THUPSDAY, JUNE 241h, 1948 THE CANADL~.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO O A 1W q'tzv~'Iv1Qa = ~ A~AAA~J~~ BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS "el SELL TRADE PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS CARDS 0F TIIANKS Wanted To Buy ---- ______________________________----_ Articles For Sale Articles* For SaleAito ae BRADEN-M.adMs. J. Wal- The members of the family of HAY loader, in good repair. Har-'1 E 0Cs hyrk:ue lace Braden announce the arrivai Mrs. McReynolds, wish to thank vey Brooks, hone 2636. 16-1 * CEDAR rails, ten cents each.NW1'Cs a ae sdrb UTO AE0 A of their daughter, Elizabeth Jane. alTteefiedsmedreshbos fr ____________for___Mode__ ait Bowmanville Gencral Hospital 1 i expressions of sympathy and EG wanted, highest prices paid, TheD A S A ES A on June 17, 1948. 26-1 for their beautiful floral tributes. plcked up each week. Phone 2433, DDEtuk 98 - Kangaroo gang plow; used Ml o 4 rknFot lre r DODGE Normcan1938, A- conditionmower, 5': horse stiff and sin FrayenigJuv2t630 26-1 Norman Clemens. 26.1* throughout. Phone 2552. 26-1* tooth scufflers. W. H. Bron47aceofsndghycnst CAMPBELL -- Capt. and Mrs. EIGHEST prices paid for scrap THREasburnerecoalPhilestove William Campbell, Edmonton, We wish to thank ail our neigh- batteries. Jamieson Tire Shop. TREbre olclsoe Alberta, (noie Enid Bowen, Of bors, Training School Staff and King and Silver Sts. 14-tf ____________Phone__2137._26__age.5Terms cas. Sale at 6:30 _________arehappy_____________ait Morris Co. if we fail to undr ot ie le ibuae roo.aehpytanonepolice wvho came to help us 50 BEFORE selling your live poultry s1 cI b ,,iy hreiel Toronto stores ontan the birth of their daughter, Lesley promptly when needed. trv us Our prices are higher. M. 1 2008, Bowmanvilie. 26-1 quality lines. June speciahsi ____ Elizabeth. at Edmonton on June -Mrs. W. Scott, Wilma and FlattdR.R 1, BthaChephnee7field___s 7, 1948. 6 6Caso. 13, reverse charges. 17-tf 1Y I I I1 BICYCLE in good condition, $30.cueVlu hsefedsits Gvn pfria h n i Av r i i g R t s Gerald Morris, 37 King St. 26-1 Bedroom Suites with springan'pliautohepprtetW ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Max Stapleton and family areAsT oo AE-Tndenty toot EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 JACKET heater, No. 2 size. Pbonie $i1iceseia5tF9sr.o 1,Cn 8o at wish to thank their many rela-acerladnergo______ _________ Mr. and Mrs. Alhcrt H. Mightori Itives, neighbors and friends forrit, bosatigrnubr ofwacres, 2669. OHWASne2uriur.toe1-ra1nWecsd Jn 3t, i Fergus, Ont.. anneunce the en.' their many kind acts and expres- price per acre, locatio ataes'N ewbh'slytt n EeyhAW'ng in modtem hster amsokan mlmns gagement cf their daughter. Doris sions o! sympathy during their to Box 0, StatsmanmOffcen25-i Lorraine te Russell Allen Moffatt, sad bereavement and ail through toBx8, sanOfc. 2 I B IIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, 2.2*fsie,be and tdo.Bding adyas us eee os son o! Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Mof- the past year o! stress. Aiso Dr. CRSO HNS-$.0prisrin2-*sieadsuis edn att, Bowmanville. The marriage MacKenzie o! Orono, and Dr. 