to, >thi ri 'St ai PAGE iTWELVE ________~s ,,u. Il 1 _. -1-cu 1 s Jo hMuntiayalsoth r. os in Toron*o, anti Niagara Falls settewerntwl .Rs'. Now $38.85 Now$35 ~~~~ ~~iMc. anti Mrs. Stan Moffat, Osb ih!f 5 Mrs. Fred Lee, Mr. antiMd 65 o$9 GreawihM.aniMr.Or.l Ross Lee, Diana anti Brian Lee, t 6.0t Grec:.Kedron, Mr. anti Mrs. Max I&all- Mcr. George Wolfe lefi by planead Mos JaSsace ni _________ ______________ to visit parents anti celativ'es 10ingtL.alLOlÔ, , Margaret B a ka tchen,! T RD ublin, Irelan, until Ocober. j-- don n&"M c. a anti Balr d, , L on-s MOVIFTONF 'NEWdnIM. ni FORssllLwi, OON I FORM is Bertie Pascoe, Toronto, Mc. SVE20 0on the finest pocketed SPRING MATTRESS. Reu1 795 ne TECHNICOLOR CARTOONe nrml ahagd a fgMersfMc ntJ.s.HoaR.pela................---.-Mr..-----R- -- -- --s Given ormMetxraîf,. asoss .pring Mattrcss, fuil size only. Atigtst Sale$5 5 monthly orenta w cash6 rthe: ACIDVMecanti RosAl wan, ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ _ urti y oue dita î cas he r the Crýterman anti fam ly, Base L ne.' WEDN SDAY - TH RSDA , AU UST 8-19 abouts. Anti legenti bas it that -Mrnkanti nni. Rsbs li, M. N tiw- ~'. - W NSA USDY UUT119 people were bappier then than AND364 EIR casîle, Mr. anti Mcs. E. L. Gil * '- i pr omo otaesctesrn-lldMtrs day, h. ad o mein s fuglt pros l Mrs Clarence Bell, town, Mrs. L. < . ~ -~ <at $22.75 (ae $.0 cous Mar homs hull ten R~TAID A vo'C. Snowticn, Mc. Bob Snowtien, moi-al' ,9, anti s I. FolevMr.N t:$00 E A D i v RoesBbonsy uas,.,To.Snowrien, %were Suntiay cxc-Noe O00RARIfs'arunrolonaySndd £ ae oncetiîoi.Wa t ste5v5551 M c.H . e, oesBbo ays humans "' the Best .'nimxisiars %with Mc. anti Mcs. Quality Liles during this salei 44gra\*iîtNfirst mrust be cotunteced QH G reeman O In SPitc, of wacs andi famine-s QNlr. M Pipher, Toronto, will oc- E X T R A Ille %Woild* population bas in- A D u the puipit on Sunc!a. creaseti turing the past 10 vcars.1AN v1* f ii'iuCARTOON IN Canadia's recent Interna*tional: EVIEWho feels injustices; who WNIILULIIIUII.TÎUnITDDIIPrD(uum TETratie Fair, in Toronto, was the ý[bik ufr asih;xb a flMu~UUIIflmou'wuuLuInII CHNCOLR îrs cx: elti on this su-nse cf wrnng so acute, anti Suupersonic planes !andi witbout Phile85oFomanxng igrtitdeOronond i o ur , ni a. a o t 6 ie a nesF, as a gene cus boay- T hack- ihaur. I eray, ORONO 1 r te~'~I~ eutc YROERisv'rlook charge o the Be-ENEL ten minutes duration, willasoeGone iasecakndf On arrivai at the parsonage they Treasurer reported that owing!-pintlmt. Ne'xt Sunday S.S. at 10 ____ On July 29, being a fine day, ýreceived a welcome that Rev. S. to change in status one case of Miss Nellie scorgir. rOîl*o'n. a M. and rhiirrh service nt il clM. n r. m yct n impromptu speech on age ra e tyi hma be vou.H goo ro ds nd eauifu sc ner , a d M s. ittewo d j si now relef and one case of charity M r. and M rs. George Jurvir, <io lrk w t hv. Crsswell in jfam ily, Bowm anville, M iss Joce subject supplied