- PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TW~flAV AtT<?T~'I' Il ILA HA PT NToronto, Mr. and Mrs. Nta _______Souch, EnniskIllen, Mrs. Albert Miss Nola Winters, Colborne,;Cale, Bowrnanville, at the home with Mary Lou Widdecombe. of C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bruce Bradford and Miss Ken Caverly. jean Damant, Lachute, Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur vis- .ththeir brother, Arnold and ited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Mrs. Damant. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Hogarth.! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black- Harmany. visited Mrs. R. Pascoe burn and daughter Elizabeth Ann, and Miss L. Reynolds. 'Toronto, with his parents prior ta Mrs. E. H. Cale with Mr. and; leaving for Edmonton where he Mrs. A. E. Billet at Springford. as1 cpe oiin Mrs. Kate Brown, Ottawa, and1 Mrs. W. W. Horn returned fromi Mrs. Alberta Layman, Bowman-, New York on Tuesday. ville, witb Mr. and Mrs. W. E.1 Mr. and Mrs. Rahm and fam- Stevens.: ilv, Saintfield. at Earl Luke's. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and'[ Mr. Wes Hoskin has returned 'Nancy, Oshawa, with her parents, from a pleasant trip ta Western Mr. and Mrs. F. Honey. ' Canada where he visited relatives. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. A. Re\nolds,ý Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and Mrs. Toronto, and Mrs. T. Matheson, Ken Caverly spent the weekend Whitby. were guests of Miss Lulu at -Crest Haven," Littlee Hawk Reynolds. 'Lake, Halibunton. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staînton, Mn. and Mrs. S. Kersey visited with Mns. R. Avery. iMn. and Mrs. Ted Kensey, Tar- Mr. and Mns. Raymond Burns onto. and -Barbara, Oshawa, Mn. and Alan Keetch. Brooklin, visited SDouglas Rackhani. Leroy. Billie Widdecombe. and Lynda, Bowmanville, at S. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and Kersey's. Maxine. Oshawa. at T. Wray's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stainton, The Ladies Aid of Lotus beld A Delicious Cool Directions: Make.tea exactly as usuc stili hot pour irit glasses filled w ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to 9@99P T Bowmanville Business Fali term begins Sept.t 7 anc ENROLL NOW ~4__________________Distrie Rei MIODEL Pori Type Costs littie to tiful streamli BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS bMS. C. A. BARTLETT 154 King Street Euti Drink ai . .. While their meeting at the home of Mrs.1 Merwin Mountjoy when a splen-k did program was presented and' an enjoyable time was spent in: the park afterward with a picnic' supper. Thene were twenty-four: ladies present. Miss B. V. Reynolds, R.N., Mn. JA. Haskell, Mrs. L. Crawle, Mrs. Halfbolder. Mrs. Morris Reynolds,' John and Jim, Oshaw%, Mrs. Reg.i Somerville, Cherrywood, Mn. and' IMrs. Pat Witnell, Mnr.and Mrs. C. Carrick, Toronto, Mn. and Ms.' F. Gillette and June, Port Credit, at Jack Reynolds'. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds,' Ruth and Fae visited friends in Toron ta. Mrs. Goodman and Louise spentj the weekend at Holiday Inn an, Picton Bay. