e-- ~ .~ - -- - - -- PAGE six IThe Orono News Congratulations ta Orono Girls' Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Carson Softball Team who won the Miss Jean Rainey sang ai League championship on Wednes- well rendered duet. day of last week, when they play- Mr. and Mrs. J. Blue and1V ed off with Newtonville. returned on Saturday from ti Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred at- weeks' holidays at Toronto tended the wedding of Miqs Olive Palmerston. Brown in Newtonvîlle Church on Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren Saturday afternoon. 'family ini company with a nurr Miss Shirley Porter and friend, of relatives from Toronto Oshawa, have been on a mot' Oshawa, held a picnic at Lake, vacation as far as Banff, Abra. Park, Oshawa, on Sundayt Mrs. J. C. Gamey, Mrs. Harry ning. Lycett and son, and Miss Wilda Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pol Hodey were in Toronto. enjoyed a motor trip to Perth Conratlatonsto r. nd rs.around Lake Ontario. ConA.gralaton to Mr. nd Msn Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe Wm.A. ray o thirew on Ginny have returned from1 Dr. McKenzie and family and awa where they spent one w Mr. W. E. Davey are holidaying of their vacation. at Kirkland Lake.____ Mrs. Wm. A. Gibson passedI Visitors: away at~ the home of her sonl, Mr. Wilfned B. Froste, Pe Arthur, 3rd line of Clarke, and boro, at home. was bunied in Orono Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anden Woman's Missionary Society Hamilt.on, with Misses E. and met August 10 in the form of a Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. C, picnic at the Park. A most en- Tyrrell. jolang e was spent by the Dc ClarkePrescott, with A. Delve had charge of the meet- Mr, Roy Lynn, Toronto,m ing and Mrs. H. Barlow conduct- Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan. ed the worship service. The guest Miss Adele and Mr. Dick M~ speaker, Mrs. C. B. Sissons, was ton, Toronto, wîth Mr. and1 introduced by Mns. M. H. Stap- A. E. Morton. les, a neighbor of many years. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tyr: and gave a veny interesting and and son and Mr. and Mrs. informative talk on the "Save The 'Hodgkins and Sandra, Toror Children's Fund" and the w onder- with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrre ful wonk being done to save the. Mr. Atwel]. Winnipeg, w chîldren of Europe. Thanks werei Rev. and Mrs. Eustace. tendered the speaker by Mrs. Mil- Arthur McLaren with Mr.e ton Tamblyn and Mrs. N. Porter. Mrs. Harny Clarke. Prescott. Meeting closed with prayer by Donald Hay, Bowmanvi1 Miss Davy aften which a picnic with his grandparents, Mr.E supper and a social time were Mrs. R. E. Logan. erjoyed. Mrs. R. CaldwelI, Toronto, w Mrs. C. S. McLaren, and Miss Mr. and Mnsg. Mac Carleton. Marjorie McLaren have complet- Mrs. F. Tamblyn and Lai ed their summer courses in Tor- Miller visited Mn. and MËs. F ~--ofto. seli Vanhonne, Whitby. Mrs. Ta Rc.W. P. Rogers, Bowman- blvn and Mrs. Vanhorne visil ville, conducted the morning ser- Mrs. Tamblyn's sister, M vice at Park St. United Church on Hoidge, Stouffville, and fou 1ber fairly well. TICKETS TO Mrs. Tamblyn and Mr. and M EVERYWHERE C. E. Miller attended the gladi Air, Rail or SteamshlD show at Oshawa on Saturday consuit JURY & LOVELL (Intended for Last Week) Bowmanville Visitons: 15 King St. W. Phone 7 78 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgr; - and son, Rochester, with Mn.a Mrs. Wm. Hoar. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Stevens S A F E and family, Montreal, with 1 and Mrs. Jas. Stevenson. Satisfing Service Rev, Luxon Burgess and fai ily, Elmvale, with bis moth - -- , S Mns. Jas. Burgess. Mis aroreHoidge,Ton ST E V E I S withMr. and Mrs. Chas. Woc Mrs. C. Hoskin, Port Hope, a Miss Mildred Hoskin, Ottam T - À with Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tar blyn. Phon 822Mr.' and Mns. Harold Awde a BOWMANVILLE - ONT. ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Awde. Mr. Hanv. Winter, Tononto, Mr. and Mns. F. E. Lycett's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunican wi Mr .and Mrs. Russell Ransberi and family, Montreal. Mr. Colin Taylor with fnier4 * in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilfillan ar two childnen, Ottawa with Mr J. A. Gilfillan and Miss V. Gi fillan. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Wood, Mi M. Hoidge and David Phase J~ii-JO 9sIZL4U.aé" with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Woc( Lakefield. FOR Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watso and baby, Tononto, with Mr. an Mrs. Alex Watson. Mrs. Hall, Hamilton, with he ]BARR isiterMrs. W. J. Leamen. AND in Hamilton. RESTA RANT Joan Reid, Cnooked Creel RESTA RANT with her grandpanents, Mr. an, Mrs. T. A. Reid. Mn. M. H. Staples was a dele OnIy the Best gate to the Liberal Convention i Ottawa. QUALITY Mr. and Mns. J. E. William /1 and Jack spent the weekenda AND Rice Lake. WANTED -4ou.nQg Womnen Young Men for Harvesting Peaches, Plums Pears, Appies, Grapes, To- matoes and other Fail Fruits and Vegetables Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps Aug. 15 to Nov. 15 Campers must bring blank- ets, sheet.s and piliow cases. for further information write ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE 9 Richmond Street East 1.Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices: Dominion-Provin- ci3 Farmn Labour Camrnlttee NOTICE DAY 0F SPORTS ENDS PLAYGROUND PROGRAM 1 Onono cbidren bave b ceer igreatly priviieged this summer ir having six weeks of playgrounc supervision at the park. Mn. Phi Samnis, Oshawa, bas been ir change and giyen them a gre& deai of instruction in games anc in swimming. Last Friday afteu. 1 noon, the final day, thene werE a number of contests whenE large number of. parents and friends enjoyed the events.A 1 lb. box of chocolates was pre sented ta each lst prizo winner in the diffenent events. At the con- clusion a scnambie for candy kusses was bcid in which ail could take part. The following are the winners in the diffenent events: Free Style swimming, 20 yards -10 yeans and under, 1 Mary Ann Armstrong, 2 Lucille Lynch,3 Bennice Lunux and Joyce Bostoclç Back stroke, 20 ygrds-10 yeans and under, 1 Mary Ann Armn strong, 2 Bennice Lunn, 3 Joyce Bostock. Free style, 40 yards,-11 and 12 yeans, 1 Mary Ann Armstrong, 2 Caroline Jones, 3 Bernard Lynch. Back stroke. 40 yards-i Cana- lime Jones, 2 Bernard Lynch. Free style, 50 yards-13 anc aven, i Dcnny Lynch, 2 Edna Goode, 3 Nick Shewchuk. 1Back stroke, 50 yards-13 and -. FARMERS 24-HOUR SERVICE We jay au bilha $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows Accoedlng to sise and condltlon-Small animais removed free. No trouble to the farmer. We do the loadlnt BIGHEST PUCES PAID FOR OLD HORSES PHONE U4M PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICK PECONI, Owner over, 1 Grace Gamsby, 2 EdnaE GL S Goode, 3 Denny Lynch. N L S Baoyrswadirls11 an 12 yer Boyters ad irls oang 2 es nen 1. ~~ (fly Walter R. Legge, publiaber Caroline Jones 35', 2 Mary Ann 2 Que., and Past President of the Armstrong 33'. oato. -- Longest unclerwater swim,-13' and and oven i1 Keith West 52', 2'~(ril very Denny Lynch 48', 3 Hanry Lynch . <s ' Wtinahotusrdjuny 35', 4 Nîck Shewchuk 32'. Mary Croquet Competition frm Amersham are two places Boysi Ronie est,2 Bo that should be on the "must see" andî Hall, 3 Benard Lynch, 4 Keith . list of every visiton to England, West~ Windsor Castie and Hampton iand!j Girls-i Eileen Jones, 2 Mary SUNNG Court Palace. nberi Ann Armstnong, 3 Grace Gams-Onwoe day at least should and lzy, 4 Ethel Strlckland. be spent at Windsor for thene is ~sde Tennis CompetitionSO uctoee The town itself eve- This event was open ta boys /, is an interesting old place but the and girls of all ages, but onîy Castle is wortb the whoie iounney ,ard five negistened. They were: _ y to England. The usual pictures and Ronnie West, Bob Hall, Keith- --.' of Windsor Castle give little indi- West, Hanny Lynch and Denny i .