PAGE TOUR IRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAT. JULY 2nd. 1941 Durham County Dairy Farmers Enjoy Lecture and Judging Ai Farm of James T. Brown Browview. the fine farmstead o! James T. Brown, Newcastle, was the gathering place Friday evening, July 16, of 200 enthus- lasta in dairy husbandry !rom Durbam County and sevesal ad- jacent counties. The meeting, first o! its kind in this district, was arranged by the Durham County Holstein Breeders' Asso- ciation, in co-opematian with the Ontariai Livestack Branch, te de- monstrate points in judging, dis- cuss selective registration and grading generally to stimulate in- - terest in better pedigreed stock. .The crowning event o! the even- ing was a splendid lecture on dJarm economics. !arm and dairy .practice, by W. P. Watson, newly appointed Ontario Livestock Dis. ,ector. Scientifle Judglnt Great interest was taken ln the practical judging e! 10. cows sel- ected !rom Mr. Brown's herd. Score cards were issued toalal wbe cared ta test their judgment and these weme later checked against the rating o! Geo. Vanpatter, Ayl- mer, officiai grader for the Hol- stein-Friesian Association o! Can- ada. Fieîdman Roy Ommiston act- ed as M.C. over a public address system installed by the Radia Shop, Bowmanville. The judging was net a contest te name tbe winners but simply a test for the individual judges ta compare their scores with the officiai ratings. A final draw o! tickets gave prizes ta lucky bolders. Unl!orm Herd To accommodate the crowd o! eSUNNYSIDE BEACH TORONTO FREE STAGE SHOW NIGHTLY 8:00 p.m. DANCING SEA BREEZE 9:00 p.m. Sunnyside Pool now open Free Parking for 5,000 Cars kPicnic areas available for out of town visitors. For reservations cali I * b 4 c g j 1~ LA. 0357 MR. 1. VAN EVERA men, women and boys and girls of Junior Calf Clubs, the ten cows were spaced into two groups o! five wbich were judged alternate- ly by dividing the many taklng part. Ratings ranged from ex- cellent to very good, good plus, good, fair and poor. None was in the latter class. The unl!ormity o! the herd was shown by totals of 399 points in the first class and 395 points in the second class. Outstanding breeders !rom Dur- ham, Ontario and ýeterboro coun- ties were asked to state reasons for their placements and then Mr. Vanpatter summed up witb his officiai ratings. It was a most in- formative demonstration for a great many who took part. Great Herd Sires In a general talk on breedîng and grading, Mr. Ormiston sug- gested that the two berd sires in the stable should be seen before going on to Mr. Brown's fine new bull barn to hear the speaker o! the evening. Mr. Watson. He drew particular attention te the year- old bull, Glenafton Futurîty, own- ed by a local syndicate consisting o! Wilf Bowman, Enniskillen, James T. Brown, Ivison and CLr- los Tamblyn, and Everett Brown, Orono, and Harry Jose, Newcastle. This bull came from the berd o! J. J. E. McCague, Alliston. and Mr. Vanpatter was heard te re- mark that it is the best young bull he had ever seen, wbich is going some. Notable Address Concluding a most interesting evening, Mr. Watson spoke for an heur on matters of vital interest te farmers teday. He reviewed the question of controls which bc- came a necessary part of the war effort but declared that the best interests o! farmçrs naw could be served by letting tbem run their own business and the less govern- ment interference the better. En- trencbed bureaucrats tendering theoretical advice td gevernments was a poor substitute for the bard- headed, practicality of experienc- ed farmers. From this thesis the speaker traced current trends and future prospects in Canadian agriculture, and te round eut his fine inspira- tional effort he discussed scien- tific metbods coming into practice and the vital necessîty o! promet- ing intensive agricultural re- search. Seldom bas a local gath- ering of farmers beard a more en- lightened and comprehensive ad- dress. Mr. Watson was tendered an ovation for bis splendid effort. Refreshments and Prizes Ramn fell during the a!ternoon wbich stopped baying aperations and permitted sucb -a large attend- ance. Arrangements wbich were generally supervised by President Gordon Kellog. Secretary Harold Muir and Agricultural Represen- tative E. A. Summers, left notb- ing te be desired and the