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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1948, p. 4

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i - IUWM - VILLE' ONTARIOT SPTMER2,1 In the Dim and Distant Pasi From nhe Statesman Files FIFTY YEARS AGO Leskard- Wm. Jackson bas August 24, 1898 gone to Manitoba, where he pur- The ocil eentof he eekposes to take up land. Thn WstoDual m waso the mar- Maple Grave-W. H. Foley bas riage last Friday at high noon of be eoaig hsdeln Miss Edith Argue, Sauina to Mr. quite extensively. Edwin Harris, Rockwaod, Ont. Enfield-Congratulations to C. Sixth Line-James Henry re- Campbell on having passed his ceived a kick from one of his exams for second class certificate. horses. E. Wilcox's residence, Liberty Enterprise-Geo. AllUn caught St., was burned 'Monday mnorn- one of his fingers in the claver ing and much of the contents miii, while threshing at Melvin- destroyed. The fire engine did PowefŽs. not get there promptly, Glover's The esople of West Durham bus team being at the station. must be a really superior class for the steamboat officiais re- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO peatedly told us that they find August 23, 1923 no better behaved people any- where than go from Port Bow- A pleasing social event took mranville. The proprietor of the place August 20, at the beauti- WnorHotel, Kingston says: fui new home of Mr. John Lyle, 'WC have many excursion crowds J. P. Pnd Mns. Lyle, Queen St., but seldomn get as large a number when they completed fifty years or !inci tncm quite as respectable. of happy married life surnaunded Congratulations to Miss Victor- hy nearly ahl the members of the ia Tami lyn, who won the Central famîlY. f3uziness College Scholarship aw- Capt. C. W. E. Meath, bas Drded to Entrance candidates in been named a member of the per- the province.. sonnel of the Central Board of Ty rone-Prohibition's army is Appeal, constituted under the Do- sweeping on. Rev. R. N. Adams minion Pensions Act. fire d the first volley into the ene- Congratulations to Miss Marion my s camp on Sabbath morning, Woden, who bas passed her soon to be followed with some exams in the summer courses in carcfullv, prepared ammunition by Physical Cutlure in Toronto. Rev. I. Snell. On Monday even- Congratulations ta Miss Pearie ing, Tyrune's citizens rising as Cale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. one man repaired ta the Son's R. M. Cole, wbo was awarded the Hall, girdled on their armour and prize for hîghest standing in organized filchting battalions - ciass and in general departmenit otherwis.e working cammittees - in first year at the graduating ex- for the comning campaign. ercises at Ontario Hospital, Whit- August 31, 1898 by. About 25 members of Queen Solina-Thos. Baker delivered Mary Lodge, Oshawa, took Mr. soni(2 fne sheep ta R. Miller, and Mrs. Harold Wakelin by sur- Iroghani. Wm. Werry went with prise, on Tuesday evening, At be-Ê hlmn and bought a valuable ing their fifth wedding anniver-t young Shorthorn Sire to improve sary. bis erd.Vernon Lawens, youngest son Clarke Union-Mrs. A. Davis of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lowens, gave a birthday party on ber 79th Manvers Road, has secured a Su- lirthday. pervisar's Centîficate at the De- SEED WHEAT- Corneli 595 « This is a new variety of wheat which has proven itself ini the last two years. High- ly resistant to smut -and high yielder, top quality wheat. Dawson's Golden Chaff - ]Registered No. 1, second generation, hot water treated to prevent smut. Garnet Rickard PHONE 2813 BOWMANVILLE 1 v' partmental Course in Toronto. Gardon Pearce got his left hand badly crushed while fçeding a printing press at the Goodyear plant. W. J. Ormiston, Enfield, is re- ceiving congratulations on bis Im- ported Clydesdale Stallion "Black Model" winning finst prize for best groamed borse on the grounds and second prize in the Clydesdale Class at Cobourg Horse Show. .Orono-Congratulations ta Ce- cil Allun, who bas passed with ho- nours bis third year exams in Theology, at the Moody Institute, Chicago. August 30, 1923 The Toronto Globe in its fea- ture "Familiar Faces in