'Wallted CRD-0 HAKS-$1OOpernsrto SRABRRESrPee 52gtymecanis a omettvetinl rate n tel.taco 198in taerpac.iurda 26-Jly"24J Asotin!Bomvllewho26.1* GOOD home for sub-nrirnal girl IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10ecaa une for verses per isrin Rb.Mto,6Basa t rcs eeebyn ii rd lw asymtrfrpwr 194. n Frgs. 6.* y s te care fer herseif. aIse assistineto 26-1 ley's New Furniture Store, 184 ee;rk;dil utvtr ________ --________ iin househiold. Write Box 83, The PRESTO pressure ceoker, prac- King St.. W., Oshawa. 2-fhros ao;segs utr IN MEMORIAMG The family of the late James Statesman Office. Bowmanville. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, ticaîîy new. Also t.wo pairs Of TRADE-IN - Electrie .wasenmru rilsWem ah ____________________Gordon, Nestieton, wish to take 26.1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, IVANTED, ETC. Sunniweb voile cu.rtaiiis, 46x74. $29.50: electric washer, two mn aea :0 lfodPtik GRAHAM-In loving memory o! this opportunity of thanking their Cash Rate: 2e a word (min. 35e). Must be paid before insertion. Phni5lomnil. 24 tsed e urnec adear Husbacd and Father, T. H. neighbors and friends for their COMING EVENTS tioneer8.omnvle.- 26-1* titopurne urnecm Graharn, whn passed away June îkindness and assistance duricg If Charged: 3c a word *(mln. 50e). Add 25e extra for box M.-H. team cern scfle,$4 .M. $3ith c i I _______ 26, 1946. ' l hefr recent bereav .ement. Alsa Do't miss the hoec-ccoking numbers or replies directed to this office. 1 H. Pedweil,' Newcastle, phoneI raniZe. Hot-point, $90; Gurnyiifr .Ptik ulcac Today recalîs sad mernories t the flower bearers and to the booth at the Legien Carnival. on Clre32.26l cl awithohl! rkngewhi6,0tjfoellnBkî-t ei yp Of a dear cce gene te rest. atnigmnser o hi e-Friday nighit, ol, 6- dtonanetonltS Rtsv UATT !bukha. M Princess Beh coalee.w it i uto n i rmss4 And the c es who thik f hi m vices toay Mr ndMs.KtceerButn h Wr FmlviSamis, R.R. 2, Burketon. phone shelf. $39-50; rangette,- $395; rbsLnintenrhcdo toda, J-Mr.andMrs.Kithene Buton he errx Failypienic wVill ALL CLASSIFIED ADS 31UST BE IN NOT LATER1 2660. 2- metal icebox, 50 lb., $24.50: recodBwavle 1,EgnSreo Are the cnes whn loved hlmn best. 26-1 12- j adlv on Saturdav, .Iul 17d ati pleterwib pr$g12.500 tel bedshl efcs icuigcero daughter Verena. 26* 1* TheaamitoonthearteMrsP26-torer wth oderta gt 10 rae. tn s aketbod . l C. :utiàler. $750: spring, $50stocucsit:lpee hs1r:ldsie phone 2845. 26-l1*S29 50. like new. Murphys ice ut; uft igrsw IWalter Foîey wish te extend their 1 Jphoce'8.2 JACKMAN-In ieving mcemory o! most sincere thanks te thcir, Newtonvilie Sucday School Ant. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE sLharOliver McCullonh, iL o 5 mllms ate ok n our dear Mother, Mary Trimble neighbers and !riends for the niera, hpe Oivr eCllch Lt 5 Jackman. wbo passed away June many expressions et sympatby y Servic.S moi-Co.8Dainon26*I For Renttalsod ktcn h sl l3th, 1946. and floral tributes during their ngaIlac Mî.WctoeI______I_________________ What is dcath but a sloep recent bereavement. Aise their seilsekr 6i DURANT sedan,.1.929, fair cen. NEW 5 cubic foot cement mixe e:hl irr anmwr To the seul that trusts in God? grateful appreciation ferteHl or taf dition. Appîy 21 Beech Ave, T oro rd, rJH. 2-8 rdi:clctickeî;chsto Life is but a stop mc buhflatgfs oe Plan te attend danc~e at Geneva 6Wa1teoonto R.,tPortH26e.