TRU~8DAY, JULY Sth, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN BIRTHS COMING EVENTS Notice - --- Articles For Sale TVDONTEAdnadDuga eann o Dance at Tyrone Hall Saturday, TEN acres of mixed hay, H. B.betHls GRAY-...Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood J. Juiy îoth. Ruth W~ison's Varietv ONTARIO STREET SCHOOL iA AD A Evans. Phone 2255. 28-1* Mr. and Mrs. Howardi. Phip r n r.Mre op Gray, Port Hope, announce the Band. Admission 50c. 28-1 BOWvMANVILLE, ONTARIO T:ST T SM NRO-t-ehy-ode.A1î Ronnie, Marilyn, and Jean, wî wnadAaadM.adMs birth of their son, James William wiThe. be received I ANReiO ronyeha o. dr p Les Mr. and Mrs. G. Philp, Morga-HAFsatmtrdfo de DaidonModa, un 7 148iVirtue Picnic at Hampton Park by the Architects John B. Parkin RiOoo 28-1 ston.I Saathwnadarvit. St. Joseph's Hospital, Peter-iJl ha ..Aldsed- Ascae,68Cuc tet Misses Beth and Helen illrigM.adMs uhrHoe Juy10hat4p..A d2en8sscats 48CurhStet,1P CARRIAGE, good condition, $15. with their parents, Mr. and Ms n r n r.Atu ih 'ants of Felina Morrison and Rob- Toronto, up to 12:00 noon Phne50.281W.J.Mllr er Virtue. Cars will meet TorontoPhn50.8-W,.Mie. TOPNGM. n Ms . .bue. 81 Tuesday, July 27th, 1948 r.TA.ndsooi r. .K; ue. l s if e ICE box, 50 lbs. capacity; also Ms .A nesn oot, M.adMs er ilr TOPping (nee Doris Stevens), To- frtecntuto fapbismall cook stove. Phone 2008 ivith Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hoar jDoga an DwHlirtn ronto, are happy te announce the The Newcastle United Sunday school for the Bowmanville Board Do Bowmanville, ih Mr. and r.GWhtan arrivai of their son,. James Roy, School annual picnic is to be held of Education, Bowmanville, On- of--* __ V x x 2t. waîs. Mr AMri on Sunday, June 20th. Mother and Orono Park. Each family is to structions te bidders and form of d e t s n g Rt s Nve enue, 2.0 pp .H kinneoraadnBrent baby doing fine. 28-1*i bring its own silverware. 28-1 tede may be obtained atter 12:00 Stan Couch, Newcastle. 28-1 were in Toronto.Mran Ms.Fe God n ENG GEM NT noon Tuesday, July 6th, 1948. 2- EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 Mr. and Mrs. Harold E G G M N S 1Adams and Ferguson piec28- STOVE, white enamel, Gurney, with Mr. Lorne McCoy, Brookhn r.Caec oda n u wl ehl tGeneva Park, east ________________ with water front. Apply 8 Wei- Mr. and Mrs. R. Hawkey,Mr.dtBomnil, rs Mr. and Mrs. R. Hollingsworth b eî tington St. 28-1* J. H. Mutton. Mrs. Chas. Phi]lpFe odaM.LreGo. announce the engagement of their of Columbus, Saturday, July 17.______________ Youngest daughter. Violet Annie, 81 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES HUDSON coach, 1936, in excellent MCdoneatutost MrG. Parenad isLraieMLuh to George Andrew Dunlop. younig- Notice Cogatltin t rs in shwa rs . u, r est son of Mr. Andrew Dunlop andi A Dance wihl be held inNe%-I CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per insertion condition, recently overhauled, William Macdonald who celebrtlhrneGy r omnGy the ate Mrs. Dunlop, Midiand. castie Comniunity Hall under the 281sadtrv n.uît4hLukvLak, asktcewa, er The marriage will take place carîx' auspices of the Board of Maniage- IN THE ESTATE 0F Thomas IN MEMORIAMS - $1.0 plus 10c a line for verses per Insertion ACME hand washing machine and sera nJlyo h una ussofM.adM~ in gs. 28->, ment on Friday, July 16 at 9 p.m. George Maxwell Stapleton, hate of wringer good cnditio. Phone25th w g _____Russ Creighton and his new fîi e the Village of Newcastle, in the rnego cndtn.P n,25hwdi aivsryf piece band in attendance. Admis- County of Durham, Retired Farm-' NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, 2466.