Rural Life" of well known farniers in Ontario bad a photo of Jack Ba- ker, Sauina. Mn. Baker is Pres- ident of the Ontario Experimen- tai Union and a well known breeder of Shorthorn cattle and Shropshire sheep. SA wedding was solemnized at the Methacist Parsonage, Bow- manville, August 29th, when Miss Gladys Brooks, daughter of Mrs. Flonence Brooks and the late Mn. Wesley Brooks xvas united in manniage with Mn. William Ford Quick. Solina-Congratulations ta Miss Lyda Taylor in passing her Agni- cultural course at Whitby. Oronp-James Burley bas bought the Buriey homestead fanm, sauth of Newtonville and will shortly take up residence. Wed in Double Ring Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Bishop whose marniage toak place re- cently. Daughter af Mn. and Mrs. John Thompson af Oshawa, nhe bride is tne former ilveiyn Ja Durham Co. Champs groom sheonfMradMr Given Prominence In Farmer's Advocate l heenmen Cormrncu*ps T~he popularity of the Farmer's Winning Many Prizes Advocate in Durham County for At Peterboro Fair the past half-century on mare bas been won largely fan twa rea- Motfth xitrsnte sans: First, its genenal nexvs cov- Motfth ehbtosa e erage affecting agriculture across sheeP classts at Peterboro Fair the Dominion and its departmen- last week came frorn Durham, talized columns that meet require- Ontario and Victoria Countiesý. ments of farm people of ail ages Many newv exhibitors were in evi- in home. field and bann. dence but the veteran breeders Second, and not least important, suh as Af Ayne & Son, Hamp- is the news published on a caunty ton,, -Iarold Skinnen, Tyrone, basis, much like the local items in and G. H. Mark & Son. Little a weekly newspaper. In this de- Britain, held their own at the partment, Durham County bas ne- show. Here are the standings ceived much publicity in the Far in the vaniaus classes: mer's Advocate, and deservedly Leicesters so, for many autstanding achieve- Ram, 2 sheans on aven: 1 and 4, ments, such as the winning Junior Farder Bros., Blackstock; 2, J. Farm Clubs coached by Agnicul- Cullis, Oakwood; 3, N. R. Green tural Representative E. A. Sumn- & Sans, Nestîrton. mers, B.S.A. Ram Sheanling: 1, Farder Bras.; Two photos appeaning in the 2, Norm-an Green; 3, John Cullis. Advocate, August 26, also featune Ram lamb: 1 and 2, J. Cullbs; Durbam County Champions. An 3, Fonder Bras.; 4, N. R. Green. action picture shows Gregory Ewe, 2 shears or aven: 1 and 2 Friend, Durham County Junior Farder Bras.; 3 J. Cullis; 4, N. Farmer, winning the 100-yard Green. dash in 10.2, a record, at the Belle. Ewe sheanling: 1, Cullis; 2 and ville Field Day for Junior Fargi- 3, Fonder; 4, Green. ers. Greg. is The Statesman's re- Ewe lamb: 1 and 3, Fonder; 2 porter for High School sports:« Cullis; 4, Green, The other picture shows the Pen, rani, exve, lamb: 1, Farder; Durham County champions in the 2, Cullis; 3, Green. 500-bushel Ontario Potato Clubs, 'Best ram: Fonder Bras. 1944-47, as follows: Alfred John. Best Ewe: Fonder Bras. ston, Pontypool, 1944, with 575 Southdowvns bushels; Ernest Cavano, Ponty- Ram, aged: 1, A. Ayre and Son, pool, 1945, with 495 bushels, a dry Hampton; 2, J. Kelsey, Waodville. year; R. H. Blakely, Pontypool, Ram, shearling: 1, Ayre; 2, 1946, with 679 bushels, and Del- Kelsey. bert Olan, Millbrook, 1947, with Ram lamb: 1 and 4, A. Ayre 652 bushels. Items like the above and Son; 2 and 3, J. Kelsey. da niuch to stimulate a better in- Ewe, aged: 1 and 2, A. Ayre; 3 terest in farming. and 4, J. Kelsey. !Ewe sheanling: 1 and 2, A. Ayre; There is no class of !e 5 3, Kelsev. diffcul to e mnagd ina sat Fwe lamb: 1 and 3, Ayre; 2 and aificttho e mangentin astatr~ e le 1z . .thosebu whose intsenos are Pen: 1, Ayne; 2, Kelsey. oet, but wbasoeconscece r Best ram and best ewe: 1. A. I c t d a h b (3ie n Ra e m ILK-A salisfying drink, jil an essenlial food for children! Fl avorsome Glen Rae Milk helps build young, firm bodies. For a diet rich in vitamins and min- erais, feature Glen Rae Milk at table and for between meal snacks i And drink plenty your- self. It restores depleted energy reserves! Glen Rae Dairy PHO0NE 44 4 King Street WVest BOWMANVILLE i<yeac iÂLsonl Oxford Downs Ram, 