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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1948, p. 11

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THURDATAXITJST12, 949TUTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLu13 ONTARIO Amercan ikig Clb VsitsIn he Eiitr's ail BULLEINS-ROM WarnAeCa Tovrslifting of Ausierity Taxes Pro'e i~~lae t h onie Dowmanville en Route Io Gaspe Fl RdoEntries LsoesGinxiesLs T w o tr u c k lo a d s o f p e o p ý.e , d r e s s - 1 o f $ 8 5 .0 0 p e r m e m b e r , le a r M r .- E d ito r - M a y I im - j L a s t w e e k T h e S ta te s m a n a n - Cd a n c e i h y t hmi ,a r e t h e I e a d-s val emt n hayjces as ertecu taeldt oeuepace ui gon atourartocompetitions to choose a boy antedsetv gop descended on Bowmanville last Yellowstone National Park. comment o s om e ouplar toic a girl who will receive free trips iogthe cot fricl ppigaces on dth e lcar radios3droppn ro $ 950 Saturday morning. The odd ap- During their trip the Black bCmei t ng epresse thesehec icas. ta the Canadian National Exhibi- 1ohreetialapine n tcar rdis64.95. r $ Hawk Club met a similar grdup of Goenet1n uoehv tion to compete for money prizescosmr ake aeno r- pearance of these visitors, and too hikers. Howverthisgro . o th manfacurrrpaslmhaven pmcon- posed though ian signiicantuadktrophesvin tehProvicial cocnngAAsyet there has been no n(c IC E A D uii mR o r s i s p e n u t e d r i u s is t e d o f 4 0 C a n a d i a n s c h o o l t e a c h - st a e s i t h e îh a ys c e cntu . T h eS a e r p i e i n R o e o . Bo w an - c c r dn1t H n s r t ef t h e w h o l o r a cthel s s.iti l ai g o Mxe l o s Roercoic bouhtfears of an ers, 50 it seems tnîs methno stgai ve a vile ion Clb wll oTdelii n in o dtohausr t 1ietx sepetd htti a euto inain r l ars, or somebother cationing has crossed the border ilcountries has been toward social- THE HAIR BIRD ations in this district trn o ra ayo h il in lbw on theiPub- iacftieaust Novembexcs an-* sill reuitha ina redo uy-ngtt w rdsfvr dist nts pl aet o!th e udoniver -se an Caî a ass r e b gi nî g o ism a d c m un s . E n g d T her s n th *a ti u a lic School G rounds, W ednesda y n Iuned bv F inance M inister A b- I ng as soon as the articles c nc er - b a doo T e l n e Eve ts suc a ths o n t ap se is p ssbiltis.and France have experim nted g p ri ual afternoon, Augut 25. T e f nal ot on June 26. However, this ed are available. pen ltevry ay, so a i g a nitywa df d d ee th e sscon it ionth ariabi- w i t h Socialistic G vernm ents, nteresting about either the looks w ill take'place at the C.N .E. on ax r duction did fot c m e into-hy e p r s ros ec a l th t a ltterdsig t n as i tef e t e c n ii n t a a G erm n n Ital y adopted N az- or the voice of a Ch pping Spar- Septem ber 9. ife t u tl J l 1 order. ýtaken place during the past few .,sm and Fascism 'after the First row: yet because of its gQntle, Anyone 21 years and under with The 25% excise tax has been Greatlv begin! Though 1huslce atn-A eia It ee s t at a h ke of thi n - d vs yur reporter w ould b h W orld W ar, w hile as a resu t of! confiding w ays, this sm all m em - a perm anent or tem porary driv- 'lifted from ele tri al a pli nce ture is an annual affair of the ilast one ta recommend this man- the overthraw of the Czar in Rus- i'ber of the clan is quite a favorite.1 er's lîcense is eligible to compete. rfieaos ieamotor But for a line. be that sublime- cfesîebs h ol Blac Ha k H kîn Clb, hic ne aI spe din yo r h lid ys. sia in 191, Communism came ta To have young -Chippies" brought Entries must be filed at the Bo - motors and motorcycles and 15% Not failure, but low aim is c rime r d c s -includes members from Daven- the fore in Russia. up ithin arm's length cf aur manville Police Office by August frorn movie projectors. automo -___ -James__________Russell________________ prIowa; Rock