- 28-1*'and M ddinelboan ighto M.LthrGoda. rEfe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Brooks Sion 50c per person. 28-2 er. deceased, who died on the 4th LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. FOR sale or trade in for older manville, on Saturday evening. wt isbohr wish to announce the engagement - day of June, 1948, intestate. 1Iieto. mdl 99Pyot oé.A- M.adMs .Kvl n ofterduheGedlnTHE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1937,1I Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must be paid before isrin oe,13 lmuhcah p r n r.J ieladMs r n r.R aky r of e n their agh er, c Ge tn lyn N o ticesCh 16, S c 5. If C arged: 3c a w ord (m in. 50c). Add 25e extra for box I _75_______St.- - Younr ma ch, Po ny o, atnd. Mr. C ashi pBoa dso e Chor65,Snc,51 iLa- __encenmaStanlcyolwit Malcolm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Creditors and others having, numbers or replies directedl to this office. 29 FORD roadster, in good run- and Mrs. A. Youngman. cle nM.adMs .J og Stanley H. Malcolm, N1estîcton. Dr. Birks' office wîll be closed lisainthebo Eaei ning corder. Apply Lloyd Hans-, Mr. and Mrs. George Graha o n r.E tre The marriage will take place Sat- from July 9th to August 8th. disaantteaoeEtt berry, Orono, Phone 57r9. 28-2 and Bairbara, Bowmanvihle, wih .L ym hf Triniy United Bo2:0wpma n- 26-7_ art, required to send particulars (Additional Insertions at Same Rates) Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. n rnilM.adMs tn vil.2y ra. .Soe'fic iîb drned lponorefe the un-da GIRL'S winter coat, chamois lined. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braz~r e adn tterctaea vil._8_"__r.V_._ ry' ffc il eof August, 1948, after which date 1ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER perfec0condion.02siare.14,8rice Tfoe agnd Dt iane. Mr.H.E Bckon 1 chosed. June 23 te Juhy 141h i-, the assets of the Estate will be dis- THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money $10. hne10-Cake 8.*frd, . aginordwt r and Mrs. PecJhi.p, r n Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vickery, clusive. 24-5ý tributed having regard to dlaimes order with order to get low~ rate. ELECTRIC churn, good ModtoRbrs.M3nr n r.J c r.JePilp n agtr Prince Albert, announice the en- that have then been received. ----------_________ price $25.00. Phone 51ACniiorke. rtS.Midsone with Mî-she G. Phare gagement of their daughter. Mary Wanda's Beauty Shop. 80 King Dated at Bowmanville, Ont., 28-1* frsrieutlAgs 5we eundhm îhte o Elizabeth tb Mr. Clifford Laverne St. West. Permanents that make the 3th day of June, 1948. IL CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE 102 MASSEY-Harris tractor on Ihere willh be a baptism and com 'st Devitt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Creigh- permanent customers. For ap- LAWRENCE C. MASON, rbewt hw hn rn uinsrie c n r.HryJns r ton Devitt, Burketon. The mar- pointments, phone 2851. 14-tf Barrster etc. 30 ing W - 5Phone 8î r s. G. Phan rvisie e iseadMi.J on isMr niage wihl take place July 17 in Bowmanvilhe. Solicitor 51r16.______________________________ Prince Ahert Unitd Church. Theoff ie of Mc. ohn T. M- -. . .Mrs Joe Wight, Bowmanville. GaTrnowih r.ndM. PrneAbr ntdCuc h f c fM.Jh .M-for the Administratrix. THREE-burner Perfection coal ou Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewel, Miss .G oeer 281ICreery, Optometrist, will be clos. 27-3 Livestock For Sale Articles For Sale sove, in good condition, Phone Wight, Mr. BihlJewehl visited M. Ms la rwMs ee ed froni June 29th to' Juhy lgth, S Ms.ArcieWhtmeinclusive. 