2 sheans on over: 1, F. W. Trewia, Nestieton; 2, Foster Snow- den, Oshawa; 3, J. M. Fisher, Cansanea; 4, G. H. Mark and Son, Little Britain. Ram, shearling: 1, F. W. Tre- win ; 2, J. M. Fisher; 3, F. Snow- den. Ram, lamb: 1, Fisher; 2 and 3, Snowden; 4, Mark. Ewe, 2 shears on aver: 1, G. H. M/ark and Son; 2 and 3, F. Snowden; 4, J. M. Fisher. Ewe, shearliag: 1 and 2, F. W. Trewin: 3 G. H. Mark and Son; 4 J. M. Fisher. jEwe, lamb: 1 and 2, Fosten Snowdea; 3, J-. M. Fisher; 4, G. H. Mark. Pea: 1. Snnwdea; 2, Mark; 3, Fisher; 4, Trewin. Best ram and best ewe: F. W. T re win. Shropshires Ramn, 2 sheans on aven: 1, H Skinner, Tyrone; 2 and 3, J. Kel- isev. Ram shearliag: 1 and 2, H. iSkinner.* Ram lamb: 1, J. Kclsey; 2 and 3, H. Skinner. Ewe, 2 sheans on oven: 1 and 4, J. Kesey; 2 and 3, H. Skinner. Ewe shcarliag: 1 and 3, Skin- ner; 2 and 4; Kelsey. Ewe lamb: 1 and 4, Skinner, 2 rd 3, Kelsey. Pen: 1, Skinner: 2, Kelsey. jBest ramn: Skinner. Bcst ewe: Kelsey. H arnpsu ires Ram. 2 shears on over: J. M. Fisher. Ramn, sheanliag: J. MV. Fisher. Ram lamb: i and 3, Fisher; 2, N. W. McConkey. Ewe. 2 shears or aven: N. W. M\cCoaikey; 2 and 3, Fisher. Ewe. shearliag: 1 and 2, Fisher. Ewe lamh: i and 2, McConkey; P, ind 4, Fisher. en: Fisher. Best ewe: McConkey. Swine Exhibits In the comparativelv lange esof suiae, few local breed- crs had pens in the show. Prizes on bv cisti ict exhibitors include the foliowiag: Tamworth Boan 1 ý r: '-, Fred W. Trewin, Nes tic tan. Boar. 6-12 mas: 2, Trewin. Sow aven 18 mas: 2, Trewin. Sow, 6-12 mas: 2 and 3, Tre- w Jn. So-w under 6 maos: 1 and 2, Trevin. Junior Herd: 1. Trewin. Yorkshire B'oar uader 6 mas: 3 and 8, N. R. Grvea & SonsNsh-uî S o w, >2.' :',G reen So 12 1)-3 nmos.: 2 and 4. Green. Sow. under 1 r: 2'. Green. Soxw under C, nos: 8, Green. JO: Hî:c[2. Gree. Get 01 àîre; 3. Green. s. Arthur Bishap of Courtice. SWhat Others Say CAN'T FOOL TIIE FARMERS (The Letter Review) Farmers have not proved an easy prey to Socialist agitators. For a time, by such devices as state marketing monopolies and Government guarantees of prices, by exploiting fear of the insacur- ity of crop yielcls and varying pnice levels, by arguing that the interest of farmers alwavs lies with that of labour, there is a chance for Socialists, and for pol- iticians who would compete with Socîalists by adopting Socialist plans, ta sway large groups of farmers. A time comes, bowever, when farmers realize that Socialism in- valves interference with their rights of landownership anci of planning their own operations; that Socialist politicians wiIll a- ways give prionity to the de- mands of urban voteiýs for cheap1 food. ý * 7oday re ifve i*n a Greater Canada NEW -., . OPPORTUNITIES JOHN ADASKIN, son of an immigrant wood- N%orkcer, ilevelopetiIris talents as a musician to -iin a disginguishied place in Canadian radio. M e hevarne UI' senior prograni producer; nom, lias Iris oivn Productions company iin jkToroniiî: hias prodîîced over .1,000 rauion shows, incllîîling sortie of the most poplidar on thie Caniadian air; is Maler of <ereinonie., and illus 1e conditiîcir on tire national talent show -O)îport uiity Knocks". JOHN A OAS KIN sa vs: "If luepee regrreu.d a rpq,<.p in (Cnaida. Iil'ii %- monthot/ji ('ir if ire'-lieu Jfiidai<eu!oprtiiiiiies (ire o~pen 1 n for yoiung (uaudîafns. Asbius in gfnerfil expands, nS the oartsaii . der reognitionî, ils tÛrt<in iiat opportîriîty ivi/I culan.tue tu knuck lharder and maure uýIcJîeir the ialefîî ofIf hi.s country)." ZION (Intended for Last Week) Alf. Ayre and Boyd Ayre at- tended Ottawa Fair with their sheep. Mrs. J. Cruickshank, Isobel and Douglas are at Caesarea for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Tnigg, Oshawa, at Fred Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett, Murray and Marie, Enniskillen, at Norman Leacb's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robinson, Harmony, 'at N. Hircack's. Mrs. Russell Stainton, Cameron and Grace, Misses Shirley and Carale Stephen at Bernard Mc- Ewen's, Kleinburg. Mrs. Russell Penkins and Mar- garet attended a miscellaneous shower for Miss Muriel Crawford at Mrs. Lloyd Braome's, Hamp- tan. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gladwell, James Gladwell and friend, Tor- anto, at Alf Ayre's. Mrs. Henry Paterson, Lucan, at Fred Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Blake Stevens at Solina. Boyd Ayne attended Peterboro Fair with bis sheep. Mrs. Russell Penkins atne the Golden Wedding of Mni. andI Mrs. Fred Ashton, Tononto. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy at Scarboro' Bluffs. 1\r. Jas. Randal at Malton. Mn. Fred Farrow at Buffalo. Miss Donna Vice, Sauina at Ger- ry Glaspel's. Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Robb, Wil- la arnd Ian, Courtnight, at Percy Davidsan's. George Davidson attended a banquet at Canada Packers with the West Durham Swine Club also visited the Shur Gain Fanm and the Pickney Fanms at Cooks- ville. Miss Lamna Cochrane, Brady, with Peggy Davidson. Mrs. H. Graver bas returned home fromn Oshawa hospital. Mn. arrn Mrs. Howard Abbott and family, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mloffatt and Paul, Osh- awa, t Perey Davidson's. Grge Davidson at Orville Knapp's, Paiermo. Mn. and Mrs. Noble Stephenson, Brooklin, at R W. Ball's. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Robinsan (Gwen Hircock) were presented v:ith service for four silver kniv- es, forks, salad fonks, dessert spoons, teaspoons, teaspoons and coffee spoons at Nathan Hircack's spoans. teaspoans, and coffee spoons at Nathan Hircack's 'by the camrnunity an Thursday A NEW RADIO PROGRAM fa a -,' ariren I I -N~JtC~a< ~L'i. -e '1 4e 2~èAew NEW MINES, new power dams - wholc new commu- nities - are rising where only yesterday was nothing but a waste of rocks, water and trees and frozen tundra. Today Canada has a ncw empire in the wilderness. The development of our one-time wastelands is one of the most significant phases of Canada's modern advaîice. Every Canadian is benefit- ting from that expansion. Today we live in a greater Canada - far greater than we ever knew before - a land of new and exciting opportunities for those coim- mencing their careers today. . . 4. 0. .0 e0 Wl R-C REAT ED transportation rarcilities - hb road and air - have opened uI) a hundred thousand square Miles of the northwest, making accessible, for the first time, vast resources of farmlaiîd. forests. eoal and power sites. WH ER E DEFORE the warwas a roadless Q uebec wilderness, Shipshaw is now producin g More than a million horse. poer of electrical energy. . . At Ylo nieon Great Slave Lake, rich gold-bearing ores are heing developed ...From Great Bear Lake near the Arectic Circle cornes pmecioi radium. .. CI u a sein grnahl b le Fm*s a tium m* y Cuaa Cia:pui oulu III - ,r r, t AT STEEP RO CK the wartime'ileveitop. mnt of one of the richest hodies oif iron ore on the continent has gii'en us a new, long-soî,glîtprînary îndîîtry... 'odlay îîîîîer ther cariboioL oss of Ungava vast new areas of high-grade iron ore are now bcbng actively ex. plored. ý 1 "The Weeds of Ontario," a bul- pictures of various weeds,4 andT letin well kown in many parts of gives descriptions wlth practical Ontario, bas been reprinted, and metbods of contrai for mnore than copies are naw available upon re- 200 kinds of weeds. Particulars quest. These may be secured of the Weed Control Act i"nd tle fram offices of Agnicultunal Rep- Seeds Act are also outlined. This resentatives in eacçh Caunty and will be found useful for farm za- District. nfflies and particulanly for stu- The bulletin includes colored dents. Hear Dowmanville On the Air "Thi*s Is Our Town" STATION CH19UMr DIAL 1050 Each Tue sday at 5.30 P. (STARTING AUG. 17, '48 UNTIL OCT. 5, '48ý Sponsored by the f ollowing progressive 'Bowmanville merchants THE RADIO SHOP NcNULTY'S SPORTS &,CYCLE THE CARTER FAMILY Bakery and Restaurant LLOYD ELLIS SHOE SHOP Bepair and New Shoes ]BOUST YOUR TOWN OTHER BOWMANVILLEX.ERCHANTS ARE INVITED TO JOIN THE PROGRAM. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: E. G. HINES, c/o RADIO STATION CHUM 225 MUTUAL ST., TORONTO Hear Your Neighbours on Each Program PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATP-I;mATq Rmxmmiý:r.v. nwm,&i>lrr% 7)4i lreae jý - ..- . à 1

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