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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVITLL~ ONTARJO THURSDAY. AUGUST - 1948 The Newcaslle Indepefideut Phone: Clarke 3314 Miss Marlene Edwards visited fairs af a comparatively quil friends in Tilbury and Kitchener. village of 800, located 18 mile: A very enjoyable birthday par- cast ai Oshawa. ty was held at the home ai Mrs. "Actually they have ta work Cecil Finley an August 12 for harder on a village cauncil thar Carolyn and Nelda Edwards.. we do," the Leaside Mayor said, Guests included Billy and Barry 'Dad is chairman ai the Property Fendley, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Committee and besides having to E. Norris, Carol and Paul and hire men ta do the work he has Miss Irene Taylor, Toranto, Joan ta supervise the jobs himseli." Brawn, Marlene Laking, Sheila Fourth Term Grogerty, Carol and Jean Gaines, Councilar Manes, who will ccl- Ernie Alldread and Velma Har- ebrate his 80th birthday on Octo- ris, Newcastle. Other invitcd ber 16 is scrving his iourth year guests were Ruth Garrad visiting an Newcastle Cauncill. Still quite in Trenton, Joan and Ruby Stone- sr n cie i ash s' burgand ats Scham.sure whether he will run for ai- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bull with fice again this fall. Mr. and Mrs. E.waGdttormison It keeps me pretty busy," he Mr. nd rs. . Gttorsonconfided with a cheerful laugh. and Eileen, Tacoma, Washington, His son, haweve>, is betting thal Mr. and Mrs, Dan DeLury, Wal- "Dad will be right in there" whcn ter, Minnesota, and Mr. R. W. Ah- the political pot begins ta bubble ]in, Toronto, Mrs. Wilson, Port aan Perry, were guests ai Mrs. N or- "If I'mi hall the man hie is when mnan Allin and Marion. l'in 80 l'Il be satisfied. He can Her many fricnds are glad that out-walk me even now," Mayor Mrs. Robert Gibson is now able Manes commented. to be home from Part Hope Hos- The Leaside mayor is serving pital. his iirst year in that office. He Rev. anid Mrs. Lamne Thomas, s erv~ed a year an the High School Iroquois. Ontario, are spcnding or eoebigeetdt somne holidays at his home here. council ten y-cars ago. He has - - since served as councillor, deputy reeve and reeve. COUNCILLOR H. T. MANES Durham County Native ITS THE SPOThIGHT Councillor Maries w~as born in IN TORONTO DAILY Orono, Durham Caunty. By the time he xvas ten, bath his parents (Evening Telegram) were dead and lie was leit ta î3elieved ta be Canada's oldest "shift for himself." In 1888 he councillor, 7-year-old H u g h came ta Toronto and found a job Trace Manes, oi Newcastle, toge- with Massey-Harris as an appren- ther with his son, Mayor George tice in the mechine shop. For a trace Manes, ai Leaside, farmi number af ycars he wvas emphay-. *ne of the most unique father and cd with other firms in the tool »Dn palitical teams in the coun- making trade but in 1910 ho re- try. turned ta Massey-Harris and Mayor Manes presides aver a stayed until retiring in 1934. His thriving industrial town ai 12,000 son is presently office manager on the borders ai Toronto. His in the engineering division ai the father helps administer the ai- plant. RING'S TAXI FIVE NEW CARS WHEN OUR CAB drives up ta your door, yau're about ta enjoy the utmost in safe, cou rteaus, de- pendable transportation service. 24 Hour Service - ]PAS SENGERS INSURED Call Us For Prompt Service Telephones: Day 561, Nighi 561, 707, 922 OPERATED BY LATHANGUE BROS. THEATRE - OWlDZANV1L-LE COOL - AIR CONDITIONErp COOL FRIDAY - SATURDAY, AUGUST 20-21 t s c Following his retirement,' Coun- cillor Manes returned to his na- tive caunty and settled in New- castle. Oddly enough, it was through an out-door arena that he got into politics at an age whien most men are retiring ta their rocking chairs. The present-day cauncillor played a major raie in recruiting support for the rink. He is inclined ta place a mod- est view ai his transformation from a sports enthusiasts toaa council member. In fact. he'u probably forget altogether ta tel how supporters once cheered him ta the echo at a public rally in support ai the rink. "Someone nominated me; got acclamation, there was no apposi- tion. so 