PAGZ T!N TEE CANADIAN STATESMAK, EOWMAIqVUIZ, ONTAIUO THU~SDAY, JULY 22n& 194S The most important thing for a young man is to establish a credit -a reputation, character.-John D. Rockefeller.1 REVELINO NEW OARlNG ADVENTURES 0F ÀdM ROBIN HOODI Nelson liona Eddy Massey "NGETHWEST GUTPOST"r Movietone News Rayais Will Prolesi Whitby Game Visifors Win on Umpire's Decision Bowmanville Royals, playing Whitby in an Intermediate League game on the High Scbool diamond, Thursday evening, came from behind to tie t h e score 6-6 on a great steal borne by Dadson in the final frame but the l umps declared bim out and the game will be protested. The books give Whitby the win 6-5 on the decision. It was a pitching and batting duel ail the way with Chief Quantrili, Wbitby, baving a slight edge on Nip Piper who was stea- dy in the pînches. The dispute arose after Dadson-hit safely in the 7th, stole 2nd. 3rd. and home with Morgan at bat. Coming home on the windup, the Whitby catcher stepped over the. plate and elbowed the batter asde as Dadson slid safely across the plate. But the urnps thumbed hlm out before the baIl was caught, and would not change his decision ev- en in face of the catcher's glaring violation of the rule. Manager AIl Osborne is registering a pro- test with plenty of evidence to support it. Piper gave a run in the lst. on two walks and two bits, filling the bases but steadied in theI clutch. Royals, sparked by Ted Bagnell's initial bit, were as- sisted by 4 walks by tbe Cbief1 and Furey's 2 - bagger and ai force, netting 3 runs. Royals registered another in the 3rd wben Williams bit a double and came home on an error over- thromr. Witby tied it 4-4 in the 5th when an error at 3rd a bit batter and 3 bits, on a 3 bagger, netted 3 runs. Rallying again in the 6tb Wbit- by slammed out 3 bits, one a triple for 2 runs. Royals came back in the final frame wben Furey walked and scored on Dad- son's single. Then Dadson even- cd it with a magnificent circuit steal wbich ended, "We wuz robbed." Summary: Wbitby, 6 runs, 10 bits, 4 er- rors, 2 fanned, 2 walked, 1-2b hit, 2-3b hits, 7 left on. Royals, 5 runs, 8 bits, 2 errors, 6 fanned, 5 walked, 4 stole, 3-2b bits, 9 left on. E Wbitby, 100 032 0 6 10 4 Royals, 301 000 1 5 8 2 Double plays, Wbitby, short to lst; Royals, Yourth to Dadson. W. J. Bagnell won the suit of clotbes in the lucky ticket draw. Town Softball League Standing Team Rurals Pepsi Cola B.T.S. Mikes Merchants Newcastle W L 7 1 6 1 à 2 4 3 0 6 0 7 Town Softball League Batting Averages Name Piper, 1. Osborne, A. Hately Polley, B. Ames Blackburn Richards, A. Embly, R. Bagneli, T. Bagnell, W. Hooper, F. Britton Clemence Gay Werry Gallagher McIntyre Bragg Polley, W. Johnson Ave. .545 .542 .519 .500 .500 .500 .467 .467 .462 .454 .444 .444 .437 .421 .421 .421 .414 .412 .407 .400 Pepsi Colas Continue Winning Streak by Def eating Merchants Pýepsi Cola banded Merchants their sixtb straight loss on July 13, when they defeated tbem 14- 6. Starting off in the first inning with eight runs. Pepsi Cola kept addig tethe total all through The winners managed to keep their error slate dlean, wbile the Merchants chalked up six errors wbich had a great deal to do with their loss. Gilhooley and Davey led the battery with a home run eacb fol- lowed by G. Piper and Tice, both with triples. Summary-Pepsi Cola, 14 runs, 12 bits and 0 errors. Merchants, 6 runs, 10 bits and 6 errors. Lineup: Pepsi Cola-Gilbooley, G. Piper. Yourth, T. Depew, Cou- vier, Keleman, F. Hooper, Little, Bird. Merchants-I. Piper, Allun, Tice, Davey, MeFeeters, Edmonson, Clarke, Ferguson, Gallagber (6), Witheridge. Local Bowlers Play In Richmond Hill Tournament Two lawn bowling rinks from Bowmanville took part in the tournament beld in Richmond Hill on Wednesday, July 