PAGE SIX IECADASTTSAOWAVLEOTRO Hcampton Holds ZIMON BURKETON IPublic School Resuits Successful S. S. Miss Grace Stainton visited, Congratulations to Diana Tay- (onnudfo PaeO) Anfl.verscry Carole Stephens, Oshawa. Carole lom, curly-haired two-year-ald Roka, Irma ret.urned home with her for a few daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dauglas Rosevear, Larmer (Honors) Sunday School anniversary ser- days. Taylor on winning first prize in Roy, Mary vices were beld in the church an M.adMr.Lod1ye ih the "Most Beautiful Child Con- Snko, Andy Saye 7ndd v. W erF. argelyr mond Hill, at Aif Ayre's. test" at the Legian Carival In Stacey, Peter Sittene e.URed W. . BaniTer, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staintan, Bowmanville. Taite, Muriel ronto, was guest speaker in the 'Peterboro, Miss Elleen Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor en- Taylo rielm aftrnon ad adrsse th chl-Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Archie tertained the immediate tamily dren impressing on them that Keith, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. on June 22 te honour Mr. and WieilJh they should wear the badges of L. Pascoe, Sauina, Mrs. Eva Pas- Mrs. Newtan Taylor who were Wright, Joan friendliness, courage, Ioyaîty, lave coe, Ruth and Loran, Bowman- celebrating their weddlng anni - Wright, Marion and duty. In the evening Rev. ville, at Frank Pascoe'g. versary. Soya' TiiMnIng ehe A. C. Lutfman, Greenwood, gave Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel, AI- Our teacher, Miss Getrude Barber, Arnold George an-inspiring briet message, bath an and Marilyn, at Don. Yellow- Grant, bas returned ta ber home Bradshaw, Philip Alan ministers expressing pleasure at lees', Columbus. in Richmond Hill. Cox, Benjamin Dudley being present for aur anniversary Mm n r.Ra ctDu- The Strawberry Supper held on Davidson, Charles Morris Jun.28ands vry uccssRay n EcotontFrak Ewar services and whose messages were 1laà and Lynda, Oshawa, Mr. and Jthe 2same eveingSuna Yfl.onEhlet, JohnkRoEdrt appreciated. Mrs. Ralph Glaspel, Grant and tesm vnn oiaYugElef onRbr The singing by the Sunday Gwendoiyn, Tyrone, at Mms. F. B. People presented their play "lIt Graham, Leon Oscar Schol ppilswasundr th ca- Glspels.Looks Like Rain." Proceeda of the Johnston, Fred Schol upis ws uderthecap Gispe's.two events amounted ta over $60. Lowry, James Edwin able leadership of Mm. R. G. Harle Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson, This was the tirst strawberry tes- Martia, Dennis Bria of Bowmanville, and the selec- Glenn and Douglas at Ansan Bal- tivai since the war. Sugar was McCann, Ronald tions used were iii keeping with son's. Richmond Hill. rationed for bernies, tarts, cakes Merritt, Carl Stickney the occasion. Mrs. Harle contri- i Master Larry Metcalfe, Osh- and pies. Tables were weil loaded Miller, Richard Gardon (Hanors) buted a solo in the aftemnoon, awa, with his grandparents, Mr. 1 set in the driving shed of the Peter kin, David Clifton "The Lard is my Shepherd." and Mrs. Aif. Ayre. church. Ail the berrnes were do- Sauter, Robert George which was a pleasing contribu - tion ta the service and was ac- Mrs. Percy Phiiiips, Maidstone, nated by Mm. Wm. McLaughlin and Taub, Robert Geraid companied by Mm. Harle. In the Essex, Mrs. P. Phare and son, grawn in their garden here. Wilde, Harold James evening, Mr. Glenn Allun, New- Lance, Mr. Jas. Calwili. Tyrane, Thanks were extended ta all by Woods, Donald Eart casie rndeeda ittngsooMrs. Lillie Brock, Bowmanville, Rev. R. M. Seymour. Blaekatock 'ald Thou mrdHand."the A slonat Norman Leach's. Mm. