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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWEL'YE THE CANADIAN STATESMAK, EOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO ?WTTR~DA'V ZTTWU 144h 104* Congratulations to Farncomb Mr. Hare and Mr. Charlie Kno> LeGresley and Donald Jose on Orono, president of the Newcas successfully passing their third tle Lions Club for 1948-49 ar year examinations with a high leaving to attend the Lions cor standing at O.A.C., Guelph. vention at Shumacher, Timmir Miss Pearl Abar, Toronto, is the and South Porcupine. guest of her mother, Mrs. Edmund Mr. Wilmot Thorne, New Yorl îswthgeerl rgrt ha City, is the guest of his sister, Mr5 Iti ihgnrlge ht D. B. Simpson. the members of the village learn The Brethern of Durham Ma that Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ward are sonic Lodge held their annua leaving to take up their residence church parade to Newcastle Unit in Kingston, They have both ed Church on Sunday evenîng. made many friends since coming A very timely article appeare( te, Newcastle to live a few years in the Goodyear employee's mag ago, and they will be greatly miss- azine The Wingfoot Clan for Juni ed, both in church and commun- on the subject of the hazard o ity circles. The best wishes of broken glass. The article wa! everyone will follow them to their shown to your correspondent b3 new home. Mrs. R. Drunimond, and it migh Mr. Percy Hare, our popular well be applied to the streets a and genial C.N.R. station agent Newcastle, and to those who ar( and past president of the New- careless enough to cause breakag( castle Lions Club leaves on his iof pop and milk bottles and leav( Vacation on Thursday, June 24.' the broken glass iying around or THEATRE - BOWMAN VILLE I SATURDAY CONTINUOUS performance- 6:30 p.m. fo 12 FRIDAY - SAtURDAY . JUNE 25- 26 cartoon in Technicolor ... Short NONDAY - TUESDAY - JUNE 28 -29 THEC LOVE AFFAIIc OFrTHE JEAR CLARK EBORAH M..G.M's (rhymes wtlî star) I Movietone News Cartoon in Color GIANT HORROR SHOW Mid-Nite - Mid-Nite WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 12 P.M. "VOODOO NAN!" Bela Lugosi John Carradine SECOND FEATURE ""JADE MASK"r Charlie Chan Wednesday', June 30 . Thursday, July 1 Technicolor Caroon ... Short -the sidewalk causing a dangerous menace to children and adults. For the sa!ety of yourself and your fellow citizens do your part in eliminating the bazard of bro- ken glass fromn causing, a painful as well as dangerous cut. Several members of the Y.P.U. x, attended the Oshawa Presbytery s- Picnic held at the Orono Park, e Tuesday, June 15. - Mr. Harold Deline and Caro- is line Freidlander, Toronto, spent 1 t.he weekend with Mrs. Walter -k Deline. s. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Alldread and fa- mily, and Miss Betty Gray spent ithe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. t-But;ter Harris, Chesley. Miss Mary Toms with friends ýd in Toronto. - FJowers were placed in the Un- ie ited Church on Sunday, June 20, f in memory of the late Mr. Walter is Deline by the deceased's family. y Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, t with Mr. P. Martin. )f Mrs. Dora Brooks is convalesc- ,e ing after baving had bier tonsils :e removed. ,e The foliowing pupils have ob- n tained their High School Entrance -certificates in Newcastle Public Scbool: Jack Allin, Norma &]lin, Marlene Edwards, Connie En- wright, Mary Holubenko, Jean Toms. Catherine Dewdney re- ceived the Canadian History prize for the highest marks in Canadian History in 1947. Norma Allin received the Cole- man prize for the best composi-i tion o! music in 1948. An error was made in the scor- ing o! points for the Lions Field Day. Billy Brunt o! Newcastle won the under ten medal with two firsts, in lieu o! Billy Han- cock of Antioch who had two sec- onds and a third. Newcastle Veterans Strawberry Social One can readily understand how the Canadian Forces were ai- ways victorious in any undertak- ing they assuimed, by the great success the Newcastle Veterans' Association made of thteir first annual strawberry festival which they held on Monday evening on the grounds of St. George's Church. Those present were the veterans, their wives, sweethearts and honorary members o! the Vet- erans' Association. At 7 o'clock supper was served at long tables set on the lawn on the church grounds and consisted of a most delicious menu of strawberries, cream, bread and butter and a wonderful supply of ail kinds o! home-made tarts and cake which in this day of bakery produots was a decided treat. President R. H. Davies acted as master o! ceremonies, and after the toast to the King had been duly honored, Mr. Brenton Rick- ard proposed the toast to the la- dies. He