?HUUDAYSEPT. lSth, 1048 The present hs neyer our ob- A case-hardened city reporter, ject;. the past and the present we asigfled to cover a nudist conven- u». ae ieans; the future onlly la tion ini New Jersey, lost his poise when he was required to "dress" Our fnd. Thus, w. neyer live, for the occasion iy exchanging we OmlY hope tb live.Pascal. his clothung for an identity disc. GET MORE FORYOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE FOR GENERALS with the Tire Tread that is non-cupping, wears slowly and evenly, delivers longer mileage «Tour womn risky tires are worth more in trade for Top-Quality Generals. Don't let thern go until you get our proposition. Corne in today. We'l1 go the lirnit Io give you a TraLde-In deal you can't refuse. GF. Jamieson Tire Shop Corner King and Silver Sts., Bowmanville Phone 467 NICKEL STit BUYS REFRESHING PAUSE HANDLY 9S CARDONATED DEVERAGES OSHAWA PHONE 755 THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Blacksiock anid P Have Splendid M~ Opening the district fall fair circuit, Port Perry held a show Labor Day that attracted more exhibfts and a greater crowd thar for years past. A big feature was the harness horse racing and both light and heavy horse classes. In fact the livestock entries ail along the line were out in large num- bers and of high class quality. Lists of winners received at the Statesman gave names of exhib- itars without their addresses, but we believe scores of important prizes were won by Durhamr County residents. In the light horse division,' Geo. Cawker, of Bowmanville, toolc lst and 2nc for saddle horses. Arlie North- cutt won 2nd on his yearling roadster and Barbara Ann Rolph, Orono, won first as a lady driver and other awards in class judg- ing. In both the heavy and lighl horse classes, the Cochrane hor- ses from Cartwright and others fromn North Durham won many prizes. J. T. Brown, Newcastle, also won.placements on his heay draught teams. The sheep classes brought oui keen competition among F. Snow- den, J. M. Fisher, G. Cochrane, Farder Bros., and Jack Green. Harvey Brooks was a whnner in the poultry classes. In the Shorthonn classes, New- ton Taylor and Son did well in competition with strong entries of Russell Richardson and Son, Ashburn. Elmeroit Farms, Osh- awa, won the major champion. ships in the Holstein black and white class. We regret that the lists provided did flot more clear. ly distlnguish winners fromn Dur- ham County. Blackstock Fait Following Port Perry and pre- ceding Orono Fair, the Blackstock Fair on Sept. 8th also produced record exhibits and a record crowd. Competition in aIl sec- tions was keen and we are for- tunate in ha'ving secured from the management the following lists of winners. Herses Light or heavy draught-Brood mare, Boyd and Son; 2-year-old colt, Earl Dorreli and Son; 1- year-old colt, Dorrell and Son; foal, Boyd and Son. Commercial, Percheron or Bel- glan-Brood mare, Arnold Tay- lor, Wilmot Shea, E. Harris; 2- year-old colt, Shea, Orval Stone, Frank Staniland; 1-year-old colt, W. Shea, Les Cochrane; foal, Ed Harris, W. Shea, A. Taylor. Harness Classes, heavy draught team-Haig Kelly; light draught team, Tom Cory, H. Kelly, Boyd and Son; Percheron or Belgian team, W. Shea, L. Cochrane, R. C. Moynes; commercial