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins Black, Dawne Maie Quartette, Newcastle' con- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins had the pleasure af Mrs. Harry Black, Howard tributed a selection "Just Outside and Ruth, Bowmanville, at Hans Leo rLdfard, Yorkshire, Eng- Chant, Noel (Hanars) theGat" acopaned y MssGeissberger's. l and, and hem sister, Mms. Alice Cochrane, Donald Allib, bath of which added ta the Mm. and Mrs. Murray Morgan, Rdma-ofRodey, Ontario, vis- Graham, Harvey (Hanars) inspiration of the service. Jean Gaie and Lynn, Mm. and Mrs. Cliff 1i ting with them. It was the first Hamilton, Brian (Honors) Balson was at the piano and Ma- Bickerton, -Toronto, at Mel'Mor- time in 24 years that they' had Harris, Lamne ry Niddery at the argan. gan's. met. Mms. Lee travelleSi b3' plane Harris, Paul ta Canada. Aiso visiting with Johnston. Nina (Honors) On July lst an afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Geisberg- Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins is Mrs. Larmer, Lawrence sport-s was conducted in the park e.and Gale, Clifton, N.J., at Hans Tornpkins' sister, Mrs. David LeMuire. Edwin (Honors) inciuding races for the children Geissberger's. Wrmno mdod nln. MAtu.Bty(oos wit prze awrdd. sftbli Mm. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins and Visitors: MeLean, Marjorie (Hanors) game was played. marrîed men vs. 1Isobel attended Columbus anni- Mr. and Mms. Norman Avery Proutt, Donald single men, and League football versamy and visited at Clifford and Glorià Jean. Toronto, with J Reid, Fay gAm goodi numer s.atmow n. aNaylor's. JMr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Robinson, Mary A oniflpinic rspper. te Mrs. Harold Pheeny, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Tomp- Saunders. Ernest (Honors) Aout 8:30 p.m.n intuerestMr. aM d Mrs. . G. Chant, Toron- kins, Jean and Georgie, Toronto,1 Steele, Muriel cet 8:30 pgiven in thecreicoby ta, at Arnold Venner's. were guests of the Tompkins'. l Temblay, Jean cert foaw ivin sedid rtists, Mm. and 'Mrs. Mel Morgan at Mr. and Mrs. H. Galley and i White, Richard th oloin plnidatitMorley Beath's, Columbus. Jlack, Niagara Falls, with Mrs. E. 'Young Joanne Mrs. A. A. Crawle, soprano, Mr. Mm. and Mrs. Ait Ayre at An- Cauihgili's and the Hoskin bro- Enniskillen Jolliffe, baritone and reader: ac- son Balsan's, Richmond Hill . thers. Bne.Dni companist, Mm. Young, ail of Osh- M.adMs enr aladBneDni awa; Miss Lyla Osborne. elocu- Ms.Lon-dBal in Mrs. E. Powers and children Crawlomd, Harold family. Mr. R. W. Bail, Miss Dora are staying witb Mms. C. Ashton tionist. of Ebenezer and Toronto; BI.M.adMs eryBi n h 11JHast. Annie Miss Lamna Fletcher, piano accor-1 family attended the Moat Reun- M.adMs .Suewt h Kersey, Grace din fBomnvlian alhion Picni, at Woodîand Park, at Gatcheîî's. Lamb, Stuartt Peters. pianist of Toronto. Al Makham. Teddv Haines and Stanley 'e k' Mriyn'Hnos numbers ivere enjoyable and the 1Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abbott, En-i Gatcheli motared ta Kinmount for Lepak, Robent audience weme warm ln their ap- niQkillen, Mr. and Mrs. Tom West- Liptey, Helens plause and the artists generous I ake and famil.v, Hampton, at tehoiay.Olesen, Martin with thei encores.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd,'pao& eth Totl raced ofth anivr- er~' avdsos.Sm.. celebnated their 55th wedding Perrett, Harold Tal wree s27of hean I r- Mm,. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Of anniversary Juiy 7th with their Pleasance, Bertha sAn niue 7.0 fetr1a h Richinond Hill. at R. W. Bali's. Jfamily at *home. Rbmrore picnic supper boum, was the pres- Mr.adMs omnWls M. and Mrs. Alex Massie. To- Smaie, Evelyni enttinstatw rcen bidI ou Jand Normna,2Mrs. Olivier, Toron- onta, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Need- Smith, Lloydc ettost w eetbiaco-to. at Ray Cameron's. ham. Vn~.Mr pies an Mr. Td Krse Mm R.W. ahMis Daa Bil, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Werry, Clark who were presented with a maLya- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bal. Billie Fice. nee Elsie Rahme, on their Werry, William zine rack and mirror, and Mm. and Donna attended the Bail Re- marriage. and Mrs. Jack Cowling. a laveiyunoPincaSadrdMr.Tm Wslk adM Widdecombe, Mary Lou chirwih he"BstWihe" f Decaration service xvas welI at- Frank Westiake, Sauina. Mms Nid Bethany the cammunity. Fitting words tended. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre was se- dery, Hamton. and Mra.nHarry Brown. Elwync were spoken by aur Vastor and loist. Rev. W. W. Pattenson. of Rahm motored te Little Britain Gilbank, Alvina also by Rev. 1W. Rackham. The Newcastle, was guest speaker. taesee Mrs. George Avery who ý Hamilton, Wilma1 thanks and appreciation af the Thiswrsdcrtigtecme oni ,Grrd couples for the gifts was grate- Te iwems erbautingth crn- 'e" ii.Hon, GertrudesMyHor fully expressed. tr andere ver ed autiful. Visitors at Mrs. H. Rahm's were Jhso.FacsMy(oos Mm n r. rdCmron atk.Mm. and Mrs. Sid Pediar, Toronto; Kerr, Vemna Mae O monoPark.Mm. and Mrs. C. Rahm, Weston; Logan, Murray Douglas MAPLE GROVE Messrs. Cameron and Keith iMr. and Mrs. A. Binneli, Mms. L.' Lowes, Margaret S tainton, Misses Shirley Stephens' Cochrane, Toronto; Mm. and Mrs.1MeGill. Aita and Muriel Moore at Stephenson's G. Rahm and Ruth, Saintfieid. ! McGill, Arnold Miss Miidmed Snowden spent a'Point, e. .M.Symu i n iM11îoses, Robert long weekend with hem sister, Mms.1 Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Rev. . M. eymom iBrnubi Ots richrd Mnoic.vacation. There will be rM ser-RoinsBrc Oti PithadMaotck jGardon Fisher on their marriage. vices here for two weeks. 1 Smith, Florence Mm. and Mrs. Howard Folex' ac- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dart Sm., Mr. __________ Ward, Helen Nomene (Honors) companied by Mm. anid Mrs. Clar- and Mrs. Wm. Dart Jr. and Dav'id. Janetviile ence Bell, Town, spent the week- Mr. and Mmm. Ross Damt, Scarbomo, B k' C TBn RyAa end with Mr. and Mms. Evemett Miss Ellen Minnie, Mm. and Mrs. Ba ers School owîns, RyA Han, London, and attended the N. Patter, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Hill, Grant wedding of Mrs. Foley's neice. . Patter and Dianne, Toronto, Mm. (Continued fram Page One) Hill, Mummayc Miss Audrey Hall ta John Stevensi and Mms. Russell Robbins and ing the grass months and the pu- mr.Bem c of Seatorth. Mm. and Mms. Folev' Ruth, Bowmianviîle, at Henry readtasa t o Wright, Domeen have rerained foraanaextended Damtdo.Wright, Levern hoayrmie o n xeàDr'. the outdoom work. The climbing' Yacynuk, Maurice Teddy holiday.rases are beautiful at present and Special children's and yaung thceadhbxsaç people's service on Sunday next. chula fwerboes iandthearge cir- Recommended candidates whoc Hope to see a good turnout. cui' lwe-e n h uve of are here accredited with "Hon- -F the cernent waik, are a profusion ors') may have the same indicated Women's Institute meets Mon- S A F E of bloom. The peony, iris and on their certificates if they willc MissShirey More rrivd hre r atisyingServce eauty aiso. On Arboun Day a fice of W. H. Crtn ... 0C tram Ascot, England. on July lst aif ig ro ofvegenaogteeatHeoc Crln,.PS,8 Mndis staShg ire Morarivd hee lSeviceopieahvegail calntmbuedtheir etumn ese ceStiCatetatr eof and is staying with hem aunt, ~Mms. e p~~,~~ verandah wail was plantedi, as ,fft Cbug TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshlp consult JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. Phone 778 Bowmanville >11rivLion T -A -X-I Phone 822 BOWMANVILLE - ONT. ATTENTION FARMERS WE ARE PAYING M.'E HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLEr> FARM ANIMALS - CATTLE - HOGS Telephone Coiicct for Immedîate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED TORONTO: ADelaide 1636 COBOURG: 48J 14ARM2NI NEWS Now îs the lime fo get your: ureen Cross Insecticides - Potato Dusi Bug Killer - 3 and, 14 percent. D.D.T. 50 percent. D.D.T. Powder for spraying stables, etc. BEATTY BROS. AND DELAVAL WATER SYSTEMS DELAVAL MILKERS AND SEPARATORS See us about a DeLaval Milk Cooler, we can give you good delivery. SHL'R-SHOCK ELECTRIC FENCERS AND INSULATORS W. He BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Maehinery - Firestone Tires DeL&v@J Mîlkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equiprnent Phone 4971 High School Resulte <Continued from Page One) 'Griffith, M.* Osborae, M. Sou*l ey, J. Stenger, D. Taylor. 