by the Ju i r A Ov sre t iedbyM. A 0a~com-how to give. Ail were so g]ad to were ordered closed. oefo h and Ken, Regiinîî, MrýitIaqidMîI W le, *uogr. (loir Practice Friday Cowlingand Mr. Keith Hodges, FarmersAsspociptou f nara f h mtve fhua afc Mr n r.W. Davey acm- find Mr. a d Mrs. Littlewood so Letter replying t o e10 te Hall. Toronto, 'wlth Mrn..W. T. r nIîtilit nt 110.Il. ope Whitby, aa.Frank Lycett's. Max Foa this A impr ompu seeh ahoin aefihth fetin(r paidb r.A leOhwiwell and happy and the day pass- clerk re damage done by foxes Worden. goorl iirib<'i niulLct rmie ohldy. fina]ist will be allowed to pik ne ndrg an ahein -Mr Mrs. J. Eaglcson and Mr. Robt. 1cd vcry quickly when a mosten wsra. Cekwsakd1 omeLk. eîsl' I. M.nd MM ry rent Mer aind rs. E d aOms totcommunity work in his o e joyable time xvas spent tofvs efiveek asatopics, ailke 1- closr.ely rx Gody Ben M.endMatedwndrmsBakerfie op Eddy.loel Mr n rsgit ewood îll read letter bo the Council regard- iting at the Skitnners'. -pitîîlSuialny nt (Cohntirg. Maple Grove, at Wallace Pascoe's. own country. The scorin fo ngtesm.Mr. and Mrs. Liinlei Tlî'uîcll<the'. <q Mr, nsur! Mr.s, Il. Philp, Ronnie Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston h fias ilalo 50p ntfr -- - ua w a t~cr sumer ottae onLakeof- There were four applications for 1 Hampton, Mis, Ia i colt, arid Moiril r.n. ts-ndrçl Decora. Ennîskillen, at Hoskin Smith'. teipopu sec n vîhed i tmm r.otag n Mrs. fonod-wthi athe improim it h e e xteev iea ~nn on the r w v h M Tha e a ter j b of to h alanr us r o n d o v ng p ent n coup, l m I w n Iu u I ,î ~ ~ Je n M . a d M s u s l r i the r iolidays in Msor. nJl.codto eeandiee oonh wih i.nd h. t.inDn rr v1vfîîc n Sh i loh them.- Msnd Mr. a rs. Hoin B Smith poontsforthepail ds lîa Sua m u mu r . Alger O H opa vist oadplicingo no nedilia y Depni.M.Ho d s . N i vlwvr ItYM nîî<I M 'is, t welph (flaM sll, arnd a il an vlcd aon M. ad i- os l cubabe copltdfoyae ~ nghrcosn.Mr n Ms ihwy wngt hecags1i îa lrg1n'Wîsiî r I îîi. il UMir,-,lliampnt Su- Mrs Gco. H repn, ionvhaw . ta oebr2 et n h I vscrdw n Cth r re sLit.e niad cce in No. 3. Swlorir hx's i n ir d aywihtiridMa.I() ery Mr. Hepburn iRs i e ry ptoor on cmelintions in te fv lonts dr lgttcd ilis Jeon e n t le r ithn tenembr1x.h 2I fotshsfcioir h liabeth TsoaiJlyn a ond itasion ft R evead Road Supi . .Mis esAiriidhnll Adilh <k MndMr. and Mes. dar rsc mito nsmut, .IuIe dn and Mr nd Mrs S. R. Caldwcl, Part arrang si e f ro d m M s Go rdo nd non c ile u ai! l nuîîytcun a p n Ir r s oi, R t n oth Mbunnon i strw o icMn BR ln g V o ur . lgr, O shcw aTu' U s T er ei wa s q uite ad isc ussi. O fon M r n . H o r eM - m il r; j ,' W it y a .e e n o s reasonable rices joge orth chatngs op: OrnWW Gr~:~~ S~at tiîh Mr«S Sun-h M <I . G I. Gray, ninv l oba fin or Pargu20 wiî pi ee ____lg hrcus r .kne sHih isNti -ogon sii- d;1 y iing lriM-i vo-Gry Mr. Hea ndM s inT. R B o oa ,m____aain re oficeinowshipf