27-3 PIGS, 20 weaning pigs; aiso man's BARN, 20'x26', steel roof on one 2624. 2- n Mrs. N. Gimblett. Columbu.Bon eebrwt r n Oshawa, wish to announce the ~~~~Wanted bicycle in good shape, Phone 2001, side. This buildilng is in excellent COAL oul stove. Perfection, the- Ms enc rwTrno e.R .SotadM adMs engagement of their daughtec, I Bowmanvihle Public Library .Lewis J. Wood, RR 4, Bowman- condition, situated 3 miles es fbrer ihoe. hn 05 ihhsiocenrhm sHoliay- Ms enPio iïe n Grace Katharine to Sidney Harold wihl be closed from July 5th teo MILK SHIPPER wanted, thcee' vihle. 28-P' McCrae's Chucch. Apply 286Jar. Loscombe, son of Mr. and Mrs. l9th. F. E. Morrill, seccetary- cans a day. must test 3.6 or better. -Ivis St., Oshawa. 27-2* _________281 iwith her sHa itr.AexMs uselPip Ptroo Sidney Loscombe. Oshawa. The treasurer, Bowmanville Library 1 Apply Lyons Dairy. 28-1* ONE TEAM black Percheron--PALE gre-en taffett-a desan c Dde Dee oidy ndcidcn ocno wt1n marriage will take place at 2:30 Board. 27-2 mares, three and four years ohd, WINGHAM Clipper range with blue tweed coat, size 12 years.iga iwainMuoa.ndMs.RHthr. p.m., Saturday, July 241h, in Ah. W oedT Bell matched and well broken. ui-nrervi, double warm- Phone 2418. 28-1iga gwsnM ko. betS.Uie hrh saa atdT UY Phone Clarke 2412. 28-1 ing choset. wvhite porcelain en- -_____________Mc. and Mrs. Alex Pergeran Mr.ELrkMico sv- bet t.Unte CurhOsaw. Dr. H. Rundle's office wilh be amel, black trini, excellent con- FIVE-burner co1olsoewt baby, Hamilton, with Mr. and 1r.iigMs .Sot 21 closed from June 27th te August HIGHEST prices paid for scrap MILKING COW, two years old; dition. Steve Whitehand, 14.2 King attached oven, used onîy îwo w am iso adpei hsTus Mr n r.Jh .2nd, inclusive. 27-3 batteries. Jamieson Tire Shop. two heifers, sixteen months old. St. East. 28-1 * months. Phone 2459. 28-1 Women's Ins-4ituite hehd asu-dyatechrh Mr adMr. on .Faulkner King- and Silver Sts. 14-tf1 Apply John Liptay, Hampton, Tel- cessful strawberry festival aIthe Ms on ni.Binad wish to annoncEltienengaimhnM c.uandoMrs.neFred ofish tiranno uce teengagemt NOTICE RE BY-LAW B F R eîn orlv oîr ephone 2738. 28-1* BED outfits - bed, spring and STACK of wheat straw. protected icuc n Jn 8 of' their onlylIdaughterepDorothy - mattress, 3 pcs.. special $29.851- by wire fence. O. Friend. Phone Sunday Schooh picnic was 1edBgclTrno Margaret. 10 William Edward Propertyi owners are requested try u.%. Our prices are higher. M. SIX PIGS, six weeks ohd; '38 camp cots, extra heavy, $5.95; roll Bowmanville 2523. 28.1 in the park on Saturday a£tr DrssoofM.adMsArhrtn vote on a by-haw to issue deben- Flatt, R.. ,Bethany, phone 7 r Dodge truck. Bowmanvilhe phone edge cotton felt maîtresses, $10.95. SELbdad pig,$ noo c nd r.S ahisM- (neddfrLs ek Dorks, of New Toronto. The mac- turcs in the Village of Newcastle 13, reverse charges. 17-tf 2552. Joe Crawford, Hampton. Low priced summer spcaq aSLso ed iz a y's cib, $4; vs- sDtotMs lCa-Mr. aiid Mrs. SussNashhilpias riage wil take lace Jul 24th, or sum f $6,000_payabl_$1,00028__28-1. A.pMori24CProspect SiiumsBowmaby-sÏman.$HamptoNah , Detrot M .rand Mrs.l j at 4 p.m. in Trinity United Church. per year for six yeac. Vote to be Work Wanted ! hihdrenrosecStPeterboron.Hamton with Mr. and -taken in the Council Chamber of________________ HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS, fcesh NEW electric ranges, 4 -burner, 1 ville. 