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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1948, p. 1

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e e,ý- 0~uub x4u t~YtE~1u4u "Durham County's Great Famiily JournaV" VOLUME9D4 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST l2th, 1948 6c PER COPYNMBR3 ..ATTEND LIO NS CARNI VAL WEDB AUGUST Lions Club Plan fi»g Night 0f Fun and Entertaînment For Their Annual Carnival The Lions Club members are[ The carnival will start at 6:15 taking over Bowmanville on Wed-i p.m. xith a Children's Parade, nesday night, August 18, and plan which will form Up at the flag ta put across the biggest an d b est, poie and parade around the High entert.ainment of the year. The Schooi Grounds. The parade wiii main attraction of the carnivai be led by the Boys' Training wiil bc a Benefit Softbail Game Schooi Band. with an N.H.L. Al-Star Tcam After the Ail-Star bail game piaying Bowmanviiie Ail-Stars.1 the carnival will be thrown wide The N.H.L. teamn will feature open for the entertainment of ev- such faniiiiar hockey names as cryone. New booths with games Bodnar, Quackenbush, B r a d a, are pianned. which will provide Poile, Smith and Lynn. enj .oyment for ail from 8 to 80 The lineup for Bowmanviiie years of age. Ail-Stars will be: D. Little, Ace' The big lucky prizes for the . Richards, Don Williams, Ted Mii- night are ten modern streamline ler, Dutch Osborne, AI. Osborne, Philco Mantel Radios, an attrac- Bob Williams, Max Yourth, Ew- tive addition ta anyone's home. art Bragg, Davies, Piekeli, D. Gil- Tickets may be purchased on the hooiy and W. Poiiey. The Bow- grounds or from any member of - manville term is made up of three the Lions Club. piayers from the four teams in Then there is "Lea," wha wil the town ieague playoffs and one be raffled off during the evening.r player from Merchants. "Lea" is a beautiful registered Tickets for this game will be cocker spaniel puppy, the ideal sold at the game and during the pet for a growing child. game a draw for six valuabie The proceeds fram the carnivai .prizes will takc place. wiii be devated ta excellent corn- The entire carnival wil i bc mun ity work, carried on by the!! broadcasted over a Public Ad dress'Lions Club. Sa no matter how System with that "Hockey Night much money yau spend at the in Canada" annauncer, Fse fair,' it will bc used for your ben- Future Olympic material is picti Hewitt at the mike. efit in the end-yau can't lose. Bart Smithson, recreational dîr the take-off. From ieft ta rigJ Announce Upper School. Resulis Masterson, Maurice Richards, T.1 eLI Atkins Flower Shop AI DowmanvilleHigh School a ecie N.B.-Mr. L. W. Dippeil wiil bc Trig. 1; Chem. 1; Fr. A. 2; Fr.C. T.D.S. Membership inhis office from 1:30-6 p.m. on 2. Akn'Foe hp omn Friday, August 13, ta interview Heyland, J.-Camp. C; Lit. C,; tîs lwrhp omn students who, wish information e- Alg. 2; Trig. 1; Bot. C; Zool. 3 vile, was admitted ta member- garding their courses. His, E. - Camp. C; Lit. C; ship in the -International Tele- Aildread, M.-Comp. 3; Lit. 2; Alg. C; Geom. 3; Fr. A. C. graph Service of the trade in ai Bot. C; Lat. A. 1; Lat. C. 2; Fr. A. Lobb, A.-Comp. C; Zool. C. communication received fmomn the 2; Fr. C. C. Luffman, J.-Trig. C; Bot. 3; Beilman, H.-Lit. 1; Hist. 1; Zool. 3.' headquamtems of the arganization PYs1. Mellveen, E.-Phys. C; Chem. last week. The membership per- Breslin, P.-Comp. 3; Lit. C; C. mits recipracal delivemy of fiow- ot. C; Zool. 3; Lat. A. 1; Lat. C. Martin, J.-Camp. 3; Lit. 2; Bot. ers and wreaths in any part of Fr.A. 1 ; Fr. C. 1; Germ. A. 1; C; Zool. C. Germ. C. I. Melaow, R-Bot. C; Zool. C. the world sîmply by teiegraphed Britton, N.-Comp. C; Alg. 2; Munday, J.-Camp. C; Lit. C; instructions. A central clearing1 Geo.1 ri.C-hs.C hm Geom. 2; Trig. C; Bot. C; Phys. bouse handies ail exehange and i C .1; rg.C hs.C hr 2; Chem. 3; Fr. A. C.; Fr. C. 3. financial arrangements.1 Brooks, Glenn-Camp. 2, Lit. 2; Paterson, J.