TWURDAY AtGUS 12 118 '~WI!V!A~A lt %TC~ ~ ~1EDWM.A N-~VM v -NTI HÂMisTes cciln Pett dGa idy a y.' nsOshawa, on Wednes- ENNIKIL EN init them. home ta Ham- tree. She and her husband were sure to bump Into sarne acqan-S e alL w ai days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saiter, Mr. Mr. and'Mrs. Russeli Robinson, As it fell it roiled towards Mrs. somte one else from your aid hm ae o ao a Recent visitors with Mrs. Ida Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole and and Mrs. T. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Linda Stainton enjoyed Campbellcraft, with Mr. and Mrs. Croteau, who was unable to dodge tawn. Recent]y Ernie Younga____ Smaie included Mr. and Mrs. Her- Donald, Bawmanville, visited her Hilton Peters, Keith and Ralph, holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. Arthur Brunt. becàuse of the proximity af a pine attended a dance at Lanark, n bert Smale, Mr. and Mrs. Oison, father, C. W. Souch and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray'mond Farrow Miller, Bethesda, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, root fence. The tree badly bruis- tario. lt was his first visit tate1,ca o altrsbtof Detroit, Mrs. Jerome Barry and Mrs. Caverly. and Rager, Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Stainton, Tyrone. Mr .and Mrs. Donald Lee and ed one ieg and split the shin bone place. During intermission ealsain n aaaadbre daughter, Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Oshawa, Barron i.nd Erlyne, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Gardon Stevens spent the Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fer- of the other. She was rushed ta and another chap struckupa oitinheUteSaesvr Mrs. Clarence Smale, Toronto. called on friends here during the Gea. Crowther and Charles, of weekend with friends in Toronto. guson spent Frîday with Mr. and Lindsay Hospital. In a few days conversation. When the strane h ao a hldypro r Mrs. Ida Smale and son visited week. Newcastle, were guests af Mr. and Miss Katherine Stewart, Bow- Mrs. George Lee at their cottage she returned ta her home, but found Ernie came from PontyolaoucdyJ.ABrshir ai Truman Austjn's, Wesleyville. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, To- Mrs. Lorenzo Truli at their cot- manvilie, with Miss Joan Hobbs. at Lakefield. when iock jaw threatened was hie told how in the perîod arol The former also visited with Mr. ronto, at Salter's. tage at Williams' Point. Mrs. M. Moore, Miss Kay Moore, Mrs. Mary Griffin is spendlng again rushed ta the hospital at 1928-31 he had been on the Hyr1a-i h aaia asne and Mrs. Clarence Smale, Toron- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Masters, Miss Miriam Chant, Toronto, Bowmanville, Mr. D. Moore, Osh- a couple of weeks with her daugh- Lindsay where she is recuperating Construction gang w o r k1 sscain t.West Beach, Mr. and Mrs. How- with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Vivian awa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. ter, Mrs. Jack Herod, Toronto. nicely and hopes ta return ta her through PontyRool ta Leaie. T edcdritaewllb tMr. and Mrs. Sherwood Colla- ard Masters, Mrs. Gerald McMa- and brother, Ted and Mrs. Chant. Miss Beth Traveli, Oshawa, * Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tyers. Mrs. home in the near future. When Ernie asked him if he cil h n-a at n hr o cutt, Oshawa, with his cousin, Mrs. hon, Bowmanville, were Sunday Correction-Mr. and Mrs. Cep- visiting her cousin, Miss Lois Drinkie, Oshawa, Mrs. John Ty- Mrs. Alvin Olan has been un- remember the names of any acteterudtp.Tetceswl L. Sharpe. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Albert has Mountjoy, Islington, Mr. Will Ashton. ers, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. der the weather for saine time, Pontypool people, the straneîego on rm1:0fO Mrs. L. Sharpe and her daugh- McMahon. Mountjoy, Gait, Mr. and Mrs. Ev- Mrs. Harold Western, Guelph is T. M. Slemon. thus necessitating Kathleen's pres- asked him if Ed Youngman ws(Sadr ie ndy etm ter, Mrs. Tattersall, are visiting Miss Mary Wilkins, R.N., Osh- erett Mountjoy, Fraude, Saskat- visiting with lher sister, Mrs. L. lnMr. and DMrA Senot n, Not oî hretouble i er unisdstricndhewsSpmbr.Fotertuntp at Lindsay and Sturgeon Lake. awa, visited her sister, Mrs. Ger- chewan, were at Theron Mount- Wearn. lad r n r . . Seesn o ny i hr rul nvr upie afn i Mrs, C. E. Jefney was hostess ald Balson. joy 5. Miss Nancy Wood spent the Grimsby, Mrs. A. Launie and Miss Palestine but there has been a lot speaking ta one af Ed's sons, br hywf ehnrdiaigds ta a numben ai ladies at a tea at Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Chant, Congratulations are in order ta weekend with Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mras W. E. SaTdrsonto and fy, calling n Litl eusanemnight in'ityi n 19sda.,Septeber M the Blue Bird Teanoom on Wed- Lanry and Gary, were at Fort Erie Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Gibson Maple Grave. Ms .E adro n acligi iteJrslm ih i' t nesday evening. during the weekend. (nee Jean Keetch, farmenly ai Mns. C. R. Walton, Darrell, Ron- East Whitby, visited with Mr- hene in the village, because Max Did you notice Ruth andKa Recent visitars at M. Mountjoy's Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant attend- Hampton), who were manried in nie and Teddy, Kingston, spent a and Mrs. A. Sharp. Miller was smart enaugh ta pur- comnpaning diamonds on Satura were 'Mrs. A. E. McGill, Mn. S. ed the Lions Club convention at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, few days with the former's par- Mn. Norman Sanderson, Mrs. G. chase the Wm. Delahay estate night? Makes me wish I wer iH H IEI OJ~ Ferguson, Bowmanville, Mn. and New York. Braoklin, on Saturday, July 31st. ents, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Stev- Hems, Miss Nareen Hems, Toron- from Harry Richardson. Somee ai girl again.Yo tthsaew ndrl Mns. E. Mauntjay, Saskatchewan, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, ai Miss Ethel Gilbert was her brides- ens. ta, with Mn. Ralph Virtue. the other fellows would like it Hanvest is going on with aruhe Mn. and Mrs. George Black, ai Bowmanville, at S. Williams'. maid. Othen friends from Hamp- Mn. and Mrs. Ed Sues, Caesarea, for a synagogue. They could have this year. Oats are a bit lgtM x elH ueC fe Cadmus, Mn. and Mrs. H. Holman, Mrs. Harvey Barrie, Bowmian- ton attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sues, Wendy purchased the I.O.O.F. Hall for thaugh. w ehri Rockwoad. ville, was a guest ai Mn. and Mrs. We also extend congratulations and John, Toronto. spent Thurs- PO T P O the saine purpose, but thought the bedDpr Miss Helen Rogers, Caledania, Fred Honey. taM.an_______a ne a it r adMs.E . e-price too high. We don't think Miie rs. W. W.Hern i wh r. niL Hindman ndMweesatMtheLois Dareen Downing, Taronta) ry. The Hannah Construction Ca. t e eahay esatewas muchVcu iGasn-il Mrs. W.W. Hor is wih Dr. iel Hidman sent a eek atthe McheaperCrobutnitahad, moreaplandut OyhaWhene pan.jectedn installationsll and Mrs. W. R. Horn at Mt. Kisco, Trul cottage at Williams' Point.,wPa rekmniied d ich Tntoda o n s. Hn ida CrsoshnGHaydan, havemoeth eir crusher ntayoie tcre absns r opeedCnd~ ale a rIsatMxe New York. Mrs. C. E. Jeiirey who was a Patr tday hurc3st he onoom onis aig wi Mr . nGrha rouKetHoBrdey' sthoe ability Max Miller is head and and knlit goads industry will hv osmd ntnl Mn. and Mns. Harry Wilcox and guest ai Miss M. Horn returnedStraJl 3s.Tego M r.hoais mrvingaroly. s neaan rb e isteshoulders abave mast ai the local a single shift capacity 150 per cn Miss Madlyn Wîlcox visited Mn. ta Toronto an Fniday. is a son af Mn. and Mrs. Chas, aiysetSnaya otBl hoaygolo h ruhr h er.o pre-war. C~ and Mrs. A. E. Billett at Spring- Mrs. James Caldwell, Oshawa, Daw, Hampton.fmiy pntSuda t or o wl o et ruck aih rsheandthe IJewaslieol hm.w tard last week ,also at London and is a guest of Miss Wilma Leach. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. sse~ Gloria Wright is holiday- friendly hand wave and smiîe ai around Lew Williamson's place M. and Mrs. Ormne Cruick- with C. W. Souch and M. and erly aif Hampton, and daughter, derson. Columbus. Our entire flock of lens used guests called: M. and Mrs. Bur- shanks and Joan, Peterbaro, spent Mns. Ken Caverly. Marguerite, in the sudden death Mn. and Mrs. C. B. Rice, Lon- ta amount ta one hien and two nie Williamson and Dalton, Mr. BUwmIaniEY lle the Weekend with Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwoad ai Mrs. Martin, and ta ather rel- don, Mrs. Mary Woods, Base Line, noasters. One day the hien quit R. Cain and Allen, Mn. Gea. Chis- Percy Dewell. Jwt n visited Oshawa relatives.afe atives ai the family.eaie n Bowmanville, at Mn. and Mns. W~. l Iyigthn she quit caming1holm, Mn. and Mrs. Herb Ridge,Faltri egn Se .7a dOc 5 Mrn. r.Wl Jwt n Ralph Peters is spendinga e A number oi eaie n .Moes ud a ecancluded the fox Mr .and Mns. Reg Mitchell and F l emb g Glen, Mn. and Mrs. Perey McMa- days with Franklin Truil at Wil- fiends fnomn Hampton attended Mn. Frank Montgomery and had got her. A iew days aga, Jimmy, Miss June Jordan ai Ton- S h o hon, Wayne and Bobby, Toronto, liams' Point. the funenal ai Miss Maud Rey- son Robent, Chicago, Mn. and Mrs. the innu found lier fnantîcally onto. Mn. and Mns. Elwood Mas- ENRO L O visited Mn. and Mns. Albert Mc- Mrs. Elmen Wilbur in company nolds, Bowmanville, at the Mon- Herb Taylor, Blackstock, Mn. and fussing anound the cutter in the tens, Myrtie Station; Mn. and Mns.DstctAec Mahan. with Mrs. Cecil Crossman, Bow- ris Funenal Chapel on Monday ai- Mrs. Stanle.y Malcolm, Nestieton driving shed. And what do You1 Howýand Masters, Mn. and Mrs. Ar- Mns. Carl Wilbur, Oshawa, Mns. manville, leit on Friday ion a tarnoon. She was a former high- with Mns. Minenva Tnewin. knaw? She bas nine nice baby chie Masters, Mrs. McMahon (nee r Alan Wilbun and Sharon, Taun- trip ta Calgary, and will visit Iv respected nesident ai Hamp- Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormistan at chicks. If the fox don't beat us Velma Masters) ai Bowmaniville; ton, Mrs. Matha Williams, aifiends in Saskatchewan on their tan, active in church and othen Mn. and Mns. Haskin Smith's, En- ta it, if they don't dia, if thay Mn. Lavenn Masters, Mn. and Mns.- Bowmanville, visited with Mns eturn trip. activities ai the community. field, and Mn. and Mns. George live to be 'big and fat, penhaps Leland Keat ai Toronto and Mrs. .MDLSDLX Elmen Wiflun. Mns. Joe Chapman attended a Tha Sunday evening Churcb Hepbunn's, Unionville. saine day we will be able ta en- Everett Ponter ai Quebec. Mn. nd Ms. Vcto Peacack, trousseau tea for Miss Lorraine service was in change ai the young Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick with jay chicken a la king. M.adMs a ny onaP ral Osbawa, at W. W. Honn's. McLaughlin at Mrs. W. D . Mc- people. Ted Kensey's message an IMn. and Mrs. Arthur Redknapp, McCnea's Chunch held its an- and Bobbie bustled 'round the the ~.variable ai the Sawer" was Newtonville, and attended the nual decoration service on Sun- mail route an Satunday, then toak Âpwîe appneciated and contained warth- decaration day services. day, August 1. A goad congrega- the local rattler at four p.m. fanCssottetrw ti eu qN while thaughts. Yvonne Williams Mn. and Mns. Milton Stainton tion was in attendance . Peterbono, whene they wene thel contnibuted a well rendenad va- and family with Mn. and Mns. The village is bulging at the guests ai Mn. and Mns. Lew Webbtfusrem.nd oe. el scal solo "If I have waunded any Gannet Tawns, Coîborne. seams with Toronto paying guests