-,~.,. ~, I THE CANADIAi STATESMAN, BOWMNVLL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. leth, 194b velling through post-war Europe so he brought to us a first-hand dynamic message in regard to the Newc stl Ind pen entcondition of these people and Phon: Clrke 314asked that everyone do ail they Phon: Clrke 314could to relieve the terrible suf- fering and hunger. s. arkBlakbun, ordColege Sothwsten Ui- He spoke of an organization 8. arkBlakbun,1 frd ollge.Sothwsten Ui-with which we have become fa- t the Blackburn home. i versity, Weatherford, Texas. Lau- miliar from radio broadcasts as ng People's Union held1 rence was a graduate of Newcas- C.A.R.E., which will, free o! ccessful meeting at the 1tie and Bowmanville High Schools charge, fi boxes o! $10 value e orm of a corn roast, 'and studied piano for many years and be responsible for their safe 1.with Mrs. Reta Cole Dudley. delivery to any country where and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce they are needed. tamily, Sudbury, and Miss AFTERNOON AUXILIARY *Mrs. Patterson made a motion Pearce.Thpotoed eeig fte be responsible for a drive to pro- Ir.and Mrs. H. S. Britton and Afternoon Auxiliary o! the Un- ceunds for lsthe uArpoE.o auI~ spent Sunday with Dr. and! ited Church was held Set .r sei n esunthroughpC..R.E ve . H.MacDonald in Toronto. Sept. To thi end, onnSuhaygeSept.t1e P r.A .Fshr elvle Ms aewsincag !tefour o! the W.M.S. ladies will be metngwicheoend1 stationed at the church entrance nthe*weekend with her n- 'reading a short poem voicing a to receive donations. Please /tier, Mrs. Geo. Riekard and at- pctition that we learn to be grate- make these as generous as pos- teiided the Geddes-Allin wedding. fui for the everyday, little things sbe Mrs. Howard Ormiston and Di- 'of if e. As this was the first meet -____ ane spent Thursday with Mrs. i ing since Mrs. Hare's return from Harold Couch and visited xith hospital, she spoke feeling words Mns. Geo. Rîckard. o! appreciation for the varied nrs. Wm. Storks is home from kindnesses shown at that time. O IU R Oshawa Hospital with her young. The members of the Auxiliary MRS. ELIZABETH ANN S daughter. -The community extend were also pleased to have with IVERBER LAKE 1 9, best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. them, their former president, Mrs. Storks. Norman Allin who has been un- One by one the pioneer resi- Miss Ethel Spencer; is staying able to attend for several months. dents o! the vicinity are passing * wîth her sister in Oshawa, after After reports were given, Mrs. away. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Web- having been in the/Aospita1. Mellow's group took charge o! the ber, wýilow o! the late William C. Mr. and Mrs. D uglas Wallon program. Mrs. Geo. Allun read Lake, died o! an attack o! coron- ar o hliayZ Mrs. Dora the scripture while Mrs. Mellow ary thrombosis at the residenc Brooks is worki;ig in the store. led in prayer. The new study of her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Sympathy *~ 'extenclec to Mr. book, "West o! the Gorges o! the Brown last week. SPercy Rare ~hose mother, Mrs. Yangtse" was introduced by Miss The funeral was held fromn St. George Ar strong, passed away Ferguson which meant that an George's Anglican Church with In Brighto last week. interest was created in the book interment taking place in St. #...urieî Lake, Toronto,- at the very beginning. One start- George's Cemetery. spent the weekend with her mo- lingr thought that was brought out She was born in Darlington ther, Mrs. Frank Gibson. was the fact that there are 60 Township 77 years ago and had Mr. Fred Graham underwent million people in an area no larg- resided 36 years on the farmi on an operation in Oshawa Hospital er thàn Ontario. Based on the 1 the Lake Sbore-where their hos- last Saturday. study book, a questionnaire was , pitality was well known. Mrs. ,Mrs. Stella Anderson was hos- conducted by Mrs. C. Carveth Lake was a devout Anglican and tess at an afternoon tea on Tues- which brought to us information a member of the Societies of the day a!ternoon. ~ a concrete form. church ever since she came to re- La'urence Morton, son o! Rev. Earlier in the yean we had the side in the parish. R. E. Morton and formerly of pleasure of hearing Mr. Jack The funeral service was i Newcastle, has