--Hist. 3; Trig. 1; Previous ta acceptance into thei Geom. 1; Trig. 1, Bot. 2; Zool. 2; Bot. C, Zool. 3; Phys. C. organization, which is a bondedz Phys. 1; Chem. 2; Lat. A. 1; Lat. Pedwel]. K.-Comp. 2; Hist. 1; corporation, Mm. Atkins had ta C. 1. Phys. C; Chem. 3. male bis own distant contacts( Brooks, Grant-Lit. 3: Hist. 3; Poiiand, G-Bot. C; Zool. C. perganaiiy wh ich involved uncer-, Alg. 2; Trig. C; Phys. C; Chem. Rice. J. Camp. C; Lit. C; Alg. 3. tainty af deiivemy and entailedE C; Fr. A. C. Rundie, W.-Comp. 1; Lit. 3; extra expense. He bas had manyc Cattran, C. - Aig. 2; Bot. 2; Geom. 1; B~ot. C; Zool: 3I; Phys. 3; calis for delivery in Engiand andj zool. 2; Phys. 1; Chem. 1. Chem. C; Fr. A. 3; Fr. C. 2. across Canada which have been I Friend, G. - Camp. 1; Lit. 1; Stevens, H-Camp. C; Lit. C; effected succesftily. His newt Geomn. 1; Trig. 1; Phys. 2; Chem.' Geomn. 1; Bot. C; Phys. 3; Chem. membersbip is of distinct advan- 2; Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 2; Germ. A. 1; 3; Fr. A. C ; Fr. C. C. tage ta local clients in the future. Germ. A. 1 Tamblyn, M.-Comp. C; Lit. 3: Gaheen, S-Bat. C Zool. 3 Geom. 1; Bot. C; Zool. 2; Phys. C; Goheen, W. - Lit. 3: Alg. 1; Chem. 3; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C.9 Geom. 1; Phys. 1; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. Walton, M.-Comp. C; Lit. c; Ilecreation iCaIendar 0 C. Hist. 1; Bot. 3; Zool. C; Phys. C;k Hendry, A.-Ag. 1; Geom. 1; Fr. A. C. Thursday, August 12 ý W WIField Meet at High School. Rev.S. B Nen ersn In ucie As 7 .m.-Softball, Peosi Cola vs. Nîinister of Trinity United Church The mission ai the Chistian Church was the topic chosen bv Royals in Finals Rev. T. E. Kennedy, chairman ai the Oshawa Presbytery, at the in- Play Here Aug. 17 duction service of Rev. S. R. Hen- derson, B.A., B.D., as minister of Bowmanville Rwoyal, wilI Trinity United Chunch on Fiday Play either Port Hope or evening. Wbltby in the first game of A lage ongrgaton ws dep- the Lakeshore Intermediate Ay largsedcongreationesdeep- Basebal Finals on Tuesday ly ressed s tev.e, ontndy eu- nigh t, August 17, at Bowman- iargd a histhee, aintng tit ville High Sehool, at 5:30 p.m. that in orden ta maintain its place ___________ in thîs modemn wonld, the Chris- tian Church must teach its doc-. trine and encourage its members' Lost Car Causes ta make a study o! their religion. Some Red Faces The church bas ifs place, not anly in the cammunity, but must aiso expand ils influence for the sake Last Saturday the local- can- af moral security throughout the stabuiary and a few pivate citi- warld. zens ai aur famous town were go- The service was abiy conducted ing amaund witb red faces and by Rex'. R. M. Seymour, Enniskil - rathen sheepish grins. The reason len, assisted by Rie-. W. C. Smith, fan ail these qucer looks us cen- Part Perry-, w-ha gave Rex-. Hen- tainly funny and holds a good derson somne w-cil chosen words of moral advice, regarding the co-openation Shortly before naon Satîirday ai the minister with bis board and mamrning a lady called the police congregation. and informed them that bier The service concludcd wAith the daughter's car which she bad beniediction pranounced iby Rev. pamked in front of a local store W. P. Rogers, a former president had been stolen. She didn't bave of the Bay ai Quinte Conference. the car's license number but told The cangregation adjoumned to them ta phone ber daughtem. The the Sunday School auditorium, local police immediately got un- where a sing-song and refresh- derway- and within a iew minutes ments pravided a social periad, had th e car number and had it during which the fallow-ing ahfi: broadcast al aven the provincevi diais represcnting the different the two-way radios ai the Oýntania groups of the cburcb welcom cdI Provincial Police. their new