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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1948, p. 3

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~. ~.' TSVESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1948 Lions Carnival Rai Due Io Two Days of Pour years out of five Bow-j storn tuanville Lions Club runs into jing jt !iard luck with the weatherman in holding annual carnivals. This1 Tai year was na exception. Rair.ed bootlh out on the advertised date, WVed- thec nesday, Aug. l8th, the show was skin, postponed until the following ev- assess ening. Again clouds gathered in Votec the afternoon but the Lions took to re a chance, furnished the booths, follom brought in a merry-go-round and1 A cor ahl the accustomed marvels that' in sac attract a crowd. Off to a good view start, sharp on time the prelim!r.- carni% aries were run off before a slowîv minit gathering crowd. Then came thei a hugi deluge, a heavy summer ram nnsda: Dowmanville Busi EFall term begins Sept ENROLL N Cest tiful BOWMANVILLE BUSHD MRS. C. A. BART 154 Ring Street East CARTON COA( SIPIECE TORONTO EX] BUSES DAILY August 28th to DAYLIGHT SAVING Leave (Going> Read Down A.M. 7.00 Kawi 7.05 Jane 7.15 YeIvg 7.25 Nesi 7.30 BIacl 7.40 Buri 7.50 Ennfi 8.00 Hamr 8.20 Bowi 'l1000 Toro A.M. 'artha Maples etviIIe... verton t1eton . :kstock ..... keton . * 'skillen... npton.... vmanville .. onto Ex.. . Lv. I Children Naif I PARES INCLUDE TORONTO UBus Takes Passengers Right on to Jand Stays Tliere ail day for Conve ,d Oui The liaiarj ilî fr Letter from Hungary i P N P O Thompon of Kirby and Mr. and the original date, a fastball game Expresses ns to _____ r.Eph hi o the si xth f urvlinge Bas W alhe TorontonvilleLetadiend Congratulations ta Mr. and 1Saturday night. Bob Moffat.t, of fa e tir -Bowmanville Ahl-Stars, had ta be MmnvleLa is rs. Bob Brown on the arrivaI, Orono, seemned to be enjoying cancelled. At Thursday's opening, of their new daughter. Their 'what he saw, too. Newtonville and Bowmanville C.i Last spring a noted pianist, Ma- other baby xwas a boy, sa that The Hazelwood bouse being ri which scattered the gather- O.F. ladies softball teamz put on dame de Kresz, spoke at the Wo-i makes the pigeon pair. erected on the Fisk farmi is rapidly ust before eîght o* dock. an exhibitioirà.. It was rained out i it s men's Canadian Club in Bowman- A chap with a nice grey Plv- nearing completion. HardLuc inthe5thinnig a reortd i ville. She told the club about pre - mouth caming down Gord KirI's; The dance in the Old I.O.O.F. raln eesra vrthe sports column. The children's IYR sent conditions in Hungary and 'h ii on Monday broke a bunk out Hall Saturday was w'ell attended. rpulnswee pradovrparade came off as advertised. It NOME EcoNÔMLST the dire need for clothes, especial- 'of his car's mud pan including the Colin Brown and Roy Thomp- L, the "ride" was stalled as foliowed the splendid Boys Trai'n- I aanexctn ohrafind i pu.T snesiaiga cluobepetan mthetifrenai plg. Thutncetittin ason are still manulacturing pine metUb ecutive lvet tath ing School Bugle Band in a grand %mm of ers. Some of the rembers of towing job ta Ponypool and a trees into jumber on the oid mtet damsogemandcocets. parade before the stands. 1-1dbo Homemakers! We pad the Canadian Club took her ad- xeldin,,, job when hie got there. Lowery farm nrth of McLean's 1 a wasbout the decision was A panel of discerning lady "1high stakes" for tomato plants dress and forwarded parcels. Pectîliarly enaugh, the motorist's School. open the whole show the judges selected the winners as this year and with this in mind A letter of thanks was publisb- name was Kirk too, but no rela--__________ xing Wednesday, Aug. 25th. follows, each individual and shall cherish them, then use the ed in The Statesmnan early in tien ta the man that the