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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1948, p. 2

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I'TJ CATAlA. IAr."A,?JVtlErt 1 fl'AmN ~a qî The Statesman Celebrates Its 7th Anniversary In One Family On Auguat 1, 1878. M. A. James gave up et career as a school principal and purchased the assets of The Cunadian Stateaman, Bowmanville. During the summer holidays while teachlng ut Baltimore, north of Cobourg, ha was invited to edit The Cobourg World while the editar inade a trip to England. The experience determined the future course ai Mr. James' 11e. It intra- duced ac vitality inta local community journalisma that greatly influenced an era ai ustonishing changes in the march ai progress. It also set up a family tradition in journulism for The States- man is still owned' controlled and published by members of the James iamily. Sa it is with much pride we celebrate the 7th Anniversary ai the "one-iamily" direction af what ln iamiliarly re- ferred to as "Durham County's Great Farnily journal." Founded in 1854, The Statesman bas had but four editora in its 94 years. Bey. John Climie, the founder and firat editar was aucceeded by his son, W. P. Climie. They shaped the policy ai the paper for 24 years. Then ior the next 50 years, M. A. James was editar and editor emer- itus. But he turned aver active business man- agement in 1919 ta his sans, Norman S. B. James and Gea. W. James, with the latter ussuming the active editorship nearly 40 years ugo. The partncrship ai the two sons was interrupted by the death ai Norman in 1929. His son, John M. James, aiter concluding his military career in L4World War 2, assumed the partnership Iwo years 1go That is the stary in brief ai the tradition es- tablished by a revcred father and mentor. In the course ai time, M. A. James and his sons absorbed no iewer than seven rival papers ta remain eventually as the publishers ai a ingle community paper. The acconiplishment waa one generally canceded ta b.. in the best intereats ai the district and The Statesman has been stead- fastly edited with a view ai aerving the hast -Interests of ils entire community. Ita aucces ha been due ta honest public appraisul and it ia a matter ai pride that ita circulation today stands ut un ali-time high. The Stutesmun has bridged a gencration and came inta a new cru in the pat 70 yeurs. Looking back over old files brings a startling view ai the vast changes that have taken place. One is impressed with the sonse ai the vital part a rural wcekly bas taken in the develop. niants that have taken place. Its files are indced source history. But anc thing remains ta b. xaid. War, modern transportation and commun- ications have brought widened horizons ta the people of pastoral Sommunities. The weekly press has accommodated itaeli ta this new phase. In this development, The Stotesman ha won distinction far beyond the bordera af ita home cammunity. To ho mentioned irequently as anc of the most widely quoted weeklics in Canada is a matter ai pride as we cel-brate aur 7th .annivcrsary. New Leader of Liberal Party -Hon. Louis St. Laurent A great national Liberol convention held in the national capital, Ottawa, concluded ita delib- crutians ut 6 p.m., Saturday, August 7, 1948, by elccting Han. Louis St. Laurent, Minister af Ex- tomnaI Affaira, us the new leader ai the Liberul Party in Canada. He succeeda Prime Minister Mackcnzie King as porty leader, who ut that hour completed 29 years as the national leader. In the near future Mn. King will rcsiqn us Prime Minister and will recammend ta the Govemnar- Genemal that Mr. St. Laurent be chosen ta suc- ceed ta this high office. The election of Mr. St. Laurent waa conccded long before the con- vention since he hud the personal bucking af Mr. King and nine-tenths ai the Cabinet. Two other contenders enterad the race, Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Miniater cf Agriculture, and Hon. C. G. Power. former Minister af Air Services. Mr. Gardiner stood ulmoat ulane againat a phulunx ai cabinet colleagues rungad in favor cf Mr. St. Laurent. Mr. Power stood