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Parker, To- ronto, at Mns. Goodman's. Mn. Milton Slemon, and Lloyd, Haydon, and Gardon, Toronto, et Mrs. C. Johns' and Mn. and Mrs. Wiii White's. Miss Apha Hodgins and Miss, McDougall, Bowriianville, with Mr. a.nd Mrs. Sam Dewell. MîÉs. Art Loveli and Jean, Dex- ton, Mich igan, witb Percy and, Sam Dewoil foilowing the tam- ily picnic in Orona Park. Mn. Frank Montgomery and son, Robent, Chicago, Mr. and' Mrs. Herb Taylor, Biackstock, Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and! Pretty Wedding in Eldad Church, Sauina H-e that taker, truth for his1 Love, in its highest manifesta- guide, and duty for his end. may 'tion, is the richest, most perskia- safely trust to God's providenlce .vms oeru hn 3a ta lead him aright.-Pascal. ,God hams ta owfu-ti thecbil When a man seeks your advice o at f e- ith41 he generally wants your praise.- weapon we rieed.-Rev. H. R. L. Chesterfield. Shepard. ____________ [s EEFILTER OUEENI Mn. and Mrs. R. Aunger. Haydon: , with Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto,1 withber parente, Mn. and Mrs. J. Smales.1 Mn. J. A. Stainton, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. 1Mrs. E. Stnutt witb Mn. and ýMrs. Harry Strutt and Mns. Gea. Ferguson, Oshawa. 1Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke visit- ed tniends in Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Richard Griffin, Union, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Roblin, iBunketon, at Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke's. *Mr. and Mns. E. A. Werry and' family with Mn. and Mrs. Roy, Metcalf, Maple Grave. Mn. and Mrs. Carson Chîlden- base and famnily, St. George, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr. Clayton Mark, Whitby, at Mn. and Mrs. A. Brunt. Mrs. Gilbert Gibson and Missi Olive Luke. Toronto, Miss Marion Mountjoy, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. R. Wray and family, Bowm an- ville, Miss Mona Brunt. Miss Joyce McGil, Toronto, with Mn.: and Mrs. H. McGill. Mr. and Mns. J. D. Brown, Or- 'ana, Mn. and Mns. Ed. Milîson. Ajax, with Mn. and Mns. Russell Ormiston. Mn. and Mrs. Don Cern and[ femily witb ber parents, Mn. and Mn s. A. Beecb, Heydon. Vacuum Cleaner, FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WRITE OR PHONE your authorized dealer J. H. McKEEVER PHONE 4377 OSHAWA, Colleet Mtr. and wirs. Spencer Wood, Bow- 1I .mI. I',£VeI.Lil, LV11J1ieT1urve, vith craicked manville, at Sulas Williams'. wîth Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wery taste . Mr. and tners. Arthur Jackson > tcste . andStaneyToronto, with Mr. N WTONVILLE adMrs.ChRusle rw, on Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Large after their recent mnarriage. The an Mrs. ChrlsewForst. v bride, who is the former Evelyn Audrey'Parrinder. is the daugh- er, N.B.. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Rev. H.A. and Mrs. Bunt left ter of Mn. and Mrs. Walter Parninder, SaUina, and the bridegroom Malcolm, Miss Jean Malcolm. of:<s. for a manth's holidays on Tues- is the .ýon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Large, Bowrnanville. Nestieton, with Mns. Minerva - day morning. They are taking a 'rwn motor trip xest toucbîng vaniausj1 held last Tuesday evening in the _____________ points unt i reaching Detroit. On church basement. Mrs, H. A.HA P O Satunday Bey. Bunt will officiate ýBunt had HageMfthTONies at bis niece's wedding in Win.