affending nsiderable loss was entailed group receiving cash prizes: tomatoes as they ripen. The samne July and the following letter was hili is named after. Is not a local Cowardice asks, is It safe? Ex- rificing perishable goods. In The Winners is true of ail garden produce. farwarded ta The Statesman. It resident either. ýpediency asks, is it pahitic? Van- of he inepuroseaf he es deoraed oîlcarage Sevea vniey o veetalesinis a copy of a letter wnitten by Bill Hackwood, one of our local ity asks, is it popular? but Con- of the fin purpose o the Best ecoraCarlottecaStubenancrveta athank otorekeepersn Chadoa hurryenupccaa lhscienceci asksak is it rightht-Pun- val, ta secure funds for cern- Connie Osmond. Best decarated a variety of ways-not the samne Madame de Kresz for ber efforts staoranto l, dastwek hen ord shon. ty welfare, it is expected that tricycle: girls-l. Judy Jefferies, old thing yesterday, today and ta- ta lessen the need for clothing. asTorocint at so, wJim had h c, turnout xiii convene Wed- 2. Margy Cowan. Best decorateci morrow. In the hands of a gaod Dear Mrs. Schon: jus ba a ece n tattack Jm, a i iy . . . weather permîtting. bicycle.,'boys-Derwyn Highfiehd. cook a vegetable plate can be cal- js a eurn tako i Best decarated bicycle, girls- orful, refreshing in fiavor and ap- Again a letter frorn Carlotte very bad bead injury. Aithough Betty Pake. Best dressed boy or petizing-another way of assur- Stubenanch dated June lO)th: Bill is back from the big city, hie girl-l. Lîlan Marlow, 2. Mary ing your farnily their share of 'This rnornnng the great surprise coiihd fot say whether Jirn is out Bettles. Best character graup-1. fresh vegetables. arrived, your splendid parcel! of danger yet. mes SCh I Eleanor Moody, ay Thank you sa very much for it Whihe Neil and Cliff Curtis COQs Teddy Goddard: 2. Micelar The relish tray with a harmon- and thank those kind ladies for us, were loading a bull onto a truck rettan Lloyd Staintan. Best îzîng assortment - carrot sticks, tac. Think the things are absor'ecenly, the airnal jammed Neil t7 and Oct. 5 clown or camic-î. Darla Covle. pepper rings, tomato wedges, httely wonderfuh and sa muchO into the spare tire, severeiy in- 2. Glenda Campbell, 3. Linda Mil- caulifowerettes, radishes, cucurn- wanted. Angeha, a widowed juring his head. He was taken ta O¶I I er, 4. Paul Leddy. Best patriothc ber sices and whatever. Bring daughter, gat hold of the lttie hospitai, exarnined, patched up costume-1. Linda Campbel '2* raw vegetables crisp and cool boy's chothes at once-and God and is back homne, conducting b is District Ageney Marie Leddy, 3. Alfred Johns. fram yeur nefrigerator, cut 11P knows bow she needed themn; she business as usuai. Taik about a leaves and tess tbe sahad with was sa very pheased especiaîîy cat having nine lives, Neil bas for dressing at the hast minute. with the shees, they wihl came in thern beaten a mile. We often Peeling vegetables in the morn. beautifully for Andy, the gahoshes nead about gangsters being con- Remnington Demand For Oil ing andî îctting tî4em soak in xva- are just the thing. xanted in this sidered "tough" Hock they ought MODEL 5 DELUXETu stoS nh ic ter is "euit" because sitch treat- punîtr3', being se wet and %rainy te corne to Pontypool and shake Portable S________ ment robs thcrn cf value. Scrub in heatîtumrn and I can give a hands wvith Neil Curtis, a real 4 Portableand cook in their jackets or peel lot af things ta Bettine (anether taugh guy. He started married life Typewriter Ftiel cf the future mas' be made jutbfr hvg noteptwidowed daughter) for ber littie while stihi a boy in bis teens, Typewriter by synthetic production of petrol- where you bave heatcd a îittîe Ait- hos ittle frocks are just without a dirne. Has since paîd ts little te own this beau- eurn produets, but the processes