1 was in by acclamation" is his version ai bis introduction ta political lice. Naw the village !s working ta build a fine, mod- ern $20,000 indoor arena and, again, Counicillor Manes is right in the thick af the campaign. During the war, before being elected ta council Councillor Manes spent three years travel- ling back and forth ta St. Cath- arines every week in order ta in- struct boys and girls in machine shop wor k at the collagiate. He wanted ta feel that he was doing something helpful for the coun- try. The boost he got out ai that feeling put ten years on his lufe, in the opinion ai lhis son, Councillor Manes' xiio died 37 y cars ago. Besidcs his son there is one other membcr in the fam- ily, Mrs. Retla Emblcy, ai New- ca stle. Tv, In th EdrBfrj,'am11l The Smiling Pair Cut the Cake t Mr. and Mrs. James Ross Carson whose marriage taak place rccently. Formcrly Miss June Wilmna Marshall, the bride is ilic daughter ai Mm. andI Mms. W. H. Marshall, Derlington, and thie bidegroomn is the son ai Mms. T. A. Carson ai Toronto, andI the Il - ENFIELD Mrmiayd Dear Editor- Ms. an V-E day, 1945, four years aga, Mr. andI Mms. Harold Prescott Pollard a war ended that was ta cnd ahi anti Betty, Orono, at A. W. Pres- Rawlanc wars. People killcd, homes bro- cottfs. Mrs.J ken, iamilies scattered, and the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe funeral world stili suifering from econ- and Douglas, Taunton, at Godfrey at Wood amie chaos that threatens ta con- Bowman's. Mr. a tinue for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith and iamily. And naw with anc world war 'David, Douglas Kerr, Toronto, at Mrs. Bil just around the corner, anather Wallace Pascoe's. heen is war is already in the minds and W.A. met at Mrs. Hoskin Miss Na an the lips ai people everyxvhere. Smith's as a mother and daugh- Mr. a Radio cammentators and newspa- ter meeting. Theme was a large and Dai per columnists seem ta delight in attendance ai mothers, daughters DeGrool keeping a passible war as tapie and visitors. The pragram con- Percy B No. 1 in everyday conversation. sistcd ai a paper ai especial in- Newcast. A so-called realistie attitude ta- terest for mothers and their Brown. ward warld afiairs seems ta be daughters by Mrs. A. W. Pres- the new outlook in thinking. It catt; piano salos by Doreen Ly- is truc that idealism witb its fear cett and Kathleen Smith and a ai facing facts bas praven diras- lively sing-sang led by Mrs. R. M. S torous in the past, but cynisism, 41 Seymour. The usual social per- it races ahead uncontrallcd wii iod was enjoyed aver the teacups. A fine bring about even greater peril. cnt at S Civilization has supposedly ad- Ti q r . Rev. anc vanccd since prchistoric man, yet Lake Shiore, Clarke their ho. this instinct ta fight and kill gives_____ Mr. an a raethery n egi vuiw i he Mrs. Arthur Bragg, Endcrley, ited Mr. whl terya eauta.Our British Columbia, Mrs. J. Basker - well, Mo advances have only made war ville, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs possible on a greater scale. Gardon Clarke, Toronta, with Mr. Mrs. Democracy pramotes individu- and Mms. W. Baskemville. been visi alism, yct when hostilities break Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred Fred Toc out the individual becomes a part and Lois with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Miss 1 ai a machine, without freedom ai McCool, Canton. returned action or thaught, merely a part Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes and1 ing Miss ai a group that is trained and Miss Hazel Powell werc in De- Rev. 