~-~ cation of the real size and grand- and Lynch. Every player had a good j.*. ,. eur of the many buildings. Ott- oppotunity to win and afte the ~' I t is known that there was a weekj playdowns were coinclIuded, the ' castle hene in the days of William only two unbeaten players were î ~"'~ Il (1087 ta 1100) but the present Bob Hall and Keitb West. These .* Y. . nstated by Edwand III two met in the final record and (1327-1377) and succeeding kings ptr-povided the spectatons with a ma,1' ~de vanjous additions until about fine exhibition of tennis befone j12 ic hc ieteehv snKeitb pnoved ta be the winner, .Y i\ been no changes. d A. taking the set 7-5,--- As everyone knows, the Royal xB. Mn. Samis and his assistants, familïr spend much of thein time Mn. Leroy Hamilton and Mn. Fred at Windsor Castle but when they ihis Lycet.t are to be bîghly commend- are absent, visitons are shown ed for thein splendid wonk. Mn... .... through the state apantmnents by with Samis attended a Red Cross. eet guides who lecture in each Training School in Picton and wi l - room. These are not the private don- later give the boys and girls -- -.apantments of the Royal famiiy,t VIns. somne speciai tests in swimming ii-~t- which are in anothen part of the when Red Cross dipiomas will be! Castle. rrell awanded. It is impossible in the space o . The gratitude of the community available to adequately describe 3 )nto, is due the Onono Athletic Asso- these state apartments but thet el.ciation for sponsoring this pro- following is. a bnief summarn wi jCouthic ume * the order visited. cntin and Vcoiu valuable collection of services of Coutic VitorousWorcester, Wedgwood, M in t on, ie,PlyfsF da Copeland, etc., made for variaus and Iii arlfigtn eris Ports Beat Royals out of the nunning. Hampton and Kings. In Dalingon SrlesEnniskiilen play the final game The Grand staincase bas a suit with ____ In First Playoff Wednesday. The result may cause of armoun made for Henry VIII,a rny A seven run fifth inning gaveB Sc eof1- a tie playoff. At any rate the colons of many régiments, arns taus- Courtice a 12-4 victony oven a ySor f1- playdowns for the league cham- and armour.F ar-pie Grove. The win gives the pionship will get under way Sat- King Charles II Dining Roomt ited Countice team the league cham- Hitting power in the rigbt placesuda oftiwek Wesalbsacinganin byVni r .pionship and an automatic pass and better field management gave trY to foilow them. of a Banquet of tbe Gods; Grîndly und s into the finals. Pont Hope Ontario's the edge that Meantime the league executive Gibbons carvings, and pricelessk Courtice pushed across two un- won the finst game in a five-game is making plans for the visit of pictunes, furnitune and tapestries. Wrs. earned runs in the finst inning 1piayoff senies, Intermediate Base- Toronto Ulster to play a local Ail- The Rubens Room is sa called ioîi and added two more in the second' bail League, over Bowmanviiie Stan team bhene Septemben 4th on because of the number of paint- Y. and one in the third. The nae Royals on the High School gnounds 6th. Watch for a further an- ings by that antist on the walls. the big fifth inning and seven Tuesday evening. It was neck nouncement. It's used as the principal apant: t' nuns and score nead 12-0. How- and neck at 3-3 up to the 8tb wben ment during State visits. ThisP even, the Maple Grove Hawks! Ponts scored 2 on a bit and fneak room also has valuable furnnture b steadied away and sconed four double off the left field fence. They Oshawa