team, R. Cochrane, Jas. Brown, R. Coch- rane; commercial single, 1 and 2, A. Cochrane; ingle on rein, 1 and 2, H. Kelly; best agricultural teaxa. H. Kelly. Saddter special, Dorreli and Son; Percheron on rein, R. Coch- rane, W. Shea; four-horse team, T. Cary and Wilmot Shea, R. Ca- chrane. Ligbt Horses-Roadsters, mare, brood, 1 and 2, L. M. Blight, 3, W. Wheeler. Carriage-Brood mare, 1 and 2, R. Cochrane, 3, R. Saddler; 2- year-old colt, 1 and 3, F. Baldwin, 2, L. M. Blight; 1-year-old colt, G. Cochrane, R. Cochrane, R. Saddler; roadster, foal, L. M. Blight, Dorreli and Son, J. Law- rence; carrnage, foal, 1 and 2, R. Cochrane, 3, G. Cochrane; road- ster team, I. Cochrane, G. Cadh- rane, W. Wheeîer: carniage team, R. Saddler, F. Baldwin, ingle raadster, under 151/ hands, 1. Ca- chrane, G. Cochrane, W. J. Car- can; roadster, over 15ý G. Coch- ranle, I. Cochrane, Ed. Harris; carniage, single, under 151/, R. Saddîer, F. Baldwin; carniage, ov- er 151'2, R. Saddler, F. Baldwin. Gentleman's turnaut, W. Wheel- or, 1. Cochrane, G. Cochrane; la- dy driver, Mrs. W. Wheeler, F. Baldwin, B. Cochrane; 3-year-old in barness, I. Cochrane, F. Bald- win, Ed. Harris; roadster team race, 1. Cochrane, G. Cochrane; oadster single race, I. Cochrane, W. Wheeler, W. J. Carson; ingle, on rein, R. Saddler, I. Cochrane, F. Baldwin; saddîe horses, 1 and 2, Gea. Cawker; ponies, ingle, in harness, 1 and 3, L. M. Blight, 2, W. Wheeîer; pony teamn, W. Wheeler; pany ingle, 1, 2 and 3,' W. Wheeler; single saddle, L. M. Bîight, H. Mitchell, G. Cochrane; lori Perry Fairs xhihifs, Atiendance rpony race, R. Mitchell, 2 and 3, v Ray Cochrane; best horse on egrounds, Haig Kelly. Il Cattle s Shorthorn, registered-Èull, 2 àyears, F. Rickard and Son; bull, 1 ryear, L. Taylor; cow, W. F. Rick- 9 ard, L. Taylor; helfer, 2 ycars, L. Taylor, W. F. Rickard; heifer, 1 year, W. F. Rickard, L. Taylor; eheifer caif, W. F. Rickard, N. Tay- *lor and Sons; bull caîf, W. F. Rtc- kard, L. Taylor. Shorthorn, grade&--cow, 1 and t 2, P. Van Camp; heifer, 2 years,. L. f Taylor; heifer, 1 year, L. Taylor, Percy Van Camp; lieider calf, P., Van Camp, Bill Ferguson. L. rde Angus-Buil, 2 ears, L.Suggitt, R. Marquis; bull, 1 ryear, R. Marquis; cow, R. Mar- quis, L. Suggitt; hieider, 2 years, R. Marquis; heifer, 1 year, 1 and 2, R. Marquis; heifer cali, 1 and t2, R. Marquis. 1-ereford-Buill 2 vears. I. A. mangolds, any other variety, M.rs. Brithour, Mrs. Baird, Fred Tre- win; tomatoes, Doris Hamilton, E. Larmer, N. Malcolmn; watcrmel- ons, Mns. Brithour; citrons, Mrs. Brithour; yellow table corn, Bill Ferguson, Mrs. Erithour, P. Van Camp; sheaf, ensilage corn, B. Taylor, E. Larmer; collection of vegetables, Beryl Larmer, Doris Hamilton; fali cabbage, Mrs. Baird, Mms. Brithour; parsnips, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Brîthour, B. Tay- lor. Apples Spy, B. Taylor; Snows, B. Tay- lor. Talman Sweets, B.. Taylor; Wealthy, N. Malcolmn, B. Taylor; Rhode Island Greening, B. Tay- lor; McIntosh, B. Taylor. ]Poultry Rock, cock, Mrs. Brithour; rock, hen, Mrs. Brithour, Doris Ham- ilton; cockerel, Mrs. Brithour; pullet, Mrs. Brithour; New Hamp- shire, cock, N. Taylor and Sons, Mrs. Brithour; hen, B. Taylor, Mrs. Brithour; cockerel, Mrs. Bri