28-1* T. Gibbs. DEATHS the Communiiy Hall, Wednesday, CSO aig iku rsa cows and heifers; Ducham fresh low oven. automatir oven control, CHVOE-9 .i iPMr * and Mrs. F. L. Byam attend ~ n r.Jc dad n CUSTOM__________pick-upor_____ heifer and heifer <aif $125; Dur-, Si»3.00; new washing machines, EVOL Tcoach,197inA1d Decoratiun Day services a Juhy 2lst, 1948, froni 8 o'clock May.sava vt1c.adMs theresdene, 3 am.,unil o'loc p.. T buhdtionary, can bale up to ten tons ham cow due in July; 30 young $114.50; slighthy uscd white en- condition, S750 cash. Apply Bow- Canigo onuda'FLBym D let., Bowmanville, July 4th, a Memocial Rink. prhuhyo ta.Mdrt pigs. Ralph Davis. Phone 241.1. amel coal range with warming!mnil lv Mt oPoe Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbsan Mr Jon Bktt eune 94 ~aresGodmnbeovdH. C. BONATHAN Clarke 4332. 2.5-4 ___i__Michael____________________ _________ husband of Matilda E. Densem. ,Cîr in______________. 99-50; î5 Pound ice box, $140l D M rcDog 91 ngo Guelph and Hamilton. Ahra his75h yar FWantedomth Real Estate For Sale Murphy's, Phone 811, Bowman- condition, iwo new tires, just r. andi erJ.:H. CT7eon . BomnvleCemetery. INMEMORIAM COTAEsip ___ad___ _______ alerMoorSaes 'Rice 'Lake. WRENN-In îoig memorv of my NIGHT PORTER requtired. Live porch, hardwood flbors, wired ioc OSHAWA'S new furniture store- 20K1 t . Poe47 81 Mcs. S. Jcwelh visited Mrs.JwihMseEvynadJni GIBSON-At Chatham,. June 301h,huandwdA.Wenwh in. Apply Balmoral Hotel. 28-1* electricity. nearlv new. in TyconeJ Evecything -in modemr hener QUEBEC heater with nil burnier ILawson off St. Catharines ai etcadMa .Sano n 1948, Alma Edgar Gibson, widow diebadJuly isiA1918, n mwîho i- 1 _ village. Apphy T. H. Tabb, Tv- fi eld. bedcoom and dining coo0m and barrel, praciically new. Bai-- parentF. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. H-fmlM.adMs .Rh ofJhnH Gbo, gd 5yar.sos ed ad lx.wo ee E O OMNIfIsotar one 2-f9u18,an tuis.Bddanadganfo uiksae Ap t2wtcintn.Mn1r R.J n fhehrMc ndMs.O Bc InemetBodHedCeeer imeaywok Ap- o floor covecings a spccialty. Qua]- Elgin St, Phone 2.943. 28-2e' 1 Cleni Rahm is engaged wihkv n auy teddteWt .\Iteren Bod eadCeeieykilhed in Belgium, 1915-16. vlmeasy w oLrk.Apl omani- i EIGHT coomed, two-storey brick iv merchandise at competitive I._________Adam Sharpe for a mnonth. tnWbe inca nikh f'~iewcastle. -Sadhy missed by wife and vleWo C.Lbry St. S. 28-1* bouse, modemn conveniences, gar-J prices. Befoce buying visit Brad- TOMATO or apple crates, approx- Mrs. F. L. Bvam with hec o- Jui 3 POTTER-At Bowmanville Hos- mother. 28-1*-asistnt age; six building lots on Prospect ley's New Furniture Store, "8-40i imaiehy 500, nearhy new, Phone I1 ther, Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Caning c.J .RudlLsad pital, on Monday, Jiîly 5th, 1948, WANTED-Capable assatfr St., 50 ft. froniage, 166 fi. deep. King St., W.. Oshawa. 24t1 4122, Clarke. A. H.« Dobson. Nem- ton. EetnWiea-MWRdeI c n c.H Donna Florence Poiter, infant CARTER-In lovîng memory off kitchen off smahl summer resort Mcs. Brust, 103 Scugog St. 25-tf tonville. 28-2:1 Mr. and Mrs. EveMartWhin daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Flving Officer Roy Edward Carter Jin Miiskoka. Excellent wages and - - -___ NEW xvheebarrow; iised rubbec r--tcndcd the 841h birihday celebrt c .Rdeh r.M living quartersassJrShantz and cehcbratebricMrs .1. R.o Resting at the Morris Funeral and bis cousin F.