re!resb- ments providied by Mrs. Brown and ladies o! the district in the farm home were greatly appreci- ated. Mr. Brown was given a vote of thanks for the great amount o! work be and bis son and helpers undertook to make the occasion the success it was. Mucb regret was expressed at the loss o! many fine animaIs o! Mr. Brown's herd that were recently killed by ligbt- ning. Prizes for the lucky draws were contributed by merchants in Port Hope and Bowmanville and the winners included: Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn, Orono, Ken Gilbank, Bur'ke- ton and Margaret Tink, Hampton. The visitors, guests and officiaIs were thanked by Mr. Ormiston for 1their genuine interest in making sthe occasion a memorable event. EIt required !rom, 7 p.m. till 11 p. m. to run off the entire program. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wonna- jcott and family, Mr. Wm. Annetts and Mrs. Clara Hamilton, Osh- awa, at Mr. David Johns'. Nestleton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home o! Mrs. Malcolm Em- erson on July 15 with il ladies, Rev. Harrison and some chîldren present. Devotional was taken by Rev. Harrison. Several letters'o! thanks were read for cards and fruit sent te tbe sick. Ladies de- cided to have an ice cream social on July 23. Piano solos by Gladys and Irene Emerson. An address by Mrs. Forbes from Emerson's Beach on ber life in Calgary, wbich was mucb enjoyed. A dain- ty lunch was servcd by Mrs. Em- erson and the group. AIl were given a bcarty vote oil tbanks for a good meeting and pîcasant a!- ternoon. Next meeting at Mrs. R. W. Marlow's in picnic style witb program in charge o! Mrs. W. D. Ferguson's group. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield, 1Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson, 1Toronto, Mr. Jas. Marshall and Mr. Norval Marshall, Janetville, at Mr. M. Emcrson's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farrow, Osh- awa, visitcd ber mother, Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Mrs. Wilnicr Fitze entertained Mrs. Margaret Burke on ber birtbday wben Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Met- calfe and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Sy- mens. Bowmanville, were in at- tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Norman MeNally, Coîborne, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Mrs. Stanley Malcolm and Miss Jean Malcolm attendcd a trous- seau tea at Miss Gwendolyn Brooks' home, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Hambly Hoskin and !amily visitcd Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin. A number o! !riends gathercd at the basement o! the cburcb on Saturday evening and presentcd Mr. and Mrs. John Nappin, Tar- enta, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Far-, row, Oshawa. with some lovely useful gifts from the cburcb, W.I. and cammunity. We all wish them a long and happy ]i!c. A dainty lunch was served by the ladies, a!ter the program. Rev. Hiarri- son was chairman. HAMPTON Mr. Murate Rabbins, Toronto, visited bis mother, Mrs. R. Av- ery. Mrs. Albert Wills, Col-borne, is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Wil- frid Smalc. Misses Ethel and Lily Gilbert o! Tarante, wcre guests o! their bro- ther, Mr. Gea. Gilbert and Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. C. E. Jcf!rey, Tarante, is guest of Miss MinnieHemn. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Gilbert visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Maple Grave. Miss Margaret Purdon, Hamil- ton, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mms. Chas. Nelson, Tar- ente, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanvillc, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Tomonto, wcrc guests o! bis sis- ter, Miss L. Reynolds. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Toronte, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mrs. H. Wilcox visited ber sis- ter, Miss Mabel Challis, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn and daugbtcr, Tarante, and Miss Bessie Blackburn, Salem, with their parents, Mm. and Mms. W. Blackburn. Miý. and Mrs. T. Salter, Miss Sharp, Tarante, and Mms. Raney, Buffalo, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo. Salter. Miss Kate Hortop, Tarante, Is spending a few weeks witb ber cousin, Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, Co- bourg, witb their parents here. Gary Chant is witb bis uncle Gearge at Blackstock. Mrs. Albert Cale, Bowmanville, visited be r fathe r C Wtir cb FOR DAKERY AND RESTAURANTj OnIy the Best QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 8S5 I I I. Il Il E, 'I DI E: Arthur Haskel, Mrs. Mabel Aff- Everton White gave a v'ery inter- holder, Oshawa, were guests cf esting and instructive address. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice vis- Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Wilson, June ited at Unionville. Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kcrsey, Misses Donna Vice and Marilyn Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Ker- Leask are camping at Pretoria séy and Ronnie, Ajax, Miss Mar- Camp, Geneva Park. ion Kersey, Oshawa, Lloyd Ker- Sorry to report Mrs. Roy Lang- sey, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. maid being in Bowmanville Hos- Harold Ashton and Clare, Ennis- pital with an infection in her foot. killen at S. Kersey's. Mr. Chas. Parker ls also at Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen, manville Hospital for an opera- Lois and Gary, Janetville, Mr. tion. We hope they may have a Sam Adams, Burketon, visited speedy recovery. Mrs. Frank Rogers and family. Rev. E. S. Linstead, our pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Melton Cochrane is on bis holidays. and son, Alfred, North Oshawa,. Eldad Church bas been under- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., going extensive rcmodelling and Solina, Mrs. Al! Shakely, Los An- expccts to have a reopening and geles, California, at Tom Weslcy's. dedication by Rev. V. McNeely o! A number of the older ladies Oshawa, presid cnt o! the Confer- were entertaincd to tea a tthe ence on August 29. hom ofMrs C Jons n hers Several from here attended the day aftcrnoon, when an enjoyable 5hanvrayo h er time was spent in social chit-chat. picnmc at Hampton Park on Sat- urday. Mrs. J. W. Balson and Mrs. Rev. L. E. Fletcher, Oshawa, Sam DewelI attended the trous- will conduct the service at Eldad seau tea of Miss Gwen Brooks, Sunday morning ii, the interest! Providence, on Saturday. jo! the Ontario Temperance Fed- Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman, eration.1 Raymond Petit and Harold Quar- Master Kenneth Tink, Ebene-' ry, cnjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls zer, is visiting his grandmother,! and Crystal Beach wbere tbcy vis- Mrs. H. E. Tink. ited Mrs. Cbapman's brother, Mr. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- and Mrs. W. Gibbs. ville's Health Nurse, accompanied Rev. E. S. Linstead gave an in-i by Misses Mary Cryderman, Ev- spiring mesage on Sunday eve- elyp Taylor, Eileen Farrow and ning on "John Wesley" and the Mary Geirs-berger motored to Oak hymns uscd were written by !Lake Camp on Saturday. Wesley. Next Sunday evening, 1, A. L. Pascoe attcnded the Old Rev. Dr. Fletcher will have chargel Age Pension Board at Port Hope of the service in our pastor's ab-1 Thursday and called on Dr. J. B. sence who will be on holidays Reynolds who is stili indisposed and will visit his brother, Rev. H. but is convalescing. Linstcad at Paisley this week. An Ewart Leask and his sister, Eu- intercsting feature o! the Sunday 1 nice are at Oak Lake Camp. evening service was the christen-1 The young people here had a ing of Elizabeth Ann, daughiter o! picnic at Geneva Park on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn,'I night. Toronto, and granddaughter of! Solina Football Team played a Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn. Itic game at Tyrone on Saturday The Werry family picnic in our night. park on Saturday was very large- Miss Ileen Balson is holidaying iy attended, it being the 75th an- with ber brother at Cataraqui. nual reunion. Mrs. A. L. Pascoc visited Mrs. St. Paul's Sunday School, Bow- R. J. McKessock, Oshawa. manville, held their picnic here 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker visited also on Wednesday afternoon! Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker, of when a happy time was spent. Georgc,,town. Relativcs from Hampton at- 1Mf. and Mrs. Raymond Anthes, tended the Trul famnily picnic at'Jean and Lorrafne, Toronto, spent Orono on Saturday afternoon. the wý,cekend at Mr. Ed. Millson's Congratulations to Carol Chant and on Saturday afternoon with on passing her Grade IV piano ex<- Mrs. Milîson, Stan and Eber at- ams of Royal Conservatory of Mu- tendcd the wvedding of Mrs. Mill- sic, son's nephew, Lawrence Dcvitt in Prince Albert Church. Mr. and Mrs. T. Pereman and S OLINA Gron oumu, r ndMs awa. Mr. and M\/rs. Glenn Hoskin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe. ý,ud alnNrhOawee eMr. Wialte rs. emn anHodgEer-Sur.ay v:sitors at Lorne Hoskin's. Stouffviie rs a de, o M. and Mrs. Roy T-unter, Grand Stoufvile, Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fer- Little Ann Werry, daughter of guson, Betty and Donald, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Werry, was Mr. Harry Sanderson, Blackstock, taken to Oshawa Hospital on Mon- visited at Bruce Montgomery's. day. Miss Kathleen Graham bas re- Mrs. S. E. Werry attendcd the turned from a pleasant week's trousseau tea Saturday evening at holiday at Bewdley. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miss Helen Baker, of Toronto, Brooks, Providence. spent the weekcnd' at home. We omitted to mention last Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hallett, weck that the W.I. met and Mrs. Ray, Kenny and Teddy of Sonya, visited at Ralph Davis'. Kay re- mnained for a week's holidays. Mr. and Mss. Harold Pasco. and Messrs. Everett and Walter Cry- desman visited the latter's sister, Mss. Lena Heidge at Stouffvill'e. WEDDING BYERS-MUTTON of Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. D. Short Victoria; Miss Freda FlewellIng Toronto, and Miss Ruth Mutton, Seattle. The Canadian Memorial Church in Vancouver, British Columbia, was the scene of a wedding on, May 21, when Miss Mary Eliza- beth Mutton, R.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton of Bow- manville, Ontario, became the bride of Mr. John Elwood Byers, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Byers, Calgary, Alberta. Rev. George Turpin officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in a clas- sic model of white satin with a, train-length skirt and styled with a shirred drop neckline edged with lace outlining the inset sheer; yoke at the high neckline. Her veil o! illusion tulle cascaded to the floor and she carried a show-I er -bouquet o! gardenias and sweet ............ peas. Miss Irene Knight was the bridc's only attendant and Mr.; Robert Danicîson was groomsman. The ushers were Mr. Robert John- son and Mr. Victor Mandruk A reception was held later at De Graaf's reception hall where Mrs.1 Mutton and Mrs. Byers received with the wedding party. l S O * tonl' Following a short honcymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Byers have made!St aio their home in Kelowna. For trav- L f elling the bride wore a three- piece apple green gabardine suit with accessories o! peari gray. Branch Office: Out-of-town guests included Mr. ard Mrs. Neil Mutton of Bow- 169 Charlotte Street, Peterboro manville, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. By-' ers, Mr. and Mrs. F. Thorpe, Mrs. P. 1. MATHER, Divisional Manager G. Robertson and Mrs. C. Harris Bowmanville Business School Fali term begins Sept. 7 and Oct. * . ENROLL NOW District Agency Remington MODEL 5 DELUXE Portable Typewriter Costs littie to own this beau- tiful streamllned model. BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL MRS. C. A. BARTLETT 154 KInt Street East ]Phone 3 I - .. 7- FOR THE NIDS: Wafer Guns and Roll Master Wagons FOR THE FAIM AND GARDEN: Polato Dusi, Bug Killer, 50 per cent Wetiable Powder, Tomato Dusi, Garden Guard. Shur Shock Fencers and Batteries DeLaval Milkers, Separators and Coolers B.T. Bros. Pressure Systems, Sprayers, etc. W* R. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equiment 91 King St. W. Phone 497 DO WMAN VILLE MOTOR SALES 0. F. ROBSON DODGE and DeSOTO Sales and Service COMPLETE STOCK 0F GENUINE CHRYSLER PARTS GoodyearTires m Philco Radios-m Esso Products Qualified Personnel in our Repair Depariment Servicing ail Makes 24 HOUR TOWING AND CRANE SERVICE Specialized Lubrication, Washing. ana. Polishing CARS PICKED UP AND DELIVERED For Courteous, Prompt Service DIAL 585 DAY OR NIGHT 'PAGZ rOUR 06%%%%%%%%%%%IW "M CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILM, ONTARIO l 1 THURSDAY, 3ULT Md, 1948