4 for an extended visi t. baby, Charles, Toronto, Mn. and We ail jain in wishing Mn. Wal- Defeat Cabourg 22 Division Street Hours: Monday 7-8 p.m, Mrs. Walter Rabrn and famiiy, Ty- lace a pleasant voyage and houi- H rSSt1A-, Emrgnc: hoe ueda 78 . n one, Mns. Roy Graham, Rena and day in his horneland and the best Hee atrd y Emegeny: hon Tusda 7- p.. an, Haydon, Mn. Melville Gnif- of iuck and hcaitb in the years ta Cowllng's 695 Thursday 2-8 P.m. fin and Doris and Miss Wyouila came. Basebail at its bcst was played 2 Jackson, Blackstock, wene Sun- The S.S. anniversany services on on Saturday at the Hîgh School day visitons with Mns. Mary Gnif- Sunday and the ice crcam supper grounds wbcn the two top tearnsp' fin. on Wednesday evening wene a de- in the league, Bowrnanvillc andB - Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, La- cided success. A large crowd en- Cobourg, battied it out for finstC is and Charles visited in Toronto jayed the wondcrfui homý_-made place. Bowmanville took the n i Dr. and Mns. J. E. Dalton, ice cream and aiso the pîctunes lead early in the game drîving in Y * Insulation frorn'Victoria, B.C., wbo arc at- put on aftenward by Mr. C. Car- a total of six suns by the end of CI tending the Medical Convention. vcth. the third inning. Smith, pitch- lu GIVES ALL-WEATHER Mn. and Mss. Edgar Wright and ing for Cobourg held Bowman- CMOTM aiywithMran r.Nra A laUpcmiggvea ville sconcless for thet rest of the st WrFRT aighyM.and Mnsv.Nomn ACanpcapingvsa garne.E Mn. and Mrs. Narval Wotten bott annnt nd hc Bowmanvilic found tbcmselvcs rr Provide yaur family wîth .- and Arnett, Sauina, wesc Sunday eslsi morepcsn~mre in a tight spot in the first haîf C year 'rund teperatue sta-callens at Mrs. Mary Griffin's. cnndivg. of the eighth, wbcn Quiglcy sing- su Mn. and Mss. Clifford Pctbick led followcd by Hie driving a dou- bility and cut your fuel bis and Mns. E. Strutt witb Mn. and bIc and then Zeaiand walkcd ta et the sanie time by having Mrs. Jack Pott's, Haydon. load the bases. Clemence, up ta K your home thoroughiy insu- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton S A F E bis usual pitcbing form, struck lae.and Claire with Mn. and Mns. S. out Johns, Euart was out on a fiy Si lae.Kersey, Hampton. Satisfying Service and Campbell struck out; conse- FOR BEST INSULATION Mr. and Mns. E. Rayment, Bet- qucntly Cobousg was held, scor- w tYFnank and ibaby Linda, Scar- îng oniy anc nun on this rally, S EALTITE INS ULA TION f bora Bluffs, witb Mn. and Mrs. ST E E N 'S igpaitfhcae. Fnte un- Hugh Annis. nponoftegm.R PHONE 494 BOIVMANVIL.LE 47 QUEEN ST. M nM. and Mrs. Robent Mason and Clernence, the winning pitchen, àbaby Kennie, Toronto, witb Mns. T A - ' alaowed nine runs, walked nine al =John McGill. T -A - A runs, waiked three and struckout gE Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Faulk- nine. Smith ailowed fifteen nuns, nen. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Bell and Phone 822waiked two and stnuckout four, or IÀCraig, Toronto, at Mn. and Mrs. 1"' Fuscy led the batting witb the hi Lawrence Wearn 's. BOWMANVILLE - ONT. oniy borner of the garne. Extra Rev. and Mrs. M. Thornpson BWAOT base bits were a double for Gîl- bc Called on Mn. and Mrs. James hooley and twa doubles for Hie MV ATTENTION FARMERS Smales D n ____________of Cobourg, WE ARE PAYING ÏM'E HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES farnily, Oshawa, with Mn. and ____________ CaurCapiicfQi-C FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Mns. P. Ellis. icy, If; Hie, 3nd; Zealand, c; Johns, 4Mn. and Mns.. Jas. Smales witb 2nd; Euart, lst; F. Campbell, ss: Mn. anSdPMrs. AH.TBeauchamp1,-Sa-- __ - Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp with MilkY White wlth fiuted AND THE Mn. and Mrs. E. Strang, Cadmus.ede ýNND TUE Mn. and Mi-s. Allun Henry, Lind- de say, were necent visitons witb Mn. Farward Maie and Mns. A. Sharp. Open Stock s M.and Mss. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. AI- Cups and Saucers -------19e QuartettMr. and Mrs. Earl Tewin and Bread and ButterI. Mns. Mînenva Tréwin, with Mr. Plates ------- 2 for 25e Bob Devers and Mns. Fred Toms, Purpie Hill, and al '* ttended the decoration Dinner Plates ..-------.-19e I n a b right q nd b r ef g osp el service services at Prince Abet.Fri a p e2fo 19 [n a brigt qpd bref gospe service Miss Lovenne Orchard, Bow- FriNaie. 2fo1c ' ON5 hen sillster, the wcekcnd witb Coupe Soups 19c sponore by he ndepndet Batis hersiser.Mns. Milton Stainton. Church of Canada. Mn. and Mns. Frank Danland 36-piece Sets $4.74 and Mr. and Mns. John Dorland with Mn. and Mrs. Murray Mus- "THIS IS LT~~~ tard, Uxbridge. ~ .JEWE THIS IS IT)' ~Strawbcnnies anc on the market J .JWL wl eM .D vrsemntpc-naw let's have that shortcake. "fBIG 20" CHAR[ wii beMr.Devrs erm n tpicStarching a man's shirt in the PHONE 558 EVERVO NE WELCOME ight place seems a iost home art.itS.W. o m nae i tI u o Neyer say your wife cannt 2 iiS.WBWa'ii itiuo take a joke-rememben she took Vou. E9999 I OBITUÂRY JAMES GORDON N E W S The funeral of the late James I Gordon was held fromn his resi- 1 1dence, Nestieton, on Tuesday, 1 June 15, to the family plot in Un- 1 Maple Grove Girls ion Cemetery, Cadmus. Mr. Gordon was born in Mon- Take League Lead trose, Scotiand, August 1, 1865, Defat benzercaming to, Canada with his wîd- Def at benzerowed mother, brothers and sis- ters in 1879 and settling in Carte The Maple Grove Hawks mov- wright where he spent the re- ed farther out in front of the Dar- mainder of his life.E hington Softball League by edg- The funeral which was largely ing Ebenezer 14-11. This wifl attended was conducted by Rev. f coupled with Courtice's defeat at J. R. Bick, Janetville, a former 1 the han dof Ebenezer put the United Church minister of North Hawks four points up.I Nestieton, assisted by Rev. B. Har- On Friday evening in a hard- rison of Blackstock, and Mr. Me-S fought game Ebenezer pulled a Killican, student minýister of the surprising up-set by handing Presbyterian Church. Pallbearers Courtice their second consecutive were six old neighbors of Mr. 1 loss after three straight wins. Gordon, Harold Porteous, Fred t This also moved Ebenezer into a c second place tie with Courtice.è For. Ebenezer, E. Downs pitched Clements, Mrs. Taylor, Toronto, ail the way to K. Crago. Both and Mrs. Mansfield and Frank, played exceptionally well. For who are sailing for three months' f Courtice C. Welsh started but wasi visit with relatives in England. M relieved early in the game and K.1 Hutton took over. The final score'_________________ was 13-12. On Monday'evening playing be- THSI fore a large anniversary crowd THS S the Maple Grave Hawks pulled, from behind a two run deficit ta eke out a narrow 14-11 victory. 1 The Hawks pounded. across six, runs in the first inning 'but soon' saw this lead change ta a 9-7 lead for Ebenezer. With four and haif innings already piayed and place in the league at stake, Ma-mT1I m m pie Grôve came ta life with four 11 u runs in the fiftb and three more,TH TO to make sure in the sixth. Phil Finney piayed goad baillIn cen- tre field and was responsible for Diapers in a nice nap one af the nicest double plays of the year. With a runner on sec- size 37x21 inches -- ond and one out, a bard hit ball was bit ta short centre. Stan Curity Diapers ------ Snowden playing second base got bis hands on the hall but could- Handmade Baby o n't hold it and it bounced aut oniy syls and embroidi ta have Phil corne running in ta tl smare it and snap a tbrow ta sec- H n rcee w ond for the twin kiiling. H n rcee w Ebenezer 