-O. J. R. Latre- T.H Hungerfford, Lumina, Fox storey, siiuated on approximatehy1 and spcing teeth: garden fence; ý John Deere one row cor~n pick",r. ai the homne of Mr. and Mcs. H d 'adM.C udh' Chael Srvie n heChaele 'moie, R.C.A.F.: Point, Ontario. 26-4 one-haîf acre off ground. Insulated, îstaphes: bug bltzers; Green Cross new. Phone Bowmanville 594-'lF. Munco, Toronto.uîs Cae.Srieith hplo mu'new fireplace and in good repair.I Bug Killer; potato dust, etc. Fire- 2.* Ms .Hl n c.K o-brhas Thursday. ai 3 p.m. Interment They shaîl not grow ohd MAN waned-For Rawleigh bus- Immediate possession. Cash, out for fire protection. B.T. and 28-1* M____ __ ~brsitd iH.le Hallan off . Bowmanvihhe Cemeterîy. ___A e haft ary ethem, necessary. Sales easy to makeall Aes w allnt war l erw ld nless. No experience or capital1 Phone 430, Bowmranville. 28-1* De Lavai pressure systems. W. H. MODEL A Ford sport couipe. in Hamiilton. and cnjoyed a trip 1 uekO Sot'Pto CARDS 0F TI-ANKS ANor the years condemn. and profits large. Start immed- ý 300 acre fan. ;licst chass land, 150,'on aeDaePhn 9.ecletcodtoms ese Niagara. _________ the oing dwn of te sun, iately. Write Rawleigh Depi. ML- 1:cullivation, 8(0 bushi, pasture, --28-1----E appeciîed oeri Parc, Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. M. HsRylHgies h îk I sincerely thank my friends forj And in the mocning, G-140-190 Montreal, Que. 27-51 creek, excellent buildings, north 1 THE Boxvmanville Board of Edu- aind Mca. C. Bigelow, Mrs. T.H.ofEnbch wh wa aBo ai their acts of kindness ducing We will remember them. of Port Hope. Priced righ t for c ation has the following articlesi CEDAR chests, beautiful waînuî Richards wvith Mrs. H. FindleSoti]i coldyhscn my illness in Bowmanvîllc Hos-l Lovingly rememberedb ohr Vned to Rentr, quick sale. Write Bruce Eliloît, frsl:11mllokdsswt hope chests ai F. F. Mri o Uniunville.snedbeParnofbcnw- pitl. Hazel Powell. 28-1* dad, Fred and Isabel. 28-if ___________________ ruton St., Port Hope, Phone 187J. seat and drawer, .5-yeac sizein the Mid-Summer Sale froni $47.50 il Rev. and Mca. J. W. Wilkinso omdBPGidofOdSot, SMALL cream separabor. Pýone 28-2I good condition, present value neýW up. 28-1 and girls, Oakwý,ood. Mr. and MIV li nnucdb or oahn The family off the ale Mis. JohnI JAYNES-In lovîng memory off a 24.30. 28-1jCTAE I 80 i$2,0ec:1 uisz E G. Hilîs and boys. Hamilton. wit mieCifSot Goodalwish te express sincei'e dean mothen, Evelyn Jaynes, who -deCksTA$100 each, 12 rosted c'NbaEr McCormick-Deernng hv i loder;Beatty bay car'rier car for thanks and approciation bo iheir [passed away July 91h, 1944: MAN and Wife urgenthy need Beach, furnished, winterized, elec- iric light globe fixtures. $1. ea; 40 ronrdsghyue.Mura friends and neighboucs for kind- Two dean bright eyes, a tender smahl apartment. Appl.y H. G.J tricity, water, six rooms, two clear glass electrie lighi globe Byeundrs, suckeîon. 28.1*r ness and sympatbyv extended duc- amihe, Brougb, Painting Instructor, Boys enchosed veandabs, garage. Own-I fixtures, $1,00 each. App y P in- I - -____ _______ 84 ing their sad bereavement281 A loving heant that knew no guile I Training Sehool or Write Box 89. cm living in New York. Apply A.1 cipal A. M. Thompson, PhoneJ A3 BURNER Premier oil stove,: Deep trust in God that ail was Stalesman Office. 28.1* Darcb, 33 King St. E., Bowman- 652- Th fmiyof telaie W. C., right.' ville, Phone 2890. 28-1 28-1______________ vemy sligbtly used; aiso saniîary Feuon ish epes eatoemjf omasoeoher Fo3R5.tcloset suitable for cottage. Bal- Fergson ishte epres_______;_______te_____________ForRen FOR cash: in Port Hope, Ont.,6- TRADE-IN buffet, $10; round dlin- moral Haie]. 