'a ordered ta kill bis fellow me". trait. daughter Public opinion might tend ta sub- mit ta communismn and lose their Misses Blanche and Dora Tay- Mrs. A.1 rights upheld by aur demnocratie lor, Oshawa, Mrs. H. S. Taylor, Mr. E. system rather than allow theni- Courtice, with Mr. andI Mrs. Ar- ence Wh~ selves to be draggcd into another thîîr Bedwîn. Miss war in which thcy wauld ljDse 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry with spent thý much mare than their persanal Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray ,, Stir- Mms. C freedom. ling. her daug Aiter the First World War, the Mr. Clarke Maore, Oshaw, Mr. an League ai Nations, with its plans and Mrs. Jack Smith, C abr. a s- Hil] ai world gavernmcnt and Presn- katchewan, with Mr. and Mrs. J. aw dent Wîlson's 14 points was sup- Henrdry. Missrom pasedly the' solution for cantinued Mr. ancr.RbnAlrd erh world peace, but United States attcnded the' wedding ai Miss 01-. Mr. ani 'backfired an Wilson by reiusing ivc Brown, Ncwtonville, ta Mr. sans, Os ta join the League. This was the Truman Henderson, Port Hope, Mrs. Lhc, ist major blow ta the success ai on Saturday: MissD the League. /The second camne, Mrs. Marvin Pratt, Riverhurst, spent the wvhen Germany withdrew, because Saskatchewan, and hem daughter. Shiloh ai the disarmamnent conferences. Mms. Fred Hobday anti sons, ai home.,ai fAiter the Second World Wam the Moos5e Jaw, Saskatchcwan, havelNewtonvi United Nations loomed into view. returned ta t h eir respective discussiai Fundamentally its set-up and homes. cd and a plans for sustaining world peace Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderton, and Mr. an( are the same as tht' League's. -____________ Hawevcr, its methods are sanie- what difierent, in the hope that these additions will flh tht' gap that caused the breakdown ai tht'e' League.i happenings rests on the shoulders ai so icw in comparison with the many millions that will bear the brunt af tht' results. War or peace is the question aiI st led i the hour. What is the answer? One Perpiexed.1 This applies ta cabinet purchase Includes attaching the upper cabinet! cabinets around the baseboard on. cabinets or sheives, furrlng In, or i chargcd for at regular rates. PLEASE NOTE! BDe sure ta bi with you sa that aur salespeaple cari Cabinets will bc delivered immedia they are purchased. For ealv inst, possible. ...J.. Higgon Lansing, Michigan, with dMrs. Ken Dean. W. Halmes and Miss Joyce with Mr. and Mrs. H. i, Orano. Jack Holmes attended the ai her uncle, Mr. W. Lapp Iville,. and Mrs. N. Goheen and Part Hope, with Mr. and ill Lake. Miss Doris Go- staying a few days xvith [ncy Lake. and Mrs. Harold Skinner ýothy, Tyrone, Mr, Alfred dRochester, N.Y., Mr. 3rown and granddaughter, tle, with Mr. and MrEi Ali. .TARK VILLE ie congregation was pres- Shiloh's Sunday, marning. id Mrs. Bunt are enjaying olidays naw. nd Mrs. Wilired Wood vis- .and Mrs. Gardon Hallo- rnunt Forest, and also Mr. s. B. Best, Thornbury. Will Tadd, Oshawa, bas I iting hier sans, Lorne and Ad. Beulah IiallowelI havingý dirom the West is visit- ;Norma Hallowell. and Mrs. R. Wragg and ýr are holidaying with Wragg and Oswald. 1"White with Mr. Laur- hite, Maple Grave. H. HIallowell, Toronto,I e wcekcnd at home. i C. Reid, Toronto, visited ihter, Mrs. W. Wood, nd Mrs. Sid Halloivell and 'ijth Mr. and Mrs. Gardon di, Mount Forest. Eileen Farrow has return- ia pleasant trip ta God- nd Mrs. Harold Little and, shawa, visited Mr. and1 ew Hallowell. Mildred Wood, Tarant., eweekend at home. iW.A. ladies met at the' fMrs. W. A. Hallowell, ille. Aiter the business )n a fine lunch was serv- Rpleasant time spent. d Mrs. S. Brownlce, Tor- anvilie onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Miss Calleen Falls, Toronto, visited Mary Hallowell. Mrs. Henry, Toronto, v<ith Mrs. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Or- ana, visited his mnother, Mrs. F. Stone. Mrs. W. Wood and Mrs. C. Reid called on friends. BURKETON Mrs. S. G. Niddery, Hampton, Mrs. L.- Cochrane, HaroldI, Mr. andI Mrs. A. Binnehl, Toronto, Mm. andI Mrs. Fred Rahm, Gladys, Jean and Lloyd, Columbus, Mr. andI Mrs. Rahm andI Dor- cen, Tymone, Mm. and Mrs. Char- ence Rahm, Mm. and Mms. F. Ed- wamds, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm, Ray, Ruth, Helen, Saint- field, visited Mrs. H. Rahm. Mrs. A. Binnell with hem grand- mother, Mms. H. Rahm. W.A. met August 12th at the home ai Mrs. Clarence Avery with a good attendance , Mrs. Russell Dean, vice-president, opened the meeting. Mrs. C. Avery read a Bible lesson. Mrs. R. M. Sey- mour gave the lOth chapter ai the study book "Great is the Com- pany," a calendar ai eventiul liv- ing ai Mm. and Mrs. Peck. Mms. R. Porter, Lindsay, gave a talk and demonstration