thour; pullet, Mrs. Brithour; white leghorn, cock, Mrs. Brit- hour; hen, MrUs. Bnithour; cocker- el, Mrs. Brithour; puflet, Mrs. Wcstlake, b(rs. Ruttle; shopping bag, Mrs. Lowe, V. Eutson; soc- kees, knit, N. Malcolma; sweater pullover, N. Malcolma, V. Butson; girls' dress, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Rut- tle. Men'a Wear Boy's windbr'eaker, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Lowe; mitts, knit, O. West- lake, Mrs. Lowè. pyjama suit, cot- ton, Mrs. Baird, V. Butson; pyja- ma suit, flannellette, V. Butson, Mrs. S. Moore; work socks, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Baird; socks, fancy, Mrs. Ruttle, N. Malcolm; sweat- er coat, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Ruttle; work shirt, Mrs. Baird, V. Butson; sport shirt, V. Butson, Mrs. Rut- Uce; wool sleeveless sweater, O. Westlake, Mrs. Lowe; bedspread,1 knit, V. Butson; bedspread, croch- eted, Mrs. Reg Boundy, Mrs. Baird. Qull. Applequed and emb, N. Mal- colm, Mrs. Moore; applequed, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Moore; cotton pieced, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Moore; fancy quilting, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Baird; crib quilt, N. Malcolm, V. But- son. -y01- ritnour; lignt sussex, cocl<, D~. Rugs and Mats SRosevear, G. Stapleton; cow, G. Hamilton, Mrs. Brithour; hen, Rag hooked, N. Malcolm, L. rStapleton, Rosevear; heifer, 2 Mrs. Brithour, D. Hamilton. usnrabaieM .Rtl, years, Rosevear, Stapieton; heuf- Turkey, female, 1 and 2, Mrs. . Butson a. rieMs ute er, 1 year, Rosevear, Stapleton; Brithour; gander, N. Taylor and V Liutsng.omAceSr heifer caîf, Rasevear, Stapleton;SnMs rtor osTy Sbull cali, Stapleton, Rosevear. ln; andSonsM s; rihor se, rTay Livian n oomrAss MoreN Best fat steer, L. Suggitt, Rose on and Sns; Mr Bithour; Afgan ni, Mrs. Wetae e Maloor ce, N vear; best herd sire, W. F. Rick- daeMs Brithour; duckicen , Mrs. tteflds a Westlake, Noree acl;co- ard; best herd, any bee! brocd, W. hour.r e hcesMs rt erfenlcotla Wsta, ore- F. Rickard, R. Marquis. mni Sineeen Malcotl ushon crche- Holstoins - Bull, 2 years, N. Nmeti cincoemr cs ti, Noreen Mal-e *Malcolm; bull, 1 yoar, H. Farder; 5 lbs. butter in prints, Mrs.. N. lcol cushion, nit, MrsfMoor, cow, Dorrell and Son, N. Mal- Green, Mrs. E. Brethour; 1 dozen N. Malcolm, L. Butson; needie- scalm; heifer, 2 years, L. Malcolm, white eggs, Mrs. N. Green, Mrs.pitNMaclrs ule N. Malcolm; heifer, i year, 1 and E. Brethour, Mrs. G. Baird; O 1 N.MlclMr.Rute 2, N. Malcolm; heifer caîf, N. dozen brown eggs, Mrs. P. 'Van Dining Room Accessories Malcolm, H. Farder; bull caîf, L. Camp, Mrs. E. Brethour, B. Fer- Buffet set, Mrs. Lowe, N. Mal- *Mlcalm; best herd, N. Malcolm, gusan; white bread, Mrs. R. Tay- colm; centerpiece, emb., N. Mal- *L. Malcolm, H. Farder. lor, Mrs. E. Brethour; brown colm, Mrs. Lowe; place mats, N. Sheep bread, Mrs. Brethaur; buns, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Lowe; lace table Leîcesters-Aged ram, 1, Jack Brethour; plain biscuits, Mrs. cloth. N. Malcolm, Alice Farder; Gree, 2and3, . Frde; searBrethour, N. Malcolm, Mrs. N. Lunchean cloth and serviettes, N. iG r,an, H. Farder; sh Gear- Green; gems, graham flour, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Lowe; tea cosy, lin ra, . Frde, . Gee; Brethour, Mrs. N. Green, Noreen wool, Mrs. Lowo, Mrs. Baird. ram lamb, 1 and 2, H. Farder, 3, Malcolm; oatmeal cookios, Mrs. R. Bcd Room Accessorles J. Green; aged ewe, H. Farder,, Baundy, Mrs. Brethour, Mrs. DrsngtbeeN.Mcom J.e Greand ,E. Larer sacingBaird-, butter tarts, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Lowe; pair pillow cases, cut- Gee nd 2e, . are, H.