28-1* felt thanka and appreciation te bcight. n omtbe$5sicar,$ '-_------ their many frîends, relatives and If sick or suffeiring one she knew, FOUR ROOMS, unfurnisbed. Ap. roomned brick bouse, modemn kit- ingcoom ngtabe, $95; si airs b, FI - -- -e ok in neighbours for the acts off kînd- Some genthe act off love she'd do: i phy 106 Elgin St 28-1* chen, electnie waîec heater, heavy~$0 white kitchen buffet, $37,50; ri table and six«his:cre -wiring, new furnace. sun norch $1;Ioxcar:cre ness, messages off S vnpatlhv and No thougbi off self, but off "the REP,7Â,w- and garage, ahi in godcodtin Axminster cug, 7x9. $60; ukelele, kitchen cupboard; Quebec heater. beautiful floral offcrings cxtended other." EEAN Excellent loca0~ocodtion. cuid S$7' 50; violin, $25; Moffat electric Phone 710. 98_1 * during the iliness and death off a I know He said "Weil done, dean we ndpsesini y range, $49,50; Beatty electric -- - Ioving father: aiso a special thank mother." RPISt l ae frefcig- we an possinI (1M washer, reconditjoncd, guaranteed, ONE-HORSE pIowetwo suffler you to*Dr. Siemon and the nurses - Always remembered by daugh- erators, domestie and Commercialoe Por Hope 1017-1. P4.0lselbds 70;swnsJad oehmna;atwomobufie e- EE of Bowmanvihle Hospital. 28.1* t er, Audrey. 28-1 Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., 28-1 ; cesterfield and one chair, gifle mounted with pulhey for ELIZABETH- AlREN - phone 438. 26-tf EIGHT ROOM frame bouse, bath. S29.50; mantel radios, $19,*50, re- cunning saw. Phone, 2884,.'28-1 ~ ARDENR BNTN J Sboe Reair: Goodi insulated, good repair. a iwodcondiîioned. Mumphys --.Phne -1Face Pr 5 193 CEVRLE SEANcessfullv for 45yeacs. Brings e- 1Loing lodal ±Rural - J- . ts- O k stve, Lwo mIIWIUWdocks. Ialyavetse miel'so a few 196CERLTSDNlie! quickly-tones up iver-- J Routes 11:00 a.m. hall rack, music cabinet, vases and 53.0Prd atirs es.sigt 1933 DODGE COACH keeps bowels active-restores good Going Port Hope on]y 1:30 pm jardinieces, cuctains and draper- lv soiled, clearing at $29.50. Mon- 1934 CHEVROLET SEDANJ bealth-RELIABLE. 26-1 Going East and West 6:30 pi.. es, toilet sets, cugs, what-nob. ris Co. Summer Sale. 28-1 1932 CHEVRLET COACHGoing West 10:00 p.m. Many vahîîable antique pieces and, ___J U____ aRUL fEi 1937 TERRAPLANE !.-ton pick-up truck HGod)iled otadinpanTo Es n e :0am supplies(rbe Mail Arrives a large quantiîy of choice dishes 29 BUSHELS oais ai 75c bushel; VOUR RE.ALLDU TR gons) aild pstpid n pain'Frrn astandWes 8:0 am.and ghassware. Lawn mower and cedar and steel posis: pouhtry' sealed envelope with price list. Frorn West 12 noon many valuable articles too num- fence; barbed wire; 2 cellar wi- When We Ts orEe Cash - Tadeins Eay Trms Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Froin West 3:15 pin. erous bo mention. Sale ai 1 p.m. dows and frames; 2 24" glass sasb PHIONE 778 It in DoncPoei BWA IL Cash - Trade-ins Easy Terms Mail Order Dep. T-38 Nov-Rub- Froni East 8:00 pm sharp. Saturda, Juy 1n, 1948. and frame and other tings. Arl POE77 t1W0 ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Cut Ibis schedule out and paste. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Thomas Luke, one and a bal! 279 up inl a handy place for reference. Mountjoy, clerk. 27-2 easi of Newcastle. 28-1* BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS ------ wwwwwwwv PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD î ----- ---------- ---- TamUDAY, JULY Sth, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TRIIRTMM