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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. lOth, 194& Ii competition against other highly publicized beauty spots, Niagara Falls retains its tradi- tional allure for honeymooners. ILEADINO I SAL ES MAN --u FA RMERS 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as hlgh as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows Accordlng to size and condtion-Small animais removed free. No trouble to the farmer. We do the loading HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICK PECONI, Owner ~H~ATE - OWMAN VILLE- WEDN ESDAY - THURSDAY - SEPT. 15 - 16 Short: T. Men in Action - Cartoon FEIDAY - SATURDAY - SEPT. 17 - 18 Lake Shore, Clarke' Mr. L. Buckler, Bowmanville, Mr. H. Jaynes, Oshawa, Mrs. C. Walkey, Newtonville, Mr. Fred Flots, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldread and Lois wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail, Orono. Mrs. J. Tamblyn and family, Orono, witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Hol- mes. Mi%~ and Mrs. Al Brown and family visited Mrs. Hammond Brown at tbe Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto. Miss Dorotby Skinner, Tyrone, witb Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMinn, Osh- awa, witb Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- dry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and family, Mrs. Fred Wilson, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bas- kerville. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Miss Doris Allun, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allin was. married Saturday aiternoon to Mr. David Geddes of Toronto at the home of ber brother, Stan- ley, on the Fourth Line. On the Thursday evening prior to ber marriage several of ber friends gathered at ber brother's,' Wm. R. Allin, Third Line East, to shower ber with tokens of their good wisbes for ber future happiness. Doris came over to see ber sister, Mrs. McBain of Ida, Cavan Twp., and was surprised to find the house full of ber friends. Wben aIl bad gatbered littie Donna Brunt and Muriel Gibson broughit in a prettily decorated basket ov- erflowing witb gifts wbich Doris opened and in a neat little speech expressed ber appreciation to aIl. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Downing and Mary were guests at George Laing's and Fred Bowcn's Satur- day and took in Orono Fair. We extend our deepest sympa- thy to Mrs. Laing and Mrs. Down- ing on the death of their brother, Robt. Gamsby. The Alden Gibson family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen and Bill and Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Toron- to, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson on Saturday eve- nirig at a corn roast. Tbey report a very happy time. Mrs. Fred Bowen was guest of 1 Mrs. H. Curtis and Mrs. A. Delve at Orono Saturday after the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen and Bill visited friends in Osb- awa. Mr. Leslie Gibson returns to University this week. Time Table CHANGES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, SEPT. 26, 1948 Full information from agents Can. Nat'1 Railways ~T~TCTFTTt~T Eva Suh ENNIS ILLENMr. and Mrs. R. McNeil visited _______Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and at- The service club ladies met on tended Blackstock Fair. Sept. 1 at the home of Mrs. Floyd Mrs. Mary Griffin with ber son, Beckett. Roll cali was answered. Mr. John E. Griffin. Yelverton. The evenîng was spent sewing for Mr. Will Rogers, Calgary, called the hospital. Lunch wvas served on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. by Mrs. Beckett and her group. Ross Sharp and Roy Werry Next meeting at Mrs. John SIe- have gone to the West. mon's on Sept. 21 when the elec- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, of tion of officers will be held.j Oshawa, with Mr. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wearing and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton Freeri (Rcky, Tronoand family visited his prns sonFl eei (ik Trno Mr.W. Sta inton and attendd r Mr, W. J. Berry, Miss Novelda nFar Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berry, Ol ar Bowmanvîlle, Mr. George Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormîston' Detroit, a former resi dent and1 with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tam- school boy of Enniskille in 1890ý blyn, Cambrary. wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and fa- Mrs. E. Strutt bas rcturned, mily at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Co- chrane's, Brady. home after visiting.Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mrs. Frank Spry, Roy and Glen, H. Bowins, Oshawa.1 Rochester, NNY., with Mr. and Mr. Wilbert. Smith, O-shawa, Mrs. Edgar Wright. visited bis brother, Mr. Claude Miss Louerne Orchard, Bow- Smith. manvillc. ith ber sister, Mrs. Miss Beth Traveil, of Oshawva, Milton Stainton. with ber cousin Lois Ashton. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pethick family. Hampton, witb ber par- and Gail, Miss Jean Robbins, Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley. Verna Wood, Mr. Frank Rice, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke at Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, with Mr. W. Sanderson. Columbus. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Miss Jean Ferguson and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barrab aIl and Jean Werry, Toronto, with Mr. family, Maple Grove, Mr. and and Mrs. F. W. Werry. Mrs. Jim Fallîs, Cadmus, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Ferguson at Mrs. Verdon Lathangue and fam-I Niagara. ily, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs . Mil- Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lo- ford MacDonald and Gerald. of: is and Charles at Mr and Mrs. I. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Travell's. Oshawa. James Adams and Ruth. Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. John Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo and Tamblv n. Orono, with Mr. and family visited in Osbawa. iMrs. Milton Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beal, Tor- Congratulations to our atbletic onto. visited Mr. and Mrs. James boys on having such a fine crowd. Smales. go eihr nddig-owl Mrs. S. Vanstone. Miss C. Mc- on their street dance and carni- Neil, Mr. and Mrs. H. Slýemon, val. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Lloyd Broome beld a MeNeil. sbower at ber home on August Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton 23 in bonor of Miss Muriel Craw- and family with Mr. and Mrs. ford recently married to Kennetb H. Stainton. Hampton. Butson. Mrs. W. H. Trenoutb, Mrs. G. Mrs. J. Butson opened ber E. Allin, Napanee, Dr. and Mrs. home to neigbbors wbo presented Gordon Soucb, Edmonton, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Butson MacDonald, Detroit, with Miss with an occasional chair. Extended Insurance YOUR PROPERTY can be damaged as badly by wind- storm and explosion as by fire. For a surprisingly Iow addi- tionai premium you can have your fire insurance extended te cover you against loss front these and several other causes -ail ln one policy. Ask this agency about it. StuartILR.James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681, Res. 493 King Street - Bowmanville CHARM ONE COAT WALL PAINT A Flo.glaie Qucliet Product DRIES IN ONE HOUR LEAVES NO ODOR Can bc wasbed with soap and water. Eight shades from wbicb to choose. A very freshen winter. inexpensîl'e way to up your rooms for J. W. J EW-EL L "BIG 20" PHONE 558 27 Kint St. W., Bowinanville HAYDON The community gathcred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gr- ham Saturday cvenîng in boilor of their son, James, wbo 15 bcing married soon. Mr. Cccil Slemon acted as chaliman. A reading was given by Mrs. R. Olesen. So- los were rendercd by Mr. J. Aik- enhead, Toronto, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Miss Vivian Cowling sang ,accompanying herseif on the guitar. Mrs. Cecil Slemon read thc address and Mr. Arthur Tre- v;in prcsentcd James and bis bride-to-be witb a lovcly coffee table on behaîf of the commun- ity and friends. James very ably tendered thanks. A social time and community singing was en- joyed after wbicb lunch was served. W.A. was held on Thursday dv. ening witb the men as guests and Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Cresswell as hosts. President Mrs. C. Slemon prcsidcd. Rev. Cresswell led in prayer. Program was in charge of Mrs. T. Cowling. Miss Aleen Akcd, Tyrone, sbowed moving pictures of places she bad visited in Canada and U.S.A., also pic- turcs of ber bome. Mrs. Hoskin, Bowmanvillc, gave an excellent address. Miss Vivian Cowling sang, accompanying herself on the guitar. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Those that were absent on account of the thresbing in our vicinity xisscd an excellent evening. Mr. Henry Ashton is seriously jîl in Toronto Western Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rcad and fa- mily motored to Frankford on Sunday to sec bis father wbo is critically i11. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge and fa- mily, Osbawa, Mr. and Mrs. Me- Cullough, Martin Olesen, Raglan, at Mrs. R. Olesen's. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Slemon, Miss Kate McNeil, Mrs. Vanstone, Tor- onto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. George Bertrim at Mr. Brock Perry's, Toronto. (Tntended for Last Wcck) School opencd on Tucsday witb Miss June Anderson as teacher and 26 pupils on the roll, wbich included. the five beginners, Kar- en Thompson, Jeannie Bertrim, Lynda Potts, Lily Tabb and Wayne Blackburn. Helen Bertrim, Dora Black and Clayton Read are attending Bow- manville High Scbool, alI being in EGrade X. Martin Olesen, baving passed bis Entrance exams this year, is attcnding Oshawa 'Higb School. Wbilc driving past on Tbursday Alfred Garrard noticed that the 1dump north of our village was on f ire. The men turned out to draw water and put it out. Had it flot been noticed in time, carelessncss on someone's part could have caused considerablé damage as there is a lot of standing timber close by. 3 Something is radically wrong »with our malqing systemn but wbere the trouble lies is not de- termined. On August 17 a box- bolder here received an airmail letter that had been stamped at Bowmanville, Aug. 10. On Aug. 21 a doctor in Bowmanville bad some much needed medicine mail- cd to bis patient bere. It arrived cxactly two weeks later. Some of the housewives have complain- cd at flot receiving their semi- yearly catalogues that were sent out recently. On chccking up they discovered the catalogues bad been sent out but neyer rcceived. Tbese incidents are truc facts. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black and daugbters attcnded Decorat io n Day at Nestieton on Sunday. Leslie Graham and Charles Garrard were at the Exhibition. Miss Vivian Cowling with Miss Noreen Dickcy, Nestîcton. Ray Ashton at Mr. Gordon Wcr- ry's, Toronto, and Mr. W. Brown- lee's, Leaside. Miss Dorotby Rahm, Bowman- ville, at Mr. A. Beecb's. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Enniskillen, at Mr. W. Trcwin's. Mrs. W. Martin bas Jreturned home from Toronto. Melville Bertrim, Lloyd Ashton and Ross Ashton at Crow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family, Mrs. T. Cowling and Vi- vian at Mr. R. Anderson's, Tor- onto, and attended the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Les Garrard, Miss Shirley Garrard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and family, Osh- awa, at Mr. Chas. Garrard's. Mrs. Fred Ashton and childrcn, Mrs. Bert Ashton and sons have returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson, Toronto, at Mrs. W. Tbompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mrs. Russell Crossman at Mr. A. Hilîs', Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron at Mrs. Chas. Rice, Bowmanvîlle. Miss Jean Black, Toronto, with ber parents. Mrs. A. Read with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potts, of jCollingwood, with bis son, Mr. Jack Potts. Miss Helen Bertrim in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ginn, Miss Dalphine Logan, Burketon, Miss Nren Dickey, Nestîcton, Mr. Donald Johnston, Cadmus, at Mr. Wilbur Blackburn's. Mr. Kenneth Smith, Kingston, Mr. Walter Goode, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jegerings and family at Mr. Brooks', Milli- ken, Apology doesn't come easy but goes a long way. Satisfying Service STE VEN'S Phone 822 BOWMANVILLE - ONT. Time Table CHANGES effective Sunday, Sept. 26, 1948 full information from agents Canadian Pacific Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Yeo and family, Newcastle, at Mr. Donald Cameron 's. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn at Mr. R. Anderson's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black and Dora at Mr. Clarence Ginn's, of Cadmus. Mr. William Corrigan, Miss Ol- ive Rankine, Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Rankinc's. Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aikcnhead, Tor- onto, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Perry, Tor- onto, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mms. Cecil Slemon, Mr. Lloyd Siemon at Mr. Harry Brooking's, Port Britain. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jcgerings and family at Mr. Robt. Newcll's, Agincourt.. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brooking, Bowmanville, at Mr. Cecil Slem- on 's. Miss Marie Ashton is spending a couple weeks' bolidays with ber parents. general rule on the tobacco farms now. The tobacco crop is beavy and the few extra cold mornings have made the local tc.½acco grow- ers fear that frost will strike be- fore the tobacco bas ahl been prim- cd. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Buckler, Bowmanville, whose infant son Peter, was awarded 3rd prize in bis class of 150 entrants at the C.N.E. Leon- ard i5 a former local boy, having made bis home for many years with Mr. and Mrs. John Patton. On Sept. 1 Mrs. Buekler and ta- hv Peter returned for a visit to England witb ber mother, Mrs. Hall, who bas been visiting ber bere. SEED WHEAT Corneli 595 - This is a new variety of wheat which has proven itself in the last two years. High- ly resistant to smut and high yielder, top quality wheat. Dawson's Golden Chaff Registered No. 1, second generation, hot water treated to prevent smut. Carnet Riekard PHONE 2813 BOWMANVILLE IL r I b Vyect CLARKS-IN CHILI SAUCE .~~SSC '~~tAPORK and BEANS 2 ",z 27, 30xSPAGHETTI . .0 TI in ]PRIORS-TWVO FRUIT ....s...........MARMALAD E..02z Ja27c Fruïts& Vegetables ~ , i 3 Large Size Green Size 36 PEANUT BUTTER...pg35 Pascal Celery - 2 for 25c PIA!NREI~!