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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1948, p. 7

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IIMURDAYT, SEPTEMB!R 2,1048 FSOCIALAND PERSONAL L phone 663 Miss Marilyn Hall Is visiting cently left for Blue Mountair friends in Toronto. Camp near Coliingwood. Mrs. Rae Burton, Oshawa, spent Misses Jean Asbworth and Mar- Sunday with Mrs. Francis Clarke. ganet Cole, Brantford, are visit- Mrs. C. Frank and Walter mot- ing Miss Collette Fenguson. ored ta Niagara Falls on Sunday. Miss Ada Dadson has returnec MissGrea Plmer RN, Oh-1fnom a pleasant two weeks' vaca- MissGrea Plmer R.., sh-tion in Detroit and Windsor. awa, Is visiting ber mother, Mrs. E..Fegsn ndMs N. Pamer.Bertha Staples are visiting Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Johnson and San- Mrs. Fred Staples, Stevensvilhe. dra Lynn are visfting ber parents M.adMs neClil rc at Lidsay.and Linda, are holidaying at San- Mr. William Agnew Hastie, dy Beach Lodge, Balsam Lake. Montreal, is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mse wnoy n ole JohnA. Gnn.Coombes, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. N. S. B. James is visiting their grandmotber, Mrs. W. Hall. hier, daugbter, Dr. Dorotby M. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris, JmissHlDvt, Toronto Montreal, are vîsiting their motb- Moissayîn wit berot,, Mrs. F. H. Morris, Beech Ave. loiandweitt e or r. Mn. and Mrs. Kani Hall, Mar- Andrw Deitt.ilyn and Mns. McDonaid spent the Miss Mary Ruth Williams, Nia- weekend in Oakvilie and Toronto. gara Falls, NY., is visiting Miss Mns. Reg Cramp, Donald and Joan Greenfield. Teddy, are vacatianing with Mn. Miss Mary Fagan an the staff of and Mrs. A. E. Robinson at Mca- the Bank of Montreal is vacation- f ord. ing at Brantford. Mrs. M. V. Chisbolm, Owen Miss Marjory Mutton spent ast Sound, and Bradenton, Fia., has week witb Miss Isabelle Cnuick- been guest of Mrs. Herbent Lay- shank at Caesarea. man. Mrs. F. C. Clmer spent last Master Dougie James is hall- week with Mn. and Mrs. G . W. daying with his grandparents, Mn. Calmer at Bnacebridge. and Mrs. A. W. Pickand, Caes- Miss Jacqueline Heyhand ne- area. Mrs. E. S. Ferguson, A.T.C.M., R.M.T. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING 0F A MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN A simple and attractive appnaach ta the study of music for chiîdren 4 ta 7 yeans of age. The course includes musical appnecîationq Ear Training, Rhythm, Cutting out devices, Cohouring with crayons, Singing and simple piano technique. Registration Sept. 7th. Classes starting Sept. l4tb. Not noces- sary ta have a piano. Fan particulars apply ' MRS. E. S. FERGUSON - BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 606 C?/%ec /a Y, TIMETABLE CHANGES Important!# COLONIAL COACH LINES NEW TIMETABLE Effective Sept. l5th Several changes in schedules will take place on the abave date. Patrons are requested ta obtain NEW TIMETABLE. For compiete Information, please consuit your Local Agent: GARTON COACH LINES Bowmanville Tel. 2668 Bowmanvile Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quick an Donald and Mrs. Dickinson, Osi awa, spent the weekend at Caee area. Mr. and Mns. Harold Jewel Buffailo, N.Y., are visiting bi 6mather, Mrs. H. Jewell, Libeni IPlace. Mrs. Wm. P. Hall bas roturnie from apending 10 days at th Hamilton Lions Club Camp at An caster. Little Miss Canolyn Balson ha been bhidaying witb ber grand parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Bal son, Sauina. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Finnigan aný son Rickie bave returned frai two weeks' vacation in Ottaxw and Quebec. Mn. and Mns. Ceeul Aldread an, Ciffard have returned from Smotar trip ta Winnipeg, Man., an, 9other points. Miss Giadys. Jamieson, R.N.,c Windsor, bas returned after ho] idaying with ber mother, Mrs. 1 -M. Jamieson. Mn. and Mrs. D. R. AhidreaÉ Mary and Russell, bave returne from visiting Mn. and Mrs. Ewai Peters, Ottawa. Master Don Hayes, son of Mi and Mrs. Bud Hayes, is vacation ing with Mn. and Mrs. John Rick a ard, Newcastle. S Mn. and Mrs. Fred Lewis ar enjaying thtee weeks' bouida with relatives and friends at Poi Hope and Osbawa. Mrs. Gardon Tunney, Trento: with ber mother, Mrs. Rose Irwiî Cowan Block, atteoded Tarant Exhibition, Monday. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Sisson an Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Summers hav returned from vacationinga Waupaos, near Pictan. Mrs. S. R. James and Mns. Alic Clarke are attending tise Unitei Church Training course at th Ontanio Ladies College, Whitby. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Prestai Betty and Douglas, 'Timmin spent their vacation with bis Dar en ts, Mn. and Mrs. S. G. Presto: Mn/r. and Mrs. Arthur D. Car: cadden and son, Wayne, Lon IBrancis, are hoiidaying with Rei and Mrs. A. J. Carscadden, Beec] lAve. Mn. Albert E. Belîman sufferei a broken arma last week when h feul from a ladder xvhile niekiný apples in bis orchard just westc town. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon an( Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Staintan Ici this wcdk on a motor trip thruugl Western Canada ta the Pacifi Coast. Mn. and Mrs. Roland Bate an( Shirley bave enjoyed a fine sum mer holiday at tise lake as guest at the Christie Cottage, Eas Beach. Mn. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy an( Mn. and Mrs. S. McMurten an( Sharon have returned from week's vacation at Miner's Baý Lodge. Miss Winona Clark, wba iý spending the summer at Crysta Beach, spent Thursday and Fni day wîth ber parents, Mn. and Mrs W. Clarke. Mn. Chas. Gillespie, Miss Kathý boen Gillespie, Mrs. Powell anc twa daughters visited Mrs. H Humphries and Mns. W. H. Den sem, King St. Capt. Sybîl Mutton, Taronto spent tbree weeks' vacation witl Mn. and Mrs. Harry Bartlctt, anc aiso visited Miss Thelma Seblie vert in Belleville. Mrs. Carl Devitt and sons Wayne and Terry, heft 'by trair fnom Toronto Monday nigbt t( visit ber parents and sisters a Edmonton, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harveý and Nancy, Mrs. MacBetb, Mrs Hislop and Mrs. Penny and RalpI' Toronta, spent Sunday with Mrs Wm. P. Hall and famiiy. Mn. and Mns. Gea. W. Jame werc in Toronto Sunday, Aug. 22 attending a birthday party ir honar of thoin granddaugbter Andrea Hoffman's, second 'birth day. Mn. and Mrs. B. H. Mantloclk Joan, Kathleen and Tommy, 0f tawa, are renewing acquaintance! io this district xvile guests of hoi parents, Mn. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs Tyrone. Mn. Bihl Dadson, Peterboro Oronof THE CA1NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAVILE, ONTARIO id spent the weekend with his par- h- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dadson. s- Bill has accepted a position with the Canadian General Eiectric C0. iin Peterbaro. is Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sheekieton, y Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sheckletapr and son, Eric, attended the Silver *d Wedding anniversary of Mr. and .eMrs. Norman Argue, near Janet- Women's Auxiiiiary of Bow- manville Branch, Canadian Legion as met in the Legion Hall, Mondayf Sevening. Plans were discussed ti 1for the zone raiiy to take place at ZJ the High School Auditorium, Fni- [ id day, September 10. 