almoat as a token contender, dcmanding that the punty return ta largely discarded Liberal doctrine. The single vote went. St. Laurent, 848; Gardiner, 323; Power, peans ta be a continuance of the policiez favar.d by the. retirlng leader. The revoIt of the young Libenal section bas a clean sigruficance for bath aid-lino parties. Thié mlddle-road course willl boon have its test. ln any event, ai ag@ 66, Mn. Dbe aumbtan itttgman Etabtiihed 1854 with whkh il ncorp:aed The BcwuanvW@l News, The Newcastle Indepenant and T'he Orono News 93 Years' Continuous Service ta the Town ai Bowmanvf lie and Durham County Authorizsd as Second Clasa Mail. Pont Office Departmsnt. Ottawa AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER The iuct is that people are "f ec" te puy mare taxes. The gavernment is "giving" nothing but an indirect compulsion ta astablish a syatem conceived ta be for better national health.Fe wili disagmee witb this main pinciple. This latest Ottawa annauncement recalis Ihart a national hecalth.-programme was a prom- mnent plank in the Lubemul platfonm, ulmoat 30 yeams ugo when Mr. King was chosen leader of the porty. Stops ta implement il have taken a long lime. Tbey have came ut strulegic moments, Family ullowanca came jumI belons the lusI general election. This new "375 per cent" offen cames wiîh anaîhen gezemal plectlon in the off ing unden a new Libenul leader. Coincidence and public weiiane seem lIo b. double twi. THE ANADAN sAfnrn.,aj W LÂLXfVn.T.A. n7 tAn fltAn _____________________________ TMUR.~JJAY, AU~JU~.L ~d, ~ W4~ThI~ Member Audit Bureau el Circulation& Canadian Weekly No.-spapexs Association essentialif o ur young people are cf p ro cs seso f .in-t ernat io nalc on ta be provided with opportunities versatian and negotiation. In ta e-stabiish themselves in their short, stronger foundations for own province. The opposition peace should be built at the func- now has a mandate ta sec that tional level." this piedge is redecmed. Christianity, the report contin- The advent cf the Douglas ad- ues. is a faith that is founded on ministration, with their planners abiding truth. -Here is its spir- and theorists and an almost neg- itual dynamnic as it strives ta pro- lible opposition. placed an undue mate fellowship. co-operation, burden on the press oif the pro- mutual understanding and justice. vince. The press, despite the op- It must, therefore, avoid an atti- probium heaped upon it on every tude of hysteria and vindictive- possible occasion by C.C.F. speaki- ness which aften are the accom- ers, steadfastlv performed the do- panving preludes ta war." tv which \&ouid otherwise have A section cf World Peace con- devolved upon the ooODosition- !cludes that, -While maintaining that of rxpozirg '.hc fallacies and1 and fostering loy altyta the United iweak.nesses af the governrnent's Nations, the CÉurch must recog- nize and proclaim the truth that world peace can only endure if established in justice, equity and mercy. Basic ta both justice and peace are right relations amang men. "The Churchea as Churches should not forma!Iy link them- selves with any political arganiza- tion. They should co-operate wit ail agencies that truly seek peace At the same time theY shauld be, free ta make their own distinctive contribution."1 An Investment- Not An Expense w FOWL RIGHEST NARKET . EGGS SUBSCRIPTION RATES $250 a Year, sliclly in advance $3.00 a yean in the United States publîakied by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Bawmanvilie, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, Edf tor St. Laurent cannat have a long tenure us leader Hie egime in viewed by muny as a suie truns. itional period until a youngem man lulces aver. This papen. lika Saturday Night. iavored Hon, Douglas Abbott fan the leadenship. Inside ob. servera, baweven, cdaimi Hon. Paul Martin au the fuvoned Crown Prince. Timne will tell. Mear. lime Mn. St. Laurent bus the immense task ai develaping a favorable public opinion fat beyond bie native province. "The Proof of the Pudding" In Socialist Australia An Ausîmaliun woan went lrom Brisane ta Melbourne tà viuit hem son. She teck with