Tigers Beat and poncelains. ib. -ass nuns and the game ended 12-4 for cinched it in the 9th with a pow-leG oeD B e State Bedroom bas a Statek ndCountice. en-bouse raily of 5 runs. Ma leG ov ocILts 'edstead made 1774-1793 and the 01 ad Eacb team made a double play. Furey pitcbed into bard luck ini- walis are covered with green silk ne ison For Courtice the baIl went ta the second, wben two blows ta I aea leadiaakiams.Hr loar ncls " Mn. Hoy ta Hutton to Johnson or short centre got away from Bill Bagneli, Oshawa, on August 17, Oshawa paintings and funnitune.a ta ecndtafist Fr ape nea ig-bounce bomer that Tigens beat Maple Grave Rackets, The King's Closet and the t m- Grave it was Hoimes unassisted sconed twa runs. Nip Piper then by 21-13. The Tigers got off ta a Queen's Closet are two more lange w hen, at finst and a tbraw ta B. Snow- took the mound and held tbe Parts winning stant In the fîrst inning moims with period furniture and b den at the plate nailed the sec- till the 8th. Royals missed good wben they bnought in 14 runs, magnificient paintings. g nto, ond runnen. chances ta score while Ports due mastly, ta errons on the part The Pîcture Gallery, used as a g )od. For Countice C. Welsb pitched scrabbled anound the gnound with of the Grave team. The Rock- Writing Room during State visi. b and steady hall with plenty of infield five rank errons. ets certainly wenen't at their best is known as the Picture G allerybI va, support from Gearng, Hoy, Hut- sa ftefed o in that garne, but tbey tried thein on account of the number of mas- b Iton and Johnson. Gilhooley, sa ftefed o best ta bnîng tbe score up ta thçir terpieces of great value. There e The playoffs wiîî commence Rylsfstunoatrplan advantage. However, at the finst are 40 paintings by such antistsa and Fniday, August 20, with Ebenezer an enror throw ta the plate. Wil- af the fifth the Tigers were still Holbein, Rubens, Rembrandt, etc. )a- playing at Mapie Grave. The son tied the score in the fifth on a in the lead with a score of 17-10. The Van Dyck Roam is sa caîl- g: second game is scheduled for safe bunt and Ted Bagnell's bot T at Tuesday, August 24, a ai graunden. In the sixth Gil bit Greta Snowden of the Rackets ed because mast of the paintings fT Grave, and if a third game is ne- and sconed again an Haopen's dou- cuh w oeyfisdnn h r yta nitadteeaeTI ith cessary it will be played August ble. A rally in the ninth sent Ted game, but the Tigens' first base- many fine pieces of furniture. s h Banellacros wih Roal's man nat ta be outdone by Greta, The Queen's Audience Chamber t rry 27. The winner of this series thenBaniacoswtRyls 4th caught two flies in one inning' bas another fine ceiling painting cs meets Courtice in a best two out run, aften be doubled and Piper mc atejyo e lyae by Verria and tbree magnificentc îdsaf hne snis. hes gmeswiî dovehi hoe.But no matter how bard the Roc- panel tapestnies of Gobelin. t ail stant sharp at seven o'clock Rayais infield was brilliant, Gi!- kets seemed ta play the Tigers The Queen's Presence Chamber t nd and should be exciting games. hooley took nine bard chances had the edge on them, until at also has a ceiling painting by tr ns. F ans should note the dates and without an error, scored twice, hit last the umpire called the game Verria and wonderfui furnitune ai ilplan on seeing these games. Ail for a single and triple, stole once. at the end of the sixth inning as and pictures. on three teagns are fairly evenly Hloapen at short handled a perfect it was sa dank the playens could The Guard Chamber has an an- I Âs matched and anything can hap- six, crashed thnee bits, one a dou- bardly see the bail. The Tigens mour ciad equestnian figure, a t >ey pen. ble, whiie Yourth at third playedpiyda oo gmebtty fine collection of bistonical swords a DCaurtice 2 2 1 0 7 0 o 12 enrorless bail. 0f Ports two bom-. have four