PAGE TWELVE ThE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV1LLE. ONTARXO THURSDAY, SEPT. Oth, 1949 SPORT N EWS BaLsebaill Season by Ports when umps Fair called manager Whatlky for catching a Over When Royals drive at 3rd in Yourth's territory. Furey started on the mound Loseto ort ope for Royais, was relieved by Dad- 1 son in the 5th after 2 errors set .Bowmanviile Iinte r me dijate Furey down 3-0 in arrears. He Rayais closed the local basebali allowed 5 hits, 2 walks, fanned 3. season, Wednesday evening, Sept. Dadson gave up 3 earned runs, 5 ilby presenting Port Hope Ont- hîts; 0 walks, fanned 4 xith stea- *rios with 2 unearned runs in th e dy pitchi ng. 6-5 score of the 5th and final Close Ending gamne Of the OBA playdowns. Royals notched a run in the Rayais followed the elimination 6th on Ted Bagnell's single, Bill of both the Juniors and Juveniles Bbgneil's double. Bill hit again in the 1948 district cantests. 'in the 8th scored on Gilhooley's A scratch hit by Ports in the single after a spcedy steal. Dad- th foilowed by a solid blow hy son walked in the 9th, stole, Wil- Dawley put two men on, then son and Furey hit, Richards sac- successive errors at 3rd and 1At rificed, then Bill Bagneli trip- Iootcd themn home. Sparked by pied after Ted fanned. Three Dawley with 3 hits, orne a triple, runs off Pointer and he went wild Ports added 3 more runs in the for two walks before Piper flied last 3 frames, wcre ahead in the out.' 9th, 6-2. Then Royais came ta A shift by Royals in the th lufe, scored 3, fillcd thescs brouight Richards to 3rd, sent nearly clinched it, but pinch- catcher Morgan to the showers. hitter Piper's smash ta the fence Max went ta short, Hooper was 10 feet short, an easy final caught, Furey went to right field fly-Out. and Dadson pitched. Bill Bag- Pointer Peeved neIl starred with 3 hits, a triple, Long Tom Pointer pitched for a double and a walk. Furey got Ports, was touched for 11 hîts, 3 singles. Gilhooley again star- carefully scattered, fanned 7 in rcd the infield with 6 hot chances, the pinches. He biew up in the some 30 in the series, unbooted. th whammed hîs glove at the Summary dugout when peeved at the umps, Ports, 6 runs, 9 hits, 1 error, 2 was saved a loss through 4 Royals walks, 7 fanned, 7 stole, 2 triples, errors, Pipers lofted fly. The 9 left on. game was played under protest Royals, 5 runs, il hits, 4 er- Productive sil, the basîs of aur national wealth, Is liited. You'll get more return from your land when you help It produce crops of better quality by using the be.qt cf fertilizers. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR Swift Canadian GroMor Fertilizer FOR A BETTER CROP OIF FALL WHEAT DeLaval Milkers Will eut yoùr labour to a minimum, twlce a kday. Sec us about Installing one now. Beatty Bros. Water Presùure Systems Consult us flrst about the full line of Case Farm Equipment FOR BETTIER RETURNS W. He BROWN' DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tfe DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bras. Stable Equlpment el King St. W. Phone 497 "q ;rHEATRE -BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAYI THURSDAY, SEPT. 8.9 Selected Short - - Color Cartoon FRIDAYI SATURDAT, SEPT. 10-11 JOE E. BROWN in "THE TENDER YEARS Added Attraction WILLIAM BOYD AS HROPALONG CASSIDY "'ýTIE MA4RAUDERS" NqONDAT, TUESDAYI SEPT. 13-14 ALLAN LADD ROBERT PRESTON DOROTHY LAMOUR LLOYD NOLAN '"WiIdlarvest"9' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 1MOVIETONE NEWS - - SHORT nons, 3 walks, 7 fanncd, 5 stole,I Courtice Chcnnpioi's 1 double, 1 triple, 9 lef t on.HEInD ri tnSotcl Parts 000 030 111 6 9 1Grv Rayals 000 001 013 5 11 4 Def eat Maple rv esUmps: Fair, plate; Joncs, has- Bowmanville: Ted Bagneil If; Bill Bagnell cf; Max Yourth, 3b; ss; Gillhooley 2b; Hooper, ss,c; Williams rf (2); Wilson lb; Funey p,nf; Morgan c; Dadson p; Rich- ards 3b; Piper ph (9). Royals