ber, und hanked in Melbourne, £l,000-rougbly $4,- 000. Then the Stute reached in and took ail but four dollars cf il. To be exact, the Common- wealth rifl.d hem bunk accaunt ai nine hundned and ninety-nine pounds and four abllings-leav- ing ber exaclly 16 shillings! It happened-in Socialiat Auslnuia-a cou- ple cf yeuns or no ugo. Newspapar clippinýs aay the woman "a flabbergasted."' We'll bct ah. ws-ior nobady on hehali cf the Stuta bud said a Word ta ber. There was no procesa cf law-no court action, no judgment, no garnishe.. It bappened ah. badn't made an incame tax return-muyhe ah. hadn't incoma enough ta te- quime a return. Thon. wus ne praci ah. owed a shilling. She aaid ah. bud saved the money aven a period cf yeuns. But anoaper-state off 1- cis learned ah. hud a thausund pounds in the bank and a Socialist tax departm~ent unden Pre- mier Chifley simply took il nearly ahl. Nohady bas any use for a tax-dodger, but yau muaI- prove hlm a tax-dodger final. As the Sydney Duily Telegmaph said, the Sacialist gev- anment's attitude was: IlJusl grah whul she's got. No-not all cf it- leave ber sixteen bob. Then if she wunts ta sel up a aqueal, ah. can." Now if a Socialiat government will'do that kind ai anaoping and grabbing while banks ara in private banda and snoaping con only be done the bard wuy-whut on earth will il flot do if the banks are nutionalized and evemy bank empîcye -mcom junior cienk te manager-hecomea a Stute officiai? Of course, the maney moy have be en in the Commonwealth Bank-which is gavernmenî- owned-since the Commonwealth Bank is the only savings bank cperating in the States cf New South Wales and Queensland. If se, then the object-lesson takes on even sharpen point. Premier Chifley is now trying ta nationalize ull the traiding banka in Ausîralia; bis legislation in befoma the High Court ai the Commonwealth and will likely go ta tb. Privy Council in a test af its validity. Ausîraiains are showing greal bastility because they feel that with ana nation- ulized hank lb. accaunta of individual customens wauld be under contraI aif the gavernment cf the day-with aIl sorts ai abuses passible. Wben we wrote aur recent editanial saying we didn't want aur bank manager ta be a gav- ernmenî officer, wc bad no idea thal wiîhin a couple cf weeks we'd get such clinching "proof cf the pudding," nom did we expecl the C.C.F. Ia stick ils neck cul the way they have. A friend in Ausîmalia sent il la us in a lelte-with clip- pings ai the raw il naised. National Health Programme Proposed by Federal Gov't. The Juiy issue ai "Canda's Heulth and Wel- lune" o monthly magazine issuad under authar- ily cf Hon. Paul Martin, federul ministar in this aphone, oullines the extent and terme ai the new linanciul support ta the provinces towards a national bealth programme. The new Dominion grant af $30 million is ta h. apportioned pro rata umang tb. provinces and will be scaled upward on a pet cupita busis avený a period ai yeas ta a sustaining peak. Il opens the doan for the ultimateatulainment ai a national hospital and medicul cane insurance plan. The initial grant is dialibuted in vanying amounla for public bealth, mental heulth, TB and VD, crippled chil. dren--lth resarc--- nd-pofessinal.tuinn.. er n.IS~4/c .t8U TR a- * '( sk OL GE 1, W estern Newspapers socialistic programi and the dan- gers inherent therein for an ag- Opinions On ricultural province such as this. X Hereafter that duty will devolve Saskatch'n Election upon the opposition and it is ________therefore with a sense af relief Cr DILENIMA FOR DOUGLA8 and gratification that we relin- (.Sakaton tar-hoeix) quish the task ta a group of cap- (.SskaoonStr-Poenx) able and high-principled men, The completion cf the unaffi- well qualified ta safeguard the a cial count in the Saskatchewan ei- public interest. ectian does flot campel any revis- ion of the first impression that op- position forces have seriously un- AFTER-ELECTION demined the C.C.F. party in what COMMENTARY 9 is regarded everywhere in Can- ada as its stronghold. But it does (Swift Current Sun) create an unexpected dilemma for The resuit of the Saskatchewan the C.C.F. in