'TH Eu M Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Humpage _ 'a and daughter, Mrs. Weber motof'- ed to Montreal, August 23, to meet C OV E id lier sister coming from Engiand a Who is making hier home in Can- Concerning Bugs, Beeties, d ada with bier sister, Mrs. Hump- Butterfiies and Bees age. She came on the Aquitania Give boys freedom and space ofand had a lovely voyage. they wili be no different from Pl The staff of Olympia Cafe took their forebears of the "good aid R. proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Louis day,,, when no one heard of ju- Laskaris, by surprise, Aug. 2lst, venile delinquency, frustrations, dwhen their gift of oid English repressions and ail those funny *ýj china marked the l3th wedding things that used to be spelled rt anniversary of the happy couple. B3-A-D.t Lovely flowers and a wedding The Billys, Jacks, B3obbys, John, cake graced the occasion. Lunch- Edmund, William and David bendc r. eon and toasts accompanied a very coat-hangers and staple themn to 1 n- happy evening. old hroom handies. After sew-s k- Mr. Douglas Eliiot, St. John, N. ing around themn big pouches of *B., was in town Friday renewing mosouito neeting, they go forth reacquaintances and gave the editor ta vie with other hopping crea- IVa cali. We were sorry to learn that turcs of the fields. rt bis father, Mr. Alex Elliot, who Last year they organized a xvas a jeweller in Bowmanville grasshopper club-admission ne- ri, for a number of years, bas been quiremcnt ten corpses of the hop- ni, ceriously iii and stili confineci to per famiiy. Unfortunatcly these to his home. His son, Ted, is 00w young sadists adopt the method carrying on the jewellery business of the Butcher Bird in stabbing d in St. John. their victims with thorns from 'e Mr. and Mrs. Fr'ank Down, De-tehse bqitu ntebh at troit, Mich., have heen pay' - top. their annual visit to the old home Th ese hudding naturaiists can e town whi]e guests of his sister, distinguish the metallie hum of the ýd Miss Lola Down. Mrs. Down kind- cicada from the chirp of the crick- .e ]y ieft picture of ancicot vintage ets. They rab their mothers' witb the editor, \vhicb was a group seives of jeily pots in wbich rphoto of The Statesman back in L hc'y kccp all sorts of winged S, the early 80's and includes Miss'c js-mng1 te ryn r-May Barrett (now Mrs. J. Weekes mantises and walking sticks. They n~. of Los Angeles, Calif.), Messrs have a S)outted Vine Pincher, Ce- Sid JeÀ,ell1 Lew WTrry and E. ciopia Moths fl'om the poplars, ig Black. The photographer was R. o-ixMt~ rmte urn H. Henry whose studio was in the bushcs, Polyphemus cocoons from V. the miaples. some Underwings, bh Statesman Eiock at that time. Vieas orcsnd ou- Mr. and Mrs. George Pîdduck, ing Cioaks. And wiii you believe1 dwho wvere married, recently, xvere it? Mî's. Hoffskins, sister of Mrs. e honored by the Courtice Comn- Nash, Claver Cabin. is taking back ig munity at.a party heid at the home with 'ber to Engiand, one of aur cfof Mr. Edwvin Pidduck, Courtice. Drrgonflies and a King Billy. The bighlight of the evcning was An d as to the Pecs! Most of the presentation of a mantel1 chime teeegrvugmn'aepi idclock and a lace tabiecloth totse p2nupnayfo theirris reCiaencebri nfund oied tr. r.He they a surplus of snccimens? Claec goodndvic h Sometimnes, and thecse go to feed l odwishes of ail tihe guests. Holvy's "Myrtie the Turtie." wbile Mrs. Clarence Penfound A tbe Cottnýc-'F: id presented tihe gifts. Mrs. Pidduck, At the Eims: Rev. and Mrs. Ben 1-Who wvas the former Miss Gracé H . ts Giliard, aiso received a houqe At Laf-a-Lot, Mrs. John Nuhu t of giadioli. Cames were enjovcd of Fleshcirton; Mrs. J. G. Eider, and later lunch was served by the Oshawa. id committee who arranged the par. At Casa-Mucha-Grassia. Mrs. H. id ty. E. Roboiis: Miss Sing of