* On hepah urSaicr ro! criemebranc e ards rom er arcWoidn.Jn ~0h.A-i FULLER Brusb Company needs ' GRADE Holstein cew due Juiy 4. SE a. 1928. g ucn TWO furnishied reoms, - daer; ocirschis; -Loingy hydreed y iten msdinnin.groc room fr chairs;rnnig mnuarmriv chair;mri -Lovngl reembred y ler ried an eralg ln:Grove er. iss iSc rce frMce nt appearicg mac te hielp hain- lPhone '254. 26-1* condition. Percy Werry, phonemiuedrvfo B mnile'2saltbe;2desr:ste; chiidrec. 26.1*ý munity duighmln3îles rv il' Sofîbaîl tcam. 26-1 die local business. Special pay te - 2124. 26.*l 'on1 highway. Write Box84FidaoalckStv(sa) 26-1l start. steady work. Write Box 78. HORSE. flixe years old, buggy - --SaemnOfc.2.*wt ac rn n ubmes POLLARD-In lcving memery cf n Dance at Tyrone Hall. Saturdayv. Statesman Office. 25-,1* and cutter. B. L. Quicncy, Prov- HAY leader: side rake: hay ted--2frcsad;ieo cote a _______ad___________otces____3___- WiFo's aret idence. 26-1* der. all in A-1 condition. 'Phone FURNISHED bedroom in privat Ju i e P arwi e d eth p s er, a be esJ îy 3 ut il oB V r et ' R K E T O N S hool, S .S . N o. 7, - C larke 1631. 25. ::, hom e. M odern c n enier c s a k l c r e t a t r e i t s t alviaB __ _____pi_ __ -___ 1dirits, pets3and pans. Julia PollardewhohpassedlawayBai-d. Admission 50c. Dancigr alnorqire dcoat r s i ek l;oe - dune 29th, 1946. Ple~ abrSo iib from 9 te 12. 26-2* Drlngon rqure-dcoat rinLEFNg, sixloaeks opld: oe I Wo)crnclivtrf rit bx88SatsanOfie.Trm as. ae t1:0 Gv 'Ged knows bow mucb we miss closed for holidays from Ju1y 5 te _____the summer months. Tenders cebao..r a aero . 26-1y-Fee HOEcharoo ccuvtor or B. wavll.2 ber, 7, inclusive. 26-2* will be reccived by Mrs. Jean BrsBreo. 61 li hamr rce ,oe. mePetsfo yorocrlsal.aPoe Th-uhe na o-teM-Gacsce-r-raurr ukAppiy H. Schmid, Newcast. esFrSl 76Bmnvl.T..Mot- NeyrvhalrermemryfaeTh luirer admfeteoe-Iyraesacetrtrasrer BrkVTELEYorrkicshire i 6.* __ -.îc. lek;Cxffod e6ic,-uc Lovinri thoughts shal ever wan- Dr. Birks' office wili be closed meniaI Arena will becbs-id Mon- eten. 26-1 w'eeks oîd. îennieth- Gilbaiik, ---- Dfrein tioccer 26.1 r der ~~from JuIy 9th te August 8th. day, Juce 28, instead cf Fridlav Brkeohne Port Perry 78 r SEVEN-foMssyarsbidted. -.rgs -__________ To the spot where she is laid. 267-6iTO il.shr:tw atrse:26-1* er, eut four crops. A-1 condition,,$,fmae F -Ever remembered by bier bus- one kitchen helper, ne experience - Gordon Strong, Burketon. Plioce i$5.Pe- 67-- -RITI.ESL band Albert and daughters Dr. H. Rundle's office will be necessary; duties to cemmence on TEN Yorkshire pigs, six weeks Port Perry 165-r-3.26l REGISTERED Cocker Spane haebmatorzdosi Doreen, Muriel and Gladys. closed frem June 27th te August1 Annual Chxirch Serv ice. Clarke dune 27th. or nearest date. Apply old. M.-H. bindcr, good condition.___ puppies. Apply Bernar-d Dillic .pbi ~'l. o 26-12nd inlusie. 5-2District L.OL., at Newtonviile Manetta Summer Resort, Pecty-AseClipu.E.Cdrn-. MAN'S bceycle. in goed cendition, 23NloStpno77. 5-'I ________United Cliurch, Sunday. Jul.y 4 pool, Ont. j 2~phoe 2265. 