Island, Illnois, The magnifcent band of ne fasarypnotgv- s teps is a common occur- 16. Týhe office will be open for biles, record play ing devices. rad- and Molina, Illinis. This hiking' Welsh Guards, one af Britain's ommunismasat pofgv rence. Then it is possible ta ýentries up ta 10 a.m. every dav ast n ue clbhsbe raie o 01ernment was at first based on the i broadcastingsesadtb, clb asben rgnîedfo ,2 most popular musical organza- 'theories of KarI Marx, who held watch the whole performance: in- Io the deadline. Rule books willi and cameras. Years and its rail o! 1ý50 members tions, will be a featured a n Iac cubation, hiatching. and the feed- be handed out and contestants Tecutmr ilbnetad are for the most part professional tion at the Canadian National Ex- u 1toia idas othecbsonmi q igo tenstigy ia the rnay drive the familv car or any the loss entailed by this tax lift- IK M m men and womnen, however, some hibition this year. Concerts tyfor il aathebasiveniles mnay be seen tagging car that may be securd NgOiTfICoERertalr.Hw youthful members are included in b g iv en daily, a fternoon an d eve trines. Underon Lenin communHo was a b th heitae o th their parents across the lawn, Sa that ail will be fully inform- ever, because o! the scarcity o!fAJ'TT E VC atheraks6 wt.thge limit set ning. from the band shell in theý whoe world. In this wav it was constantly crying for food. These ed o! dtails, a miniature o! the mst o! the articles concerned, 24A-HOL at 16. Grand Plaza. hoped ail conflicts between coun- spoiled children o! Birdland make test course will be n display at 1 the retailers are fot too badly hit. We pay as lha $OO o The only requirements for this, tries would become obsolete and little attempt ta shift for them- the Lions Carnival, Augus! 18. They would have hast a great deat club is a love of the outo-oors, yj ' ci peace wvould reign. HoeeSelves until they are almost fui- The scheme is an ordinary test of maie if the stock has 'been avail- Dead or CrippldHossa dC w for ail members vicw aordinary The Siaesman S.old when Stalin camie to ac ri ly grown. safe driving ability with know- able, because a! the great demand. According to size and condlto-ml nmI coe re taurists with pity and disgust, A Russia he advocated communism The adults are anly about 514 hedge o! the rules o! the raad. It Prices as quated by Lamne Doreen when thèy take advantage o!frA i lowiflg Stores in a single state and that state was inches long, wear ittle rust-col- is hoped a good class will turn and Jack Elston a! the Radio Shap No trouble to the frnr ed h odn heated cahins with spring mat- _____ta be Russia and Russia alone. ored caps, and are pale grev un- out for the lQca1 tests. Keep the show a definite cansumer's gain. HGETPIE tresses, which are available Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle He concentrated aIl his efforts on derneath. A small black bill and ýdates in mind and file entries "n' Refrîgerators, which came under HGETPIE ADFRODHRE throughout the country. The D. G.s Walton's, Newcastle uilding up a Russia that would a 'black line through the eye com- 1 time. the 25'c tax drap are as follows:j PHONE 4026 PETERBOROG EES HRE Black Hawk's only sleeping equip- W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville take her place as a leading nation plete the distinguishing marks. Norge refrigerator formerly $4291 ment is a slecping-bag and a hope T M. Slemon, Enniskillen politîcalîx- and economically in Otherwise they are just a spar-ar o $39an ThLéad that the weather will be co-apera- F:* L. Ba, Tyrane world affairs. row' bîrown. The sang is merely A Gestapo rernea$ droThed LeoadNCmE O I w e tive. AIl incals are cooked in G. A. Barron, Hampton In hec participation in the Sec- a cepetition o! the word -chip," $343 ta $329. Radias, which have the open andI supplies are pur- Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool ond World War. Russia pcoved 50 ver ' rapid that it mnay be caîl- For the Taxpayer the 15% tax lifted show the R.C. chased o the road, H. T. Savvell, Blackstock hersel! a formidable miîitary ma- cd a trill. and is sîmîlar ta, though There were 34 members on this C. B. Tyrrell. Orono chine. Her ilitarsuccessi not as musical as that o! the Jun- Extract from yeac's hike and the total cost o! W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Lovell the wac seemed ta stimulate a Co. Daîly Telegraph thé advc-nture for 18 days was ex- J. W. Jeivell, W. J. Berry and desire for power that was ta be . The Chipping Sparcowv, which Brisbane, Australla pectc-7 lo he in the neighborhood The Statesman Office brought about by a spreading o! iSsamorelimes called Haie Bird, is Txto fîil aebeeni _______________________________________________ carnrunismn into bordering caun- a neat workmarî. The nest rests plUndering the bank accounts o!f V tries. Poland, Yugoslavia, Czech- on a fIat branch, the height vary- Icitîzens who they believe owe in- ,1 osîovaikia and Finland aIl felt the ing. Sometinies it is built on a came tax. i T ir >ro c a jRussian bear slowly but surely spruce botigh that touches the The revelation has dismayed Tr threatening their hopes o! respon- ground, whihe at another time the and enraged ail decent citizens. sible gavernment. This poliex- of samie bird may choose a branch O! £11,000 whîch one womanl forcing ather countries toa adopt ten or twelve feet up: but shoul- ,'held in her privatç accounit, these willbe f tu d A t las yo n -- ilcarmunismn would seem ta mndi-i der high is more usual. Finelofficers seized £999/4s. A t Ia5t yow cari cais tst pini:t T -: tlets are used then hair, if pos- Sh: h:ad nt pti a n' da facmuitc _.-oe ssiflytwined around 'turns for some years. How ar tali hoes t beableindaroud fr a omfrtabe mt- Tey ecurd n catt ther ablc tress The finished article is a They merely wrote an order ta carry out this plan successful- yo u r d ryhy we do not knaw, but with the smrooth cup, barely large enough the bank and the money was 4 Beln uolvaand Czechos- eggs, heavily marked at the la- This is ail, they dlaim, that is IJ~ f [ r l ~ r qt o u d y r c e t p r s i n s gdtr u b e n : d fi th pa l e , gr e e , dnis l e t a y n d th e r n I n c a r e T a x E IovMa A akiimi are n that eisýa c ah less than two-thirds o! an Assessment Act. clea nmrethn teiésstqc W O EE U 1 !UitdSttsan retB iînch long. The Deputy Taxation Commis- . W .U V e ain in his political conquests. Almost exactlY four weeks el- sianer (Mr. Hughes> says that - Ai heaerg mnune-apse from the date when the pair when the taxpay'er has flot sub-ý O stands o! the menace o! comn chooses a site until the fledghings mitted returns of incarne 'Iarbit- O M a o~munismi is that it would threaten are able to leave the nest'. For cary asscssrnent is made. 0 u e fa i (o tA shis personal freedom. He has no awhile the tiny, naked birds are The Department is entitled ta ida owth Rsia pliiclunable ta make themselves heard, guess what the taxpayers, incarne G A M machine warks. Public opinion yet in a !ew days thev sound like might have been, assess tax an a nly concecned with the limnit- gcasshoppers. When fullv !eath- that guess, and seize private A "~ IN a ng of this type of government rced, they strangly resemGle their fuiids. «'Turk" Broda AT 1.IL 5 Fi tonfie 5 e rvi<,U" within the borders of Russia. Parents, but îack the ced caps, In effect, it said: laehcsx Capialitie nteestsan d have dack streaks on their "'Just grab what she's got. the basis that if is gains power it By' actual count, a bcood o! four 1sten bob. Ten she wan tsue tae v 1 nly become a prelude ta has been known'ta eat 238 in - istua sualseca rueoe com.