Upset Ports In Intermediate Piayoffs by 5-4 (Intendcd !for Last Wéek) Bowmanvilic Rayais upset the calculations of Part Hope On- tanias in the founth Intermediate O.B.A. Playoff game in Part Hope Saturday. With twa wins in tne bag the Ports wene confident of taking the third on Saturday ta win the round. But the game end- cd 5-4 for the Rayais and the final game will settie the issue in Bawmanviîle, Wednesday ev- ening, just toa late ta be reponted in this paper. Part fans hegan ta collect hets in the 9th frame when Royals were down 2-4. But they paused when Dadson walked, Furey gat on by an erron and Ted Bagneli sîngled )Jadson home. Trhen Max- ie Y'ourth smashed a triple aven the race track sconing twa mare ta win the game and cash. It was a fitting climax ta the Port's pnev- iaus faux pas in Bowmanville. George Piper started on the mounct for hoyals and was out- lucked by his appanent Iran Arm Woods in the 2-4 reverse. Bill Dadsan nelieved Piper and c.ým- pietely hand-cuffed Parts the re- mainder of the game. Rayals catcher, Margan, gave way ta Dutch Osborne and he netined with a split finger ta he neplaced by hefty Sonny Hooper who has been using his weight fneely in recent games. RayaIs scored a run in the lst: when Ted Bagneil tripled, came home ôn Bill Bagnell's drive. Piper scored in the 5th on hits hy Bill Bagnell and Yourth. Then Maxie pulled the bat trick in the 9th. Ports gained anc in the 4th on a double and single. They added three in the Sth when two singles wene followed by a smash thnough Bagnell in the field and an error at short. They were unearned tallies. RayaIs outhit Parts 10 ta 8, had.the edge save for these two successive errons. Ted Bagneil led Royals with 3 bits. Gilhooiey featured with a smash catch at 2nd. Hoaper knock- cd Thickson cold in a collision. Pitcher Woods led Ports with 3 hits. RH E Bow'ville 100 010 003 5 10 2 Ports 000 130 000 4 8 4 Bowmanvillc: T. Bagnell, If; W. Bagnell, rf; Younth, 3b, ss; Gil- hooley, 2b; Williams, cf; Wilson, lb; Hooper, ss, c; Piper, p; Dad- son, p (5); Morgan, c; D. Osborne, c (6); Richards, 3b (8); AI Os- borne, ph (6); Furey, ph (9). Part Hope: Keeler, If; Dawley, 2h; Bongard, lb; Mann, c; Foate, ss; Thickson, 3h; Curnclly, rf; Woods, p; Pointer, p (9); White, cf. Courtice and Orono Ail Set Now For Football Finals Orono Football Club went into the football finals of the Darling- ton League with a surprising up- set of the strong Hampton team hast wcek. In the first game in Onono, Hampton hast its first game of the scason away from home by a score of 3-1. At home, the neturn game was a win for Hampton 1-0. Total goals gave Orono the playoff position hy a margin of anc goal. Meantime, Countice had na trouble taking Zian by scores of 4-0 on the Soina fiehd, and 3-0 in the nturn game at Countice. The total of 7-0 indicates that Cour- tice bas a strang team. But ob- senvers give Onono a fine chance fan the 1948 Championship aften dawning the aggnessive Hampton team. Finst game in the playoffs is scheduled at Orno Wednesday, September 8. Owing ta the inter- vention of Orano Fair, the neturn game at Countice bas been post- poned ta the fallowing Monday, September 13. If a third game is necessany it wilî likely be played an neutral grounds, the folhowing Wednesday, Septemben 15. These Wcdnesday games give this cal- umn no appantunity of rcparting results at press time. Hence fans may get information hy telephan- ing hater. After losing the first game at Maple Grove by a 11-6 score, Courtice twice defeated Mapie Grave Hawks on Bowmanville diamands by 15-3 and 11-5. On August 31 on Bowmanville Public School diamond Courtice won an easy 15-3 victory to ex- tend the series ta a third and deciding game. In this game Ma- pIe Grove made error after er- ror Courtice were playing one of their hest games of, the ycar proceeded ta run up a big score. Courtice started the scor- ing in the first