mare games scheduied and batons, as well as busts, tap- Mapie Grave 0 o o o i 1 2 4 ens, one was a dlean over-fence with the Rackets and they know estnies, pictures and furnitune. h ýon Final League Standing smash by the first sacken. Paint- they can't win ail the time. St. George's Hall, buiit by Ed- th id Team W. L. Pts. er was reiieved on the maund by The next game 'between the wand III ta bold tbe banquets of ar Courtice 9 3 18 'Iran Anm' Woods in the seventh. Tigers and the Rackets is an'i the Knights of the Ganter, is 185 ke Maple Grave 7 5 14 Summary: Thunsday, August 19, at Mapi feet long and 30 feet wide. The er& iEbenezer 6 6 12 Parts: 10 nuns. 14 bits, 5 errons, Grave. Who knows, but that the decorations include the shields of p base-bits, 6 left on.licking twice as bad as the one jfnam the faundation of the Onder ýk Rayais: 4 runs, 11 bits, 1 error, the Tigens gave them. i 34t h rsn ay n ndï Basebaîl Fans 3 fanned, 3 walks, 2 thefts, 3 extra busts of about 24 kings anérmem- e- Chilled and Thrilled bs is eta. R. H.E. C.O.F. Girls' Teamn The Grand Reception Room bas. nAt' Ports ----- 020 001 025-10 14 six huge Gobelin tapestnies. AtE hiiio_ aie_1Pay___d T ln The Tbrone Room is where ma- Rayais ---- 000 11i1 001 4 Il 1____ ny Rayai Investitures of the Or- ris Umps* Reg. Fair, plate; Norm at A couple of bundred fans at Allun, bases. The COF. Bowmanviile Girls' der of the Ganter bas taken place. the High Scboal grounds, Wed- __________ Softball Team bas been taking The pictures are of Soveneigns in nesday, Aug. 11, were altennately anipratrvasfo1usd their Ganter Robes. chilled and thrilied witb the ex- Rurlsooseivepointt pals weekan dae The Ante Throne Room bas five hibition basebail game between given a good account of them- paintings by Zuccarelîf, busts and Bawmanville Intermediate "B" When Pepsis Win selves. Playing in Oakwood on Louis Chamberbhas. ýteam and Oshawa's Intermediate August 1l, ,ýhey won from that The Waterloo Cabr-a n "A's." Calied in the 8tb at twi- 1'me-Si ded Gam em hc adbe ete nymaoaytbl aaleo et d In the fourtb Williams and Pip- The oldtime sport that contin- Headlined on the sports page St George's Chapel Is where aer bit and run ta make it 7-4. ues ta draw tbe largest attendance of the Globe and Mail, Wednes- many' kings and queens are bur- In the fifth Ames bit and Maxie of district fans, Associatiori Foot- day, for brilliant pitching, Bill îed including Henry VIII and bis Younth sent him jeilying home ball, or simply "Soccer," bas been Edger, the Bawmanville boy, Queen, Jane Seymour: Edward by a circuit cidut aven left fieid sadly negiected in the calumns of sparked Peterboro ta a 7-1 w, VII, Queen Alexandra: George III, fene.Itwas 7-6. Then in the The Statesman this season. Whenj'v igtoninafioodlihti George IV, Henry VI and many1 fence. IStt nfaded. 1'He waîked the sparts reporter wnton a twa- ij aeofKmhngS.Cn in a nth! g hr three, boated an error and 4 bits months' holiday, plans were left Lumestone City*. Our gud hwed bis sense of added 4 nuns. Abead 10-8. with the editon and the new dis- TerptceitBi with ramatics as be tl ftebd b l e d a n d o u r th c l o u it e i s s e c - s a n d n g srin n no ran d f a i e d ito n B la s h u o r b n a t t h e d e a do!fnt u st ta m a e t afe in th s v- ta f ! re p o r te r t a g e t re g u la n e s b n h i n p itc h in g in th e c lu tc h o h n e h i s e n m g enth Gallaghen bit, Hooper dou- of games played and the league ' ealwdls hnoebtprgldps etisit h ae ondbomr. am plce.Youth Theleaueexécutive accord- in the 5tb by a scratch bingle For a long time it was doubted if starned witb tbree bits, two of ingly appointed a man from each with a m an on base. Bill fanned it realiy was the body of the king them bomers. Hoopen folaowed team ta send in nesults following 1 ten and counted two nuns for bis and if he really was