taken a position as Bothwell at our Sunday services, charge of her rector, Rev. Douglas Instructor of piano at Weather- He had had the privilege o! tra- Dewdney and Miss Hattie Masoni ANN PAGE FAMOUS MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN 2.1-S loaf 10oc 'PURPOSE FLOUR. SHORTEN NG JIONESic {. i ~OLET SA 'CONCENTRATIED SUPER SUM CLEANSER DURNS' PIR-E LMI MASTER McG FOSO QUAKIER CLARK'8 ABOR7ED CMMDIAN MABON LIQUID CEMT BLENDED PRIMROSE SWEET MIXE lb. 39e P-g 369 «Fi 110 b 31< p-kg. 17e :::: 260 Tins 150 Mail 39 Ga.394 ED PICKLES 24o 27 PILAtN QUEEN 25-40-60 WATT LANS SOLEX .ach 159 2 VEARS OLD CIMARE O b. 47< PRUNES sP-kg. 194 INEEN'SIe JMSTARD pKC 3'YViti3 5C 11 Fi" A&P CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR COFFEE lb 5lc CATELLI SPAGHETTI Couked 0l e tin 12c ANN PAGE PEANUT BUTTER 16&oz jar 35c NWPACK, CHOICE A & P TOMATOES 2-ztin 19C IONA STANDARD WAX DEANS 2 ztin lc A & P FRUTS Aad VEGETABLES There Is OnIy One Price - None Higher Frein The Fanm«s Okaumogm 'VaIIey B. C. EXCELLENT FOR EATING AND COOKING WEALTHY APPLES AC FANCY CE.AB AP"L= RED HSO EXCELLENT EATING, 150' BAETLETF pCY PRESERVE THEM TODAY PLiESLARGE BLUE 5c lb. 3 lbs. 29e 6for 33e 6 qt. 5 bask. NIAGARA, BLUE or WHITE 6-qt.79 C P No. 1 book. I5flfI~ TENDER CRI8P, 3 Ibo.10 WASHED, No. 1 3 0 Omu ELLOW COOKING, Me. 1 3 Ibo. 99 cm VILLOW, TENDER, FR1814 No. 1 Doz. 35< 1CAIULLWEE s Wwhite No. 1i mF19e 12o<..itiÎ SPICED 12-oz tini 0W FASHIONED 37c COOKIS pkg 25c RedowrBlue Braud eef - SmsswRmats Buv !:y Grade - Buy the Best W noN--UIE MS ROUND PORTZIUOUSEWIN yDBADEEBEOASOU MrONTNID OAST le- m a a b69, or SIRLOIN - b 75e -~ %53lbSC MMl Fid Vecul- CUTLETS b85c LOIN CEOFS orRioPsT b75e PODKa ~s LOIN ~ SPAl~ NMEATY PORK - Dim * * - 0 lb6.5a a m . b3.5a SLIGED e e e 45e m m r-19C Master of Ceremonies Stu Kenney One of Toronto's most popular Master o! Ceremonies who will ask the questions at the "Double or Nothing" show sponsored by the Scout oMther's Association in High School Auditorium, Monday, Sept. 20. Sîver collection. *Be there on time as doors close at 7:55 p.m. sang "Thene is a Land that is fair- er than Day." The chunch organ- ist, Mos. John Gannod, played for the bymns -wbich included I'Neaner my God to Thee." The palibearers were Mr. John Hendry. W. Adams, W. Homs H. S. Britton. W. F. Graham H Rowland. Left to mournqthe loss o! a loy-ý ing mother are. one son, Mo. Wil- liam Lake who resides on the homestead and three daughters. Mos. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, Mrs. Clare Bombard, Touro, N.S., Mos. Alfred Brown, Lake Shore,' Newcastle, eleven grandchildren and one great granchild. Mos. Lake went thoough a great deal of su!fering through iii bealth the last few years which she bore with patience. She had a sweet placid disposition and in her kindly quiet way was always willing to give a belping band whenever needed. Mr. and Mos. J. A. Gr a and !amily. Oshawa, Mos. Pingle and Mos. Marjerrison, Bowmanville, visited their mother, Mos. Robert Gray on Sunday. MAPLE GROVE Sunday School at 1:30 p.m., pChurch service at 2:45 p.m., start- ing on Sunday and continue the! some.1 Russell Wordeni is improving, nicely in Toronto Western Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lord, of Toronto, spent weekend with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Cryderman. Glad to report Mr. W. Allison isomewhat improved and able 'obe out again. Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert (Molly), Toronto, is spending the next week convelescing with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spen- cer, Maple Grove, after her re- cent operation in Oshawa General ENFIELD W.A. met as guests at the home of Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Ennis- killen, a former memnber. There was a fine attendance and an in- teresting program consisting of a paper 'by Mrs. M. J. Holilis, En- niskillen, and a reading by Mrs. James Parr. Both numbers were greatly enjoyed. There was piano music by Mrs. G. Bowman and a sing-song conducted by Mrs. R. M. Seymour followed by the us- ual social hour with lunch. Cochrane, Stark and Lycett horses are bringing home ribbons from the Fail fairs. Wilfrid Bow- man also made a successful show- ing of Hoisteins at Orono Fair. WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at 