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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1948, p. 8

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PAON IMTH E AAINSA1MY l AoVTT1 lP~r Couly KealIh Unit Makes Drive lu Cleaning UpSlaughier Houses At the June meeting a! the or complote reconstruction was Board o! 'HIealth two slaughter under consideration. bouses in the Hèajth Unit area- Although it does flot appear one in Hamilton 'Township and foasible at pi-osent to pi-avide for one in Milbrook-were ordered scientific anto moi-tom and post closed. moi-tom inspection o! animais and There wore originaily 37 slaugh- carcasses in small slaughter hous- ter houses in the Health Unit ai-- es, impi-ovoments in the construc- ea. Theso varied in size fi-rn tion and oporation o! these esta- aal establishments used by beef blishments wil help ta pratect rings or srnail butcher shops ta the public hoaith. Proper con- large buildings used by two or struction and operatian wiil pi-e- more butchers. During 1946-47 vont a nuisance being creatod. five siaugiter bouses were re- Also adequate facilities enabie buit and the gonerai condition o! the consciontiaus aperator ta pi-e- niany others impravod. But some pare the carcasses with less risk were in poor condition and it was o! contaminatian by disease-pro-j nlecessary in the intorests o! the ducing organisms and in this wayj public healti that thoy ho ciosed. ielp ta pi-otect the public healti. Three sIaughier houses coased ta A properly constructed siaugh- operate; twa wero ordei-od closed toi- house meets certain relative- ini January, and two in June; ly simple but fundarnental i-e- leaving a total of 30 in the Heath quiromonts. The floors and walls Unit area. O! tiese 30 slaughter should he onfsti-uted of suchi ir- bouses, 26 have been approved or pervious materiai that tiey dan recommended for approval. In ho kept ldean and provide for ad- mnany cases some improvements equate drainage and disposai of being carried out witiin a rea- floor wasiings. Provision is sonable period. In 4 cases appro- needed for rapid disposai o! waste val was defei-red as new buildings products. Doors and windows G.lhjump on w-;w,, j~Jprotection against most camanPao pas including early and late blights, Colaorado potata beeties, flea beeties, and leaf hoppers. Widely used by loadiag potato growers everywhere, this cambination insecticide-fungicide cansists af a skilful blond of Basi-Cop* and Micronized* DDTý *Reg'd rde-mi Look for the. Green Cross, the. sign of Modern Protection Drink an iced Pepsi-Cola today ,.andi oftea every day. lt's delicious flavour really satisfies your thirst, doesn't just tease it. So, whenever you're tbirsty, drink a Pepsi. "Pepsi.Cota and "Pepti" are the resered tr.d. ,mari* du Canada of Pep7d.CoIa Compa ny of Canadfa, Umùsed. ____________ LUMBER[ _______ TRIM -DOORS -SASH -FLOORING ROOFING -INSULATION AQUELLA Roll Brick and Insul Brick Siding Ten-Test . Beaver Board - .v.Luonlie SAsphait Shingles - Rol Roof ing Tile Board - Aluminum Mouldings' Sewer Pipe - Weepiing Tile Lime - Hardwall Plaster - Cernent Cedar Grain Asbestos Siding The Sheppard & OI Lumber Co. Limited, Bowmanville PHONE 715 96 KING ST. B. 1 Clinies The ca-operation afforded by local service clubs and by the spe- cialists frian large hospitals was again siown wien an oye clinic was hold at Camplielîford on 2nd June. This clinic was sponsored by tic Camplieliford Ratai-y Club, and Dr. Morgan andt two assist- ants from tic Hospital for Sick Ciildren, Toronto, donated ticir services. A total of 55 chuldi-en fi-rn Camplieliford, Seyrnour Twp. and Percy Twp. had their eyes examined. Nearly ail o! these were discovered by Healti Unit staff in their work in sdiools and in homes and most of tic childi-en wore of sciooi age. Glasses were provided at cost price for tiose found ta need tiem. Tic Rotai-y Club gave fi- nancial assistance to tiose in wiich the family did not have sufficient funds ta purciase tic glasses. Tic school healti services of the Healti Unit during the period fi-rn January ta June included healti examinations of sciool childi-en. During this period 2,- 151 school childi-en have licen given a physical examinatian by tic meclical officers asisted by tic staff nurses; and in addition 3,- 316 otier childi-en were gîven a icalti inspection by tic staff nurses. During tic regular chest x- ray clînics at Bawmanviile, Port Hope and Cobourg, 75 Persans were