salted water to boiiing. Caver hier size and Bettine wiih be very $4,000 eut in bospital bills, bad i streamlined model. are stihl in the experimentai stage chosehy ta get the cooking tinder ghad ta get a nightie made of the ahl sorts of injuries including andte csty t cmpte wit y at once. Note the timc when twe men's shirts fer Peter, whe wrecked cars, lesing the sight of and oo ostl tacompte ithstearn shows boiling peint again s tarts cellege in September and one eye, nearly burnt ta deatb crude ail, accerding te the Im- and deon't evercook te avoid ruin- is the passessor cf one nightshint. last summer, broken bones, his MESS SCHOOL perial Oul Review published tzo- ing the texture, colour and nour- A. frthie expectant mother: Fel- head recenthy banged up. 'LETT day. ishrnent. As soon as they are, Wita, hi get eyes as big as Bebby Youngman is back boe Phne43 Evryyarsoeprpýtof tender, they are dane.i a Plate when I camne and bring ber after warking during the scheei Phone 34 'Evrv easom p1o ahi these fine baby thit4gs. 1 arn halidays en the Oshawa Dairy dea riss is voire in the land Take a Tip gaing there temorrow fan the Farrn under the management of ta dechare the wanld is running 1. Unless yeou are in an awfuil weekend and 1 arn se very pleas- Dan Tbornpsen. out ef cii," the anticle say s. "Re- hurry, eave' vegetables whohe or ed ta take the things witb me. It A letter from Phyllis Stewart cently, because demand for ail cut in large pieces for coeking. us quite a tramp up-bibi baîf mile ta bier parents states'that she was *products lias sky-recketed beyend by rail and thon xvalk). The w'ell, was in Wyoming, bad ten , If L N E S the capacity of the industry's 2. The best way te cook a patate tmsa oî btesadprel uk etbtwe1e n t transportation, refining and other i s te bake it but'nexv Cnes shauld sae fin th etrsanks se much.1Wben- atin, wuhbe he san. Har fachitesthee pophts aveho oihci uichy o pevet sg-ever VO can save thern for me as 'Dad says "thank goodness she bas Abeen making mare noise than gi s Beets, carrots, rnarroxv are iwie dan barter them."a euntct.GesPoypl I ~~~~ usual itrs n h ako deiciets steam-cooked in a cever- 1 hr o won't look tee bad ta Phylhis after A L "~This situation bas araused cd casserole wilt very- vlittie water. I can't send the original letter ber western jaunt. special neetith ok f This ieqcîires ten minutes longer 1 ster [ a o fpesnl Rahph McCaw, our ather schaal scîentists who are experirnentîngi than boiling but thrce kinds cf deM snet fit for circulation, but teacher, bas returned frorn West- IIIBITIION4 wîth substitutes far crude ail as veealscob okdi h egaeîit î ern Univ'ersity at London, where a source of gasoline -and other aven at ane tirne-onc with a mihk Mrs. Sehon, for passing this on to e hoias 'been taking a summer saue, he the wth pi crstthe club and if suitabie ta Tbe corse. F ROM ~~~fuels. Their success lias been pub-saove, ithandthe rd vpe ct tatesman Editar. Cak anhpgao sbs lie may make the mistake of plain. J sent the tin of maple syrup te on the north boundary. LAR~ tbînking a kind of 'Philosopber's 3. If you do have leftovers, store lutyofaughtr, wta itr Teatinwaeer iecka bs evisitingo Sept i th Stone' hias been found by which theni, c'evered, in the refrigerator h0t ef chlrn te t. Tey er fins intsnigorod men can turn practicahly any sub- and use thcmn prempthy. py n o. Whiic an holidays Pcte visited bis TIME stance intoa il with litthe effort. Boiled Swiss Chard Certainly a direct deed of kind- marricd sister, Mary, living in "Thetruh i tht sytheic ro-ncss bias been donc by the Bow- Saskatoon. He sa3's the people "Th trth s tatsynhete po- Use young tender Swiss chard. manvilie Canadian Women's Club, eut west are a very friendiy A vr.a i Arv tun duction stili is unecanamicai and wash thoroughly. Little or. no God