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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 4

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v t-se-s-a., .............................................................................................................................................. r TH!E CANADIAN STATESMAN'. BOWMANVIT.LE, ONTARIO COURTICE -~Services on Sunday were ir. charge of the pastor. Rev. F. iardlev and flower service ,vas -rbserveýd. MuSic was supplied b.> the choir. Combined services are bein.g heid throughout this month. Suriday School and Church ser- v ice. Woman* 'zAýociation off Cour- tice held their meeting with an attendante off 3,5 and president ýM2rz. McKenzie presiding. Quiet .music opened the meeting with cali to worship and W.A. motto repeated. Mîusical selections were given by Erma Barber and Phyl- lis Adams. Seripture was read b> Mrs. C. Adams,: poem bv Mrs. Warburton: selection off music b> Mrs. C. Covvan, Newcastle. Presý;- idient off W. M. S. Presb> teria], Mr ' XV . P. Rogers gav e a most en- lerf Aîi auldre--s v hch\aS mLch apprcciated. Lovely refreshments %vere served. MVrs. Warburtor was in charge off the meeting. Considerable exc'tement %%aý caused Friday night when thE barnc; on the farm oxvned bv Hor- ace Hancock, and w.hich he sold _ome lime aao Io Mr. Edwardý w. as cetrox cd b%- tire. Cause doeç not seem 10 bc known. BesI v. ishes Io Garnet andMr Goyne on the arrivai of theïr lit- tle daughter at Oshawa Hospital. Mr. Walter Osborne is renewin, acquaintances with old ffriends, and visýti'ng relatives after an ah- sence off many y\-ars. havîng gone to the west some lime back. Mr. Walter Snider wvas a week- end visitor with bisfaiv Miss Ann Holt, Eric and Mrs. Courtice and other frîinds. holi dayed at Lake Simicoe. Frank andi Mrs. Bal.on, Gordon and Mrs. Vinson. Rav Raison were w.eckend guests at Windsor. Manv attenrled the chari', ari WE BER'"S FABRIC CENTRE 10 King St.F. - BoNvmanviI1e SILKS - COTTONS WOOLLENS Spun Rayons Moire Taffeta Coatings - Suitings Sheets - Blankets Draperies Drapery Rods Tracks, Cranes, etc. Ven etian Blinds A DE -TO-ORDER Butterick AND Simplicity Patterns UFARMERS mfgiven Bill and Mrs. Henry when fl* T it erc o Tx r ween the two boats. The cable is11 nail,. hed an- enjoyable trne. M ridi rnt nta ..~~ri dragged along the bottom until ani s John and Mrs. Walters are en- V/ith lVissing Pilot object is caught. The tugs con- ie joying a trip t Saskatchewan.~~ - ~ * verge and the cable is transfferredk Mc EnetRotlde ndMn ~ . fr~i - .Stili rruitless ta one boat. The object is raised Id William Hardy, Austin, Winni- ,. - ,,__ by manpover. ýs peg. at the Cecil Adams home..7 ~ ~ A" In neari>' a month off almost Success off the operation de- ý oga n rs emle daîl>: dragging the bottùm off Lake1 pends main]y on weathen candi- anddauhtrsRoemay ad u- ,Ontario, two miles east off Bow- ltions. Lt. Sproatt said. Foggy -dith. Ronald and Mrs. Taylor and manville. only one wing and a 'weather and rough seas have pre- -Patsy,. Owen Sound, were week- wheel hav enlcae f h vented operations from being con- Fid guests with Esl and Mrs - Vampire jet ffighter plane which 'ducted on sevenal occasions. g Oke. c rashed mbinthe lake on June 16.1 __________ Sqdn. Ldr. Stanley Broadbent off Stucliffe Boulevard, Trenl t o i, SOUTH AFRICAN APPLES r~r'~T nhi ~whose home is ai St. Thomas, lost ~~.~.1~~o.