2nd Clau Haaours-E. Browi M. Clarke, M. Dippell, R. Fall (Hist.), V. Friend, A. Hu.fak, M Richards, M. Stevens, N. Varcoe 3rd Claus Hoaours-P. Cale, P Coombes, A. Cox, F. Crowe,1 Cruickshank, J. Crydlerman, -f Frank, K. McGill, A. Mottatt, C Piper, I). Richards, J. Roach, G Snowden, C. Teeple. Pass-J. Allun (Latin), M. AI lin (History), N. Allun (Frenel Maths.), L. Bates, D. Bird (His tory), R. Bragg (Hist.), L. Chani C. Campbell, H. Craig (Fr Maths.), J. Craig (Hist., Fr.),J DeGeer (Lat., Fr.), B. Grant (Fr Maths.), M. Hayward, Y. Her rning, B. Hughes (Mathsi, 'W Lamb, B. Macdonald, B. Masor J. Mottatt (Hist.), R. Moareral (English), G. Murdoch, M. Mut ton (Fr.), E. Ott (Fr.), G. Park bill (Maths., Lat.), B. Pearci (Fr.), B. Pihgle (Maths., Fr:) J. Rice, (Maths), M. Sherbj (English), D. Skinner (History) Marg. Tink (Fr.), Marlon Tink A. Werry, J. White (Maths, Hist.), L. Wilson (Maths.>, B Yeo. Credit is given ta tollowinj students in subjects listed-A Clark, Mathematics; G. Sturrock Mathematics, Agriculture. The tollawing students havi been promoted to Gracie XII: lst Class Honours-I. Carter, E Crowe, D. White. 2nd Class Ho nours.-E. Allin P. Bowles, K. Lycett. 3rd Class Honours-J. Elliott R. Gorham, A. Maguire, M. Reid L. Sudds. Pass-D. Buttery (Latin), C Craig, R. Gallaglier, B. Hoopei (Hist., Alg.), R. Metcalf, F. Mo hun, A. Northcutt, D. Park. Credit is given ta the followlni student in subjects listed: R. Ail dread-Histary, Physics. Grade XH Prize for General Proficiency- Gwyneth Griffith. The following are the nameý of the students wha will receiv( their Secondary School Diplo mas-J. Bickle, S. Bonk, J. Cat. tran, T. DeGeer, P. Dippeil, E Finney, J. Frank, G. Griffith, V Hopkins, A. Lobli, B. Lunn, G Morris, J. Munday, D. Phillips G. Price, A. Reynolds, J. Rey. nolds, J. Rice, W. Robinson, A Sturrock, F. Tuerk, W. Widde- combe. E. Woadley. Credits are as fo11&ws- J. Bickle-Comp., Lit., Hist. Geom., Lat., Fr., Chem. S. Bonk-Comp., Lit., Hist. Geom., Lat., Fr., Chem. J. Cattran--Comp., Lit., Hist. Geom., Lat., Fr., Chem. K. Cràwford-Hist., Geom, Lat., Fr., Chem. T. DeGeer-Comp., Lit .1 Hist. Geam., Lat., Fr., Agric. Il. P. Dippell-Comp., Lit.. Hist. Geom.. Lat.. Fr., Germ., Chem. E. Finney-Comp., Lit., Hist. Geom., Lat., Fr., Chem. J. Frank-Comp., Lit., Hist., Alg., Geom.. Lat., Fr., Chem.. Geom., Lat., Fr., Germ., Chem. W. Hamnden-Hist., Geom. Chem. R. Hills-French. V. Hopkins-Comp., Lit., Hist. Geom.. Lat., Fr., Germ., Chem. R. Knox - Camp., Lit., Hist. Geam.. Lat., Fr., Agr¶c. Il. A. Lobb-{ist., Alg., Fr. B. Lunn-Comp., Lit., Hist. Geom., Lat., Fr., Agric. Il. G. Morris-Camp., Lit.. Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr., Germ., Chem. J. Munday-History. Georn. Lat., Fr.. Agric. II. G. Price-Camp., Lit.. Hist., Geom.. Lat., Fr.. Agrie. Il. weilas rse bshe iom r. E- Geomn.. Lat., Fr.. Chemý. gin Taslrsfe ushe rm. E- assed and the marks of t h eyod-Cm.,Lt Hs. ginrTylos fe arden. who did nat pass the Departmen- J.Geom..L., Fr., A i. Hist. Mu nset rM. T. R. Me- tai Examinations on June 28th G Rice-iat., Fr.r.I. Ewen, was so impressed with aur and 29tb will be maiied at an eam- W. Robinson - Comp.. Lit., schooi's trim and tidy sumound- îy date. ings, that he entemed Baker's S.S. Newcastle Centre Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr., Chem. No. 19 ln the Provincial competi- (A) Granted Higli Scbool En- S G owden-., grcm., It.,Ht. tion for school grounds. tac tnigo h eo emLtAne l Ta the Trustee Board compris- anc tan n ot e rincipal: - A. Sturrock-Comp. Lit., Hist., ing Messrs. Russell Gilbert, Jack, Allin, Normna (Hion.); Ed- Fem a. , Fer.. Cem.LtHt (chaimman), John His. J. W. YeI- wards, Marlene; Enwright, Con- F m temFr.,Com.Lt, it. iowlees, Mrs. Ada Yellowleee, nie, Holubenko, Mary (Hon.): Os- Geom., Lat., Fn., Chem.t. secretary - treasurer goes special borne, Lnr W.* TmH. Wiecb.ommpLa.,F .. i.,I commendation for the great in- Jean; TLrer ele(Hon.) om, is., Goem.. La. Fr t., Agit., terest shown and the many beums (B) OTrneHle Hig coon- Eo a F. h spent to beautify and retain such trance standing by,, passing th eom..