with four unearn- cd runs. They collected four more unearned runs in the next twa innings, as up to this point H. Snowden had pitched 1 hit baIl, but his teamn had flot -supported him. However, he wegkened in the fourth inning and with more errors the game blew Up. Maple Grove 10 0 0 003 3 Courtice 4 22 6 01x 15 On Friday Courtice defeated Maple Grove in a bard fought game at the Bowmanville High School grounds by 11-5. Courtice deserves full menit for their win as they played much steadier ball behind C. We]sh's good pitching than did the Hawks behind H. Snowden's pitching. The Hawks opened the scoring as H. Snowden, Ieading off, bunt- ed safely, stole second and came home on R. Munday's hit to left f ield. Courtice went down in order in their haif of the first inning, two via strikeouts and the other a fly baIl to P. Finney in centre Children's Specials Sfor FALL & WINTER THREE PIECE Ski Suifs Navy or brown gabardine with quiltcd lining in jacket and trousers. Sizes 4 ta 8. $1 3.50 Snow Suifs In pink or blue with elastic waists, zippered front, at- tached parka and double ne- inforced knees. Sizes 2 and 3. $5.95 BEDFORD CORD Overalis Navy, green or brown. Sizes 2 fo 6. $1.89 FLANNELETTE Blankets Pink on blue. 36"x60" $2.15 pr. KLEINERT STURDI-LITE Baby Pants Dainty, durable. boilable, watcrpncof. 65c ea. TOT TOGGERY MRS. BERNIECE COLLIS Proprietor 57 King St. E. - Bowmanville (Opposite Balmoral Hotel) field. After Maple Grave was held scorcless in the second Cour- tice scorod four runs aftcr twa were out-aIl runs due ta errars. Maple Grave continued ta fight back and sconcd four times ta take the lead.- H. Snowdcn bit safely. Stan Snowden drove a single ta left, K. Staîken advanced the runners with a ground out, R. Munday went out. An enron on P. Finney's roller paved the way for the first run and consecu- tive bits by B. Holmes and E. Fin- ney brought home the other three runs. This cnded the MapleGrv scoring for the nlght and Cour- tice came back with four runs in the third, two in the fourth and one in the f ifth ta end the scor- ing. It is believed that'a game will be arranged between Courtice and the Town Softball Champions. Maple Grave 1 040 0 00 5 Countice 0 4 4 2 1Ox il Umpires for bath games-Plate, Frank Keleman; hases, Leslie Coombes. Mike's Def eat B.T.S. In Playoff Gamne Mikes showed championsbip form by defeating B.T.S. 13-8 at the Public Schoal grounds, Mon- day night. Taking the lead in the flrst in- ning, Mike's managcd. ta kecp a substantial lead. all, thnaugh the. game with BT.S. threatcning on- ly in the 3rd inning, wben tbey drove a total of 6 nuns acnoss the plate. Williams the winning pitchen, walked 7 and stuck.out 1. Rich- ards on the mound fan the B.T.S. teamn walked 3 and struck out 4. Summary: Mike's: 13 runs, 14 bits and 1 erron. B.T.S.: 8 runs, Il bits and 8 errons. Lirieups: Mike's: Ferguson, lst; Barr. ss; A. Osborne, 3rd; C. Osborne, 2nd; Ames. c; Brough, cf; McKnight, If; Williams, p; White, rf; Hatcly. B.T.S.: Jackman, 2nd; Cannons, c; Miller, cf; D. Williams, 3rd; Werry, lst; Richards, p; Slemon, ss; Pollard, rf; Campbell, If. THEl C OVE U Exeunt amnes: Our revels now are ended for the holiday season of 1948. The actons, experienced ird the art of gypsy life, will appear again when the summer cames fram summer 1949. During this last week cars packed with parents, grandpan- ents, chiîdren, and their dogs and cats have passeci along The Cave Road homeward 'bound. The cottages, shuttcred up for the winter, stand alang the shore like empty shelîs from which the life bas departed. One Sunday night away back in the summen hefone Wonld War I a preacher addressing a group assemblcd on the cast pier of the harbar descanted on the beauties of nature-the sky, the trees, the waters-ending up with the weil- knawn line "Whene every pros- p3ect pleases and only man is vile." One listener of rugged mentality nefused ta