minister: Dr. J. C. Police cruisers were immediate- Devitt, Board of Stewards; Mr. ]y dispatched from Oshawa, Port Smnith Ferguson, Sunday Sehool; Hope and Lindsay in an effort ta Mrs. Chas. A. Wight, Woman's head off the fugitives in the stolen Missionany Society; Mrs. Hom-ard car. This ail happened within 20 Jeffrey. Women's Auxiliary and minutes after the original repart Mn. W. G. Pascoe, Pastorai Re- had been receix-ed. lations Committee. Twenty-fix-e minutes later the At the conclusion of these w-eh- lady whose car bad been suppas- caming addresses, Rev. Hender- edly stoien phaned the police ta son expi-essed bis appreciaî:ion for .a - ehd!on -ih whr the whoe-hearted ivelconic. vith it had been parked and w,%hen shr which the men*iens o! the con- had fins t reported it stolen sire had gregation had received bîm in 1ritoîdt get into somnebody eise's their midst. car. ____________Moral: Alwayss make sure .,oi M r a d r- -. . ukîow where your ar is and tlat Mî~ aîd rs . ALuan and il5 's P il\ lucktd :!,dlte son. Douglas. Mnxa.have re- bu aktýs onr, h lax-inîgiut uiîat- turned home after visiting lier tendc'd an(_ if it i s nîissing, aller parents, Mn. and MIrs. C. A. Prout. thpsc, precaultions rIhlen phone thc' Shaw's. police. M ik e's Imps.g Friday, August 13 t] 10 a.m. - Playground Softbal f Playoff, High School. 2:30 p.m.-Playgmound Movies at il Badminton Club. IA 7 p.m.-Softball, Rurals vs. B.T.S. IM Monday, August 16 7 p.m.-Softball, Rurals'vs. Pep-! S si Cala. 'A Tuesday, August 17 d 5:30 Basehal je' Playoff, Port Hope or Whitby vs. Bowmanville. 7 p.m.-Softball, Mike's Imps. vs. B.T.S. ti Wednesday, August 18 e, ti 6:30 p.m.-Softbaii, National Lea- R gue Ail-Stars vs. Bawmanville« Ail-Stars at High School.' a 8:30 p.m.-Lions Carnivai at High A School.h Thursday, August 19 7 p.m.-Softbail, Pepsi Cola vs. P4 Rural s. Community Cou neil Swimming Classes Well Attended, tured above with Lane, Akin Terry, Garry Piekard. Ronald Smnith- Above picture shows some of the members af the bow it's done. Front, left ta right: Sanêa Coole, rectar. overseeing son, Clame Mutton, Donald Oke, Bobb'y Richards, girls' swimming ciass, sitting on the edge af the Norma Dale, Georgina Wooiner, Barbara Bathgate, ,t shows Jimmy Kenneth Park, Arthur Shaw. swimming pool at the Boys' Training School, with Gwen Kane and Elizabe4h Ann Watt. Masterson, Garry Bill Bagneil, instructor in charge, showing justi Rota rians Flunk 1.0. Tests On World and Home Affairs Winners Awarded Havana Cigars Abandon Hunt For Lost Vampire Search for the Vampire jet ai: crait, which crashed hast June P inta Lake Ontario east of Boxw manviile bas been, tempoaril3 Lhalted accarding tcf a Canadiar Press despatch. The plane ca. ried Sqdn. Ldr. S. Y. Broadberi ai St. Thomas ta bis death. A navy Fairmile and a fui which have been conducting drag. ging operations, have been withL drawn and the search wiil be con. tinued by Na. 6 Repair Depot oi the R.C.A.F. at Trenton. Sa far only a wheel and a wing of the aircraft have been brought ta the surface. Local Man Hurt In Highway Auto Crash Gardon Rice, Bawmanville, was taken ta Oshawa Genemal Hospi- tal eariy hast Thursday marning, aiter a motor crash in which his car was involved an Highway 2A, a short distance west ai Oshawa. Sufiering severe cuts about the face and multiple bri'ises, his in- juries are not seriaus accarding to the attending physician, Dr. A. K. Mighton. Mm. Rise was praceeding ta Tor- onto on business when for some reason he is unable ta explain, the car swerved across the centre strip into the path af a transport truck coming east from Toronto. Accomding ta investigating ofi- cers, the truck driver had no chance of avoiding the collision. Stmuck an the right side the Rice car was aimost completely denïoiished and wreckage was strewn for a distance af 50 feet. The truck driver was uninjured but the truck diveshaft was bro- ken