Hall rtn, .C, ho iio nto i h F. Park.aio i t ALL WACH REAI S eCounCentreSt.kes for erk Reeve and RCle riter . Par. Ç . Vode . Wl wii cl m<'<t t Lirke imce . andMr. . . . rms on esn 17e ha ee TaxRs Eiath for 1948 a e l cotctmpetedso on gh ays apo s.c. an d Mr. .J.ndMi-S en1).PilG.n a r. ui ee and Mrs. W rsot frsfsaf( M.adMsJ.Egeo'v si bie. Hooereken tMilnc ndW- Mkisms iiCluub wll Aprovi<Ilamp- Then Mennonmantesiewwith Mr U A R A N T E D Clake Tow ship C uncil met letor af Taxes p ta S ptemb rn7,dMs. Sar h.Tenn nt. Otacal -l(.t-.1.lO miston M roroto U hleins)îsamlcRuthitande arose For dOMr.Yearnd rs . 3 .with Caldmembe rs res ran td$2 os Du frthCen- wti M.and Mfs.S.riev BL CKSTMr. a.J. Mcullo. Ga, oafor Paraguay wtr.ilet ii lllng MANS RNG I C UD D eegtin frm h snuh of Aicul turlsoietofrorn198. onMr. G adn rs . Wil cMoorevi, -.PP peanpipaerbtrpialaunld To wn peco e i o M i - BFl w ~ a a s d seîn a e nniskiîîen, a i thMc R Br s s W rnu1s, nîlci M i.quarts (9 medium reasonable pricCHANGEwRULES FORii Baikg), liiewrcelery.iSimmer, bai, J Ki bal an Ll yd lys f r tax aon for te a 8a s on s .on B c et B w avLe j .W. DawsonndKather'ine PUiBy tLIC Stp he n G uso th a om a ype o - hr s.iied jr a Bholidaying wihtMrsTuLaUsa i:- ani S i ra , With M nd r ithMr. 1 ~ ! i.iiiii~ ' ~ C lerk ernadc h s re port as b n- To nse fi c ae in -T1wn i isa el Tor o nto, MTo on ald ihMuu 'S. te is ho e-n:oli ar. he annu l ubics peT. ing o m - r u w ei er 3 o n Grab n d hS re w s utrcec e o a m il Fad . Dnyai tatHvs ndg Mrs .W 0dcy . O. al ey, CavanIl . orFrea rss Woiatio forO triso J E W E L L EPAR y oJt HIl. Dph in Tconon nraka olie illge .7m11hldnnt!r arlGodmaJulia wnGMar EHn nd aneaodl98-. 1;ed ow BOI MA VI LER e f tat par o 94h8 ha e st aic 8m lîd s one d ollar. Mrs. a dL . . Jd a. WForcieent1 :. wîll sootr lo e )( n e umn le w, p rovds T e age O -nlx o i ne Te~~~sib e biistheerdre pideM. nd tMrs iA douan a d - M ra nd Mrs. ) Wir Sin , i m- fo oclclbcunthdstitn 43 Rin S W P oeE 4 3D t cr f o m C o n t or e M C . . a dall c i as 3 . 0C ldenag aiei M . csh .E. i m t n.wth f.eds one e m in t io n c n e t f o e Carkeng Tos hip f or riig Pr-met ae- . -- 4.0 onmn otpol[ M in ir, Oshawa, a iF ich vla ce five z oone neo, x eaugs i trs' lsma e aci er kf Re- leo f Taxe . p o .- 15.00 Donrs. a ahriffn nislntOt, s. Ms.Fo irsb t a eeart ith Mrfi nal c mpet- - Fo-O e e r n'J1. Jwelr aayec 1.5 itd Milredand Gwen Hi. s. Mr. l ge orel n M: lo i ot ex auay a I Gl Graned $00 t Duram Cn- M. an Mrs ChalR. icenLox MANPRN S N LU E Dlgain rm h Cuh o nishl s mre su plSiesyfor14.4 onMr. and Mrs. W RhM ovisied , MntB La i. M. d Mr. te tme heanua metngo blJ mblan Lly lsforonxai o Tms riting -- 95.50a Mc.and B secki Rahm, nio, l o rre. theso, Ontarn, UBIC F eain agr-. JOH DE RE a Ne QUg i PMiai ed n T hrt al 46 n M W H arBrktn a l v d erl eg- c ~ mthechange is DueHoN e AN UR FAMp nll Harlow holid iled 180 with M M s. R. aronT- Hici ara W s orBeach ha tefnl o pttin te Orn hne6 'C. . Alen, tnp s va uer 3.00 ront . Te n w ho s s e ng b ih ic o nesi ptant cad i ne e1 st de- Varillbl R % nc 0fi ..Scîng-too h iîor. 23 nc 6fi utha Central __Agricul- s Mr.and Mrs. G. HuIs abr ell illage aeycoMingrighToon. liverngmapepanted retosfof upyay8Pudcn, 7 iDClarws looeu eM elRkahiteort aDebe To ntuipR e c -..