- ssinad cargo ed inthe unessig t ________anai otan ro tan. bao eonn ls e i h suy WOIEN'S INSTITUTE CartwrahtdCoun il geai o ot Mr. and Mrs. Hector Lamot Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farno\v Auguist meeting of Hampton Sets Tax Rate Ç". lag wo anton i nnipegtta arWen pass- with Mr. and Mrs. Atkins, Toron- Women's Institute was in the' Sarne as Last Year 0 Ae OE ing tbrough this village tbey were 1*o f fapci oOhw-n SKI cLaTI- guetsofbe sstn ndbubad, Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Burle. heLake. Transportation was by Cartwright Councii beld its 9 SUMNG cLO' guets f Edgastr arcohurt.n and Bruce were in Toronto on Ganton's buts, and the trip there August meeting witb members al 0 * RIN Mr. and Mrs. Edaruardar. Miss Annie Nesbitt left for Tonrn-ak~a hoogl na~ presenit except Cuuncillors Black School onto on Tuesday for the Faîl Mil- Mr. Elwin Brown and bis mo- by the ladies. The few other pic- and Dorrel and Reeve W. G. liner seaon. Hoe, visitd.M. Bon a in o e b t e noht of m tr rgued Ba wles presiding. Communi.ca- SOct 5Clarky e , n. Buffalo, isbhl- Hoe, Mrs. d r. aBon, s of Porthesigere o daut re adesen- tion from Department stated by- dainOwtbbe.boter M. m.Sexsmitb. iioïing the ,i,,wings, slides an d tee- ]wwstolt o ..N.3t 1Cdayins. hhr rte, r mýCongratulations to Orono Sf-iter-totter. Mns. Harold Salter and enter schoo laterea .S. No. 3e Mn. and Mrs. Allen Jones, Ton- hall Teaion winning the Leaguej Miss Ruby Colwill wene in charge Lte rmMsr.Sotad cnenn rdcsmd et Ageney onto, spent Thunsday witb Mn.I Championsbip Wednesday eve- of the sparts and a fine prognam Da lyzell cangratulated the Reeve - . and Mrs. S. R. Jones. ning in Newcastle. of races and cantests was much ad Coni nthegod codi Name - for Mn. and Mrs. Willis Jones havel Congratulations also ta aur la- enjoyed. All these activities of ain ouncadion teigoa cn i- dde tae e.H .Bn' otg tcal team in caming 'back and ptcore had developed a neai pic- to frasi hi iiiy drs ingtorikn Ric ae.f.oAr ut ctae attto e ting up a gaod game especially nlic appetite and the quantity, Dr. A. D. McArthur requested Rice Lakeyea forptchr, the last twandaarct oneheekseirepaîrs ta Con. 10, also along bis 5 DELUXE lin August.taar4-erodptenLurquitanvaitontespe Conratlaion taBu JoesBinstead. "You always win ifi table wvas more than adequate. sub-division; same to be inspect- table an getting bis senior matricula- yau lose with a smile.' ' The Svmpathy xvas voiced for those Sd ~wxitertioat Prt opeHigbSchol. witer overbeard the team tl-wbo had been unable ta be there Ex-Reeve C. P. Devitt, appear- ewtiter Word bas been received of the jing on the eve of a recent game 1ta shane the enjoyable afternoon. ed befone the Counicil wisbing ta O ow hi ea- passing of Mrs. Wà$son (Flora and wbat she beard is wontb pass- It was decided ta make an effort resign as secretary-treasuren of o wnths ea- Wade) in Paris, Ontanio, on Sat- ing alang. *"I do hope we can ta have an aIl-day picnic ta a the Parks Committee. He gave a *we . 1 lind model. unday evening. She was the îast bring home a victory but if we mare distant point next year. report of their improvements and ý suvvn ebro h aeM.can't I hope we can be as gaad expenditures in the past. Resig- and Mrs. Symons Wade, a pianeer lasers as Courtice was." That nto cetd lr a n SCHOO ai fSuh lreTonhp was a h igb type of spantsmanship structed ta write Mn. Devitt, on Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. and a fine tnibute ta Countice. I L1NrI1rIdLLEN behaif of tbe Council, sincerely Truman Hendenson who xvere hope Countice is îistening. _____tbanking bim for the good work Phone 434 married in the United Chunch, on 1 Miss Jean Stacel', Miss Ber- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gim. Mn. pmittee ad fr ilathe aresentm August 14. niece