bv the impact. Mr. Rice was cut by shattering glass and it was a miracle he escaped more seriaus injury. He is progressing fax'or- ably and is expected home short- Stumped for an autside speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon, Fni- day, president Howard Rundie \vas melieved of embarrassment when Ted Morris came up as a pinch-bitter. Chairman af the In- ternational Service Cammittee he immediately transferred the em- bamrassment ta the entime mem- bership by introducing a ten-paint quiz on world and domestie. af- fairs. Ta overcome reluctance, uncemtainty, shynes, in adducing answems, he oiiemed genuine Ha- vana cigars ta those who conjur- ed up appmoximately correct an- swers. Each point xvas subdivid- ed ta make a total of some 30 chances for the fragrant smakes. The final mesuit was a stammen- ing 13 per cent as rated in an IQ test. Ringmaster Past president Len Elliott, in his introduction, wamned that Ted was a voraciaus reader with a back- ground as ex-Reeve and ex-Mayor of Bowmanviiie which gave him a keen interest in public questions. Aks proprietor of the Morris Fun- eral Chapel and Fumnitune Ca. the iîembers were funther cautioned )y the club wit: "If Ted doesn't get you today he xviii in the end."' Ais the quiz continued many feit thev were about ta qualffy for the finaiity. Introduction ta the ordeal came n a quotation irom. Churchill, who in 1935 warned that wars were essentially the resuit ai the unteachability aof ma n k ind. Searching discussion, therefore, was a means o! minimizing this lisa.bility. The questions foiiow- ed in this order. Quiz Twisters (1) What three main forces con- tend toda ' vta shape world des- iny. Silence feu. The mentor xpiained: (a) U.S.A. pmojecting the free enterprise system. (b) Russia extending Communism. c) Western European Union as abuffer organization in bctween.I Afourth was developing i n the )wer Balkans about Greece. (2) What's the cause aith ýost-war boomn in the U.S.A.? Bill (Continued on Page Six) ly, N.H.L. Stars in Action at Lions Sid Smith Turk Broda 'lhese anec aniv thrc of the N HI., staIwarts wlio xvilbt- îuay ing ili the Be-îîefit Sufibali garne at iht' Lion., Carixai. Wt'dnesda « - eveiinig, Aligus, t hi.lî. 'lhle gaie chdIi'id to gî5t tzîtrwvt 6:30 pi. ;v th- SchoI iz ronndý xili!nrouP tn hé, baticto thcencdc bct\%ecni thc Bowmanville Ail- Carnival Stars and the N.H.L. Ail-Stars. Tiukets may be obtaiuîed aithtîe gi ouîîds the night of the fair alid xili entitle tue luolde,- ta participate in a draw for six valtuabie priîzcs ta becht-Id duing ilhe game. PrrucPeHdç from this gala carnivai will be uscd for Lions community work. Film Coming to Royal Lions Conclude Carnival Plans Theatre Shown As Deterrent to Crime Children's Parade and Fastball - With psychologists and social workers in Canada and the U.S.A. trld o Grand Evening of Fun - taggîng the mavie industry as the most potential medium in pro- President Jack Brough assemb- damestic animais and numeraus mating juvenile delinquency, it led the Lions Club camnival coin- shots of people taken in Orono, is noa wonder that the average mittees at the conclusion ai the Newcastle and Bawmanville. But crim thillrs avebee blck-regul ar meeting Monday night ta the emphasis was on flawers, ta crim thillrs avebee blck-review final arrangements for the show, inierentialiy, how homes r- listed. However the Twentieth great show which takes place on and gardians cf esthetic citizens .6 Century Fox Studios have pro- the High School grounds, Wed- cana realiy beautify a community. yv- e itm ta a omc nesday night, August 18. Since The lesson was not lost on the ny flot aly ta revenat cridom,u this is the last issue af The States- awakened audience. in otony o reen cim, utman prior to the event, the public District Scenes f- ta discoumage juvenile delinquen- can be told that every feature bas Among the pîctures were scenes,% at