ai brushes and giits for the iall bazaam . Mrs. C. Avery played a piano solo. Col- lection $2.30. Next meeting at Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin's. Mm. Grant Camnochan has me- turned from Toronto Gencral Hospital aiter four weeks treat- ment there. L On Friday, Augustl13, a show- er and dance at Ennîskîllen Hall wvas largely attended in honor ai Mm. and Mrs. Merle Hubbard, a recent bride and groom. Mm. Jack Smith ,vas chairman, and asked the happy couple ta accept the many beautiful giits froin their 1friends and relatives and hoped thcy will flot live taa far away. The evening w-as spent in dancing with good local talent. A dainty lunch was served ta about 200 guests. Tht' bride and groom thanked everyoN for their giits and kindness and' they served wedding cake. Mm. and Mrs. Merle Hubbamd expect ta live in Bowmanvilie. On August 14 Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean entertained 25 relatives irom Oshawa and Toronto toaa picnic supper at their farm home near Burketan. On Sunday at tht' mamning church service a vemy impressive service taok place when two smahl chihdmen weme baptized by Rev. R. M. Seymour, Shirley Mamie, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. Clar- ence Avery, andI Fmedemick James, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tay- !or. Much damage, was donc when the hail starm damaged the ta- bacco crop August 12 on tht' Van Dam place. This is the thimd loss; lest summer antI faîl twa limes ceused great loss. Many arc now womking at the farm. The Minchall Tobecco cmap at the samne time, ten miles away, was flot damaged. They are now vcry bard at wark with 20 hclp- ers. Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. J. Hainter. ýTom- onto, Mm. and Mis. Arthur Tomp- kins and Gardon with Mr. and Mms. A. J. Tampkins. Mm. and Mrs. Bert and children, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davey, Bawmanville, and Mm. Raymond Davey at Hall's Lake. Mm. and Mms. Ken Roblin with Mm. and Mms. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter were home. Mms. Vigar, Norwick, with the H ubbamd s. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shute and baby, Raglan, with the Gatchell's. Mm. and Mrs. Alex Massie, Ta- ADD-mA-mUNIT " ronta, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Need- ham. Mary Lau Goodwin, Cooksville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ncedham. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton, Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Middleton and Arthur, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. Goodwin, Cooksville, with Mr. and Mrs. Necdham. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Caughill and Pat, Niagara -on-the- lake, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stuart and Caren. Ni- agara Falls, with Mrs. E. Caug- hill. Mr. C. Hoskins was at Niagara Falls. What Others Say WHO REALLY OWNS BIG BUSINESS (Montreal Gazette) Much ai the' strcngth ai the Socialist party in Brîtain and the C.C.F. party in Canada cames fram sections ai the population which are mis-iniormed on the facts about the real owners ai in- dustries in general and thercby become confused in their politi- cal thinking. When the C.C.F. party talks of takîng aver certain industries, the suggestion is that those in contrai ai an industry consist ai a vcry iew exectives who awn it, arrogantly dictate its policy and eap huge profits imom the aper- ations ai the warkers. It is ai intcmest ta observe that these sanie executives in the main are recmuited fram men who have risen from the' ranks by farce ai industry and ability, and without cither family influence or inhemit- cd wealth. In this regard it is interesting ta observe certain facts brought out eby the current issue ai the magazine. "Trusts and Estates," in the United States, as ta who really owns big business. Accord- ing ta this magazine, big business leaders are in no real sense the owners ai the properties they op- erate. In a survey ai the 120 biggest United States manufacturing campanies (tatal assets: $51.041,- 000,000), the magazine found on- MANYI MANY TIMES! WHEN your property ls dam- aged-then the value of rour Insurance proves to be many times greater than what ybu have ever paid la premlumg. That's when you're mighty glad you kcpt up ail your policies! INSURE adequately through Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681, Res. 493 King Street . Bowmanvllle ly four in wbich any individual owned as much as 10 per cent of the v'oting stock. The 120 com- panies were owned by 6,126,713 stockholders, almost 40 per cent more than the total number of employees (4,464,000). 