examined. As a resuit of tic mass x-ray survey ieid at Roseneati, Hastings and Wark- worti, anc case of active tuber- culasis lias been discovered. Communicible Disease There was a decrease in tic total number o! cases o! commun- icible disease reported-251 as cornpared witi 463 in May-and tic incidence o! reti moasles con- tinued ta decline. Parents are remninded that cases or suspectcd cases of communicibie disoase siouid ho rcportod liy tic bouse- holder ta the Medical of!iceir o! Healti and that this procedure is a logal requirement under thc Public Healti Act. Early report- ing of communicible disease in a camrnunity gives advance warn- ing ta other parents i-o tiat tiey may lie on tic lookout ta take wiatever measures arc available ta protect ticir childi-on. Production o! woollen and worsted cltis in Canada during tic fi-st four months o! 1948 amounted ta 9,593,000 Iinear yards. O! tuis total, 1,994,000 yards wero warsted !abrics - slightly more tian was producedt in the samne poriod o! 1947. Total production o! woolien and worst-t cd fabrios is four per cent beiow tic 1947 rate but equais tic to- tal pre-war consumDtion in Can-t ada of bath Canadian-made ands imparted ciotis. Business Directory Legal W. R. STRIKIE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Ican - Phone 791- Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanviile Phono: Office 688 - Residenco 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notai-y 9%~ Kintg Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phono: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gouid Temperance St. - Bowmanville Pione 351 Denial DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Roya] Dental Coilege, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanviile Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiiy. 9 a.m. to 12 naon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phon.e 790 Residozýce: Dr, J. C. Deviltt325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - 23-5* Monumenis Thle Rutter Granite Company Pbone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Fort, Hope, Ont. Junior Farmers Leadership Camp At Geneva Park Announcement is made by the Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy, On- tario Minister of Agriculture, that the Junior Farmers Leadership Training Camp for Ontario, the second to be held, xvili this year be held at Geneva Park, on the east shore of Lake Couchiching, 91 miles north of Toronto. Last year, the first Junior Farmor Camp was held at Camp Ashun- yoong, on Lake Simcoe. The new site for 1948 wiIl provide greater accomodation and facili- tics for the holdingý of a leader- ship camp. The camp period has also been extended this year, and will last for a full week, from September 6 to September 13. One boy and one girl from each county in Ontario will lie selected ta attend the camp, the Minister announces. These will lie boys and girls botween the ages of 18 and 24 who have shown good leadership pntentialities. They will bo selected 'by the Ag- ricultural Reprosontative, Home Economist and-the Junior Farmer President in ecd county. Tho names of those solected must beo submitted to tho Departmont of Agriculture not later than August 15. The camp program xvii le de- voted to lcadcrship instruction, with training given through in- terest groups in such subjects as handcrafts, dramatios, music, so- cial and physical recreation, re- ligious studios and photography. A committee of Junior Farmer leaders is planning the camp pro- gram and arrangements. The camp staff will *be seiected liy the Department of Agriculture." and will be announced at a later, date. The transportation charges of ail delegates to the camp wili br, paid by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, and the fee for the full week in camp will bc $12.00. It is suggested that these fees lie paid by the local Junior Farmer groups which are sending delegates to the camp. Started iast year as an experi- ment, the Leadership Training Camp proved a great success, par- ticuiarly in the resuits which were observed throughout the Province from the activities in their own communities of those who attended. One result is that this year the counties of York and Simcoo are co-operating in a district camp for delegates from the JTunior Farmer Clubs and In- stitutes in thrse two counties, ta lie held at Camp Ashunyoong, Lake Simcoe, from August 30 to September 3, the week prior to the Provincial Leadership Train- ing Camp. Some counties are arranging for weekend training camps for their own leaders. 