14. Owen Nicholas, lead and Eddie Gibbs, skip, witb Clarence Oke as sec- ond shot, came close to copping the tournament cup but lost out by a narrow margin. At that they came tbrough in bigb place for two wins which put tbemn in the money. Frank Williams, lead, Douglas Carter, skip and'Fred Cole slant- ing twisters at second, had an off day on the fair but unfamiliar greens. Out of the finals for the cup, they got in the money with a bigb for one win. Brownlee's Oshawa Team Whs Jum Carruthers Netuorial Trophy Tbe first annual Bowmanville Scotch Doubles Bowling Tourna- ment for the handsome "Jim Car- rutbers Memorial Tropby" was beld on the local geens on Satur- day, July 17. The invitation brougbt togetber 24 rinks, 12 from Oshawa, tbree fromi Port Hope, three from Richmond Hill, two from Wbîtby and four from Bow- manville. The Oshawa contingent carried off four of the five prizes and Brownlee's team won the cov- eted trophy. This annual event was organiz- ed and the beautiful trophy was, secured by friends of the late James D. Carruthers, former pres- ident of the Bowmanville Club, a long time entbusiast and gentle- man in bowling circles. The tro- phy will be placed in annual comn- petition in inter-city contests for the future. The weather was ideal and the greens were like velvet for this important event. Witb such a large turnout of players and an enthusiastie gallery, it was con- ceded that the tournament was the best beld bere for many aj season. Wbile Bowmanville bow- lers failed to place they gave a spirited bid for bonors in the contests. At the close of the tournament, president Owen Nicbolas thanked the visiting teams for their inter- est and participation in the tri-j bute to the memory of Mr. Car- ruthers and beartily congratulated the Oshawa teams for capturing the Tropby as be distributed the varlous prizes won in the tourna- ment. Before the gathering dispersed the general talk was about the next local tournament to be beld Wednesday, August 4, for the famous Goodyear Tropby. A large outside attendance is expected. Following are the scores in the Carruthers Memorial playoff s: Flrst Gaine Brownlee, Oshawa Yerex, Ricbmond Hill Thompson, Osbawa Pascoe, Bowmanville Hoskin, Port Hope Rindell, Oshawa Wrigbt, Oshawa Brown, Oshawa Herring, Oshawa Williams, Bowmanvillc Newman, Bowmanville Reade, Oshawa Grainger, Richmond Hill Cochrane, Oshawa rPeacock, Oshawa Pipher, Richmond HUI Kilburn, Osbawa Cook, Whitby MacMillan, Oshawa Doney, Port Hope Ward, Oshawa Bell, Whitby Higbfield, Port Hope Gibb, Bowmanville Second Gamc, Brownlee Herring Yerex Reade Thompson Wright Pascoc Hoskin Rindell Williams Brown Grainger Newman Peacock Cochrane Pipher Kilburn MacMillan Cook Doney iWard 'Gibbs Highfield Bell Thfrd Gaine Brownlee Newman Yerex Cochrane Tbompsonl Williams Pascoe Brown Rinel IHoskin Grainger Peacock 14 Reade il Pipher 12ý Kilburn ilý Ward 15 Cook Ii MacMillan 17ý Doney l10 Higbfield 13 Winners for the Day Brownlee, Oshawa, High, threeý wins, score 53 and 1. Hoskin, Port Hope, threewis score 50. Ward, Osbawa, three wins, score 49. MacMillan, Oshawa, Higb, two wins, score 54. Brown, Oshawa, High, one win, score 47. Edger is Pitching In Top Form Bill Edger,' son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edger. Bowmanville. is rated as pitcbing the best bail of bis career since bis discharge frorn the armed services. Star moundsman for tbe Peterborough Club in the Senior COLB League be bas been the mainstay, this season, in keeping the Petes at the top of the roster of the lead- ing clubs in the Eastern Division. The Petes who took the road last week for four games in the loop extending fromn Toronto to Kingston, made beadlines witb Batawa in the closest game of the season. It was a pîtchers duel