-2---15.56 lseTornntoM. spona ckii la, ois hve ben boughty.1th nulPbiSpa ngC m erbtwl d iv 3po A R terview vith 201r.. Turner, o a Vouhi ch o. 7, 6ages907.1 JachisCan]rent Mr and Ms. 1 B la r c e H arll Tem s st eiinsosrd h uir FORnbyMandATE mEsIVERYrBY DEAtoR Vouch Builes pital 4088.08 Hiîs put outofithe inals1Frdaf eve Coni dore o M ion c. ntStMrs. F. oey and ing byM illbrook tle a ai M iesAsoito frOtri dnw Ag . H o tO HK Eva. R Septembet ý a r , ai . .7 Jsisses MMc.yand MrsanChas. Had-brook.8The.local team did wel J W L E Mr. and Mrs. R. ri Gotodmaneao o hrabndfr ev BROORLteINalie- r-ul-of-ayHORae 18foBrKlieVlTgo Moo c arnd MorsntG Gh raha and 1erai yearontSeveralfrJo hnre wihteciiaincnet BOWI ANV LLEFurey o th t p rt f th Sh re \&aS st a 8 ill on he ollr. arbara, B. o manile wFoM . en rda tvle o n , Mondbayd r wa ,p ovd s Th ag otanr e line. These bMr. aidls. Neorewel and: Mr.and Ms lAreong nc od ei Mrg. ei a e iv io theclb, Iny dstit n 43Kig t.W Pon 4 iLete fo Co At r e nsNorJ.wodal, aR Ms.FHage-0man *arnd Juiîhd Mrids. E.c inne. A mans.Bomavilewih r.andMs.meig astigreaty renyd at F.neF.lMORRISonCG. AUGUST SALE 1s Mr. . aMel rs. T. S e it h19an td .J.Godmand thel. ! Ms RgrDrel n a- ini ornonx hnaya daugiheor ds.pHles rm.n, Mc.and Mrs. M. RG. mcCist, Earl ,on of he pr.sidMrs.! h ieo h nulmeiC a .I n Mc. nd Tmes rs.Watr Ra9m.5ClMr n r.CclRh no alDorreli. s.Noma Ma-hewaro Fe arveiiof us1 are JOH DER FRN MI EN Carty----- ----- -- - ----- .6 aMis ras. W.CuisRhm, of Coks - vA nthe "buys" ilustratedultueThere are hun-FA __ m i Lui i and Ke nehal-Mrs..H. Rahm'. Gl cdJrr ii, onlm n v icead preeisiémotim otntcanei HaroMis uhRahm, Saintfed 180a i tw h M c. and M s. E. DeeTo l- d a as ent ash. in tee mnl o ptnte inn hoe6 612- ad1 fU JC.S rngtohCutMrss 23ad t . . ln rm s eyr- 300 ro. 1Thc whai. ev er iFeg uo n a ve cdr edstansinadrtont dept e t o u t r s e s p o et a Mu.hamn ra rsS.JPiar, oc- Mc. and Mcs. J. Wismeand y, ms iae aecmn ih ln.lvrn rprd adeso Tilers Waons 1A Hmmemils;1-rw Crn ickrs Fife urwasant-giv---n---------2.0.HaHai-tnweit will ndfouotTerberefundersold nd or 7.t.Die H Ea TRw;alooe - BO WMd A .RVILLE o ent ai fMrS. . 