cy. been planncd for the greatest fmom the fur farm ai Charlie" This picture titled "Kiss of show ever put. on by the local Knox rnadvyetnse 9. Death", which is ta be shown at club. See advertisements in this x rnadvr xesv the oya ThatreAugst 2 ad isue or he min etals.vîews ai the Brookdalc-Kingsway t h e o y a T h at r e A u g st 2 a d i s u e o r h e m i n et a l s .n u rse ie s . T h e s e in tm ad u c e d th e 13, is a far cmy from the usual Children's Parade view ai their commercial impor- ,fmovie crime stomy, as it tells, The street parade aif farmer tance in this district. 0f local rhones tly and objectivehy the truc years has been replaced by a greatI inte rest weme the heautiful fiaw- e story oi what happened ta a mob- Chiden's Parade around the ers shown in the gardens ai MIS. ster. The commission of the grounds. It will be an interesting J. H. H. Jury and Dm. E. W. Sis- crime, the capture and triai, the preliminamy ta the match fastbali son. His gladioli sprays wenle serving af the sentence is eveal- game betwcen the Toronto Maple magnificent. Shown at a soithai cd wîthout bias with the real Leai Hockey Teamn "Ail-Stars" game was the last picture takenl setting ai Belivue Hospital, The and an Ail-Star team from Bow- af the late Orme Gamsby. This Tombs, Criminal Courts Building manville. The famaus hockey brief description leaves much ua- andi Sing Sing. broadeaster Foster Hewitt hastald. A full appreciation may be The greatest punishment of been contacted ta act as Master hdol ysen h itrs pisans-emotional solitary con- ai Ceremonies for the game. It, 'Mr. Carveth Is finement, xvhere the pnisoners are will be a vegulation match contest M.Cnehwsitoue 3 -just things ta be fed, ciothcd, promising plenty ai thrills. rsei Oboe. He sindced the lodged and prevented fmom es- At the conclusion af the game cancer ai the club guest as a nla- 5s caping is 'bnought ta the fore in the thnong wiii then enjoy many tive ai Clarke Township whose this picture and many a potential new features among the numerous faim application te business in the criminal will think twice befome booths ta compete for the vast ar- service af farmers and invest- e committing an unlawful act. ay ai "lucky-ticket" bargains. ments in the Peace River district ln short this picture will do Finaliy the draws wiil be made for liad permittcd bis eariy retire- ~ uhtowards deterring crimes the many handsome prizes ai ma- ment. But he canceived leisure and help lick juvenile deiinquen- jor importance. A public addrcss as an opportunity ta be busier cy. sYstem will carry the highlights than ever, wholiy in the intenests ai the show right through ta mid- ai the community. Rising in mun- e night. In case o! main the show icipal service xith a straight suc- Po uaeiicOfca wiil go on the following night. cession of acclamations ta office, e op la Cvc ffcilFilmn Showing he closcd this phase as Wardcn )tTakes Dunking WThile Aside fmom business the enter- ai the United Cotinties. FisingforMudats tainmcnt foliowing the excellent Turning ta edu.catiolnal philan. Fishng fr Mu catS luncheon providcd by Group 12, thnopy Mn. Carveth bas used bis Trinity Church. for Monday's movie camera ta inspire public Scarching for news ai local cal- meeting was of an excellence that appreciation ai cultural pursîuits. or last week The Statesman's me- heid attention ai members for an During the present ycar he bas, Sponter meccived a tip that an un- fei]Crel e catlymeent-pie alneady sbown pictures ta moý6t dentificd man, said ta be tleCclCmei~Nwathe, re ot-a the schools of the county ani-i ïrnost popuiar civic officiai in cd three eels af colored movies (otne nPg ie Bowmnvile, adcithen met with taken by himself and accompan- CniteonPgNné an acidnt r ws atempingtoied with bis smooth, running ac- TE an acieto1a atmtn acount ai the scenles. It wasa 1. . tinson flSOfl devise a ncxv method ion catchîng îhighîîv