ahl the way wîth Edger dropping the decision 1-0 by a margin of one error. The lone score came in the lst frame when Batawa' From there in it was goose eggs Fro mtbere in it was gooseggs for both sides. Muf fit, for Batawa walked 2,l Edger none. Eacb struck out 9 and each ylelded 4 hits. Petes got the only two extra base clouta and stole three sacks but lost t.his margin by an extra 'error. Each teamn had 5 left on. This shows the brand cf bail that thriiled the big crowd. The game was featured in tiie daily pressa coniplete with box score. It is conceded that thc Petes will be in the finals again thus season for thc Ontario chamn- pionship and local fans wiIl be watching to sec Bill repeat his brilliant pitcbing in last year's finals. Bowmanville rooters can follow Uic progress of the Petes by reading the metropolitan ps- pers and adding their moral sup- port te a popular hometown boy. Newcastle Bows To Pepsi Colas 8-2 With only one defeat, the Pepsi Cola squad are cimbing steadily toward the top spot in the league and their 8-2 defeat over New- castle on July 19 helped their cause. The game was scoreless until the third inning when the soft drink teama turned on the pres-, sure and scored four runs. Keleman pitching for Pepsi Cola walked two and allowed seven bits. Getlick on the mound for Newcastle allowed nine bits and Iwalked three. Home runs were scored by Gil- hooley and Depew with Hailman, Gilhooley and Rickard getting extra base hits. Summary-Pepsi Cola, 8 runs, 9 hits and 2 errors. Newcastle- 2 r uns, 7 hits and 1 error. Lineup: Newcastle - McMu lien c, Brit- ton (6), Johnson 3rd, Gibson ss, Riekard ist, S. Brown 2nd, Get- lick p, R. Embly If, F. Hooper cf, T. Embly rf. Pepsi Cola-Little c, Yourth 3rd, Gilhooley 2nd, Haliman cf, 'Depew lst, Couvier rf, Piper ss, Bird if, Keleman p. Maple Grove Hawks Trim Tyrone 16-5 In Sof tball League 1The 'big game of last week be- tween Ys.ple Grove and Courtice wvhich was scheduled for Friday was rained out. However, the game will be played within the next ten clays. On July 19 Maple Grove Hawks snapnci their two-game losing. streak by handing Tyrone a 16-5 cieteant. Maple Grove infield play- ed air tight bail behind the two hit pitching of H. Snowden. Bob Stevens at third, Vic Cookson at short stop, Ev Finney at second, Barney Holmes at first with Bert Snoivden cptching, made every put out of the game as only four baîls went past the infield. The outfield of K. Staîker, P. Finney and R. Munday had a very easy night. On the batting end Ray rMunday and Ev Finney shared the honors, each collecting four bits. E. Finney clouted the only homer of the game. This heavy batting along with the speed shown on the bases by Vic Cookson and Harry Snowden was perhaps one of the deciding factors of the qame. Maple Grove 3 00 44 3 216 Tyrone 01 01 00 3 à Standings as of .July 21 Team W L Pts. Courtice 6 2 12 Maple Grove 6 2 12 Ebenezer 4 4 8 Tyrone 2 9 4 While diminishing smoke nuis- ance, useful liquid fuels can be extracted from coal with little loss in heat value. Mutual respect is growing be- tween Britain and Eire. Premier Attlee will spend an August va- cation in Dublin. IA Glass ol Milk-TIue Key to Good Healtu Help your youngsters to grow into fine, healthy men and women by niaking milk an essential part of overy meal. Our rich, creamy, pure milk will provide them with ail the vitamins so important to their health and happiness today ... their zest for îf e tomorrow! Phone 444 today arnd make arrangements for our routeman to deliver wholesome milk to your home regularlyl Serve Milk Today and Everydayl DAIRY PRODUCTS AT PHONE 444 FOR DELIVEET THEJE BEST BOWMANVfILE Hundreds Enjoy Outing in County Federation Park Foilowing \thei first weekend outing of Durham County farm