12-ahm --'s 5.6 and r aunk, n d Kme eneih Hun, riso sstae b eL u h t s sc edb. M.ond o MhrsN. A7,ed ae, of12w It sliron, t, M. and Mrs. A. BlMcs oe hompson's gcoup. COOL - A R CO DIT O NED - C OL o mn vilie, Mc. n d Mrs. e - on lb.a ndry. . Ke eth ean n fo Co rec in Aolo i e s to t eilrl- An d.c .Gm i t , B w m a v i l e , i m c . y a n M r a d s . O . a d s . M . W M S . m m e s h r s n lda2 e u h o H L T R I H . R a h m 's. M .a n d M rs. . W ri g n ht. cic e n, R e as n M fs M r b le f er g s o n. eS I E e o r. THR SDAY - F IDAYPAU UST 12 Mrc.c adcmmnî pc s anda, ca.lrhmlad o rs . E al y.M.S eegrecl y. ByfromS2 Oovlu.Saeprc, lee ni BUashed n tshoolgon ds raa, aavilwthM.wn ecco it asprnd a re Augsi.4 ad ws wl tt nd Ms. H. SFinîey. Dan an engt by the M.A. I-an cai pi .ni e wetherandi Brc. Unionvi l re n it c. an_ t viLunce og esis th a etvRlethe 41 Of / / about 90 chilticen nd aduls. g r s.a C. Jigowt can i Ms. Sa, iunra. ee Ms ooh mant.'sr h upe rs . BHwanvkey h r adMs. hesbugusmprincipalof te'n-T Fe F,(2MORReISuteO$149 Id.Mr R. dMr. .Se m tok ane:d ML . . Hd wihmc.entgic n giw srls Bacdi n o olWnedGee Truos ihterograndfor ms andrmaen r ac Hthî etovl e P ort of pain, rînid. nd Mis and avetrels ah A aseaîl Conra.a ti es teG.MrCs. E h ylialm o h ainlY Mrame as.en alerby hme m Midr soose orn e c 84h ithdaof . .C. ArlDýl. Ms ora*al I SoU.em relo s"b y " a e * oan ti gils. th t r.H .conclus o cw n d hMr Ms. I.. ar ade L asolm, nv i aevpeiening m n es' C o e fom a c 50 I h - u d ds o o or an en rs E er roo Sa pe R d e oMte iie supph, afe: ev. eyAJ.Bi, ilbowihM. ant i f tev.MroyalBlack Insiion Avso the core neteok fsroom sarme mt o of r oslrgtfaore- tem - i m r.H matea es em csta al Mr .a d ROsvea. Wfcom Ldv a in sa y, on hitby, o wminAfia- du ueaea / f e ua rcs fI snt o u lo, w ltk o ote f co Mho .had helpe .iJth e do r o r- ah ndBi raie kanp Morgnsne . vllHunypot a dFaiwfghectmruayshicvlg s hesa e. Seec N W. Re ulr rietanee14 0 L $85O Suntcat rsHoo. Givng s maîhldyngwl one n a-pradetilteSt. L Joh ws Churchfo eS l $ 950 $89 BOWMAVILremembance ts.Alfe ed Gesiolady inhip. r.andthe anMs.Lonua ervi hichwa's on-Agutppcst C O LA IreseIN E O L o m n l, M r a . M aunhMr. C - c . b a n Mry . G oth r o n W itt k c d c e i by t e r c o . M . o -_ _ _ __for_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ani tahMc.Uneion, M Hu don, aho n idEa A. M.Correeer ai ciolcn,- stud e s minise reaen ; ldM s en R b in h v Ma t r l i., amis.Lo n , th M r. of th e mN e st o p res y teu n e a i R g : A m n t e s W l o s o ed~ picric Smaha cup anilaucr MssDre hscl R eVoinanti vocalMsolswer con ra lo s îng a bi.thayh at ayner he anti Mrs. H.W. Rsa hld n Ciha uc asist in he serviee . o o ero îe YHURSDAY FRIDalso tGUMrs12Tom Baiypriavc rtic-Osaactecin by . -A.W... tingreitents .4B Snie ac her. onthe sfamil agrPooamundsay mocning a n Sugg or itas ite Rasmont lVICIOR MA1lpienE wetherand ivile, it M. a nti Muc. Donae s B. the , SecRectory~Ilnm iaothe0youngest aby dutprest. o g coa dMr.eatind xMrs. SFlue anti ner e i rectio o assit e in the suceers s bi rvAnstn enI eainy Ar h r ewDuerta ,herecpoftab e no ORIAM OONL YI CO E[N R~Y evM s.R . S or thneSai ~eymnouort ioli Selciio by c on Hairl loan. ug t------------ 11thspendpo e a ntoretiandfoces MrHamitn ck H . Mack Nwtln etiPortifnays nserienillbea heis ~Dt L f NI RTAIN I NT a 'eand a nur a l affai. A b e all nti rats u ltionsthe lsso . -rlene ' in S JH sa C h eh N tinl Ye. _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ S P O R Q U Z S H R T * * T E C NIC O O R A R T O N oyM c. an t i Mrl s. A W.t Be yan , c .lusion_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L a i s 'S unda v n ipl em ber sO F E A L S an c a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M r._ _a nd__ _ _ _ _ _1 ._ _W .