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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1948, p. 5

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C4 . - TRMRDAY. AJGTITST 12. 1948t tiori witIh In the Dim and Distant Pasi rof. Froin The Statesman Files C Boy( *FIFTY YEARS AGO July 29, 1898 Featuring old pioneers of the county, this issue states that Mr. L. Powers of Kirby is one of the limited and constantiy diminish- ing numbers who have lived on the same place from the time, when it formed a part of the worst invialated forest until the pres- ent. Mr. Powers is of U.E. Loy- alist stock, bis grandfather hav- ing espoused the cause of King George, after the crisis reached at HIGH ENOUGH? YOU carry Fime Insurance sa that, if fire destrays your home, you'll bave the dollars ta restore it. BUT bave you set youm values bigb cnougb? you bave adequate insurance? If you'me flot sure, ask this agency ta check yaur policies. No obligation. Just cal Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681, Res. 493ý Ring Street - Bowmanville that famous Boston tea-party. It was tbe l5th af May, 1832, that Mr. Pawers with bis parents and ten brothers and sisters reached the Township of Clarke. The first scbooi in this vicinity was opened by Mm. Powers, near the spot, wbeme he now resides. The sehool was a substantial block house, wbich also did duty as a church, wbenever a minîster came along. The annual Pearce famiiy pic- nic was beid at tbe home of Mm. W. A. Pearce, near Newcastle. Oono-Mm. N. Carveth bas had a new turbine water wheel placed in the great miii by a miiiwright. A prominent fariner w a s bougbt before John Carveth, Esq., JP., by Inspector Kern, for watering milk, tumned into Orono cbeese factory. Tyrone - Congratulations - t o Miss Alberta Hancock for suc- cessfuily passing Normal School examinations. Bowmanville - A daring rab- bemy was perpetrated on Monday night, when J. B. Matyn's store was entered from Division St. Starkviiie-Mr. William Stev- ens fell 25 feet wbiie sbingling a barn. the scaffold baving given away, but injuries were sligbt. Sauina-What might have prov- cd a very serlous run-a-way oc- curred south o! the village as Mm. Wmn. Ccx Sr. and famiiy and Mr. Metcalf were returning home. Mr. Cox's herse took fight at some sheep and bolted taking the wbeel off Mr. Mtcalf's buggy and caus- ing the horse ta run-a-way. Be- sides a seveme shakîng up and sarne bruises, nothing seriaus bap- pencd. The horse stopped after running a mile. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO JuIy 26, 1923 With this wcek's issue o! Tbe Statesman, Mm. M. A. James com- pletes 45 ycars as editor of The St ates mac. The Pascoe fami]y with theirl connections, the Osbornes, Tre- meers, Hogaths and others beid their annual picnic at the beauti- fui park at Hampton. The White Shieid Club held their annual picnic at the cottage of Mrs. Fred Pattinson at Bow- manvilie Beach. Enniskiien-Sleman and Hem- ring. our popular merchants, bave puchased the general stock of A. MeNeil, Haydon. Tbis transac- LMILDmCOOLmSWEETi THE CANADIAN STATTSMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO inow leaves the latter village remnembered foir Lout a store. the Domestic Horr 'F. Morris Ca. have put a new ney, the Cburch fon their store property on spire, and the kg St. with its golden ga ýngratulations ta Eleanor D* licgl references me, Amy E. Heliyar and Mil- tealal three. d M. Lawrie on passing exams At the 11:30 se: Provincial Normal Sebool with Cartney proved t: st Class Honors._______ audience had bee: Fwcastle - James Robinson- For some days a hurt whiie hauiing up hay. going on "What's fork faiied ta iock and fell on "Silence Pieas n the top of the barn, breaking said "It will be of the bones in his shouider. A ferret face saii illow Brook Dairy had a lit- the ninth coim more than their share af iii introductory readi c.On Tuesday the horse on us beside the stili milk wagon became unman- T E stili and knaw ti ble and upset the outfit inta gave but an inki creek, wrecking the wagon i r ~ ment of his su] spiiling the milk. On Wed- V First he deait wit] ay, one of their splendid work noise - the peni ses became entangled in some (Contrlbuted) speed in modern le wire injuring it se badily Sa this was it! This was the ed as exampies ti Lit had te be kilied. On Fmi- littie place in the country that he and iWodern office a valuable colt died and on had dmeamed about for so many chinery. He stres. rday, one of their best pure yeams, or, ta be mare accurate, of silence for me, 1Hoisteins took sick and died this was where it would be some lods in which lit few hours. Now Mr. Gibson, timre in the future. He gazed cisions are mad( vondering if he was born an about him and saw at first only a apt for the surmou fay the l3th. tangle of grass, miik-weed, this- he spake was bis fltis and a bost of other weeds of John Oxenham: great vamiety and nondcscript ap- We tbank thee, Lc [ualize Tax ]Rates pearance. Soon, howevem, bis1 For ail tby goldet fancy gained the upper band and Silence of moamli ider County he saw a littie cottage painted the skies, ;sessment Systems white with red trim perbaps; over 1 Heath purpled, there would be a hedged in area afiame with g containing a tool bouse, garbage Silence of deep tleast a third of Ontario's 38 haie, ail drum for burning refuse, cioistered calr ties can be sure that tbey are Iwoad pile, and ail the other ne- Silence of wideE ig equaily and fairly assessed. cessities for merely living: and the suni, ;has been made passible trces - oh yes, there would 'be Silence of gloamin ,gh the County Assessment trees, a line of Lombardy Poplars Lm set up under the Ontario ita act as a wind-brcak and others artment of Municipal Aff airs. !of variaus kinds; and fiower beds Comn'unist sessment Supervisar M. R. and perhaps a garden. But bis i states that for a great num,- fancy must nat go tao far into the Snuffs Out1 of yeams there has been diffi- future: sufficient unto this sum- es with the equalization cam- mer is the work thereof, and be And Emploi ýes of county counicils in set- [came back ta the reaiity of grass1 the basis for caunty rates. in order ta consider the best way The x'iolenrid le municipalities have been as- o! remaving it. It appeared ta be es seamen's strike rig on a low basis, perhaps 20 a slow task of grubbing with rake grave disclocation cent of value, comparcd ta and clippers. tive machine, stat rs at 80 per cent. of value. The first thing was ta make Post eclitariai, iti sometimes resuits in expen- saine sort of plan so as ta develop aur national safet, litigation. i the place towards a known re- The Communist' e County Assessinent System suit. A kind friend donated half the ship owner eiiminated this, and yet has a dozen each o! white birch, sug- captain, in eff'ect, deprived county counicils of ar maple and Norway spruce. which shall sail th of their powers. Individual These and the line a! popiars were wbich men shahl cipalities stiil retain the ight set out. Then at the beginning a set-up that is! ppeal the equalization set. iof the first week of hoiidays be the Soo or Wellar der the County Assessinent 1 'appeared armed with a rake and put those vital lin] ern a new basis of vaiuing is clippers rcady ta attack the min- trial might of thi. in rea suh a hih shoa iature jungle. A week's work re- cf commission fa in rea suh a hih shoo ýsulted in thie clearing o! about these days o! inti icts, equalizing rates. Muni- ione-third of the lot, sion. such an "a( ities wbich have been asscss-I On returning a few weeks later occur at a most cri i a fair value do net have ta 'h noted that the ciipped grass Tekyrao r a bigh scbool area and pay hdntgonvr uhbt Tekyrao ethan their ightfui sîharc, hdfo rw cymc u with which the CS1 *amd t araswhih hvethat many o! the miik weeds had ta retain its grip paedt aes hihhaeIcrturncd. It secmed that the use- pn sbcuei aess ted on a owas is a less weed i_ý the most pralific- munists a weapon îer th cantyasssso îsa just like bunqan bcings. used so letbaily agý tme off iciai he bas been able About this turne the thaught oc- ain the municipal assessor, cumred ta hlm that the place Apatby on this r ling tbem te make recoveryI should bave a naine. It must flot P'in that neithei ,essments. In this way' other 'be any of your comman