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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1948, p. 3

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THURSDAY, SEPT. Oth, 1948 1%ma few others in town hcatr OBITUARYed important prizes at fill fairs inj the good old days. After his re-1 ANDREW DILLING tirement however he was invited1 by university clinics to raise gui-1 Another member of the old nea pigs for their laboratories. He1 guard of Bowmanville, Andrew became a specialist in that linei Dîlling, passed away at his home and became widely known in cli- on Nelson St. Sunday morning,, ical circles. August 29, 1948. He had been He received his greatest thrill' in failirig health for some time i when Monica MIugan, Toronto ra-i and died peacefully at the age dio commentator over CKEY, of 82. Known to ail the oldtimers camne to his home and interview- and most off the people in tawn, ed him on his hobbies. But he Mr. Dilling was regarded as one always got a thrill when hisÈ of the finest men and most loy- neighbors and friends including1 able characters in the commun- the editor of The Statesman cali- ity. His hobbies off gardening, ed at his home to seek his expert poultry raising and pet animais -advice or to secure a fine puppy.c and pedigreed dogs attracted a Mr. Diliing was twice married, hast off friends to bis home year first to Agnes Hayes and secondlya aftçr year. And he was neyer to Annie Aicumback. He leaves1 too busy to stop and talk and to mourn bis passing, five daugh-a explain how to raise and feed ters and four sons; Mrs. Roy Mur- pets. That is a phase of good phy, Oshawa, Edward and An- citizenship that is too littie em- drew Dilling; Mrs. H. M. Tyrreil, phasized. For it marks a manýtoff Toronto; Mrs. Roland McDonald, character and frieridliness. California: Mrs. Almon Fletcher, Born in Bowmanville, Mr. Diii- Bowmanville and George and ing was the eldest son of the late Doris and Bernard Dilling. There t Mr. and Mrs. B. Dilling. Educat- are also five sisters and three bro-d ed in Bowmanville sehools he fol- thers and nineteen grandchildren lowed the trade off moulding for who remain to mourn a grand j many years ibeffore joining Good- old man. year-Bowmanville for a period off The funeral was held on Sep- 20 years. He retired eight years tember 7 with bis pastor Rev. S.a ago to devote bis whole time to R. Henderson off Trinity United t his interests about home. Church, conducting the services. F In earlier years Mr. Dilling Services were also held by the s raised pedigreed poultry and was n'embers off Florence Nightingale s a keen competitor among quite Lodge off which Mr.* Dilling xvasV FILTER QUEEN b Bagless Vacuum Ceaner FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WRITE OR PHONE your authorized dealer Je He McKEEVER PHONE 4377 OSHAWA, CoIlect 334 Athol St. E. RING'S TAXI FIVE NEW CJARS WHEN OUR CAB drives up ta your doar, you're about ta enjay the utmost in safe, caurteaus, de- pendable transportation service. 24 Hour Service - PASSENGERS INSURED Cali Us For Prompt Service IPRE Day LATHANGUE BROS. 92 an adherent and active member for 58 years. He was borne ta the grave in Bowmanville Ceme- tery by ffellow members. A great number off floral wreaths off re- membrance were carried to the graveside by grandsons, nephews and friends. Friends and relatives from a distance who attended the funeral included: Mr. and Mrs. William Clair, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Towýns, Mrs. Philip Alcumback, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Terrill and daughter, Mrs. M. Foster, Mr. Bob Martin and Mr. Douglas Norton, ahl off Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. Ken -Flet- cher; Mrs. William Cowle; Mrs. E. Hastings and Mrs. C. Gamble, ail off Oshawa; Mrs. Gea. Giies, Part Hope, Mr. Frank Todgham and many others. STARK VILLE Mrs. Shutka attended the chris- tening off Mi. and Mrs. Rogers' daughter in Oshawa. Miss Helen Deckert, Toronto, with friends here. Friends and neighbors enjoyed a pleasant evening an Friday at the home off Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow on the accasion off their siuver wedding anniversary. The surprised couple were presented with a cabinet off silver and a siuver creamn and sugar set. Mr. and Mrs. Farrow made fitting re- plies. Mr. and Mis. R. Lowery and family, Toronto, with Mr. andi VIrs. A. Dobson. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toron- to, with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mr. Reid Wood spent a pleas- ant holiday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and daughter were in Oshawa. Mr. A. Minto spent the week- end in Toronto. Mr. Warren Curson is havîng his place wired for electricity. A happy event took place when M~iss Doreen Farrow was united n marriage ta James Lowery on Saturday. We extend best wishes and congratulations. Miss Helena Halloweil spent the veekend at home. Mr. Maurice Hallowell spent a èew days in Toronto. Schooi re-opened with Miss Mc- Donald in charge. Mr. R. Bolton, Toronto, was In the vicinity. Mr. Ross Haliowell spent Sat- urday at the C.N.E. Mr. Jacob Hallowell won ffourth place in the Old Time Fiddlers' aontest at the C.N.E. Well done! Mrs. Frank Stone's sale was well attended. Mrs. W. A. Hallowell with Mr. nd Mrs. Ross Hallowell an Fri- ay. ,Mrs. Etwell is in Uxbridge ow- ig ta the illness off ber father. Mr. and Mrs. Coulson, Oshawa, 7isited Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Mrs. J. Hallowell spent a few lays in Toronto. t a d i y dý AUl merchandise sold ?',at youî Dominion Store lu uncondition- ally guaraateed to give 100% satisfac~- tion. Experienced Dominion warld markets ffor fo woth, day in, day out UNCONDITIONAL GL NEW PACK-B.C. FA!, SALMOI 1>ARhIIIIL-STD. PEACHEA RED CHERI CÎLASS1,I O-IV~ITIH PEC PLUM Jà STEL!A-(IIOICE CI WAX BEAU RICI.%rLLO-On V.NGE TEA BAC HEINZ-PU7RE TOMATi KETCHUI VARIOUS IADS-El MILK lSUIIRP%'FFS-OIRANGE MARMALAI RICHMEILLO TEA ORANGE PI Ontario No. 1 Firm, Dry 4 Cooking -4Is Ontaro Grown, Washed EGGS WA We pay highest marketp pîng tags availablse t our for particulars. Reg. g t J, 1e~ e, id s c c I y ~ w . * m - - SOMINION LYCItI IOMIUD %lmýDOMIION> i food buyeis are constantl y seaiching aur Canadian producing areas and )ds you want. Their alertness to quality and value assures you your mnoney'. t, at Dominion. Yes, and the ffoods yau buy are backed by Dominion' UARANTEE off satisfaction. LNCY Coo Caa!/'o Inn33c Pink '/Z's Tn23c S 20 z.4 !ERHOUSE-PITTED RIES Tinz.31c ýTIN-RED 24 FI.s aS2m20oz.a ;E PEKOE pkS ~~34c ETO 13 Oz. 'VAPORATED 2 16 Oz.q »E oz.d2',38c EKOE 8 r «O 16 Oz. , Cello Pkg. 16 Oz. u~ Pkg.17 JOLLY GOOD PITTED DATES p'g.dhW SIIELLED PECANS SHELLED ALMONDS SHELLED-PIECES 4O .2 7 c 4 Oz. Pkg. 1 9C Pkg: 25C RICH31ELLO-FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE 8z. 2 6cb.IL ic FI'RNITURE POLIS!! O' C E DA R 80. 29C KEENS-DRY MUSTARD Tin 35C A ÏLlNER-DEpBROWVNED P@wk & Beans 2'T'ios23c [FÀPI1 Er,àG 15C Gréen Pascal 1 Clapp 15c Celery - 36's - 2 for 19c er 'NTED prices for eggs. Ship- ýrstores. See manager gradi'hg statian 0-29. Ontario Head 36's Lelluce - 2 for 19c m Oqi.79c No. 1 Peaches - Highest Quality WATCH OUR W1INDOWS TEE CANADVA11 TATESM1t WOWI£NPAGETW nWrAWT The Bride Cuts the Cake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. St. John who were married in Bowman- ville, Saturday, afternoon, August 21. Formerly Ruth Isabelle Abernethy, the bride is the daughter off Mr. and Mrs. James H. Abernethy, Bowmanville, and the bridegroomn is the son off Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd St. John off Sunderland. .WESLEY VILLE Sunday Sehool was heid at il with an attendance off 34 and al teachers present. Church was held at 7:30) with Dr. Oke preach- ing on the ability ta transcend, taken ffrom the first chapter off Timothy. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholis, Gloria and Mrs. W. T. Nichoîls motored ta Lakeport, N.Y., ta at- tend the wedding off their cousin. They also visited relatives in 01- ean. Miss Helene Barrowclough ne- turned ta Lakeport ta take up Ier duties as school teacher. Mn. Neal Nichails xisited his sister, Mrs. Earl Maynard in Tor- onto. Pearl Austin and Bill Barrow- clough will be the two new pu- plis ta attend scho'al. Miss Dora Anderson returned ffrom Westmeath ta commence ber school teaching duties here. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke and family spent Saturday with Mr. and Mis. Walter Long- year at Elizabethyille. Mr.' and Mrs. George Martyn and Lyn, Welcome, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholls were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Donaldson and Miss Betty Mackie, Montreal, and Mr. Sidney Lackhart, Port Hope. NE WTON VILLE Back ta school on Tuesday. Mis. Giimen-Smith visitcd her sister, Mrs. Jas. Payne, Toronto. Mri. and Mrs. G. Gienny and daughters. Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harcourt. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt have returned ffîom their mator trip and are now spending a quiet two weeks at their cottage at Rîce Lake. Miss Marion Osborne, Welcome, visited ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mrs. Stanley Rowe and son. Doug, Mis. Frank Gilmer and sons, Jim and Philip visited in Niagara Falls. During the holidays a new chimney was built at the Public School and alsa a dozen new desks arrived making a total off twe nty -n ine. Mis. John Cotter, Port Hope, is visiting Mrs . Sam Smith. Sympathy is extended ta the ffamily off Mr. Fred Hoidaway who was laid ta îcst in Orono Ceme- tery on Sunday affteînoon. Miss Edna Denault began her duties in Lane's store thiis week. Mis. Thos. Burkeil, Hamilton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cle- ]and Lane. Mr. and Mis. Harry Lane i , Leone are visiting bis mothei, Mis. Wm. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thompson, off Toronto, are visiting bis aunt, Mis. S. Aînott. Miss Allie Nesbitt wbo bas been hoiidaying at home bas îeturned ta ber dutics in Toronto. Miss Bertha Crowhuîst and ber brother, Mr.- Ernest Crowhurst, Toronto. are visiting Mr. and Mis. Jas. Daynard. Mis. Peter Laing, Orono, is vis- iting Mr. Wm. and Miss Isobel Laing. Mi. and Mrs. Clifford Robb, off Montreal, Miss Carol Brooks, Toi- onto, and Mr. and Mis. Noel Brooks, Montreal, are holidaying in the cottage. Mis. Raymond Bruce is visiting ffiends in Bancroft. Mi. and Mis. Willard Lockbart, and daughter, Florence, Niagara Falls, N.Y.. visited ber mother, Mis. John Lancaster.' Miss Bertha Thompson retuin- ed home fînni Selkirk on Fiiday. Sorry ta hea-r off the illness off Mi. J. J. Mellor who resided in oui midst. When your IACK' ACHES**. action. When kidneys get out oà order exceu acids and poisons remnain in the syaten. Then backache, headacbe, rheumaîic pain, dis- turbed rest or Ébat 'tired out' feeling masy mon foIiow. Ta help keep your kidneys workint propehly-..use Dodd's Kidney Pilla. 1 âne-tested popular, &éfe, non-hajai-fom- mng. b:=an Dodd'à Kidney PilU, in thse blase box with the. red band. Sold everyvisem . 35 IDodd KinwPgiis SOLINA Miss Evelyn Taylor was hon- ored by friends and members off the Young Peaple's Union with the presentation off a Waterman's nurse's set off pen, pencil and thermometer. Evelyn lefft last week ta commence training at Civic Hospital, Peterbaro, and the best wishps off her friends are extended. The neception ffollowing the Is- engard-Hamer wedding at Brook- lin United Church Saturday was beld at the home off the bride's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer, Salins. Those who assisted in serving the guests were Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. John Baker Jr. and Misses Dorothy Hardy, Gladys Yellow- lees and Elma Cryderman. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Toms, Miss Jean Toms, Puiple Hill, Messrs. Milton and Lloyd Siemon, Haydon, Mr. Gardon Slemon, To- ronto, at Russell Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. No rman Buss, Mr. Walter Buss and Grant, Thorn- ton's Corners, Mr. and Mis. Har- aid Mowbray and Grant, Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ho rtop, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lunney, Mr. and Mis. Aiex Cameron, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Barton, Eleanor, Colleen and Clif- fard, Oshawa, at Mr. Harvey H{ar- Miss Ida Reynolds, Mr. and Mis. Wilfîed Starkey, Mr-. Bill Star- key, Toronto, Mn. and Mis. Non- man Buss, Mi. Walter Buss and Grant. Thointon's Corners, at J. W. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mis. David Maînison, Oshawa, at Laine Kellett's. Mi. and Mis. Wes Yellowlees and Harold at Claie Ailin's, Bow- m an ville. Miss Nan Allin, Toronto, Mn. Robert Aluin, Bawmanville, at Wes Yellowlees'. Mi. and Mis. Allan Balson, Ju- dy, Peter and David, Cataiaqui, Mr. aiad Mis. Harold Baison and Gene, Bowmanville, at A. J. Bal- san's. Mi. and Mis. Nelson Chapin, Long Island City, N.Y., Mi. and Mis. Claie Thomas and daugh- ter Marjorie, Oîillia, called an ffiends in the village. 1 1 1 Mr. and Mis. J. L. Rook, Ton- onto, with Mi. and Mis. F. Swai- low. Miss Marion Snowden, Toron- to, with ber parents, Mi. and Mis. C. H .Snowden. Master David Bowen with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. Albert Brown, Hamilton, with bis wiffe and ffamily at Mi. C. H. Snowden's. Church School will be held next Suinday at 10:30 a.m. No service in the affternoon on ac- counit off speciai service at Ebene- zer. Scbool re-opened on Tuesday with a good number in attendance and Mi. Ray Bowen as principal in charge off Senior room and Mis. Mofffatt in charge off Junior noom. Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, daughteîs Lorraine, Gaîl, Betty, Mi. and Mis. Roy Van Camp, Miss Joyce Van Camp, Base Line, vis- 435 GEORGE STREET. PETERBOROUGH, ON7ARIO 'I ited their father, Mr. Sam Snow- den and Mrs. Snowden at Gail's Beach on Rice Lake on Sunday ta help their father celebrate bis 84th birthday, also Mr. and Mrs. Snowden's 25th wedding anniver- sary. The many friends off Mr. R. L. Warden are very sorry to hear that he is not progressing very ffavarabiy after bis operation in Toronto Western Generai Hospi- tal. Don't forget the Institute meet- ing on Monday evening, Septem- ber 13 at 8 li.m. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- man spent the weekend with ffriends in Toronto and Gooder- ham and other places off interest. ENFIELD Miss Mel Harper and Miss Or- pha Harper, Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. Evelyn Whiilier, Mr. Wilfrid Mc- IClary and Miss Vera Stinson, To- ronto, Mrs. Wm. Argue, Manvers Station, Mr. and Mrs. Les Argue and family, Burketon, with Nor- man and Mrs. H. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Calvan Niddery and Bobbie, Mr. A. E. Niddery, Toronto, at Wallace Pascoe's. Among those who attended Les Cochrane's sale were members off orW.A. who sold reffreshments. Livestock and eats bath sold es- pecially well. SALEM Salem Woman's Association met on Thursday evening, August 26 as the guests off Mrs. C. W. Slem- on, Bowmanville. President Mrs. L. Welsh opened the meeting and conducted the devotional and bus- iness periods. Mrs. D. Pugh in- troduced the speaker, Mrs. C. Daw off Hampton. Mrs. Daw spent several years on the Cana- dian prairies and she told off the courage displayed by the western people during the opening off the Meadow Lake district affter sever- ai years off drought in more sou- thern districts. At the close off the meeting Mrs. Pugh and her' group served lunch assisted by the hostess. BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford spent the weekenid in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. C. McGil and children, Port Perry, with Mrs. Luther Mountjoy. Misses Joyce Venning and Wil- da Steele visited in Peterboro. Mrs. John Thompsan, Mr. and MrF. Cecil Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jordan and Jackie, with Ml-s. Geo. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde, Patsy and Linda, Toronto, xith Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue. Mr. and Mrs. Harald Farder, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally, Coiborne, with Mrs. Jos. Farder. Mr. and Mrs. John Werry and Anne Marie, Guelph, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry. Anne Marie was baptized by Rev. R. B. Harrison at the United Church service on Sunday evening. Schools opened on Tuesday morning with the following tea- chers: Blackstock Public School, Miss Phyllis Gray; Cadmus, Mr. E. A. McCabe; Purpie Hill, Miss Jean Torrey; Mahoods, Mrs. Har- old Crawford; Egypt, Mrs. John Venning; Archers, Miss Lois Lar- mer; Caesarea, Mr. Grant Camp- bell; Devitts, Miss Thelma Fergu- son. At the Continuation School, R. P. Allun, C. R. Sutherland. Mrs. E. Butler and Wm. Kieser. There is a gaod bus system in Cart- wright so everything should be offf ta a gaod start. Mis. George Downing, Torofito, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson, Da-- vid and Barry, Windsor MariUyzi Robert, Néw 'York, and Charly-( wyn Downing, Port Credit, were visitors at F. W. Bowen's. SMr. anâ Mrs. Luther Sappen-' field, Mrs. Hyndman and bîbYý arrived at the Bowen farm Thur9,w day night from Lawrencebur& Indiana, and on Friday took Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reddick, King. Mr. Wm. Gibson and frJer4 Miss Mary Myles, Miss Mary Gibe son. Toronto, spent the holiday at Chas. Gibson's. Our school opens. thi, .wýk with a new teacher, Mis. Fred X4um cett, Orono, in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner andi Helen visited friends in the city and attended the Ex. Helen id starting ta Newcastle High Sehool this week. Lenore Osborne ancl Ivan Bernard are goîng to Bow4 manville school. We wish therd success on their new studies. Gerald Gibson and Marion M Reelis are starting to No. 9 schod this week. Bowmanville Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR I 'I r 1 WANT 10 KNOW a@. Is an endowment policy best for a business w0on?2 For the business waman with no dependants. an endawment policy la fi». quently the mot~ satisfactory. If you remain single, yau can be sure of aecurity and independence in lacer yeara. If you marry, the nsurance wiUl be a vainable addition to your mutual security.1 The endowment incarne plan may or may nat be best fqr 'om. Make an appointaient ta sce yur Mutual Life of Canada agent taday. Ie wili ciplain ta you the special benefirs off cd type of policy. and help ym determine your own particulaz zequirements. Praviding fel insurance service since.1869 Bîanch Off ice: HEAD OwuICI WATERLOO, ONT. GIRLS'1 .First-of-Season Special $15M95 Each SEE THESE SPECIAL FEATURES IN THIS LARGE CHOICE 0F GIRLS' COATS SIZES 8 TO 14X Ail wool fabrics Quilted and plain linings * Interlined * Some with hoods * Fur trimmed and untrimmed * Low price of $15.95 ?daL6e4 14L,?P4 Phone 451 Bowmanville .~-p-c~ Cctnadct's 'tr At last YowcCOI forget your dry cleaniniq worrieo Our famous 5anî'tone 5ervîe & ithe answer to ail yowr probiemas. Oshawa Laundry & Dryý Cleaning Phone Zenith 13000 Oshawa AUSTRALIAN-CLEANED R AI1SI1NSJ AUSTnALi,%'2 ICLANED CURRANTS WALKER'S Present FIRST - 0F - SEASON SPEGIAL bCOATS TH-E MODE RN STORE Mr. and Mrs. Varty, Gwendo- iyfl, Marvin, Danny and Jo Anne, West Guildfford, Haliburton, spent a few hnlidays with Mr. and Mrs. McReelis. Mrs. Harold Gibson and BMtty spent a couple of days in the clty. - - - - ommor THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO l' 1 1 PETERBOROUGH, ONWARIO c INA pqqv nnruwa,. i Bowinanville

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