THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1948 -~ v. *.n... y ~ PAGE T~!~TE~ 1<1W CANAnTAN ~'rAT1~vÂM ~flWIIA~TUTT 7V fNM'1'ADPS tLionfsaClubisfresolved to keep Lions Community Centre Provimg tebueaal abth ailiesof thandboseavial- Great Convenience Io Community Life appiy ta Lion Aubrey Smith, Chairman of the House Activities Ailâo' Inn ai a Financial Loss cmite To enumerate the many contri- kitchen. The back part of the Oshawa-Bow'ville butions of the Lions Club and es- bouse bas been made into a com- Highway Merged timate its value to Bowmanville, tortable apartment for the use of would be impossible. In the cul- the caretaker. There are also four In Suburban Hornes tural sphere the Lions Club bas rooms upstairs-a game room ____ rendered a great service in spon- with facilities for table tennis, a Former residents- who haven't boring with the Department of large roomn suitable for a card heenhome for some time would Education, a winter series of con- roomn, a smaller room and a board be astonished to see the suburban certs that bave had great appeal room, which bas been suitablY home development that has taken ln this district. The sight con- furnished with a board room ta- place between Bowmanville and servation carried on by the Lions ble, donated by tbe Rotary Club. Oshawa during the late war and Club bas served ail cases coming The basement bas been equipped much more notably tbis past year. to view and two sound disk ma- as a craf t room. Motorists have 'been beard ta re- chines bave been purcbased for Activities mark that they can scarcely see local people who have become The Lions Club reserve Mon- any dividing line between the sightless. The Christmas Seal day night for their meetings. The two centres. Just ta check up on campaign bas -been carried on in Boy Scouts and Cubs have used the matter, a Statesman reporter co-operation with the Ontaria it for their meetings. The office was assigned ta count the new T.B. Association and funds were af the Recreational Director is in houses and garages and so forth alloied for a mobile X-ray unit, the centre. The facilities af the that have sprung up in the past 4 which cost $2,200. Other activities bouse are open ta the CommunityV or 5 years. Include co-operation with the Council, who have used it for The survey showed that, save Beach Association ta provide a classes such as leather working, for a few stretches along High- lufe guard at Bowmanville Beach. sewing, weavîng and other hobby way No. 2, the two urban com- Hûjwever, probably the greatest crafts. The Eastern Star and Club munities are virtually joined save donation the Lions Club bas giv- 15 have used it for teas, bridges, for the two miles 'between Maplej en ta the town is the CommunitY and other social affairs. The Ski Grave and Bowmanville. Count- Centre, which bas been made Club bas used it for their meet- ing frorn the sideroad just west of freeiy available for recreation ings. Several wedding receptioris the town-lirie and proceeding east and education throughout this and family reunion parties have toward Bowmanville, there were district. been held there. Tbe grounds at 72 new homes either completed Tbe building and land were the rear have been leased ta the or under construction along the purchased from the E. S. Senkler Tennis Club, who have built two main road. estate by the Bowmanville Lions tennis courts and have room for Apart from these there were Club in June, 1945. It was Pur- a third, if necessary. more than 50 homes on the side- chased for the purpose ai the Li- Toa few people realize exactly raads, mostly north of Highway oW Club having is own place of what a project ai this kind en- Na, 2. Quite some village has meeting and activities, and also tails. Besides the trouble and per- sprung up on tbe road north of for the benefit of the community sonal effort on the part ai every Courtice, and Maple Grave bas and organizations in the commun- member of the Lions Club, there sprcad out -bath alang the main tty wishing ta use it. have been a great many financial bighway and north of the crner During the war, it was taken beadaches in trying ta make the just to the west of the Maple over by the Boys' Training Scbool centre possible as a recreational Grave Church and Scbool. Vir- and since that time renovation centre for the entire community. tuaiiv anather village is centred Was necessary ta accommodate During the year ending June 30, on the tawn line nortb ai the pav- the various activities for whicb 1948, the total receipts, including ed road. It was ta be used. The main hall donations ta equip the kitchen, Many ai tbese homes, probably and banquet room bave been re- donatians for the use of the bouse, most of them, bave been built decorated. The kitchen bas been proceeds from Lions Bridge and by people employed in industry completely remodelled and equip- sale of equipment were $1274.74. in Oshawa. Newv buildings