bless them fer it. rw.Aevy-a li rrea Up r romains in the experimental stage. water need be added in c oking, Yaurs sincereîy, Daratby Bennett is visiting Mn.Koa 1 RedU ae This is in spite of the fact that the water that clings te the b laves (Signed) Neral4 de Krcsz andi Mrs. George White. She tellsKoa P.M. science can produce substitutes is usuaîîy enougb. Caver uotu __________us,,ber Dad bas a broken back, us giN'Os you Ina 1 .35 $3.00 for crude ail and the procosses the chard begmns te bail, thon cook in 'a cast. pi S25 are being improved step by Step, hincavered tntii tender-ho te 15 DEFINITIONS Tommy Card, the chap that runs 1.5 3.0 s that if the world should ever~ minutes. There should ho almost the bulldozer for the Dept. of Canadian Kodak ~.~5 .5 run shart of naturai petroleum, ne iquid rcrnaiuuing. Drain if ne- Chiseler...A man whe gets in a Lands and Forcsts, bias completed 1.1 2.i, synthesis wihl carne ta the rescute. cessary. Chop finely, seasen xith r ievolving dean behind yau and bis task in this area and moved 1 .05 2.85 "But at present there is stiil saIt, pepper, and a little cooking c ames eut first. elsewbere which meanq that now 2.55 2.75 plenty of crude ail. Oih fields are ail. Pedestran-A man who bas a Mrs. Yeungman's boander of theItsad nC aa 12.55 2.75 ~dimînisbing assets-once the oul Older Chard. Cut the white wife, a daught-cr, two sens, a dog last four months bias left, she will Ismd nCinca 12.45 2.65 is taken from the earth ncw fields staiks into one-inch pieces, coak in and an automebile. 'be beading fer a visit with bier the film in the fami must be discovered and they are water until tender. Chop and add Time-Semething that the bero felks in Toronto. Sameane should 1 2.35 2.55 beceming more difficuit ta locate te the bcaves which bave been ha s the knack of aniving in the warn the big city she is daming. - ~ "CDI -bu tda'sgratexlaatancookcd as above, or serve separ- nc f We neticed Mr. and Mrs. John 1 2.25 2.40 programi is finding new deposits. ateîy with a white sauce. ________________ I 2. i"The present tight situation is Polish Cucumbersi 1.5 2.20 net due ta any lack of ail in the 1045eanth. Jt developed as a resuht of 3 large cuicuimbers, cut in pieces P.M. products." 3 tbsps. fleur aa n u n p r e d " F en te o f d e n dF ot r e a lt b p , of co"n i Faethe Review arFicestof the tre, '2 cup dried bread crumbs tien of synthesis plants wul 'A / tsp. sait EX. ADMISSION salve the present peacetime pro- ppe 'bicns of supphy. "Synthesis, haw.ý- cpgStc ces i) Exhibition Grounds ever, wili pravide fuels in the Stacain or simmer the' cucumbers enience of Passengers future and is important. on this in a baking dih atepr. A rg continent becacîse of considera- ~rawitsauemcoihth tien cfnatonaldefnso" -coaking ail, fleur, milk and scasan- * ilngs. Caver with cheese, then the crurnbs, and dot with bits Of butter. Reheat in a mederate oc electrie aven. 1ROVER SCOUTS MEETING Rover Scouts, the older znem.ý bers of the Boy Scout Movement arc holding or planning their an- nual camp gatherings in Canada. British Columbia Rovers are hold- ing a Moot at Jezallin Lake on August 15th and l6th. Labor Day weekend will see the Roveru of Ontario and the Maritimes con- ducting Moots at Blue Springs, Ont.. and Moncton, N.B., respec- tively. The Mont at Moncton wilt be the flrst sîich Maritime gather. ing and will bc attended by Maj. Gen. D. C. Spry, C.B.E., D.SO Chief Executive Commission Canada's Boy Scouts. The public life of any nation depcnds upon the private lives ai those who run At. c.........