10: 30 with an attendance of 42 and 1 ail teachers present. Church fol- ]owed with Dr. Oke preaching on "The Howan hofGdsMr cy."Mrs.Carroll Nicholis pro- Ivided the music. On Wednesday afternoon the Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs. L. Hughes in Port Hope. There was a good attend- ance and the guest speaker, Miss 'Richardson of the Children's. Aid, spoke on a very interesting topic.1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Binsted, Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Binsted, Claremont, with Mr. and Mrs. B. 13insted. Mrs. S. O. Mills, Port Hope, with her sister, Mrs. Simon Bar- rowclough. Mrs. A. J. Christie, Port Hope, with her niece, Mrs. C. Payne. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrowelough were Mr. and Mrs. Elliston, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Port Hope, and iMr. Sam Smith and his mother, Mrs. Fred Smith, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kingdon, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Tufford. Misses Eileen Allun, Newcas- tle, and Pauline Peters. Morrish, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. MRON FIÏMANM r£\ STOKERS ~ OUT 30%' JACK DIGUGRi PLUJMBING AND ]HEATING flowmanvllle 3 King St. W. Phone 2384 i W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Chairman BLÂCKSTOCK Misses Grace Graham Norma Malcolm and Donothy Gray are attending Bowmanville Business College and go out on the Garton Bus daily. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford, Mrs. F. Crawrford and Mrs. Geo. Fowler with Mr. and Mrs. Nonr- man Edgerton, Cadmus. Congratulations to Percy Col- lins on bis marriage at Raglan on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bnock, o! Port Penny, with Mns. John Mar- low. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Venning and Mn. and Mns. T. Samelîs visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs. Peterboro. Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Wm. Cordingly (nee Winni!ned' Goace Swaîn) on thein marniage on Satunday. Miss Dorothy Wright who bas successfully completed a year hairdnessing in the King Edwaod Hotel, Toronto, bas given up ber position in favor o! ber first am- bition. Dorothy will attend the University, taking a course in Dental Nursing. Good luck! Mrs. Eanl Bradbunn and ber new baby son came home from Port Perry Hospital on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Fonder and Joyce visited Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, .Janetville. Once again Blackstock Fair is over for another year. Mn. Mar- tin from the Dept. o! Agriculture opened the Fair on Sept. 8. It was a ifine day, a fair crowd, more exhibits anid good ententainment, both a!ternoon a n d evening. Horse nacing was !eatured again a!ter being dnopped for several fyears and was gneatly enjoyqÊ. Thanks to the bard-working com- mittee tne track was in excellent condition. Cartwright Fife and Drum Band supplied the music.. Continuation School boys pre- scnted their pynamid building. There was a singing Qontest, pub- lic speaking contest, races on foot, bicycle race and many othen ev- ents. In the evening, the Johnston Family o! Blackwateo assisted by AI Harvey, entertainen, delighted the crowd in the Community Hall, while the young people enjoyed themselves dancing in the arm- oury to music by Keith Wilson 's Orchestra. Favorable comments on the day were beard fnom al sides wbicb greatly pleased the Fair Board and we will look for- ward to an even better Fair and bigger crowd next year. Don't try to get the best o! the other fellow. Toy to bring out the ibest. *O O Othe pastor, Rv r A. Drummond sarj Woman's Missionary Society solo, "The Sulent V( met Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 7, Hammond electri' with president Mrs. R. A. Delve soon be installed i presîding. Inspirational t aik s which will add gne& were given by Mrs. E. Sherwin Sica] part of our se and Miss M. Davey. Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. M~ Carson sang a solo with ber mo- visited Mn. and M'rs then, Mrs. R. Best, at the piano. lyn and baby, Lynni Ail of these numbers were veny Visito)rs with Mr. much appreciated by the ladies. H Wood and Allie Mr. and Mos. W. Eurnett visit- Mrs. George Anmci ed !riends in Bowmanville and tha Armour, Mrs. Hampton . Mrs. Burnett's many kin, Hampton, Mrs friends are pleased to see her out ad daughters, Rel aginafe alogiîîness. Mos. Herb Rundle, agan atera lngand Mrs. Delbent1 Congratulations to Mr. 0. W. awa. Rolph who took lst pnize on his Mr. and Mos. Neil one-year-old horse at the C.N.E., field, with Mrs. Wo Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Si Rev. and Mos. Eustace had as visited Mos. C. Woc their guests a mînister and his Miss Laura AI wife frorr Manitoba, Dr. and Mrs. spent a couple of de Kerg. Mr. Kennetb Gar The weather for Orono Fain word o! the deathc proved to be alI that could be de- Bob Gamsby on Moi sired. There was a record crowd. The grandstand was filled to ca- Acee m e pacity with grown-ups who thor- A understandnge oughly enjoyed the fine horse tAnswner.tnin races and the judging o! horses. A the___________ clown and a comedian kept the coowd in a happy frame o! mind. The young people and children enjoyed the merry-go-round and ferris wheel and other amuse- ments. The exhibits at the fair, while flot as numerous as other years, were o! the bighest quality. Congratulations to Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn for taking the highesti Q C number o! prizes in the home Q I I baking and again winning the prize as she did last year. The Town Hall was packed for the concert in the evening which proved to be excellent. The Whit- by Dramatic Club of 1948 are to be congratulated on a very fine show which was enjoyed by old and young. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Port Hope, with Mrs. Elizabeth Tamb- fyulapI lyn. I orlmt Mr. Charles Wood, Kitchener, cail us. We i Mr. and Mrs. L. TrulI, Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns, Bow- highest qualityi manville. with Mrs. C. Wood. Dr. and Mos. Jack Leslie, Pet- ciently. erboro, with Mr. and Mos, W. Riddle. Miss Adele Morton and Mr.! re Dick Morton with Mr. and Mrs. A. Morton. Miss Elsie Rowe, Newcastle. with relatives. Mr. Bill Rowland with hispa- ents, Mr. and Mos. H. Rowland Mo. and Mrs. Owen Fagpn and son Michael with Mo. and Mrs. O. Your Ger F. Coooer. Mrs. C. Walker and Phone 438 childrer with Mr. and* Mrs. C. Cooper. atPrStCucho Service a akS.Ihrho Sunday mooning was in charge o! REPAIR WORK ;oasteo, vacuum, refoigeraton's on the blink- fix anytbing and everything electrical with materials, expert workmen . . . quickly, effi- epair for longer wear CON ELECTRIC eneral Electric Appliance Dealer Bowmtqanville 42 King St. E.I NOTICE TO HimY DRO USERS J i J This week restrictions on the use of electricity in com- mercial establishments went ini effeci limiting the amount of light- ing each merchant can use during the day. These restrictions were made necessary through the current shoriage of elecirical power now existing. In order that ail our factories may have the electricity they require Io keep employment ai ifs peak, vie are asking every electrical consumer bo co-operate and bo cul the use of power in the home and on the farm Io the very minimum they require. The commission regrets ihat this action has become neces- sary but believes that il will have the public co-operation in the present emergency so that the pr esent state of indust rial prosperity will continue to be maintained in Bowmanville. Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission I. f. GEORGE CHASE, Manager 1 r. Eustace who mmon. Mrs. A. ng a beautiful roice." A new [-organ wiil in our church, stly to the mu- services. W. J. Tamblyn rs. Glen Tamb- n, in Belleville. rand Mos. R. Swere Mr. and our, Miss Ber- .Wesley Hos- s. Mary Cann eta and Joan, Bowmanville, Flintof!, Osh- .1I Wood, Lake- 7ood's parents. Snell, Calgary, od. 0lin, Oshawa, ays in Orono. amsby neceived of his brother, onday. :s the pooblem. heant supplies Local Mail Servce Mail Close Going East 10:30 amn. Going local Rural Routes 11:00 arn. Gong Port Hope only 1:30 p.m. Going East and West 6:30 p.m. Going West, 10:00 prn. Mail Arrives Fnom East and West 8:30 a. From West 12 noori Foom West 3:15 pan. From East 8:00 p.m. Cut this schedule out and paste up in a handy place for reference. ENJOYED BY MORE familles than any other brand of coffee in the world «. ïtliats Maxwell Bouse. Because of its extra :flavor it's always "Goodto theLastDrop!", 1. a j 4ý -q -J IRATE