choasing its future general election is now past his- course in this province, tory. Mr. Coldweli's final day t This is apparent from a study of prediction that the C.C.F. forces fairly complete returns that showould have an ~oewemn the margin of victory has been ex-ictory" and that of Mr. Douglas t rem'îy narrow, despite the prob- at a local meeting that they were D able majority of nine or ten votes 'stronger than ever and wouid in the legisiature, after deferred xin 44 seats." have been denied clections in two northcrn seats by the people. The C.C.F. gox'- and recounts. if any. The trans- ernment, of course, by a demaocra- fer- of approximately 350 votes tic majority of winning seats has from the C.C.F. ta the Liberal col- a mandate ta carry on for another urnn in only five rural seats would four years but the fact that they have wiped out the C.C.F. major- lost some fifteen seats and had 1 ity in the House. These seats are their majority in the Legislature Haniey, Kerrobert - Kindersley, cut down substantially shouid b Shellbrook, Touchwood. and Wat- a fair-wind warning that alo rous. The combined C.C.F. ma- of people arc not in agreement jority in these five seats was wit.h the program of socialization around 700 votes. the exact figure which is the avowed aim of the depending on the officiai count party. next month, so that a switch of The citv seats Aent substanti- 350 would have destroved the al]y C.C.F. which was ta bcecx- Douglas government. pected with a hranch of organized There is a real dilemma for the labor throwing in its lot as w'ell C.C.F. in the result of the election. as the mating offered and given Its decline in rural Saskatchewan by th-e Labor-Progressive coin- is explained by the specd in which munist forces. The backsliding it has recently been convertingi trend was pred ominat.eiy' in the itself into a labor party re îying rural scats. That, also. should be on trade union support and dam- a warning ta the C.C.F. ta eut its ination. It started in Saskatche- cloth accardingly in the next four wan as quite a different thing, as 3'ears. the party that stood for agi-arian By introducing the franchise protest and for a co-operative for 18-year-olds the government commonwealth. 'It is clear. there- is conceded ta have gained mater- fore, that the policy on ,vhieh the ial. That was a move unique C.C.F. waged its campaign for re- in the history' of the British Com- election, namely, "more of the rnonwvealth of Nations, which may same," .vill carry it onlv to obliv- or may not be emuiated in other ion in its erstwhile stronghold. provinces (or countries. For the Predictions cf its future course (is tm ivil servants were gev- are impossible, for even the C.CF. en the freedom ta do active pal- leaders can scarcely define it at detikn.adti asvr-ei the moment. It can follow the d een right in this constituency course which has ex'identlyT beenen on election day. formos inthemins o it led- It is a good thing for Saskt formos inthemins o it led-chewan that there is now a hea- crs, a course of deepening Social- thy apposition; everybodv seems ism. Most of its rural supporters,, ta agree with that thesis. It is who xiii undoubtedly interpret good for any gaverfiment net ta the st.orm signais ta Regina, will have too large a majonity. That F1'rink fromn such a course. could lead ta bombast and a false indication cf the will cf the pao- THE ELECTIONS pie and may be the desirability or inclination ta ride rough-shod ov- (Yorkton Enterprise) er a minority. Post mortems have been the I __________ order cf the day since-,the elec- tion results were announced. Bath Un 'e Chuc the Liberals and the C.C.F, find 1 tc uc much cause for satisfaction,! General Council though neither achieved what1 they hoped te a c c o m p i s h. Planning Agenda The Liberals madea won--____ derfgul come-back and but "sOnetigheCucmsto for the Social C r e d i t e r s intee dthi te Curh must d might weli have been called upon a mood of hysteria or blind hat- Geo. E. Moody, Manager w 0R x 10 8w1TyNmcAAD I 1A m2 IN VR y wAÀL x 0F LI1F E sIN cE 18i1? O N PAGE TWO "People don't make a beaten path to the