in ped and the other large room Duning the samne period, the total Bowmanville in recent years ta- downstairs bas been comnfortably expenditures, including. building tal almast a hundred new homes. iurnisbed as a lounge room. repairs, maintenance, fuel, light, Available space within the cor- The bouse bas four rooms down- water, caretaker, furnishings, and porate limits, wbich is big enough stairs-Recreational Director's of- taxes was $6772.40-a clear loss for a smail city, bas kept outside fice, banquet roam, lounge and ai $5497.66. Despite the cost, the building to a minimum. This NOTICE UFARMERS 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horges and Cows Accordlng to size and condton-Small animais removed free. No trouble ta the farmer. We do the laadlng new *tarmland" bilîding devel- opmcn t is causing quite a prob- 1cm for existing district scbools and the local tax situation. J. Maquire, Jr., Takes Auto Mechanics At Ryerson Institute BULLETINS FROM BIRDLAt4D' G R ET N R H E N D V E -r a The cerie, quavering voice ai *ha the Common Loon or Great Nor- thern Diver cannot weil be des- cribed. Whether we are wakened CANADA'S WEEKLY EDITORS by its loud, diabolical sounding (Editorial in The Ottawa Citizen> iaughter, or its long drawn aut, wailing cry, aur spines creep. In- Editors ai Canada's weekly habitant af the wiiderness, this newspapers. numbering some 820 bird retreats as man advances. from the Digby Courier in Nova Largest of the Loons, it measures Scotia ta the Ladysmitb Chronicle about 32 inches-and very little on Vancouver Island bave been af that is tail. It May weigh 12 taking a look at themselves in a pounds. The beautiful black and newly - released National Film white summer coat of the aduit is Board short, "The Home Town the plumage by which we in Can- Paper." The weekly seiected ta ada know the Common Loon. For represent the group is the Vernon the remainder of the year bath (BOC.) News, and if ail the 820 juveniles and their parents are editors hold the place in the com- grey above and white below. Their munity credited in tVhe film ta long, heavy, pointed bills serve as Vernon's Young editor, Mr. Frank spears with which ta catch and Harri s, thcy may indeed feed duly bold flsh, their chief food. AI- rcassured and flattered. thougb their feet are webbed like Those wvho dling ta the roman- a Duck's, curiously enougb the tic concept af a weekly editor as outer toe is the longest. a rougb-and-tough character in a Natre lwas povies bid 1frontier community (a type that Natue away proide a irdsurvives strictîy in Western mo- with feet suitable for the duty vies) will be disappointed. The they must perform. The Loon is small-town editor today plays a unable either ta walk upon land ri a oeipratta or a nse rom]t ye exelsas merely deciding wba is ta be swimmer. Finding difficulty in lynched He is a citizen ai bis rising even from water, it must cammunity and bis nation, well first run along the surface, flap- acquainted with civic affairs, who ping its short wings ta help its knowvs practically everî-body in progress; but once in the air its i own by bis first name and family flight is swift. There, the long, tree. torpedo-like body and quick wing- Hirspsiityifatsme beats identify the Great Nortbern Hcarding iin ethein ateats ai Diver. ten cramit ng awnifom bis conimunity. Vernon's editor, a high spraly, t pungs nto Mr. Harris, the film suggests, the water with a splash. If need binds the entire community and be, it is able to sink very gradu- the surrounding district together ally beneath the surface. Whenthn'usrngwbai- we wtchit isapear weseebawformation, opinion and report. He it bas earned its name. We can makes bis paper as much a partj only guess where it wiil re-appear, o h ona h hns ri seveal mnute latr. vndor the community band, the The Loon prefers ta make'its i d mcn piaying cbeckers in the home on an island rather than on j park, tbe lacrosse game, the apple1 the mainland, nesting in a holiow picker, the business man on a fish-1 at the very edge ai a lake or large ing trip. He is a close friend not1 Pond in order that it may siide only of the mayor, but ai the directly into the water. The twb boys in the barber shop who tear brownish eggs specked xitb black bis editorials ta pieces every week. are 312 inches long. Newly hatch- But if the weekiy editor keeps birds are carried about on their bis finger on the town's pulse, be mother's back for several days, is no longcr a gossip dispenser. until they are aid enough ta be He records, camments, scolds and aiiowed ta float upon the water.' amuses on matters such as citi- Aiter that they are permitted ta' zenship for new Canadians, town play games. If you are an early riser you may be fortunate enough ta witness the whole Loon fam- ily paÉticipating in a unique race. They ail run flapping along the surface, then turn. and run back again. This teaches the yaung ones bow ta prepare for flight. Before ice forms on the Lakes, Loons near the Atlantic migrate by the coast line; the rest followt the large rivers ai the interior. What do Mergansers eat? planning, the Indian population, the schools. His editorials are aimed directly at bis readers in- dividuaily and collectlvely. The modern Canadian weekly newspaper editor bas corne a long way from the characters dreamed up many years ago. With him, be bas brought his paper, wbich speaks eacb week ta more than 5,000,000 Canadians, and is their voice. 