Ellis and Miss Emma Sbred, riteadfralps n rsn Manthly meeting of W.M.S. wasilBawmaniville, visited Mns. Roy, and Mns. Lewis Stînsan and Mar- offices which tbey had fulfilled j Stacey. ilynr, Cadmus. at Mn. and Mrs. in a mast satisfactonv manner._______ Walter Fenguson's. Ex-Reeve Devitt drew attention _______ Mn. and Mrs. Albert Abbott, of Council to, entrance betweeni Ottawa, Mns. Ace Abbott, Mrs. Con. 2 and 3, Lot 11._______ SOfLTT A Lea. Moffatt and Paul, Mr. and Request was made to have _____ Mrs. Menvyn Gatcheli and fam- bushes removed on side of road, _____ ily. Oshawa, Master Murray- Scott,Glnysu-isonrenedt Mn. and Mns. B. G. Stevens ac- Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Haroldod enyS uen iint n ent. ______ companied M. and Ms. Burney Bull and family, Port Hope, at ________ntndnt 'Haoey and Barbara and Mn. Roy Mr. and Mns. Tom Abbatt's. W. Maniow applied for grant ta ____ Hooey, Bunketon, ta Wasaga Mrs. S. Trewin, Toronto, with Coakenuain -l N ato Beach on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Hugh Annis. tkn Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Kellett en- Mn. J. A. Stainton, Mn. Reg. By-laws were passed fixing joyed a mnoton trip ta North Bay. Weaving, Toronto, Mn. Claude, genenal rate and scbool board an- Mns. Roy Langmaid is at Ton- Smith and Mrs. Hunt, at Mn. and ea rates. Genenal rate will be onto Genenai Hospitai fan funther Mrs. H. Stevens. levied tbe same as in 1947-28 A T treatment. Hen condition is im- Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson, mills, witb the addition of scbool praving satisfactonily. Ruth and Ronald, Oshawa, witlh board rates as follows: ScboolI IMn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and Mn. and Mrs. Keitb Ferguson and Area, General and School 351 I ed C Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe at- Mn. and Mns. Walter Ferguson. milîs: S.S. No. 2 General Anea and "W tended the wedding of Miss Lor- Mr. and Mns. O. C. Ashton, Lais Continuation School 44 milîs; S. naine McLauahlin, gnanddaughten and Charles, with Mn. and Mns. C. S- Na. 3 Generai and scbaal rate of Mn. A. L. Pascoe, ta Mn. Lamne A. Stainton at thein cottage, Stur- 30) 3/10 milîs. Goodman. at King Street United geon Lake. These accounts were passed: R. j Chuarcb, Oshawa, Satunday and Mn. and Mns. Harold Ashton Dilling, auditon, $100; D. Beer, î en who try NE Ac-ARO 0'...the reception for 90 guests after- and Clare, with Mn. and Mns. Ted balance pnemium, $1.50; Part Per- for keel W O EB E S20 Z 5 wards at the Genosha Hotel. Kensey, Taronto. îry Agricultural Society, grant, W OLE B ETS *nu i < tSeveral men from bere helped Master Douglas Stainton. Ty- $25; treasuren. on salany, $50; Re- cill its owî aT.. Giaspeli's barn sn g,: ane, with David and Lînda Stain- gatta grant .$150. KENUCK WODE20YW oz.E souti, of Taunton, 'ton. Council adjourned ta meet on G REN BE NS cut 2TItI 27cCongratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. John Oke visited ýSeptembon 13 at 8 p.m.jBu FORTRICHLIEUdaugtersisten for Gail and Ron- ton. M Z.Cýrc srnie wllh.reu Mrs. J. Smales visited mwitb rel- JuneCalo.srofMman M AC ED O INE. . . 2 Tin 23c Chrh evie ih iersm- atives in Tononto. 1 Dad," meets ber new boy-friend, ed on Sunday. 10 and 11 a.m. Mn. and Mns. Alcx Telfen and played by Bob Loweil, at the higb VARJOUS BRANDSj Women's Institute beld its an- family, Toronto, Mrs. Earle Par- schooi spring dance. These twa o "20Oz. nuai Young Mothers' meeting on rott and family. Clialk Lake, withi young stars face their first scneen L CH O IC E P E AS .. 