0f this wo mnay bce sure: that thoughts winged with peace and lqve breathe a silent benediction over ail the earth, cooporate with the divine power, and brood un- consciously o'er the work of His hand.-Mary Baker Eddy. Cartwright Council Cartwright ahl sciool sections in School Ai-ca. Cartwright Council July 5th, 1948. Ail members pi-osent. Reeve W. G. Eowles presiding. Jas. By- ers complained of walk ini front of ils property and otiers, on mo- tion same ta lie rcpaired. Messr-s. Joinston, and Lai-mer having applied ta have S.S. No. 3 incarporated in sciool ai-ca, on motion by-law 'duly passed. Councillor Hcasiip reported cost o! widoning road o! Can. 6 lie- Itween lots 23 and 24. Owing ta higi cost, l&id on table. Clei-k ta notify C. P. Devitt ta call a meeting o! tic Parks Corn- mittee ta have same active. On motion prerniums paid on garage, workmen and grandstand. Councillors Black and Baiiey ta have grapdstand repaired. On motion an order was given for a fi-c extinguisier. Treas. ta pay the following or- dors: H.E.P. Hall, Ai-ena and Garage $20.64 J. Wilson lami killed $15.00 D. Beci- premium aon grandstand $ 6.00 Adjourned to meet August 3ti. 8 P.m. shauld be screened, or so con- structed as to prevent the en- trance of flies. Kuives and other utensils should be kept clean and a sufficient suppiy of hot and cold water should be available. There should be adequate ventil- ation for cooiing of the carcass in the area used as a hanging room. At one Urne it appeared to be a popular conception that so long as a slaughter house was built sufficiently far away from any human habitation that this was ail that was required. Experi- ence has tended to show that in the slaughtering of animais, as in other phases o! food handling, certain elementary principles of cleanliness should be observed if the health of the citizens is to be protected from unnecessary risk. When some of the establishments in the Health Unit area were first inspected, slaughter houses were found located in swampy un- drained land, and consisting of oid dilapidated buildings with broken floors and walis, no readi- ly availabie water supply, and with dirty utensils and old un- clean clothing hanging on the walls, and surrounded by a yard with piles of aId bones, and heaps of manure and discarded intestines-a picture as gruesome and unsanitary as anything which would bie found in an Oriental country. Hansard gets a great deal o! Hman ard Staff Kept Busy During Parliament Sessions (National Film Board) Major devolopments in the House o! Commons or in the Son- ate ai-e generaily intorpi-eted by the daily nowspapèrs for the bon- efit o! their readers, but it's in Hansard that the public will find a complote account o! what was actualiy said in Parliarnent. "Hansard"-as it is populariy known in- the National Capital and throughout the Dominion- Is the officiai report a! debates of the House of Commons. The same designation is ahi-o used for tic Sonate dobates. Issued daiiy through the King's Piinter dur- ing tho session, Hansard gives the nation an alrnost verbatim record of what their representatives are saying in the House. Yet Hansard is not a i-cal titie and lias no official recognition as sudh. It is i-a cahied after Luke Hansard, fi-st publisier of tic printed record o! British Parlia- montai-y proceedings at tic end of tic igiteenti century. In tic course of ovents, tic name Han- sard dissappeared from tic title page o! the report of debates but, like many British politicai tradi- tions, it bas remained as a fami- liai- designation. Reporting and publishing tic House debates us a job whici may easily compare ta modemn news- paper routine. A staff of expor- ienced reporters is constantiy in tic House i-ceaiding in shorthand almost every word uttered on the fioor. Tiere are six reporters ta tic bour, each taking a turn of ton minutes, from tirce o'ciock in the afternoon wien tic House ordinariiy meets, or from eloyen if there are morning sittings, until adjournmcnt at eloyen or later ini tic cvoning. The Busy Reporters Back ta uis office aftor oaci stint in tie House, tic Hansard reporter dictates ils notes to a fast typist. Tic typescrio3t is thon handed ta the Dehates Editor for final revision, after wiici it is made ready for tic printer. During the cvcning, cp ta tic King's Piinter fi-rn tirne ta time as soan as editing and fi- nal