- 'nism-a preparatary course Sesi a !fute or. Teewsn ro !tean foc the - 'RI thing. Adults consumne mostly vegetable iutheo! ms oytha fteasmwn- matter. Practically evecything ' onythofficalstten that soig 1In other >.rds evecy vote that the ' theofiiias.tmntta you cast for èt -ocialistic candi- te family eats, weed seeds, tws a Il yOId r problerris. date in future e1aions will be gruhs, warms. and caterpillars, Noistathminsue Il the an bwe t brd ! nsualeco dni value -Nisth~i~at ainaisthe. ns RI VL a step towards the spreading and wudohrieb ermnlt Even if money is owed and it asiiaino nuim it e farmec's craps. This makes ________assmilatonof_______m. uno bsrcielite Cican be proved, no extra hegal. u* 'aur country. brofuuulenmiv ae authority must be perrnitted taoL . ~v i a t Observer. Are Kingbirds pugilistie? invade the private lives of peo-£1 11N.M A U IWV IU _____ ____ _ple._ _ _____ ____ ____ pIe Thepolcecannot enter a home Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Canadian National Exhibiion has eqflpment turned out during and I wear ta a very good rason be- Phon Zeith1300 Osawa developmnt ta aid the farmer is and demanstrated at the Canadian Incarne tax officiais may enter BoNvmanville Arrent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR on display as well as the produets National Exhibition this vear. Thée ,ý. pecson's home merely on sus- o!fcn ield, gardien and dairy farnous Vampire jet 'plane, depth pîcion without any judicial au-eA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ fro m . ail over this D om inion. b aînbs, trpedoes, radai, tanks thority, and search that person's and ultra-modern army motor- "Books, documents and sales." ized vehicles, and a variety o! Think o! ail the private carres- equipment not hitherto put on pandence an officiaI would have W E public display will !orm a highly ta snoop through in discovering W E PHOENI *AUT BATTE IESPîteretîni trato.those documents which are rele- 'inry30 NIX-AUT BA TERES i re in attacton.vant ta incarne! It seerns reasonably certain are ma e wthfist ra e ateias Business Directory howe v-e, that a taxation officiaI Nato a oc e-e g canot, yet put a suspected tax- - defau ltiijail. and sufficient capacityt last beyond Legal Magna Carta provides against' Vthis, but an arendment could P A G I S easilv be inseted as a sub-clausc their warranty with reasonable use. W' R. STRIRE, K.C. next tirne samething is being donc Barrister- Solicitor- Notai-y about the Incarne Tax Assessrnenî Solicitor for Bank o! Montréal Ac t. Forcis to 1933, ah Dodges, Plymouths and Chevrolets MoneY ta bcan - Phone 791 -The Federal Treasurer (Mr. Dowmanville Al -Str 13 lat 85amp $1.65 15 lat 90amp $1.65Bowmanville, Ontario Chifley) must appoint immédiate- 13 Pate 85 a p. 11.5 15Plae 9 amp $1.65LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A.- ly a camrnittcc o! enquirY imb 15q Prflate 001ap. nc95 1V7 PatT10am . 1795Br.str Sliior1NtryPulc axtonpo es nd.acics..IN HE WHL-F MIY TH Y'L EN S I.S. M . R u d L I 8 7w - S ID Iffl , Y A R D , IN D U S T R A L N D t h e Y r e t h e k b t e n t e E s n i R .W SSOLD.S., D.D.S. '. SEMNO IRWK West, Conadsriwye r Office in his home è'. . . . . . . . . . . . .o l e so Cnd niie" ÀÀ 100 Liberty St., N., Bowrnanville !: oleso Office Hours: :. Varnshe Paiits9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. ta 12 noon, Wednesday Enam ls WaxCîosed Sunday Phone 604 . 23-5* Monuments flf IDED AND UN» AI ONTA11JO S"TAfONS WAS FINIH FO E EY SU FACETihe Rutter Granite Company A FIISH FOR VER SURACEPbone 501 - P.O. Box 62 -INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OPrope, nt.jý -for sale by -T.MCER <7 F,1 F. C. CROWE ' 22i Divison St.,Bowmanvîîîe ~5~J ~~FO1G(#LDiOAND UNLOM ;D 10 EGI TRET. OW ANTLEOffice Houes: op A 217,565,324 TONS. 102 ELondaSTREETesdav, 7-8 p.1 Nhîîrdav -8 m c ,sa,78 ..9 -M iPhurisdayW 2-8O PANpLImTE Bownianville -IU24,.Puirt Hope 248

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