paid warmn tribute to them for their charm, their beau- ty, their grace, and their many other excellent qualities. This toast was replied to in a charming extemporaneous littie speech by Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson. The guest speaker of the eve- ning was Major John W. Foote, V. C., and the newly eiected member to the Provincial House, who chose as bis subject "Dieppe." His talk was most informative and in- teresting and provided informa- tion about many of the bighlights of the Dieppe landing. At the conclusion o! Major Foote's mýost interestîng address, a vote of thanks wvas tendered him by Dr. EVERYBODYS BusIriESS It's only humnan to hope for our heart's desires ta corne true in the future. But too much anticipation can be a hindrance to success and hap- piness. Carnied to extremes, it can even produce a feeling of frustration. For one thing, "living in the future" blinds us to the many enjoyable things in life that each day brings. Too eas- ily we overiook the deep and real satisfactions to be found in a lovely day, a good friend, a tasty meal, a job weIl done. Excess anticipation also Ieads ta perpetual daydreaming. And daydreaming is fatal to achievement. Worse, it en- courages the possibility of bitter disappointments. However, 1 do believe one should always be kopelul - and wbenever possible take practical steps to make any reasonable dream or ambi- tion corne true. a 0 0 T"he most practical way to provide for your own and your farily's future is through life insurànce. It of- fers a safeguard against un- foreseen emergencies, and heips make your dreams of comfortable retirement and other plans to corne true. J. A. Butler and Miss Cora But- ler presented Mrs. Foote with a lovely bouquet of carnations on behaîf o! the veterans and their guests. The rest o! the evening was spent in playing bingo and later adjournment was made to the parish hall where the festivities continued with cards and danc- ing. The committee in charge of this most successful and enjoy- able evening were president R. H. Davies, Ted Belsey, George Chard, Al! Gray and Allan- Spen- cer. STARK VILLE .Mr. anci Mrs. Drummond, Win nîpeg. are visiting Mr. and Mre A. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, New castle, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fa: Iow. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilmer an( Gwen with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gil mer. Miss Helena Halloweli, Toron to, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. C. W. Stewart and Mr Neil Stewart, Kendal, with Mr and Mrs. Dobson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Woo( with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hallo well. Mrs. C. Reid, Toronto, is spend ing a few days with friends anc relatives bere. A number from bere attendec the presentation for Mrs. Clys. dale in Crooked Creek school or Friday evening. Miss Mildred Wood, Toronto spent the weekend at home. Anniversary services at Shilot on Sunday xvere well attended Music in the afternoon was wel rendered by the children undel the direction o! Mr. Neil Stewari and in the evening the music b3 the Osborne quartette, Bowmar. ville, was greatiy enjoyed. Rev Seymour, Enniskiilen, bad chargE o! both services, bis evening sut- ject being "Can you wear thE other feliow's cloak." Mr'. Neil Henry, Toronto, vis- ited bis cousin, Mr. Llew Halle- well. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sbutka ir Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimigor, Pontypool, with Mrs. Victor Far- row. Mrs. J. Haliowell and Mrs. L, Jamieson, Bewdley, in Oshawa, on Monday. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toron- to, with Miss Norma Hallowell. Gel The Most For Your Money That la exactly what we try te give each itnd every eus- tomier w~hen we look after their electrical wining. You not only get the best of ma- teniais throughout but yen also get the benefit cf the years e! expenlence bebind each of dur workmen. eail us for FREE ESTIMATES Hfiggon Electric U Your General Electrie il Appliance Dealer 42 King St. E. Phone 438 BOWMANVILLE H ELPI1 A ROPE just eut of reach weon't save a drownlnt man! Insurance that Juat misses giving full protec- tion to ail your property ,%vll1 not save you from financli 1cm when a dis- aster cernes. Stuart R, James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681, Res. 493 Klnig Street . Bowrnanvle wr HAMPTON Mr- and Mrs. W. E. Stevens spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevens, Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sagadore and Geraldine, Belleville, spent the weekend with Mr. Jas. Smale and family. Mr. Roy Brown and Miss Nor- ma Henderson, Toronto, visited