'ITLYM UJ& TI< P In Z&ZM6 (Harrisburg Guide) In the current mad rush for the accumulation ai material things- and we're aIl more ar less guiity- one cannat but think af the real values. Ask any high schol boy-weIl, almost any-bis real ambition ln lufe and he'll tell yau: "To get rich as soon as I pas- sibl1y can, then retire." Is it any wonder that a lot af people get burt wben this is the inscription on the banners in the van af so-called buman pragress? It ail ends up in a sort ai glorified dog figbt. Everybody-well, ai- mast everybody-leaves materiai possessions ta bis beirs and as- signs, as the lawyers say. ]But anly a few-too few-eave tbe world intangible legacies, the ben- efits ai wbicb are neyer quite drained dry. I know two men very well-one is a merchant, who worries about income tax; the other is a self- taugbt botanist; be doesn't worry. Yes, bath live rigbt here in Har- risburg. The merchant wili leave an aw- fuI lot ai stocks and bonds, real property, etc., ta thôse wba bap- pen ta be bis beirs. His lfue bas been spent in making money, add- ing ta bis warldiy weaith and worrying about safe investments. The botanist, in' bis lifetime (and may he live ta be 100), bas already opened up new vistas ta hundreds oi people. . . Whose legacy will be ai most benefit ta the world? If you'd ask us this question, "Would you like ta be leit the mercbant's millions or the batan- ist's knowiedge?" aur answer would leave you questioning aur sanity. Wbich would you take? An oîd Russian proverb sums it tzp succinctly: "Wbat we try ta keep, we lose; wbat we share, we keep forever."1 Tbink it aver. THE C.C.F. AND THE FARMER (Winnipeg Tribune) What daes the C.C.F. intend ta do ta tbe farmer? Its piatform calis for absolute govemament con- trai aver farm prices and farm -STOKER COKE- ?e27 TPOS-48 -entde Pre> s4 YmoooTOMATO PRODUC..TS markets at home and abroad, and also control over manufacture and distribution af goods and impie- ments which the farmer must buy. That way the C.C.F. would catch the farmer caming and gaing, and have littie need to nationalize bis land. Political Bed-fellows: Those -ANTHRACITE -BITUMINOUS Right Now AT YOUR GROCER'S NOW 1 9 ,7 1 âe"GentIe Press" TOMATÔ JUICE Fresh-From-TIie-Garden It's Libby's! Now you can stock up with Canada's most dellious, most popular tomato juice-Libby's delectable "Gentie Press"! Libby's new pack has just arrived at your grocer's, fresh-from-the. garden, sparkling with flavour, Ioaded with health-giving vitamins. Just a few days ago, Libby experts were out in the fields examining their crop of prize tomatoes-thin-skinned, sweet-flavoured, heavy with juice, the resuit of 36 years of expert seed selection. These were examined for flavour, for sugar content, for vitamin content. Libby's tomatoes are grown to Libby's exacting standards. When these selected beauties reached peak perfection, harvesters moved out into the fields. As they filled their baskets with rosy ripe tomatoes, these were rushed to Libby's kitchens, washed, and pressed by Libby's famous patented "Gentie Press" process. Gently their fresh, sweet juice was extracted, a littie sait added (nothing more), the tins were sealed and were on their way to your grocer. This is why Libby's "Gentie Press" Tomato juice is unsurpassed for freshness, for flavour, for vitamins-why Libby's is an excellent dietary source of vitamins A and C-good, and good for you! Rich in fiavour and health-giving vitamins, Libby's is one of the most economical fruit juices you can buy. The Libby habit is an * economical, healthful one-for children and grown-ups too! Right now is the time to stock your shelves with Libby's <'Gentie Press" Tomato juice. For the past several years there bas flot beeti enough of Libby's Tomato juice ýo supply the demand. To tho.çe many thousands who have made Libby's the first choice among j uices, Libby's suggest that you order your requirements promptly. I * .moi MONUMENTAL WORKE Opeln Every Day and Evenings Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Wbltby Top-quality coals, i quanlily, are hard la gel. We are usually i a position Io lake care of your enquiries. CONTACT US - We' may ho able la help you, lao! The SHEPPARD & GILL Lumber Co. Limited Phono 715 Bowmanville 96 King St. E. g, -a s a COKE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN.'nowmAtmm".- mmmAitTn ý 1-V - TINE OUT TO THINK -- STOKER M. -- nt