« Lat., F. m pleasant surroundings. There is Depatmeotal High Scbool En- Commercial Resuits also a good vegetable plot. trance examinatians in June: Ber- Bank of Commerce Prize ton As a climax ta a successful yean nard, Ivan; Brown, Olive; Brown, Genemai Praficiency-Lais Fisher. the schooi pienie was heid at Ross Dwight; Eddy, Norman C. Bank of Montreal Prize for Hampton Park on June 24 and a (Hion.); Merritt, Harry Robert Speed and Accumacy in Typîng- record attendance was present. (Hon.); Rowe, Douglas Alian; Ralph Lamb. Basebaîl, football and races were Powell, Russel, Spencer, Ernest; The following are the names af enjoyed by young and aid, witb Stephenson, Margaret Gr a ce the students wbo wili receive Mmr.Murray winning "the cat- (Han.). their Commercial Dipiomas: J. sup." Eveny child was given choc- Orono Centre Buttonshaw, D. Chartran, R. Ev- olate bars as he or she perfommied (A) Granted High Scbool En- ans, L. Fisher, E. King, R. Lamb, ta the best of their ability. An trance standing on the recommen- R. Snowden. intenested visitor tram Holland, dation of the principal: Bruton, Credits as foliows: Miss Rose geLeeuw, was present, James (Hon.);, Drummond, Alex- A. Buckspan-Bkkg., Bus. Cor., with ber sister, Mrs. Albemt Zil- ander (Hon.); Lynch, Dennis Bus. Law, Off. Pract., Speli., Pen- vensmit and Mm. Zilversmit. (Hon.); Pbasey. G w e n n e t b mnansbip. A bounteous and appetizing (Hon.); West, Keith (Hon.). supen as njaed y al ith (B)Obtine Hib choai En- C. Coliacutt-Lit., Typing, Rap. J up rsent o god eatsad w.trance stand igh pS iCal., Bkkg., Off. Pract., Bus. Cor., 1 hlelpngaof ice cetsm tidilarge tac tnin ypsgth~e Speil., Penmanship. hecbid ws ofi e at brim.y Depantmentsl Higb Sehool En- .DvyLtTpnBk- ichid ws filedto te bim. trance Exami. in June: Burlev R R. Davlt., Ts. ingr , f.kkgc., Mr.V Murray conducted the bus- Joyce; Cochrane. Velma: CovDping. p. l., Buash. CrOf rc inssad onimé teelection Harold (Hon.); Gallimome, Ralpb; Sellemnhp of Mms. Wesley Yellowlees, Mrs. Gardon, Inez; Gardon, June; H. Glennie-Lit., Typing, Bkkg4, i Elgin Taylor and Mrs. John Hilîs Green, Eleanor; Hooey, William Arith., Bus. Law., Off. Pract., as next year'È executive. A vote (Hon.); Hunt, Ronald; Hutnyk, Penman -ip.,TPn Bk, of appneciation was given the tea- Michael (Hon.): Luno, Marvin; Ju. CGrant-s.L., Ofpf.g, Bkk., cher, Mms. Frank Gilbert, fan ber Merrill, Ruth Jane; Quantri BuspeCor, PBus La.OfPac. goad work of the past year. Shirley (Hon.): Sucee, Dhy"Seln, emnhp To this year 's' executive Mrs. Milibrook Centre:orBJ a.,riOf, Typin, s.el Will Moorey and Mrs. Arthur (A) Ganted Higb Schooi En-Core, Bus. a. Of ratSpi Moore go the thanks of a gratetul trance standing on the ecommen- FPenMurnsh -Bkg. Bus. Law., section for such a fine picnle. And dto ftepicpl lc-0rP tSl Penmanship. daio atfathatprbonmtpel:applagat Of. act., Spel ering adiapemsuredhppgt h] man, Regena (Hon.): Dawson. A. Richards-Rap. Cal., Bkkg., eetgadinext em, pI tealis. R (o): Fallis. Helen: Gii ff.Pnact.. Speli., Penmanship. Prot gio nestaaear inanlcison.:Hancock, Robena: Hut- n Sl Prooton esitsapea inan chnsn.Frances (Hon.) * Jamie- D. Sey - Lit., Rap. Cal..J other colum.o. Los'Hn): Kennedy. Bar- Bkkg., Bus. Cor.;, Off. Pract.. so. ois anSpelI .,Penmnanship.'1 The$4000,00.00 blie i- bara; Loives. Graham: Richards, D.'Van Camp - Lit., Short., on omn i te ~ vonp SadesPaul (Han.): Type.. Bkkg,. Bus. Cor.. Bus. Law,1 sumanceonwmnith S s Todd, Ruth. Of rc. emnhp greater than the total life insur j (B) Obtained High School En- Y.actodLir.,mansn. aP ance in force in the country thir- trance standineg liy passin the C. Wood-Litu.,Cor., u a., ty years ago. _________ estetlHg colEn- ClBk. u.CrBs a. Depatmenal Hgh Shool Off. Prc. emnhp t rance Exams, in June: Banner. .rc. emnhp LADES: READ THSI Caneron (Hon.): Danfard, Don; _______ Unwanted hair remaved instantiy from1 Failis. Kenneth; Fickline, Leslie; Thraugh the B-P Guild of Old1 face, arnu, legs with Flash Hair Re-i Hall, Elwaad: HPll. G I P n n a Scouts it is hopéd to encourage the mover. Harmalesm-leaves *kiii soit and (Hon.); Hannab, Lynn, Horne, many thousands of former scouts smaoh. you can*t lose. Money promptly PatIricia, Olan. Elizabeth Jean; ta carry the spirit of Scouting inta refndd i hir rae acl aterthrdPatton. Beverley (Hon o u r sI: tha everyday lite of the commun- application with no questions asked. Reid. Beverley: Rowe. Jobhn: ities in whIcb tbey reside. It la Comploe treatatent $2 paatpaxd. Smith. Wil"iam: Stewart. Dor'aid; nat an appeal for funds, nom is it CO.D.s Postage extra. Stinson. Svl.via (Hon.): Wepaher- an attempt ta bing ex-Scouts KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 302) Mit FreA,ýerick <Han.); Wilson.j back ino the Movemnent ta give Box 22, station 3. Montrol Que. MÜelbourne, active help. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMIX, ONTARIO ,e Town Council (Continued tram Page 00e) the roads started last week.My- or Little led this attack statingJ Sthat as the prime, coating had nat been put dawn until pmacticaliyj the middle of summer he feit that it xvas a waste of maney. He also expressed the opinion that it ws a useless procedume an.ywsy as in the spring the moads weme in poomer shape than when they be- gan the surfacing. The Roads and Streets Comnmittee are fast ap- Jpnaaching the limit ai their es-1 'ti mates and this costly job amounting toaraound $3,000 ta $4,000 should he let go for this year, the Mayor concîuded. Reeve A. S. Baker pointed out that with the primer on it would be impossible ta caver the streets wîth calcium chloride and they jwouldn't be able ta put a raad grader aven. them. As the motion had siready been passed at a, previaus meeting ta bave the 1 roads me-surfaced, council decided ta let it go through this yesm. Two deputations were heard. 1 A group of vetémans t ram the new suli-division on Jane street re- questing action on street lights and sidewalks. The new street lights will be put in as soon as passible and tenders will be let for the sidewalks for this ares.J The other deputation represent. ed by Mr. Disley mequested that the ditch lie opened an Mearns Ave. and Concession Streets. Reeve Baker sdvised that the jwork would be done. Bowmanville Beach Association thanked cauncil for improvingi the bridge and road ta West Side JBeach and asked for street lights at the Cave. Referred ta Public Prope-ty to repart back. Boaid of Education asked that necessary steps be taken ta have Victoria St. closed in meadiness for new sehool. Clerk was instruc-J ted ta pmaceed accarding ta Ilaw.j Petition tram resident of Sec- ond St. and Lamb's Lane for sewer wss referred ta Raads and Streets ta bring la recommenda- tion. Tenders will aira be cailedJ for the sanitary sewer on High St. tram Third St. ta F'outhSt Letter tram War Assets asked that B.T.S. propemty lie cleaned Up as soon as possible. The Clerk was instructed ta write asking for details. Bis ta the extent of $4,849.61 were pased. Bis brougbt forth a motion. that the Police Committee bring in a repart on schedule of costs for keeping and destmoying stray dogs. Civic Committee were author- ized ta spend uip ta $50 ta put the bouse la shape recently vacated by A. Baker in the North Wamd. Clerk was instructed ta contact the town auditors and suggest tee of $150 fan extra work on the 1947 audit and advising them ta submit a price for the 1948 audit. A letter will be sent ta Mm. C. E. Murreli natifying bim that the balance of the tractor account will not be paid until the mawem at- tachment la received. Fire Com- mittee were autharized ta, pur. chase a new battery costing $38.45 for the aid tire truck. Civie Cammittee weme instruet- ed ta investigate the matter ot house numbers, street signs and "Bowmanville" signs at the ends of town and report back ta caun- cil. Motion was passed that on noa account wouid town equipment be rented out. Weed Inspector was granted permission ta have the Caunty aprayer spray any poison ivy in this district. Debentures amounting ta $82.