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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1948, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JULY Sth, 1048 - - CANADIN .TAESMA.,BOWMANvl O%JINT TÀ A ( ENNSKILENJas. A WrMs E. A. Mr. and Mrs. Russll Ornistoi Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Borrowdale, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Oswald Pethick, Mrs. Ver- Oshawa, and attended Brian's Smales. na Wood, Mr. Floyd Pethsck, Tor- lawn party Misses Gloria and Carol Wrig onto, at Mr .and Mrs. S. R. Peth- Mr. and Mrs. A. Telfer and fam- have been holidaying with thi ièk's. We are sorry ta report ily, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N< Mrs. S. R. Pethick has been on the A. L. Wearn and Mr. Fred Stan- man Wright, Maple Grave. sick ist. nard, Bowmanville. Mrs. E. Strutt has returni Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lo- Mr. and Mrs. C.Soper, Oshawa, home after spending a week wi Îand Charles, Mr.E .Ah iie r n r.R eel Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cain, Pont ton with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Les- Pool. Brag, Providence. kard, Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott Dr .and Mrs. Ernest Woolridg Mrs. Mary Griffin is with her called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Momence, Illinois, and Mr. ar son, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffin, Neil. Mrs. W. Rodman, Lindsay, visit Purple Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Mr. and Mms. John Slemnon mo- with relatives in Oshawa on Sun- Mrs. Keith Ferguson was hoi to)réd to Rice Lake. day. ored with a miscellaneous shav Mr. and Mrs T. M. Slemon vis- Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil visited er from hem class mates at tl ited Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mount- frlends in Oshawa. nurses' residence, Oshawa. joy, Hampton. Mrs. John McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Edna and Master Ted Jei Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton Frank McGjll and Donald, Toron- igAtn r oiaigw and CI1,re with Mm. and Mms. G. ta, with Mrs. A. Willoughby, Is- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills. Adcock, Hampton: land Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGil Mn. and Mrs. G. Yeo and family Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen, Toronto, Mrs. John McGill, Mr. and Mr holidaYed at Hickory Beach on Mr. and Mrs. L. Culi, Newmarket, Harvey McGilI attended the Mi Sturgeon Lake. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. son-Smith wedding at Thornhi Mr. And Mrs. Leonard Stainton Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson on Saturday. and family with MT. and Mrs. H. with Mr. and Mrs. David Jack- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke visi- Stainton, Hampton. so- Oshawq. ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milne, Os] Mt'. and Mmi, Russell Griffin Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and] awa. and family visited her parents. Joan with Mr. and Mmi. R. J. Mr. and Mmi. W. Marks. Poi Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Abernethy, Chantier. St. Catharines. Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthu Tottenham, and also attended hem Mr. and] Mmi. Ed. Milson and Brunt. cousin's funeral who was acci- Mms. Mil]son, his mother, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith ar dental]y killeci. Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono. %vith Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Howar »Bradley and Brian, Maple Grovg with Mr. L. Bradley.. Mr. and Mn., Lorne Lamb an Ruth with Mr. and Mms. Earl Tre win and Mrs. Minerva Trewin. Capt, and Mrs. H., W. Gregg an, Donald with their parents, M and Mrs. A. Sharp befome gain, ta Monterey, California. Miss. Lottie- Cottrell, Misse Marjorie and Jean and littie bro ther Jimmy Ashton, Torontc %ihMrs. J. Kennedy. SA LA B K. 1 rs. Boyd Wilcox, Cobourg Kay Toono, r.and Mmi. E Strog, AstinandFay, Mr. *W T E À Adas, Camuswith Mr. an( - T E A . Mrs. Adam Sharpe.maeti Outstanding Quality a Delicious Flavour hracter of giving shows thi the gift itself.-Lavater. CONCENTRATED SURS M. P4,g.31< PERSONAL SIZE IVOIT Ss& 4 Cakces 25< YORK BRAND WIENEUS Bom m-m-259 SOC IETY MOGF001 22 roz. 25< CtJTS GREASE B-O CLEAN<M 2 for- 25< CATELLI COOKED SPAGHTTI *20-c"'. 12e MAPLE LEAF MATCH3SBo. B'~ 210 *Dot. 299 Dom. 1.23 2 RoIls 19C A & P CUSTOM GON J BOAR COFFEE ~7ANN PAGE-WHITE OR BROWN MmLKBRUIAD1- QUR OWN SPECIAL BLEND BLACK TEA « IONA (Pectin Addcd) PLUIE JAN - * AVLMER LOUPSToni:to, Vagetable YUKON CLUB (Contents OnIy) GINGR A=E - A & P FIRST WITH NEW PACK GREENPEAS NR iAYLMER FANCY BARTLETT PEARS MITCHELL'8 CHOICE APPLEJUICE 73e 24-ai. Jar 25 2 0. 25<s- n 4cY tADED 20in 154, 229<t - - 20:o. 8 Vu e.4 i l8 FRENCH'8 PREPARED NUSTAE.D -" A & P FRESH CANDY CRuàmSOUAmE CORDON BLEU MEAT SPEAIS FOR A QIJICK'SNACK SHEDDED WHEAT MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PIE CEUST SCOTIAN GOLO OR MITCHELL'% APPL SUC MoLARENS JELLTPOWDEIS TORD-0^N GEAPE IDE le-oz. lb. 39 * 22W< * g l~254 * OM&4 * ako2w 1< BtMW RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF Oum M£ RMWEDFRLES5 WASIE BOUEIROUND B'ALT lb 59c PRIMENID OAST U lb 33c HAMBUHO STEAKI EXTRA LEA N w- b 3e SMOKED SHANKLES8 POUXSSLIl PEAMEALED BAà%m MON CHOICE GRADE A 1101[m 11MU CHOICE SLICED M.43 FRE8H CAUGHT RE&TIGOUClIE SLNN "--« 1*"lb. 3 SL ICED PEAMEALED COTTAGE Ml= M.57 Gonuine Spring Lamb ., 1 HAMPTON. ASSISTANT 1MANAGER Miss Helen Rogers, Caledonia, ght visite'] Miss Phyllis Niddery. irMm. and Mmi.-W. Brodie, To-; onto, with Mr. and Mms. J. R<. Revnolds. th Dm. and Mrs. E. C. Reynold]s, y- Mm. . and Mms. Russell Reynolds' and Alan, Toronto, weme guests 0e f Miss L. Reynolds. nd Mr. an'] Mrs. Jack Cowling of e'] Bsighton, with Mr. an'] Mn. JohnI Cowling. )n- Mr. and] Mms. Tim Bate and] %- Patricia, Elmvale, visited friends ýhe an'] attended the picnic. Me. and] Mms. S. Nash an'] Mavis,' ,n- Detroit, . Mich., Misses Gladys1 th Chapman, Kay, Billy and Cecile'ý SPetit, Toronto, Raymond Petit,1 aLong Bnanch, guests of Mm. an'] rs Mmi. Will Chapman. :a- ilî The Misses Purdon with Mr. and Mmi., J. Purdon. it Rev. and Mmi. W. Rsckham, h- Manilla, with Mr. and Mmi. Bruce William E. E cclestone Hogarth an'] attende'] the picnic. St~ Morley Hastings, Toronto, with lIas been appointe'] assistant ur fiends. manager of the Central Ontario Mmi. R. J. McKessack, Miss Division of the Goodyear Tire & id] Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, Mrs. H. E. Rubbem Company of Canada, Lim- rd] Tink, Sauina, Mn. an'] Mrs. Orme ited, according ta an announce- e, Cruickshanks and Jaan, Mns. Ida ment by Carl B. 'Cooper, genemal Wilcox, Mm. Bill Nichol, Peter- sales manager. id] bora, visited at Perey Dewell's. e- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur vis- Mr. Ecclestane was fammenly in ite'] their aunt, Mmi. Job Thamp. charge of the Maritimes Division. d son and] Mr. an'] Mmi. George His promotion bings him ta Torý r. Cuthbemt, Woodstock. onta, where hie will be stationed .g Mm. and Mmi. C. Smith, Osh- at the Company's bmanvh office at awa, at Lewis Trull's. Fleet and Bathurst. es Mm. an'] Mmi. E. C. Ford, Mm. Bomn in- St. Catharines, Mm. Ec- o- and Mmi. C. W. Martin, Mm. an'] celestone has been associated with o, Mm. R. A. Davies and son, David, 1 Goodyear for a number of yea rs Miss Marguerite Martin and Mr. an'] has haci thorough expemience 9, Alex G. Black, Toronto, visited in the sale of the Company'i