2 Tilns* 27c Tbunsday. I n t he absence, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Weann. carles ta date in this new hygiene The thnougb illness, of the president, jMn. and Mns. G. E. Johnston,1 pictunes wbicb cames ta the Roy- CHO!CE QUALITT Mrs. Roy Langmaid, the vice- David and Elizabeth, witb Mn. 1 ai Theatre for an engagement, op- president, Mrs. A. J. Balson. pre- and Mrs. O, C. Ashton. 1 ening August 30. This new by- or. RD GLOsided. Mns. E. R. Taylor and Mrs. E. White, Mns. L. B. Dis- giene-shocken is breaking attend- kasGL group were in charge of the pro- ney, Mn. E. Disney, Oshawa, Dr. ance records everywhere. gram. Miss Fanny Smales, Ton- lm 2 Oz la eryinstructive talk on Moth- .25 2oO .~Eencraft work. Recitations were Tins2 S egiven by Kathleen Graham and Mns. E. R. Taylor and music in-U 1 7c cludied community singing with FRUITS &VEGETABLES 1 Mrs. Percy Dewell at the piano fbr. jecand vocal duets by Olive Cryder- ,tman and Donna Vice. Lnuchth y ees1 Speclal, Jicy Itallan Size 360 was senved. Eldad cbunch dedication and .3d4c Lemons - - doz. 17c i reopening services will be held events colunin. 1L 8 Ontario No. 1, Neu, Visitons: je Mr. a<oaos*1 b.2c Snd Mrugs. William dracry, mn G inger, A Potaoes 10lhs.29C i Miss Betb Anderson, Mrs. James 1 Brady, Lindsay, Mn. and Mrs. J. _____________ l's On.N5<, edeCrs Clr Navior, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. On. o.1,Tede, nI CleyHarvey Crossman and Miss Inene 30-oz. sîzu Ners- 2h ce 5 Crossman, Taunton, at Cecil Pas- oCnainE 7eariM2 buches25cCrIL5SLARGE GLASSES '2 LARi Mrs Frd Cyderman and Ontario No. 1 Cooklng Barbara, Mrs. Gardon Mitchell, .- 18e each or 2 for 35e L Bawmanvi île, Mn. and Mns. How~- Plus Deposît 43c OnioRS - 3 lbs. l ic ard Milîson, Hampton, nt E. Miii- ____________ son's. California Seedicis Miss Betty Fenguson, Oshawa, . 23c 45at Bruce M~onr'gomerys Grapfrut - oz.45c i Miss Kathleen Graham witb hem Graperuit - doz c sster t Bedley ilc I "kOe~Mn. and r.WsYloes Ont. No. 1 Take Home Oe and Harold at Mr. Chas. Ailin's om your dkntt.d :YÂRN 334 Athol St. E.-, salvage wool knitted goods. This service, in greatFi demand in the west, is nom, available tO easteriý Canada through the opeing of our depot In Brampton4 Ontario. Let m send yoa fuli particulars. e catalogue, givjog full information~ lby Saskatchewan WooI Product. à» PAUt C80,11 ipertedby he ee ef asathe a ompanions iOld Chum stay with it ePs Fer Old CIum has eharocter m ; distinctive crama ; £ 6 fresh, cool, leng-lasting ficivour. ya package of Old Chum - todayl, D CHUMA& e Tobacco of QualityI PIP CU FI E FORROLINGYOU Oe vaIue les *TORONTO ýistrict: D. MYERS- - ~ - ., - I STULLA BRANDf WAX BEANS 2Ti CHOICE QUALTY-BANQUET PUMPKIN 2I OVEN BAKED-IN TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ BEARNS9 p 1El MITCHELL'S APPLE JUICETIR HENLEY OU HARVESUW-CHOICE STlRÀAWBERRIES ft LAJNGS-CREAM STYLE C.IC. SAUCE 'I0h LYNN VALLEY-STD. BlET GREENS 2' AUSTRALIAN-.SEEDLE88 BREAKFAST STYLE-BLACK DOMINOe TEAPkg VARIOUS BRANDS ~ QUAKER MUFFETTS . g B.C. PACK-RIVEKBANK PRUNE PLUNS Ti ['AMPBELLS-CREAM 0F TOMATO SO01Wa2'su LYNN VALLEY PEAHESHALVES 30' PURE TOMATO HINZ t'KETCHM VALUES EFVECTIVE THURS.. FR1, AUGUUT 1 iU.20th, Ilet t-oz. SUzR EContains %GE GLASSES LOc Plus Canada's Bagless PAGE rotm THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TIMSDAV. AUGUST 19. 1948 0 i9ril