~,biarKe ~his life' b the crash. .h re 0cmest - -Salvage operations are being 'African fruit growers for the de- Mvr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutton carried out by a Navv Fajrr-nile, cdine in peach and prune exponts,1 and sons. Brampton, visited her.tner of H.M.C.S. York, two tugs the British Government bas au- brother. Harold Gibson. -'(nmHMCS ok oot n thorized the importation off 150i Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Guv, Osh- - H.M.C.S. Star, Hairnilton., and a thousand bushels of South Afnican awa wih r. ndMrs Rusel ~ ~crash boat ffrom Trenton R.C.A.F.! apples. Imports off apples fnom n Osborne.. Station. The operations are un- !South Africa beffore the war e Mr. andi Mrs. Percv Munday and î der the command off Lt. H. L. MissEthe\&-%n Mudav ereSproatt. R.C.N. (R). guiss oElHrolwvn bMu nda Fwre On the morning off June 16.," c fHiol Gbsn V-.. 4Sqdn. Ldr. Broadbent warmed up f]ight froni Trenton. Ever.ything c.n Billmore. Ho adCob e i e fihe norurgrutineou'- mr Sd ih otorvstte iCbourg fl seemed to be 10 order as the plane Sunay10viittheGiso fm-scooteti across the i-tpan il>' 'ho are camping there. Onar-tpan1ec i nS Iber ay he calei o M. atishot ino the air. He set a course q thirw te clldonMr nd\estwacti avec Lake Ontario. I Mrs. Bert Moore who useti 10 live- ,. in No. 9.. A ffew minutes later anti 50 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ D O MisMr iso h a a miles fcom his base, something Mi5s Mary Ge oibson who bas d twent \wcong. Several people saw a pologet hoida, ctureti~ '~ . it hurtleie m the lake ai a terri- bher position on Tciesday. fic speeti about. five miles south- Mr. anti Mcs. Clarence Aluin east off Bo\wmanville. miotoret Io1 Oalz Lake to the C.G.I. Tenx a. h arieset T. cmp akîn for gils itbout buioys over the spot the lber. Heicn Tur~ner anti Norma plane crashed. The locatiowa Allin from this district anti Barb- fixd.acodn t t. -rate araOshrnewen onScida> byt.with the assistance off an R.C.A.F. bus, plane fcom Trenton which sightet i We extenti aur sympathy ta Mn. and Mrs. William Edward Donks who wece marnieti cecently iJan ail slick an the watec Wt Mrs. Rov Bcanch on the tieath off in Trinit, v Unitedi Church, Bowmanville. The bcide is daughter 1 nesses off the cras:h hati previa sIx ber father last weck.I of Mc. anti Mrs. John Fauîlkner, off Bowmanville ant isl the former 1 indicateti the general area when'e Mc. anti Mca. William Henning Miss Dorotby Margaret Faulkner. The bcitiegcoom is son off Mc. 1 the plane was sZeen ta dive inoaV UP anti Mc. andI Mrs. Geralti Henoing, anti Mrs. Arthur Docks off New Toronto. Couctesy Oshawa Times the lake. o ,r Oshawva, visitetl Mc. anti Mcs. Wal-- "Dcagging the bottom off the STAflTING A FINE CA lace Gibson anti boy's. EN IKL E Frank Spr>', Rochester. over the lake is much mare diffîculb than à A NN S IL N weekenti. Gloria anti Carol ce- moat people wouiti imagine, saiIAFNESR C Imaineti for a bolida:'.1 Lt. Sproatt. "The water is from IAFN EV WE L Y IL M.R .C.Wrv .. f r.Rsel ritn 200 to 210 feet dieep anti the bot- - .tam la quite rock. . Tîme affier Montreal, xith bis wife anti two Mc. anti Mcs, Edwin Ormiston. ieteganl ok aebe Sunav chl ws h]dat 0:3 cildren attentiet. the presenta- Maphe Grove, Ronald anti Ray witb an attentiance off 36. hi was tion bo his aunt ai E. A. Wccc'yvs Ashton. Haydon. matie a week- SO avggti.on annt b anti visiteti other relatives last enti tour thnougb Huntsville and Dingoeaon cnfote 1tiecicti 10 bolti a meeting on .successfull>' carrieti out in auch Tîîesday evening wibb an appoint- weekend. Parc>' Sounti.tiepths with the sofi diving-suits, eti commiîtee 10 attend il. Mc. anti Mis,s Jean McLean, off Toronto, Miss Joan Hobbs with Miss Ma- ý available, according ta the offi Mrs. Carroll Nicbolîs kindly off- visiteti Mc. anti Mis. L. Bradiley., ry Elliat, Bowmanville. cer. Pressure at Ibis deptb is ecedthebbcLise off their home. Mc. anti Mcs. Frank McGiil anti about 86 pauntis per squ are inch C urch fo low ed \vith Dr. O ke D onald, Toronto, ,vit b M . an ti( n a t m bldi e c c s a o t0 VN L pceabin on he Alleonvoffthe cs.A. Bunt I overnment Import 30 pountis), anti