pro- ifriendi an'] atten']ed July ist ac- ducti. ~.tivities. ___________________ r. Mr. and Mmi. Alan Parker, To- '] onta, with Mmi. M. Goodman and many parents presents as was an- Louise. ticipate']. Mr. and Mmi. Fred Muin and Mmi. Vers Blackburn, Calgary, ,e thnee boys, Caledonia, with fri- Mmi. O. L. Cale, Miss Stella n ends. Blackburn, Mm. Fred Blackburn, Miss Nancy Johns, Toronta, is Newcastle, Mm. and Mmi. Howard at home. Foley and Mm. an'] Mmi. Ennest Congratulations ta Gardon S1e- Foley, Bowmanville, at Mark mon, Haydon, (grancisan of Mmi. Blackburns. C. Johns) on naceiving his Degmee Mn. an'] Mn. Fmank Crydemman, of Master of Applie'] Sciene. Bowmanville, Mm. an'] Mmi. Percy Congratulations asa ta Mm an'] Clarke, Geenwoo'], at L. Cmy Mmi. Jack Cowling (n ee Beryl ']emman's. Adelene Robertson of Canleton 1 .Mm. an'] Mms, Cleve Clemens, rPlace) an thain mariage. 1 Oshawa, at Mmi. E. H. Cole'i. IHarmnony Sun']ay School bel'] a Misses Pearl Gilbert, R.N., and' picnic in our park on Junie 26th Mary Venchell, R.N., Toronto, at which waî well attende'] an'] an 1 Gea. Gilbemt's. enjoyable afternoan was spent in 1Mr. an'] M,,. H. E. Tink, Mr. games an'] sparts with pnizes1 an'] Mmi. Bruce Tink, Lamne an'] awam']ed and a bauntiful pic.nic'Diane, Salins, Mm. an'] Mmi. Bryce suppen enioye'] . Brown, Oshawa, at Percy Dew- Mr. S. Williams is now at home ell'g. and bis many fiendi are gla'] ta m n]Mi JmVm n -know ha is recovering nicely fmo M ran s.imVnead his ilînaîs.m Joan, Mm. Bill McKnight, Toron- Mr. C. W. Souch etumne'] Ir ot, Mr. an']Mmi. Gordoan Leask, the Bawmanville Hspta litTaunton, at. Elmen Wllbum's. week an'] his many friendi are Dr. F. W. Penhal], Wilmam, fflesse'] ta know ha is ga']uaîly Minnesota, Mr. and Mrs . Waltcr impmoving. Jahnstan and] Mamgamc.t. Mr. W. JWamen's Inîtitute this Thuns- B. Run']le, Oshawa, MVrs. L. C. day in change of East Gmoup,- Gran']mother's meeting. Ahl lad- ies wclcome. Mr. an'] Mn. Bert Stevens spant* Toclay a few ']ays with Mm. an'] Mmi. Will Hart an'] Mm. an'] Mms. H. Stevens! at Palmerston an'] also calle'] on s----------------- friendi at Drayton, Amthum an'] IKenilwomth. jMr. an'] Mmi. Sam Dewell's new i bungalow at south end of village is quite attractive an'] the wamk pragmeîîing favomably. Sev'ern othen houses* are starte'] an'] wîll be complote'] laten. Rev. W. Pattenson, Newcastle, occupie'] the pulpit on Sun']ay ev- . < ' ening giving a vemy practical and'[.... timely discounse from the text: J His message wss helpful and' much IaPpeciate']. Rev. E. S. Linstes'] was in charge af anniverîamy ser- vces at Kimby. Please'] ta see Mmi. C. Johns at chumch service on Sun']ay aven- ing. Sammy ta ]ose the MeteaIfs frmn ' aur community. Mr. an'] Mmi. Robt. Metcalf Sm. have mave'] ta Cambmay whene lhe will opemate a grain elevator business. Mn. an'] Mns. R. C. Metcalf an'] family have maya'] ta Campbellcmoftlie having purchase'] the grist ii there. We welcome ta aur village Mr and Mmi. Cecil Lockwoo'] an'] daughtems, Marilyn and Sandra, Orona, wha have taken over the- (Intende'] for Last Week) League football game between Hampton an'] Salins was langely atten']ed an'] esulted in layon af Hampton, 3-0. Mmi. Lamne Brad]ley has been ill with pleumisy. Mmi. Ethel Bra']- ley, Haydon, h wîth hem son Lamne and Mms. Bradley. Mr. and Mmi. John Slemon an'] KCathmyn, Enniskillen, at L. Clem- ens'. Mmi. Fred Toms, Pumple Hill, v'lslted Miss Eva Williams. Mm. and Mmi. Floyd Beckett an'] famlly, Enniskillen, at Eaml Luke'.. Mr. and Mmi. T. Ennis' sale on Wednes']ay was well attende'] an'] a successful event, Home an'] School picnic which Inclu']e']public ichool chilciren, their teachans an'] parents, was bel'] In the.Park.. A happy time was spent in varlous sports an'] races with. prîzes given an'] s bountiful picnic supper enjaye']. Attendance was good but not as Skinny Mengw»Men gain 5,10,15 Ibs.