-. THE ST. JO] Whrver per at parades, pc yet ill Hfin h aid ta the sicka l'le St. johl serN ue lne reîîard or guu ta theuefiai-eo Men hîke tluis in the public'sE DAWES LA H)fN AMBULANCE NIAN Wople meet in public aýsem[,lv, flis. sports gatherings there himn. ready to give skilful first and injtired. n Anîbiilaîîci %tan gives lus noleîîtv. xi lhgnlit thlu îgli t (, 1andl île'otv-. luis tirne an(] -Lii of the people. isorne of Canada's fine-t, are serx ice-at x our 5erv ce. 1(1< HORSE DREWERY One of a series of adî'erliseppients i~ n rb ieMIo h ose ('<nadians in lhe ser'ice of the public Onion Pie Li no a pic Plate with flak'v pas- try and fill with lavers; cf thijnl Slierd, Peeled rnild onions. Pile, thern carefuli.v se the pie ,%,ili hc wcifilled. Beat ancegg. ,add on( thsp. milk or water and pour aveu' top of the on ions. Season te taste witb -Sait and pepper. Bake in a preheated electric aven cf 4,50 de- grecs fer tcn minutes, then reduce ta 350 for 15 minutes. Turnlp Greens Witil Sauce 4 qt. saucepan full of turnip green s 1 __ tbspsý. flour 1 clip salir creama 2 tbsps. vinegar ~2 tsp. siuîýar 12tsp. SaIt Pinch cf pepper 2tbs.,ps. gratcd cheesre Cook tuÂrnip heaves 1 inujjtes and drain xvelh. Combine flour and crearn in a saucepan, add x'in- egar and scasonings and caok, stirring constantl.v. Serx'e at once axer greens. Six% serv ings. Beets WVith Mustard Sauce 2 tbsqp-. muistard 2 tsps suuigar 3 tsps. fleur PînCh of Powýderedcoxs 1.4 CIIp 'Inegitr 2 "99g *olks. slightlv ýbeaten 2 tbsps. clrupingiL Mix dry illgred lents in top cf double baller. Adch water. vine- igar and efg yolks Beat xvohh and add druPPung9 Pour oer five cups cf cookeci beets. Anne Alltun invites yvou te write te ber c e Th(, Canaduan States- n1. .Scnd un 'mur suggestion on ihoenimtkînizpohen and watc,1 thiý ((il i vin tor replies,. BRIGUITEII breakfasts. lotir faîniIv wiIl *ei<<>ne -Maxwell Ilouse Coffee. StieligIorious fiaior ! Suich richl, full body! Tlîaî's be- cause the Maxwell flouse biend enutailîs eIoice Lat- iii Aieraah offecs - ie betobtainlable. lm for every-day picture.takers, Verichrame Fulm )re of those sparkling, waise-w'inning snapshots. SCo., Liinited, Toronto. . ..Kodak Fim-. V" IS A TRADE-MAPM You will find everything you need to outfit the Little Tot at Public School or the Junior Miss at Hiqh, at Walker's, whether you want to make it yourself or buy it ready madle. Our selection is varied and complete. Corne in today andi make your choice while stocks are at their Plaid SKIRTS Hcre's a dandy skirt fer the Junior Miss at High Sohool. They' are made frem a]l wool un authentie Scotch tartans. Sizes 12 ta 18 $6.95 ea. Wool CARDIGANS Just arrived in time fer sehool oepcning. Scft, ai xvool cardigans in lovely pas- tel shadrs. Edges bound with corded ribbon. Sizes 12 ta 20 $4.95 ea. Ail Wool PLAIDS A fine wool fabric in authentic Scotch plaids. Ideal for skirts and jackets for ail ages. Note the m7idth. 54 inches. Note the price. per %Yard ------ ------ $2.65 Lifle Boys' JERSEYS Long sleex'ed jerseys fer the y-oung lad to xvear at school. Brightlv colored striped sweaters cf fine catton. Cccxv n eck lino. Sizes: Smaii, medium, large $1.59 ea., Dainty BLOUSES Lovely little blouses cf ray.- an crepe. Tbey match up se well with skirts and suits. Easy te lauinder and keep loeking fresh. Sizes 12 ta 20 $2.98 ea. Ail Wool SUITING If you are planning a new fal suit or rkirt 54 inches wide. Colos are burgund, mss green, red, brown, black. Per yard- Girls' Coflon DRESSES J-ere's a group of ittle cet.. toni frocks in printed or plain cahors. The v tub se easil v. Yau wl want several at this lexx price. Sizes 8 to 12 $.8ea. $2.75 Boys' GOLF HOSE Right fnom England camne these fine betarîy wooh golf base for bas.. One color oniy, gra ' . You wull want scx'erai pairs of these. Sizes 7 ta 10 91.00 Pr. k l àPAc si 4 ended"îP Phone 451 THE MODE RN STORE Bowmanville I 4--- [ 'q TFIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE THRLCI - Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville

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