take the insult and xvas heard ta nemank, "The aid moss-back! Let him came here when people have gone away and sec what he thinks of it." At the cottages: Mrs. W. H. Carlton is back af- ter a manth's visit ta the West Coast. Mns. Noble Carlton with Susan and Danny flew home ta Halifax Friday. At Laf-a-Lot-Mn. and Mns. L. E. Smith of Toronto fan two weeks. El-ti-da-Sa-Mrs. L. A. Ott and Mrs. Hazel Hawell of Montreal. Mn. Walsh of Buena Vista, Ce- dan Cnest, wishes ta thank the Cave people for their kindncss ta his dogs Lassie and Ted-animaIs known as pnize winners all aven Canada. THE C HAPEL-O0N-THE -HILL LaIst Sunday this little rustic structure had for decaration, large hasket of hulirushes and wild grasses gathered hy the Jun- ion Service Club. These were mute but beautiful evidences of the record drought that bas stri'ck aur district this summen. Sharp at 10:30 an cager graur of youngsters was on hand ta wel- came Mrs. Carlton aften ber ne- turn from the West Coast. Shr gave a final neview of the year'., scripture study, Psaim T, and use<' a totem pale model as part of be: abject lesson. The la,%t service of the seasor has taken an such a special sig nificance that the turn-out show, the hold this little chapel ha taken on the spirits of the people Eveny officer was thene arn toak his part-leaders McCantne, and Harrap canducting, presiden C. P. Robins neading the Psalms haonary president W. H. Carl-I 1Weak, Tired, Nervous, J. W. J EW~E LL Pepless Men, Women Cet New Vim, Vigor, Vitality "BIG 2p- Say goodbye ta thesweak. lwystired feelins PHONE 556 b Ud. fee girs epppy ail day. bLave pi.nty oraivtatarei oe!byevnng.Tak. O.UCeL Cotafl o. vitaoin i, calclUn. phosphrIifh 27 King St. W.. Bowmanvillle forblnbuildingC. body .rengtheî, timulation. , nsgOrateg ,3,tem lm 0 =.apette, diestive poWfers. til itte . New "Cet acquaintedAil@ on;Try 0,f fez Tonie Tabletu for new. Mrf- m pp, . vigor, tbla very day. AI a&U druggliItI ton giving the benediction prayer, Tpleasant *uimmcr in Canada with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey and Lois, Mrs. Constance Nash and Robin: her iter and farnily. Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tompkin, of White attending ta the tneasury, Mrs JisA. Tompkins, with whom Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hol- Dave Barr and Sid Gage usher- she «has been staying travellcd to royd with Mr. and Mrs. Tomp- ing. Montreal with her and will visit kins. Mr. Albert Bahl took as his! friends there. Mrs. J. Carter, Isobel and Fredl subject -for the marning's medita- Mn. and Mrs. D. Gatcheli and i were un Toronto for the wedding tian "Something to remember." It family were in Oshawa. of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Latremnoille seemed as if he were answering Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams with nec Audrey Sheppard. Mr. Ceci1 the heart's appeal "Tell me the Mn. and Mrs. Ed Cochrane. Coates, Mrs. J. MacMurry, Cheryl old, -old story" as hie simply told1 Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Avery and Jimmy Rowan with the Car- the incidents of Christ's life con- i in Toronto for the Ex. ters. firming our belief in His divine Miss Lois Stevanson in Toronto. Mkqs Berniece Haines, Oshawa, origin. Mn. and Mrs. Orland Bailey lef t was home. Grey Barrick's rendering Ofj here September 6 by motor for 1Mr. Bud Thresher, Toronto, ani Svork's "Going Home" and the 'Miami, Florida. Miss Ruby Baily were home. "Dear Land. of Home" from the -_____________ New World Symphony of Sibelius intensificd the emotions at part- Mr. Edwin Luttreli splendidly Nqr. and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman- sînging in his solo "Savicur again beg to announce to the public of ta Thy dear namne we raise, with ane accord our parting hymn of B w a vlea dVcnt With the heartfelt singing of' that they are now formlng classes In "God be with you tili wemetPao again" another chapter of the Singing, n, Organ and Thejory Chapel's stary came ta an end. Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. A. McNeil and Lynn, -Noci and Enid, Ottawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Mar- tin. The girls are staying with the Martins fan a few days pniar to returning ta Hatficld Hall, Co- bourg. Mrs. W. Baskerville and Mari- lyn in Oshawa. School has opencd aften a most wonderful holiday, wonderfuî but ail too short. Miss Hazel Powell is aur new teacher with twa be- ginners. Mn. Jim McKay bas netunned ta his home in Bnonte aften spend- ing the summer with Mn. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lais. Miss Lais Alldned visited Miss- es Doreen and Joan Alldned, On- ana. Misses Doreen and Elaine Pow- ell visited Mn. and Mns. Don Coul- ter, Downsview. Miss Alice Taylor, Courtice, and Miss Blanche Taylar,- Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bcd- win. Mn. and Mns. Charles Alldred, Barbara Ann and Bnian attended a family picnic at Cream of Ban- ley Park, Bowmanville. Miss Audney Adams with ber cousin, Miss Gladys Whitney, of Newcastle. Mn. Alfred De Groot and son John and Miss Louise Dorsey, Ro- chester, N.Y., with Mn. and Mrs. Alf. Brown. Mr. and Mns. Alfred Brown and Jack attended the Hanvest Home suppen at Tyrone. A large number of Lake Shore citizens helped hoost the Cana- dian National ExiXibition attend- ance up into the many thausands. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Martin wene visitons at Niagara Falls. BURKETON Weare glad ta wclcome Mn. and Mrs. Frankum ta aur community,I who bave taken raoms with Mn. and Mns. J. Curran. Schooî opened with a langer at- BoWy tendance. Mn. Fnankumn is aur new schaol teacher fram East To- ronto. # Mns. Isabel Preston, Enniskil- !en, is making her home with Mns. J. McLaughlin. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Hopley are rpaving ta New Glasgow, N.S., whcnc they bave a cottage, beingI unable ta find one bere. Mrs. David left bere by train for Mantreal where she will sail for Enghand September 9, after a Important!F COLONIAL COACH LINES NEW TIMETABLE Effective Sept. l5th Sevenal changes in scbedulcs will take place on the above date.' Patrons arc requestcd ta obtain NEW TIMETABLE. For complete information, please consult Your Local Agent: GARTON COACH LINES wmanville Tel. 2666 lI i-I ..lI .., Il 1. . Il the EACKDONE o f INDUSTRY EvWn in normal times, Caû-ddia'n ixidustry reauiresa lot of lumber. Expanding at the rapid rate of the last f ew years, industry's demands on the lumber trade have been without precedent in our history. Literally, every- body wants lumber . . . for more business, better homes, bigger offices. To the phenomenal demands made on it, the lumber industry's response has been remarkable. We are, as always endeavouring ta sup. ply your needs with quality hemlock, Jack pine, white pine and spruce. The Sheppard & GUIl LUMIER CO, LIMITED 'LE Ili - J4WMA?;VILlg - I r( I ~ t' ST. l. 'I Group piano classes under the auspices of The Canadian Bureau for the Advaneement of Music and Mrs. Workmafl an exponent of the Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Piano Method for children from 3 to 8 years. FEES REASONABLE Applications recelved, Mail Box 299 Phone 2606 Studio 64 Centre Street W. E. C. WORKMAN, L.L.C.M., R.M.T. MARGARET E. WORKMAN, A.L.C.M., R.M.1'. Thank You Sfudenfs! We wouhd like ta take this oppotunity ta thank ail the students fan thein kind pat- ronage and for their pa- tience and courtesy while bcing scrvcd on Tuesday. We wish tbem anc and ail the lbest of success during the caming school ycar. During the yean wc wil endeavaur ta give you the best af service no matter what yaun necds rnay be. Again, thank vou. PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, SEPT. kh, 1948 "M CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 4pu p