revision is completed. Tiero. during tic nigit, Hansard is sot into type, pi-oofread, liound and ready for distribution on tic next morning by about ton o'clock. Witiin the noxt hour, this offi- ciai report is on tic desks of Members of Parliament, press correspondents and governmcnt officiais entitled ta receive fi-e copies. Additional copies ai-e cii- culated oaci morning by mail ta suliscribers among tic generai public. An exeremcely interestîng and enhligitening record, it is av- ailable from the King's piinter1 at U300 per session. cattie for dairy purposes continu- M 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows According ta sizo and condition-Small animais removed free. No trouble ta, the farmer. Wo do the loadlng HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OL D HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICK PECONI, Owner ed to cross the border ta the num- ter o! 45,800 head. Ontario, Que-. bec and the Maritimes provided the majorlty of dairy cattle for export. Exports o! cattie for slaughter to other countries include some 5,300 to Newfoundland and about 860 to St. Pierre, out o! a total of some 6,250 head exported. The value of ail cattle exported reached close to $15 million com- pared with about $18 million iri 1946. Ahl countries are beneficiaries o! the Rockefeller Foundation. MLY ROM@94 publiclty from 'the Hansard Soci- ety o! Canada. Formod somo yoars ago and eniarged quite i-e- cently, this Eociety strives to pop- ulai-ize Hansard among a far greater number a! readers than at pi-osent. Similar societies ex- ist in Great Biitain, France, Bel- giurn and Italy, and many coun- tries are showing an intorest. Reporting o! the House o! Com- mons dates back ta 1875 when it originated under a cantract o! system. But in 1880, the House decided that Hansard should came under its awn management. AI- most 30 yoars later, Britain foi- lowed Canada's example ]argely along the same linos. Hansard is bilingual in the Ian- guago in which they are de.livoi- ed, whother' in English or in French. A complote French edi- tion is also published daiiy. But Hlansard is more than just a report of debates. It contains a woalti o! information on var- ious subjects o! national interest as disclosed in Parliament. There lics a rich documentation at the disposal of the researcher and the historian of the future. Impartial and accurate, Han- sard romains a faitiful witness of our democracy in action. Export Cattie 1947 Worth $15 Million Exports of live cattie from Can- ada to ahl destinations in 1947 to- talled 83,233 iead ,says the An- fluai Review o! the Live Stock Mar-ket and Meat Trade, issued liy the Marketing Service of the Dominion Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa. 0f the total, 29,897 wero pure- bred. 0f these 28,248 went ta the United States, 310 to the United Kingdom, 797 ta China and tie remainder were sharod by about 20 other countries, mostiy in South America and the Caribibean area. .Aithougli beef cattle and cal! oxports ta tic United States were rstricted thi-oughout the year, reasonable prices Brlnt Your Watch To Us ALL WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRINGs INCLUDED MARRIS JEWELLERY BOWM ANVILLE 43 King St. W. Phone 463 thé Greatest --Value 0 in auol 12-OZ. SIZE Contains 2 LARGE GLASSES Plus lOc Deposit [w N CHARLES WILSON LIMITED- --- TORONTO Distributor for Bowmanville and Oshawa District: D. MYERS v Ginger. 30-OZ. SIZE Contains 5 LARGE GLASSES 18e each or 2 for 35e PlsDe.posit A? ONTARIO HOLIDAY H9 lE Switzerland of ITCanada"-that's what they call the Lake of Bays country. Not for the chai-acter of its picturosque scenery alone, but because it's a just about perfect year-round playground. Thoro's evory kind of holiday activity you could wish for, so pick any ane of the many Lake of Bays reosait for a wonderful vaca- tion. For complote details write ta Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK Let's see they get the best we have ta offer. Everyone bene- fits from the incarne tourist business brings ta Ontario. Sa it's in your interest ta en- courage your friends from othor parts ta share aur Ontario Holidays. TOURIST BUSINESS IS GOOD BUSINESS Listen ta Ontario Holiday CFRB 10.45 p.m. Mon., Wed. Thur. [ TRURSDAV'-X WATCH REPAIRING THE CANADIAN STATES]WAN. * BONMAIqVffýLE.'ONTAMn SULY 22nd, 1948 te for safisfaction NOTICE mum FARMERS Ales mrforlr%;fgm ,Md

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