mouse-trap maker'a door unless they know he bas made a better mouse trap and has a stock for sale at a price they can pay. That is what the advertis- ing business is ail about." Sa de- clares a very timeiy treatise on the subject cf '"The Advertising Business" contained in the Month- ly Letter of the Rayai Bank cf Canada. There is such a grest deal cf misînformation abroad regarding the funiction cf advertising and its important place in aur economic life, that thîs article shauld serve a very useful purpose in ciarifying many aspects af the raie played by advertisîng in stimulating the flow af merchandise and in educating the public. We are pleased to pasa on a few paragraphs tram this article for the edification of our readers, as failows: "Mouse traps and pig iran, auto- mobiles and breakxast laces aie uselesa if people remain in ignor- ance cf their existence anci un- aware cf how they may be used. Advertising serves the man who produces, by enabling him ta dis- pose af his gcods, and the man who consumes, by telling him what is avaîlable ta add ta fis sat- isf actions in life. "One cf the firat postive rules is that advertising is an investmeiîL, net a speculatian. Gambies in ad- vertising, followed by disappoînt- ment and retrenchment, are wasteful. They upset the econo- mic equiibrium. 1'hey give bus- iness that air of starts and stops se weli sumnmed up in the terse telegram et the conductor et tne often-derailed train: 'Off again, on again, gene again: Finnegan.' "Another rule is that advertis-i ing is iruîtlcss il the advcrtiser does net offer something whichi will genuinely serve some human want. "The third rule is not te expcct ovcrwhelmiiîg returns in the %vay of sales*from the first ad. or twe. Advcrtisîng does not xverk that way. It ceposits in the mentali storehouse or the prospect impres- sien aller impression until he bas a wcll-defined picture of the pro- duct and the service it will per- form for him. 'Il mnay be said that advertising bas these qualities: iA tends te make fer better productg at laxver cost; ht informs the people about new cemmodities and new uses;I ht heips te raise the standard c f living; it fasters understanding cf competitive business enteî-prise, a service vital te continuance cf or free way of life; it develops cm- ployee pride in the campany, and demonstrat ts management's pride in the wori crs.9 "Advertising is here ta sta. Whatevcr some academic peeple may say, the activities of market- itîg are a part cf the werk cf pro- duction. No one can think cf an. thing more futile than a factoî-y producing goods and stockpiling them forever. "Advertising can be a great force for goed, if it is approached ethicaily by the advertiser, and xith common sense by the con- su mer." FIVE NEW CARS KING'S TAXI WHEN OUR CAB drives up ta - your door, you're about ta enjey the utmost in safe, courteous, de- pendable transportation service. 24 Hour Service Caîl Us For Prompt Service ITelephones: Day 561, Nighi 561, 707, 922 OPERATED BY LATHANGUE BROS. SUNNYSIDE BEACH TORONTO FREE STAGE SHOW NIGHTLY 8:00 p.m. DANCING SEA BREEZE 9:00 p.m. Sunnyside Pool now open Free Parking f or 5,000 Cars Picnic areas available for out of town visitors. For reservations cali LA. 0357 - MR. 1. VAN EVERA 3 5/on Guaranteeci 3jý Trust Certificates ISSUED for ans' amount .. .. for a tern of five * ears .. guara.nteed both as ta princ ipal 1 andl interest..I cheques mailed t» reah holders on due1e(laie, or, nt holder's option, ma -v be allowed ta accumnulate at compound mterest. An ideal investmeni, for individuais;, rom- panie.q,;atithoried hy law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS G&ORPORATION 372 Boy Street, Toronto 1 37 years In Business P B1CE S The cgg market lu rlalng, so be sure te jet aur prices first. We seli direct to consumer, and can afford to pay you more. PICKERING FARMS LIMITED Whitby 336 -Nlght or Day WHITBY, ONTARIOmod 1 -..1- A " ATTeý-TY92r 19 lOift . CHICKENS This handy chant is available in blotter-form for poumr onvenience. Pick up a few at your nearest B of M bmanch. BANK OF MONTILEAL

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