0f 62 companies giving a breakdown, 24 reported that no individual held as much as one per cent. Five.out of eèvery six holders owned 100 shares or less. About fine per cent of the stock- holders-accounting for 41 per cent of the shares-were institu- tions (sehools, hospitals, cerne- teries, investment and insurance companies). They, in turn, rep- re-ented millions of other imcii- viduals. What is true in the United States applies in proportionate measure to Canada. A glance at the number of shareholders of the largest corporations here will give convincing proof. The true situation, therefore, as ta the owners of so-called big business is not only revealing but startling, in view of the state- ments made by Socialist politi- cians. Love is the hardest lesson in Christianity; but for that reason, it should be most our care to learn it.-William Penn. Handkerchiefs FOR EVERYONE FOR EVERY OCCASION We have just received a shipment of handkerohiefs for Christmas time. Makte your selection eamly ta -en- sure a good choice. For Children fast color prints Speclal *'Lucy Atwell' Patterns For Ladies Lace Borders - Colored Linens - Inîtialed Specla.I Black Hankies (plain linen and flowered) For Men Colored Prints White Cottons and Linens J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 554 27 King St. W., Bowxnanville Kitchen Cabinets Your K itchen Without Extra Charge for Labour es af $25.00 or over. Installation s ta the wall and fitting the hase nly. *Any removal of existin g plumblng Is extra, and wvilI be ring your kitchen measurements nrecommend just the right sizes. atcly. and installcd in the order tallation, corne down as soon as *In a metched design exclusive with Higgon Electric in Bowmanville. *You can modemnize a whole kitchen or buy a single unit as requimed! *Finishecl in a sm-ooth three-coat white enamel, andI with modemn chramium-plated h andles. *Constructed ai high quality maeiial .ai o kiln-dried birch and basswaod, with doors ai stmong, nan-wamping tempemed boards. *Condliment sheli in upper cabinets provides hidden reccss for lighting fixtures. *Base cabinet tops arc covered with heavy Marboleum, trimmed with smooth sitain- less steel moulding. *Metal draw-er glides for easy opcning. *AIl pieces made anti priced separately s0 yau cen buy just what you need. *Sloping iront design for up-to-the-mînute styling provides comiartable knee roomn 2tac recess. * 1" splash back pmotccts yaur xvall andI avoids -pilling hehind. *Sizes given in the iollowii-g arder: wvidth, height. depth. Single 1 ' pper Cabinet, 21" $23.00 ,%-.,de x 24" high x 13" deep each $36~,.00 Double Upper Cabinet, 42x 36xl3", eaeh 11 -1 Daîthie !'pper Cabinet, 42x1 2lxl3", each-1 Single I'ipcr Cabinet, 15xi 36x13", each . Open End Shelf. 7x36x7", each -... 0 Single rpper Cabinet, 21x3rq x13", each.1-1 17pper Comnep Cabinet. 24x $41.25 36" high, each - - Phone 438 Upper ('orner Cabinet, 24x $35.75 24" high, each - ý1- Double ITpper Cabinet, 3, 24xl.3", each -. - --$34.75 Base Cabinet, 42x36x24", each . .- - -- --- -- - --- $46.75 Base Cabinet (hardwood top for cuttlng or chopplng!). The' two lower d rawèe $42.00 have ventiiated mides for storng fruit or vegetables. 15x36x24". 47 $ 2 3 .5 0 each ...................----------- $ 4 .7 $ 6»50 Base and Slnk Cabinet, Includes stain- $ b.1J ess stelsink and straine (on left or $26.00 each - ---- -------- $99.50 Base Cabinet, 4 draweru, $65 size 2lx36x24", each . -------$65 Wit 1 raer nd1 eup-$47 board, each .-- ---$67 --i 11~ il El ectric CAPPLIANCE DEALER 1 PAGE TWZLVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST '- 1948' $59.50

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