__ _ _ _ _ a n t inMc . P . B r a n , O s hOav eMi s s0 g o o d l y u m b e r o f C a r io fig t / ' , . Pa n d" e n % Lfes dli i aresiNo rwi eh, with M A. J.SBali. ord Brooswh. ad rsteRsaen aet I ne satie 'a ls lecmlt tc f shoron al es Sae Uta 40%f I u us 3tth om uil r nigGex'. Joh McKbbi wa aving ad howper attine in fhn- J Oen Ev r ay 'n specvilPoprechr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d FIRC..FLMIG..FRIUS..AIJÎtheOVN a M. nt rs Mrl Hb- Plnethey5 r Cisinani arartSpntlh'eedSoas Sudo ochs ndiiyoci, 5 f Mc. anti cso. Ji Atia m Vsi- h 8o unds t. E., i tbd yM r-gan, Wla m o intE TR John'ssî m huît Bc hetefcluad achng Chiforo r WILLAM EUOT JOH CAROLLetioli rinentis h edstldthere. inrvc wic asco-Abeugtifu Salecoe r Reu$a .524 0 o sale .00-------- -- J. p r s. tM r a. o, oron o, ih M r.and_____ G ordn__________________ _the____o i hec iaute rMs. KJ on hvorter.r. Hmltn wthM. Mf AP NsLEtoG REsbtr Mc. anirs. J th Sinarte LArcPS and washabthesersice McaCnodis nt cJ S-S. . Ahm e FF Es:A m ntes ito o !pciaci nan Linsuerdss ore h ay.etrn ils Mdu clti snlo tie con- hds eua 2.0t 4.0., n~aoayo iu clai o r wreoin P ilepive oelon. Sat HmiltoS.rvice theweed th fur ents in Tc o T e o ale at ro rnsi McngS.. taH. Gihevisiig hc mo- a una mrin as1ofn o g Pint GATELRayon the r at Coî b re. MissYP.wih nd M rionalnd ten petahedbur5y. A. U ABLS Io tMs Jr Giei and Donald are Lo ne A ni i ha gex t e o - cn kend at hoe w a flte r tiaying ____________ ________ i- Sho t . a d - *- a te ottage Bbey ee n t byMr. wut girl f drie t h irndtBendof Mcv. S B u t b ab e, Toron t LakinHur n.tte;' De uxe odels In sp elal bv 1 B o yH i D g is D cee P rr ol H m p o n0 AM rye eJo n H m ilM c.o n t r. B c - S T L E R*a d va o u Cartoon EV IN Tehniolo 1MslRniub BniandywhpMc anrt i lto. M. -1.£ - £ n e Ihlidayn sricuhes ta ou: cSaeam----------a---hl$8 ng 'Mr. ani Mrs. W.lBec Godan, tegoerMtrrat.nuc a i ' R M MGN AY - UE DA A GU T 6-7 can tiMrs. Vtoran e sw, To-ison,82 Arm ooyn e nti G artwigt C- apABES and tc n nesia,, rics,. E M.Stor o. A- BW AVLE N rfpe Grnsave re r, onthe gh- (Compare o: prices aeu o4 Shm' eu cf hiawarl Ms ot 1Crther Wmuih he Mr.RE. W.Jon, ~Mary i -wa ~~>~gcfNICO~O.~. .....parent s Mc. addati ce iamsion- Oe V ,Dy pca ery aon c . Mirti Wil-Saeso ta 220 onFeWantGuancdPAE MR RSaore COUBI CTJE ~ati R b ri x'o iS 0 w wa kng"' k n, s ax', viiet h ir sstr i r geo n fc Ih el T le fC E D T SIsaMs a dss t 5 % of THE CA'NADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO 911ý"TU.CnAV- ATTrýTTRT M 1049