~ Mrs. Brethour, N. Malcolmn; date work, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Baird; Goren;eE Lamb . G n and nut boai, N. Malcolm, Mrs. pair pillow cases, emb., N. Mial- Farde, E. armer Mrs. D. Dorrelli; hght colm, Ola Westlakè; pair pillow Shropshire - Lloyd Skinner.Bouyerc, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. D. cases' lace trimmed, Mrs. Ruttle, wvon all prizes. Dorrell, N. Malcolm; angel cake, Mrs. Lowe; bath towel, trimmed, Southdown -Aged ram, Boyd r.BudMs rtor r-Ms onyL.usn;cch- Ayre, G. Trevail; shearling ram, DMr BoundMs. Br eu, Mrs.MsBunyL.utn;coh- Trevail, Ayre; ram lamb, D.Drrl; upinpeMs ed towel, trimmed, Mrs. Boun- Treail aed weTrvai, Are Boundy, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Bret- dy, Mrs. Ruttle; towel, emb., V. Treai; aedewe TevalAyre;hur aisin pie, Mrs. Boundy, Butson. L. Butson; towel cutwark, shoaln , Ayre ; w.a Mrs. Brethour, N. Malcolm; ap- Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Lowe; towel, Oxfords-Aged ram, 1 and 2, pie pie, Mrs. Brothour, Mrs. Boun- guest, Mrs. Baird, L. Butson. F. Trewin, 3, Foster Snowden; dy N. Malcolm; lemon pie, N. Miscellaneous shearlîng ram, F. Trewin, F. Malcolmn, Boundy, Green; ways toA rilmaefo ousck Snawden, M. Fisher; ram lamb, serve apples, Malcolm, Brethour rticleamrde N.Marom;orisace Snowden, Fisher, Trewin; shear Dorroîl; salad plate, Darrell, eb, Mrs. idN.Lo, rBide lin ew, 1 Trwin 2 nd , F Boundy, Brothaur; honey, Bret-sembMsLweMr.Brd lingewe 1,Trein,2 ad 3 F.hour Green; mnaple syrup, Bret- button hales on finished garment, Snowden; ewe tamb, Snowden, haur: N. Malcalm.» Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Lowe; card table Trewîn, Ficher, caver, Mrs. Lowe, V. Butson; cross Hampshires - Milton Ficher Canning stitch on finished artcile, Mrs. won ail prizes. Whole tomatoos, Boundy, Doris Lowe, L. Butson; cut work, emb., Market lamb, any breed, G. Hamilton, Mrs. Green; beans, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Baundy; hot wa- Trevail, M. Fisher, L. Skirfher; Baundy, Malcolm, Brethour; peas, ter bottle caver, knit, Mrs. Lowe, market lamb, shown by boy or Brethour, Boundy; beets, Bret- A. Farder; labor saving device, girl in Cartwright, Delton Fish- hour, Boundy, Doris Hamilton; Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Boundy; ail cloth er, Barry Fisher. strawberries, Boundy, Brethour, novelties, Mrs. Ruttle; plain pat- Swine Malcolm; raspberries, Boundy, ching an tamn garment, Mrs. Yarkshire - Boar, E. Larmer Brethour, florreil; cherries, Mal- Boundy, Mrs. Baird; pot holder, sow, raised pigs this year, 1 and colin, Brethour, Boundy; peaches, Mrs. Baird, N. Malcolm; tea tow- 2, J. Green, E. Larmer; boar, 3 ta Boundy, Malcolm, Brethour. els, Mrs. Boundy, O. Westlake; 7 mas., 1 and 2, J. Green; sow 3 Pickles collection ai fancy work, Mmc. to 