2-3-1 isedul ato.orcna t"ei_' __ _ ____________ ________23__________ h i-___ kitchen cf smaîî summer resort Real Estate For Sale Allin. Phone 2847. 26-1 ___ SLENDOR rIblets arc effective. cuîe.2- in vuskeka. Excelcnt wages and anc on.îane srecCheniol-e-Bcd- 1VICark Tw. ot 2,iCon.' o 2 wcks suply$1; wees $, D. R E.Diniwel'soffce î~Corne and have sutoper with living quartiers assured. Apioly TWO lots, one on Liberty street, pedwt every bcdreom suiteOrn hafmlsutilsd 2 ees'supl $: 2 ees 5,D. . . iniwlls ffcewAlljW.A. Greup 1 in St. Patî's Lecc T. H. Hungerford, Lumina, Fo- n nJaesrct loChevrelet Ospread withle ke m, il aîSlrd ue2 at Jury & Loveli and McGregor's be closed from June 301h te Aug- turc Rcom. Tucsday, June . j-7 Paint, Octaneo. 26-4 car, 1927. Apply 57 Liberty St. S. lpurchale. uigMorsC.Sum26pblcacionM1ayc' h ioig Drug Store. 26-1 ust 3rd, inclusive. 26-2* p.rn. Salad plate and stra'.vber. 26- 1l'e al _________ - ning. dune 28, at 7 p.m., thiryCctri ut go snw) ____________________ ie. dmsson30. 26-p, WANTED - Stenographer, one!I REFELGERATOR. large sizp Fn.res f tanin1hy. Terl be-ic proven Fruit-a-tives. famou e-clesed frem Juiy isIte August preterred. Apply in oxx,,n hbaud- b ardwood fonrs: in Tyroce vil- for bootb or restaurant. Phono-2.*bc uft ecti ai;2rt 45 years. Brings relief quickly- stitute wil l old a Stra\mwbeirnv experience. salar.y ,rcquired. and 23-tf. ETY - ______ -- The undersigned lias rcceix'deeti al n edn ap tories up liver-keeps bowels ac- Dr. K. W. Slemon's office will Tca at the home cf Mrs. J. R. k'i- whien axailable. te Box 85 Cana- -wsigmcie nisrcin eclbî ulcac lcrcio:2forlrp;sw tixe-restores geod healîh-reli- be closed from June 251h te July velcii Wedîiesclay atron :î ttsa.2. EIGIT rocmcd, txvo-storey' bricl AT ahn ahni ntucn osl ypbi able. 2-Iainlsie.22 rn 0 o4 61- o, îoem occ26ncs grperfect conîdition, overhauled in i tion for Ed. Strcîîg, Lot 20. Ci.Iingmcne(od:sfatq; H ~ ~ ~ ~ 2- Y G IE NnIClsuplies rubb2 Jun 3 . TEORAHR aîîd-y- ge4ixbilincot.n ro1etMarch, $50. Apply 6 Centre St. 5, Cartwright Tw,%p., (haif mln ~cu lacr us uti 2p 6-1 east cf Cadmnus) on Fridasy. Juyrcsin:cia(îtqe;gas goos) aiîd psîpid n pain Wana'sBeatyinop 80Kiîg SRAWERRSoialat vroîe cgshcthad ad srneboc- S .5 fl frctae, 66 1. C'p --103___ ______-- aIISt...aIllusfariRsocTans wae, ilvrwa192abllien cx sealed envelope wiîh pnice lisIS.Ws.Praet hlmk hrb odv ue2,a :0kcigrqiceprec r-Ms rst. 103t.uWoest. 23-tfnntDURANT coeChuch. 192yJ11e28, a'e5ed 0t i r csimpiccienîsý. Ternis crsh. TdIago) es rses ah Sxsmls2;24smls îoo0 1permanent customers. For ap- Ipn.Slds or1-maerli ere utclcecsay ppy-battcry, ';160. Apply Wilso:uJaks Mai OrerDep. T38Nev-Rub- pointments, phone 2851. 14-tf and cakes. Admission 35e. 20c. un w'iting. sîating salar:ý x'ecet.GOD.1 six rom, semi bungalowAve ber Ce.. Box 91, Hamilton, 0Oct. , axc reBoxei7,d'tinstructions enieceakihog utensils. . douul!nPhonceai9.ou MalOre Dp. -8 19-8 NOTICE RE BY-LAW ___2__6___12- vniîchavotareeair.dobl Poc 21. 6-'dJi qaîllycfgodbedig dshs garage and hiec heuse, five acres'TRACTOR, 1942 Allis Chaimers t ram Mr. Coîville Evans and se.Jsvewtovncaiubae; ____ ~Property owncrs are requesled 'Dccl miss Ihe O.E.S.5mf OU irsorwmctane fret5,d evîalfuioresn.iedrw-r5,i xclenClniao.Lork.Cn.e CakcTp. al are adcapntrto1- au tues voteVibllawge issuewcseb-bryTa.