-r:UrrTv8 z Now at their best MAPLE LEAF CHEESE Ja 25c Wea1I1ky Appies, 6 qi. bas. 45c 'un' 'en" .OzPaca21 11ze,,ti BasFLOU R P 18c BEANS 2 ;- 25c Cookng Oion - 11h. 5e Colony-Maple Irresistihie Flaveur CalforiaValnci Sze 44 S Y R U P Bnttiv 43c RICHMELLO Sunkist Oranges - doz. 20e c-S1v6t M-edCOFIE PICKLES J6."29c Peaches for Canning itcheis-AnIIe IL.Sic NOW AT THEIR BEST See Ours First DOMESTIC OR JEWEL E.1~N.CLEBILL KIPPERED Snacks 2' BRP.U NSWIICK CHICKEN HADDIES FRENCII STYLE LIBBY'S MUSTARD PLAIN OR IODIZED SA LT. . .. . . 21 We puy hithest market prtees forettsg. sbipping I tai avatiable et or stores. f see ýmanager for pmirtfru- 0-29. À IL 39c J UI E20 Oz. 8 BREAKF'AST TL 200DOMINO PLUMS T20zOr1 5CTEA PURE CANE 8t SLIGAR 11)lIL R6t Pkg. 43c Choce-Red-Pltted 8Su Petenede.-Condensed 3!,4Oz. 9 CHERRIES 20". 31, EAGLE BRAND Tins Wine Pint Ti MILK 6 Oz. SEALERS doz. $1.19 ]Blendcd or Spirit Jar 9 RUBBER RINGS doz. 6c VINEGA&R pkg. i5eZINC RINGS doz. 29c »OMllon 39e pkgs. 1 5c DOMININ TLdL1 i IED m ~J!1 i:i E.R w i s THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY CONGRATULATES W. L. LYCETT A member of its 1948 Production Club NOTICE I i i NONDAY - TUESDAY - SEPT. 20 - 21 s isomw THURSDAY, SEPT. 16th, 194& PAGZ TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO KENDAL Caesarean Operation1 Faîl Wheat Club ___Saves Valuaible Beïng Organized Miss M. Fisher, Toronto, is ho- Holstein at Solina lidaying with Mrs. Frank Stoker.____ Both the Durham and Peter- Mrs. Mary Luxon and Marion Wbat is believcd to be the first;boro 50-bushel winter wbeat visited Mrs. Stan Gray, Perry-1 Caesarean operation performcd in clubs were bighly succcssful in,. town.1 veterinary circle in Durham coun- Many Kendal folks took in the, ty took place in the farm barn of their yields this season according sights at the C.N.E. and at Or- Isaac Hardy. Solina, Sunday nigbt. Io Agricultural Representative E. ono Fair on Saturday. Called to attend a valuab]e Hol- A. Summers. Each club had Master Timmy who has beeni stein cow in a bovine accouch- around 15 to 18 members this witb Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar- ment, Dr. E. H. Webster decided iscason and the average yields tinel bas rcturned to Port Hope. to operate by cutting tbrough the xvent above 40 bushels per acre. ConratlatonstoMr.andMrs Iabdominal wall of the animal. He A fcw. growvers in the Bowman- Congatultios toMr.andthe was assisted by another vcterinary ville district were close to the 50- Aylward Little, Toronto, on th practitioner from bis Oshawa of- 'bushel mark wbile a few adjacent arrivai of their baby son on Sep- fice. growcrs felI as low as 15 bushels tember 1.j The operation was successful in'per acre. Bob Moffat, Orono, who bad; delivering two stillborn beifer M.Smes1snwtkn bis barn burnt last year, purch-1 calvês. But the cow was saved! memberships for the 1949 50-bu- ased D. Vannatto's large barn and! and early Monday morning was Up shel club and bopes to bave 20 bas bad it taken down and is drinking water and eating masb. or more on the list. Club mem- drawing it to Orono to be erected. It is expected she will survive the bers mostly sowed Corneli seed Scbool has opened again with ordeal. Helping the vets wvere and it is bclieved that their en- Mr. Clark at Kendal and Miss two practical farm-women nurses tire 1948 yields bave been sold to Katie Stewart at the Sixtb Line I Who sterilized the instruments and seed acreage now being prepared' Miss Georgina Darlington, who belped close the incision which re- or already in. The general price took a special course in Home quired over 100 stitebes. Hany bas been around $3 witb mome go- Economics last year bas secured spectators witnessed tbe operation. ing up to $4 a bushel. Member- a position in St. Mary's as a Home This is only the second occasion shîp lists will be open only to, Economics teacher. tbat Dr. Webster bas undertaken October 1. Tbose attending High Scbool sucb a professional job. He bad this year are Michael Hutnyk to made 23 Qalis the samne dày and 30 PARTICULAR ABOUT PortHope Joce Brle, Chis-the day before and was unprepar- Por Hoe, oyc Buley Cbis-ed in knowing in advance wbat to coffee? Then try Maxwell tine Jilisen, Grace Mercer, Mar- expect. It took from 9 p.m. tili l os garet and Billy Jackson to New- after midnigbt for the operation. 1I us. It contains choice castle and Shirley Quantrill to Tbe animal was given an anaes- Latin-American coffees. Bowmanville. We wish them all thetic and came out of it quite sat- the best of success. isfactorily. The young cow was Expert Blending com- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. experiencing bier first test in mo- bines them ail in a superb Jas. Lowery (nec Doreen Far- therbood. A Caesarean operation row) on their marriage Septem- takes its name from the alleged Maxwell House blend ber 4. Mr. Selkirk's farm wilI manner in whicb the Roman Em- soon have a romantic reputation. per9r, Julius Caesar, was born.- that lias extra flavor. Work and more work is the ____ mDI tiuumn lu IU3. UU&I

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