- 000 for the sewer and watenwark pnoject campleted last yeam were sold ta Bell, Gouinlock and Ca., Toronto, for 100 and accrued in- terest at the rate of 3% for 1 ta, 10 years and 3 1ký% for 1l ta 20 Years, prinicpal and interest pay- able in Bowmanville. Atter a lengtby meeting council adjourned shartly atter 10 p.m. Below is the tinancial statement for the tirst six montbs' of the yeam compared witb the estimates for the yeam. Dept. Estimates Expend. Fime Dept. $ 8,396-00 $ 1,771.83 Public Prop. 7,550.00 3,455.48 a Catholic Church (Cantiaued fram. Page One) 1- sceadents are still members ln- cluding Mrs. Roger Bird, daugh- rn ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Con- lls nors, Mr. Roger B.ird, son of Mr. W'. and Mrs. Robert Bird and Miss e. Mae Bottreli and Mr. Frank Bat- R. treil, whose parents were Mr. and I. Mrs. -hos. Bottreil. Other orig- R. inal members were Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Mara, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ell- G.son, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lavis, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. l-t P. McCatfery, Mr. and Mrs. J. ýhI Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hackett, s-Mr. and Mrs. P. Hennessy and Mr. jand Mrs. J. MacDonald. ., T h e following parishioners J. have been members of St. Joseph's IrChurch for over 25 years: Mrs. E. n- Clarke, Mr. Wm. Clarke, Dr. and W. Mrs. F. T. Tighe, Mr. and Mrs. H. S, Westnutt, Mr. and Mrs. Rager ft Bird, Mr. and Mrs. P. Cowan, Mr. t- and Mrs. James Infantine and k-Mrs. W. Burns. ce Father Coffey bas the villages ), of Enniskillen, Hampton, New- a castle, Orona, Pontypool and Ma- ), ple Grave, as well as Bowman- k, ville ini his charge. Mass is held severy Sunday in Newcastle at 9:- B. 30 arn. and il arn., alternating with Bowmanville. g Father Coffey was appointed A. army chaplain of the Veterans' k, Guards, - during the war at the German Officers' Internment ve Camp, which was lacated at the Boys' Training Schaol. Besides Etwo Masses in Bowmanville and Newcastle Sunday morrning, he n, held Mass at the Internment Camp every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. t, Along with Canon C. R. Spencer d, of St. John's Anglican Church, Fa- ther Coffey had charge of thet C.Guards' library. er Although St. Joseph's Roman 0-Catholie Church in Bowmanville igis relatively small, nevertheless it gstands as a symbol in itself, re- presenting religion gaing hand in hand with the forces of modern- izatian and industrialization. Relief 2,200.00 1,838.21 Printing 800.00 189.98 Cemetery 4,000.00 2,216,74 Roads & Sts. 25,000,00 14.632.56 Police Dept. 7,000.00 3,549.13 Civýic 2,600.00 1,191.30 Sundries 3,200.00 1,493.89 C.W.N.A. Convention~ (Coatinued tram Page One) a population of 50,000 people and contributes millions each yeaf ta the national wealth of Canada. Thougb the gold and the lumber come tram Porcupine district, the effect of this area's production is telt throughout the world. The district is tilled with tas- cinating stories about the early days. For instance, in 1909, a chap by the name of Harry Preston, was climbing up the side of a mound when his foot kicked away a piece af mass and laid bare virgin gald in a quartz vein. At one time there was a golden sidewalk on this same mound but years of trantic digging have reduced the hump tei a hale which is called the "Glory Hale." Dame mines were named atter this discavery. One of the great jokes in the north is that they spend millions ta dig gold out of the ground so0 that it can be sold ta the United States where it is again put back underground in the vaults at Fort Knox.1 The processes which are involv- ed requiring the use of huge crushers and tans of other compli- cated and expensive rnachinery. The day of the pick and shovel is over. For instance at Hollinger Mines a ton of rock must be dug, crushed, washed and pracessed ta produce $12 worth of gold. It seems like a great deal of work for that small resuit until you are advised that this plant has a capacity for crushing 8,000 tons of are a day. After the granite has been re- duced ta grey, gooey mud, some- thing has ta be done with it be- cause 8.000 tons of it every day would clutter up the place con- siderably so it is pumped, some- times a couple of miles, ta huge pre-selected fields where event- ually it forma a large plateau 35 or 40 feet high and covering mrany acres of wasteland. This tailing, as it is called, has been used ex- tensively throughout the area ta, transtorm lakes into playgrounds or housing sites. There