beheaded. with a double and triple. each game. Not an item came in.Itam ihadobeHeskn nj Years later the body was exhum- Sumr:Since the sports scribe returned, as a cool moundsman with an iran ed end found to be really the body Oshawa: 8 runs, 9 bits, 7 errons, the foilowing summary bas been ar.Of Charles the First and the bcad - 1 ann,1 wae,2 stole, 5lf received o rsn standings: was separate from the body. [[6 on. Teamn Points J We were fortunate in seeing the F jBowmanyille: 13 runs, 14 bits, Countice 19ý Remember - cnossing a single extensive and massive aid alter - 3 ennars, 6 fanned, 3 walked, 2 Hampton 17 ,solid white line is prohibited et vessels wbich are not usually on stole, 6 left on. Orono 15 ail times: where there are doublei view, but bad not been removed Osh awa- 520 001 00x- 8 9 7 Zion 15j lines, crossing is likewise prohib- aften a special service that morn- Rayais 030 124 3xx-13 14 3 Ernniskillen 14 ited whene the solid white line no. Emnincntly faJr: Bah Kent, plate j Soi:na 12 s on voiir sde of the centre of Lovens of fine architecture are, umps, Buck Cawle, bases. Maple Grave and Tyrone are 'the pavement. _ richly rewarded fan a' visit to St. of the Leader-Mail, G r an by, Cainadlan Weekly Newspapers George's Chapel for although It is not as aid as many other church buildings it is fan nicher and the stone vaulting is gloriaus. It is bard ta tear oneseif away front this gem of England. Gaing out an the nortb tenrace of the Castie a gloniaus view is obtainable aven the countryside and in the foregnound are the buildings of Eton, one of Eng. iand's most famous boys schaols. In the town of Windsor at almost any time can be seen boys with the caps, unifonms and tappeni ,,rn by vaniaus groups o! stu- Th olowing intcnesting item about Eton was clipped from a necent daiiy papen: "A woman I knew put ber son down for Eton soon after be was born, 12 years ago." "His name went on the general waiting list. This was a mistake. His mather sbould bave made sure it was on a houscmaster's list. "Sa uniess thene is a failune among the examinees in Scptcm- ter, he stands no chance of going ta Eton in the autumn. Hundneds marc boys are waiting for such chance vacancies." "Fees at Eton are now £278 a ycar. Novcrtbeless, lists are full until 1960."1 Oniy a haîf hotmr's bus ride fromn Windsor is Hamptan Court Palace which I visitcd on another day. It was built by Carnidal Woolsey when he was the richest and mast powerful man in Eng- land. His bauschaid numbered 500 and 280 guest roams were aiways neady for guests. Woolsey pnescntod it ta King Henry VIII who made it one o! the most luxuniaus palaces in the kingdom. It is now preserved by the Min- istry of Wonks as an ancient mon- ument and historic building. Vis- itors may go through the vaniaus apartments wbich are full of per- iod furniture, pniceiess paintings, tapestnios, etc. The gardens at Hampton Court Palace are extensive and veny beautiful, and the mast widciy .nown feature thene, is the fam- ous Maze probably pianted in the reign of William III. The bedges which line the paths of the Maze nre six feet high and two feet thick, but looked ta me as if they wene dying. Perhaps they will e better later in the summer. Another feature is the Tiltyard garden where taunnaments wore eid in the days o! Henry VIII. Iis seven aciýes in area, enciosod )y bigh brick wails and five tow- rs provîded accommodation for he spectators. Hampton Court Palace and the ,rounds are on the banks of the harnes and river steamers make eequent trips up and down the rhames carrying passengers toj uch places as Richmond, King-' ton. Londan, etc., at a small îangc. I went on one of these steamers o Kingston wbich is a busy cen- re with many interesting aid .uildings among fine modern ies. It was market day and had a chance ta sec another of hesc outdoor markets which are foature