Toronto. a At thi-e Barrs: Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ýy thur -Tynes. Toronto. W'V~est Beach News At Clsequcr': ?4r. Wm. Cuttle is (fcrmerly R.C.A.F.), Mrs. Cuttie ( The B2ach Comber) and Jenisifer.t - On Saturday evening a huge At EI-ti-li -sa: Mrs. L. A. Ott af s. bonfire and a weiner xoast was Montreal. provided for ail the clildrcn and At tise Leslie's: Mrs. Howe and i- friends on tise beach. Everyone Mr. arnd Mrs. G. Rundeil. d enjoyed the deliclous weiners and At Clover Cabin: Mrs. Hopkins, 1rails prepared 'by Mrs. Green and before ber return to England. - Mrs. Masters. Mn. B. Murchison, At Cove Cottage: Miss Eunice flresidcist of thse Beach Associa- Dyke of Toronto. tion, led in a sing-song around At Harrapia: Mr. and Mrs. G. hthe fire. L. Hoimes. M\arion ancd Gwendo- ýd On Sunday the aduit populace Ivn, all of Toronsto; Mrs. S. D. were given a special treat by Me- Deans, Morpets. Onst.; Mrs. Alfred Feeters Bros. in their gecsrous Bower, Souths River. Sdonation of three bushels of corn At Suromrerlisaveis: Mn. ansd Mms. nwhich was prepared by Mrs. R. Albert Coim, Heatiser and Cheryl - Haliman ansd Mrs. M. Shaw. Gouniay-, Mr. and Mî-s. Mike Reid .0 Again a beautiful fire xvas the and Joy7ce, Mrs. Liilie. icentre of attraction. This about At Noble Caî'lton's Cottage: Mrs. winds Up the season's social gath- C-eorge Ives and Michael, Mr. andi ýY erings. i1'rrs. Lios'd Trunile and Ricisard, S. On Lahor Day the Gien Rae Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ross, Toronto. 1Trophy race xiii be helsi an the I Hapy Hatch'r'ennion S- lake shore off our beach. I i A gay reunion took place at the expected that sali boats from aur Hippy Hutch this weekend with s isarbour will enter. Come and Mrs. O. J. Hutchiisson, six of lber , cheer for yaur favorite. famiiy and eievcn»grandciidren. On Our life -uard bas finisised bis Is orden of tise distance thcy tra- rseasan of duty an our shores. We velied wxvre Mrs. Noble Carlton -are most grateful to MrI. A. (Gladyv. wtls Sîsan and Danny Witiserspoon for conducting sxim- from Halifax. N.S., Dr. and Mrs.i ming lessons aronc the yous C. W. Sweetzer (Evcb1n) wbh ill, ýs prul disfsiay tîscir sîkilin the City, Long Iland: Mir. and Mrs., ýr art of sximming, fioatiuisgandc Donsal d MacLeoci ith Donny an"1 sdiviîsg. Tise "Life Guard' vi h Stewart, 1Vr. Jack T-iutchinsoîs andi misedat o4 aniie eahu-Tniohnny7, Mr. nd M\/rs Be't H- L'unn 10*±usty N 00k." E dminundàa-nd Wi li am ...B ar ick,_ Mn. and Mrs. R. Hughes, Ta- Bill Jack and Carl Sweitzer, Jack ranto, at "Leaside." Fox, Shirley Graham, Aifreda Miss Barbara Jackson, Biack- Dixon. Biliy Graham. stock, visiting ber sister, Miss Last Sunday's children's service jWinnana Jackson at the West xvas canducted hv Mrs. Bertramn Beachi Store. Lattimer. Thse chiidren who al Mir. and Mrs. J. Cully, Marilyn know ber as their friend had a1 and Billy, Toronto, in -Werné- happy hour iistening t'a Bible star- Verfus." ies and singing their favorite Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Green, Ched- bymns. I!an, Ontario, with Mn. and Mrs. At the 11:30 serviec short pen- _Z. Green in tise -Log Cahin." iod of hymn singing. led by Mr. Miss Mary Mece nd Mr. Bob Jack Attweli, precedes tise ad- \IcDonaid and Mr. and Mrs. N. dress. The spontaneity of this Hlatrun, Toronto, with Miss Velda singing shsows tisat there are ai- Lattimer ways some sixtv people pissing1 Mr. aiid Mrs. D. Tubbs at aiong aur wiy xho are palad ta "Twillingate.'" jain in thanking God for His, past Major an.d Mrs. J. Richards, inercies and seeking His mcinance Ottawva, Mrs. A. Reddish and -Mrs. fon thse future. Grey Barrick's J. Pickering. Toronto, Mr. E. Ful- rendening of ane of Geaffrey 0. tan and