at Art Blancbard's. Mr. and Mrs. Aibin Clemens at Laverne Clemens'. Master Allan Woodlock had his tonsils removed at Bowmanville Hospital last week. Miss Collacatt, Tyrone, is wot-k- ing at Mr. T. M. Cbant's Cream- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Patter and Jim, Solina, Miss Annie Potter, Toronto, Mr. Bruce Potter, Pine Portage, Mr. and Mrs. William Culling, Oshawa, Miss Shirley McQuaig, Mrs. Leslie McQuaig, Schreiber, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter and attended the christening service' at St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manvilie, when Brenda Ellen Jean and Richard John, chîldren o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter, were presented for baptism. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Iv- an Ellîcott, Peterboro, attended the Bail-Cation wedding at St. Cuthbert's Cburcb, Toronto, last Friday evening. Mr. Donald Yel- lowlees was an usher. Mr. and Mrs. R. S:. Shields, Toronto, with ber brother, Mr. Harland Truil. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryder- mani, Joan and Grant, Oshawa, visited Gordon Wilbur's on Sun- day. Mrs. T. MeMullen, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Glen, Grant, Yvonne and Ross attended the McMullen-Mal- colm wedding at Janetville on June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Mountjoy's and attended the Kedron anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Heaslip, Donald and Catherine, Trenton, Michigan, visited Mrs. Frank Ro- gers. Mrs. McMullen returned home with tbem. Lake Shore, Clarke MAPLE GROVE A number o! anniversary visi- tors were entertained at the vari- ous homes for tea on Sunday. Visitors noticed at the anniver- sary who were former residents, returned for the day: Mn. and Mrs. Stewart, Burlington, Miss Marg. Stewart, Mms. Webster, To- ronto, Miss Gwen Ford, Oshawa, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Mr. and Mrs. John Hopps, Miss Lorraine Happs, Sacramento, Cal- ifornia, at Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hoc- kin's and F. R. Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Allisorf'. Su- san and David, spent the weekend at Kîrkland Lake and attended the Freietpîe-Allison wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox, Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Esle Oke, Mrs. E. Price, Mrs. Norma Sexsmith, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack El- ston, Carol, town, at R. L. Wor- den's. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Foley, town, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armstrong, two cblîdren, Oshawa, at L. Hockin's. Miss Marlon Snowden, Toron- to, Mr. Albert Brown, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonald, Oshawa, at C. H. Snowden's. Rev. and'Mrs. Yardley, and two children, Courtice, Mr. Laurence Malcolm, Nestieton, Miss Gwen Brooks, Providence. Mr. Ted Hoar, Toronto, Mr. Bill Westlake, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, Tyrone, at Les Collacutt's. Misses Gertie Madaline White, Oshawa, Miss Joan Roach, town, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olliffe, Cedar Valley, at Fred Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White, Master Eddie White, Oshawa, at Ken Summersford's. Rev. and Mrs. Fisher and fam- ily, Brookiin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidison, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin, Newcastle, Mr. Glenn Allun, Newcastle, Miss Jean Raney, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbank, and draughter Anne, Shaw's, Miss Helen Gilbank, Ham- ilton, Mr. Gerald Thorneigh, Tor- onto, at H. G. Freeman's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Munday, Toronto, Mrs. Roy Van Wyck, o! Whitby, recently visited at P. Swallow's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swallow attencýed the Brown-Grigg wed- ding In St. Andrew's Churcb, Osh- awa, on Saturday. The reception was held at Adelaide House. Miss Bessie Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and fa- mily, Salem, at H. Cryderman's. There are chemicals that dis- solve log-but not o! the human mmd. Does a Mother need insurance ? Unless a husband and father is vcry iveli to do his mw îe should have her own insurance policy. If a mother dies when there are no funds available to pay a housekeeper, the horne may he broken up and the children put out for adoption or ent te relatives. The answer is, 'Yes, a mothcr nccds life insnrance Make an appointment te talk things ever w ith a Mutual Life of Canada reprcsentativc today. n- il- r- d 0- d )n )h d. cr -t )y I- V.. e le In n, IONA (Pectin Added) RASPDERRY JAM C LA R K'S PORK a DEANS IRSHSTEW * RAFT DINNER SLICED or BY THE PIECE LOAF