is also the future ta think about tram the underground angle because the entire area is honeycombed with mine shafts which extend down ta five or six thausand feet and run horizontally almost every 100 feet. If this extraction of are were allowed ta go on forever, there undoubtedly would be many cave- mns as the shafts collapsed so each horizontal shaft is filled with sand brought ta the mines in trucks or carts an an endless chain. Forest fires represent thE get est fear in northern minds. Deaths HORSES Attention Livestockni If yoit are interested ln good iivestock you are lnvlted ta attend a SPECIAL TWILIGHT MEETING on the farm of James T. Brown (Haif w ay betw een BoNvmanvllle and Newcastle) FRIDAY, JULY 16TH Commencing at 1 p.m. Selective Registration Grading Conteat sand Official Demonstration. Speclal Speaker: W. P. WATSON, Ontario Llvestock Director REFRESHMENTS - Ev'erybody Welconie Regardiess of the Breed Fancied Ladies Cordlally Invlted GORDON KELLOGG, HAROLD MUIR, See'y., President. Durham Holstein Breederu Alsoc. ROY ORMISTON, District Field Man SI King St. W. SERVICES fhal are DIFFERENT In the Town Hall every Sunday eveninj at 7:30 pa. BRIGHT singing! BRIEF messages from the word of God! BLESSING for you! N O T E: These Special Services are being weil atteaded. Specil musical talent at ail services. Corne once and you'Ii corne again. Mr. Bob Devers will be taking for his subject this Zunday evening:- "FANOUS LAST WGRDS"F These meetings are being sponsored by The Independent Baptist Churches of Canada from mine cave-ins are rare and 1can usually be avoided but a for. 4est fire can destroy everything 5that has been bujit up. The most 3recent tires did not affect this particular area but framn the stor- les told the Porcupine district bas certainly had its share in the past. It was la 1911 that the greatest fire tragedy of its time struck Timmins destroying an area 40 by 20 miles. Escape routes were few and far between and tire bit the Rrea so suddenly that people were 'inable to leave. Some gathered their children in their arms and led their animais into the Porcu- pine Lake, but when the embers lit on the animais they becarne crazed and killed many as they plunged here and there ta avoîd the flying branches. About mniners and their familes down the Dome mine shafx*'; the fire sweeping overhead Sc ed the oxygen from the mine and they suffocated. It required great courage for these hardy Pioneers ta carry on after they had seen everything they had bult laid waste. At th e noon luncheon in the wonderful Mclntyre Arena. news- men were told of the problems of the north and of its tremnendous possibilities if the problemns could lie sa]ved. The speaker, who was a long-timne resident of the area stressed the importance of gold production ta the country and stated that due ta the $35 an ounce price many smnaller mines had been forced ta close their plants He also urged that increasedi mea- sures be taken by the provincial gavernment ta guard against the ravages of forest tires and forest diseases which were taking a ter- rifie tali of the national wealth. Next week we'll tell you about the amnazing recreational tacilities of the area including the Mclntyre Arena where Barbara Ann Scott trained last sumnmer. SILVER WEDDING MR. AND MRS. H. GALBRAITH A very pleasant evening xvas spent recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Galbraith, Scu- gag St., when a number of rela- tives gathered ta celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Gamnes, music and singing, fol- lowed by a presuatation of love- ly gifts ta whicli Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith, although taken corn- pletely by surprise, bath replied graciously. followed by speeches tram chairman Ernest E. Patter- son, Laurence Allen and others. A bounteous delicious lunch, which included a lavely three- story wedding cake, was served by the ladies. This happv 'occ'- sian was brought to a close ail too soon with congratulations and best wishes, hoping Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith will live ta enjoy their Golden Wedding. 1 1