of many towns. Dan ish butter exponts during .e first six months af 1948 nounted ta 111 million pounds4 nd suroDassed exponts in the cor- esponding pciod of 1947 by 20 er cent. More than baif went othe United Kingdom. Wht hUHSJA, UQSa; X WhaI OUPTHErs ay Lt (Fort Enie Times-Review) The victory cry of Rodn.y Young, successful C.C.P. candi- date in the Vancouver Centre b- election, went something lie this: "The day of monopoly cab- italismn is drawing ta a close, a.4d the age of sacialismn and peace for ail men is at hand." Now, it may be that Rodny uttered this twaddle in good faitb. He may really believe that bis elevation ta the Flouse of Commons beralds a new dawn fan samething on other. That, howeven, doesn't get away from the fact that bis triumphal chant cantains a number of what miglit be politely called terminolagical inexactitudes. In the finst place, the expres. sian -manopoly capitalism" does- n't mean anytbing. The only truc monopoly is a situation where one central body bas ab- solute contrai aven a given In- dustry or service. The best ex- ample is socialistic state contrai such as Radney is advacating for Canada. In the second place, any con- nection between sociilismn and peace for ail mon is purely imag- inary. They have absolute social- ism in Russia, Yugoslavia, Pol- and, Hungary and Roumania. The only men really at peace in those countries are the ones wbo, baving slood up ta be counted, wene also shot, and naw rcst sîi MIORE SUBSIDIES, LESS HOUSES, LESS FOOD (The Scene at Shingwauk Fanm) It is hard for many people in cities who wonk short houns to get enough of the kinds of food they want at present pnîces. Farmers who work long hours find it impossible to get enough help and equipment to lower their production costs. The food bill of many city families is so higli that, even with family allowances they find it difficult to finance houses which cost twice as much as they are worth. Farmens and landlonds who provide food and houses are kept unden controls which lessen the supply of both. Plannens now propose to ease the pain of inflation by food sub- ' sidie. A great many people, who wilI add to the cost of both food and bouses, will be employed for thinty-six and one-haîf hours a week, to pacify the public. The bad conditions will grow prpgnes.. sively worse and the increased suffering caused by wnong reme- dies will require strongen dosages of subsidy sedatives which event- ually will fail to work. LOW RAIL FARES TO TIRE TORONTO Exhibition AUG. 27 - SEPT, il $2.013 lass Good golng Thursday, Aug. 26 to Satunday, Sept 1il c. Return Limit--Seet. 15 Full information from any agent 1 I ATTENTION FARMERS WE ARE PAYING 2&HE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES FO DADO CRIPPLERANML HORSES Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED TORONTO: ADelaide 3836 COBOURG: 483 Pint Thermos ---31.50, $1.65 Rai! Pint Thermos--- $.35 Lunch Kits...........------98c Quart Thermos $2.50 . $2.75 - $3.50 Paper Serviettes ... 18c KERSLAKE'S Sweet Pickie Mixture io sugar - no cooking 1 gai. 35ce3% gai. 20o R$1.on Match, Maer 31.2 vale, ow 5.00 e . - Glass Perfumizer 79c, $1.00 Coimetie Bags-- 98c, $1.19 Du Maurier Cologne ------- 1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Baby Pants Rayonette Pants ---------85C Snap-it ----- 59e Aqua-Seal ---~ 35C Latex Pants - ----49e Certiled Hlealth Salts (English Style) 1 lb. 59C TONI HOME Permanent $2.50 Reffi ------- 1.25 Insecticides Flytox- - 24c, 43c, 73e Flit - 23 , 39c. 69,0 Flut Bomb -.---- -- 1.69 Rubber Swim Caps, assorted colors 49-75c1 Phone 695 COWLING'S DRUG STORE Truoe' We rit J. .8. .-AIJ.Ai VTTE fMN,- B W %qA I'VMFl . .ONTMAWn~-- - ---- p SERVICE 'J,Ph«ono U I THUMDAT, AUGUST ID,' IM ell- i ON MANDT TUE 25e* 49f m iiirx c!AmAnr,&m il 1 jý . HOGS TORONTO: ADelaide 3636 COBOURG.- 48J $1.00 1 -J COWLING'S DRUG STORE