7 mas., 1, J. Green, 2 and 3, P. Corn relish, Boundy, Brethour; Lowe; most pointsin domestic sci- Van Camp. chapped pickles, Boundy. Baird, ence and fancy work, Mrs. Reg. Tamworth-Boar, L. Taylor, P. Brethour; cucumbers, Boundy, Boundy. Trewin; sow, raised pigs this year, Brethour, Malcolm; breid and Teen-Age Girls L. Taylor, N. Taylor and Sons; butter pickles, Malcolm, Boundy, Dirndl skirt, Doris Hamilton; boar, 3 ta 7 mas., L. Taylor, F. Green; mustard beans, Malcolm, peasant apran, Doris Hamilton, D. Trewin; saw, 3 ta 7 mos., 1 and Boundy, Brethour; beets, Boundy. Van Camp; sewing kit, Doris 3, F. Tewin, 2, L. Taylor; herd, Malcolm, Green. Hamilton; woven scari, Helan J. Green, 'F. Trewin. Robin Hood Flour Special - Toms, Clara Marlaw; tea towels, Grain and Seeds Bread, Mrs. R. Taylor; spange D. Van Camp: dressed doîl, D. Fait wheat, white, S. Van Camp, cake, Baundy; apple pie, Bret- Hamilton. G. Baird, E. Lammer; peas, smaîî' hour; oat cookies, Brethour; tea Teen-Age Boys Mrs. Gea. Baird; oats, white, car- but, Rbbo ainrowc Tool box, Harîey Jackson, Gem- ly, E. Lammer, Mrs. E. Brithour, E. Bpcl e b iscuts Mm. lie ald Jackson; collection ai hand- Swain; oats, late, Mrs. Baird, E. FpaerBehoiurtBoundy.Alc made tools, G. Jackson; bedside Swain, Mms. Brithour; barley, 6- Magic ,Bakîng P, owdrSoca stand, Allan Rahm, H. Jackson; rowed, J. Baird, E. Swain, Mrs. -Mags, D. Dommoîl, Baundy. model houce, Wayne Venning, Baird; white beans, Mrs. I. Lowe, Las.Di oes' Fncy orkd Glen Van Camp; step ladder, Ric- Mrs. Baird; Beaver aats, E. Larm- ais ac okhr a ap al ap lc er, E. Swain, Mrs. Baird; fall Children's wear - Baby's woo htrd Van Cmp; able, Jahn, dec- &et, knitted, Ola Westlake, Mrs. tiJmi arJh am wheat, sheaf, Mrs. Brithour, Mrs. Russell; baby's wooî set, croch- er. Bairdshfryat, Mrs. Brird- eted, Alice Farder, O. Westîake; Plants and Flowers hou, Ms.Baid.baby's wool dress, knit, N. Mal- Asters, Mrs. D. Darroîl, N. Mal- Roots and Vegetables colm, Mms. D. Dorrell; baby's colm; gladialus, D. Mambow, N.ý Potatoes, early, Mms. Lowe, dress, short, fancy, 0. Westlake, Malcolm; collection ai cut flaw- Mrs. Baird, B. Taylor; potatoos, V. Butson; baby's fancy carniage ors, D. Marlow, Beryl Larmer; late, Mrs. Lowe, Mms. Baird, E. caver, V. Butson, Mrs. D. Dom- high basket, D. Marlow; low bas- Swain; turnips, ieed, Mrs. Brit- rell; child's dress, smocked, Ola ket, D. Malow, N. Malcolm; hour, Mrs. Baird, Bill Fergucon; Westlake, L. Butson; boy's sun phlox, Mrs. Moore; snapdmagans, turnips, table, Mrs. Brithour, B. suit, L. Butson, V. Butson; girlS N. Malcolm, Mms. Darreil; zinnias, Fergucan; carrots, table, Mrs. sun dress, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Sandy Mrs. Dorrell, N. Malcolm, petun- Brithour, B. Taylor, B. Ferguson; Moore; bay's knitted wool suit, O. ias, Mrs. Moore, D. Marlow; verb- winter ca-bbage, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Westlake, Mrs. D. Dorreil. enas, Mrs. Moore; nasturtiums, N. Brithour, B. Taylor; hubbard Ladies' Wear Malcolm; marigolds, Airican, B. squash, Noreen Malcolm, B. Tay- Apran, fancy, 0. Westlake, N. Taylor, Mrs. Dorrell; marigolds,, lor, Mmc. Baird; pumpkins, Bill Malcolmi; apron, kitchen, Mms. French, Mrs. Moore, D. Marlow; Ferguson, Mrs. Lowe, B. Taylor; Baird, V. Butson; bed