inspirational prjetin mudecats. At any rate theme is bath pico ladfrecton, Almost Nine Millions evîdence ta support the rumor Tpi coia nd oraesic.we »that he took a neck-high dunking TTee scenesofptetrayedJ.iEowAt into the creek near the C.N.R. gardens, bail games, fur farm and Teett iteht .E t --kînson, proprietor ai the Toronto station while fishing for the suc-Fo Daily Star and Star Wcekiy for culent ,alleged iish. Reporter RibbedFo many years was filied in probate It bas been established that ma- T p last week in the amount af $8,- ny local fishermen have made Bizarre e Slips 767,854. But the potentiai wealtih fine catches this scason on the of____a the property and business leit north side ai the railway tres tie Reporters alLen get nîbbc.d by1 by this distinguished son of Dur- bridge. It was evealed t hat emudite readers wben mîs-speiled À ham County, who amnabsed it by someone leit traces at the spot words and crude campositio n ai- shere genius iromn a humble bc-. indicating that the party took a ten crcep ino stories in The gînnîng as a Newcastle -boy, j, dive. Residents near an iiptown Statesman. IL is about time ta considered far greater than t he home affirm that they saw a soak- expiain that these crudities are amaunt declared. ing-wet gentleman's attire bang- the esuit ai type slips an the In character with bis lifelong ing on a ciothes uine foIlowing linotype machines which later es- philanthropy he leit the bulk of the alleged dunking. cape the eyes ai female proof the estate ta the Atkinson Charit- That estabiished a case in which readers. Heme are some recent able Foundation, the amaunt, $7,. evidence was prptty conclusive. examples ai careless proof read- 688,000. His lufe inîiunance pal- Informants refused ta disciose or id ces amouinted ta $1,999,260, a suggest the name ai the party. One stary had the senior re-I careful provision for heavy suc- Adding up what bad been ad prerrtr în rom a holiday1 cession duties. duced the reporter questioned "insmasb." It should have ,. Family bequests leit none for. the oniy individual who appeared read "minus cash." By no means gatten. His son and daughter re- ta fit the case. Evidently suifer- should he be accused ai being ceive life annuities ai $35,000 eackl j ing from a delayed cald, he whis- "masher" as the type would im- with cantinuing annuities in hcss- pered hoarseix-: "It must have piy. er amount ta their survivons. been samne other sucker." Another item had the BaL- Other annuities include $1,000 to moral Hotel credited with an ex- la sister-in-law, Mrs. Eari Atkin. cellent 'cruisene" when the me - son and annuities of $1,200 each Hubert M. Hooper, who bas re- porter carefully made bis text ta nicces. Mrs. Violet Atkinsoi) cenNy been appointed superin- rend "cuisine." and MrWs. Olga Gibson, Newcastle. tendent at the gavemament Bumtch Later a repart of Rotary pic- Personai servants receive bcquesf.s Industnial Parla at Brantford, in tured its amateur quartette amounting ta $17,200. writing fa bave bis Statesman breaking forth in a "gurst" ai Publication ai the great news sent ta bis new address makes animated falsetto. It may have vehicies built up by Mm. Atkin- these comments: Though 1 have been a new mintage ai an appro- soi-, wili be continuied by the beeiî absent froin the nid townfo pi.t & SUtIId butl,îc' vst-Foîdtiiu'i-tp1i ulc gýuite a speil now. 1 Stili find C-01- wa tli- MS hiad it . that ail w-!r.The stury oi luis life andj sîderable of i nterest in thet-'Home 1tlîî.13Sliash-ellxia t-.fLltîil c-'-.ouu-< hli ambi hta(ltgethl(I r w ith Towxn Rag" and fniend Bill Cun-lly~pographic-al c uîor.. ;hould fi< hîs charitablre hc'qiic' *s viîll br a ningham al!zo finds tîme taoc-'lx--~d wîh chariîtable under- ioi.m nFpirsutîu-n 4,tr the casionally read it, standing, yauth aif his native couity-, ~, ~qA * Bud Poile f AUCUST

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