familles, held, in Uic Durham County Federation of Agriculture Recreation Grounds, there is lit- tie doubt that thc purchase of this area in Uic Ganaraska Forest is onc of Uic most popular schemes Instituted since Uic Federation was organized five years ago. More than 300 men, women and cbildren representing families in evcry Township in the County foregathcred in Uic park grounds on Sunday, July 18, to enjoy the day's program and the relaxation afforded in a real beauty spot owned entirely amnong the mcm- bers of tbe Federation. The real enjoyment shown by Uic children gives full assurance that regular outiflgs te this spot are on the agenda from now on. This first outing was in the na- ture of a dedication for religious services were conducted by Rev. A. E. Eustace, B.A., Orono, and popular hymns echoed among the green beauty of the forest. Sec- retary J. J. Mellor gave a short talk on the organization and pur- pose of the project and C. E. Step- henson, M.P., also adressed the gathering. Picnic lunches brought by each famnily concluded a fine afternoon. The Recreation area of 30 acres lies right on the boundary of Clarke and Hope Townships at the 7th Concession. It bas a nice cedar grove, with a sparkling, spring-fed streamn providing ex- cellent drinking water. Haîf of the acreage is level ground on which it is planned to lay out a fine athletic field. Further de- velopment includes a community building, with shelter and kitchen as well as picnic tables and ben- ches. Envisioned also are regular band concerts and in general a series of cultural programs and Sunday services. *The committee in charge of ar- rangements for the first outing went to mucb trouble to put up signis sbowing the way into the grounds Since to the West a stretch of road was under repair. The area is in the Kendal-Elizabeth- ville district and the motorist will have no trouble in locating it. Any farm family represented on the Federation by paying the amall annual febas full access to ail the privileges of the Recreation Grounds and in fact become share- holders in the project. Secretary Mellor will be glad to receive rnemberships at any time. Simply write him at Orono. Where they show up as outmod- cd, English laws back to, the l3th century are being nuilified. Bef ore this happons ..a BEFORE you hear the. fire cagmnes heading for your home . . . before lt's too late to Increase the amount of your Fire Insurance Cal! on us and make sure that you have adequate Fire Insurance. Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATII Phone: Office 681, Res. 493 King Street - Bowmanville Fowl - Chickens m Eggs Highest Market Prices LadPURE KETLENDEED $ PICKERING FARMS LIMIITED lVhitby 336 - Night or Day WHITBY, ONTARIO EXPERIENCE IS THE DEST TEACHER and you will profit from the years of experience that our trained electrical technicians offer you. Wben you require thc best in electrical wiring for your home, office or place of business-don't hesitate to give us a caîl. We are experienced at soh&,ýng wiring problems and into eacb and every job wc put nothing but the best of material. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER TODAY OR PHONE 438 FOR FREE ESTLMATE HIGGON ELECTRIC Tour General Electuic Appliance Dealer ]Phone 438 Bowm=anville 42 King st. 9. WA NTED CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS In order that our staff may enjoy an entire week's holidays, our office and plumbing and heating shop will be closed f rom MONDAYI JULY 261h, 1948 and will be open again on *TUESDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1948 Wu LEN ELLIOTT PLUMBING, HEATING AND TINSMITHING Phone 348 55 King St. W. Bowmanvilie Glen Rae Daîry ý 1 l"', 'l TffURSDAY, 3MY 22nd. 1941, PACM TEN TE£ CANADIAN STATESMM, BOWMANMM. ONTAMO 1,