and family. oississoul today," and a twa part saîec- Mn. and Mrs. L. Williamson, right now. When Civic Holiday Morris Pollard and Grant Stew- t ion by Messns. Don Davy, Han- Pontypool, visited at Mn. and Mns. passes into cblivion we notice art 4were weekend guests at their B W M N IL U IE S S H O Sold Quanny, Dorothy Adamson and R. McNeil's. there is usually a considenable relatives. O M N IL Jean Balson was a fitting seîec- Mn. and Mrs. Chris. Welsh and thinning out ai the city folks. The late Major General Sir Sam MRS. C .BRLT tion also. Wanda, Hamilton, spent the week- We have been checking up an Hughes used ta aiten say the 154 King Street East Poi 3 There will ha na avening ser- end with Mrs. Mary Gniffin, Mn. Mrs. Irene Cnateau, whom you world is a small place 'because, na vice next Sunday but Sunday ad Mrs. Grdon Wbittaker and will rememben was injured by a matter where ne went one was School will be in the rnorning as usual. Our pastor will be present the fallowing Sunday. NESTLETON FATTENDN Nestieton W.I. met at the home A T of Mns. W. D. Ferguson on August N ew 4 with 33 ladies and same chul- dren prasent. It was the grand-]O NN I mothen's meeting in charge ofB WNV L E LIS Mrs. George Pnautt. Rail caîl was answered with the funniest scrape I was ever in. Ladies brought do- nations ta Put in a box ta be sent ta aur W.I. ini the Old Country. Mns. P. Langfald looks aiter their W.I. for us. A goad pnogram ai readings and cantasts was put an.ÀRN Shepard with us and two ladies I-rnm Manitoba, alsa a number of aider members. We alsa wel- comed Mrs. Laurance Malcolrn in- ta our Institute. A dainty lunch WD ~AO was served. Mns. Fergusan andW E D S À Miss Faye and all who helped were given a heanty vote af thanks fan an enjayable aiternoon aniong aId friends and neighbors. Bowmanville High S h o ru d Mr. and Mrs. George John visited bis uncle, Mn. George Chapman, Ballydufi. Mns. Kate Downey, Jane and Mary Ellen, visited their uncle f6aturing at6:0pm Mn, John Proutt. Miss Anna Samelîs visited ber .c grandmothen, Mns. Smith, Lind- say. DENMEF Miss Margaret Steela, RN., bas returned ta han wonk at Londoa. Mn. and Mrs. Endicott, Lindsay, visited thein dangbten, Mrs. Fred S F B L ______Crawford. IMns. Wm. Dickinson and Ms Fanneli, Ro1and, Manitoba, visited the farmen's cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze and Mn. and Mrs. National Hockey La u i-tr Wilmer Fitze. Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mns. Thos. Stewart. versus Mn. and Mns. Wihiar Jakso wil be on review. Welsh Guards band. Tos illicop, Hamilton, at Mn. Han- 5s ±crte aobys------1.00 .65 .35 10 RADIOS TO BE GVNAA hilarious fun-makers - mnan Samelîs'.i Best decorated tricycle, boys,gil 1.00 .65 .35 Olsen & Joh nson; Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Bs ~r+Abcce Gwen and Eunîce. Mn. and Mrs. Betdcrtdbcce boys, girls 1.50 1.00 .75 Tickets may be purchased frian National Horse Show. Henry Samelîs visited at Pont Best pony outfit------ -1.0 .0 'thLinClboonhegudsCrvaiht1 Moo hw h eetM. and Mrs. Herb Taylor, of Best character group, at least three 1.50 1.00 .75 th«inNCu rontego features in industry, Blackstock, Mr. Frank Montgom- Bs 0 agriculture, sport, pagean. env and son. Ro>bent, Chicago. vis- 1±w rcoî otue-- .65.35 itad Mn. and Mns. Stanley Mal- ,?fVTI VfMYq triuieetois om etp titcc su e------------ .0 .5 .35 FU OvTE E T scin, rnS, eetroncsM . and Mrs. Stanley McNeillv1 scence, r ansorato n.î. dsn Spaa d isC b fT t c S tu me----------ND1 40 0 .65 FU N FO IR EN L'. Jfl .tl iJ Make our lansnow.Toronto, witb Mrs. Herman Sam- Corne to the C.N.E.aIs TICKETS TO b~ Condia iafional Exhbition 1 coRail teaîN-ew and xcitinu CamrnivdI I;ame Cet. . I . Marshall, P'.edJU Y&L V L *weed A. Hughes, GemIm.aW R V'an Klng 15& ýJj1>~ 7 (Proceeds for Lions comniunitir work) t 1 TRU DAY, ATIOlUST 12, 1948 1 IITE CAIqAntAlq qprATrq1ffAw vte%%V"ATTMTIR r