jacket, wool cosmos, N. Malcolm; foliage, E. beets, table, Perc\r Van Camp, B. knit, Mrs. I. Lowe, O. Westlake; Larmer, Mmc. Roy Taylor; iuschia. Taylor, Bill Ferguson; anions, cardigan, knit, Mrs. 1. Lowe, 0. N. Malcolm; begonia, B. Larmer, Dutch sets, Viola Butson, Mrs. N. Westlake; bouse dress, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Brethaur; potted plants, Green, B. Taylor; onions, Spanish, N. Malcolm; bouse coat, Mrs. D. Marlow, B. Larmer. E. Larmer, Mrs. N. Green, B. Tay- Baird, Mrs. Lowe; slip, V. Butson, Public Sehool Section lor; mangolds, red, Mrs. E. Brit- O. Westlake; pyjama suit, N. Mal- Caesarea 94 points boum; mangolds, white, Mrs. colm, Mrs. Baird; nightgown, Mrs. (Cup Winncr> Baird, Mrs. Brithour, B. Taylor; D. Dorrel], O. Westlake -; purse. O. Blackstock 74 vointsI Bowmanville 2666 fAGE Purple Hill 72 points Devitt's 67 points Egypt 36 points Arcrier's 35 points Mahood's 13 points Lotus il points (To be Continued Next Week) FISH IN ONTARIO Forty-one species of fish are to be found in Ontanio's waters. HIGH POINT Highest point in Ontario Is 2,120 feet. ELEVEI< Motorlsts, usi- more than cont is a requireren4CIOUS I unless your car h4qvor of e lights which you ~ksi partnient of Highw., that many collisions?f avoidcd ifdrivers alt lias the intentions of 1hc i Give the signal weULle of your tumn or stop. left-turn signais aisa bYe to pass another car 'ançý leaving a curb parking - Don't rely on the other g, I Garton's Coach Lime, SPECIAIJý Lindsay Exhibition-, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDA- SEPTEMBER 23-à24-25le DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Leave (Going) Read Down A.M. 10:30 Bowmanville 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:15 Hampton-- Enniskillen --- - Burketon -------- Blackstock ------- Nestieton -------- 11:25 Yelverton ------ 11:35 12:00 A.M. Janetville -------- Lindsay---------- Arrive Return Rcad up \Pare P.l',. ' 11:40 $1.75 11:25 1.65 11:20 'l.65 11:10 1.35 1k.05 1.25 10:55 1.10 10:45 10:35- 10:10 IP.M. .80 '55 - Lindsay 1058 * ' * it's the story of 7,790 ne* andg changed listings-a story of growth and development which enlarges the soope,ad therefore the value, of your telephone. Behlnd this story is one which ls still bigget-a story ofý.I-millions of dollars being spent to add new telephones, switch- boards and buildini as quickly as possible se that you mar continue to have the best telephone service at the lowest coat. Remember Thèse Dates! for thie OSHAWA F AI1R ..;'~SEPTEMBER 17-18 14 BIG DA&YS THIS YEUR It's Bigger and Botter Tho,-5er! ~. ~ h Y- k- w For information: Phone Let il Blow!. You Won't Care if You Insulate Your Home Now!1 Roof and windows that's where cold air cornes ln and heat roes out! Enjoy more comfort and smaller fuel bis this Fali and Wlnter by lnstalllng Insulators now! %Vith our blo-wer method of insulation we can pack our fine insulating materlals bctween the walls of your home, savlng labor, material and tirne. Cali us now for a free estirnate and Jet ont experts do a complete insulation Job for you te, assure Your comfort ln cold weather to cerne! SEALTITE ROCKWOOL Home Insulation Co. Lido PIHONE 494 BOIENANVILLE '5 QUEEN ST. !AGE là A 04,M ý J&