kind but nor the Canadian ayers in a municipality arc i somcthing .vith an air to it, like that tbq Communi tably assessed. the doctam's estate caiicd 'Bedside noose around thei lefrtcutYassessor was or f aur vital indu first county Manor" o Edward Everett Hor- wihCmuit nted in 1943 in the united ton's "BclIly Acres,"1 ho Cmuit ies cf Stormont, Dundlas and He spent every availabie min- wben they please. garry. By January, 1946, ten ute cf cnsuing week-ends and And if there is a ytd assessr had bese a his two weeks' boiidays puîîing ln this generation ted. Othr con tcs be 1 wecds and making and clipping ists won't bc on ou. te watcb the results of the 1g ras s. There seemed to be se avour. This year Brant,muhcitadIkigakwr i~~~~~~ anefc oute on he could see where tbe grass iE plan. Over a third of On- which had becn clipped was grow- 'counties are now under tbe ing again. Something would n. have tae'be donc about that! But mr tbree ta five ycars are what? A littie tool bouse seemed d ta bring the scheme into a te bc the answer, a Place ta keep ng stage. This length o! tbings inciuding an aid lawn is required as bouses must 'mawer. There was stili an amea ieasured, lands, valued, ap- c f grass ta be-but wait! Grass? al cards and maps drawn up 'Grassy?" Much grass? Ah-tbere nunicipal assessars must bc 1it was, the name: Casa Mucha *d. Assessors submit a re- Grassia. each June, giving the basis And se be bas reacbed the haif- ualizatian for county rates. way point a! the holidays. About twa-thirds cf the lot is cleamed and the tooi bouse in underway. There wili stili be some weekends and the main job wili be cutting the grass. And next summer? - plans are being- made now for about five turnes as much womk on "mY Place in the country" as it wvill ho possible ta accomplish. At the cottages: At Daisy Deil-Mrs. N. Savicb with Mrs. Wni. McKay; Mrs. Wm. Easter and baby Bill, Mrs. Hard- ing, Oshawa.- y s i At Gaie Cottage-Mr. and Mrs. Stayner, Staynem. H .A h e r. Toronto, witb ber sister, Mrs. Va ugh an. At. Bunny row-udySut- eén for fionon ii i 01 When stiff strained ms cleç cake the fun fImm 6fshing, tc ytrtD j ruh in Minard's. L«Yes; ihem LJE elazed,col uc yig DYEHS,. greaseisnsrog d DYEamk. MSINARD S -L N1i.EN rshe sketched ne with its chim- iHome with its Heaveniy Home :tes and had bib- read pertaining ervice Padre Mc- that many of his en poor guessers.i aquizz had beeni she going ta sayi se?" One youth Sa court scene."j d "Oh that's on1 nandment." His ing, "He leadeth waters" and "Be that I arn God" ling of his treat- bject "Silence." h the menace of iaty exacted by ilife. He quaot- te Diesel enginei eaccaunting Ma- ssed the necessity editation - per- fe's greatest de-i e. Particu]arly mnding in which squotation from ,ord cn silences- ands rolling to bracken - clad, gorse; Swoods' mystic seas basking In îgs and the set- tNoose Industries qnment den Great Lak- .is flot only ai iof aur produc- ites a Financial is a menace to P AGE Fm SEE YOUR 'FAVORITE HOCKEY STARS In Action at the biai. ;Mn BOWMANVILLE LIONS CARNI VAL High School Grounds Wed., Aug.: 13 WHEN National Hockey League Al - Stars' PLAY AGAINST DoWmanville Al-Stars In a benefit softball game star ting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets may be obtained on the grounds. A draw for six valuable prizes will be made during the game. PROCEEDS FOR LIONS COMMUNITY WORK This Advertisenient Is Sponsored by IMarr's Jewellery The Big-horn has been hunted out of muCh of its former range in the United States. In Canada too, the RoCky Mountain Sheep is deCreasing because of over-hunting and outriglit poaching; a set of its magnificent horns is a prized trophy. If we 'in Canada aire ta preserve this stately ."sentinel of the rimrock" we must do ail we can ta see that conservation measures are strictly observed. The Carolina Paroquet was sILaugh- tered just for" its brightly coloured feathers. It is now extinct, a bitter lesson ta us ta preserve what we can of our vanishing wildlife. eCA RUI- lu ML N7 YOUNS TO ENJOY - YGURS TO PROTECI .. *' N-N' .3 *', N lm ýl . à MA01W iffum, B' N. H. L. (il r

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