2 313 0 11 (11) Maple Grave 6 0 1 0 4 3 x (14) Baby Bonnets -------- Mapie Grave-B. Snowden c, H. it Baby TowxTe1i in Ti Snowden p, B. Holmes lb, S. Gft Snowden 2b, B. Stevens 3b, E. or blue, size-34x37 Finney ss, P. Finey cf, K. Staîker If, R. Munday rf, subs., R. Wheak- Rubber Sheets ------ ]y, H. Finney, E. Colliss, J. Colliss, E. Colliss. -1KCag .E Plastic Sheets, one pi Downs p, M. Osborne lb. C. Bat- P r a bsw o o tans 2b. B. Rundie 3b, G. Osborne P r a bsw o a ss, W. Oke cf, L. TruillIf, Roy rf. King Cosy Blankets, s: BURKETON THBE "TO0T " The WV.A. decided ta hald their MRS. BERNICE COLL: strawberry tea and play "It Looks Like Ramn" put an by the Sauina 57 Kinz St. E. (Opuposite Balmi Young People on Manday, June 28. ____________________ Mrs. R. Parter of Lindsay, dis- played Wearever Brushes at a 3rush Party beld at Mrs. John Carter's h-ome last Monday eve- ning. Pyrex was presented ta Virs. Ed. Caughill and Mrs. J. Gat- cbell, cantest winners, after which lunch was served. Mrs. Herman Haoey, Biack- 6 stock, inspected the gardens of Edith Trans and Marion Haines, nembers of the Girls' Garden Club and reparted excellent re- ults. hlllU e Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair and o d U e Kenneth were in Cobourg.A- Ms dCaughill with Mrs. J. in à- Con Smaies, Hampton. Miss Marie Hartnett, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer. h , nd Shirley, with Mrand Mrs A Mrand Mrs. H-. Gill and Dan- Hamnpion - ald, Mrs. J. Gl were in Bobcay- geon.192BIKSEIL ED Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller, Or-192BIKS CAL ED :no, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Rab- new tires, spotiess Inside and [n. 14 HVOE OC Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Peter- 14 HVOE OC aora, Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter, and anld out. Ir. and Mrs. A. Barnard, Mr. and 1940 HUDSON SEDAN Irs. Wm. Barnard and Darothy, roronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1939 BUICK SEDAN, radio larter. cniin Isabel Carter visited in Toronto. cniin Mrs. Pearl Avery and Effie 1933 DODGE COACH :;iennie were in Oshawa. Greatest Value Crawford, Stanley Malcolmn, Her- man Samelis, Leonard Jo-blin and Hlenry Thompson. Floral tributes were many including a Plllow from the family, sprays from Al- lan Gordon's farnily, the Pattons, the Paynes, Bedfords and baskets from neighbors, the U n i t e d Church W.A., the Presbyterian L.adies' Aid and Nestieton Wo- men's Institute. Mr. Gordon was predeceased by is wife, Agnes Cuthbert in 1927 and by a. daughter, Mar, eldest of the large famiùly, who, died some sixty years ago. Left to mourn are four sons and four daughters: Cuthbert Gardon, Portreeve, Saskatchewan; Allan of Oshawa, Harold of Uxbridge; Douglas at Home; Mrs. Jas. Wil- son (Annie), Uxbridge; Mrs. Geo. rohnston (Nellie), Cadmus; Mrs. Kitchener Burton (Jennie), and M'rs. Wilford Jackson (Grace), both of Nestleton; aso 26 grand- children and 12 great grandchil- bren. Maybe we could convince the lies that human beings carry germs. TOGGER) flannelette uns, varietyi ,e ry ------- citers ----s:$ 1 rry cioth, pi -- -- -- -- -- -- - e c [y----------- E shable toys âze 30x3,6, ec TOGGE] ml PRoPeTO oral Hotel) Bo, '11 ý. $3.95 ý. $4.50 of ea. 89c 1.45 up om 85c ink a. $1.39 Ba. 89C Ba. 60c 98C Up x. $1.15 RY ýR vmanville d Cars idition A'R AG E - Phone 2148 AN, brand new engine, out. ln A-i condition Inside and heater. In A-i - Easy Terms n Ginger -Aies LES WILSON LIMITED » TORONTO for Bowmanville and Oshawa District: D. MYERS AI f"él 30-OZ. SIZE Contains 5 LARGE GLASSES 18e each or 2 for 35e Plus Deposit r-12-OZ. SZ Containg 2 LARGE GLASSES lcDeposit TffUMMAY, XM« 24th, 1948 TEE CANAIDL&N STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLLI!. ONTATIT n Bov 1 mz, JM7