~ Cet Nw Pop, i, igor Wba: à thrll S]OnY limbe 511 out, uly rhollown WIl Up 0.ek no lngI ao . body lossbal- tarel BII]Ybea-ple, look. Thoussadz utn irls. women. men. Who neYer nouid ln before. Ia"e Dow proud ci chapely th-o ng bodîn,. iThey U' visor-bullîing. flh-building ta010, Oitrez, lu toffic. aUmujan lnvlgoraorý. amDoriennr utaonbaîbome. " on' tt g9n00.fat. stop when you've gained La à. 1 .. 1 or lb.. you nemi for normal weIgh. .oda itle. SNew "Cetacquatnw'ed'aseonljj 5C. ~taanoue Otrez Tonlota t o eio Od,51 vm daèO. M ai LOr Snowden, and Bob, Mapie Grave. Keith and Ralph, Toronto' Miss at Sam Dewell's. Reta Kersiake. Bowmanx'ille. Miss Mr. and Mm. John Oke, En- i Mary Peters, Kurv Inn, Miss Ileen niskillen, at Herb. Rundle's. Glaspel, Zion, at T. and H. Sa- Mr. and Mns. Everett Elliott, terls. Mary and Barbara, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mm. Pery Allun and Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa, daugher Sheila, Oshawa, at C. M r.' and M rs. 'A . L. Pascoe, S a- E Mr. n d Ms. W. B o n Na c linaat Ja Chapan's.and Virginia, Courtice, at Harlàd Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Wi1kin's. Murray and Allyn and Grace Mc- Mr .and Mrs. Harvey Barrie, Hugh, Sauina, at Wes Hoskin's. Bowmanville, at Fred Honey's. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Northcutt Mrs. Geo. White and Mrs. Dix- Mrs. Chas Blanchard, Salins, at an, Bowmanviile, with Mr. and A. L. Blanchard's. Mrs. Will White anid Mrs. C. 'I Johns. Miss Lena Taylor. Bowmanville,j ___________ visited Mrs. S. Williams. Mr. andi Mrs. C. J. Wray andi Canada's fine meputation for Maieanid Miss Eileen Wray, rayon fabmics is womld-wide, and Oshaw, at TP. Wray's. exports went ta 66 different coun- M.and Mrs. E. L. Niddery, tries in 1947. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Faulkner, Mr.- and Mrs. N. Quinn, Toronto, at1 Mrs. S. G. Niddery's. Mrs. Cora Alln, Majory and;T Florence, Bowmanville, with mre-, Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker. Salins, and Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at James Smales'. Mm. snd Mrs. Norman Clemens and Marilyn. Toronto, Mr. and For the best in Mn. A. Clemens, Bowmanville. tires invest i Mr. and Mmi. Frank Hastings an'] children, Port Pery, Mns. Chas. Firestone, the tire Hastings, Oshawa, at Laverne that stays safer . Clemens'. longer and gives Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young. Den- you more miles per ny and Sylvia and Mrs. Wilbemt McMillen, Peterbomo, at Salter's. dollar. Drive In to- Mr. and Mmi. Cîsyton Efliott day. tand two chilciren, Port Hope, with Mrs. Ruth Cisyton. Mr. W. Giffler, Sunderland, at Theron Motintioy's. Mri. J. W. MeMaster, Mr, andý ý1 3Mrs. A. Balson, Salina, at J Balson's. CR ooK" A "i Miss Ileen Balson, Solina, at J. IW. Reynold's. Donald Yellowlees. Toronto, Mr. and Mms. Ivan Ellicott, San- S O K I ' dra an Donald, Peterboro. M. an Ms. Frank Wright, Grant MARFAK LUBRICATION and Beverly, Tyrane, at N. C. Yel- 153 Kinz Street East lawlees. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kersey, Tomr-______________ onto. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kersey and Ronnie, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. R. _- Burns and Barbari, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and Clame, of Enniskillen, Lloy'd Kemsey, of OU Bowmanville, at S. Kersey's. DU ES Mr. and Mmi. Edwin Wood, Mrs. Lys]] Conden, Bowmanville, at S. for Williams'. Mr. and Mn. Evemett Mountjoy and Miss Elda Mountjoy, Kedrai, Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith. Bow -CK M manville. at Memwin Mountioy's.I Rev, A. C. Luffman, Green- wcod, at L. Cmyderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Edigar, Mr. and Mmi. Garnet Tuhhs and Gary, Mr. Frank Warden. Eberieze'r, Miss Mabel Challis, Mm. and.Mrz. Russe]] Robbins and Miss Ruth GET OUR PRI Rabbins, Bowmanville, Mr. P.nd Mrs. TUoyd Wilcox, Cobourg, Wes-FA lry Huils. Tyrone, with Mr. and P4K RN A Mn. H. Wilcax. Whitby 336 - Nil Mm. an'] Mmi. Harvev Bpison WIB and] sons, Tauinton, at J. McNab's. WIB il-I an'] Mms. Hilton Pcters, we Gener 1 Spry on Western To1W Major-General D. C. Spry, Chief Executive Commissioner of Can- ada's Boy Scouts, left Ottawa en June 28th, ta begin ?n eight-week mator tour of leader -training and. Boy Scout camps ini the four West- tamn Provinces. From July llth ta 31st, General Spry will attend the a¶lnual climbing camp of the Alpine Club of Canada at Peyto Lake, near the Banff-Jasper Highway. Older Canadian Boy Scouts have been invite] to pamticipate in this camp. On his meturn journey the Chiet Executive Scout Commhssioner will visit some of the largèr' centres in Ontario in the Inter- asti of the Boy Scout Movemnent. GARAGE FIRESTONE TIRES Phone 804 ;TMARKET. and ICES FIRST ,KS LIN'ITED Iht or Day ONTAIl- Live in a Greater Canadaa PRÀOM dEsIGN 7r ALLaCANAD IAN Ton tY FOR the first. lime the label .. .. "AIi-Canadian" can be apptied to a growing (liversity of products - froin kitchen and -Imm garden chairs to modern aircraft. iiîcreasing use of original Canadian design is one more indication of Canada's continuing advance - witlî evem-wideninig areas of opportuiiy al4aitig <lhe of ivou ng Canadians. Canada lias become one of the m-orld's great iiaiiufaetqu'riing ations. aund riot onIy are ive producing more; now our designers are applving nei% processesý and new materials to the developmcnt of distitnctively Caînadian products. LOCOMOTIVES and tractors are bseing designed . .. new features ajplied ta sbip constructionî . . . a distinctive NÇet3t Coast architec-t une developed ...Typical af Canadian achieve- ments in nictal design is modemn railway coach equipment. N EW T Y PE S ofupholstered fumni ture, lamninated plywood chairs, kitchen ranges, lighting equipment, canoes, tais. . . are some of the modern products oreated b the imîa gination and technical knowledge of Cana- dian designers. G. H. WOOD m;tised sufiscient monev in 1923 ta buy a tiny Toronto soap plant ~ emplo)ying two workems. Since then his ï energy, industry and consistent emphasis on salesmnanship have built his company inta the hi-gest sanitation products organization in Canada manufactuning 176 separate items. MR. WOOD sav s: "l've aIways feit tbat business siuccess cornes frmn a combina tion of initiative galesmanship and harmany between labour and management; and nowhere is that corn- bination more certain of achieving nesuits than riuht heme at home in aur own country now". IN FASHION, too. and fabrics are dev eloped and Canadian dre>s tnesigners iwin in- creasing recognition in wonld st 'vie centres. roday Canada's fashion iîîdustmy has bectpnie big business. thlere's a "N"ew ONE OF A $ERIE$ PRESENTED *Y TO PROMOTE A FULLER REALIZATION IY CANADIANS OF CANADA$ PREUENT 811EATNE8# , 4> A '~*~ t A & 7) r11ui ni '/ea LEMONS New Crop No. 1 Cela pkg ieo APPLES New Crap Duchess No. 1 2 Ib 2m5c ONIONS New Crop Caaklng No. 1 21b 2,50 CELER!STALKSBradod 25 CICIICIRr MI ALE S weet No. I for5 SCARROTS New Tender No. 1 311% 25SC MW 'Avwihl, ttiwively P&ied. Ontui. &UW orv Nw Pt.t. -- - - - - - - - - - - FOR PRESERVING rEmRO - RU USER JAR ]RINGS ZINC JAR RINGS QUART SEALERS MEDIUM SEALERS FANCY KETA SALMON FANCV CHICKEN HADDIE* CASHMERE TOILET TISSUJE** THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO pAnt mm -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mmum-am»mw« IL Uef.M.

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