divers are onîx ' Vine." Mrs. Carroll Nichoýlîs pro- Mc. AImner Thompson, Meafort, sdn able ta stay below for seven min- vidtec music. We wece pleas- Mr. Gardon Beckett. Osh awaB n lo utes at a time. je oseseveral off the cottagers spcn t Sunday ai Mc. Floydt ecish w Factoru Even if il was passible ta use a from the beach present. Ieti's. 1 i tivý-c. saiti Lt. Sproatt. it woulti be Mc. anti Mrs. Spcagge, Elizabeth Mr. anti Mca. W. Stainton, Or- a long proceas. Ta caise tbe tiveri anti Monica, Toronto, with Mr. anti ono. were visitoca with Mr. L. Oshawa Intiependent, focmeclY rnm 200 feet woulti take neaci> IIU Mrs. Harolti Barrowclough. Lamb anti Mc. M. Siainton. i The Courier. ociginally fce Ya ori odrt rvn i r . Toppin off Coîborne has pur- Mc. anti Mrs . Joh?î Barrowtile 'Art Walken, scoceti a scoop hast sufffecing from bentis. chasedthte Haytien bouse anti nen-f anti Bciao, Oshawa, wvith Mc. anti week with the announcemnent off Operation salvage is a Resenve ovations bave been commenceti. Mcs. J1. A. Werry. the closing off the first Oshawa Navy show. 14 off the 19 men The owner wilh take possession in Mca. Minerva Trewin, Mc. anti factory since the govecnment's aboard the Fairmihe andi tugs be- the fall. ýMca. Earl Tretvin, Enniskillen, Ortier-in-Council hast Novemben ing membens off the Roy'al Cana- Suntiay visitors wvith Mc. andi Daviti anti Ah an Towns. Coîborne, placing restrictions and quotas on dian Navv> Reserve fram Toronto Mrs. Ar~nold Thocnd>'ke were Mrs. Ivîsîteti with Mr. anti Mns. Lamne ipcsfo h ...anti Hamilton. A gcoup off R.C C NT C Harv Meeking, Mc. Jack Meekîng Lamb. Two yeacs ago a bcanch factor' A.F. men fcom Trenton StationCO T T anti Mis s Norma Blizzard, Port Mca. Geor'ge Ferguson, Miss':off the E. and S. Curcie Co., Toc-r witb a crash boat is also taking RCUTN Hope, ant Master Billy Meeking,1 Jean Ferguson anti Mr. Max John- "' onto. openeti in Oshawa as an part in the operatians. RCPhIN Toconto anti Mr. anti Mca. Walter son. Oshawa. spent. the weekentiý auxîliary plant manuffactuning Sweeps are matie b>' the two 1170 Avenue Ro< ILongveacat aiv niM.Aec'îhMr antMc.BrFegsnr men's lies. Chieff source off colon- tugs with a cable stretcheti be- h Kell 'y, Elizabethville. also were visitons ai Mn. anti Mrs. eisl a h ...Nra Mr. Murray Payne spent the Albert Oke's. employment was 30 people. Fol- weekend ai Oak Lake Camp. * Mr. anti Mcs. Don Cacr anti fa- lowing the government ban. the Mcs. Lloyd Burlev. Diane anti milY. Mr. anti Mcs. Almer Beech. plant cacnied on until the stock Gloria, Oshawa, with Mr. anti Mcs. Haydan, visiteti at Mr. Frank Mac- was exhausteti. The management I Rov Nichohîs. ris, Melvern. atates that the pla'nt bas been Suntiay visitons v.ith Mr. anti1 Mis, Ethel Cole, Bowmanville closed penmanently. Mns. Arnoldi Austin were Mc. ant i spent the weekend ,vithMc. aný The plant was housed in prt Mrs. John Wooîacott anti Mc. ant i MrsE. A. e 'foff the former Williams Piano r Mc. George Woolacott anti fam- McA.. antiMca. Fred Billelt anti-buildingnIow the property off Mn. il>', Port Hope. familv, Scarboro Bluffs, witb Mc. Waikec,'part off which houseti the Mr. anti Mca. Sanguine, Sunden- anti Mca. Roy McGill's. Courier Press. Decision off the , landi itb Mc. anti Mrs. George', Ma atc kM.ICurrie.,Ca. 10 cease opecations thus Tu ff oci.f anti Mca. John Oke were Sundav thcows 10 people out off work anti Mca M.G. otia, ortHop iguests wîbh Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce'I atits a ýblow to revenue beacing with Mr. anti Mrs. C. Payne. Ashton, Purple Hill.fprpn. Miss Jean Wcry, of Peterbono, 1 M. Walker, In the meantime, r spent the A eekenti witb hec par-1 purchaseti the Horsey Black, Bow- enta. manville, anti is spending many Mc. E. A. Werry matie a bus- E thousands off dollars converting