îd1lm Bkn aesummer or year round cmploy- at $6.900. ineluding erop. Immed- IReasocable. Also xveîî lift pumy mn iilce est of Oroco. ta soU by pub ae;se ade;2ldcs n for sum o! $6.000, payable $1,000 FridaY, dune 25, 3-5 p.rn. Tea 35c e . Experience net cecesFary cd. Applyv N. 1. Melcaîf. broker, ___~~L .- Friday. lune2, at 6::30 P.. PS-Teeaie aîvrtce ner year for six year. Vole te be Preeeeds in aid of' Boxxrnviilewek TW-xvsu rasae.rcho's:ItyDlîm ctiîdiiIîssaendvr- takenin th Coueil Cambe of Aena ubut utusst bewiwilling leal . Foea03n.tsFeroa103, OhawasonORoad euS.,r Osbaawa.r fflhr1 vO Ih hoses-VOftYDui" I the ommunty Hal, Wedesday -~___ - etwrite ack Vrece.Phone 51,29M. 26-1 mewer, bath in geod working con- ad ereford springcrs: fat caletbigi ngc odto.Pes July 2ist, 1948, fmom 8 o'clock Stabry oclan Kicgsten Rd. E., Oshawa. onr h saeo!telt dition. S. S. Menton, phone 97(' lfat coxvs, bFby' boet. and steecorecry StrawberrySocial and ph h ett f h aeDavid I26.1* 1caille Reniarks: These are a aeipm h, until 6 o'clock p.m. To build "Loeks Like Raiuî" ini Bunketoni acOhxa14W2 61 Fergusoîî is oflcered for sale, ouin_______ --J excellent let ef bec! catIle édr.Tem ah a Memorial Rinki. United Church shed, Monday, tATghigcmpc a p le south haîf cf Lot 28, Conces- WVOODS milk cooler. *uI isd jwudapeit-yu tcîaîe Puet od Rsre H. . ONTHN un 28 ude aspce ofile ciug ng dsc or nerele h sea9sbl!miefrinEnld i.furronbsJWo s an nndt' aIbsse1wudale. eciatbvuis. Tcrs.1 eiîls.J . carb ls 263Bunketon W.A. Tonaai 6 p rn., and ambitieus persen. Splendid the Townshiip of Darlinglon, farm cmr, clîeap. Acy reasonable off er cash. Jack Reid, auctio es IEme ilu, ulincu 2- concert at 8 p.m. Admission: Ad- opporlunity for aggressive iuidi- cecsisting et 100 acres of goed acccptcd. Phone 2637. 26 -1J Notice to Creai Cors ulîs 50c, childrenc 3e 1. vidual. Excellent earnicgs assur- clay lanîd, with 9-noomed brick - - -______-- _________________________________ CNADA' AND OTHERS 0îT d l~j cd with future, security and inde- bouse, bip rooted barnc 36'x80' andJ CARS. 1941 Speciai Buick sedan: CA A A'RecdtryimareBPao urs-o pendence. Apply B lue Brand other ou-buildings. Good trut 1 1939 Buick sedan; 1941 Ddge TOP-UALTY IRE TAKENOTCE hatallpersns ectry awn, Blcksock Thrs-Producîs, 7227 Alexandra, Mon- Stream and about 18 acres o! sedan; 1941 Oldsmobile sedan. I TOPQUALIY TIRE TKE NOTIC thaIerEsons day, IsI July fram 5 p.m. on- treal. 22-5 standing timben, mostiy bard- Apply Edwàrds Motor Sales. 26- GENERAL'S e! Edmund Stevens Scnkler wbo xards. Suppen, novellies and side -odwt oe e.Pse- PLYMOUTH coach, 1936. N E E D S died on or about the 2nd day o! Shows, mock amateur program. AU TSAL sian April 1, 1949. Appîy the Ex-.ubr ndiig odto,$5. fSeous ac,14,aerqie of- General admission: Adults 50c- UOT 0N SALEeuos .r.FruoEns W. S. Moffat, Oreno. Phone 15 r Silent«GrMach, 48arr l fte requmed gte r.childrec 25e. In case o! nain e'iI bave rcivcuttuton rm ilers: . *h Fc 99 ru.sOuîEnni-rbbr1indiv.î cndton-$50 detmîod te smetoetertire event i Bîacksîock riîîk. receivd instrctions rom93.12626.1Keep TtJ.air wih ueproftlrongnt teSpansored by St. ohin's Churcli. Neil CurtisBneon hn 29. 