CES OLD ENGLISH SM RE DDE D WHEAT1 STANDARD PEACHES HEINZ ]KETCHUP FANCY KETA SALMON FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON BARKER'S SWEET1 ]BISCUITS SCOTIAN GOLO APPLE SAUCE 2 Pkgs. 25e 2t. 24e Ti. 31< ,/ 19< cei' 19 e ORDER EXTRA ANN PAGE MILK orBREA WHT rBREAD 24 OZ LOAF 1 O m 24 oz jan 32c 2 20 oz tins 27c 2 15 oz tins 35c 2 Zpkgs 35c TOILET SOAP - Reg.C PALMOLIVE CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS SHORTENING DOMESTIC LARGE ALL BRAN CATELLI COOKED SPACHETTI A & P CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR COFFEE DELICIQUS CANNED MEAT ]KLIK OR SPORK IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT NARNALADE « IONA STANDARD GREEN PA * b lb.51 - * 12.aioz- 349 24-oz. q~ * * 20-oz. 1 A&P ruit andiUe4e CAROTS TEXAS,NEW, 2Ibm. CAULIFLOWER SNOW WHITE, 19 CABRAGE FRESH GREEN, No. 1 lb.- 79 HREAD LTTUCE No. 1 Feh2fo2< CELEY STLKSTENDER, CRISP e9 CUCUMqBEIRS HOT HOUSE No. 1 a 29e ~NO S mported New Crop Pokg.12 APP~S B.C. WINESAP *Doz. 5 NATIVE STRAWBERRIES NOW AT THEIR BEST.I TIDE, wilh coupon --31c OXYDOL, large pkçj. --29c Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson, ýn Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail and Bon- nie, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. 1-Robin Alldred. Mr. Archie Hendry was in Ton- -onto. Mrs. A. E. Hotson spent the weekend in Newcastle with Mrs. F. Couch Sn. Miss Hazel Powell is with Mrs. Eric Wicks in Newcastle convai- escing from an appendicitis op- eration. Mn. and Mrs. E. Bell and chil- dren, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Ray- mond Cbapman. Kirby, witb Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding. Mr. Robin Aildred bas punch- ased a new Ford tractcr. Several f rom bere attended Miss Phyllis McNeil's trousseau tea at ber home in Oshawa and aiso a shower in ber bonor the week be- fore at tbe home o! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville and fam ily attended the wedding in Toronto o! Miss Lenore Clark ta Mr. Bill Brown o! Toronto. Coneratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes on the arrivai o! a baby boy born on bis brother Bobbie's birthday, June 22.* Mrs. W. Baskerville and Mari- lyn in Oshawa witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Leigbton Mac- Gregor and Mr. and Mrs. M. Thiomo)son, Beamsville, Mr. and Mrs. Percv Davidson and family, Zion, Paul Moffatt, Oshawa, at Russell Cochrane's. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Oshawa, Rev. H. A. Bunt, Newtonville, at God- frey Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston and Lais, at Morley Slemon's, Kinsale. Mrs. W. J. Ormiston witb Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormiston, Bow- manvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smitb, Kathleen and Margaret at Ralpb Ormiston's, Maple Grave. A. E. Niddeny, Toronto, at Wal- lace Pascoe 's. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and family with fniends in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormiston, Mrs. W. H. Densem, Bowmanviile, are visiting with Mrs. W. J. Orm- iston. Mrs. Edgar Prescott bas return- ed from Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott apd !amily attended decoration ser- vices at Prince Albert Cemetery on Sunday. There xiii be no cburcb service bere next Sunday Mrs. Fred Taylor and Paul bave returned ta Toronto after spend- ing two weeks with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark. Branch Off ice: 435 GEORGE STREET, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO zinc. 1869 -MTEL--,ONo A & P RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF CANADA'8 FINEST QUALITY, WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU MORE FOR LESS STEAKS OR ROASTS ~~ BONELESS ROUND - - - lb. 65c ~ PRIME RIB ROASTI short cul - lb, 53c SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE and WING STEAKS - L 69c. FOR DAKERY AND RESTAURANT: Only the Best 0QUÂLITY AND SERVICE ,Phone 855 Attention Faruers! We Now Have a BOIVMAN VILLE PHONE Cali Bowmanvllle 2895 We want for export ail klnds o! registered and grade dairy cows. Schwarz Bras. R. R. 3, Bowmanville WANT ~TO KNOW.O Provdng lhf Insurance service H4EAD OFFICE WHY PAY MORE? Cake 8o Giant Pkg. 310 lb. 28< Pkg.2g Tin 12e CLOSED ALL DAY THURS., JULY lst. P STORES OPEN ALL 1 M lb. 45e BtI. M3 'I. -1 SMOKED HAMS PORSHOUILDERS SMOKEI) BONEL.ESS îmi 57c DMRIClKFAST BACON SLICED- LB 65c PORTENDELOIN .-.' 1,1389C RESTIGOUCHE SALMON STEAK, fresh - - lb. 49c AW - mmj m m I 11 PACM TWELVZ Tim CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TRUMDAY. JUN 24th. 1"8 1t\~ lie --Iý' & 1 DAY WED, JUNE 30th. 1 WIIOLE or HALF m 1,11 SSC lh. 49c

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