il inca tr p taMonteal n Moda>' mbseveral rmodem suites as well I.Ifl I a eek tripb Mn. antiMs.E.A. ernsei fo d1eni' *'oghi<OD Miss Pauline Wercv, Montreal. a -,sevenal modern stores on the Miss Lllian Cle Bethesta, peni grounti floor. His outlook anti en- hlI'iuWetrv. the recent expenience in his fac- anti John, Toronto, with Mr. anti i Mca. Harvev McGill. nîe M E l f Mca. G. F. Leask and Eunie Taunton, witb Mr. anti Mcs. H. n echni5 U I on omnon ViesEfd) OFAnnis.aniMsKe Man. n Store ls unconditionally guaranteed to Thurs. Fr1. Sat., Ma.d Rirte, Tontor give 100% satisfaction. lAug. 5th, 6th, 7thi with Mca. John McGill. Iû w ]BREAKFTAST STYLE-BLACK Mr. anti Mca. C. White, Mrs. G. Lb. s Soz. iWhit.e anti Anne, Bethestia, with Ls ail you NEED If you tan DOM INO TEA PI& 83 Pkg. *d4 C Mc. anti Mca. L. Staintan. , qualify for a Provincial SD ULT ite, reAtives-T inT-O--ba-wA . . i-iir.l.r PJ T GENERALIQ'l *Safer Stops witli Action-Traction i *Extra Miteage ', Blowout Protection I *Quieter Running 0 Easier Steeringi *Low-Pressure Comfort 0 Smart Stylet LET US SHOW YOU HOW 47UZ WORKS G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop Coai ner King and Silver Sts.. Bowmanville Phone 467 To EAI Quel and MARil J UNE 21st to SEI fCmii: a,, ,nadia, Pa STERN r rIMES Fnjoy that holi- day "Dowr>'East", a visir home onr away with frien., Low summer fares . . .retur, n limit 21 days, with stopovers permitted. .PTEM BER Gth lcfcRaiuway Agent. MURANÇU GREZZ A REAL GOOD (JLEANSER CLASSIC CLEANSER PRESERVING SUPPLIES Roi ZS - B.O. PACK--CHOICE 2rinsl3c PRUNE PLUMS 200Oz.15 PAGE FQUR aofyfou/1 i6 ýCE IST NO 'w' IN AIR FORCE OFFICE, R.C.A.F. STATION oad - - Toronto aie Mayfair 4403 AYLIMER-"NEV IPACK" STRAWBERRY JAM O. Ja39( WIHPECTIN AMERICA DRY GINGER ALE 2 Bottle. 25% (Contents (>nly> CERTO LIQUID8oz.btie.25c SEALERS Smafl Doz. $103 CULVEnRBOUSE 'NPW% Pack" GLASS TOPS doz. 27c SEALERS Med. Doz. $1.19 PITTED-RED RUBBER RINGS 2 pkgs. 13c VI1NE GAÀR Gai. 39c C H E R R 1 E S ZINC RINGS doz. 29c SUGAR 10 Ibs. 86c 20 Oz PARAWAX IL pkg. 14c CERTO CRYSTALS pkg. 10c Tin31 S ta ked Tomaloes - lb. 15c Ontario Gromn (ooking Onions - 2 lbs 12 2 Zforl13c 2 Zfor 9c 'rHURST'AV. ALTUUT Ith OAQt amnounted 10 about 250 thoL.'- -L bushels anrual]y. Britain has placcd a complete ban on the import of Canadian apples. it is cxpectedt tnat within three years Canada will be an exporter of Ul. THREE CHOICES. Buy M1axwcll Hoiise Coffee in Stilper-Vaeiiiuni Tin or (;Iassjiie-liiied Bag... or get Instatit Maxwelil House - made instantly ini the cup. Ail the saine gloriousy), deliciotis bleiid. < NOTICE 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows Accordinz to size and condition-Small animais removed free. No trouble to the farmer. IVe do the Ioading HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD MORSES PHIONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICI< PECONI, Owner PROTEOT BUY NOW AT THE NEW LOW PRICE 7. H-ardwood Iloors. 8. Fully insulated walls and ceiling. 9. Ample supply of double electrie plugs ln ail rooms. 10. Some bouses ready for occupancy very soon. Il. Built by contractors who N.H.A. specifications. Don't delay seeing us for further details, llustrated booklet and prices. These homes are ueiling before they are finished. You must act quickly if you want a home of your own before the snow flies Mtain. Monthly Payments Start at $25.50 per month. (Price and Interest) Ask for Mr. Nash at 4400 ~ hofield JNSURANCE Realtors 6S Smcoe St. N. OSHAWA C ALIFOR NIA LOCAL GROWN. NEW Grapefruit, size 100 4 for 25c Bunch Carrois ITALIAN LOCAL GROWN, NEW~ Lemons, size 300"s 4 for 14c Bunch Beets - 1- - lýýl V ýý, %JIN 21-DAYSPECIAL LOWeFARES 1 Amui, 1 [FRIITS Eîêý-ý i - - -- j-- *,i-* - - 4 --

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