2.*PIANOS Dominion and Heinîz- Ofl 1 anu ~rouI.-reeundersigned Executer on o Cartwright. 26-1 A liS NTE a insfrsae ovnet FIRSTAID ZINC OXIDE ADHEIEPATR1c 5,4e 5 ;froul-r fore the ISth day o! July, 1948, ___ bselI by public auctien aima iaosfrlae:(1vnin mlu after which date the Executor wilI a dAiStidaUSîooCAui LOTlCO.0,MAVRSTW.bS A L E ternis anîd ucexceîled service. F., PURETEST TINCTURE 0FJDIE%,2o.. 5 proeco t dstrbuetheesttitevesaibSrvce wiitehce ce i il sut o!FoJyoo MAitcAEhARM vile .2 Tel.OH 492&JOINONBANAIm1e,30 tj _______ervics__________AL FAR JOHNSON & JOHNSON BABSRETCTO 7,3e the parties entitled therele havicg Sucday, dune27 at 2:30 and 7:30 ai 1:00 p.m. (D.S.T.) on 1 1 miles cast o! Ennisklllen, JOHSON&IHSON A7 regard onhly ta sucbh a im o t.m iceR.. H.F Yrde !le east o! Haydon In Darlington SPRING-filled mattresses - The, NEW ERA H US HOLD C whib h sah he hae otice ertice, guest speaker. Spcal StudyJne 6 mT . 10mle9orGo famous .ParkdaleFi maltress at aj JOH NSON & JOHNSON K-Y. LY-------4c 5 CzAHAGE26-2* Thursday. Julv lst. sports pro- .scuali cbicks. commence sharp at 1:30, se yau VIdLIIei DsdLcaseIdIjUA A Egra ______________acefr__f____o___a____vrsay uppr cook steve with warmicg eloset (atteies exta)ol aewI af umaeo gna sarîn a 3p.. acs or MACHINERY. FURNITURE , etc.ra o'e a ncv ray u p r and reservoir. Coal and wood '$1.te 50, $1r.55,arg $1.t95,f B$2.2em DOWMANILLE .R. 3 CUSTOM baling. pick-up on sta- the cbiîdren; sofîbaîl game. Mar- Sawicg machine for Fard tracter: ifYo"'wisqh. grates. Equippcd with eil-bumn- ______________ _____________ r_ tionary, dan baie up te ten tocs ried Mec vs Single Mec. Puccie 10 cords o! 12 in. hardwoad; bear Buy your cattle from Werry'. and r (wilI selI with or without>. In i PHONE 2652 per haur, hay or straw. Maderate supper aI 5:30 p.m. League foot- and cage: 1931 Ford car, goed con- get the kind you want. %Ve ivillI perfect condition. Vertil McMul. 1 pnice. W. L. Morton. Phone ball game, Eccuskilen x's Hamp - dition; tracter trailer and hay deliver these cattle to your ranchInPtpol261 Clarke 4332. 25-4 ton aI p.m. Conicert aI 8:30 p. rack: barn trame and calony or farm. J * l~WM . (U q 1rn. wth Mr. A. A Crowe. so house: quantity o! good funitue Thse cat tIc are young and can'î 1 ONE power block machine for, i U- -Y Genail e f ars utm W r rc;xJîif aioo is' te ils tee numerous belp but be money makers if you eight and ten inch blocks. 3 di!-' ORRXALDU TR - almae f asLla Osborne, elocutiocist: Mn. le mention. have tbe grass.j ferent faces. One tbousand pel- OR E;A 0 ~ PLOWING and cultivating. Aise Raîph Petons. piacist: Miss LonaiaetH.N h la Done Properly BOWMANVILLEW Imperlal Oit and Gasoline John Deere repair work and Fletcber, piano accondion. Ad- Terms C'ash. No Reserve. Sale to commence at 1:30 (D.S.T.) lets. CoWet30vIteraIlatilach PHONE 7789Wen e TstgourEye R parts. F. S. Allen, phone 59' missien. Adults 35c, cbîldreuî 20c. A. Mitchell, clerk; R. J. Paync. Allen Wery, Clerk; Ted Jack- tractor. Phone 2575. Barold I19-ti 26-1 auclieneer. .16-1 'son, auctioneer, 26-1 'Milii, Enniskillen. 26_1* I THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IIIURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1948 PAr.p. TTZTIR"rm