Mn. F. Smilie, Brockville, Hara's '.vch krovn sangs, which xx'i;th Mrs. Darney at 'Cylant xvas sung before thse cangregation- Phare." aI singing expressed the prevail- Mrs. Bernice Spencer and Bar- ing feelin2: bara, Town, w~ith Mrs. F. Cale is "I love a iff1"(- ..... -bouse- Gary's Paradise. FniendIy littie bll- Because the littie churc-h house, Beacan on the bill Is another af the builders, Building men for God." Mn. George Harrap in his ser- manette developed the spiritual idea inherent in the caption "'Tat- tic Tale Gray," a commercial slo- gan used on a well-known soap wrapper. His reading from Is- aiah I formed tbe basis of his re- marks. He drew attention ta the fact that most people are flot no- ticeabhy evul in their lives, nor are they autstandingîy good-nei- thon black non white. He pointed ta God's promise, "Though your sins be as scaniet they shaIl be as white as wooh." Io conclusion he quoted a poemi by Donatby Day, a protest to Hen- ley's pagan poem "Invictus-ines studied from Shorter Poems by aur Higb Scbool students. At next Sunday's service Mr. Albert Bail wihl speak on "Some- thing ta Remember" and Mn. Ed- wvin Luttrehl will sing. Lard Rowallan, Chie! Scout o! tise British Commonwealth and Empire, bas received the award cf the Silver Buf'falo from tbe Boy Scouts of America for noteworthy service ta boybood. Lhere- <a new Gilet,. Blue BIade, unwraP. ped and ready for yOur Gillette Raxer. EXTRA CONVINIINC, AT No EXTRA COST St. Paul's United Church Ministeii Bey. G. C. Quigley Choir Dîreetor: D. At MeGregor Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Sunday, September Sth There wiil be no services of wor. sbip or Sunday School session ln St. ]Paul's the first Sunday of this month. 1RE-OPENING and RE-DEDICA- TION Services will be beid Sun- day, Sept. 12 at the regular hours. Friendly, Personal Service I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Ever-Ready Shave Cream, reg. 33c ----24c Kicen-Or Antiseptie, reg. 25e, 79c-- 19c, 63c Wid Strawberry Comp.. reg. 25c --18e A.B.S. & C. Tablets, 100'% reg. 23e -----19e 011 Wintergreen (synth.) reg. 25e . 19c Syrup Fig. and Senna, reg. 25ec----- 1Ie Idai-Agar, reg. 69c, $1.29 - - 49c, 89e Psylium Seed, reg. 59e - - --____ 47e Mercurochrome, reg. 20e -_______14e Wash Cloths -* - - 9c Cod Liver Oil Cave. reg. 98e 83c Milk of Magnesia - 24c, 43c . 18C Boracic Acid, reg. 25c - 18c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGOR FOR HAY FEVER Lantigen "E" .----- ---- PA<~W ~WVWf4 'i HEADQUARTERS School Supplies Publie and HIgh School Text Books and Supplies Special Attractions Zippered Loose Leaf Covers Fountain Pens Methanlcal Pencis Dip-it Pens PencilBoxes Schooi Bags Store open until 9 p.m. on Tuesday evenlng to accom- modate country students. J. W. JEWELL "BfIG 20", PHONE 556 27 King St. W., Bowmanviile BRYLCREI. TUBE 254,e494 ,GTTLES i CUOICE OF (I)ts 8 TURD 'srWELL MADE Reg.$1l 93C Ilo <DePendabîeot iater Btie 15 dýDaV0O', Attsebmnîetssoc, 50C h Ear andJle yile-_OSC ,nfant Rectal 5yTi'g e Adi ectal 5yrilXge 60 AdtNaslalon raoq$.0U Show er C a Pe . -- 9 Rubber Gloves, firtst $G.00 SAVE1 UP TO $1OO.OO on fine Custom Built Chesterfield Suites ai Morris Co. See the X-rayed suite illustrated in1 our windows! Special values in Bedroom Suites in the September Anniversary Sale F. F. Mworris cou Rolieves HEADACE tq~ Calms your NERVIS 3eze-25e 1 ie-9 I.D.A. HEALTH SALTS 16 oz. - -_------ 59c GIN PILLS TWO SIZES 3q9c 6AND p JLs SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE For beets, cucumbers, gai. 25c TAIE ENU 'R ITS L Castor Oul, reg. 25c Your Local I.D.AI Druggist D UÙG-S Phone 792 We DliIver ~1 F - - - - - - -- - -ri 1 PIACLF srlvml*

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